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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 oats STAT nano PIMP I RAMMOIVII I ing. SLIP July 8, 1988 TO: (Name, office symbol, room number, building, Agency/Post) 1. C/SPS initials Date 2.i ) V,/-/Sib 7/g 3. OS /12P5 4. Action riI note and Return Approval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Reply Circulate For Your Information See Me Comment Investigate Signature Coordination I Justify REMARKS Re. S.1975, Sec 101 (see TAB A) would amend USC Title 5,. Sec 8401(17)(B) (see TAB B). This amendment would change the definition of a "law enforcement officer" under FERS 20 25 year retirement for our SPOs (USC Title 5, Sec 8412(d)(l2) (see TAB C). This change is for the better, and I see no problems as a result of this proposed change. Is ogc aware of this? The attached memo would indicate not. 2 -5 So74%It. STAT iq ?kr STAT DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of aN, concurren clearances, and similar actions 111.1111AIIII o?? ibol,Agency/Pomr) Room No.?Bldg. Phone No. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 FFR1R (41 CFR/191-112W 25X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassifie - - -? Declassifie in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7..y 100TH CONGRESS S. S 1975 1ST SESSION To better enable Federal law enforcement officers to accomplish their missions, to assist Federal law enforcement agencies in attracting and retaining the most qualified personnel, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF TIM UNITED STATES DECEMBER 19 (legislative day, DECEMBER 15), 1987 Mr. DECONCINI (for himself, Mr. DOMENICI, MT. D'AmaTo, and Mr. MOYNIHAN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Com- mittee on Governmental Affairs A BILL To better enable Federal law enforcement officers to accomplish their missions, to assist Federal law enforcement agencies in attracting and retaining the most qualified personnel, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 lives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the "Comprehensive Federal 5 Law Enforcement Improvements Act of 1987". din Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 2 1 TITLE I-SPECIAL 2 - IMPROVEMENTS 3 SEC. 101. RESTORATION OF HAZARDOUS DUTY EARLY 4 RETIREMENT OPTION UNDER FEDERAL EM- PLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. 6 Section 8401(17)(B) .of title 5, United States Code, is 7 amended by striking out "for at least 10 years" and inserting 8 in lieu thereof "for at least three years.". 9 SEC. 102. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES TO FIRST 10 DUTY STATIONS. 11 (a) The head of an agency may provide travel and trans- 12 portation expenses to a newly appointed law enforcement of- 13 ficer, including the transportation expenses of his or her im- 14 mediate family, household goods, and personal effects, from 15 place of residence at the time of appointment to the first duty 16 station, to the extent that payment of such expenses is au- 17 thorized by section 5723 of title-5, United Saes Code, for a 18 new appointee who may receive ,payments under that section. 19 (b) For purposes of this section- 20 (1) The term "agency" shall have the same mean- 21 ing as provided in section 5721(1) of title 5, United 22 States Code. 23 (2) The term "law enforcement officer" shall have 24 the same meaning as provided in section 8401(17) of 25 title 5, United States Code. ?S 1973 IS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 111 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 3 1 SEC. 103. LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY FOR CRIMINAL IN. VESTIGATORS OF OFFICERS OF INSPECTOR 3 GENERAL. 4 Section 6 of the Inspector. General Act of 1978 (5 5 U.S.C. App. 3) is amended by inserting immediately after 6 subsection (c) the following new subsection: 7 "(d) Subject to guidelines promulgated by the Attorney 8 General of the United States, and under such regulations as 9 the Inspector General may prescribe, investigators of the 10 Office of Inspector General may- 11 "(1) conduct investigations concerning any viola- 12 tions of United States law related to the programs, 13 personnel, or operations of the establishments; 14 "(2) for the purpose of conducting such investiga- 15 tions- 16 "(A) obtain and serve subpoenas and sum- 17 monses issued under the authority of -th-e United 18 States; and 19 "(B) Obtain and execute search and arrest 20 warrants; 21 "(3) if designated by the Inspector General, and 22 qualified under approved regulations governing the use 23 of firearms, carry firearms for the purpose of perform- 24 ing the duties authorized by this Act; and ?S 1975 IS Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300219016-7 -? Declassif ied in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 4 1 "(4) arrest without warrant any person for any 2 violation of United States law related to the programs, 3 personnel, or operations of the establishments- 4 "(A) in the case of a felony violation; and 5 "(B) in the case of a felony or misdemeanor 6 violation, if the violation is committed in the pres- 7 ence of the investigator.". 8 SEC. 104. AMENDMENTS TO THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL 9 AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968. 10 (a) BASIC LEVEL OF ,DEATH BENEFIT PAYABLE.- 11 Section 1201(a) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and 12 Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796(a)) is amended by 13 striking out "$50,000" and inserting in lieu thereof 14 "$100,000, adjusted in accordance with subsection (g),". 15 (b) PARENTS AS BENEFICIARIES.?Section 1201(a)(4) 16 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe_ Streets Act 17 of 1968 (42. U.S.C. 3796(a)(4)) is amended by striking out 18 "dependent". 19 SEC. 105. INVESTIGATIVE AUTHORITY OF THE COMPTROLLER 20 GENERAL. 21 Section 712 of title 31, United States Code, is amended 22 by- 23 (1) inserting "(a)" before "The Comptroller Gen- 24 eral": and 25 (2) adding at the end thereof the following: ?S 1975 IS ossified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 5 1 "(b)(1) The Comptroller General may assign employees 2 of the General Accounting Office to carry out special investi- 3 gations related to Federal programs or activities carried out 4 under the laws of the United States, and potential criminal 5 violations thereof. 6 "(2) In connection with any investigation conducted by 7 employees referred to in paragraph (1), the Comptroller Gen- 8 eral may require by subpoena the attendance and testimony 9 of any person and the production of any records or other 10 evidence, except that the Comptroller General may only 11 demand production of agency records pursuant to the provi- 12 sions of section 716. The Comptroller General may subpoena 13 the attendance and testimony of an agency officer or employ- 14 ee, except that the Comptroller General may not compel the 15 testimony of an agency officer or employee concerning the 16 contents of an agency record to which the Comptroller Gen- 17 eral does not have access pursuant to the provisions of sec- 18 tion 716. 19 "(3) The attendance of any person to give testimony and 20 the production of any records or other evidence may be re- 21 quired from any place in the United States or its territories at 22 such reasonable places as may be designated. In case of dis- 23 obedience to a subpoena for the testimony of an agency offi- 24 cer or employee, the Comptroller General may bring a civil 25 action in the United States District Court for the District of ?S 1975 IS Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassif ied in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassifi 6 1 Columbia to compel the testimony. In case of disobedience to 2 a subpoena for the records or testimony of a person not in the 3 United States Government, the Comptroller General may 4 bring a civil action in the United States district court for the 5 judicial district or territory where the person resides, is 6 found, or carries on business, or where the records or other 7 evidence are located, to require the attendance and testimony 8 of any person and the production of any records or other 9 evidence. Failure to obey an order requiring the production of 10 testimony, records, or other evidence, may be punished as a 11 contempt of court. 12 "(4) Except with respect to an employee as defined in 13 section 2105 of title 5, United States Code, any person sub- 14 poenaed or deposed under this subsection shall be paid the 15 same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the district 16 courts of the United States. _ 17 "(5) The Comptroller General mayauthorize employees 18 of the General Accounting Office referred to in paragraph (1), 19 qualified for the use of firearms, to carry firearms. 20 "(6) Any departmeni or agency of the United States, 21 including any law enforcement agency of the United States, 22 may cooperate with, and provide assistance, on a reimbursa- 23 ble or nonreimbursable basis, in connection with any investi- 24 gation, audit, or evaluation.". los 1975 IS ? din Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 7 1 SEC. 106. ASSAULTS ON PERSONNEL OF THE. GENERAL 2 ACCOUNTING OFFICE. 3 Section 1114 of title 18, United States Code, is amend- 4 ed by inserting after "National Credit Union Administra- 5 tion," the following: "or any officer or employee of the Gen- 6 era! Accounting Office assigned to perform audits, investiga- 7 tions, or evaluations,". 8 SEC. 107. OBSTRUCTION OF AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS OF 9 THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE. 10 Section 1505 of title 18, United States Code, is amend- 11 ed by striking "Congress" and the dash and inserting "Con- 12 gress or any officer or employee of the General Accounting 13 Office assigned to perform audits, investigations or evalua- 14 tions?". 15 SEC. 108. INCLUSION OF INVESTIGATORS OF THE GENERAL 16 ACCOUNTING OFFICE UNDER THE FEDERAL _ 17 TORTS CLAIM ACT. 18 The last sentence of section 2680(h), of title 28, United 19 States Code, is amended by- 20 (1) striking out "or" after "seize evidence,"; and 21 (2) striking the period at the end thereof and in- 22 serting ", or to conduct investigations pursuant to sec- 23 tion 712(b)(1) of title 31.". 94 SEC. 109. OATHS AND AFFIRMATION. 25 Section 711(4) of title 31, United States Code, is 26 amended to read as follows: ?S 1975 IS Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R0003002100167 1 8 "(4) administer oaths and affirmations when con- 2 - ducting an investigation, audit, or evaluation.". 3 TITLE II NATIONAL ADVISORY 4 COMMISSION ON LAW EN- 5 FORCEMENT 6 SEC. 201. DEFINITIONS. 7 As used in this title- 8 (1) the term "Commission" means the National 9 Advisory Commission on Law Enforcement; 10 (2) the term "Commissioner" means a member of 11 the National Advisory Commission on Law Enforce- 12 ment; and 13 (3) the term "law enforcement officer" has the 14 same meaning as provided in section 8401(17) of title 15 5, United States Code. 16 SEC. 202. ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSES OF THE NATIONAL 17 ADVISORY COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCE.. 18 MENT. 19 (a) ESTABLISHMENT.?There is established as an inde- 20 pendent commission in the legislative branch of the United 21 States a National Advisory Commission on Law Enforce- 22 merit; which shall consist of the following members: 23 (1) four members of the United States Senate, 24 two of whom shall be selected by the Majority Leader ?S 1975 IS Dr i? - Caniti7Ad COM/ ADoroved for Release 2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 9 1 arld two of whom shall be selected by the Minority 2 Leader; 3 (2) four members of the United States House of 4 Representatives, two of whom shall be selected by the 5 Majority Leader and two of whom shall be selected by 6 the Minority Leader; 7 (3) the Comptroller General of the United States? 8 who shall also serve as Chairman of the Commission; 9 (4) the Director of the Office of Personnel Man- 10 agement; 11 (5) the Attorney General of the United States and 12 three other officials of the Department of Justice who 13 shall be designated by the Attorney General; 14 (6) the Secretary of the Treasury and two other 15 officials of the Department of the Treasury who shall 16 be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury; 17 (7) the Inspector Generals of three departments or 18 agencies of the executive branch of the United States 19 who shall be designated by the President of the United 20 States; and 21 (8) three representatives from Federal employee 22 groups. 23 (b) PURPOSES OF THE COMMISSION.?The Commis- 24 sion shall study the methods and rates of compensation in- 25 cluding salary, overtime pay, and other benefits of law en- Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 10 1 forcement officers in all Federal agencies, as well as the 2 methods and rates of compensation of State and local law 3 enforcement officers in a representative number of areas 4 where Federal law enforcement officers are assigned, in order 5 to determine- 6 (1) the differences which exist among Federal agencies with regard to the methods and rates of corn- 8 pensation for law enforcement officers; 9 (2) the rational basis, if any, for such differences, 10 considering the nature of the responsibilities of the law 11 enforcement officers in each agency; the qualifications 12 and training required to perform such responsibilities; 13 the degree of personal risk to which the law enforce- 14 ment officers in each agency are normally exposed in 15 the performance of their duties; and such other factors 16 as the Commission deems relevant in evAluating the _ 17 differences in compensation among the various agen- 18 cies; 19 (3) the extent to which inequities appear to exist 20 among Federal agencies with regard to the methods 21 and rates of compensation of law enforcement officers, 22 based on consideration of the factors mentioned in 23 paragraph (2) of this subsection; 24 (4) the feasibility of devising a uniform system of 95 overtime compensation for law enforcement officers in OS 1975 IS neclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 ? 1 11 1 all or most Federal agencies, with due regard for both 2 the special needs of law enforcement officers and the 3 relative cost effectiveness to the Government of such a 4 system compared to those currently in use; 5 (5) how the salaries paid to Federal law enforce- 6 ment officers compare to those of State and local offi- 7 cers in the same geographical area, especially those in 8 "high cost-of-living" areas; 9 (6) the impact of the rates of compensation paid 10 by various Federal agencies on the lifestyle, morale, 11 and general well-being of law enforcement officers, in- 12 eluding their ability to subsist; 13 (7) the recruiting and retention problems experi- 14 enced by Federal agencies due to: inequities in 15 compensation among such agencies; the differences be- 16 tween rates of compensation paid to Federal law en- 17 forcement officers and State and local officers in the 18 same geographical areas; and other factors related to 19 compensation; and 20 (8) the extent to which Federal legislation and ad- 21 ministrative regulations may be necessary or appropri- 2 9 ate to rectify inequities among Federal agencies in the 23 methods and rates of compensation for law enforcement 24 officers; to address the lack of uniformity among agen- 25 cies with regard to overtime pay; to provide premiurris ?s Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 12 1 or special rates of pay for Federal law enforcement of- _ 2 ficers in high cost-of-living areas; to ensure that the 3 levels of compensation paid to Federal law enforcement 4 officers will be competitive with those paid to State 5 and local officers in the same geographical areas; and 6 to address such other matters related to the determina, 7 tions made under this subsection as the Commission 8 deems appropriate in the interests of enhancing the 9 ability of Federal agencies to recruit and retain the 10 most qualified and capable law enforcement officers. 11 SEC. 203. POWERS OF THE COMMISSION. 12 (a) SPECIFIC POWERS.?The Commission shall have 13 the power to- 14 (1) utilize, with their consent, the services, equip- 15 ment, personnel, information, and facilities of other 16 Federal, State, local, and private agencies and instru- __ 17 mentalities with or without reimbursement therefor; 18 (2) enter into and perform, without regard to 31 19 United States Code, section 3324, such contracts, 20 leases, cooperative agreements, and other transactions 21 as may be necessary in the conduct of the functions of 22 the Commission, with any public agency, or with any 23 person, firm, association, corporation, educational insti- 24 tution, or nonprofit organization; IPS 1973 IS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 13 1 - (3) request such information, data, and reports 2 from any Federal agency or instrumentality as the 3 Commission may from time to time require and as may 4 be produced consistent with other law; and 5 (4) hold hearings and call witnesses that might 6 assist the Commission in the exercise of its powers or 7 duties. 8 (b) OTHER NECESSARY POWERS.?The Commission 9 shall have such other powers as may be necessary to carry 10 out its functions under this Act and may delegate to any 11 member or designated person such powers as may be appro- 12 priate in the conduct of its functions. 13 (c) RESOURCES FROM OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES.- 14 Upon the request of the Commission, each Federal agency is 15 authorized and directed to make its resources, services, 16 equipment, personnel, facilities, and information available to 17 the greatest practicable extent to the Commission in the exe- 18 cution of its functions. 19 (d) RESOURCES OF INDIVIDUAL COMMISSIONERS.- 20 Each Commissioner may utilize the resources, services, 21 equipment, personnel, information, and facilities of his or her 22 Federal agency or, in the case of the Commissioners who are 23 members of Congress, his or her congressional office, as may 24 be necessav in the conduct of the Commissioner's respective 25 functions as a member of the Commission. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 14 1 (e) QUORUM AND VOTING.?A simple majority of the 2 Commissioners then serving shall constitute a quorum for the 3 conduct of business by the Commission, and the Commission 4 may exercise its powers and fulfill its duties by the vote of a 5 simple majority of the Commissioners present. 6 (f) DUTIES OF CHAIRMAN.?The Chairman of the 7 Commission shall call and preside at meetings of the Corn- 8 mission: Provided, however, That the Chairman may delegate 9 to any other Commissioner the authority to preside at meet- 10 ings of the Commission. 11 SEC. 204. REPORT AND DISSOLUTION OF COMMISSION. 12 (a) REPORT.?Within six months following the date of 13 enactment of this Act, the Commission shall prepare and de- 14 liver to the President of the United States, the President of 15 the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, 16 a written report setting forth- 17 the findings and determinations made by the 18 Commission pursuant to section 201()); and 19 (2) specific proposals for such legislation and ad- 20 ministrative regulations as the Commission has deter- 21 mined to be necessary or appropriate pursuant to sec- 22 tion 201(b)(8). 23 (b) TERMINATION OF COMMISSION.?The Commission 24 shall be terminated upon the adjournment, sine die, of the 25 100th Congress. 0 ?S 1975 IS Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 221 TITLE 5?GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, except Atiat such term does not include? (1) any individual referred to in (I) clause (i), (v), (vi), or (ix) of para- graph (1) of section 8331; (II) clause (ii) of such paragraph (other than an employee of the United States Park Police, or the United States Secret Service, whose civilian service after De- cember 31, 1983, is such employment); or ? (III) the undesignated material after the last clause of such paragraph; or (11) any individual excluded under section 8402(c) of this title; s fe(12) the term "former- spouse" means a ! -,401111er spouse of an individual? (A) If such individual performed at least 18 months of civilian service creditable under section 8411 as an employee or Member; and (B) if the former spouse was married to 'such individual for at least 9 months; (13) the term "Executive Director" means ,he Executive Director appointed under sec- lhyn 8474(a); (14) the term "firefighter" means? . ? (A) an employee, the duties of whose posi- tion? (1) are primarily to perform work direct- ly connected with the control and extin- guishment of fires; and (11) are sufficiently rigorous that em- ployment opportunities are required to be limited to young and physically vigorous Individuals, as determined by the Director considering the recommendations of the employing agency; and ? : (B) an employee who is transferred direct- ly to a supervisory or administrative posi- tion after performing duties described in subparagraph (A) for at least 10 years; (15) the term "Government" means the 'Federal Government and Gallaudet College; ocr: (16) the term "Indian court" has the mean- lc ? Ins given such term by section 8331(24); (11 ittAermrplaWonforcement;::Offieeeq arfatip16yeOth0;di.ities7orirtiaSe'n6s0 Aiareipriniftr. 11?-42 _111.re4, `..ltatiOigliptirehensionfoif ketentionildiyidualOttatiiiiier-te'd .0orMetic040'fferiSe.3:,!_adWitistl.ti*criinK ? nal law o th ni . States- igainS , threats to persons a11.,Ssf.p4T.F4:1 pirge!anfficiently5-frigor6gs st ploymeriConpiitt1tiEritt.1 Int e oung4ancr le ixectoso eonsi er recoronendations,r of they emOloying agney;1 (B). an ernp oyeullgylt.trApsS,erted dire0= nirilipervTory or administrative" 156-sr terVi" aliVerilegeilbtd''fii3 alAterAtrWitrearrili PliiiV,Itiral'41 4 ? 8401 (i) of the Bureau of Prisons or Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated; (ii) of the Public Health Service as- signed to the field service .if the Bureau of Prisons or of the Federal Prison Indus- tries, Incorporated; or (iii) in the field service at Army or Navy disciplinary barracks or at any other con- finement and rehabilitation facility oper- ated by any of the armed forces; whose duties in connection with individuals in detention suspected or convicted of of- fenses against the criminal laws of the United States or of the District of Columbia or offenses against the punitive articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (chap- ter 47 of title 10) require frequent direct contact with these individuals in their de- tention and are sufficiently rigorous that employment opportunities are required to be limited to young and physically vigorous individuals, as determined by the head of the employing agency: (18) the term "loss", as used with respect to the Thrift Savings Fund, includes the amount of any loss resulting from the investment of sums in such Fund, or from the breach of any responsibility, duty, or obligation under sec- tion 8477.' (19) the term "lump-sum credit" means the unrefunded amount consisting of? (A) retirement deductions made from the basic pay of an employee or Member under section 8422(a) of this title (or under sec- tion 204 of the Federal Employees' Retire- ment Contribution Temporary Adjustment Act of 1983); (B) amounts deposited by an employee or Member under section 8422(e): (C) amounts deposited by an employee, Member, or survivor under section 8411(f): and (D) interest on the deductions and depos- its which, for any calendar year, shall be equal to the overall average yield to the Fund during the preceding fiscal year from all obligations purchased by the Secretary of the Treasury during such fiscal year under section 8348(c), (d), and (e), as deter- mined by the Secretary (compounded annu- ally); but does not include interest? (i) if the service covered thereby aggre- gates 1 year or less; or (ii) for a fractional part of a month in the total service; (20) the term "Member" has the same meaning as provided in section 2106, except that such term does not include an individual who irrevocably elects, by written notice to the official by whom such individual is paid, not to participate in the Federal Employees' Retirement System; (21) the term "net earnings" means the excess of earnings over losses; (C) an emplOyee? Peit'LWILVp6V-DECh c"-//.44/4": To tt.ti -- lit . 3 'So in original. The period probably should be a semicolon. 3 J,C-AP\S Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91B00390R000300210016-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP91600390R000300210016-7 ...gpvgag....-t 8412 TITLE 5-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES described in subsection (b)(3) for which retire- ment deductions under subchapter III of chap- ter 83 have not been made, unless such employ- ee or Member deposits an amount equal to 1.3 percent of basic pay for such service, with inter- est. (3) Interest under paragraph (1) or (2) shall be computed in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 8334(e) and regulations pre- scribed by the Office. (4) For the purpose of survivor annuities, de- posits authorized by the preceding provisions of/ this subsection may also be made by a survivor of an employee or Member. (Added Pub. L. 99-335, title I, ? 101(a), June 6, 1986, 100 Stat. 522, and amended Pub. L. 99-556, title I, ? 103, title V, ? 502(b), Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3131, 3140.) REFERENCES /N TEXT Sectiun 204(a)(1) of the Federal Employees' Retire- ment Contribution Temporary Adjustment Act of 1983 (Pub. L. 98-1681, referred to in subsec. (b)(2), is set out as a note under section 8331 of this title. Subsections (a)(4) and (b) of section 202 of the Fed- eral Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-335), referred to in subsec. (b)(3), amended sec- tion 8331(1) and (2) of this title. The Foreign Service Act of 1980, referred to in subsec. (b)(4), is Pub. L. 96-485, Oct. 17, 1980. 94 Stat. 2071, as amended. Subchapter II of chapter 8 of the Act probably means subchapter II of chapter 8 of title I of the Act which is classified generally to part II (44071 et seq.) of subchapter VIII of chapter 52 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse. For com- plete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 3901 of Title 22 and Tables. Page 226 (d) An employee who is separated from the service, except by removal for cause on charges of misconduct or delinquency- tfLIC-.1..felafg14140V-157,S17,0119fTs.lviq, 1A,YteOlor#OCO.1.40iti'a . WWI** filati4iiiii,ftMielifiatif ' _WiiiikWITa14,4 2S,atto..-bectiiriine50 i64tauag' letiiielotiFeitir5ifserifee4saavalawiR ?oreel tiiaaiiiffEatattirefiglitenpael,PCoreiviv "qteiiViiffiffairieSiegebtaiiii' si:-"readqoli,aisk* ;entigc1i,07,*ogii0A terAnemployee who is separated from the service, except by removal for cause on charges of misconduct or delinquency- (1) after completing 25 years of service as an air traffic controller, or . (2) after becoming 50 years of age and com- pleting 20 years of service as an air traffic controller, is entitled to an annuity. (f) A Member who is separated from the serv- ice, except by resignation or expulsion- (1) after completing 25 years of service, or (2) after becoming 50 years of age and com- pleting 20 years of service, is entitled to an annuity. (g)(1) An employee or Member who is sepa- rated from the service after attaining the appli- cable minimum retirement age under subsec- tion (h) and completing 10 years of service is entitled to an annuity. This subsection shall not apply to an employee or Member who is en- titled to an annuity under any other provision of this section. . (2) An employee or Member entitled to an an- nuity under this subsection may defer the com- mencement of such annuity by written election. The date to which the commencement of the annuity is deferred may not precede the 31st day after the date of filing the election, and must precede the date on which the employee or Member becomes 62 years of age. (3) The Office shall prescribe regulations under which an election under paragraph (2) shall be made. (h)(1) The applicable minimum retirement age under this subsection is- (A) for an individual whose date of birth is before January 1, 1948, 55 years of age; (B) for an individual whose date of birth is after December 31, 1947, and before January 1, 1953, 55 years of age plus the number of months in the age increase factor determined under paragraph (2)(A); (C) for an individual whose date of birth is after December 31, 1952, and before January 1, 1965, 56 years of age; (D) for an Individual whose date of birth is after December 31, 1964, and before January 1, 1970, 56 years of age plus the number of months in the age increase factor determined under paragraph (2)(B); and (E) for an individual whose date of birth is after December 31, 1969, 57 years of age. (2)(A) For an individual whose date of birth occurs during the 5-year period consisting of calendar years 1948 through 1952, the age in- AMENDMENTS 1986--Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 99-556, 1103(1). insert- ed "except as provided in subsection (f),". Subsec. (c)(4). Pub. L. 99-556, ? 502(b), added par, (4). Subsec. (f)(1). Pub. L. 99-556, 103(2), inserted "(b)(2) or". Errzerivx Dim OF 1986 AMENDMENT Amendment by section 502(b) of Pub. L. 99-556 ap- plicable to a survivor of an employee or member who dies on or after the 180th day after Oct. 27, 1986. and to other survivors upon application, see section 502(c) of Pub. L 99-558, set out as a note under section 8332 of this title. SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section Is referred to in sections 6303, 8401, 8410, 8432, 8442, 8443, 8451 of this title. 8412. Immediate retirement (a) An employee or Member who is separated from the service after attaining the applicable minimum retirement age under subsection (h) and completing 30 years of service is entitled to an annuity. (b) An employee or Member who is separated from the service after becoming 60 years of age and completing 20 years of service is entitled to an annuity. (c) An employee or Member who is separated from the service after becoming 62 years of age and completing 5 years of service is entitled to an annuity. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18 : -