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_. __ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 DATE: August 2, 1985 NOTE T0: Robert M. Gates Richard J. Kerr As you know land I have been appointed to a comptroller's task force to examine budget initiatives on counterterrorism and counter- intelligence. We are to provide to the Chairman (DO) the Directorate views on the problems in each of these areas, how we would propose to attack these problems, and the types of programs and interrelationships we propose or which already exist. There will be separate working groups on each issue. One thought I have is to create a ,joint unit on counterintelligence similar to the proposal for a ,joint unit on terrorism. ,Please advise me if you have anv thoughts or initiatives on these topics. Thanks. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 11 July 1985 SECPET ' n~nnr~r umnr'1 tS5- Bbl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 MEMORANDUtA FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Deputy Director for Intelligence / Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Science and Technology FROM; James H. Taylor Executive Director SUBJECT: Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Task Force 1. Last February a task force was created to examine our counterintelligence and counterterrorism activities and define proposals to address our most critical near-teen shortfalls. Because of time constraints, however, the task force concentrated its review on the 1987 new initiatives that had already been proposed by the directorates. After reviewing the 1987 program, we agreed that more needed to be done in these areas, and additional proposals were accommodated in the recommended program for this purpose. 2. Recent events suggest that both counterintelligen counterterrorism will continue to have high priority in t ence community agencies will be asked to exp Intelli And ce and he coming years. lain what the are g , efforts. 25X1 25X1 3. We agreed during recent ExCom deliberations to form another task force to undertake amore thorough assessment of our capabilities and resource needs in counterintelligence and counterterrorism. This group should serve as a focal point for examining these issues from an Agency, rather than a directorate, point of view. I ask that the DO take the lead in this effort and that each of you assign one or more people to serve on the task force. By 1 September 1985 the task force should provide to the Comptroller an evalua- tion of current and programmed capabilities in both areas, an identification of remaining shortfalls and an investment strategy for overcoming these shortfalls, including possible trade-offs with current activities. By looking at these problems systematically before we begin work on the 1988 program, we will ensure that we are spending our scarce resources wisely and that our most important shortfalls are receiving proper attention. i ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 SUBJECT: Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Task Force (S) this requirement. 4. the Comptroller's Office will monitor the work of the task force. Please contact if you have any questions on James H. T for SECRET 25X1 25X1 ,,~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 1 AU G 15>~ 5 FROM: SUBJECT: Initial Meeting of the CI/CT Task Force, 1 August 1985 1. Background: ' --The first effort of this kind took place in March 1985, when EPS chaired a task force charged with submitting a package of CI/CT initiatives for FY 87. --Although useful, this exercise suffered from two problems imposed largely by time constraints: a. It dealt only with the previously submitted FY 87 initiatives, and did not consider base programs or ongoing initiatives; b. It did not encourage continuing interaction among the directorates, which might have generated additional ideas and produced a different set of initiatives; --During recent ExCom meetings, the need for an Agency wide CI/CT strategy was articulated. The ExDir proposed the creation of another interdirectorate task force charged with examining current capabilities, identifying shortfalls, and proposing solutions. He asked that the DO take the lead, and the ADDO appointed DC/EPS to chair the task force. --On 29 July, the Comptroller provided the following additional clarification concerning the task force: a. Its key purpose is to arrive at a mutually acceptable strategy for dealing with CI/CT issues. Although it should deal with resources for FY 88 to FY 92, its product should be broadly conceptual. b. As resources will not expand indefinitely, the task force should address the need to shift funds and positions internally, rather than assume new ones will be available. c. Emphasis should be placed on clarifying the requirements and expectations of policymakers, in order to ensure that programs are appropriately designed. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 S E C R E T d. In order to permit discussion and thoughtful exchange among the directorates, the task force submission may be delayed until "late fall." 2. Ate: The following points should be considered during the 1 August interdirectorate meeting: --Participants should be briefed on the background noted above as a means of establishing parameters. --Purpose of this meeting is to outline what we hope to accomplish, in what time frame. An overall Agency strategy is the desired result, to be supplemented by a five year resource projection--the funds and bodies should be drawn from available resources. We should aim to have a submission ready for the Comptroller by the end of September. --Directorate participation should include at least two officers--one capable of enunciating directorate policy, the other knowledgable of the full range of resource issues. --Two separate working groups should be formed, one headed by CI Staff, the other by CPN--directorates may send additional representatives to meetings convened for these groups. --A major problem in devising a strategy for CI/CT is a lack of clarity concerning policymakers' desires. It would assist if each directorate could submit the following to DC/EPS by Friday, 9 August 1985: a. A brief definition of the problem--what are the immediate and longterm CI and CT requirements as the directorate perceives them. b. A statement of current capabilities and planned actions to address these requirements during the next five years. c. A statement of the perceived role of other directorates in the interest of preparing a coordinated and unified strategy; how the capabilities of one's own directorate interact with and reinforce those which ought to be developed by other directorates. 2 S E C R E T i,~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 11 I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 --Role and composition of working groups which will consider CI and CT strategies separately; schedule initial working group meetings? --Scheduling of another task force meeting to discuss outcome of working group meetings? 3 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23 :CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8 Q Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23 :CIA-RDP91 B00874R000100090005-8