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_ _ i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 .TRANSMITTAL SLIP DArE 2 Apr 81 To: A/NIO/Warning ROOM NO. 5600 BUILDING Hqs. REMARKS; FROM: Richard Lehman, C/NIC ROOM NO. 7E48 BUILDING Hqs. F_OIIM NO .7A 7 REPLACES FORM 96-a ren ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 / ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 1 April 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Edward W. Proctor SUBJECT : The Warning Account 1. Attached is the memorandum you asked me for the other day. As compared with Bruce' ideas, mine go a little further. If the account were divided, I would divide it completely and not try to have the non- substantive people reporting to me. They should be an integral part of the IC Staff. 2. The "focused warning" project has the potential for becoming quite elaborate and requiring centralized management at the national level. If so, the IC Staff or my own will probably have to do it. 3. Related to this is the intractable problem of providing structured political and economic inputs to a national warning system that will be compatible with the military input. DIA badly wants this from State and CIA. 4. As to collection, I suspect this should remain closely coupled to analysis and therefore that responsibility probably should stay with our organization. This would be consistent with the concept that you outlined to me the other day for the role of the NIOs in collection. ., ~ " ~ Richard Lehman Chairman National Intelligence Council Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 J I. VI\L i SUBJECT: The Warning Account (NFAC #1868-81) Distribution: 1 - Addressee 1 - A/NIO/t~larnina - C/NIC Chrono 1 - NFAC Registry crr~rT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 ,? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM FOR: National Intelligence Officer for Warning SUBJECT One Option for Using an Expanded NIO/W Staff NFAC #1850-81 1 April 1981 moving the management side of the proposed NIO/W staff to the IC Staff (reconstituted). 1. Responsibilities: DCID 1/5 assigns the NIO/W the following warning responsibi i~ es: i. To oversee analysis of intelligence from all sources which might provide warning. In partic- ular, he should be alert to alternate interpreta- tions within the Community and assess these with a view to the need for issuance of warning. He should encourage consultation and substantive discussion at all levels in the Community. ii. To recommend to the Director or Deputy Director of Central Intelligence the issuance of warning to the President and National Security Council, and to ensure the dissemination of such warning within and by the organizations of the Intelligence Community. When time is of the essence, the National Intelli- gence Officer may issue such warning directly to the President and the National Security Council, with concurrent dissemination to the Director and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and senior officers of the Intelligence Community. iii. To advise the Deputy Director for Collection Tasking and Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment on appropriate Community response to developing warn- ing situations. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 ' SECRET NFAC #1850-81 SUBJECT: One Option for Using an Expanded NIO/W 1 April 1981 Staff iv. To develop plans and procedures for support of the Director of Central Intelligence in crisis situations. v. To support the Deputy Director of Central Intelli- gence and the National Foreign Intelligence Board on warning matters. vi. To chair the Warning Working Group. vii. To oversee the warning activities of the National Intelligence Officers. viii. To supervise the Strategic Warning Staff. ix. To arrange for intelligence research and produc- tion with respect to strategic warning. x. To develop a warning consciousness and discipline throughout the Community. xi. To seek improvements in methodologies and proce- dures for warning including communications and dissemination of information. xii. To arrange with appropriate organizations of the government for provision to the National Intelli- gence Officer for Warning and the Strategic L,larning Staff of the information they need to carry out their mission. xiii. To promote improved analyst training in indications and warning techniques and in other analytic tech- niques that might contribute to improved warning. xiv. To advise the Deputy for Collection Tasking and the Deputy for Resource Management, as appropriate, on warning activities that relate to their responsibilities. 2. The Strategic Warning Staff: The Warning Working Grou has a roved a plan to disestablish the Strategic Warning Staff and transfer of the slots to the NIO/W to form a staff supporting him directly. We will be submitting their recommendation to the DDCI in the next week or so. 3. The NIO W Staff: Aside from the NIO/W and his assistant, we envision professionals. 0 of these would be devoted to 25X1 substantive warning matters (i, ii, iii, v, vii, & ix in paragraph 1.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 NFAC #1850-81 SUBJECT: One Option for Using an Expanded NIO/W 1 April 1981 Staff A ~~would be devoted to the care and feeding of the warning "system" (iv, x, xi, xii, xiii and part of xiv in paragraph 1). The last would concentrate on optimizing collection operations in developing crisis situations. 4. The Slot: Following are examples of the things for which this person wou be responsible. The list is illustrative, not exhaustive. -- The National 0 erations and Intelli ence Watch icers et e I is responsible for this secure conferencing telephone net, our primary means to link the Washington area watch centers together for the rapid exchange of time sensitive information. -- Alert Memoranda procedures. We have a highly structured Community procedure for producing coordinated Alert Memoranda in 24-36 hours. It needs tender loving care. -- DOD's "Focused Warning". DIA, as executive agent for the DCI, is managing a Community project to improve our warning capabilities against a Warsaw Pact attack on NATO. It has subsumed two other Community projects, "WISP" and "Force Packages". This effort will require increasing involvement of the NIO/W. -- A national warning "system". DOD already has an elaborate wor wi a warning system consisting of twenty odd 24 hour watch centers. Eventually, we can expect NSA, CIA, and INR (and perhaps the WHSR) to be tied into that network, thus forming a true national "system". Work on this has yet to begin, although some discussions have taken place. -- The Washin ton Area 0 erations Centers' Conference. The NIO/W sponsors semiannua meetings a en e y the directors of the4lashington Area Watch Centers (WHSR, CIA, NSA/NSOC, State, DIA/NMIC, JCS/NMCC, and the four military services). This is a valuable forum for discussing mutual problems and exchanging ideas. -- Budget. Although we have had some success in monitoring warning related budget issues, there is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 NFAC #1850-81 SUBJECT: One Option for Using an Expanded NIO/W 1 April 1981 Staff plenty of room for improvement. This is an enormous task and probably could employ someone full time. 5. Th lot: The NIO/W should monitor and, when appropriate, 25X1 influence co ection operations during times of impending crisis. For example, if things are heating up in country X and we're becoming a little worried, the NIO/W should find out specifically what collection is taking place and what can be done to improve it. Analysts now levy ad hoc requirements ith little or no su ervision NSA and 25X1 the DDO opera a in epen en y the 25X1 attaches proceed in blissful ignorance or our concern, etc. We need someone to find out what extraordinary tasking has been levied, why the analysts are asking for specific information (and are they really asking the right uestions and what can be done to tweak the various collectors-- including One 25X1 could argue that the NCPO/Warning should be doing this, but that has not been the case. 6. A~n 0~t~ion_: If the NIO/W Staff is expanded as described above, and if two peop a assigned tasks as described in paragraphs 4 and 5, and depending on the role assumed by the reconstituted IC Staff, it might be attractive to locate those two people with the IC Staff. They would be members of the NIO/W staff and would report to him, but they might be in a better position to carry out their duties if colocated with their resource planning/management and collection management colleagues. Assistant tional Intelligence Officer for Warning Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/19: CIA-RDP91 B00776R000500100002-4 ,.