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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only COVERAGE OF THE CHINA ECONOMIC SECTION 12 October 1988 DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT CHINA Beijing BAN YUE TAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly IR/CE C PUB 0.50 21 days Agiikkg BEIJING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days jlEliiigg BEIJING WANBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CE Z PUB 0.00 21 days Beijing CAIMAO JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 40 days Beijing CAIWU YU KUAIJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-40 days Beijing CAIZHENG in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30 days NOTES newspaper of the CPC Propaganda Depart- ment; Semimonthly Talks; index number 2-510 newspaper of the Beijing CPC Propa- ganda Department; Beijing Daily; index number 1-13 Beijing Evening News Finance and Trade Economics, index num- ber 2-845 Finance and Account- illg; index number 2-132 Finance; index number 2-134 Beijing CAIZHENG YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-40 days Financial Research; index number 2-843 Report PRC1S -1- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing CHENGXIANG JIANSHE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-40 days Urban and Rural Con- struction; index num- ber 2-217 Beijing CHINA'S FOREIGN 111OPP monthly . n English (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 20 days magazine; English version of Zhon Duiwai tiaa4L Beijing DILI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) 6aiya4.11ic4-0__ quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-40 days Geographir Rese ch; index number 2-110 Beijing DONGWU FENLEI XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 40 days Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica; index number 2-154 Beijing GONGLU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30 days Highways; index num- ber 2-81 Beijing GONGREN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30 days Workers Daily; index number 1-5 Beijing GUANGMING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily PB/CE B PUB 7.00 10-30 days Guangming Daily; index number 1-16 Beijing GUOJI MAOYI in Chinese (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 30 days Intertrade; index number 2-846 Beijing GUOJI MA YI WENTI in Chinese (open) (no notice) W-en.,41--,.?yua Trak mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days .12-pab-1-ems---in?inte-r-ait- monthly IR/CE B tional-Trede; index number 2-135 -2- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES }Mika GUOJI SHANGBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) T T S C B PUB 3.00 30-45 days newspaper about 1 international busi- ness and China's for- eign trade activities apparently sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade; this source sometimes is the first to pub- lish new decisions of that ministry; Inter- national Business Beijing JIAGE LILUN YU SHIJIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 40-50 days Price: Theory and Practice; index num- ber 2-285 Beijing JIANZHU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 40 days Building Con/ruc- tion; index/number 2-83 Beijing JIANZHU JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30 days liersalweir-ift--ths-Eco- nomics of Building; index number 2-219 Beijing JINGJI CANKAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) S IR/CE B PUB 1.00 30-50 days some issues are not received; Economic Information Beijing JINGJI GUANLI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE A PUB 0.23 30-40 days Economic Management; index number 2-839 1.1iiillg JINGJI LILUN YU JIN JI GUANLI in Chinese (open) (no notice) men.t4P, IR/C/ C PUB 0.23 50 days Economic Theory and / Business Management; Iindex number 2-286 tiiff) -3- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT Beijing JINGJI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily PB/CE A PUB 7.00 21 days Beijing JINGJI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly PB/CE A PUB 0.23 20-30 days Beijing JINGJI YU GUANLI YANJIU in Chinese alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 d7( Beijing JINGJIXUE DONGTAI in Chinese monthly % CE B PUB Beijing JINGJIXUE ZHOUBAO in Chinese IR/CE B PUB NOTES Economic Daily Economic Research; index number 2-251 (open) (no notice) 30 days Research on Economics and Management' index number 2-254 (open) (no notice) 0.23 60-80 days journal; received very irregularly; Economic Dynamics (open) (no notice) 1.00 21 days Economics Weekly Beijing JINRONG SHIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) M T IR/CE B PUB 2.00 30 days Beijing KEJI XINSHUMU in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon IR/CE C PUB 0.46 21-30 days Beijing KUAIJI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 21 days Beijing KUNCHONG XUEBAO in Chinese monthly IR/CE C PUB China's first finan- cial newspaper; Financial Times New Publications in Science and Technol- ogy; index number 1-62 Accounting Research; index number 2-844 (open) (no notice) 0.23 30-50 days Acta Entomologica Sinica; index number 4-203 -4- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 le-744-y - 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing KUNCHONG ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Entomological Knowl- edge; index number 2-151 Beijing LIAOWANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) HK/CE A PUB 1.00 21 days leading reformist journal; Outlook; index number 2-512 Beijing LINYE KEJI TONGXUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) mont y IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30 days Forest Science and Technology; index number 2-604 Beijing NONGW1 SHIYONG monthly \ NG JISHU in Chinese (open) (no notice) C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal about agri- culture; Agricultural Engineering Beijing NONGCUN CAIWU KUAIJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Rural Financial Accounting; index number 2-131 Beijing NONGCUN GONGZUO TONGXUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE G PUB 0.23 30 days Rural Work Newslet- ter; index number 2-601 Beijing NONGCUN JINRONG in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly IR/CE C PUB 0.50 20-40 days Rural Finance; index number 2-123 Beijing NONGCUN KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-40 days Rural Sciences; index number 2-802 Beijing NONGMIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-30 days Peasant Daily -5- Declassified and Approved ForTele-aVe.2012/69/19-: elA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing NONGYE HUANJING A9ftu in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon \q, P B 0.12 40-50 days journal about agri- culture; Agricultural Environmental Protec- tion; index number 6-64 Beijing NONGYE JINGJI WENTI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE B PUB 0.23 20-30 days Problems of Agricul- tural Economy; index number 2-140 Beijing NONGYE JISHU JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 40 days Economics for Agri- cultural -Plecimpopil4timP--- TechnoloRy; index number 2-485 Beijing NONGYE JIXIE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 40-50 days Farm Machinery; index number 2-696 Beijing NONGYE JIXIE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 40-50 days Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machin- ery; index number 2-363 Beijing NONGYE KEJI TONGXUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly IR/CE C PUB 0.50 40-50 days Agricultural Science and Technology News- letter; index number 2-602 Beijing NONGYE KUAIJI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-40 days agricultural and eco- nomic magazine reporting on China's agricultural account- ing; Agricultural Accounting Research; index number 2-851 -6- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS CIA INDEX LAG IN COVE i GE CMP OV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES UANLI in Ch monthly (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 40-60 days economic magazine; Enterprise Management Beijing QUANGUO XINSHUMU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 15-30 days New Books Catalogue of PRC; index number 2-409 Beijing RENKOU YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-45 days magazine about popu- lation; Population Research Beijing RENKOU YU JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30 days Population and Eco- nomics; index number 2-252 jjing RENMIN RIBAO in Ch ese (open) (no notice) daily PB/ C PUB 7.00 5-10 days People's Daily; index number 1-1 Beijing RENMIN TIEDAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) W F o /CE C PUB ? 2.00 30-35 days r1 newspaper; People's Railroad i in SHANGYE KUAIJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Business Accounting; index number 2-284 )01-eimo --Ppei-ti-mt-raffENSWURTAXUE--YU SHENIRifUllfULI-J=NAN in-ehine&e Copea*itinmcd. tig,e). --a+t-marr-----WeE?C- - ?PUT 0.12 10=60- days g4eehem4otr-y-anflr--B4e- . 4.pii,41:2,424;,?rica.: d- -ph/i7cs index number '( 2-816 .117154w---- . ----Bei-fing-ErHENGWMCUE-TONGB-Ae--in- nese____41apeni_Ino notice) Jnonthly- IR/CE?G?PUB0.23-30-50 days Bulletin of Blologv; ..index_munther_217.5.06_ eC vti 11\ 0,1 o -7- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT Beijing SHICHANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CE Z PUB 0.00 30 days Beijing SHIJIE JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Beijing TIEDAO JIANZHU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Beijing TIEDAO XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days NOTES published on Sunday; Market; index number 1-6 World Economy; index number 2-837 Railway Building; index number 2-405 Journal of the China Railway Society; index number 2-581 Beijing TONGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Statistics; index number 2-841 Beijing TONGJI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Beijing TURANG XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Beijing WENZHAI BAO in Chinese (open) (no F IR/CE C PUB 1.00 Statistical Research; index number 82-14 Acta Pedologica Sinica; index number 2-560 notice) 90-120 days magazine of the All- China Association of Journalism; Press Digest Beijing WUZI GUANLI in C in se (open) (no notice) monthly Ii?? C PUB 0.23 30-45 days -8- economic magazine; Materials Control; index number 2-287 For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CM INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing XIAOFEI SHIBAO ix, C nese (open) (no notice) M W FS \ C C PUB 4.00 30 days newspaper of the Min- istry of Light Indus- try on economics, enterprise, and com- merce; Consumer Times Beijing XUEXI YU YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the Beij- ing Municipal CPC Committee; Study and Research; index num- ber 2-100 Beijing YICHUAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Genetics; index num- ber 2-810 \ e G'tk 04/11. M CL?1 e S 4- ' Acta-Genettuu-airrica -oz-Jettrita4-ef-Geftet- ---4G61---index-11unthe1 Beijing YUANZINENG NONGYE YINGYONG in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days The Application of Atomic Energy in Agriculture; index number 18-63 Beijing ZHENGZHI XUE YANJIU in C nese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/G- C PUB 0.12 30-45 days highly useful schol- arly journal on cr political science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences providing good PRC analyses of the internal political system; Studies on Political Science; index number CN 11-1396 -9- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing ZHIWU XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Acta Botanica Sinica; index number 2-500 ? II . --Rot-any; Beijing ZHONGGUO HAIGUAN TONGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30 days Customs Statistics Beijing ZHONGGUO JIAOTONG BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) W S IR/CE C PUB 2.00 21-30 days Chinese Transporta- tion News; index num- ber 1-72 Beijing ZHONGGUO JINGJI TIZHI GAIGE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly HK/CE A PUB 0.23 21-30 days political and eco- nomic magazine of the Economic Management Publishing House; China Economic System Reform; index number 2-863 Beijing ZHONGGUO JINRONG in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE B PUB 0.23 30-50 days China Finance; index number 2-41 Beijing ZHONGGUO LINYE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Forestry in China; index number 2-42 Beijing ZHONGGUO NONGKEN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days State Farm and Land Reclamation in China; index number 2-139 Beijing ZHONGGUO NONGYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE B PUB 0.12 30-50 days Scientia ARricultura Sinica; index number 2-138 -10- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Se tion -- continued DAYS OF LA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing ZHONGGUO NONJ UA BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) M h IR/CE C PUB 1.00 21-30 days Chinese Rural Mecha- nization News; index number 1-37 P Beijing ZHONGGUO RENKOUBI 0 in Chinese (open) (no notice) M F tCE PUB 2.00 50-60 days newspaper; China Pop- ulation Beijing ZHONGGUO SHANGYE BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) T T S CE C PUB 3.00 30 days newspaper of the Min- 14,,/ istry of Commerce; China Commercial News Beijing ZHONGGUO SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal published by the C.A.S.S.; Chinese Social Sciences; index number 2-531 Beijing ZHONGGUO SHOUYI ZAZHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine; / index number 2-137 Igiiklg ZHONGGUO SHUILI in Chinese (open) (no notice) 60/64? Vanal monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Chinese Water Azatiert; index number 2-429 Beijing ZHONGGUO SHUIWU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 21-30 days China's Taxes; index number 2-649 Beijing ZHONGGUO XIANGZHEN QIYE BAOI Chinese (open) (no notice)16004 IR/CE, PU 1.00 14-21 days China Village and Town,Llacluatzv News; Beijing ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUO GUOWUYUAN GONGBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) 3x mon IR/CE C PUB 0.69 120 days PRC State Council Bulletin; index num- ber 2-2 -11- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT Beijing ZIXIU DAXUE in Chinese monthly IR",p Beijing ZUOWU XUEBAO in Chinese quart IR/CE C LAG IN RECEIPT en) (no notice) 0.23 30-50 days (open) (no notice) PUB 0.08 30-50 days NOTES Self Study Univer- sity; index number 2-296 Acta Agronomica Sinica; index number 2-356 Changchun JILIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-30 days Jilin Daily Changsha HUNAN JINGJI XINXIBAO in Chinese (open) (no IR/CE C PUB 1.00 30-50 days Changsha HUNAN NONGYE in Chinese monthly IR/CE C Changsha HUNAN RIBAO in Chinese daily IR/CE C Changsha JINGJI DILI in Chinese quart IR/CE C Chengde JINGJI XIAOXI in Chinese W S IR/CE C Chengdu CAIJING KEXUE in Chinese alt mon IR/CE C (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 30-50 days (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 21-40 days (open) (no notice) PUB 0.08 30-50 days (open) (no notice) PUB 2.00 30 days (open) (no notice) PUB 0.12 20-40 days -12- For Official Use Only notice) Hunan Economic News; Hunan Agriculture; index number 42-41 party-line newspaper of the Hunan Provin- cial CPC Committee covering Hunan prov- ince's political, economic, and social issues; Hunan Daily; index number 41-1 Economic Geography; index number 42-47 Economic News; index number 17-11 Finance and Econom- ics; index number 62-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Chengdu SICHUAN DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 45-60 days Sichuan University Journal: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition; index number 62-6 Chengdu SICHUAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 32 days newspaper of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee; Sichuan Daily; index number 61-1 Chongqing GAIGE in Chinese (open) fio notice) alt mon IR/CE A PUB 0.12 60 days journal on economic reform in China of 8 V the Chongqing Academy of Social Science; Reform; index number CN 51-1031 Dalian LIAONING NONGYE in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart JE C PUB 0.08 35-50 days journal about agri- culture; Liaoning Agricultural Sci- ences; index number 8-21 Dalian LINYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Scientia Silvae Sini- cae; index number 8-133 Dalian ZIRAN ZIYUAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Natural Resources; index number 8-114 -13- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Fuzhou FUJIAN LUNTAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 60-80 days journal of the Fujian Academy of Social Sciences; Fujian Forum; index number 34-33 Fuzhou FUJIAN NONGXUEYUAN XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Fu ian Academy of Agricultural Science Journal; index number 34-16 Fuzhou FUJIAN NONGYE KEJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Fulton Agricultural Science and Technol- ogy; index number 34-15 Fuzhou FUJIAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee; Fujian Daily; index number 33-1 Guangzhou GANG-AO JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days &Lig Kong and Macao Economic Digest 10////6:anishou PPAUOD -111,1C7J-1---i n- Chinese --(open) (no notice) rKD_ alt mon CE C PUB 0.12 99 days economics-magazine published-by-Gueng- dong's Committee on Foreign EConomic Relations and Trade; provides authorita- tiVe-commentary-on Guangdbhes-foieign -14- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Guangzhou GUANGDONG DUIWAI JINGMAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 90-120 days economics magazine published by Guang- dong's Committee on Foreign Economic Relations and Trade that provides author- itative reports on Guangdong's foreign trade; Guangdong Fo eign Economic Re tions cmA4 ICA Guangzhou GUANGDONG NONGMIN BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) M F IR/CE C PUB 2.00 20-40 days Guangdong Peasant News; index number 45-7 Guangzhou GUANGDONG NONGYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Guangdong Agricul- tural Science; index number 46-43 Guangzhou GUANGDONG SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 60-90 days scholarly journal of the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, a relatively important provincial think tank; Social Sciences in Guangdong Guangzhou GUANGZHOU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 20-30 days Guangzhou Daily; index number 45-2 -15- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES /A ---9: Guangzhou GUANGZHOU YANJIU in Ch nese (open) (no notice) monthly \ CE C PUB 0.23 99 days magazine of the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences con- taining good articles on Guangzhou's Econ- omy; Guangzhou Stud- ies Guangzhou NANFANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Southern Daily; index number 45-1 Guivang GUIZHOU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-31 days party-line political and economic newspa- per; Guizhou Daily; index number 65-1 Hangzhou ZHEJIANG NONGYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) Zhejiang Agricultural Science; index number 32-33 alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Hangzhou ZHEJIANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Zhe- jiang Provincial CPC Committee; Zhejiang Daily; index number 31-1 Harbin DONGBEI NONGXUEYUANJLUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart iRJY C PUB 0.08 35-50 days journal about agri- culture; Journal of Northeast Agricul- tural College; index number 14-47 -16- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Harbin HEILONGJIANG NONGYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon IR/CE C PUB 0.08 60-90 days agricultural journal for a province impor- tant for the produc- tion of grain and soybeans; Heil- ongjiang Agricultural Science Harbin HEILONGJIANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Heilongjiang Provin- cial CPC Committee; Heilongiiang Daily; index number 13-1 Harbin NONGCUN FAZHAN Y JIU n Chinese (open) (no notice) Iii PUB 0.12 35-50 days agricultural journal; Studies of Rural Development alt mon \ Hefei ANHUI NONGYE KEXUE in hinese (open) (no notice) 0.23 30-45 days journal about agri- culture; Anhui Agri- monthly \?? C PUB cultural Science; index number 26-20 Hefei ANHUI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Anhui Provincial CPC Committee; Anhui Daily Hohhot NEIMENGGU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-30 days Inner Mongolia Daily Hohhot ZHONGGUO CAOYUAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Grasslands of China; index number 16-32 -17- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Jinan DAZHONG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee; Masses Daily; index number 23-1 Jinan NONGYE ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly IR/CE C PUB 0.50 30-50 days Agricultural Knowl- edge; index number 24-1 Kunming JINGJI WENTI TANSUO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Inquiry into Economic Problems; index num- ber 64-18 Kunming YUNNAN JINGJI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) IR/CE C PUB 1.00 30-40 days Yunnan Economic News Kunming YUNNAN NONGYE KEJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Yunnan Agricultural Science and Technol- ogy; index number 64-4 Kunming YUNNAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Yunnan Daily; index number 63-1 Lanzhou SHOUYI KEJI ZAZHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Technol- ogy; index number 54-23 -18- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Lhasa XIZANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-40 days party-line newspaper with political and economic orientation providing information on Xizhang's economic development; Tibet Daily; index number 67-1 Nanchang JIAGE YUEKAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-35 days reformist magazine about economic devel- opment and price reform; Pricing Monthly; index number 44-52 Nanchang JIANGXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days general provincial newspaper, the only newspaper available from Jiangxi provi Nanjing NANJING LINXUEYUAN XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Journal of Ngaiiag Institute of Fores- try; index number 28-16, Nanjing TURANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Soils; index number 28-21 NAglitia XINHUA RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee; New China Daily; index number 27-1 -19- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Nanjing XUMU YU SHOUYI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; index number 28-42 Nanning GUANGXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-60 days party-line newspaper covering provincial political and eco- nomic affairs, as well as local issues; the masthead transli- terates the title as: Gvangxisih Yizbau; Guangxi Daily; Shanghai CAIJING YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days The Study of Finance and Economics; index number 4-331 Shanghai JIEFANG RIBAO in Chinese pen) (no notice) daily IR/CE PU 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee; Liber- ation Daily; index number 3-1 Shanghai SHANGHAI GONGYE JINGJI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) M T IR/CE C PUB 2.00 21-30 days Shanghai Industrial Economy; index number 3-21 Shanghai SHANGHAI JIAOTONG DAXUE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Shanghai Jiaotong University Journal; index number 4-256 -20- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES Shanghai SHANGHAI JINGJI in 9lilnese (open) (no notice) alt mon \CE PUB 0.12 -99-days economics magazine of 5-1.0 the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences providing good arti- cles on Shanghai's economy; Shanghai's Economy; index number 4-434 Shanghai SHANGHAI KUAIJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Shanghai Accounting; index number 4-329 Shanghai SHANGHAI NONGYE KEJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Shanghai Agricultural Science and Technol- ogy; index number 4-187 Shanghai SHANGHAI WUZI SHICHANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CE Z PUB 0.00 20-30 days published on Satur- day; Shanghai Commod- ity Market Shanghai SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-60 days journal of the Shang- hai Academy of Social Sciences; Social Sci- ences; index number 4-273 Shanghai SHENGWUHUAXUE YU SHENGWUWULI XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB/ 0.08 30-50 days Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica; index number 4-210 Shanghai SHIJIE JINGJI DAOBAO in I inese (open) (no notice) HK/CE )7\ UB 1.00 21 days World Economic Her- ald; index number 3-19 -21- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Shanghai SHIJIE JINGJI WENHUI in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Collected Articles on International Econom- ics; index number 4-365 Shanghai SHIYAN SHENGWU XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Acta Biologiae Exper- imentalis Sinica; index number 4-156 Shanghai WEN HUI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE B PUB 7.00 30-45 days major, occasionally radical newspaper providing general coverage; index num- ber 3-3 Shanghai ZHIWU SHENGLI XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Journal of Plant Physiology; index number 4-161 Shanghai ZHIWU SHENGLIXUE TONGXUN in English (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Plant Physiology Com- munications; index number 4-267 Shantou SHANTOU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-45 days Shantou Daily Shenyang DONGBEI JINGJI B in Chinese (open) (no notice) T S 4.,JE C PUB 2.00 50-60 days newspaper for the northeast provinces; Northeast Economic News Shenyang LIAONING JINGJI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) M W F IR/CE C PUB 3.00 30 days Liaoning Economic News -22- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT LAG IN RECEIPT Shenyang LIAONING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 25 days Shenyang NONGYE JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30 days Shenyang TURANG TONGBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days NOTES newspaper of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee; Liaon- ing Daily; index num- ber 7-1 Agricultural Economy; index number 8-152 Journal of Soil Sci- ence; index number 8-15 Shenzhen SHENZHEN TEQU BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 14-21 days Shenzhen Special Eco- nomic Zone Herald; index number 45-20 Shenzhen SHENZHEN TEQU KEJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CE C PUB 0.00 30-50 days Shenzhen Special?Eco- nomic Zone Fpcienee -and?T-sehualegr Shijiazhuang HEBEI JINGJI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CE C PUB 0.00 30-40 days newspaper providing information on Hebei's economic development; Hebei Economic News; index number 17-4 Shiiiazhuang HEBEI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Hebei Daily; index number 17-1 Shijiazhuang QIYE GUANLI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Enterprise Manage- ment; index number 18-67 -23- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT Taiyuan JINGJI WENTI monthly Taiyuan JISHU JINGJI quart in Chinese IR/CE C LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 30-50 days Economic Problems; , index number 22- YU GUANLI YANJIU in Chinese IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 (open) (no notice) days Research on the Eco- nomics and Management of Technology; index number 22-56 Taiyuan NONGYE JINGJI XI OGUO in Chinese (open) (no n ice) alt mon \ CE II IAJB 0.12 --44.days / 3o-So journal about agri- culture; Agro-Eco- nomic Results; index number 14-1060 Taiyuan SHANXI NONGMIN in Chinese (open) (no notice) T T S IR/CE C PUB 3.00 21 days Taiyuan SHANXI NONGYE monthly Shanxi Peasants KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Shanxi Agricultural Sciences; index num- ber 22-24 Taiyuan SHANXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Shanxi Daily; index number 21-1 Tianjin NANKAI JINGJI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no otice) kik\Ct://C PUB 0.12 %-94 day zia-- 60 journal of Nankai University's think- alt mon Tianjin TIANJIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days -24- For Official Use Only tank having a high reputation and pub- lishing good articles on reform; Nankai Economic Journal; index number 6-88 Tianjin Daily; index number 5-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Tianjin XUMU SHOUYI XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica; index number 6-33 Tianiin YINGYANG XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Acta Nutrimenta Sinica; index number 6-22 Tianjin ZHIWU BAOHU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Plant Protection; index number 6-30 Tianiin ZHIWU BAOHU XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Acta Phvtophvlacica Sinica; index number 6-32 Tianjin ZHIWU BINGLI XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Acta Phvtopathologica Sinica; index number 6-48 Tianjin ZHONGGUO XUMU ZAZHI in,Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE PUB 0.12 30-50 days Chinese Journal of Animal Sciences; index number 6-29 Tianjin ZHONGQINGNIAN GJI LUNTAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) 30 days economics magazine of Tianjin's Nakai Uni- versity that pub- lishes many articles by China's rising young economists; Xmlig Economists' Forum; index number 6-96 alt mon 94CE Er Wuhan CHANGJIAN,RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 30-60 days newspaper; Changjiang Daily C PUB 0.12 -25- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT Wuhan HUBEI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days NOTES newspaper of the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee; Hubei Daily; index number 37-1 Wuhan NONGTIAN SHUILI YU XIAOSHUIDIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 30 days Irrigation and Drain- age and Small Hydro- power Station; index number 39-49 CE g PUB 0.12 99 daysmagazinepublishing e) good articles on Wulf- Inan's reform; index number 38-7 Wuhan WUHAN DAXUE XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon 11 PUB 0.12 ..Ai4c days magazine that pub- ishes good back- ground articles on Wuhan's reform; Wuhan University Journal: Social Science Edi- tion; index number 38-7 Wuhan ZHONGGUO YOULIAO in Chinese /(open) (no notice) quart 94'CE )? 0.08 35-50 days journal about oil crops; Oil Crops in China Xiamen XIAMEN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 -26- notice) 30-45 days newspaper reporting on the socio-economic development of Xiamen City and of Fujian province; Xiamen Daily; index number 33-6 For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Xian SHAANXI NONGYE in Chine monthly (open) (no notice) C PUB 0.23 35-50 days journal about agri- culture; Shaanxi Agriculture Xian SHAANXI NONGYE KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 20-30 days agricultural maga- zine; Shaanxi Journal of Agricultural Sci- ences Xian SHAANXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Sha- anxi Provincial CPC Committee; Shaanxi News; index number 51-1 Xian SHUITU BAOCHI TONGBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation; index number 52-62 Xian XIAN JIAOTONG DAXUE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Journal of Xian Jiao- tg4g University; index number 52-53 Xining QINGHAI JINGJI BAO i /Chinese (open) (no notice) M TC PUB 2.00 21-30 days newspaper on econom- ics; Qinghai Economic News; index number 63-0004 Niriblg QINGHAI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 50-70 days general newspaper providing provincial coverage; Qinghai Daily -27- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Yinchuan NINGXIA RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Ningxia Hui Autono- mous Region CPC Com- mittee; Ningxia Daily; index number 73-1 ZhenRzhong HUAZHONG XINXIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) S W ? C PUB 2.00 40-50 days newspaper; Central China News Zhengzhou HENAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21-31 days provincial newspaper focused on Henan province's political, economic, and social issues; published by the Henan Provincial CPC Committee; Henan Daily; index number 35-1 ZhenRzhou JICHE DIANCHUANDONG in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Electric Transmis- sions for Locomo- tives; index number 42-17 ZhenRzhou JITI GONGYE JINGJI in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CE C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Economics of Collec- tive Industry ZhenRzhou RENMIN HUANGHE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CE C PUB 0.12 30-50 days The People's Yellow River; index number 36-62 HONG KONG Licsag Kong CHENG MING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0.23 14-25 days Contending -28- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF COVERAGE C CIA INDEX LAG IN COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Hong ISpag CHING CHI T PAO in Chinese RACE B PUB (open) (no notice) 1.00 10-15 days magazine of the Eco- nomic Information Agency; Economic Reporter Hong Kong CHING CHI YU F4 LU in Chinese alt mu:ACE C PUB 0. Hong l_c_cmg CHING PAO in Chinese (open) monthly IR/CE C PUB 0. Hong Kong CHIUSHIH NIENTAI in Chinese monthly IR/CE C PUB 0. &Lig Kong LIAOWANG (OVERSEAS EDITION) in IR/CE B PUB 1. Hong Kong MING PAO in Chinese daily IR/CE C 1.124g &Lig TA KUNG PAO in Chinese daily IR/CE C (open) (no notice) 12 20-30 days economic magazine; Economy and Law (no notice) 23 14-21 days The Mirror (open) (no notice) 23 14-25 days The Nineties Chinese (open) (no notice) 00 15-20 days political and eco- nomic party line mag- azine of the New China News Ltd. cov- ering PRC domestic and international affairs; Outlook Weekly (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 21 days (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 21 days Hong Kong WEN WEI PO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days TAIWAN newspaper affiliated with the PRC and pro- viding general cover- age Taipei CHING CHI JIH PAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Economic Daily -29- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Economic Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Taipei CHUNG YANG JIH PAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days Central Daily News Taipei HSIN HSIN WEN in Chinese M IR/ C PUB 1.00 60-90 days journal providing relatively objective assessment of socio- political development in Taiwan; The Jour- nalist (open) (no notice) C e Taipei LIEN HO PAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CE C PUB 7.00 21 days United Daily News Taipei TSAI CHIN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly ,nC C PUB 0.23 60-75 days magazine; Finance VN -30- For Official Use Only Reporter Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450003-0