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i ?k t ? 4 Approved For~,lease 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP~91T01:1~7~Q00200080001-2 .~.- _ SECRET ~ ~ C1CI 1~~f,~f? State Dept. review completed I. Military Situation Highlights l t?ctvb~+r 1~?51 There was a genera..]. lull along the front. Action was limited to patrolling except in the east-central sector where both skies made local attacks. Little Action took place in the US I Corps zone except on the extreme right flank where elements of the US 3rd Division repulsed a company sized attack. In the US IX Corps zone the on],q action beyond patrolling was on the right flank of the zone where ROK 6th Division elements contained an attack by an enemy company. In the US X Corps zone the RQK 8th Division continued its limited advance. Both ROK 8th and US 2nd Division units repulsed sma11 probing attacks. The R?K ~ Corps zone remained quiet, The ?nemy order of battle remains unchanged. Navy As Task Force 77 replenished there were no air sorties off the east coast. Surface craft successfully conducted interdictory missions. In the west, carrier aircraft flew 56 sorties. patrolled and El.red on shore targets. On 30 September two small vessels identified as destroyers fired on UN naval patrol aircraft in the vicinity of Tsingtao on the North China coast.. No damage was report?d. UN land k~ased aircraft flew 657 sc?~ties including 387 combat. Medium bombers flew 18 missions including an eight--plane attack on Y'ongyu airfield. SECRET THE C.I.A. FL'tS ?~Tn ,,,., ~rr TO THE D C.:A ,'~ T r ;n ~ "CTION 1 THIS D `'1=z~y installations were hit, including six troop con- centrations where at least 52 casualties were inflicted, Blockade ships bombarded rail-highway ~unctions9 a railroad area, marshalling yards, bridge;, and tunnels near Chong3in and Song3in, Gun positions, caves, buildings, and. villages were struck at Hungnam. and Wonsan. Hits were also scored on a North Korean food dump west of Chinnampo, Ai.r Other UN aircraft flew 1,0.9 effective sorties of which 682 were combat, The close support missions, totalling approximately 809 were equally divided between the US I awl X Corps. Twenty-two effective medium bomber sorties were flown against a variety of targets which in- .SECRET THE C.I.A. HAS NO OF3TE'CTION TC THE B ~ C~A"~iFICr'1'TION OB Approved For Release 2004/09/03 1CIA-RDP91 T011~~0~~~''!'~O0~1-2 _ _ 25X1 Approved For Fl~ase 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172~200080001-2 25X1 eluded the Yangdok marshalling yards, Kyomipo supply center arrl Snmak and Sariwon airfields, Enemy losses claimed by Far East Command in- cluded six MIGb-15's d?stroyeci, one probably destroyed, and one damaged,, but no details of air battles are available, II, General, Situation Kaeaon~ Truce Talks 25X1 a ages a t e Deese-fire talks should be resumed ecause a ur er delay" on the part of the Communists would f'intolerab7,y provokes the IIN into an all-out offensive,. Political A 2 October North Korean broadcast resumes the line that the "American interventionists" are using Japanese traops in Korea, The broadcast claims that a number of Japan?se have been captured in Korea3 one as late as 4 S?ptembero. 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For Reyp~se 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172F~Q0 ,0200080001-2 SOCKET QCI 196 4 C}ctober 1951 D A I L Y K O R E A N B U L L E T I N Ia Military Situation Hi~hli~hts Action was intensified in the west; advancing UN units met heavy resistance9 but gains were registered all along the sector, Company strength probing attacks were repulsed in the west>c~ntral sector, Else- wheres activity was limited to small scale patrol contacts,. In the US I Corps zone, troops of all four UN divisions continued to advance, The RQK 1st Division met only Light opposition, The 1st Commonwealth Division repulsed one counterattack and foreed small enemy units to withdraw The TJS 1st Caval~?y Division repulsed light enemy counterattacks of compar~y and two campany strength but managed to advance .and consolidate new positionso Advancing ~l~ments of the US 3rd Division contained four counterattacks9 but withdrew slightly; other elements established, new positionso The US 25th Division of the US IX Corps dispersed various enemy groupse and ~?epulsed a platoon strength. ccounterattack, Enemy probing. attacks were also repulsed by the ROK 2nd and DS 7th Divisions, The US X Corps zone was relatively quiet; the US 2nd Division dispersed an ene~y company and the RaK 5th Division continued to battle for possession of a hill top, Contact was later broken by the latter di~risioa~, The ROK I Corps zone remained quiet, The enemy order of battle along the front and in the immediate rear area remained unc~haxaged o 1~a~ LsfiT carrier aircraft flew I27 sorties, In offensive air operations along the east coasts targets from Song~in to Wonsan were successfully attacked9 but t~?ee Corsai.re were Lost to antiaircraft fire, Surface Draft soured hits on shore batteries at Hungnam and Wonsam. . _A,~.ong the w?st coasts aircraft and surface vessels attac~Ced various SECRET `~,TjE C,I, A. I'AS ~'0 OB,TECTIOId `'~~ 7:~.. ^r~'?,?S;~TFICATION OF ~ ~ ; !_~ ' ~ '~~"l. Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172 000200 ~090~~~ ~;?;~ 25X1 Approved For~e~ase 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172`R~OQ0200080001-2 SECRET UN land,?based aircraft flew 1,006 sorties including 633 combat, Medium bombers flew 13 sorties, including attacks on railroad installa- tions at Hamhung and Sinan~u; xesults varied from poor to goods A total of 3,938 vehicles was sighted, 1j750 of which were moving south, UN air attacks destroyed 217 and damaged x,03, II, - General Situation Kaeson~ Truce Talks The Communist leaders have re3eeted the latest ITN offer to resume negotiations at a new location. A counter offer to resume negotiations at Kaesong9 hcawever, is repeated.- The first meeting scheduled would deal with setting up "appropriate machinery" for assuring the future neutrality of the Kaesong zonee Pow Most influential newspapers in South Korea and the RQK Government Office of Public Information have chosen to interpret General Bradley~s visit to the Far East as fnrerunning a "more positive course< of action in the Korean ware The cnncensus of the press is that the UN is now deter~ui.ned to conclude the Korean affair by military means. SECRET 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For lease 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T0117,~00200080001-2 SECRET C)C I 196. 5 October 1951 Ib Mi.litary Situation Highlights Action was heavi~:st in the west, where advancing tTN forces met cosy siderable resistance and were countez?~attacked several times by battalion sized groupsa Action incr?ased slightly on the east coastq where enemy attacks were repulseda Along the central front there were several enemy probin,~ attackso Three UN divisions in the US I Corps zone coxitinued their advance, meeting considerable resistance whi~;h included several count?~ra~ttacks by g~^oups in strength of up to a ~?einforced battaliors,e These UN divisions made limited. gains9 although an enemy counterattack forced a local with- drawal in the US 3rd Division sectoro The enemy order of battle remains unchangeds with 'the b5'E~h and .7th ax~i elements of the t,2nd ark 6~.th Chinese Communes ~t Arm~.es on the corp;~ fron?ta U5 IX Corps units repulsed seve~^al small counterattacksq mostly by platoon .sized groups, In additior there was considca?ablc patrol actiono This 26th and 6'7th Chinese Armies still :face the IX Corps units, Action in the US X Corps zone was lismZted to patrol clashes arad long?range small arms fire duels, Sias North Korean divisions fe.ce the X Co~?ps o Action in the east was heavier than usual as ~.OK I C?rps units rem pulsed. several company sized attacks, Two North Korean d~visioras are on the coa?ps Pronto The overall enP:smy strength estimates are as: follows; Enemy troop: in K?rea m Chinese Commut~.sts ~.0990CC ? North Koreans 252?C~C~ T?tal ~ Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91 T0117 (down 2390?0 since last week owing. t? casualties} 25X1 2dddvzoo ~ .~ _Jil~__'~.'~3 Approved For use 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91T01172~,200080001-2 SECRET Enemy troops in the combat ~ona~ 256,~Of) Enemy- troops in Korea and A9axrchuria L, 2899 000 Carrier aircraft flew 197 sorties, Along the east Boast, aircraft and surface vessels attacked coastal targets from Songjib to ~Tonsan, Ire the west, troop concentrations and other targets near Haeju were attackeda An unidentified destroyer escort was sighted ~?ff the North China coast near Tsingtaa, Air UN Land based aircraft flew 992 so:~?ties, "including 6~'7 combat, A total of 2~, medium bombers attacked .railroad targets at Hwangju and. Hamhung, In an engagem?nt over Sixaanju, :34 Sabres engaged ~? MIG~15?s; one MIG pi~.ot bailed out, II, General Situation The Ns~rth Koreaa~ radio announced a 5Q0 million won Lottery to raise funds for the purchase df "ai~?planes~ tanks and war~hipsg' to exter~ urinate the American armed interventionistso~ All citizen: are cal Led upon to purchase "'defense lottery ticketso~~ fFfhis money raising scheme probably. sea~es the multiple pu~?p?~se of raisixag moraleq withd.ra~ring currencp from circulation and providing the communist regime wit~ri much~nee~led fund,sj, SECR~ 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For tease 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91T01172,~0200080001-2 SEGF~T DC I 2965 6 October 2951 ~A ILY KOREAN BULLRT IN Military Situatioxa Hhts forces consolidated their positione~ patroned extens3:~el~ and carried out a few drives with limited obaeetiveso .On the westerxa fro3st action continued moderate with attacking elements engaging and repulsing the enem3~ in several 2ocationso Ix~ the IIS I Corps sone~ elements of the 1st Commonwealth Division9 advancing against opposition from two enemy companies, received a counter attack and withdrew about, one mile, The IIS Ist Cavala~y Division. repulsed six enemy probing attacksA the largest in battalion strength The US Ord Division adjusted positions, 7xi the IIS IX Corps zone9 all 3.ts were adjusting positiozssq The IIS 25th Division repulsed two night probing attacks from enemy troops of und.ete~i.ned strengths In the tTS ~ Corps zone9 the ROK 8th Division repulsed $wo probing attacks, IIS 2nd Division elements attacked toward a l~miited objective .against moderate resistaneeg succeeded in their anission$ and consolidated the new positionsb Other elements of this divieion~ recapt~x?ed Hill 93l (Heartbreak Ridge and continued the attack north~'ard,a Other units of thin corps patrolled end adjxxsted positions,. In the ROK I Corps zone the ROK Capital Division. reconnaissanc? troops patrolled as far as the city of Kosox3g~ then withdrew, The ox-1.y apposition seem was an enemy platoon encountered south of the tot~rt on the way backo Naval air sorties totalled 22.8 incluc3.ing four close support missions-flown for the US lst Marine DivisionhOwing to transmission, difficta2ties' no other information is available on naval ~etivitya) ~j ;~CRET THE C.I.A. HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE DJCLA;~SIFICATiON OF THIS DOC'J~,REi3`r. Approved For Release 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91 T01172 0~'k,2JU. f ,._ ~ ^' 1978 25X1 ` Approved For Re~le~se 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91T01172R~000200080001-2 SECRET T,and based ~N aircraft fle~r 1916g' effective sorties of which 61~. were ~ombat~ the US I and X Corps .ts were the chief recipients of the 61 Nose stappo~t sorties, Medium. bombers flew 23 effeoti~re sortiesg bombi~tg the Pyongyang railroad bridges a highway bridge at zchoas~ Chia nampo anarshall.ing yards and m~.lita~r targets at Hamhung aasd Chigyongo The fol~.ow3:ng air enegagements were repo~tedg (1) appro~mately 60 NlI0~15gs were obsex?ved southeast of Sinan~u~ 33 of which were engaged by 2$ F~,31~$s~ one of each was damaged {2) 34 F-~$b4 s engaged about 30 MI04 a Korth of Sinan~u and destroyed case N!'T0~ (3) 3~, F~3b9 s engaged 5? NtIGA s .this same area sold damaged vase MIG~ ~,~~ ?2 F,-$6as were attacked by 100 NllGss in a pincer movemeast with 50 Doming from Pyongyang and the othe~? 50 froze the area northwest of the Forth Korean capitalo ?} MTG was pro? bably destroyed and two damaged while two F~6$s were losto II, 0era1 Situations ~ 30 September P~.san radio broado?~st deplores the poor result of the latest provincial draft ~a~.l, 2'he bad response ~.s credited to ~unsatisfa+eto~r preparati?ns~ ~sn the part of the military atathori`ti.es con? cea?rsed and. to a ?Dlack of uz~derstandir~a and a poor sense of d~zty~ on the part of the cons?ipteeso Approved For Release 2004/09/03 :CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For~ase 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T0117,Z$p~1O200080001-2 SECRET OCI 1966 8 October 1951 D A I L Y K O R E A N B U L L E T I N I, Military Situation Hi~hli~hts Limited UN attacks in the western and eastern sectors met heavy resistance from well-entrenched enemy forces, Elsewhere action was limited to patrol clashes, ~? UN farces in the US I Corps zone continued their limited advance against stiff resistance,. The British 1st Commonwealth and US 1st Cavalry Divisions repulsed enemy counterattacks in several sharp engage- ments, In the US IX Corps zone, U5 24th Division units repulsed two small counterattacks, Other action in the zone was limited to patrol clashes, Units of the US X Corps continued to attack and were heavi7~ en- gaged by well-entrenched enemy troops, The ROK 8th. Division reported no gains, In ane local :.clash US 2nd Division elements were forced to withdraw, The ROK 5th Division also reported heavy fighting,. There was little action in the ROK I Corps zone, Nth UN carrier aircraft flew 201 sorties, Along the east coast communications targets were successfully attacked by aircraft and sur- face vessels, A US escort vessel was damaged by a mine near Flungnam, Air UN land-based aircraft flew l,OC75 sorties including 6L,1. combat, Of lb medium bomber sorties flown 11 were in an attack against Pyongyang airfield with fair resultso IT, General Situation Kaesong Truce Talks ./ffter inveighing against UN insincerity and ulter~/ior motives in aECRET 1 THE C.I.A. HtIS N0 QE.7ECTION 1 TO THE DECr~A~SiEiCiiTIGN OF T~IIS DQCL~~i~~iT. Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01 72R0002 0080,~Q~-~~rRr 191 No Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01170200080001-2 seeking to change the cr~nference site9 the Communist leaders in a 7 October broadcast made a counter proposal which would extend the neutral zone from Kaesong to the UN "Peace Camp" at Hansen and make the Qillage of Panmun~ong the conference site,. According to US press sourcesy General Ridgway has accepted the new Communist-designated conference site but has demurred at enlargement of the neutral zor~sa SECRET 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For Rease 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T0117~,Qp0200080001-2 SECRET OCI 19E~~ 9 ?ctober 1951 DAILX KOREAN BUL,I,ETIN a Military Situation High Advancing UN forces in the west?central and east central sectors continued to encounter stiff resistance from well=entrenched enemy troops employing rzortar a.nd artillery fired Several probing attacks were repulsed? In the U5 I Corps zone, the 1st Commonwealth Divi>ion repulsed an attack by an estimated battalion-strength un~,to Elements of the L15 1st Cavalry Division and the attached Greek Battalion adva:~~ced against deter? mined resistance, while other elements contained an enemy attack and main- tained previous positionsa Outpost troops of the US 3rd Division repulsed a probing attack and other elements of this division repulsed a companym strength thrusts In the US IX Corps zone, the fou~? divisions now on the line (US 25th-and 21~,th9 ROK 2nd-and 6th) repulsed s.i~ probing attacks, patrolled and generally maintained positioned In the US X Carps zone, troops of the ROK 8th Division continued to attack against an enemy battaliczr and, although they mi~t Kir?~-VyshinskT cxc~~.an~,e, the broadcast states that this was a "knockout blow" to US ~ilator-~+ tactics. Political ~?esident RrYee in Sout:~ Korea is urging ?passage of a constitutional :~~:ndr~ent providing for popalar election of the President. Az!~bassador I~1~..?~cc:ic' observes that this a~~eendm.ent till "help assure Rhee a s re-election .~r the election of aRhee-picked candidate" in the NTs.~ 1952 ,.lections, Approved For Release 2004/09813 :CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For Fuse 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T011720200080001-2 23 October 1951 D A I L Y K O R E A N B U L L E T I N Ie Military Situation Highlights Action along the entire front sharply diminished as UN forces either maintained or slightly adjusted their positions and strolled with scattered enemy contacts, In the central sector patrols destroyed several buildings in the vicinity of Kumsong, Medium bombers were inter- cepted on a bombing mission in northwest Korea, with a loss of two friendly sircraft8 US T Corps troape patrolled,- en?aountering small enemy groupse Sev~ eral small-probing attacks were repulsed as units either maintained o~ ad~usted~ their p~-t~itionsa In the US IX Corps zone, a tTS 21~th Division tank patrol advanced to the vicinity of Kumsong and destroyed six buildings, but received 125 rounds of enemy artillery fire, Regiments of this division advanced against light resistance to the east of Kumsongo Elsewhere corps units patrolled, US K Corps units patrolled with very little opposition as the A5 7th Division r?placed the US 2nd Division on the line with one regiment of the latter division plus the Ethiopian and Netherlands Battalions attaehedo The-rest of the 2nd Division and the French Battalion moved t? the US IX Corps zoneQ Tn the ROK I Corps zone units patrolled and repulsed two night probing attacks, N~ Naval air sorties totalled 1"72,, including eight in aloes support of the US let Marine Division, East coast carrier based planes struck. in the areas of Song~in, Hungnam9 Yangdok and Wonsan, destroying build- ings, gum positions, railroad cars, and bridges, There were no air operations in the west because of replenishing activities, Rail_highway areas and equipment and marshalling yards provided SECRET THE C.I,A~ H2~~~IC ABJECTION TO Ti3E UE;;,?~SSII+'TCA2'IOAT OF 1 THIS D~JCu~E~TT. Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91 T01~a. 00020 ~8"00011~ 25X1 Approved Fo~`RM~ase 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91 T011 I Lr~/0200U80001-2 SECRET th? chief targets for east coast surface vessels, while in the west ].1,. troop and gun positions in the Han estuary were bombardedo Air Other UI~T aircraft flew 9S4 effective sorties including 639 combat, The ?~9 close support missions were in the US I, IX, and X Corps zones, The Bomber Command flew 20 effective sorties; nine of these attacked the Taechon airfields Other targets included marshalling yards at Chong~in and Kowon, and the barrar~ks area at Kyomipo, In an attack against Namsi airfield US B-29?s were intercepted by MIG-15?s with a loss of one B-29 and one F-84, There was no report of any damage to MIG?s~ IIo General Situation Truce Talk Radio Peking announced on 22 October that the General Headquarters of tla? Chinese People?s Volunteers has decided to appoint General Pien Chang-wrz as chief delegat?, replacing General Tung Hua, The broadcast added that the Korean People?a Army is replacing General Chang Pyong-sans one of its three delegates, with General Kim Tae-songs 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T01172R000200080001-2 Approved For`Fi~ase 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP91T0117Z0200080001-2 SECRET' OCI 19$0 24 October 1951 D A I L Y K O R E A N B U L L E T I N Io Military Situation ? Hi~hli~hts In the Kumsong area, UN forces made limited attacks and returned to their former positionso In the east several small enemy probing atm tacks were repulsed, Elsewhere along the front UN and enemy forces patrolled vigorously, Action in the US I Corps zone was limited to patrol clasheso The main action in the US IX Corps zone centered around Kumsong9 where a US 21~th Division tank patrol advanced one and one half miles along the road leading north out of the city and destroyed numerous enemy bunkers and supplies. The patrol later returned to its former position In the US X Corps zone, the ROK gth and US 7th Divisions repulsed small enemy probing attackss ROK I Corps units also repulsed a small probing attack, N~ Naval air sorties totalled S0, including 16 in close support of ~I~