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Publication Date: 
April 26, 1976
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Approved For Relew 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R00QP0050009-2 Review Staff: 76-0395 26-'April 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM luniet, eview.Sta - . SUBJECT Status of the Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence This memorandum is for your information and possible use in discussions with other Administration officials. The Senate Select Committee (SSC) final report is scheduled for public release on Monday, 26 April at 1800 hours. It will consist of two major sections -- foreign and domestic -- with each section containing findings and recommendations and lengthy backup papers intended to support the findings and recommendation. We.have been told that the event will take place with a minimum of public relations fanfare, but I believe it will be too difficult for some of the staff and members of the SSC to resist the temptation to take a few parting shots at the Agency. Senator Church succumbed to the temptation in a nationwide television appearance on 19 April. (see copy of his address at Tab A). Nevertheless, I would urge that spokesmen for the Executive Branch be cautioned to exercise restraint in commenting upon the SSC report or reacting to critical congressional statements on the subject. To do otherwise would merely cause the issuance of the SSC report to become a greater news event than is now the case. More- over, any comments on.the SSC report from the Executive Branch at this time should take into account that the Senate on 6 May will be debating and voting upon several different resolutions providing for the establishment of a new Congres- sional oversight committee for the CIA and other elements of the intelligence community. It would be unfortunate if state- ments were made now which could adversely affect the votes of Approved For Release 2004/05113 CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 !;"1fem.Li.1 j I V r1Cr-%Jr1 1 Dq 1.i 1l1.~. Approved For Relewre 2004/05/fi~WI4SkBO? W6 giWw0 U~, rON". D-C. 20016 244r-35 PROGRAM Political Broadcast SUBJECT April 19, 1976 10:55 PM STATION WTOP TV -CBS Network Washington,-D. C Address by Senator Frank Church SENATOR FRANK CHURCH: I'm Frank Church. I'm running for President and I want to tell you why. After two hundred years of marriage, the American people and the United States Government are on the verge of divorce. ' Wha-t once seemed like the perfect union now seems headed for the rocks- The people are so turned off that in these presidential primaries only one eligible, voter in five has cared enough to vote. The truth is that you no longer trust politicians. You've lived too long under weak leaders. It's a weak President who pardons Richard Nixon - for all the crimes he committed in the White House and then looks the other way while Nixon's lieutenants stand trial. It's a weak. President who tells us we must imitate the Russians. in our treat- ment of foreign people, that our CIA must be a carbon copy of the Russian KGB. When we stoop to the communists' level, we betray And it's a weak President who fails to use the muscle of his office to punish powerful government agencies that break the. Sacv and'"6iilljr the peop e. No inte11ijg;ence agency ever had ETie rigit to opei our mail or intercept our telegrams- Yet the CIA did tt for twenty years. No law enforcement agency ever had the right to destroy a great American like Martin Luther King. Yet the FBI tried and nearly did. No tax collecting agency ever had the right to open tax investigations against law abiding citizens solely for the purpose of political harassment.. Yet the 'IRS admits to having done just that ---- hundreds of times. These are crimes against freedom, and they must stop only when the government begins treating the people with respect again will it begin to regain the respect of the people again. Approved For Release 2004/05TH CIA=RDP91 M0069~1 ~~ - OFFICES IN: NEW YORK - LOS ANGELES ? CHICAGO DETROIT . ANO OTHER PRINCIPAL CIT:_S -2- Approved For ReI se 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91 M00696R0 100050009-2 The second'reason people are turned off is because their government has done so little to save the economy. Too many Americans can't find work and are so high that the average family can't make ends meet. President Ford says that not enough money is being invested in new plants and equipment here in the United States. But he doesn't tell you why. Neither he nor any other candidate has a word to say about how our govern- ment is encouraging big business to invest outside the United States at an average loss of a hundred and fi.fty.thou.sand jobs a year here at home. These companies. get special tax breaks on their foreign earnings. They also get cut-rate government, insurance which your taxes help pay for to cover all their risks abroad. As President, I would stop the export of American. jobs by eliminating tax breaks on foreign earnings. And I would tell big businesses that from no.. on they can invest overseas at their risk, not ours.. Finally, if the American people are to be reunited with their government, this country's foreign policy must start making sense to them. The United States is no longer the one. rich patron of a war wrecked world. Other rich countries.must start sharing in the: burden of foreign aid. Of course, we must stand strong in those parts of the world where our vital, interests are-, at stake, like Western Europe, Israel in the Middle East and the outer reache of the Pacific. But out there in the Third World, new societies are emerging, young nations wracked with ferment and revolution and upheaval. Independence is their goal, and they won't stay subjugated long under any foreign rule, whether Russiaa.or Cuban. d A i an Saar S So..we don't need to get involved in every African an that'comes along. As a senator, I was one of the first to speak out against Vietnam. As President, I would take our foreign policy out of the hands of the compulsive interventionists. If you believe, with me, that our. government should stop breaking the law, stop paying big business to leave the country and stop intervening in needless, senseless foreign wars, then the marriage between our government and the people can be saved. But I need your help, your money as well as your vote. Please send as much as you can as soon as you can to me,-Frank Church, - Post Office Box 1976, Boise, Idaho. That's Frank Church, Box 1976, Boise, Idaho. ANNOUNCER: Frank Church for President. At last, a candidate who makes you want to vote. . This is CBS. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 Approver Release 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91 M96R000100050009-2 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 Next 23 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 vr' Approved For Relte 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON,D.C. 20505 11 March 1976 The Honorable Frank Church, Chairman Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: At our February 6th meeting we discussed the Committee's final report and procedures to be followed in reviewing the Select Committee's drafts. We have recently heard from your staff regarding such procedures. I thought it would be appropriate for me to respond and advise you that we concur generally and plan to proceed as follows: 1. We shall provide written comments on security questions, proposing deletions and changes and stating our reasons for deletions and changes. 2. We shall provide written comments on errors in fact. 3. We are prepared to discuss with your staff members questions'of editorial content and conclusions should they so desire. Our participation in these procedures should not be construed as indicating Executive Branch concurrence in the substance or findings of the Committee report. Sincerely, George- IBusV M rector Executive Registry ~p~UTlO/~ ~ ' 2 \rrI^i.o -16 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 CIA-RDP91 M00696R000100050009-2 ~''~6-jg