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CIA-RDP91B00389R000500190002-5 U`pA rILE n iteb 'tateo.'taste MEMORANDUM r I C~ C~ ~~LC l a C ?~r Mr- ~ ee~ is vv,e Ca~~o~t~t~vi~(ew , l aski~e~.f ivt uLA I 1/'t will & eA o F- ((,, ~~ (-jam- wib! b~c `sev~of~cv Ariw Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 II ' ' ' ( 71 MILLER REPORTING CO., INC. 507 C Strect, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 le,,,xt 2 JudXt r~ 10C Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Wright, Mr. Faulk, Mr. Roberts, it is good to have you all here. Mr. Faulk, it is good to see you again, and I should add that somebody had asked me whether we had had an earlier hearing and in the interests of appropriate reflec- tions of freedom of information, when I had mentioned chatting with Mr. Faulk before this was over the weekend in simply a chance encounter.. Mr. Faulk is a dedicated and hard-working public servant and we have known each other for years and I have had the benefit of his expertise as a member of the State Department. going back to an early trip to China to normalization. So I just wanted to hasten to add we did not rehearse testimony before we started. It was more a discussion of the weather than anything else. Mr. Wright, I wonder if I might ask you--and all of the statements will be put in the record and we will go back to that, but just in case we have another vote, you heard Mr. Peek, who is the Editor for the Addison Independent, tell us he was treated as commercial requestor by the CIA. That sort of puts him in the same category as Exxon or Citibank. Was that a right decision? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 vr92 II 92 12 24 MILLER REPORTING CO., IN~.5 507 C Sum, N.E. Wuhington, D.C. 20002 STATEMENT OF A PANEL CONSISTING OF JOHN H. WRIGHT, INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COORDINATOR, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY; RUSSELL M. ROBERTS, DIRECTOR, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS DIVISION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES; AND RICHARD C. FAULK, DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR OPERATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Mr. Wright. It is not really clear at this point. I think that, well, first of all, in many of the FOIA requests we get, many requestors allege that they have journalist connections and we do require a fairly high degree of specificity before we can make that determination. And in the case of Mr. Peek, we do offer administrative appeal rights in the event that the initial determination either denies the fee waiver or the requestor is not satisfied with the initial category determination. At the time that request was serviced, we had relatively little experience with the new provisions of the Reform Act, and my advice to Mr. Peek at this point would be, if he did .not exercise his administrative appeal rights, to do so because in the process of doing that, we do expand the record. There is an exchange of information, and so forth. The request for other fee considerations is looked at more broadly in our organization, and that really is the proper course of action at this point. 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 7J vr93 11 11 19 24 Senator Leahy. Well, let me tell you the statute is fairly clear. It says, "Fees shall be limited to reasonable standard charges for document duplication when records are not sought for commercial use and the request is made by a representative of the news media." Now, a description of a newspaper which has county-wide circulation in a county where there is a well-known college, and one with which your agency has had a long and open relationship, I might add, as has the Foreign Service and others because of the language programs and all--members of the agency give lectures and open-to-the-public forums at Middlebury. Mr. Peek is an editor for that newspaper. I mean, just based on what he has said here today, is there any reason why he has to go through an appeal process? I mean, isn't it pretty much on the face of it that he qualifies as a representative of the news media, or are editors precluded? Mr. Wright. Well, I believe he identified himself in the letterhead as Editor of the Addison Press, and it may not have been entirely clear to our professional officers who processed the case that he was indeed the editor of a newspaper. He did say in his request letter, and I have just had the opportunity to look at it today, that newspaper articles MILLER REPORTING CO., IN would be written based on the information disclosed. And the 507 C Strcct, N.E. J Wuhington. D.C. 20002 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 11 94 24 MILLER REPORTING CO., INN.5 507 C Scrcct, N.E. Washineton. D.C. 2000: only thing I can say at this point is that the initial reaction to that request may have been to not see a connection between him as editor as Addison Press and editor of the newspaper. [Laughter.] Mr. Wright. Based on what has been said today, my guess is that were he to supply us additional information, he might well qualify for a fee waiver, or at least placement in the news media category. The issue of whether he would be entitled to a fee waiver is--that would be considered on other merits. Senator Leahy. Well, I don't think he is going to have any difficulty proving the fact that he is a member of the news media, and if you would like an affidavit from me, I will be happy to do that. I have been both praised and damned by his newspaper, usually with even-handed heavy- handedness. So it is not for any other reason that I say that. But, you know, the thing that bothers me more than anything else is in your letter, or your agency's letter that was written by Mr. Strickland, it says this: "Although you are an editor of the Addison Press, Inc., the information you seek does not meet the regulatory requirement of current events or information that would be of current interest to the general public." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 vr95 I 95 MILLER REPORTING CO., INC Now, that is kind of an outrageous statement, not to put too fine a point on it, isn't it? Mr. Wright. Well, I think you have to look at the information requested, and essentially, as I recall, there were three items in that request. One of those items clearly involved a request for information on the possible conduct of intelligence activities involving representatives from the college. Another of the items asked for information dealing with relationships with individuals associated with Middlebury College, and what we indicated there was that any records which might reflect the existence of a covert relationship, we would neither confirm nor deny the existence of any such records. Senator Leahy. But that is not the point.. It says, "would not be of current interest to the general public.,, Now, any ongoing intelligence activity may be of current interest, and none of us disagree that you have an exemption for that and you neither confirm nor deny, and so on. Mr. Wright. Yes. Senator Leahy. I have no problem with that; I strongly support that. But on his specific request, to say that it could be of current interest to the general public--I mean, isn't this exercising an editorial function that goes way 11 beyond anything that is set out in the law? Washington, D.C. 20002 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 vr96 I 96 18 Mr. Wright. Well, yes, I agree with that, but I would like to, if I could, come back to the nature of the request. In essence, the way that request was treated--and, again, forgive me; I do not have the correspondence in front of me and I am trying to recall this from memory. Senator Leahy. Sure. Mr. Wright. Essentially, a significant portion of that request was denied, and we cited exemptions, named a denying official, and gave Mr. Peek appeal rights. We focus, however, down to what was left, and the remaining portion of the request focused primarily, as I recall--again, I do not have the letter in front of me--on CIA recruiting activities at Middlebury College. The CIA does recruit at colleges and universities throughout the nation; it is a matter of public record. That fact has been made known many times with regard to many colleges and universities. And, again, I come back to the point as to whether the 19 information on the fact that we are, again, recruiting on a 20 college campus in the U.S. would be of public interest or, 21 and I believe we may have stated in the response letter, 22 contribute significantly to an understanding of the operations 23 of the U.S. government. 24 And I think depending on which of those two criteria you MILLER REPORTING CO.,INC.S apply, you might very well come up with a different viewpoint 507 C Sam, N.E. Wuhingcon, D.C. 2002 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 u Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 vr97 11 97 as to whether a fee waiver should be granted. Senator Leahy. Mr. Wright, I might say in that regard, along with one of the administrators of the CIA I went to Middlebury in a public forum. We discussed why it was very appropriate for the CIA to be there. I did this at the request of the Director of the CIA, who was at that time hearing from a number of different schools not only in my State, but in a lot of other States, about why the CIA shouldn't be there recruiting. I felt they had the absolute right to be there recruit- ing, as well as any company would or anything else. But if one agrees or disagrees with it, that is a choice for the student to make. Middlebury had invited in somebody who was strongly opposed to the CIA who spoke one night, or a couple of people did, and then one of the assistant directors of the CIA and myself spoke of why they should be allowed to be there. Again, they are public things. The only reason I mention this is that-it was an overflow crowd each time. Trust me, there was a great deal of public interest, and I suspect there would be today. [The statement of Mr. Wright follows:] MILLER REPORTING CO., INC. 507 C Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 11 1 V V MILLER REPORTING CO., 14L5 507 C Street. N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 background. It takes a long time to get that, and so we do miss some of the hiring opportunities that other agencies have. Given the background and the information that people deal with, they have to have a good clearance, and high-level clearances take time. But we are working on trying to improve the working area of our people, and also their grade levels, and bring in more people. Senator Leahy. Mr. Wright, what about over at the CIA? Is this considered almost--well, in an open session I am not going to mention a couple of the assignments that are considered one step short of Alcatraz. But going into the FOIA part of the CIA probably would not be the most sought after area for a career CIA officer, would it? Mr. Wright. Senator Leahy, actually, some of the FOIA positions are highly coveted. We do have a career track in records management activities and an assignment in the FOIA office would be considered an important tour of duty for an individual on that career track. As far as the review of records for releasability is concerned, the CIA operates on the basis of using its most senior intelligence officers to conduct those reviews. So outside of the main workforce cadre, you do find a very substantial number of intelligence officers, both operations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5 vr109 II 1UJ 24 MILLER REPORTING CO., I. 507 C, Suet, N.E. officers and intelligence analysts, and what have you, involved in the review of records to determine their ultimate releasability. Senator Leahy. So then if somebody gets well trained into handling FOIA, they actually do have a career available to them there. They would not be in a position where they would almost immediately be looking for somewhere else to go? Mr. Wright. Yes, sir, that is correct. It would be in, overall, our records management field. Senator Leahy. Now, Mr. Faulk, in regard to the fee issues, I looked at the form letter that the department sends to requestors to inquire as to their credentials and intent. It seems like there is an awful lot of paperwork here. Most of the initial request letters I have seen have a lot of information, such as a university letterhead or a listing of publications which would help people make waiver determinations. Are you able to categorize how much time is spent on fee determination as compared to actual search and retrieval and review of documents? Mr. Faulk. If you don't mind, Senator, I will turn to my expert on that and ask the question. Senator Leahy. We will get the fee determination expert here. Sir, you understand what I am--. Wuhington, D.C. 20002 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/03: CIA-RDP91 B00389R000500190002-5