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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED: (Please do not remove) 029d&-/-- SUBJECT: I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: ICIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30 : CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 A, .CRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DC1 X 2 DDCI . X 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 D/OGI/DI X 18 NIO/ECON X 19 20 21 Eg. Executive Secretary 20 Sept,'89 Date 3637 (10-81) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: IA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 t.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30 CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 oECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP 7 ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X as::1( CI x 7 /.1, 2,--- rc.. JC_ 3 DIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 D/OGI/DI X 18 NIO/ECON X 19 20 21 22 Executive Secretary 20 Sept '89 Dote 3637 (1081) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30 j- 5 at) I-IL 'CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306 R000300070007-5 CRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO D TE INITIAL M)CI X ggC) Al" 2 DDCI X 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 D/OGI/DI X 18 NIO/ECON X 19 20 21 22 ER 89-2936/1 Executive Secretary 20 Sept '89 Date 3637 (10-81) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 THE VICE PRESIDENT MEMORANDUM WASHINGTON TO: Members of the Competitiv ness Council FROM: THE VICE PRESIDENT DATE: September 12, 1989 I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Larry Lindsey, Associate Director for Domestic Economic Policy of the Office of Policy Development, will serve as Executive Directon of the Council on Competitiveness. Larry will manage the policy review and staff functions of the Council; the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (Jay Plager) will serve as executive director of the Council's regulatory oversight activities. Diane Weinstein will continue as Counsel to the Competitiveness Council. Members of my Domestic Policy staff under Larry's direction, and Diane, will continue to work with your representatives on the business of the Council. This arrangement, under the overall direction of my Chief of Staff, William Kristol, should facilitate coordination of Council on Competitiveness activities with the overall Administration policy making processes, and should enable the Council to move ahead, after its good start, to play a significant role in advancing the President's competitiveness agenda. I look forward to continuing to work with you to make that happen. ER 89-2936/1 cc: White House Senior Staff Department and Agency Heads Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 'CRETARIAT ? ROUTING SLIP TO: ' ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X , 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff 17 D/OGI X 18 NI0/ECON X 19 202(11-/) 21 2 SPENSE Date Remarks ER 89-2936 Executive Secretary 13 July '89 3637 (10-81) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 rr A T., T.- A VIA,' 4?Jr-A-45,r, EtiCIPl. ROUTING SLIP TO: ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL CI 2 DDCI X 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff. 17 D/OGI 18 19 NIO/ECO 20 21 22 SUSPENSE - Dot!) Remarks ER 89-2936 3637 (1041) ? Executive Secretary 13 July '89 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30 : CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 " ? V la oECRETARIAT I.ROUTING SLIP TO: ' ' ACTION ' INFO . DATE INITIAL 1 DCI. DDCI _ x ri2Jc_ 3 EXDIR 1 15-/ICS . tl bDI X - 7 DDO 8 DDS&T . 9 Chm/NIC X 10 GC . ... -. 11 IG 12 Compt - 13 D/OCA 14 D/PAO 15 D/PERS 16 D/Ex Staff _ 17 D/OGI l& NIO/ECON' 19 20 .- - 21 . 22 k SUSPENSE ER 89-2936 /L4.1) Executive Secretary 13 Julia '89 3637 (10-81) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON altos MEMORANDUM FOR ATTACHED DISTRIBUTION LIST FROM: WILLIAM KRISTOLLUIL- CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE VICE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Recommendations to the Council on Competitiveness As you may know, President Bush has asked Vice President Quayle to chair the interagency Council on Competitiveness. Additional members of the Council are the Secretary of the Treasury (as Chairman of the Economic Policy Council), the Attorney General (as Chairman of the Domestic Policy Council), the Secretary of Commerce, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and the Chief of Staff to the President. At the initial meeting, the Council reaffirmed its role in the regulatory review process pursuant to Executive Orders 12291 and 12498. The Council will continue to perform the function, previously performed by the Task Force on Regulatory Relief, of reviewing Federal regulations having a significant impact on national competitiveness. To help in the Council's broader policy coordination function, several members of the Council suggested that govern- ment agencies should be solicited for suggestions of issues that may benefit from the Council's attention. While not all of the issues that may be suggested can be addressed immediately, compiling a list of such issues and of information relative to their significance for U.S. competitiveness will enable the Council to begin to develop short- and long-term priorities for Administration action. For purposes of organization, we have grouped the issues that arise under the rubric of competitiveness into four areas. We welcome your comments on these areas in general, but particu- larly would appreciate your specific suggestions of issues for the Council to consider in each or any of these areas: 1. Preserving Free Enterprise. Free enterprise has made the United States the most prosperous nation in the world. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Accordingly, the Council on Competitiveness may consider policies on mergers and acquisitions, antitrust limits on mergers and joint ventures, and bankruptcy law. In addition, the Council may consider product liability law, health and safety, environmental, transportation, and communications regulation, foreign trade law, intellectual property rights, risk assessment, market- and incentive- based approaches to regulation, and other statutory and regulatory policies affecting enterprise and entrepreneurship. 2. Access to Capital. The availability of capital being critical to economic growth, the Council may consider policies that would free the flow of investment capital to American business, such as tax policies, including the capital gains tax rate. Also, banking and financial industry reform, securities and commodity trading regula- tions, saving incentives, foreign investment, accounting standards and practices may be considered. 3. Bringing Science to Market. To maintain U.S. primacy in emerging industries, the nation must do a better job of developing commercial applications for scientific innovations. The Council may examine policies toward bio- technology, public-private research and production con- sortia, intellectual property rights approval or protection, licensing of new products, research and experimentation tax credits, government technology transfer and procurement, and federal funding of research and development. 4. Development of Human Resources. To improve the nation's competitiveness, the U.S. must continue to have the most productive work force in the world. The Council may examine policies affecting America's education system, particularly instruction in such disciplines as math, science, and computers. In addition, the Council may review labor, health, welfare, immigration, and other policies affecting the ability of the American work force to maintain high quality and productivity and to adapt to new industrial and commercial advances. It would be helpful to receive your assessment of critical problems in competitiveness arranged -- if you think it helpful -- into these four areas using the following format: Format: Set out the problems the United States faces in improving our international competitiveness. For each problem, to the extent possible: 1. Precisely identify the problem. 2. Explain how the problem negatively affects U.S. competitiveness. 3. Provide examples of the problem. - 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 4. Describe the scope of the problem. Set out budgetary and economic costs (direct and indirect), if quantifi- able. If possible, compare the situation in the U.S. with other countries. 5. Identify the most attractive possible solutions. For each solution, state: a. Whether the problem can be addressed through private sector action. b. Whether it requires government action. If so, state what type (i.e., administrative, legislative, regulatory, or government leadership and advocacy). c. The budgetary impact (direct and indirect). d. The impact on the economy (direct and indirect). e. Other effects, including indirect or secondary effects (positive or negative). f. The background on similar previous proposals to address the problem. 6. Assess prospects for success for such proposals. I would appreciate a response to this memorandum by August 1, 1989. Staff questions should be referred to Diane Weinstein, Counsel to the Council (456-2816). cc: Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs - 3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 t4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 DISTRIBUTION LIST Council Members: The Honorable Nicholas F. Brady The Secretary of the Treasury Chairman Pro Tempore of the Economic Policy Council The Honorable Robert A. Mosbacher Secretary of Commerce The Honorable Richard Darman Director Office of Management and Budget The Honorable Richard Thornburgh Attorney General Chairman Pro Tempore of the Domestic Policy Council The Honorable John Sununu Chief of Staff to the President The Honorable Michael J. Boskin Chairman Council of Economic Advisors Departments, Agencies, Boards, and Commissions: The Honorable James A. Baker, III Secretary of State The Honorable Manuel Lujan, Jr. Secretary of the Interior The Honorable Elizabeth H. Dole Secretary of Labor The Honorable Louis W. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sullivan The Honorable Samuel K. Skinner Secretary of Transportation The Honorable Edward J. Derwinski Secretary of Veterans Affairs The Honorable William Webstei.- r-- Director Central Intelligence Agen The Honorable William Bennett Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy The Honorable David Q. Bates, Jr. Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Cabinet The Honorable Erich Bloch Director National Science Foundation The Honorable Richard Cheney Secretary of Defense The Honorable Clayton K. Yeutter Secretary of Agriculture The Honorable Lauro Cavazos Secretary of Education The Honorable Jack F. Kemp Secretary of Housing and Urban Development The Honorable James D. Watkins Secretary of Energy The Honorable Carla Hills United States Trade Representative The Honorable Brent Scowcroft Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Dr. Allan Bromley Science Advisor to the President The Honorable Roger Porter Assistant to the President for Economic and Domestic Policy Rear Admiral Richard H. Truly Administrator National Aeronautics and Space Administration Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5 The Honorable Susan S. Engeleiter Administrator Small Business Administration The Honorable William K. Reilly Administrator Environmental Protection Agency The Honorable Alan Greenspan Chairman Federal Reserve Board The Honorable Wendy L. Gramm Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission The Honorable Dennis R. Patrick Chairman Federal Communications Commission The Honorable Anne E. Brunsdale Chairman, United States International Trade Commission The Honorable Anne Graham Acting Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission The Honorable Kenneth Carr Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. James M. Stephens Chairman National Labor Relations Board The Honorable Frank Young Administrator Food and Drug Administration The Honorable L. William Seidman Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The Honorable David S. Ruder Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission The Honorable Daniel Oliver Chairman Federal Trade Commission The Honorable Heather Gradison Chairman Interstate Commerce Commission The Honorable Martha 0. Hesse Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission The Honorable William F. Ryan Acting President and Chairman Export-Import Bank Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/30: CIA-RDP91B01306R000300070007-5