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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 1 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (0 pti ona I) Monthly Report -- Swaziland Bureau FROM: Chief, Operations Group EXTENSION NO. DATE February 1988 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. - C/Ops r/ 2. 3. C/EPS illi 6/ 4. DD/FBIS . 1/trattS_ 6. 7. PO/RA 3/013 s/.4. Ohl 4-1 8. SA/CD . ---7 . _ ?a. C/AS 11. C/B&F/AS 12. 13. I 14. C/AG 15. Exec. Reg. FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 7-79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25 : CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 - MEMORANDUM FOR: THROUGH SUBJECT I. GENERAL P.O. Box 199 Mbabane, Swaziland 2 March 1988 FBIS-5807-88 Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Chief, Operations Group Monthly Report--Swaziland Bureau--February 1988 On 29 February, the new Embassy Health Unit opened for business. The unit, which is funded proportionally by all Embassy components, was created in response to the demand for medical services which was more than the Peace Corps nurse could handle. It is staffed by two registered nurses and an administrative assistant and is open to all U.S. personnel during regular business hours for routine medical complaints and tests. II. OPERATIONAL A. Monitorial/Editorial 1. The South African Government took another step against antiapartheid opposition groups in the country on 24 February when it banned or restricted 18 organizations. The affected groups include the United Democratic Front, an umbrella organization including most of the legal extra-parliamentary opposition, and the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the largest labor organization. The orders effectively prohibit the organizations from carrying on any activities other than administrative functions. The move aroused vociferous condemnation and vows of defiance from virtually all opposition to the left of the National Party and from most foreign governments. The main opposition Conservative Party, on the other hand, said the bans did not go far enough. At least four of the affected groups intend to fight the restrictions in court. A large group of religious leaders, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, were arrested and briefly detained when they tried to present a petition protesting the move to President P.W. Botha. 2. An attempted coup against the government of the homeland of Bophuthatswana was quickly thwarted by South African troops on 10 February. In a virtually bloodless assault, RSA forces routed the small group of rebel soldiers and rescued the president, Lucas Mangope. In a show of solidarity, RSA President P.W. Botha, along with the foreign and defense ministers, visited Mangope and pledged full support for the homeland government. 3. On 19 February, a bomb destroyed a bank in the Namibian Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 town of Oshakati, killing 26 people and injuring many more, making it the worst such disaster ever in Namibia. Although the Namibian rebel group SWAPO denied responsibility, RSA aircraft conducted retaliatory attacks on SWAPO training bases in neighboring Angola on 20 and 21 February. 4. After apparently accepting the principle of a total Cuban troop withdrawal from Angola, during talks with Chester Crocker at the end of January, the Angolan Government sought to distance itself from this concession by correcting U.S. "disinformation" on the subject. In a series of communiques and speeches by various officials, including President Dos Santos, the Angolans raised the possibility of direct negotiations with the RSA if that government rejected U.S. mediation. The Angolans continued to insist that any Cuban withdrawal was conditional on the cessation of all support for UNITA and steadfastly refused to consider negotiations with the rebel group. 5. Meanwhile, the fighting around the strategic Angolan town of Cuito Cuanavale intensified. The Angolans claimed a new offensive by 7,000 RSA troops backed by tanks and artillery had been repulsed with heavy losses, including six RSA aircraft. South Africa confirmed that its withdrawal from Angola was slower than anticipated and that "limited offensive action" had been necessary. The South Africans also claimed victory while admitting to the loss on 10 soldiers and 1 aircraft. B. Communications Communications outages of varying lengths on 2, 4, 5, 6-7, 10, 19-20, and 25 February necessitated extensive use of Telex for high-precedence material and numerous refi les of garbled items. III. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel An Afrikaans monitor candidate was placed in processing to fill the remaining vacancy in the African Languages Section. A promising candidate for the vacancy in the Portuguese Section was dropped when it was learned that he had just become a U.S. citizen. Recruitment efforts will now concentrate on South Africa. B. Building and Grounds A new front door lock with an electronic release button at the admin assistant's desk and the duty editor position was installed to provide better bureau access control. Chief, Swaziland bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Swaziland Bureau Production Report for FEBRUARY 1988 1. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES; TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH; 390610 TOTAL NON PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH; 30480 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH; 999 INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE; (minutes or issues per week) III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES; (publishable words per month) CLANDESTINE (Clandestine) Radio Truth in English to Zimbabwe (C.A.imidestinci?) KUP in English to Southern and Central Africa (Clandestine) KUP in French to Southern and Central Africa (Clandestine) KUP in Portuguese to Southern and Central Africa ANGOLA Luanda DomeSfir Rpnrvicim in Portuguese BOTSWANA Gaborone Domestic Service in English Gaborone BOTSWANA DAILY NEWS in English LESOTHO Maseru Domestic Service in English Maseru Domestic Service in seSotho MALAWI Blantyre Domestic Service in English Blantyre DAILY TIMES in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 6255.00 14050.00 114.00 min. min. issues 280' 3:2790 2220 400 0 720 5310 500 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS MOZAMBIQUF Maputo in English to Southern Africa Maputo Domestic Service in 6670 Portuguese 16730 Beira DIARIO DE MOCAMBIQUE in Portuguese 0 Maputo DOMINGO in Portuguese 0 Maputo NOTICIAS in Portuguese 0 Maputo TEMPO in Portuguese 0 NAMIBIA Windhoek DIE REFIM IKFIN in Afrikaans 0 Windhoek DIE SUIDWESTER in Afrikaans 0 Windhoek THE NAMIBIAN in English Windhoek iHE WINDHOEK ADVERTISER in 2560 English 790 SENEGAL Dakar PANA in English Dakar PANA in French SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg International Service in English Johannesburg Domestic Service in Afrikaans Johannesburg Domestic Service in English Johannesburg Television Service in Afrikaans Johannesburg Television Service in English Umtata Capital Radio in English Johannesburg SAPA in English 4960 15:30 22C;1:30 :14/00 7890 10E39121 21570 2930 10494 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 Cape Town CAPE TIMES English Cape Town DIE BURGER in Afrikaans Durban ILANGA in Zulu Johannesburg BEELD in Afrikaans Johannesburg BUSINESS DAY in English Johannesburg CITY PRESS in English Johannesburg DIE VADERLAND in Afrikaans Johannesburg NEW NATION in English Johannesburg RAPPORT in Afrikaans Johannesburg SOWETAN in English Johannesburg SUNDAY TIMES in English Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English Johannesburg THE STAR in English Johannesburg THE SUNDAY STAR in Englfsh Johannesburg THE WEEKLY MAIL in English RSA Editorial Press Review of Afrikaans and English Press 1. n SWAZILAND Mbabane Domestic Service in English Mbabane Domestic Service in siSwati Mbabane Television Service in English Mbabane Television Service in siSwati Mbabane THE SWAZI NEWS in English Mbabane THE SWAZI OBSERVER in English Mbabane THE TIMES OF SWAZILAND in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS . 550 0 330 0 Qj * 730 11960 24 7 0 6360 1.390 2510 2000 7060 1860 11850 36720 0 400 UNION OF.SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Moscow in Afrikaans Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 mimmol Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8 4 Moscow in English to Southern Africa Moscow in Zulu to Southern Africa UNITED KINGDOM London BBC World Service in English ZAMBIA Lusaka Domestic Service in English Lusaka SUNDAY TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English ZIMBABWE , Harare Voice of Namibia in English Harare Domestic Service in English Harare THE FINANCIAL GAZETTF in English Harare THE HERALD in English Harare THE SUNDAY MAIL in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 420 20030 6990 0 14030 0 2290 250 II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400090009-8