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Approved Fo l a e~i9ffa2b1 CIAENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 090003-4 Deputy for National Intelligence 25 July 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: John N. McMahon, Acting Vice Chairman National Foreign Intelligence Board FROM . Robert R. Bowie .Deputy to the DCI for National Intelligence SUBJECT . Reports Required by the Congress from Intelligence Organizations The National Intelligence Staff has no standing requirements to submit. reports to the Congress. STAT Robert R. Bowie Distribution: Orin Addressee 1 - NFIB File (18.1/3)(-SSCI F Te'\; (j)- D/DCI/NI Chrono 1 - RI STAT Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M006961000100090003-4 Confidential Approved For,&lease 20 2(2 91 M006949000100090003-4 NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD NFIB-18.1/3 Copy3of 20 _ 18 JULI7 MEMORANDUM FOR NFIB PRINCIPALS FROM : John N. McMahon Acting Vice Chairman SUBJECT: Reports Required by the Congress from Intelligence Organizations 1. The President has asked the Director of Central Intelligence to advise im as to any standing requirements on elements of the Intelli- gence Community for the submission of reports to the Congress, the prepara- tion and forwarding of which poses particular problems or the continued need for which may be subject to question. 2. As the basis for his report to the President, the Director requests t at each entity of the Community provide him with a listing of all standing requirements against which it reports to the Congress, along with an identification of any items on the list which an NFIB Principal considers should be invited to the attention of the President. For each report so identified, a brief description should be provided as to why the report is considered to have limited utility or why its submission poses problems. 3. II A negative reply is requested from each organization that determines it has no standing requirements to report to the Congress. 4. 0 It is requested the report from each Principal be provided to the NFIB Secretariat no later than close of business, 29 July 1977. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2 Approved For ielease 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M006960000100090003-4 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 Office of Legislative Counsel Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson, Chairman Subcommittee on Collection, Production and Quality Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 OLC? 77-2475/a Dear Mr. Chairman: I have your letter (R# 8194) referring to Admiral Turner the Committee's proposed public statement concerning the full Committee report of the NIE-B Team exercise. Appropriate Agency components are reviewing the draft statement to determine if any changes are necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods. We will respond to you on this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, George L. Cary Legislative Counsel Distribution: Original - Addressee 1-ER 1 - OLC Subject 1 - OLC Chron OLC:DFM:jms (Typed 21 June 1977) Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 MO p696R000100090003-4 - Approved For Release 2004/12/21 CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 Now F--T--UN-CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip 10 :LC 11 IG 13 D/Pers 14 D/S 161 A/VCl/PA 18 C/IPS 20 Please. develop DCI response. STAT 15 June :1977 Date Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 STAT Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 Next 13 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 C~~oQQ3-4 n SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET STAT STAT STAT TO: (Officer designation, room number, and . building) 'AT TAT OFFICER'S INITIALS 2 1 JUN . 1977 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Attached is a draft statement the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence proposes to release .publicly. It is a summary of the Committee's recent report on theNIE A Team-B Team exercise. Please review it and let me know if you feel any deletions for security reasons must be made. I would appreciate your review by 21 June. I have drafted the attached interim response. Approved For Reloase 200#/12/21 : ILIA-RDP~1 M00696R0001-0009DO03-4 -. FORM 61 ("~ USE ?REVIOUS ^ 3-62 ~1 EDITIONS SI CKET LJ CUNHHOE TIAL U USES ONLY U UNCLASSIF9ED Approved For W ease 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696WO0100090003-4 The Director of Central Intelligence Washington. D .C. 20505 OLC 77-2199/a Dear Mr. Chairman: 13 JUN 1977 Thank you for sending a copy of the Committee report on the National Intelligence Estimates process as reflected in the NIE Team B experiment, under cover of your 24 May letter, I believe that your Committee's comments and insights regarding this effort will be most helpful to our analysts in developing estimates which are both accurate and responsive to the needs of the users. I can assure you that we are giving them very careful consideration. I am particularly gratified by the cooperative spirit displayed by the Committee in permitting us to comment on the draft report and in its consideration of our suggestions. Yours, %s/ Stansfield Turner STANSFIELD TURNER Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman .Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D. * C. 20510 Distribution: Orig - Add'e 1 -DCI I - DDCI 1-ER 1 - D/DCI/IC 1 - OLC Subj l-DDI 1-OLCChrono D/DCI/NI OLC:RJK:ndl (7 June 1977) Approved For Release 2004/12/21-: CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 Approve Approved Approve RForN~ase~~I~S/21 : CIA-RDP NU . REPLACES FORM 36-8 FORMFEB 55 24 I WHICH MAY BE USED. TO: D/DCI/NI ROOM NO. I 7E47 BUILDING Hqs. REMARKS: FROM: OLC 0 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 June 9, 1977 Bob Bowie, I thought that you would find the attached letter from the President to Senator Inouye to be of some interest. I have not provided a copy of this to Stan Turner but feel free to do so if you think he might be interested in it as well. I would not be surprised if the President raised it with him in the near future. ~`?LLliXgencc 4'va shin i.nrz, D, C, 205X0 Approved For Release 2004/12/21: CIA-RDP91 M00696RO00190?3-4 Approved For..Gleleade 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100090003-4 June 8, 1977 To Senator Inouye Thank you for sending me a copy of the Select's report` on the national intelligence estirnat-es process as reflected in the recent NM -B Team experiment. It represents an important contribution to intelligence literature on this important subject and highlights an important area that requires highest priority attention. . Sincerely, The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Washington, D. C. 20510 Approved For Release 2004/12/21 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R0001000900 3-41