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Approved For Release 2007i027i~C~PG'6~3'-00966R000400220018-3 ~, ~__ Scenario for Discussion With The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The mandates of the Select Committees are all encompassing in their charge to review U.S. intelligence activities. It is our intent to be forthcoming and helpful in getting at all the pertinent facts necessary to Hermit thorough and complete review of U.S. intelligence legal authorities, ove:rsight,organizations, and activities. ,Arrangements are being made to facilitate the work of the.Crnrmittees and develop at the outset an atmosphere of cmperaticm. SE:CURZTY At~my first meeting with Senator Church and Congressman . Nedzi, I ;plan on making the fallowing points with them: (1) Departr~ents and agencies may on occasion find it necessary to request that testimony be given only in executive session, that in some instances testimony be "off-the-record" and that certain testimony be heard on~.y by ;n-embers and ire some cases only by the Chairmean and Vice Chairmen. (2) When c~;.astioned about intelligence matters thr:t ccsme under the pL-trview of another organization, witnesses should be perznitt:ed to state that a response to -the question is not properly within their authority and to respectfully suggest that the appropriate party be callelx to testify on such matters. (3) In some cases, those agencies furnishing dcrtm~ents to the Committees; should be authorized to excise frcxzt those documents, prior to presentation, the mamas of their personnel under rover or whose personal. safety might be ?jeopardized as well as those of other individuals whose ? safety or individual-privacy may be jeopardized by dis- closure. Also excised should be names of sources, operations, .specific details of technical devices and systems maintained in compartmented channels and names of organizations coop- era~ting on a higYLty confidential basis. (4) What iri view of th;~ir susceptibility to foreign countermeasures, details of the technology of the technical ool.lection programs which have been placed under strict TS-206734-75/1 Copy No. Aaaroved Far Release a Tllli CI'.i~U :t~::I [:iGY' ~'~ ~t~0'4t~'b~2~~ 1~~ _.._.. ' ~.. 6 007102/13 :CIA-R?P91-0096 _L_,, y Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 access rules should not be required. If the details are requested, the Chairap..n should adopt the use of the strict security groundrules and comp~tatiun to protect information about these programs and provide access only to those staff personnel with an absolute "neeld.-toPkrbaw: " Z'he departments and agencies responsible for -these programs will be glad to advise and assist in any arraaagements the Chairman would desire. (5) I will also att~npt to secure an agreement with ?the Chairmen of the Select Committees that they will entertain and consider a list of security pr~ciples and guidelines, a.s well as a Secrecy Agre~exzt four staff members, copies of which are attached and will be provided 'them. (fogies of these have already been furnished -to Mr. W.lliam Miller, Staff Director of the Senate Select Ct~iittee and Bill Hogan of the House Select Cca~miittee. } Such agreements have been reached with the President's Omission and the Department of Justice. (6) I will strive for an agreement that the comRUUii.ty par:acipate in an advisory roles. in the saniti.zation of the final Committee reports in both the classified and unclassi- fied versions. DF,'(~RF'.F'G QF DISCLOSURE . In provision of documents and testimony to the Congressional Select Comni.ttees there will be many sensitive areas where careful consideration must be given to 'the degree of disclosure to meet the Committees requirements. In general, arrange.nts will permit a fairly w2de access to the staff investigators, particularly if the CliairmP.n agree on the foregoing security prnvi~sions_ However., in sane instances, disclosure should be made only to the ConBnittee and Staff Directors, in others ,only to Committee members, and in still others only to Chairmen and Vice Chairmen. Since ]both Cam?nittees have subpoena authority and a variety of witnesses rmay be called who have knowledge of sensitive matters; the likelihood is expanded that highly sensitive details will surface_ In illustrating, options along these ar+e: Covext Action 1. General statements admitting the f~ of covert action, including manner of oversight and nature of approval gmcedures could be given in open session. 2 Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 .~ 2. Where questions are raised about specific covert actions, these should be discussed only in closed, classified sessions. Answers should deal_ generally in the nature of the covert actogn without revealing the specifics of the operation such zs names of assets used and specific operational details. Th~_s would be available to members and staff, 3. Where details of operations, funding, etc., are requested, these should be limited to responses to staff investigators' specific questions. Where elaboration or access to raw files for either covert ac~i-inn nr ml l Pr_t-i nn mai-t-~r~ i S ~c^_i fi c-ai ly r~rnle~t-c~3 s w prov~_ e s s. 4. Hopefully, no comprehensive discussion or doc~nnentation of all covert actions or 4QCbmmittee matters will be necessary. Where specific details of cove~:t actions, including names, etc., covered above, are insisted. upon, each case will be the subject of consultation between the Chairman and Vice Chairm=uz and tfie DCI. When appropriate, the President's National Security .Adviser s?riZl also be ccns~lted. Collection of Intelligence 1. 1'he Committees will probably address the matter of haw intelligence activities or methods have or may impinge upon individual rights. Responses should be forthcx~ming under proper security condi- tions so as to help Selec;t Committee staff investi ators asc e facts in a particular ca.~e, 5X1 on a case-by-case basis :;hould be made available under the same general access provided for the President's Commission. 2. General information on the value of products, the contribu- tions of various sources to intelligence estimates, organi?motional details, methods of analysis and substantive review can be provided to Committee members and staff. 3. If regt,ired, information with respect to technic. intelligence systems including crypto7'_ogic and communications activities and recon- naissance capabilities will be provided on a selective basis under Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 appropriate security grouted rules. This information will be kept as generalised as possiblE.. General coimieritary on contractual arrangements, funding anc:. the like can be provide if regdiested. If the investigation of thes~~ systems goes to very specific c1uestions where a general answer is not appropr:late, each request will Piave to be considered on a case-by-case basis so as to protect the collecti?n capability. Where the Prcxtram Manager concerned believes he is over or at the limits of specificity, he should consu:Lt with the Director of Central Intelligence to ensure a consistent approach in the coanrn~nity's answers. 4. Attached is a l:i.sting of Intelligence Comzrnznity activities of particular sensitivity. Each item therein has been graded.. Those with a D designator should not be provided to the Committees as a general rule without consultation between the DCI and the C:onmittee Chairmen and Vice Chairmen. Category C will be provided to the Chair- men, Vice Chairmen, and Staff Directors only. Category B will be provided to the Committee Members and Staff Directors only. Category A will bs provided to Members and Conanittee Staff .in executive session only. Approved Far Release 2007102/13 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113: CIA-RDP91-00966ROOb400220018-3 Intelligence Estimates and Processing Plethodologies In general and under appropriate security provisions, the processing of rats data, their analysis, and the pre- paration and the reporting of finished intelligence will be discussed. Finished intelligence reports and estimates will be made available to the Committees and Staffs. Administrative 1. Information concerning the internal administrative ar~`angeme:nts of intelligence agencies should be made avail- able. 2. In consideration of the private rights of individuals, specific files such as security, personnel, and medical, will be provided to the Committees only in accordance with the standards followed throughout the Executive Branch. 3. Intelligence Budgets A general budget presentation o~ funds employed for intelligence, their location in the appropriations, the size and scope of their distribution to specific programs and tasks, and the audit procedures and documentation employed should be available to staff investigators under appropriate security arrangements and not in open session. However, where specificity of detail will lead investigators into particularly sensitive areas contained in categories on the attached list, thesE matters will have to he treated on a case-by-case basis. With respect to the general overview of U. S. intelligence programs, it would be expected that the DCI be called upon in his community role to provide these details. With respect to specific programs within the community, the DCI and/or other Program Managers shou:Ld be directly responsive. Approved For Release 2007/02113: CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113: CIA-RDP01-00966R00~}400220018-3 .~, The Committees may be particularly concerned -with Executive and Congressional oversight of budget authority. Response to ?these mattex:s should be forthcoming under the general proviso that Congress must set its own ground ru:Les for handling intelli- gencE~ budgets in a secure and responsible manner. .> 4. Internal inspection reports, etc. will be available on a selective case basis and when edited to protect security and privacy . 5. Central records of all material and testimony will be carefully kept by each intelligence a~~ency in a farm accessiblE~ to recall if needed. PROCEDURAL SGEN~IRIO In addition to the foregoing Security and Disclosure issues, there are a number of other considerations on which consistency across th.e Intelligence Community should be maintained. 1. I would propose to ask Senator Church and Congress- man Nedzi to have their Staff Directors or Counsel meet with DCI Staff and Counsel. to develop a clear outline of Committee procedures. Such outline would help the community to organize itself to be responsive to the Committee require- ments and where those requirements are unacceptably or insufficient, provide the DCI and the community opportunity to negotiate a common understanding, e.g., on handling of specific subject matter; procedures for witnesses and their legal involvement; access ground rules f'or investigating staff to the files, physic~cl facilities and overseas field installa- tions; and understandings about the availability of informa- tion provided the Select Committees to other Congressional .Staff, Justice Department, state or local officials. 2. Determination of the physical location of files in the thought that some common ground can be reached between the House and Senate to minimize adrnini~>trative duplication and to focus staff investigators in a coordinated fashion. In this context, a central entry Foint into each intelligence organization should be identified and coordination of these entry points with thy: DCI's ?task force where appropriate. Approved Far Release 2007102!13 : CIA-RDP91-OQ966R000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113: CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 ~r.. This arrangement is not designed to restrict access but rather to channel it for constructive response and unless negotiated carefully and at the outset could be misunder- stood. Consideration may be given to offering a common building at 2430 E Street, N.W., where Intelligence Community files, etc,., needed by the community can be centrally located for use by House and Senate Committee staffs. 3. Guidance to employees needs to be addressed i:~ terms of their relationship to the Select Committees and their respective agencies and .in the light of their individual rights. There is a responsibility to inform employees of their Constitutional rights. It is important that agencies do so and that the Chairmen of the Select Committees or the public fully understand that such advisories are in no way intendE,d to impede the investigation. Where employeesc wish to proceed directly to the Committees without reference: to their s-~apervisors, this action. is open to them, and they will be so advised. G+Te need to assure that the Committees' procedures are understood by employees, and that they understand their right to counsel. We want to seek agreement: on the manner and procedures by E~hich Committee - Staffs will advise witnesses and in~ervie~~ees o.f their rights. Also we need understandings that employees will be allowed access to fi:Les in preparation for appearances before the Committee: and especially those already provided the Committees. The matter of ex-emplayees must also be addressed. Approved Far Release 2007102113: CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved For Release 2007/02113 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3 Approved Far Release 2007102/13 :CIA-RDP91-009668000400220018-3