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Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000400320003-9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000400320003-9 THE NATIONAL GUARDIAN-FP-IL U APRIL 13 1959 Approved For RgigazP 2gnry:10/16 : CIA RDPOt 00.3C4Ik000400320003-9 SPIES, BALLOONS, AGENTS, 'CAMERAS AND SABOTAGE, INC.41. ? ? ?? Why the CIA is called ? f-????? - ? ? ? 'Second a/ three ankles). . By Frank ItellaMY - ? ? tLD ? 9- t 7?Of Dirt)r .T s. S EN. RICHARD RINERIILL to. be let hi On some aaPects the little- known top-secret Central. inielligence Agency. ono Wet that tir lam* ahIlls the marrow of is man to bear *hag some CIA agents are .dotaa. The Senator, not rine to give emit and comfort to the critics. of Amaican for- r ? ? polici-any more than to 'attics of ; segregation-was. If Anything. understat-f Ing the case. .. ? ' The late Alktherly Wier ?, Washington i correspondent for dip N.T. Those and an. of the first to dab the CIA the "Delmer y ment of Dirty Tricks." wrote (June 7.1,- 1954): *711e seastqntellIgenee operatian . . ? involves more than the awe ool- lection of information: encenspesess action against enemy aganti.end_heollla activities that may nate Meet ealoptairel to asaaseination.." In an earlier allele (April. INV Mr' Nation's Basiseee. lieetera was more 'ape- it.; ep ? ? - " CIA saw to it _that-ea& rebel was equip- 1. pod "wIth a burp- pm a pistol and ? a machete i THE ItHQUI/EXENTS: irk addition to . -eoghter-resalutionary activities. the CIA midi other peoples mall. Harvard 80- _ Alai Oisnthar Harry Howe Ransorci said ? hie Chslatlan Selves* limiter article (Dec: 1. pan that "the. American ? ;?? one of the privileged few in Cpagreana - soverninara el Gaston I. .:.621101K . a "Varlet eodi mock-? ? in,. *de breaking. and electronic *Um= caption of the eatuntaneations of other ? ? governs:lents." CIA is the only government aegis! to main erei7. sliPlieent for a Job. even the loved-paid staiegrapher. to- take Me &tester test,. Amore* to netrapetoir -.accounts. may Muddle. maim* Of ev- ? 'ery get *mob Os Tied aseurttiii- eheete. And seecirdIng Ininialn. title. CIA *dee itIKI iteisdburo. 011111, ALLEM.DOLUIS ; *Mtn" "tog Qt.' Aga gu into the 'learn to blew nd Widish MONA %rains asevoq..ope. "chill the Irrolet;-i--4 Icloalreand.clagger ? brischi. *Idris their all types .of weapons: balk MS. and tog- ? t rods ...tilos: niek, mei number cit native - a .461111 aisgaset * Creel and 'war Plante. Wadi bre *Nibs to ups -pararsasity !moieties Is *MO *eds.. ? 01314* lalephone by Joadligtamt sign." ' Nothing in the mood in read" Feasre Aga Rini maddens, _ II tchttitilratlithiPags7 'indiciado that Airiarieli?a secret Wien heal . land Runikha found a . - _woo grown more gentlemanly. Llirty. &lakes C tin hied duir o?thh.d of a Ingo thy mistier% rknalEllielfer Mid in las.KY? wirid" it would 'appear, remehtthe steak prtpads. r Botha to too - telephone and?tehterhojelegraraiLlies' (Oct. Mk: 195g) rhar I surrs-szcarr: The trouble ' is that !' Ames thers. the Russians ebYeed Weet-i"Amesi"...knatursoss' ?Ilf?oitoorittere frPtaiii Lbe Let alt I 'CIA operations are so cloaked in baccreals era reporters how the tunnel led'directlichimPs?, ? ."--.... ? ? -- ? ' ? that few know who CIA agents Vire ? or .:. lorrartf.-A U$. sentry-gusrdst 13:walls:woo. lowest morels. i_the _Personnel .,it how they operate. Pew. know how and : Vat 650 yards ow theWestern aide of thir'daillMilt blallinalt Up w the idb:1 . ? .. where the CIA spends its hundreds . of : ?border. ... . . To illustrate his point. Deindcaier. WM ' millions-of dollars a year--or even hair : ' Deana ef Cm nith_cr, - in Iran and GUateuiala came r..t hi .,1E.ii.ast Or* rosily ?on a spying mission. He government -...,-kials have .s.cceas to its .. series of three articles in the &startle; "'`gui,rill hnit.liVf perfectly-"except for ? reix)rts. ; - Irseatiag Post in 1954. The author- Rich-i ?1:61,1":,,nge; `-'-`ril, his three4"k swing ' Some ides of its size Is given. however. ; tut and' Gladys Her= . had ? t si o, -a- Germany, he had failed to re- in the fact, that it now occupies 30-odd ? yeez.in Nivashington where they tirtdeuh.- incite ifki Went Point class ring."' buildings in Washington. maintains 26 1 . ? testi, Interviewed to CIA officials: Thei7. woo '..rtf CV AIL: To compensate for ? domestic offices across the country .on a tub, mete it apparent ;Alai: 24-1..,11r basis, i.iid finances ;:iinurnbered . . the shoititte of native specialist), in in- del,-)ve r ba nnes around tne -globe. - ? Da 1953 the CIA helped en2ineer tna trigi-g? the .IleelleY leans heavily on ex- ur.l . ? ?'.....,9-?.--.cs fig how many persons work', overthrow of Prime Minister Molinnimed Nath ...i4exilea from Eastevil Europe for ir:1?. suem... range all the way from i ' Mossadegh's government. The row, and il.e lioviet Union. The CIA supra:Los !4 ono ? . .',0 qiNt A -onserv:itive auess Is] hatched by ..Allen Dulles and athcrs ail ITIAilY of these refugee' with. Chtinte_ _ uilsit . , -,...111-t:nie Americans, plus ?-? ? thou-the Swiss Alps, enabled the Aris.lo-,.8.1!--.; intriT'. - lints: amrtitillitlOh. tOried.ocu- . . 14.? ? minas of foreisn.b jorn petsounel. smile an ou Co., a client of- the l)uiles ki:ota.: in5.:1., arid even, lo some cases, explosives. full-time Ortt most working' on a free- f - ers' former law firm of Sullivan as Clots!. They laeadil WWII Europe as terrorists lance, "piece work" basis. Estimates on .veil, to collect some $1 billion.in.intif:ni_. hill Ap.1.88. and their identities and dirty CIA spending range up to and above nity for nationalization. . . tr.ttit remain unheralded unless-as not /500,000,000 a tear. - ' illetsp.:.7:itti?ne?.77--thiy are ? *gilt . ' ? In 1954 the CIA helped arm an:1 , .? Ono. maim!: ? ? " ? ' '" The oiseney's 321,000,a-year. pipe- ,. rect a rebel invasion from .HL.:sc.;..a i . jiver a law passed in 4949 (the late smoking directOr, Allen Welah Dulles. is i._ whigke_o_lospipxy_._ t?Ag. _ ii nuc / v1.9.,4?itreantorkto was the tom objector) j,-?ponsible only ,o the National SecuritY ? ,-... '? . even directly. to his older brotiin John r . Cloak and Dagger. Iree eutceprise.drivision, I In. ? co.nneit ancl President Elseithower-nos , . . . . Fostpr, and especially not to the !Antlers ; T RIC 13.13. GOVERNMENT isn't alone in tiie. gieek-and?dagger laminae. A private whose money he spends. I spy group with the innocent women.. nsA-s Int*Dational Berrien Of Infer- ? I tuition Foundation brags that It aulintairs rttitaict with *loathe around the world .NON-TALKATIVE: And ? Allen. Mlles t and With underground groups behind the Iron Ilktisin. 'e a Polish ?Maw ?te fly t01190141041VdtibbrSpe 200Z1 1112P'" usually cioes no ..oak -and-dagger operations miens I a Bo 191l4rie fightentrItMlittaltdsartared in 13altimore. its -.)cialist world-either to brag of its Preettlient le retired Colonel- VIlue L &Pete, Aglow former chief of the Eastern --(?(:"&ges atiologize be its lathing. 4 European divialon of the Mice at /Street' Pieties. Last February Amon addressed 5R000400320003-9 ? BORING 'MGM the Rossini tooll41k ISOM . ? ? ? ? ???? - ? a. Pellt 114M MIMS ter MAIO '1111111111?111?01611?1114 104 46 be .4111110sisini- Inagiasgat" Thee AWL CRAW Itipollat 1111101i Of ilime o'rigasii.ai 1St atlidOiere 213 ? INCIFASON/1 -11100.10117111100.21.1%4/10000,111r4 sad Mete sad rated the los rine pastenttisr roam Ai .1rigioll. Noe in Vie mai ereinairtliebill die 1111111V,?1 ? I IbilL7? NIT. Tiaras Warm Mw Olio Web were, save* hi rest : lirolip.illhay 11) that Os A. Getaway_ in 913 with plane to blast la* dial with giallo:table alpinists's sod poems cd doubtful wreak. with.. boom Conunissists and with 'doable Wane at uncertain loyalty. U naturanY ' 141111.61, among US Many able ma, some, lib int !tdualu, others who are Nam- wives attracted by the meingenhenla imensw aid quite e number who ams aid tlie ride." - EMU% GIL7482ALI One ot 4IS mad oppoomago of those characters is gess-, maw widget aigtoitTAntibr hard Gatden. A lieutenant general re tbe'r WOO eid eleeminete t of fl. .Aran7 in World War 11,..aeblei dabs. lin lief lba mast *0?010 it Id oasts Ind siltilde MOD 1111* ape dhatded KW espionage on ths ? . trot . 11411 he turned over Mit to WI. !Williams. ?Mon Mee than Iteviduable" Mime ^ .1Ws 41. IOW). Bald Thin t vese tkinvrwte Washiasepiti reeeirsel.te Osrmamy with the sew. ptivi dagspaaplia-that he would reboil We tapepplocie apparatus and set ft le the VA sad Wailers 0to11.111 tiering at the aki WO. Se PM mains ad 6 r . Approved For Ref Mad a MU Oen. aaisai le -Allier- = and *sunlit- poisons. apprelia, beim Paseo And on. ? Wartilordsgraas - gabled that Gab. heir bad a band In lieedidillat against .. ? *am Govern.. appointed: President at' fiat far tram Dubs. its Peareal