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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 STAT a ' DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Intelligence Producers Council Washington, D.C. 20505 5 JUN ling IPC 2001/89 14 June 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR: Members, Intelligence Producers Council (IPC) FROM: Chief, Intelligence Producers Council Staff SUBJECT: Status of. Open Source Data Bases and Survey of Future Requirements STAT 25X1 1. As many of you know, the Intelligence Community Open Source Exploitation Program has been under way since its approval by the DCI in March 1986. The DCI's Information Handling Committee (IHC) maintains the lead role in applying new advances in information handling technology to improve the speed and effectiveness of processing open source data. The IHC, in the course of its work, has identified a number of Community data bases consisting entirely or predominantly of open source information. Some of these data bases have been created from existing commercial data bases, but many others contain full?text information and occasionally annotations by Community intelligence analysts. 2. The IHC has asked the IPC Staff to help determine the availability of current open source data bases, the production community's future needs for specific open source data, and related processing requirements for Community access to them. Although some of the existing data bases have been created by agency information service offices, most seem to be "shoebox" or semiautomated creations of the analysts themselves. Furthermore, we have learned that many analysts have discovered relevant data bases in other agencies and would like to have access to them. 3. In order to identify your needs, if any, in developing current and future open source information handling systems, we need to know: o What data bases are currently in existence and would be candidates for Community?wide access. o What types of data bases do production managers and analysts need and recommend be created to meet future needs. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/06 : CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 t Kt1 ? A IPC 2001/89 SUBJECT: Status of Open Source Data Bases and Survey of Future Requirements 4. The attached questionnaire has been developed to gather this type of planning information for open source data bases. To assist in this effort, we .have also provided an initial listing of data bases that have come to our Attention (Attachment A). Managers of these existing data bases are requested to provide or recommend any future enhancements deemed appropriate or necessary. We strongly urge that this survey (Attachment B) be conducted with participation by senior analysts and/or their managers. The analysts know the data bases they have'created and their capabilities, as well as other data bases in and out of the Community to which they would like to have access. 5. Concurrent with our survey on open source data bases, you should know that a separate IHC survey has already been directed to the service centers of selected Community organizations. However, the focus of the IHC survey is on the dissemination or delivery of various forms of open source data, and on the technical means of access, storage, and retrieval. Our survey, in contrast. focuses on the content of data bases and desirable modes of use. 6. Your survey responses will help us determine future requirements for open source data bases and the most cost?effective means for improving Community accessibility where there is a requirement to do so. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please call IPC Staff, We request that your responses be provided by 14 July 1989. Preliminary results of this survey will be discussed at our off?site conference on 20-21 July. Attachment: A. Partial Listing of Community Data Bases B. 1989 Survey on Intelligence Production Community Open Source Data Bases ?2? SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 25X1 STAT STAT 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 SLCRE I 2, ? IPC 2001/89 25X1 SUBJECT: Distribution: 11 - 1 - Status of Open Source Data Bases and Survey of Future Requirements Chmn/IPC Mark M. Lowenthal/State - IPC Member 1 1 - - DIA/IPC Member 25X1 NSA IPC Member - RADM Thomas A. Brooks, USN - Navy IPC Member 1 - BGEN James D. Beans, USMC - USMC IPC Member 1 - LTG Sidney T. Weinstein, USA - Army IPC Member 1 - Maj Gen C. Norman Wood, USAF - AF IPC Member 1 - Chmn/NIC - Member - DIA - Alternate 25X1 1 - W. Dean Howells/State - Alternate 1 - J.J. Guenther/USMC - Alternate 1 - BGEN Paul E. Menoher, USA/AIA - Alternate 1 - Col. Evan H. Parrott, USAF - Alternate - VChmn/NIC - Alternate 1 - Richard Haver/Navy - Alternate 1 1 -!NSA - - Alternate 25X1 (DIA/VP-SI - Chmn/WSSIC ;11 - Chmn/JAEIC 1 - Chmn/STIC 1 - Chmn/EIC 1 - D/ICS, DD/ICS, DDR&E/ICS (1 - Chmn/IHC - IPC Subject File il - IPC Chrono File 1 - ICS Registry IPC) (9 Jun 89) -3- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 Attachment B (CLASSIFICATION) 1989 SURVEY ON OPEN SOURCE DATA BASES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION: (Com) NAME: PHONE:(Secure) TITLE: DATE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE This survey has been designed to help us better understand your needs for open source data bases and intelligence information handling requirements from the perspective of the Community's experienced analysts and line managers. There are several open?ended items in the questionnaire. We urge you to use them as an opportunity to express your opinions. Please return the completed survey to the IPC Staff by 14 July 1989. 1. In completing the information on open source data bases in Appendix 1, please ask yourself the following questions: a. Regarding content: "What data bases of unclassified, open source information do you ?have now, ?know that others have, or ?would like to create? ?What data bases should/could be made accessible to you and other analysts working on similiar topics?" b. Consider both government and commercially produced data bases. c. Please provide information, when known, on applicable ADP characteristics (operating system, hardware, communications,etc). d. Please duplicate Appendix 1, if necessary, to record information on each data base separately. (CLASSIFICATION) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 (CLASSIFICATION) 2. In regards to using open source data bases: Would you prefer to a. have access to data via an interactive, online link for: -querying, -extracting information, -annotating extracts, -manipulating extracts, and -updating information via electronic mail and downloading into your own environment OR b. receive data via a transportable medium (floppy, CD-ROM, etc.) for uploading into your own environment and periodic updating with new information? COMMENT: 3. What is your current or projected need for archiving open source data? Check appropriate category. 5yrs ( ) 10yrs ( ) 15yrs ( ) 20yrs ( ) 4. Based on your current and programmed data storage capabilities, what medium (disk, CD-ROM, local mainframe, centralized mainframe, etc.) would provide your organization the best interoperability? COMMENT: -2- (CLASSIFICATION) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 (CLASSIFICATION) 5. In order for us to develop an estimated cost profile for current and future open source data base operations to meet your requirements, please provide current and/or projected program cost data on the following resource categories: (Agency/Organization) Manpower Software Hardware Communications Maintenance Commercial Connect Fees TOTAL Ongoing (FY 89) -3- (CLASSIFICATION) Projected (FY 90-94) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 ESTAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 Appendix 1 (CLASSIFICATION) OPEN SOURCE DATA BASE LISTING SPONSORING ORG: DATA BASE MGR: PHONE: (COM) (SECURE) STATUS: ONGOING ( ) PROPOSED ( ) TITLE: GEOGRAPHIC AREA: COUNTRY CODES: FUNCTIONAL AREAS: (Check more .6-Ian one, if applicable) Political ( ) Economic ( ) Military Forces ( ) DESCRIPTION: Military Systems RDT&E and Production ( ) Science & Technology ( ) Special Subjects ( ) (i.e. AIDS, CBW, LIC, Tech Transfer, Bios, etc.) ADP CHARACTERISTICS: (When known, identify operating system, hardware, communications aspects, etc.) RESOURCES INVOLVED: (Manpower, software, hardware, communications, maintenance, commercial connect fees, as applicable) (CLASSIFICATION) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2014/01/06 : CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 SECRET oivicc." - 25X1 9 JUN T88 IPC 2001/89 SUBJECT: Status of Open Source Data Bases and Survey of Future Requirements Distribution: 1 - Chmn/IPC pl - Mark M. Lowenthal/State - IPC Member J1 - IDIA/IPC Member 41 - NSA IPC Member - RADM Thomas A. Brooks, USN - Navy IPC Member ul - BGEN James D. Beans, USMC - USMC IPC Member 11 - LTG Sidney T. Weinstein, USA - Army IPC Member - Maj Gen C. Norman Wood, USAF - AF IPC Member 11 - Chmn/NIC - Member 01 - /DIA - Alternate W. Dean Howells/State - Alternate 1 - J.J. Guenther/USMC - Alternate 1 - BGEN Paul E. Menoher, USA/AIA - Alternate 1- Col. Evan H. Parrott, USAF - Alternate \1 - VChmn/NIC - Alternate 1 - Richard Haver/Navy - Alternate - (NSA - Alternate 1 - 'DIA/VP-SI 1 - Chmn/WSSIC - Chmn/JAEIC 1 - Chmn/STIC 1 - Chmn/EIC 1 - D/ICS, DD/ICS, DDR&E/ICS 1 - Chmn/IHC 1 - DI/ALA/RD 1 - DI/OEA/EXO - DI/EURA/RD 1 - DI/OGI/EXO 1 - DI/OIA/EXO - DI/OIR/EXO '1 - C/RS/LDA/DI 1 - DI/NESA/EXO 1 - DI/SOVA/EXO 1 - DI/OSWR/EXO 1?1 - IPC Subject File 1 - IPC Chrono File - ICS Registry IPCi (9 Jun 89) -3- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP91M01043R001400020005-1 25X11 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1