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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 ,. ~ ~ ~ y~, ,~ yr gS ~~ ~. MEt~;ORANDUP4 FOR: Deputy Director of Current Production and Analytic Support FROM: John M. R.ay Director of Logistics REFERENCE: ~ Memo for D/L, fr DD/CPAs, dtd 30 Jun 88, Subject: Request to Keep Dictionaries Required for CIA Formal Publishing Stocked in Supply Rooms ]_. The type of dictionary stocked in Agency supply rooms is the standard version used throughout the federal government. As such, they are obtained through the supply system of the General Services Administration. About 130 copies of this standard dictionary are issued each month through Agency supply rooms. 2. Dictionary costs would nearly quadruple if the Office of Logistics were to purchase the requested version in lieu of the standard version. we do not have space available to consider stocking two different versions in our inventory. 3. I believe your requirement can be satisfied through the Publications Procurement Branch, OIR. We have checked with them to be sure that they could handle your needs and their response was affirmative. The Loan and Purchase Request for Books and Periodicals (Form 1395) should be used and forwarded directly to: Publications Procurement Branch Maps and Publications Division, OIR GE-47 Headquarters STAT STAT 0-D/L Distribution: Orig~~ressee ~ - OL Files Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Request to Keep Dictionaries Required for CIA Formal Publishing Stocked in Supply Rooms T'ROM: Room 7 F16 Headquarters TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) AD/CPASjDI ~~ EO/OL OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment fo show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) FORM USE PREVIOUS INTERNAL ,_~, EDITIONS I-1 SE[RET I-I [ONFIDFNTIeI T~ 1C f~ IINrI ecciFlFn Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 -- " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics VIA: Executive Officer, OL STAT FROM: Current ro uction and Analytic Support Deputy Director SUBJECT: Request to Keep Dictionaries Required for CIA Formal Publishing Stocked in Supply Rooms 1. Dictionaries vary, and the one used by the Office of Current Production and Analytic Support for the major CIA publishing effort is the abridged version of Merriam Company's Webster's Third New International Dictionary. This desk-size a ri gment is called Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. It must be consulted by all analysts, editors, anal reviewers. We request that it be available in the Agency supply rooms. (Others, such as Webster's II New Riverside .University Dictionary, cannot be substituted. 2. The principal publishing unit of the Agency is the Directorate of Intelligence, whose Publications Center (in the Office of Current Production and Analytic Support) manages most publishing of the Agency and the National Intelligence Council. This Center's publication guide is based on the Merriam Company dictionary--as is the Government Printing Office Style Manual. Both publication guides are widely used throughout the Agency, and the Agency guide is also a textbook for writing and editing courses on the Office of Training and Education. STAT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 r C U N r' I D E N T I A L Lr S 1 5 JlJ;. 1988 .MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security FROM: John M. Ray Director of Logistics SUBJECT: Transfer of Equipment at No Cost REFERENCE: Memorandum for Comptroller from D/S, dtd 8 Jun 88, Same Subject 25X1 - 1. I ap ize for the delay in responding to your request to transfer IBM Selective typewriters to your office at no -cost.. This delay resulted from our efforts to identify a way to accommodate your request, but regretfully we were unsuccessful. Representatives from OL's Supply d Budget and Fiscal Staff in consultation with of your office reviewed the options available. They determined the best anDroach would be to have your office request an additional (the. cost of these typewriters) in Property Requisitioning Authority from the Comptroller based on the - justification provided in your memorandum. 2. The loss of the monies cited above that would result from a no cost"-issue as you suggested would have a significant negative impact on our rather unique stock replenishment system. The Off.ice.o.f.Logistics (OL) depends upon monies generated from issuing stock to replenish the stock and this office established these typewriters in our, inventory using monies available~to OL for stock replenishment. Regretfully, we cannot afford this sizeable -loss. - 3. Despite our published cutoffs, the Office of Logistics will honor your request for a costed issue until the last day of this Fiscal Year. C O N F I D E N T I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 8 JUN 1888 MEMORANDUM FOR: Comptroller VIA: Director of Logistics FROM: Director of Security SUBJECT: Transfer of Equipment at No Cost 1. Para six contains a recommendation for your 2. In the initial phase of the Plain Text Processing Equipment (PTPE) Program, a number of typewriters and copiers were purchased to facilitate implementation of the Program. The purchase was a joint effort with the Office of Logistics since they had the responsibility for budgeting for this type of equipment at that time. OL's stock funds were utilized to purchase the majority of the typewriters, which are currently in stock Allocation 96. Property Requesting Authority (PRA) is required to withdraw units from this Allocation. Some additional typewriters were purchased with PTPE funds as a direct procurement. This relatively small st was placed in 3. Implementation of the Program overseas entails replacing the existing typewriters on a 1-for-1 basis, i.e., issuing units from Allocation 97, then utilizing the returned equipment for further implementations. (When quantities above a post's existing complement are requested, the applicable DO area Division is required to submit a requisition citing PRA to issue from stock Allocation 96.) This arrangement works well in the case of small posts, except that some returned equipment is in such poor condition that it is scrapped. Equipment in such c nd~ amounts to approximately 20 percent of returned Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 / ('(1TJT:TTIFNTT DT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: Transfer of Equipment at Pto Cost 4. We have implemented, during phase one, mostly small posts that are considered high-threat posts. Now that we have begun to implement some of the larger posts in Europe and the Far East, we are required to issue larger quantities of typewriters from Allocation 97 prior to receiving replacement units. Assuming that the current PTI rate will remain at about 20 percent, we will deplete our Allocation 97 stock within the next eight to 12 months. Compounding the procurement/issue problem is the fact that IBbi has discontinued production of the 5. The majority of Agency typewriters presently in stock were purchased with Office of Logistics Stock funds and placed Selectric typewriter. in Allocation 96. This Allocation resently accounts for a stock of typewriters, including currently on hand and on o from IBDi. Since it is important to implement this security program as expeditiously as possible, the solution to our problem would entail the transfer of a quant-i,ty of typewriters from Allocation 96 to Allocation 97. 6. In view of the foregoing, and in order to facilitate the continued implementation of the PTPE Pro ram, I recommend that you approve the no-cost transfer of ~IBDi Selectric typewriters from stock Allocation 96 t F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/25: CIA-RDP91-009818000100130019-1 ~*