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On the Pos&LbLILty at Autoo&xL* to tutwoWLELe wbokat cro"ems by N. V. urbiA. NMI"# pW,, Dc& Ak No* an$ usip Vol 1831 No Is ftw 19689 pp 205-207. CR /)/ ~/ Jan 71 liftoeboadvLal Stmctraft to OW148 of VybCL4 COM Obt&Lnad by CmSLQg St*CLI* LLow wLth IP*rtLILty- R"torLag Us"o by X. V. lbrunt USSUMO per$ Dak goa- in, Blol ScLo Val 182, ft 39 Sept 1968p pp 609-700o CB 5// -~/- J&D 71 Karyolosic stww ot varistLan in asmuc afte"m ot Ascites LymooLd L*WL~NU NKAq Nall Populations Induced by Sploac lqupbocytes tam Tomr-B"rLag XLeat by No V. TU$La; 0. V. Kraskovakiyo WSSLAN, per, Dok A fpk 8SSR* lal 188s go 29 069, pp 4%~Jf-- CS \\A, May 7G *4jmploLdy Le rial7plold SeW ftet ftpul&tL*=* by 0, V, Turbint V, Ye. Bormotov. iVJWW9 part Dak Ak ible SM, Vol 1880 No 60 1969t pp 1381-9 ca MW 70 \,~ . ~ , -~ Cho*Aa at MM&UmRtdL- 7 9**w ve ~j ad mbbu Amtyp bry 3- V, TatIN U A9 UWUtOftNW ad "I V- UBBR Sa400A hp Sept 65 V- 9350TI Pattern gecopitLon, by 1. T. TuvbovLch. 322 pp. RUSSIM9 bkg 02gusuiZ! Okor#sov 19689 pp 1-228. AluArM/W-23-415-69 - I- ---~ -J-. /. Iva-bovic~ Se i-al ec Sep 7-3 One *tbod for Coag"tely Dm~IM one. 61 Dlmensloml Pattarw Py a Set of SImple FmWtIOWo by 1. T- ft*OVLCh and 0. A. Petrovo 7 pp-, RMLISP ParLO MENLU zemin PftvdwU bmnamalgip 1965p pp. 25-e9. Jm 35475 1'i Y j~m 66 3Dlt735 optima Raw of Patton "Cogutioa fm MaNdly CAM"tod chanctesistics by I, To Tabovick, itussim* rpts, 2=ft~je Obmov LOMLO Pecodacki info PP *M UT 23-96247 Pleef sci-B414 Jim 67 /00 Inam"Od TroU Speaft Msmmdo by Ch. Turbutl% 6 pp. iauwiu* pwo alga& caum hadb suchmsto NOW 19691, pp 5Z5-W. JMS 498W ex - SOIQ*Gho ime CIV & Iftr sw Fab 70 402*076 A* A0004mm at to ftstw muce 93t tza I . &mM,, by aM AAW =I pwma uvopo4 26 w* COWAIFAM go am SIVW4 uor$ mmusadir 912"o SD 3v J= ILO, -Ds;wo* - JPW WD St Po-vd so-coch am am 66 3MOO37 lj-~ sol"Am go*" owt (9 Cestriwti=2 to the Applicatift of SUAImIty NpOods to * LiVd&hwl Rocket b9i"o OY Co TW6MI4 pp XNA TT P6109NI Jul 0 GOVEONMElff we ONLY lotloo- afto ~ Ad* , , ~ ......... ftetlw# IWI - V~. lboomm IL as I I I'm Mo vu low A%4m&lbmm a ME-fiff- --WA=Waf VIbmUoml fttwm m R-t - -1-0 - or Asr sekdod the It= or a C Wwwa Riftk %we* 2w L. 1. Uffebak MONI Dws - - R -aim affisom ZwLdkowu 10-016 ~;74rlzas vp ra-me Dept at ftry IM Tf~ No Mg Jts 69 3%*3W elr zt CtL iu, Rennomic Incentivea ror tae Davalavtjmt of Pv>ductim in Practice in tbe Work or TbzU10,11 Entarprlzes,, by As A* Tlurcbminavs ~ pps. RML43, per, tillmn REXq8Iuew)kstl M) 6,, jum 1966, pp. 1-4. JPM -;$7445 UWR Sc= Sept U, 31pificaum of Private Fom felots Pow1bods by A. Twvhaninovs 13 pp. Kiev* NO a 1969# pp 66-71. Jfhs 49651 Jan 70 399#471 Applicetion of tegerxim Transforus to an InvestigEtion of Plate filestoplastic Waves of a Load.. by Turchenko., V. Ya. 11 pp. SUSSSIANS -per,, SamoletEWnkUl TeXhniks VOzdu!bRRSO Flotix No 13,, Iftbo PR 70-T6. AIJR/M/NT-24-280-~q 70 W-Y gr,,,? (f ~- , / Ire Fatty Acid Composition of the Lipids in Organs of the Rat at Different Ages, by E. Turchetto. GERMAN, per, Nutr Dieta. No 11, 1969, pp 23-33. ATS-1522-GJ April 72 calculating the Difformt1ol Class Soctiod of slow tuutrmq by lamoulatics kith Respect to 112,1 Tluos'by V,F, TurcIdue UMSIM, rpt, state comittoo an tbo U" of AMAC r=rgy 01. g MSEMAM. W65o UP-154Ws, "1101906 Abl; Wit BLOW NcutrwBp bF To 7- ftr4du- 31* PP- XUKM* Us laul hvpm for Scleotlflc um armana# 3,901 * 0 UL V, F Tor i2,A) ,Yi sel-N &L Air 66 9AM 1-PST-- A / / 0 The Language MAL And Its Us* for Transfoming' Algebraic E2pressioust by V. Ph. Turchtn, V. 1. Serdobolsky. RUSSIAN,, per$ Kibernetikap No 3, 1969, pp 58-62. FM HT Special 248-70 Sep 70 ~~,Jitmres ftomm PloW Trand 33 Slcbodan lvrcinovla, 39 PPs perp kalv%dep '00 9.10* sept--uct 1968,, pp 501*=* als 46954 T S L u r~ e i r0 c, A:f.;~rw kom L~Qc 68 3n.9696 a* v"I"Mt ma paotuu of Mobw umw the am soonome awan4 to IN --a -,a,-I* Ift- it I~FAV aa-Aug 19650 P~ ;wm" - 3m im 66 295olM Calculatiag Diff*mtial Cms SectLeas of Slow Neut"ns by Momm of IntesmUda Idth Respect to Tint by Ve F* Tuv"p RUSSIM apt# !!M Of ft s&4" Committee an the Mcatku ft Atomig anial- 10 3# U"* 14 Ppe *AHC**P-U*9 sci-NUCI SrA May 67 Rtwgeury higpenatwes of socio-pbliti,"I in the 13"t Year Under the f1w System of FUwaiM and gcowide Worm, by Slobodan lh~vio. 33 pp. GMATIAr', porl unn", Vol, Mg Ro 5~,69 ~'AY-Jua IW. P-pe -213-240. JP-R3 37730 EF-bwoelavia ~aon oat 66 311,793 i noteaum Of mud Dma aguatup in wour -77 usim uo fbftvt*W Rmas :IMIMO rAs oocmosuu ~"' ft*f)= iWJ,59 4*'A*# C* rea 63 MtMO ft=-.mIC A%MU -Ir the ft%r4dwUcu at Vftta- 6) vd=tlom in sufleatme and rwmt ftPlateo. tion W.)rk in 17~~1965S by ft* A. go* mi ft. IN TMao I PRO 11 Ing jul low b"IM, Val all )b it Jim Moo p"I'Dw YP- JPPE =-&saga ftza JU 66 3*833 Machan1ml4lon or AdmWetrative lWark in 1"istrial Enterprifts, by V, Tarculescu,, .)- Pi) # FDWM,p Pap Flowt qtLdLt~ Vol 12., V-) .4 si 5j- )bY t"'s PP, W-54v JPW 37254 ~. Tr Re-ftum=ia E*jr, Sept 66 The PrM%S of ROVIValland the Nationality rights of Iluagarlans, by Lojes Toculm, 6 pp~ CZECH,j, upO Uj Sao 28 April 1963, Czech press Sumy No 2087 19 July 1968 4 ER 3S7,274 July 68 IHOMOUS A204 ma --tsoub"I strwtum at romttdo for fte mm MIA- in P*t~dwAb=l% bV It- Tun* We =MOO YW* Mime! p - -.- 'AA 13# No 4,. Apr 65.. pp, 2A"2* JPM 3n95 BUwTaft so= Mw 65 24,093 Appikotion of OiLds CoraoLess bF N. Tunk~ 22 PP- G=Mo P"t Skjor a Komit Vol Is$ No it; % t9681, pp 270-273. AUtArMAT-23-321-70 ~t, 4*,,cft ScL4kt oft 70 fte Dws A* aw uewx)lxw in tho soctm, I I cc mmtraochmic commuso tw mxoouw T4rek* cmm~ DWP gftAmmmsmap DD 7116K4-0 Ami i-cri-DI ID S Tu- r c-. &W 156 4 - ~ t: . 3 tz7i ; , ". I 1-71674 3 1965,, 19670 -2 3-12 2.1-6 L, Li u tccz- "m LA " 4~'-! t it -kc,v t)' -1 397,046 IAW p"Nat ststo =a Taft at se"Aw"D ammewch in the Fwa at in the UNIRP to to lu 0 #6 A* ftAULULD4 =a-go so empuwv 42 Im. Roomp rwo, VAMRbdk 2mm9mm& L so IRP Mmolrol- wo 3w20# 3=42 um SPA-MM mv 69 g3otuo Cert"u SUm"al AspwU or Lbe %] of the N&Uowl sconow In Uw U13100 FoWbuess IW 8.0 in, milaws 13 Ive .~X p BgM amomiki no is, 7me 650 vpq. 27:4 or JPr'B 3M17 ow gem *y 65 15-1, 2T9#9(o HOODGMIA MOMS VAMI9 Of PI&Mn~d PrJOBBS bv Sh. T=%t*Vv 13 PN RUSSIU, pwo 19mm awadido mmeme fi4w 19690 pp 7M JMS49%0 , 'Ir uss EW Jan 70 399085 The Sater " of Fwnardes ntd Pmgross in the Natiral Sciences, by Sh* TuraUay- 'g PP. RUSSIAN, per. LOOMMAll NO 17, tbv 1966. PP. 926-103. JFRS 39541 mil Soo mar 67 4~5? 319.260 ilrites uf services. by Sh. lUretakiyo 14 tyo- 6, mr-mma prits Polmlowo ye k'LM!%StVo ft 10. t 'S )A) ~ Oct D - 0 1 1 ~,:W MIS, 3S435 S '~ . -T 11(ze-V S k I' P, -a U-COA Llec 65 2040044 Pmblew of Camadity Price Fwn,&Uoup ty Professor Sh. ire ,~, 11 ppo Poll go 2 ftb (j5j im 1 .$ 1 0 PPO -(.a* JPRS 30125 jiffir? Be= my 65 V19.033 men or onvtm,, w she jaa~klys 13 spo % - so lop mmms pro A", 11,114 :111*0w ,* &W 3" I L, J s ~ I kil um saw am 66 993v6lo ?robiew of me* yormUm for HodAmWo 7 by Sh? "LUMUUYs, 22 W-p xMIMP r"S mattallogRAdmMadmAwk. Abod", W.19 30 ftr wl, VP, el-eqt RAS 41340 -~H, TI UREV11 um ftm 3egs,60k june 67 Lempla AwAruinuou of Z40016040 br j9 ~61 ' akW- ~~,ZjIAN,f pope ,;opt ,-'am %;at, 6,-~ Tw stausuma V*ruool fpslodmw t 1W A. IUVOW, Immms i lb In* !901 ype am" -T Iq tttvq1vov. usm gft.MIA 9%-Ie rob 66 99590.w Natrix iAueuvaluo aud U-iouveftor !~Ctoruivatlolt on tvm 1;10ctrmlc Pisital Cam~naar .3-200 by S, Turpmwo AaSIXZ, por, Izvestixa Ak&A Wauk Soriya Tekhaicbesklkh tUu*o "q0 30 IWO 7. ze Sci-i'lectratics F.Joctrical Ragr 5ct-,t cic vical PuLu3=7 Lialtratus of t.6-- TiA.-erculaw W&VI Cuumatunt UIQW I)q*T4O3iuO- ilia ill t1w Ast!rwstic Patient, by J. Ildlaf, et --I, F-t 01. ~.-er, Comm Lmur, Vol U110 Nu 1* 1!~W* ,J4;,! ,kin 67 nn a tron ames A bwau4wtg lqpftdawg bF Uds C. Ttsftnfto 7 R)q MNX314 pWjj v MO*AWld~% to "n 1969v Vp Ut 0 "as bb 69 worlmrs' Oonvention Stand on Nev Freedoms Wvement, by wledimir Turiensky, 6 pp. swxisa, pewspaper, El 90-Oulars .4ontevideo, 23 Peb 68, p. 12. JPRS 44,771 L.,-x (uruTawy) f'olitical !%-rch 63 352,OU6 ,2(, :vw- jut stata at wwUG" as"m in M*D- ,,..Iwrla and Bow - - PrabImm In Pre- ventim ana countmuetft 20% by AdalAdds Ziric.9 12m. 091&ftmLwrraw per* ID July-Doe Vp- 23-33- JPFB h2265 Sept 67 3V,,2:L6 Measures fDr ILVroving the Caustructim )f C~l New Aesel L-)c~nitivas, by H. Turik, 5 ppe RMIM., np, r,,kjnjmiclVkAyq Gazetal Iti 2fo JAY 1~Abs P- 15- JFRS 2.724-1 USSR cc-in Sept 03 31"),, 30P Nothod of Computing the Monstationary "*at Conduetiftty In lodlos of Simple Shape, Cool*4 or Heated by Thermal Radiation, by Va. S. Turilins.. RUSSIAN, bkI Toploobsen, Gidrodin,,_1 Teple fiz Svoistva Vashchestya, 1968, pp 230-236. CIA X-69SO Mar 69 379,048 Mvthod of Computing the Nonstationary Heat Conductivity In Bodies of Siviplo Shape* Cooled or Heated by Thermal Rttdiatiou,, by Ye. S. Turtlina, K. D. Voskyesenskiy. RUSSIAN* Monos eploobom Gidrodinamika i Teplofizicheskiya gvoyst7& Ve'sTrItestva TT61-.pp 230-236. NTC-69-13252-20K sci-Phys Sept 69 302,809 Th* Datlk Wa**,g tV B. VW dOr VWIU- 1619- low Alxmm, "Wite mo IIIIISIVIch 3~,XZjv to 163-Iri. - o DIA Ll 543-66 // ;"Lv sellowh IrAletrjAl Bum Pr~Ave TOWWB Urjpd fW MWItim bn-.v6"o ~ tW Ant* Tuln4 14 pp. SLUO-MUTZAN* per* Nkcamdet- Zopebe So 3. da4w-Sept iA: 'I)PVl-:3'U- JMS 4792DO 14,-~t,L EE-Tugo FAM i= 69 322*4W "Ilk Voitep ubmwow of 00 Slovak Imadtaft of Im"Objw I& Arstiou"a by hen AG$""f.4!!L I pro soma* PNBO twiakp, so to up 100 " 4m;-~ DIA LN 143m" iAL P&,V- - J),)-, , 4~aA 3070351 "Leochookol ftopwtL4w of do DNA of S~ ASLUAIG a6d Riost P14209 by No a. TwIdlebwa. AUSUAN, parg DO A "k HER mab-M Vol 1839 No 6p Doe 19689 pp t445-1448* CB M -74 e~ v 1; scw 70 inaustrial centers Planned for irlazakU- stan, by 3. 121twkebuyev and V. 7~nmakin, 10 pp. RUSSIM* porp gjgRganoye Khor tvo ZW- Kazakbatonax IM 68* Almig-Atat ppe 55-60. JPRS 44,720 USSR sconomic Ram% 63 352,822 Targets f-:or !FUSS Pere Nbaulagbm Ewa !mIlw-Atiobft. no 70 Jul 19630 VP 1040 JM3 3ZWI P kov 2934cf?o Gompamtive sr"el"ay of Gamwow and lam R A.& riltraviout I WIAIA-IP" for the Profte. tIAn of Hq~Uld So*& of T-.%*to (wc%anim osoulmtm V. Do Turkow RMSIANI pws 22k Psk 399 mK4 1101 2810 go 2. Jul 19W. pp 40bwOT, oot 70 V - -r L4 R- )V' 'J Karyotype Mutations in Twin Forms of the helpb Onion, by V. D. Turkov. RUSSIMN 11 jvr, Wk A4. hauk SSSk. Vol 186g No 38 May 1964), lip 71)7--7U8-. '- Ci; V ~ S) , / e4 0, k 0 \) Feb 7 401,421 cWralm so Toolsous at. Noma* V G* 1, 3domwWwok 46 y" low I - so So 3p no=# w0 T*joww logo$ todmo- 3w* W& LAI~-,Jft- 1'r-, o 11 "VI ~ ~) li ftl4W( wt" Air 66 ., . j, ~ : .~ , '- ~ ~ ~ ~~~4~400-OW 'rank 1-Utoon Tactiml txevei" ramm4bedt ,i. Tw4&,$ U Rtk,SIA!-', rp, nsy Iwo yp 12- i';!~ 46028 .Aug 6e 363,839 0" TUVUM4, 9 i u.. T L4 utiusation of the RnteVrioo Wage Fbad As Critmion fbr BDms Pvmtes by 'Vi, TuftTsIdY 7 pp. RU=Ml, per, u)encgi i Kreftt re 2. 1967. PP- 73-76. ins tv W;, I VS KI U-SIM Boon ion 67 3V*353 PrWlcta of PrAmWim Majourew Aantsa by LA4i Te=orj, I0 lipp F(A. fkplaAL Wf; WLY CZA-01, per* Hurova Tethkikap Vol Iva so 62 MS* (344TO 5*g!)7,)2 f.bTc SS1-Tbs.6sU OMW manim 28"4M at at smon Fels# / / 2w,p 6 of ty 'l'M_*_m"v* =my IWI -am so 230 jau goo w UTI^ i C9 ~ # / U_ K Nl_ ~ 332,pl* 15-Ibm ,I got 6T IT~A k,- g ukt ) cl Datc!Tjitnae,.~ of Wx ,;aof3 iial,.ente o~i* Dwrtia of a .T~X-L'Jcale ;Jodcl in Order to Veilir'zl ex Jeaczawment- Accumcy, b:y ~Nrt W.W. 54 pp. bk, -'xperimntelZe Bastiz7mcuf der .'ka;aent, yl.,cit.c.,,aanente Lit= Grosonodalls zzvti i;,'acJ=is der I~eit 1960, pp 1-58. ..esc,~:enauL,i, A-I,'ViTD~-llC-23-?65-?l U,,)' 601T v';]TjY COo?Y.,,J(.'i!T 72 'MAP ftw Trap for Taking &WPUO *f SeCtor"I Aer"OLS *W S4**AXj %Aus by so to 90900MYS Ae (6 TI"Wo 5 FPO AUSSIAWO porA, Hu I San us 168 1966& pp 64-65,6 Dipt of Xavy Tr SUMMI Tr 221U tq.G TLkg 0v Sci - 4101 4 wed Sel Mar 67 3200000 bmt cmda of ftush aming 106JAry 13 usbw6 * jww twawk* 7 W, Man* pwo and& wamp. 16D 9. 19M. IPP 30-325. im 47A" 9&40"W Eam ar 69 3759909 SawAlAs AMmach tJ* Ao Turm,, 5 pp. Rusums lips, p % JPM 48W Scd-BM Sept 69 Somwq or I&N by itsw* 17 id 1%99 3920"1 Problems of C*=%odity SuMlIes; to rax Boyth, by A. Turav aW R. Spam"yaw 8 ppt RUSSiAg, per$ anits" IIgtFjbjtg!I' a ~b. 41, kbaccv, April 68, pp 7- IG. JPRS 45,502 USSIL Economic may 63 358,624 - ----- 31 mechanism or Newry, by A* Turovp 14 ypo "SW, per.. Mwam- lb* 2p 1967o py -~ 40471 RES 40537 fi. J'~' jW'q L'/ USSR Sci-behavioral June 67 323,471 The ft%USzg =d IftWatUm of YAUtm7 Persomeli, by Te..V497* 5 Vp. MML"p up) Potriot. 16 ion lg%j, p. 2- JPFS 34557 IISSR mu Apr 66 2AoO79 Nuclear 14agnetoacoustic Resonance in Ferro- and Anti-ferromagnetice, by Yes A. Turov. RUSSIAU, per, Fizika Metallov i Metalloved, Vol 24, no 5, 1967, pp 769-7a1. FTD-S-252 /e, P, Jan 69 379,161 bi ~ ft 6 "Yang cc aml ---~ A NOW u- a. Be m"awshft. 36 up* , - 7 p w -- ft At moles w8 -- vol. W- JM 3053 um ftl im 65 M4344 symptWgialcocal Rolatiom in an OILSOMICtLe MacLus Fouling Tiocomoeiag by Y&O P, Tac"Yaws. OSSUMP PWI, M 0. Mts Vol M, No 20 1969, Cs Oct