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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE )1\i aLLGC Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Is ea Interview by Seeseh Seephvi and puhliehei is Indian weekly' Whieh repelarly tellews the Neeese OssensefiVille, stated emeeg other this.: - *If they'd lynched the little ehildren at Little Seek, Alpo people vould have does 411 they esuld.everythinsk* *....It hes bees very ted.rall along the ley. flow killed Loc aillioe it my people, triaging thee frau Ames et armee lo build the prosperity of the Stilted States end the Snot 1401174, ANSmot la, 1,38) Telegram free teal Sebeees; Lemke, to WC, .M? ilmema Warmest greetings te pee all. Deeply diseppeinted le Odle this historic conferees". Preview' end umbeeehmble eenalmmate -told es here. Soon however hope to greet you es the sell at ey "oloved Africa. NY vire Wends viii br1ne. yea ay sheerest ani ,otartfelt wishes far a11 4400444 In your 4e1iberathee end pleas far glorious future of the Afriese peoples. All WY 'Mite (The Worker, Ihre Inrk, January 18, 1959) La intervilm jrinted in a British newspaper? Belbossoa stated tJZ thin41- myself old and firm friend af the Soviet people.' iairver tO oneetion Nbat's the .r.tsfl eappliewnt toes laidad, Alobsiton replied ("WhenI reeetessi two ;rime 4f humanity-4 prize from World Pollee Oasnail and -Artze frls *be 3ow1et ftetlAtid, icryftwer lb, 1958) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 A:r. 44 iltorTlint Carrili in R4a4i4rlirt newspaper he said: vas ,x'soner in sv owa country for Lea years. They did ae 314 of that, country; they prevented ee tram jImatiag With iler, of the turopean, peat* aoreasnt....Bov I arrived here -1,--(p.Qt?ctij, only for a brief period, but I will nom hack **trct imbek for st frw NIurs? in the fall for few dem aad la the blr"..Q0, for 4 4-5 Week nowort tour. I will CO= hack despite the Lnst 'my passport $ays /Not valid for ihingary.' Thi.paseport 1. sLso not valid for the Chissee People's Xepuhlie, Alm I GM boins ; v111 be hers often, and by March r win visit chum. it is 4ot4ation to spend 6 months of the year In the onataltat on/MP )31 1i from now on. alrlep, Budapest, August 21, 1959) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 ULANDA ACUSON ,t'tarr1eV with Ws. lobos," ;elated t%llowing information sonosaming the AAPC Apar Loan Di& .t0 Scuttle Coslerseee One-eurious aspect of the .*fsrSit Vt. t interest it by the Americana. There van Aneriaan Wit** thus any other country. Tlaey forma a group of *ore Ora sa observers SCSI 11111 triteralla 410.6.111416?40ail lath not mare five a six ;heroes among tiSsai Temy were, in Zilaada's allaRiGIN ODOM the U.S. State Department, . They took it nioa American foreign policy anal on every issues they Atrican line. They tried to pt 112 re001U ViOlatiele, a so-called upadUal appreskih* towards ported a weary rxel ant14130:10ah poup.? t Nasser sal raruneh against each Armories& Napo ant Afrioaa, ,she "the question of Africa te Oise at ixamstaliiii 4 Ia. Ube' Arsarican Negro too is held in a colonial position. "Zta salas;? t: )..-1 in Uric* ie bound to haws repercussions in AserisC'Illas Issoller -%e Ohara Delegation to the United. Sttiona had to his neldlaa Mt his country's indopendeone would actively help the Aaeri. .*farross ? Cr people ars very COOSCI.Otai of tbos relationship Ma liUmber or thee are pouring into Ghanat vOxk. - 'Mew ef our people le Sew York crowd into public nenonee-it- e :,--Aet to sea the ArricIED delegates sitting there On equal !.th the Wats nations. Preci American Whites are Ileing affonted. -Y la:. 10t behe-e, towards Negroe* tbey used, to 1).01%130 thilry , 11 It is an Ashassadar or a hall porter they are 4 .,,B1173, Bombay, Decanter 27, 1958) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 in sha artielde by Zslamas Isbsscia $lates& is ME? Abe talosisi statements, smog" others, wore emitei "...Um 'Oita wasters Islimailla libegas are the otallid &Drays hays bon. G000yora tit OlintostW Ahoy boo the vorla's people 'by ofrogiarai proteadiait aolt iseistdai; they sera the majority salt lbe sila Matt tilliitere the worlit. "Today, with the protossi ilissess LS the lir.teststial_ vorla from blest to East* *its eirestsis oslocisa kPSSi clearly sees is focus as the Mak emit poserfial emit INin ,00111 aincrity la the IPOna, .sait thay veal& Go sioll 10-4160o? tial3r, as Us misarity. taw aro Oamoithlo be..44, Nay flat themselves well treobsto immooratioally; to a Rare dismoorotiooLty thas they, 'riding bish and madmostaillin is Minority treated the peoples st. Africa sal Asia*.I. 01_11,1j Ilkelbsky, O Jamiary 1959) Approved For Release 2001163/07: CIA-RDP91:00?651R00050012001-6-- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 1Iits16 (1959) 'WM pabilibrit ?tq' lastitutie of aositsinit tortifges AOC bis it:. Robettoa. AU the loiters Ws* Id4017 to liacot polio of aos.vialapori? Approved For Release 2001/03/07 ::CIA-RDP91-00965R0 5001 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 SI StSUM, AMA SO Aaletraat;:to intarvitional lasearetaeding that X telt th. met be ehallasoki... As a vatic or tact, X latigh at Dalleeuonang.. Aa a.laver or peace, I babe his 'worola.??ft aaa whose thomillts are tem* lot deal arts1t.1141airSOS.,Sat Nemaaeatfaatabet deem satth. OvIS incer7gliamwile lattnimma tat tiatetn6444 vl* ulty plizatag **twit totw tabu Ike pest "slimed* drive ar ab? P0014, ileA that Us weeder et * Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R0005001201:116-6 If Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 11014419:11_ ifellart .ftvikS the road to peace and az* avalingduwi hay. th.thaugbthd all the idea Itii4 D eat Sian for peace and that they ar power at their cornmand....We are y to s progress of the Soviet people in moving to the forafroat prtureaa. Zach day that the Soviet satellites revolve and great Seven Year Plan movie to fulfillment, we know that the growth Ctt abundance aa4 *At 440141C.P2VecrientakgMAPAY, Triell.? We are 'teeing the consolidation of peace for the whole world..., al At the Stockholm May 1959 meeting of th?WPCg la* We are happy to tell you that we are the largest dale- t Lon here since the Second World Peace Congress in Wareaer r! 2.950, We who are kers awl* never stopped fighting for peace cAroughouf the Cold War although olost of tts were prevented fri.rn attendIng the seesions of the race moven:tont...? ? the greates Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R0005062 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 0,tfrAli trIOYIErnsht of all time... for year s we kit ve watched the '44s r 1.4)rcas dr I Vika back sinhi and 'again by tho poopla. Fora., rit,j.. ainotig thaskatoopla who hay* taken this pesitittno ?f c's-.4,-**, are the resoluta aid con sous, plittflalk air a* USSR .- mitt ?4tith , nkE 4*-S, Tittea If tl:ta: 1 ritiit i liiifitiali t. RAO I' aiii LIU, 1 s *- ' -'11110" the ii 5 4 re- - t9;11, 171-4 ' ,47 4, * * . pi ' - ' lire PPY *,...1w," .14.1_,..?C.*141 7.114 $hellisR, . ittr.,.d tha i reiit people* er Odra . Lail la e ,Al. it Ca AAA dm many riationi represented b.r*. This paaiga a Ainaiiii iis ill yfaXiajali tAnA ' . Osgtrtnie.g to move forward:? Thai ATnerrAcilift'ye4/1411!ILVII raising their voices in a cisai dm:lig-61d tor 'an -tied to Wit eqsat Of atomic war,.. to banish the spect.10- Of thil'...4elialyalliCitrt 44%4 ihAt hang* ovat that: cities aast atilkaally by Jay and by ,algibt drops down tho cloasily polnotious 1.1-rwatiurn 99 aponOut, .1141,40* 44 their ' sleeping children... ? On so ly profoional militarists and hate- - .. 4 mongers shoutsratit" mina rattle Was!! ni44 ?no one &mous 1144, . ?Pan** truPParta them? ? 0 ?Wren ems& atomic nsataLtoo art ,forant . to couch attar propaga:ndn In torrns at so1f.d4efonso,? Now awl stronger forcos aro *Ow arising to spook out for plikaCf a-t4I to warn. the conarnon roan dint It* mut take his stand kgalust this , --ttomic da ng or that thrsabiras. ? . the 11y** hf all rnaekbuls 4. the e,-ti rag ma is active work a a very smell poaco group *kat hare Ln the forefront of the 1igh4t for years Is now bearing frit.. ?, . ilea rti ,Jur great Arrterlcan.. Dr. DuBois... thts great scholar.** 4 it 4 arreated for peace activities, irapr,soned,.brou,ght into W s 14 ' ; rt g t rs , - , P. C. in chains. thug Inlid, be.4A.1141U trAAN manacled r le.on.,.!t was his tali), A. d :lie falth of those of ik! ocid htrn and the people of the world who rallied to . . . ?,,,rt 'hat n-Lane kt pt)ssible lot ,a ii orriere and take 11.galn ...,re Ole peopie of tf,r ,he rdi,s. H4 rii.o Ws( Ow, MA ' 10, 1.'-c,11 ? 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6 MIlanai At tookholi ere swum In asti959?-bi" mI hail thte iseettag se a aaahrestatisa et the sod strength of the iheelAilereahat for Isale...J21114aa the worIA rojoot the Vier thikt sisserIssiss's SAW. longer tolerate the herbarome $al *saw& Ontrilie Mist of var ash the threat 0 total aaaibilatide ere OW being born. It he egriese that j solfotk riff the shackles of the 1004,4,40001 Ork cling to the theology 0 deepairi mire/ loos are too ionolutial is sr assatryi istt out in sal other saiustries, Vie ta0 4LIKPOSIDS the hollow pistitallo, of Voss Wiwi Wisibmrs; grebes erablaisee the tetallith Or bops Over far* over the yeet.i#0* ? OWL. Approved For Release 2001103/07-":-C1A:RDP9 Approved ForRelease2001/031Crr7CIA-RDP91-009-65R0005001'20-016-r- 4 haurieegysto BA.1212111ess disadsied trait his ptisiti. fo-lor at Boston University after helinvoked the filth reply tv questions. oonentafthis COmosinist fiossehategOiie : bofore a Conpreseional investigating conattae4 tIcluded in 4 group publialy identified by the Att $I1r 34 bor 19531 as having ',leen limked with. croup 10 people Alb- data in whioh the Soviets 'more intorestede*' 2P November lq53 HALPEN1N and his wife dad free the-United Slates' ?-iatered Mexico at Nuevo Laredo on the-besis of touriet eerd cool for - Hs ?Ass the bearer of Unitad States passport 146 210744. T4c7, sh1-^rtriotione on the ,Tritsting of United !Mateo passports ?tih:171r47 2.1rrtaliSt .vere in effect, ULLPERIN, vbo _ Alfred E. tai Martha Lid(' STERN vas the go bo- A ' ALiapert 3 hrt*Ifirsi *stint Mariam Alter Mission on 20 July 1957, HALARIa reaeived rs. ? ,xpmiled from -r co, Meanwhile, restrictions s ; %at/. i :161 ssucTrta +-a U.d.dls having Oixemsnist aiLLPS.R11:: 2or and was issued Milted vrt LI:A771 At Maxi.** City on 26 August 19581. Aocoupanied :led Anzio? via Kill airline& on 13 Cotober 1958 end , kionoows Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000500120016-6