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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 ADMINISTRATIVE- IWERNAL USE ONLY 9 November 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Organizational Development Branch, OP FROM: Daniel A. Childs, Jr. Director of Finance SUBJECT: 'Change of Service Designation for OIT/Dispersed Office Support *Positions REFERENCE: Memo for D/Fin fr D/OIT dtd 7 Sep 1988; subj: ADP Support to the Office of Finance STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT 1. In conformance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Office of Finance and the Office of Information Technology, the service designation of selected MF positions should be changed as noted below; Systems Accountant D CH GS-15 to MZS Systems Accountant ADP GS-14 to MZS Systems Accountant ADP GS-13 to MZD Systems Accountant ADP GS-13 to MZD Systems Accountant ADP GS-12 to MZD to complete a total staff of six OIT personnel For the record 2 , . as agre Ad to in the Memorandum of Agreement, OIT recently transferred positio Computer Specialist, GS-11, MZD career service, to-the Office j~f Finance/Financial System Division's Staffing Complement. of career action to reflect the change necessa th k . ry e e 3. Please ta Zservice designation for the positions noted in paragraph 1 jbove. Daniel A. cc: D/OIT A MINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 ')MINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONI? OIT-7223-88 7 -SEP 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Finance Edward J. Maloney ' Director of Information Technology SUBJECT: ADP Support to the Office of Finance REFERENCE: OIT 1081-86, dtd 2 January 1987 Subj: ADP Support to DA Offices 1. Attached is a Memorandum of Agreement which, once formalized, will obligate the Office of Information Technology (OIT) to provide decentralized data processing support to the Office of Finance (OF). The terms of this agreement have been discussed among our respective staffs. We propose to establish a Dispersed Office Support (DOS) unit under your management. co-located with your personnel. The DOS unit would provide software development, software maintenance, technical guidance, and office-wide ADP planning to your Office. Providing these activities on a decentralized basis will help ensure that OIT activities are responsive to your priorities. 2. In order to provide you with the proposed service, we will create a DOS unit of six OIT personnel and a number of your personnel who are directly involved in developing and maintaining OF systems. We will, over time, provide six OIT personnel on a rotational basis, and provide career management for the personnel involved. Tasking and day-to-day priorities would be provided by OF managers. 3. OIT cannot by itself staff up to your requirements. Therefore, we request that you provide one of the two slots required, in addition to the four OF slots already provided for OIT personnel. Details of this proposal. can be found in the attached MOA. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 `DMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ON?V STAT STAT' J I /-H I SUBJECT: Decentralized ADP Support for Office of Finance 4., We look forward to working with you in addressing the data processing needs of OF. Chief, Career Management Staff, Development Group, OIT, is responsible or administering this MOA. Please contact with any ,...,,~?.,...e e,,.. -.- W 8 oII STAT Attachment: Memorandum of Agreement C/GMS/DG/OIT/ (1 Sep 88) Distribution: Orig - Addressee (w/att) 2 - D/OIT'(w/att) 3 - OIT/Registry (w/o att) 1 - DG/OIT (w/o att) 1 - CMS/DG (w/o att) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 MINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONI' 1 September 1988 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Between The Offices of Finance and Information Technology for Dispersed Office Support 1. BACKGROUND The Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the Office of Finance (OF) are jointly involved in the development and support of ADP systems whose success is crucial to Agency operations. This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) recognizes the importance of a smooth working relationship between OF and OIT, and establishes the OIT Dispersed Office Support (DOS) concept within OF. The purposes of the DOS program are to provide timely ADP services to OF; to ensure these services are responsive to the priorities of senior OF management; to foster good. communications between system implementors and OF customers; to greatly enhance the implementor's understanding and knowledge of customer activities; and to provide increased customer visibility into the system development and maintenance process. 2. AUTHORITY AND IMPLEMENTATION DATE The approving signatures affixed to this MOA shall constitute its authority. The OIT DOS program shall be constituted and formally begin operations within thirty days of the latest approving signature date. This MOA can be changed with. the approval of both offices and shall remain in effect until formally rescinded by either of the two offices. 3. TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT OIT and OF jointly agree that OIT DOS personnel shall be assigned to the Office of Finance, Financial Systems Division (FSD). The terms of this agreement are as follows: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 'MINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY 3.a. The senior OIT careerist serving in the Office of Finance will be either the Chief or Deputy Chief of the Financial Systems Division, who reports to the Deputy Director for Financial Systems. When vacancies in either position occur, the Director of Finance will consider candidates from both the MF AND MZ career subgroup and select the most appropriate available candidate. Either the Chief or Deputy Chief position will always be filled by an OITcareerist. 3.b. As either the Chief or Deputy Chief of the Financial Systems Division, the senior OIT careerist will be an integral member of the management chain for all financial systems matters and will be able to oversee the performance and tasking of all Division personnel, including OIT careerists assigned to the Division. Each FSD employee's Performance Appraisal Report must have either the primary or reviewing comments written by a manager from that employee's own career service. 3.c. The senior OIT manager's annual performance appraisal report shall be written by appropriate OF management and reviewed by Chief, Development Group (DG), OIT. The Chief, Development Group, OIT will provide comments with respect to adherence to OIT development standards, policies, and practices. 3.d. D/OF shall have the right to interview and approve the individual recommended by OIT for the senior OIT position. The Chief and Deputy Chief, Financial Systems Division (FSD), shall interview and approve all OIT personnel assignments to the Division. 3.e. The senior OIT manager will insure that OIT personnel assigned to Financial Systems Division are represented on the DG/OIT career sub-panel. The senior OIT manager will attend periodic OIT/DG project status meetings and will participate in OF career management forums to the extent desired by OF. 3.f. The OIT DOS personnel within OF, Financial Systems Division will be assigned to six positions, four of which currently exist in the Office of Finance. One of the-two remaining positions will be provided by OF and converted to an MZ position. OIT shall provide the other position. These six MZ positions shall be on the Table of Organization of OF. These positions are listed in Appendixes 1 and 2. Upon termination of this MOA the slots referenced in Appendixes 1 and 2 will revert back to their respective offices. 3.g. The responsibility for maintenance and enhancement of existing OF mainframe projects described in Appendix 3 shall be moved to the BARS/CLAS Project. During the time of BARS/CLAS Initial Operating Capability (IOC), OF and OIT will renegotiate the slots for the additional personnel to be added to the OIT DOS complement in OF, Financial Systems Division. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 IMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLv 3.h. OIT shall be responsible for providing six MZ careerists to the Office of Finance. They will have an appropriate mix of--ADP skills and'experience. OIT personnel shall be assigned for a tour-of duty which is normally two or three years. After the renegotiation of slots and personnel following the BARS/CLAS IOC, the staffing level for the DOS effort shall be reviewed annually by OF and OIT. Mutually agreeable adjustments to the level of effort may be made following the annual review. Should OF desire to increase the number of MZ personnel in the DOS team following the BARS/CLAS IOC renegotiation, it shall provide the required personnel positions and convert them to MZ. 3.i. Office of Finance software development and maintenance of corporate programs and selected field applications will comply with OIT architecture and data handling standards. 3.j. The existing OIT/DG rotational program in OF will be eliminated. As a transitional vehicle, all existing rotational agreements will be honored as part of the DOS program. 3.k. The final decision for work approvals and priorities shall reside with OF. The Chief and Deputy Chief of Financial Systems Division shall be responsible for managing the resources of the Division, including the DOS personnel, to meet OF's priorities and to maximize the responsiveness and quality of ADP services to OF. The Chief and Deputy Chief shall review all requests for work, and shall provide formal estimates for accomplishing the work, along with the recommended alternatives, if any. 3.1. OF shall- be responsible for funding any ADP equipment, software, and contractors required to accomplish the work of the Division. The senior OIT manager shall assist OF in budget formulation by preparing estimates and cost justifications for systems efforts. 3.m. The senior OIT manager will be designated as an alternate ADP Control Officer and will serve as a focal point for identifying and coordinating ADP or communications activities which can reasonably be expected to affect the OIT services network. 4. OF RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to other responsibilities defined in this MOA, OF shall: 4.a. Establish a mechanism for reviewing, screening, selecting, and prioritizing ADP requirements for the Office of Finance. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 "IMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONI? 4.b. Define the functional requirements, participate in reviews and conduct formal acceptance tests for systems deliverables-where appropriate. 4.c. "Fund appropriate ADP training for all personnel assigned to the Division. 4.d. Provide the Division personnel with working space, clerical support, and ready access to an adequate number of computer terminals, personal computers, and printers. For thasimum efficiency the OIT personnel assigned to the Office of Finance shall'be located in Financial Systems Division space. 4.e. Develop and maintain an Office of Finance ADP strategic plan. 4.f. Establish a mechanism for responding to the OF's ADP requests with formal estimates and alternatives. 4.g. Develop, enhance, maintain, and support, both stand-alone and mainframe ADP systems in response to the priorities and requests of OF. 4.h. Perform maintenance and make enhancements as directed by OF to all projects or systems. 4.1. Provide on-site ADP consulting and assistance to Office of Finance . management and personnel. 4.j. Manage the ADP contractor support including software procurement and software-development. 5. OIT/DG CENTRAL SERVICES OIT/DG will continue to centrally: 5.a. Manage the careers for all OIT personnel assigned to the Financial Systems Division. 5.b. Coordinate the Agency's Corporate Data Program. This function will include: Corporate Data planning and the establishment of the Corporate Data architecture; definition and enforcement of standards, procedures, and guidelines for Integrated Database Management System/Relational (IDMS/R) project development; provision of Data Base Administration (DBA) support to IDMS/R project developers; maintenance of the IDMS/R Integrated Data Dictionary; and Corporate project development, as appropriate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 1^MINISTRATIVE'- INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT methodologies. 5.c. Establish and promote system development standards, guidelines, and 5.d. Through a senior technical OIT/DG review panel, ensure that development efforts comply with applicable standards for architecture and development, unless otherwise exempted. 6. OIT CENTRAL SERVICES OIT will continue to centrally define the architecture and install and maintain Agency-wide communications and mainframe computing systems to support the Office of Finance world-wide requirements. 0 9 SEP 1988 STAT Dir "r, Office of Finance 7F SEP 190.0 Director, Office of.Info rm&f1-6n Technology Date ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 'MINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONI- Appendix 1 List of MF positions being converted MZ. STAT GS-15' GS-14 GS-13 GS-13 GS-12 INCUMBENT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R0001 00190007-8 ")MINISTRATIVE-- INTERNAL USE ONL" Appendix 2 List of MZ positions being transferred to the TO of OF. POSITION POSITION GRADE INCUMBENT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8 .)MINISTRATIVE-- INTERNAL USE ON1' Appendix 3 List of existing mainframe projects moved to the BARS/CLAS program of Development Group, OIT CONIF Contract Information System GAS General Accounting System FRS Financial Resource System Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP91 B00060R000100190007-8