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r r c r T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 8 September 1986 TALKING POINTS FOR THE ADDI South Africa-UNITA-Angola A Marriage of Convenience The South Africa-UNITA relationship is a marriage of convenience with each side sharing at present common regional goals. We do not believe that Savimbi would maintain the same cozy relationship with South Africa should his quest for power in Angola be successful. &A ~. -- Pretoria is UNITA's single most important backer and full range of military and lngi-,tir ruipport- provides a Moreover, the protection offered round and air a U ~~6~fi -- strength in Nami is apparently has made Angola hesitant a ou crunching ground or air strikes deep in UNITA's tIiieastern stronghold. -- Pretoria for its part publicly admited its materiel support to d has praised Savimbi as a ea er In lic remarks, UNITA leader Savimbi has tried to balance the important uth Africa's military support against the political disadvantage of ties to a regional pariah. Savimbi argues that he hay n Il~{I~`~~' other alternative but to accept Pretoria's support while professing his opposition to apartheid as a system. He is publicly on record as 1A`A'0 supporting Pretoria's own internal reform program. p , 9125X1 Working Relationship In their working relationship, South Africa and UNITA coordinate closely on plans and objectives. Savimbi has traveled on several occasions for high-level rte ions with State President P.W. Bo-_a there is a regular series o annual 25X1 conferences around the end of the year involving senior South African UATT -military officials to lay out objectives, support requirements, and joint plans for the coming year. -- For day-to-day operations, Pretoria reportedly maintains liaison officers at UNITA's headquarters in am a in southeastern n-g a. too awA 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 c r r n r r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 Materiel Support and Training UNITA receives most of its materiel support either from or through South A.rjcan controlled Namibia. South African assistance reaches the insurgents in a variety ways: the bulk probably is trucked to the bord and turned over to the insurgents. Pretoria also air its vital supplies to UNITA bases and on occasion has flown its aircra ep into Angolan territory to_paradrop supplies to UNITA forces fighting in northern Angola. -- The main insurgent y i extends from the border to Jamba, through avinga and on to _Munnhaann~g_.o. The materiel is transported through ut TA-controlled territory by UNITA trucks on rudimentary roads and bridges built and maintained by UNITA engineers. Outside this territory, UNITA relies on columns of bearers. South African airdrops in northern through because of Savimbi's strong objections. Angolan have become i FisAY e to expansion of the e ense system. After a near intercept of a South African aircraft earlier this year, Savimbi was told that these flights would be stopped, but Pretoria reportedly did not carry South Africa Provides both specialist and basic training for rov tAV L 4A?P a Milo V"t 25X1 Gi~d^?P 25X1 25X1 25X1 troops ranging from basic infantry tics to specialized 11Q Z6'i unications, intelligence nd. pmnlitions training. -- UNITA has two major training centers: one at its headquarters at v jam Da and -- The Babwata base lies on the Angolan-Namibian border and the bor e~ r bT cts the camp. On one side is a South African camp and do ither a complex of'UNIIA r inino a - VU41-- N/ 1 2 5X1 4a r~f25X1 2 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 Direct Military Support than wou intervene again is year it UNITA were har Intervention. Pretoria periodical) intervenes in the fighting in support of UNITA. From roperations of its small special forces units S6. ir-e opera ons by South African re ulars, Pretoria's involvement ~vpI VU" ap to nave grown in the last few years. % -- Last yeaarr, in the first confirmed major intervention on UNITA's Behalf, South African air attacks were instrumental in stopping the major Angolan offensive territory short of its object! at Mavinaa___ .,25X1 AhS -- Pretoria promised UNITA 25X1 pressed by anotner government offensive. We be ieve re-fooria's commitment to UNITA is sufficiently strong that it is prepared to risk entanglement with the growing strength of the Soviet- and Cuban-supported Angolan airforce. orces. South Africa maintains about(20.000 troops i northern Namibi, including territorial forces, op licand a sm reservists-. Most f these troops are commited to internal security operations in Namibia or anti-SWAPO raids into southwestern Angola.- For operations in s don -- For the last few years, Udff MY eu tiwo Gov s--v L must. are con %_ 0~5 co r ina in southeastern Angola. For C6h~ larger, but less frequent operations, Pretoria ca son the 32nd CDC \Avk~oe~ Battalion. r"V . e IC' 5X1 wa 25X1 . eg 25X1 Pretoria has had small 10-20 man commando teams " operating in Angola continually against ngo an mi facilities, transporation, or economic facilities. Some of the operations are conducted unilaterally--such as the cPahnrnP ra;rl on Namibe harbor earlier this year that sunk a Cuban ship and hours. Last year, South African aircraft flew rom the smaller, ut deployment of its aircraft from South Africa to the main fighter base at 0ndan wa take only a fe~ UNITA and, 3 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 ermanentl y maintain a significant portion of ...... Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9 25X1 Operations t Cuito Cuanavale /I 1A The most recent j -South African operation of significance took place last month at Cuito Cuanaval In the belief that the Angolan 11 government was in the final stages of preparation for its major seasonal offensive in the southeast, UNITA planned lion attack e intended to disrupt govern e me ap rations and postpone the offensive.. o NITA effort and rtiller unction and t avinga in earl The operation was approved by State resident Botha and Pretoria's particip ion was o e erected by a senior South African general. Battalion participated in the attack-. The attack was launched on the evening o 9 Au us 1 elements of the 32nd ?l"25X1 25X1 6rA5X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 UNITA reportedly overran the airfield briefly but was driven back by counterattacking government defenders ort the SQ, '/ 5X1 ~[Afplrf 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 4 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/08: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100250006-9