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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/17: LidIII CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9 STA 7:RY TO: (Name, office symbol, room number, Agency ost) building Agency 1. 0 ..-D Initials Date ill 2 2. (.-.1- C / 7 3. 4. itP T '''?? S. ????- / ' /1?. Action AC) -4,64, J vitAt ' and Return Approval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Reply Circulate For Your Information See Me Comment investigate Signature Coordination Justify REMARKS DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions STAT Room No.?Bldg. 4bQDONo. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvjcl-for Release 2013/01/17: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9 FPIAR (41 CFR) 101-11.205 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/17: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9 0,00,d.v. March 9, 1988 e4110-. The Congressional Monitor Page 17 (202) 887-8515 Joint Committees future Listings IHS8 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Joint Economic Cmte will continue hear- on the economic outlook for 1988. Chmn sarbanes (D-Md) 10am 2175 Rayburn Bldg March 9 10am Room TBA March 15 Witnesses schedule& March 9: James A. Baker Ill- Secy of the Trea- sury March 15: Alan Greenspan - Chmn, Federal Re- serve Board 08 REGISTRY 1 10362x - (re Conference Committees Future Listings POLYGRAPH TESTING Conferees will meet on legislation to ban private employers from using lie detector tests to screen job applicants (HR 1212). Time & Room TBA Date TBA House conferees: TBA Senate conferees: Kennedy. Metzenbaum. Matsu- naga, Hatch, Stafford HR 1212 reported by House Education & Labor Cmte July 9, 1987 (H Rpt 100-208) HR 1212 passed House NOV. 4, 1987 S 1904 reported by Senate Labor Cmte Feb. 11, 1988 (S Rpt 100-284) HR 1212 passed Senate March 3, 1988 Senate amended HR 1212 to contain the text 5[S 1904) Senate requested a conference and ap- pointed conferees March 4 RAIL SAFETY Conferees will meet on rail safety legisla- tion (S 1539). Time & Room TBA Date TBA House conferees: Dingell, Thomas A. Luken, Slattery, Lent, and Whittaker Senate conferees: Hollings, Exon, Adams, Dan- forth, and Kast.en S 1.539 reported by Senate Commerce 072IC Sept. I, 1987 (S Rpt 100-1.53) S 1539 passed Senate Nov. .5, 1987 S 1539 passed House Feb. 3, 1987. (The House amended S 1539 to contain the text of HR 37-13, which had passed the House Dec. 115. 1967.) Senate disagreed to the amendments of the House and appointed conferees Feb. 23, nr. REAUTHORIZATION Conferees will meet on the Federal Trade Commission authorization (S 677). 'Time & Room TBA Date TBA borstal, conferees Hollings, Gore, Ford. Breaux. taostforth. Kasten. and McCain %ma* confereess From Energy & Commerce Coat, booss,11. Thomas A Luken, Florio, Lent, & tbOlno baba Coat, for consideraticm of section 13 ttial okrahtowst.yo). committed to cont.: Pepper, Moakley. Derrick, Beilenson, Frost. Quillen, & Taylor S 677 reported by Senate Commerce Cmte March 31 (S Rpt 100-31) S 677 passed Senate April 8 HR 2897 reported by House Energy Cmte August 4 (H Rpt 100-271, Part I) HR 2897 reported by House Public Works Cmte September 23 (H Rpt 100-271. Part II HR 2897 passed House October 7 Proceedings vacated; laid on table S 677 passed House October 7 (S 677 was amended to contain the text of HR 2897) House requested a conference October 15 Senate appointed conferees December 11 CATASTROPHIC HEALTH CARE COVERAGE Conferees will meet on legislation to amend Social Security Act to provide protection against catastrophic medical expenses under Medicare (HR 2470) Time & Room TBA Date TBA House conferees: From Ways & Means Cmte, for consideration of titles I. II, and IV of the House bill and the entire Senate amendment (except for sections 14, 14A. 14B, 14C. 19. 20, and 25), and modifications committed to conference: Reps Rostenkowski, Stark, Donnelly, Duncan & Gradison From Energy & Commerce Cmte, for consideration of title II, III, and IV of the House bill, and the Senate amendment (except for sections 2. 3, 12, and 18(a), and for section 6 of the Senate amend- ment insofar as consideration of such section entails changes in eligibility requirements to par- ticipate in part B of Medicare. and modifications committed to conference: Reps Dingell, Wax- man, Wyden, Lent, and Madigan; except that, for consideration of section 204 of the House bill and section 7 of the Senate amendment, Rep Bilirakis is appointed, vice Rep Madigan Addl conferees from Educ & Labor, for consider- ation of section 21 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conf: Reps Hawkin. Clay, and Jeffords Senate conferees: Bentsen, Baucus, Bradley, Mitchell, Pryor, Dole. Chafee, Heinz & Duren- berger Reported by House Ways & Means Cmte May 22, 1987 (H Rpt 100-105, Pt. I) Reported by House Energy & Commerce Cmte July 1,1987 (H Rpt 100-105. Pt II) Passed House July 22, 1987 Passed Senate, amended, October 27, 1987 House disagreed to Senate amendment, requested a conference and named conferees December 9 Senate appointed conferees February 2 EDUCATION REAUTHORIZATION Conferees will meet on legislation to re- authorize elementary and secondary education programs (HR 5) Time & Room TBA (TENTATIVE) Week of March 14 Senate conferees: Kennedy, Pell. Metzenbaum, Matsunaga. Dodd. Simon, Mikulski, Stafford, Hatch, Quayle, Thurmond & Weicker For title XI (Indian Education Amendments): In- ouye, Melcher, DeConcini, Burdick, Daschle, Ev- ans, Murkovvski & McCain House conferees: Hawkins, Ford of Mich, Kildee, Williams, Martinez, Hayes of Ill, Perkins, Saw- yer, Solarz, Wise, Richardson. Robinson, Visclo- sky, Atkins, Dingell. Swift, Jeffords, Goodling, Petri, Roukema, Gunderson, Bartlett. Fawell. Henry, Grandy, Rinaldo, Bliley, Markey HR 5 reported by House Education & Labor Cmte Max' 15, 1987 (H Rpt 100-95) HR 5 passed House May 21, 1987 HR 5 reported by Senate Labor & Human Resources Cmte November 19, 1987 (no writ- ten report) S 373 reported by Senate Labor & Human Resources Cmte November 19, 1987 (S Rpt 100-222) HR 5 passed Senate December 2 (Senate amended HR 5 to contain the text of S 373, as amended) Senate appointed conferees December 2 House appointed conferees February 9 AIR PASSENGER PROTECTION Conferees will meet on legislation to amend the Federal Aviation Act to establish mini- mum standards relating to air carrier passen- ger services (HR 305]). Time & Room TBA Date TBA House conferees: From Public Works Cmte, for consideration of all matters except section 4(c) of the Senate amend- ment and section 6 of the Senate amendment Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/17: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/17: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9 23 (202) 887-8515 FLOOR ACTION Senate Week of February 29 Monday, February 29: S Res 386 Resolution concerning the Soviet troop with- drawal from Afghanistan passed 77-0 y, March 1 Strictly limit the use of lie detector examina- tions by employers involved in or affecting interstate commerce Short title: Polygraph Protection Act BYRD motion to consider S 1904, agreed to by 74-19 HUMAN RESOURCES CMTE substitute amendment, pending at recess THURMOND amendment 1472 to require health warning on containers of alcoholic bever- ages. withdrawn KENNEDY technical amendment 1474, passed by voice BYRD motion to close debate (cloture) on consideration of S 1904 (vote to occur March 3) [continued March 2] Wednesday, March 2: S 1904 Strictly limit the use of lie detector examina- tions by employers involved in or affecting interstate commerce Short title: Polygraph Protection Act [continued from March 1] HUMAN RESOURCES CMTE substitute amendment, pending at recess BYRD motion to instruct Sergeant at Arms to request attendance of absent senators, agreed to by 67-27 HELMS amendment 1488 to encourage U.S. to end its present violation of the Antibal- listic Missile (ABM) Treaty, withdrawn QUAYLE amendment 1606 to provide ex- emption for preemployment tests for use of controlled substances, agreed to by 96-0 (modi- fied) THURMOND amendment 1607 to provide a restricted exemption for security services, as amended below, agreed to by voice (earlier, KENNEDY motion to table the amendment, rejected by 20-76 NICKLES perfecting amendment 1608 to above THURMOND amendment 1607 to pro- vide a restricted exemption for security services, agreed to by voice BOSCHWITZ amendment 1609 to permit an employer to administer a lie detector test to an employee if the employee requests the test, withdrawn BOSCHWITZ amendment 1610 to permit an employer to administer a lie detector test to an employee if the employee requests the test, tabled by 56-38 GRAMM amendment 1615 to provide a common carrier exemption, tabled by 55-37 COCHRAN substitute amendment 1616 that exempts Defense Dept contractors and certain other employers, tabled by 65-29 COCHRAN amendment 1617 to remove provision establishing qualifications standards for polygraph examiners, rejected by voice GRAMM amendment 1618 to provide for natl security exemptions, agreed to by voice GRAMM amendment 1619 to provide a nuclear power plant exemption, agreed to by voice GRAMM amendment 1620 to provide an exemption for use of polygraph tests adminis- tered in accordance with Defense Dept Directive 5210.48, tabled by 57-35 METZENBAUM amendment 1621 to ex- press opposition of Senate to the proposed $400 million World Bank loan to restructure Mexico's steel industry, agreed to by voice (earlier, DODD motion to table the amendment, rejected by 45-48) [continued March 2] Thursday, March 3: S 1904 Strictly limit the use of lie detector examina- tions by employers involved in or affecting interstate commerce Short title: Polygraph Protection Act [continued from March 2] HUMAN RESOURCES CMTE substitute amendment, agreed to by voice, pg S1802 BYRD motion to close debate (cloture) on consideration of S 1905, agreed to by 77-19 (3/5"5 vote req'd) KENNEDY unanimous consent to strike all after the enacting clause of the House compan- ion bill HR 1212, Employee Polygraph Protec- tion Act, and insert in lieu thereof the text of S 1904, as amended HR 1212, as amended, passed by 69-27 HR 1212 now returns to the House for consideration of the Senate language. S 1904 was indefinitely postponed. S 861 Require ce am ? ? ? por ation Secy regarding certain drivers of motor vehi- cles and motor carriers Short title: Truck and Bus Safety Act passed by voice COMMERCE CMTE substitute amend- ment, agreed to by voice S 861, as amended, passed by voice HR 3689 Designate "H R Gross Post Office Bldg" in Waterloo, Iowa passed by voice HR 3689 is nou cleared for the president. epeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/17: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200200025-9