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Document Release Date: 
May 14, 2008
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP91B00135R000701310123-5.pdf188.75 KB
1 --- -L-- ---i ~ Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 The Honorable Barry M. Goldwater Chairman, Senate:Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Russell Office Building Washington, D.C:__20510 Dear dir. Chairman:: Attached is the requested impact statement on the Subcommittee's recorrunended cut of 0 positions in the FY-84 budget request .for the Directorate~of Intelligence. .Together with the detailed description. of the specific analyst specialties we are seeking (provided to the The United States has paid a heavy price in recent years for the the budget submission on the. role and importance of the requested positions. :Committee staff earlier) this dociment expands on the explanation in ~, specific as possible. This not only ensures more accurate analysis,.it. are looking principally for military analysts, economists and computer specialists -- not people in the soft sciences. We consider it essential to keep our analysis of the problems I have described as drn~n to earth and. inadequacy of intelligence resources to investigate problems of instability, international economic and finance problems and the Soviet defense industrial complex. Over the last two years this Agency, with the support., of the Senate Select Committee, has been attempting to remedy .these short- comings both in terms of resources and improving the quality of our analysis. As the listing of positions provided to the Committee makes explicit, we also makes it more helpful to_the decisionmaker. The FY-84 Directorate of Intelligence budget submission was developed on~the basis of our view of our .resource needs both now and for the next several years, and~was.influenced considerably by the judgment of the Senate Select Committee itself, which last year assessed our analytical resources as inadequate and even added positions. to our request for more analysts for the Directorate of .Intelligence. I~ir. Casey and I strongly endorse the retest for a positions for the ~2sx1 Directorate of Intelligence and earnestly hope that the Committee will support this request. CIA!s entire program is keyed to our analytical needs which. in turn are based on requirements assigned us by the. President and other members of the National Security Council. We must have the analytical resources to evaluate and analyze the increasing amount of high quality Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 The Honorable Barry Nl. Goldwater Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. information flowing in from our present and projected collection capabilities and to get this analysis into the hands of the decisionmaker. Sincerely, John N. McMahon Acting Di~,ector of Central Intelligence Attachment: As Stated { [A11 Portions of this Letter are Classified SECRET] Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 ~~ ~ 25X1 25X1 RECOPIMENDATION: Delete ew positions for production of political/economic intellige~' cIA corn~NT: 25X1 ew positions would have a devastating impact gn.CIA's efforts to rebuild analytical capabilities lost over the past 20 years (e.g. the Soviet defense industries; Third World data base) and to develop new capabilities The deletion of ', to meet present and future needs of senior decisionmakers (e.g. technology transfer, early these areas. Of the identification of instability of the kind that led to the revolutions in Iran and Nicaragua and e~onomic problems of East Europe and LDCs that impact heavily on the US). This agenda reflects the tasks we have been given by the President, the National Security Council and the Departments of State, Treasury and Commerce. CIA is the only source of analytical support for the US Government in most of positions requested for FY-84, are for analysts. Of these, we seek) economists ~ilitary analysts area specialists/political scientists, and imagery analysts, four of whom are needed for DDO and DDS&T .operations. The other) (positions include ~ specialists to develop and maintain our automated data bases and large economic model positions for the DCI's Technology Transfer Intelligence Committee Staff, an~positions for secretaries, cartographers and other support functions. Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 In sum, the Directorate of Intelligence request for additional personnel focuses on economic and military analyst positions, with computer specialists the next largest group. These are hard requirements in key areas. We hope these break- downs will a11ay~Committee concerns that we seek to add only political scientists and others in the "soft sciences." SECRET . ~ Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 We also understand that the Subcommittee is concerned about whether CIA should be involved in four specific areas of analysis--international finance, Third World instability, civil technology and psychological assessments. .While our FY-84 personnel requests for these four areas together total fewer than a positions out.'of the ^ (and no new positions at all for civil technology or psychological assessments) we take this opportunity to explain the nature of our work in these fields. Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5 Next 13 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Approved For Release 2008/05/14 :CIA-RDP91 B00135R000701310123-5