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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Memorandum for the Record Subject: "Chief" pay rates for Machine Tender Per discussions in June 1977 between ? 9 August 1977 OP/PMCD, and DChief OTS/GARB, the GA pay schedule to be effective 18 June 1977 was not to contain "Chief" pay rates (F-J) to correspond with Machine Tender, GAE-04. A need does not currently exist for this "worker leader" level at the paper ;mill; the paper maker-ch is handling all of the supervision. The Chief rates for machine tender will be reestablished at such future time when needed. Position Management Officer OP/PMCD/PMCB STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 ? NO. 78-24 111 BUREAU OF ENGRAVING f it RINTING BULLETIN MUT August 16, 1978 SUBJECT VAGE ADJUSIMENT Effective Date: June 18, 1978 EXPIRATION DATE June 18, 1979 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Bulletin is to announce changes in wage rates made under authority conferred upon the Director by the Department of Treasury. 2. SCOPE. This announcement covers positions in occupational groups specified below. These schedules reflect a decision with regard to certain journeyman rates of pay established at the U. S. Government Printing Office (GPO) in compliance with a decision by the Joint Committee on Printing. a. Compositor and Maintenance Trades and Crafts. This adjustment affects approximately 259 employees in job classifications related to the Compositor and Maintenance Trades and Crafts whose rates are adjusted from time to time as is consistent with rates prevailing in the U. S. Government Printing Office. b. Electrolytic Plate Makers. This schedule covers approximately 14 employees in the Electrolytic Plate Maker Craft whose rates are adjusted fram time to time as is consistent with rates prevailing at the U. S. Government Printing Office. -- (-1C. Photoengravers. This adjustment affects approximately 18 employees in he Photoengraving Craft whose rates are adjusted from time to time as is congistent with rat_t?_pre'Vailing in the U. S. Government Printing Office. d. Bookbinders. This adjustment affects approximately 70 employees in job classifications related to the Bookbinder Craft whose rates are adjusted from time to time as is consistent with rates prevailing in the U. S. Govern- ment Printing Office. e. Pressmen. This adjustment affects approximately 68 employees in job classifications related to the Pressman Craft whose rates are adjusted from time to time as is consistent with rates prevailing in the U. S. Government Printing Office. 3. REFERENCES. a. Compositor and Maintenance Trades and Crafts. (1) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-55 dated July 28, 1978. (2) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-52 dated July 28, 1978. cd/7e September 9, 1974. (3) United States Government Printing Office Instruction 640.6, )-?c , Declassified in Part . c/0 rirte e 4-4 a sir 5 77 I/ - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 2 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT BULLETIN ht. 78-24 August 16, 1978 3. REFERENCES (Continued). (4) Treasury Personnel Manual Chapter 532. (5) Treasury Department Memorandum dated May 11, 1970. (6) Treasury Department Memorandum dated June 16, 1969. (7) Treasury Department Wage Board Decision dated September 27, 1968. (8) Treasury Department Wage Board Decision dated September 19, 1967. (9) United States Government Printing Office Memorandum dated June 12, 1964. (10) Treasury Department Wage Board Decision dated June 6, 1963. (11) Treasury Department Wage Board Decision dated March 30, 1948. b. Electrolytic Plate Makers. (1) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-55 dated July 28, 1978. (2) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-52 dated July 28, 1978. (3) Delegation of Wage Fixing Authority dated Octcber 18, 1974. (4) Treasury Personnel Manual Chapter 532. (5) Bureau of Engraving and Printing Memorandum dated March 19, 1969. (6) Treasury Department Memorandum dated July 22, 1969. (7) Treasury Department Memorandum dated March 25, 1970. (8) Treasury Department Memorandum dated May 11, 1970. (9) United States Government Printing Office Instruction 640.6 dated September 9, 1974. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 3 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT 411 3. REFERENCES (Continued). c. Photoengravers. (1) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-55 dated July 28, 1978. (2) Delegation of Wage Fixing Authority dated October 18, 1974. (3) Treasury Personnel Manual Chapter 532. (4) United States Government Printing Office Instruction 640.6 dated September 9, 1974. (5) Department of Treasury Memorandum dated August 13, 1974. (6) Department of Treasury Memorandum dated October 31, 1973. (7) Department of Treasury Memorandum dated May 11, 1970. d. Bookbinders. (1) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-55 dated July 28, 1978. (2) Treasury Personnel Manual Chapter 532. (3) United States Government Printing Office Instruction 640.6 dated September 9, 1974. (4) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated December 29, 1948. e. Pressmen. (1) United States Government Printing Office Notice 640-55 dated July 28, 1978. (2) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated March 18, 1966. (3) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated June 23, 1959. (4) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated June 20, 1958. (5) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated June 19, 1956. (6) Treasury Department Wage Decision dated March 22, 1948. BULLETIN NO. 78-24 August 16, 1978 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 ? 4 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT BULLETIN NV. 78-24 August 16, 1978 4. WAGE RATES. a. Compositor and Maintenance Trades and Crafts. POSITION TITLE FROM TO Compositor-Proofreader 10.78 11.38 Carpenter 10.78 11.38 Electrician 10.78 11.38 Locksmith 10.78 11.38 Machinist 10.78 11.38 Machinist (Electrolytic Branch) 10.78 11.38 Painter 10.78 11.38 Plumber 10.78 11.38 Stationary Engineer 10.78 11.38 Pipefitter 10.78 11.38 Automotive Mechanic 10.78 11.38 Iron Wbrker 10.78 11.38 Masonry Mechanic 10.78 11.38 Sheet Metal Mechanic 10.78 11.38 Welder 10.78 11.38 Apprentice Automotive Mechanic, Carpenter, Electrician, Machinist, Masonry Mechanic, Painter, Plumber, Sheet Metal Mechanic, Stationary Engineer, Pipefitter Entrance Level - 1st 6 months 5.76 6.08 2nd 6 months 6.47 6.83 2nd year 7.55 7.97 3rd year 8.62 9.10 4th year 9.70 10.24 Foreman (Carpentry, Painting and Masonry Shop) $30,610 $32,313 Foreman (Electric Shop) 30,610 32,313 Foreman (Machine Shop) 30,610 32,313 Foreman (Plumbing and Sheet Metal Shop) 30,610 32,313 Chief Engineer 30,610 32,313 Assistant Foreman (Carpentry, Painting and 28,255 29,827 Masonry Shop) Assistant Foreman (Electric Shop) 28,255 29,827 Assistant Foreman (Machine Shop) 28,255 29,827 Plumber Assistant Foreman 28,255 29,827 Pipefitter Assistant Foreman 28,255 29,827 Sheet Metal Mechanic Assistant Dorman 28,255 29,827 Assistant Chief Engineer 28,255 29,827 Machinist Assistant Foreman 28,255 29,827 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 o ? ? 5 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT BULLETIN NO. 78-24 August 16, 1978 4. WAGE RATES (Continued). b. Electrolytic Plate Makers. POSITION TITLE FROM TO Electrolytic Plate Maker 11.89 12.55 Special Rates: New Appointees 1st year 10.11 10.67 2nd year 10.70 11.30 Apprentice Rates: 1st 6 months 5.76 6.08 2nd 6 months 6.47 6.83 2nd year 7.55 7.97 3rd year 8.62 9.10 4th year 9.70 10.24 Electrolytic Plate Maker Assistant Foreman $28,255 $29,827 c. Photoengravers. POSITION TITLE FROM TO Photoengraver 11.41 12.04 Premium Rate 13.18 13.90 d. Bookbinders. POSITION TITLE FROM TO Bookbinder 10.60 11.19 Apprentice Bookbinder Entrance Level - 1st 6 months 5.76 6.08 2nd 6 months 6.36 6.71 2nd year 7.42 7.83 3rd year 8.48 8.95 4th year 9.54 10.07 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 6 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT BULLETIN W. 78-24 August 16, 1978 4. WAGE RATES (Continued). e. Pressmen. POSITION TITLE FROM TO Flatbed Cylinder Pressman 10.48 11.06 Flatbed Cylinder Pressman (Two-Color) 11.55 12.19 Pressman (Currency Overprinting) 12.10 12.77 Offset Pressman 11.15 11.77 Offset Pressman (Multi-Color) 12.30 12.98 Apprentice Flatbed Cylinder Pressman Entrance Level - 1st 6 months 5.76 6.08 2nd 6 months 6.29 6.64 2nd year 7.34 7.74 3rd year 8.38 8.85 4th year 9.43 9.95 5. OFFICE OF PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY. Wage and Classification Branch, Personnel Management Division, Office of Industrial Relations. Seymour Berry Director DISTRIBUTION "C" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 40 I NO. 78-17 ill ? ? 11111 BUREAU OF ENGRAVING A., PRINTING E31J1.1.1:111t4 DATE July 10, 1978 SUBJECT WAGE ADJUSIMEW JIM Effective Date: June 18, 1978 EXPIRATION DATE June 17, 1979 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Bulletin is to announce Changes in wage rates made under authority conferred upon the Director by the Department of Treasury. 2. SCOPE. The adjustment covers the identified craft?supesyisory The wage rates fpr these positions are adjusted from time to -time as TS consistent with rates prevailing in the Government Printing Office. 3. REFERENCES. a. United States Government Printing Office Notice 640.54, June 16, 1978. b. United States Government Printing Office Instruction 640.6, September 9, 1974. c. Delegation of Wage Fixing Authority, October 13, 1974. d. Department of Treasury Memorandum, May 11, 1970. e. Treasury Department Wage Board Decision, December 29, 1948. f. Treasury Department Personnel Circular No. 126 (Revised). g. Treasury Personnel Manual, Chapter 532. h. Treasury Department Wage Board Decision, June 6, 1973. i. Treasury Department Memorandum, October 31, 1978. j. Treasury Department Approval, September 8, 1966. k. Treasury Department Approval, September 1, 1966. 1. Government Printing Office Memorandum, June 12, 1964. m. Bureau of Engraving and Printing Wage Decision, November 5, 1964. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 40 2 - WAGE ADJUSTMENT 4. WAGE FATES. POSITION TITLE Compositor-In-Charge Foreman (Composing Section) Photoengraver Foreman Photoengraver Assistant Foreman Foreman of Bookbinders Foreman (Bindery Section) Assistant Foreman of Bookbinders Assistant Foreman (Bindery Section) Foreman (Flatbed Section) Foreman (Currency Overprinting) Foreman (Offset Section) Assistant Foreman (Flatbed Section) Assistant Foreman (Currency Overprinting) Assistant Foreman (Offset Section) BULLETIN NO. 78-17 July 10, FRCM 1978 TO $11.89 p.h. $12.55 p.h. $30,610 p.a. $32,313 p.a. $32,393 p.a. $34,178 p.a. $29,902 p.a. $31,549 p.a. $30,042 p.a. $31,772 p.a. $30,042 p.a. $31,772 p.a. $27,731 p.a. $29,328 p.a. $27,731 p.a. $29,328 p.a. $29,744 p.a. $31,394 p.a. $29,744 p.a. $31,394 p.a. $31,664 p.a. $33,422 p.a. $27,456 p.a. $28,979 p.a. $27,456 p.a. $28,979 p.a. $29,228 p.a. $30,851 p.a. 5. OFFICE OF PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY. Wage and Classification Branch, Personnel Management Division, Office of Industrial Relations. DISTRIBUTION "C" Seymour Berry Director Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 GRAPHIC ARTS SCHEDULE (GA) 11 AuG 197r 12345 A BCDEF GHIJ SCHDL GR TITLE JNYMN PRO-1 PRO-2 PRO-3 PRO-4 DCH DCH DCH DCH DCH CH CH CH CH CH 01 Letter Press GAA 02 Offset Pressman 11.06 11.39 11.73 12.08 12.44 12.02 12.35]2.69 13.04 13.40 13.47 13.80 14.14 14.49 14.85 11.77 12.12 12.48 12.85 13.24 12.73 13.08 13.44 13:81 14.20 14:18 14.53 14.89 15.26 15.65 03 Offset Let Press 04 Pressman-I 13.90 14.32 14.75 14.86 15.28 15.71 16.31 16.73 17.16 15.19 16.15 17.60 05 Offset Press Appren 7.06 8.24 9.42 10.59 6.47 GAS 01 Doc Finish Spec 11.19 11.53 11.88 12.24 12.61 12.15 12.49 12.84 13.20 13.57 13.60 13.94 14.29 14.65 15.02 02 Doc Fin Sp-Off Press 13.24 13.64 14.05 14.20 14.60 15.01 15.65 16.05 16.46 03 Illustrator-Appren 9.63 10.84 6.62 7.22 8.43 04 Illustrator 12.04 12.40 12.77 13.15 13.54 13.00 13.36 13.73 14.11 14.50 14.45 14.81 15.18 15.56 15.95 05 Illustrator-Val 14.22 14.65 15.09 15.18 15.61 16.05 16.63 17.06 17.50 06 Offset Photo 12.04 12.40 12.77 13.15 13.54 13.00 13.36 13.73 14.11 14.50 14.45 14.81 15.18 15.56 15.95 07 Photoengraver 08 Photoeng-Off Photo 12.04 12.40 12.77 13.15 13.54 13.00 13.36 13.73 14.11 14.50 14.45 14.81 15.18 15.56 15.95 14.22 14.65 15.09 15.18 15.61 16.05 ' 16.63 17.06 17.50 GAC 01 Compositor 02 Comp-Plat Press 11.38 11.72 12.07 12.43 12.80 12.34 12.68 13.03 13.39 13:76 13.79 14.13 14.48 14.84 15.21 13.44 13.84 14.26 14.40 14.80 15.22 15.85 16.25 16.67 GAD 01 Reprd Tech DS 16.91 17.42 17.94 17.82 18.33 18.85 19.19 19.70 20.22 02 Reprd Tech DSW 18.84 19.41 19.99 19.75 20.32 20.90 21.12 21.69 22.27 03 Reprd Tech P 16.91 17.42 17.94 17.82 18.33 18.85 19.19 19.70 20.22 GAR04 Reprd Tech PG 01 Third Hand 18.84 5.31 19.41 5.79 19.99 6.76 7.72 8.69 19.75 20.32 20.90 21.12 21.69 22.27 02 Back Tender 9.65 9.94 10.24 10.5510.87 03 Beaterman 9.65 9.94 10.24 10.55 10;87 04 Machine Tender 11.77 12.12 12.48 12.85 13.24 05 Paper Maker 13.90 14.32 14.75 16.31 16.73 17.16 EFFECTIVE DATE: 18 June 1978 This schedule supersedes the schedule approved 17 The affected rates are underlined. February 1978 APPROVAL DATE: 10 August 1978 ___41)141-N4-&-T-Rft-T-TV - TEIT-USE4 ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP92-00420R000300060067-2 ,