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of ',Ixakun6 ~,Tzftixltioc by ~l i~wbir ial, 9 pp. L, 49 JAW par, i,.__ A,,-.i- IRMO- Jwo IM, M~, 4W-414, i 463A N q r,7 G d iEL 64 or by V V W-l A. I j_-; ZJ ,R,Z~ 67 Spoebwhatowtvile D&WAntior, of the Cmadrie Cmtent in Pearl 1?&*Uv by V. V. Doll a- Le G* Psveltams RMI"t Part Wea I" Vol 44o No 39 Mo pp 68-69. *Dept of intericr EAU%M *f cormwow FivhwlAw itanch of Yonip X Soi/Cbm June ez I'lastic ilesistarco of !~', ~I~alr-, 1'. POLL,1~, -!ero -!ot-Pollerf FAHT's, 11Y Vol 33, '-0 11, IS6b, 1~ ~Ci/tiiit July 60 Pt,,PALA, and others. Technological preparations for pl, rolling. Freiberger ForshHft B 87:57-8.7 (1963) (CRL/T. 3927) Plastic Aaasistmm of flot-rollad Strip, by S. Baa, i~.. OrmL 11OMilp i.,,ar,, Hutnik, wal 35s, No 9, 1968., pp 409-41L BISI 7388 sci/ ;.-ateriaL-, Oct 69 395,290 $ALABil, N. F. and others. Application of mathematical . modelling for investigating sodium aluminate crystallizatic process. 1. " Izv. vy s sh. uc heb. Zaved. Tsvetn. Me tall. 11(5):140-5 (19~1 (GB 160) 11~L- aviollirilliopi S- 7 At , - It I re AoWft at w '"s, bW L alsoi pw# To& us lb 31 19op DD X_--- a ohm Tnm ow Wo L. Balaban 326AM rxd . Cbmmlxtwy may 6T 'rho IshLbLtion Pertod at PhotwmidstiSm Of Faly- PrOpytww as DQUISLued by Lit Abowptkou Spec- troscopy# by Jo ft~srp L. balsbam. a pp. %'ZCCB, part Gbimicky tEent, Val 19/44v No 2, Wb,), pp 11-73. 4 L St/M/HT-2-3C7)- 70 7 SC L-Cbeft jutbe Yu Ultraviolet Spectraswpy of DWSOVh"Mcne Ty,.,,e ci StabiUsers Against the Infbmcm of by L. DaUbmj 14 vi. w-ul, per 0Cmw-& !~Msal Vol XV, No 7,, 196se Pr, 41A14. ttipt of Nuvy Tr 446.9/WL Tr 1,049 ~>Ci-Phys 5 Fob 66 2%1,22A L , 8 a, I, i , , LMWAMYM PhDts.(bddated DearaWim of flolsprapylmo, by jmboe 94gbm. 12 pp. (mm, per, anduk X DZ%S. Val 1~/4,2, vio 10. pp 09-55P.- P5DO2W*LV Dept of Mmy NIC Tr No 22638 sell-Chan Oct 68 36718= C4 Al Arain Gauges From Cost Ammires for the :Audv of stresses in Zones of Concentration, 4y :je Is Balaban# ~14* Lo Wychik, Zalikovskiy,, wid Prigarobski.y. At,'51M,, j,or,, ~Iashiavvv"%A~x 00 &i0 41, 1967, j an k-:) 3740535 Prim ~~tl% *Ntm fm a4w hmdwu Ms. OUSWO tv 4 ttlatenwo 6 me tie" r) 14%,t 69 M437 rvbUc oulth fieflecU Dmerephic Amoseess Pq ALlsbanov, 1:4 Ab"Aeve 8 po* BuaA"i 0 Pere MA him-MEMM20 swut NO 2,p kar/Apr 19690 pp 94-1000 baAjoV er see Avg 69 388o25B zVolution of the cou"m of Death AtmrdLm to 5w end Age in Bdgsria, by Po Naabomv, 6 pp. MWARIN-4, pWo KUglam t ',,;o 3, "AY-Jm 19W.- pp. Z41wewo 15alL Lb 0 Pmg, 67 377,W- /,)7 Ill argoomAce A GCIMCOt bF T19- Dalabomma VJL&txm# pwp awka I TaW km, No 28p 10 ja w Dept Of " W Tram so SeL49ift 369thTi Jan 69 Co the Mvigymat of Poftselml acloffib"Gop by A. F. Sdabsewo 3 yp. lm oprj= on a= pw,p 2"64U 34 p lb 5=0 pp 3B--39*-----910D33D-V' DIA AP 3L-62o-2-30-66-me Wq 66 I.ner.1,y Criteriun of t1w staUlity 4ji Uastic -,~ i. -0 A keeuire tt.,c L~ctcri,:Iuatioll uf tile !,tatu, A. Alftitc.,V, ,or :-c, ltoui;, 70S-7-.07. CLI The lkwee of the Strdctml Aschudes of RodcaUs by L. I. Balabukht at al. 802 pp. OUSSIXII bookS Ikukob.7 I&E"'M 144*baWkJ AQUIP 1l�= I 2ughga. aimup it 1969., pp 1-494. AIKTfTD-ff-2lt-I 24-70 0 a-/aero fob 71 imestigations Of Color aamt. 4. Color Gamt Of Photographed Objects, by D.K. B&Iabukhm, N.M. Mirfazieva. RUSSM, per, Zh. nwicb. LiIU. Fbtogr- Kinem. Vol. 10, No. 2, 1965, IV 84-90 CIB 1311T 4T61 D K /3 /; L A b ~W,6,4 Sci - Aug 67 33T-203 so=" and a lkv Artifteftl AV~ ftrUGIA MtW - - - - - - - - A- Ing to tao - I. Du at OOW W6%L-63 etenbxd. by UddROS- BMMN,, pwj, 2h Immob I Prlk-lbt I Val 13a Ro 2 1963 ML lbb 70 Ul'trimintal Refluing of Birch Pulp atW Bircit PuIr Mixtures in Conical Refirm,, by J. Belac. GERMAN. yer, P8T)iors Vol 218, 'No IOAO 196% iT 736-743. CsIv(','/I~O 9582 t JUIV W) 386495 F-I"cit,oloil Croups as Generalized Steevirod Croups, by It. f). ~Irtladzce - la""Aiv.4 71.er Dok Ak bauk SSSII, Vol 187, N'o 3, 1969 " rr "Me Aw "'ath SOC Vol 10 0 .;o 49 July-Atip, 1969 L J;.Aii 76 400,USI ConcralizW Steenrod licimlogy Croups, by D. 0, Haladze, RUSSIAN, per, Do.k. Ak ~,auk SSSK, Val 166, No S. 19690 _qD:j. The ;w katl, ~:'Oc Vol 10, .-.o 3, Tay-June 1969 NOV 09 3yurakin: Sky Window, by .. ,,,,,zyan.)u Y RUSSIAN, up, Kommunist (Armenian, Sept 17, 1963. 'ILL 'Aief- 5828.4F (1,1.7528) I Sci-Astron July 69 387,399 /9 ~ act Ict C C 2 C7 I L~l -V~/ ..-ultidiannel Data Prooessing Devical, by IN, Ya, 3,alaciura, Imam, per fPribolrv i SisteiTy Uprayleniyal LIO 1 or 140 2t 1968j, pp 52-553. FTD S-650 384il9l ~N . i , C'~ I X Control -Punation of National Ccamittess Defineds by A. Balakt 6 pp. CITMI, np, Rude Pravos Prague, 6 Apr 72, P 30 JPRS 55907 W-Y 72 Ultraviolet speecroscopy or Stabilizers aodnat the Zgfftcu or U*It of the Benzophenme Type, by L. Balaban. CZEM, per, Cbmdg& =I. Vol* 15.v ~~r no* TP 1965$ pp. 43.1-414. MC 70-1713T-079 June 1971 Jbbq4%wt,m,ll 0 mm"Ift $ago asgwmm Nowho at Aft 4psum Memo so fm UAMIL - ---- - ~ XN=4 TA ZU~Abs Dq* at Q-A IWL- zl"6" 3W&s2N9 10 aaknomo br Z ca )-,U-;UArj* ~'* , _4AdX W! 4k 29676 pp T. IQ . G# CR k4 m ; tj The Getmue Polywrpum or Cutdn copmatu of tjm BlOW In ndh (11th ftalOW md Car tuqp3im),. bY I. A. SaIdamIn. p as lusamp pert D* Ak On* Vol 2C4 Odl"- NO 5,o Jme ;~ cm M 73 tfftct of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OT~ Study of tho Prows of Hen and Mss Trusfer ahwing ths Fivaporstica of a Uquid with a Pm Surhm In a Ranfied G" "vs. by V. 1. BaUManova. RUSSIAN,O per. 1Azhm*1mO-Kzicb*xkiZ-Zbvftm1,j Vol 12, 140 1. M9. PP 3-91 4ASA TT F-ljvlSl sci-phys Sept 67 3410961 -4 1A lf"W 72 4w, FAMMats Of PbYsiologleLl WA Biochoulcal imtions of Members of to Vookbod Space- aUp Crawj by 1, S., Rilakhovoklyj Pq V. "&Sil#YCW, 1, It FAS178n, and L? 0. PopW, 15 pp q, FMDJ,, pero Lu gdgm AW goli lw-tk O W . Ser&M-1h pglSD2 g!Rn No 2.. lbr/Apr 19 6 6, pp? 212-M* JPW 36227 USSR Sci-Aero Jul 66 304,965 Water-Salt Metabolism During Space Flights. by 1. S. Oslakhovskly. RUSSIAN, per, Presented at the 19th Congr. of the International Astronaullcal Federa- tion, New York, Oct 1968, 16 pp. NASA TT F-12,063 Sci-B&M Mar 69 377,652 r Watw-Salt MgtaboUsm DXPIM Symanni&ts tv L So ILlakhavaldro V ppe RV351"t rpt* :921M 21M M4 --A . -- mommj 1968,o pp 1-i6a JPRS 46*926-- Doc 68 37091M protasm in vw avpdqpwat at coorft*W me / // om amuft ftea hv&wtlono by F. BQWU4 6 pp. ISISAI^ - ft *-Elk compts so 360 a 8vt 19%v JPffi 32%8 F -~ V~ I g ~ I ~,j MR fti4vm oct 6~ AIA 2AvW Problems of Economic Reform in Constructiong by Ve WAking V, loving 11 pp. RUSSLUp port LIpoyM QoMM,,~o ~-4o 51, 19680 PP 52-6o. JPM 45s860 T3 L W, SR ;-~Coii Aug '06 V) 19 437 p2moing SWU at the UUUmtl= or ftWd p 'a Cmftnwti*r4 tf To UNUR 12 goo Mem"j, p", ran= mmmmadp NO l2v Doe 2.965, pp. 3,c,43. JPMB 35147 um EM fty 66 MPS30 :~wna CharactArLstics of FrUtim &M ttear of iatArUls at --dah SUP SPOodat tr v, A, i3s~s 12 pp. IRUGslAxi, par, Ali- SSSR. ZjARqb= sgt!!& p2 MOSOM i Llkvama ~m I LooL,jj In" 19669 pp 0-90. P100262168-V kIrD-Ur-23-w9-lb? IV 366s946 -I/- "/P- /~ Analytical Inveatigation of the Breaking of a Wheal With Antilocking Equipment in the Brake Control, by V. Dp Balskinp RUSSIAN, Pero MigaMIum ft2wh1swoot- No 110 1965, pp 17-201. NTC-71-IZ234-13F Nov 71 the qnutw at Aw"I tv ~ M71,102 wa%ft =A &* itt sbuowp W? Tf It lb ammkof PWR -- 320 Da 2*0 im YJM um am MW66 1- 16 V I il , ~P~ In V, M13). 1'relininary vesult.,; 01 a Study of tile "Os,W)"Isce Usin,,., CoiadjnL-, E-jectron-vusitror i5,eUL.sj by V. Ye. 6ulakills C. 1. 1'--,t, Pre-irint "27 last :~uci imiy, Siberian Jan 70 4+1.17S j%uta!,atiLn of ~,'Icjuisitiai andProcessing I*---ults of C(x,,I)L-,x l-A)eriumts Ath the Aid of LiLgital atputen-, by V, S. Balakin--w, at al. 9 pp. M~Sr,jf lei r,, Prib i Sistery LI)rav uya, 3,, 1967, pd 28-r. 413--69 Fil) july 69 -34 3848275 &. C, 4 "t!aj"4,CC,1,-' Interaction of Foams With Some Liquids$ by A. A. Balakirev. 4n ""M RUSSIAN# pert 1011241 v Vol 30P 1968v pp 490-493. NTC 72-10579-07D Apr 72 AutoutUott of tht am proos"ing of lXtA on Complez E4wUwte by Omm of Mgltal Ccg*UtW$o by Vo S* iWAUM* 803SUN, per,, inbwy I Illom ilo 30 19670 pp 28-3D. 4V-0-81-23-427-68 it " r , I- I- , '. I?:-,~;.,~., 6, (. /, I -" ~ ~~ sci/clatt'r Jum 03 averience with the D"IP OW Operation of A04106- Digital Compting Comptonsi Dowd on Smallt VWLumv and Lam DLgLtat Co"Utaxos by V. S. JklakLawP B. 8, BrL*j at als 7 pp. WSSXAN, irpt, Swefttva team L Austago-raLf Im -179. y, IrokholkL 19"g pp 175 h-, juas 7u P.xispmwntric Oscillations of a Mildly '-Ilopin~i )Iherical Shell in a Fluidt by Y. G. -,Ialakirav. per, InzhenaxnyX Z,"turnal. Mekii. --la, no 5, 1967, pp. 116-123. T , z6;,~LJFT 3jZ-EI-al 94-70, Ppr 71j'! 40S,903 4 t4-oblem in -4ttUng the .1orth DisamsWe by Yuo BLUkirovq 7 ppe Rus,ilivq" Poro L"Owllemya Pmvtke I Doe 1967, p 1. j i-% 44091 Uzi,', R tow Feb 68 34" TU T%vort of ttw perament coodamum at tto Ano I I i 1 sup"Ve soruft =I uduNtry , sad -tmwpftto bv U. A. BaUNALyov* 5 0v Paxwo api mmgwz 9mm " Aw 19651 P. 20 ,MM 32-12S3 ME Rem Aug 65 201935 7 43 'S Use of Adaptive Control Systems for Increasing the Precision and EMciency of MseWmings by B. S. Bs1&kwb:Ln. 7 Pp- AW.L~M, P.Z., go-W L lustrummA M.Weawv So 47 Apr 1972, PP 13- ~?- - ims 36293 Jwc, 72 --Aculajjl~ - LIO "IC-1 IA--~,r U' It,- 10f &-Lie la:3truert.,;r by (i, 13 hi'l =tut ixta-litizat- I~altrnlzj A.,Couuxiti v L967, 204-213. 2G--( -1 LT ncev 337,293 failure Of I)Wtals Ulder tim. ~ACtiw of ultmmic vibratiouss ~~y Yu. ~iovs, Fizika y"Otaitiv i vQ,;-eaiuj, Vol 19, "vo L, 065, J97 rmeogmt or the Ibmanian 11A low S.-Mtomp lw ftefta Dau"j, 5 pp- )6 VAXWj Doi, 'ol 34 go 66T32 t 'L MM!!A& v 3 aLl 1965P pp. ls 9- Ris 318V) (,&A L- n- r4 M-l"A:XMIS Soo Sept 65 M51%.2 !Unizter c)f Educatim Discussee F4ucatija by Stefan Balan) 5 D-P# 15 J-,-LLZ( I;k.>Q iWIUMI, per, lixania ULL-_em pp. 5. Mti 301:1 Sept ~A, R .9 .,8 p Lq tj 41 N~ Catalytic and Adsorl,tion Prolortics of Puthoniwi in thc 1,Ydro"ellati oil 017 O.'Clollexilme, hy A. A. 'r.'alruidiii. - 11,OSSIAN, 1 er, 1-.,.v Alad ?,,'aw, -Se-r t,'(' I-) , 196(,, pr. 151,11-1520. L Al", 10-5863 Apy 72 4t ~Y willim 16 valftis"t A6 A* Illoodwo4au 004 lb moo AN tA bmk% A. A. Belandin 67 1~0 C~f.ciz (*WU&w car fllc(u-b;,f -;.~-zm, axt-mial loco, e2op-;J8 .1 1 /-,. Z" ei,) [p. , ~/ , -), Ce- Thermal Fatigue of Metals in Naval Power Machinery, by Yu. F. Balandin, 276 pp. RbSSIAN, (No other Information) AEC/WASH-1178 Oct 71 Flan for Levisag by Julio 341,~Mron. 19 pp. lio. 337, Aivana, 1�67, pp. 23-A. jr-n .%-,ril 63, 355,643 T. G. 8)9, C Aq noe- Sew. Me Adjustment of the QL=xleLtoxy Sy~ to Effort t by Fe G, Balamou BUROPPAH, per, lat Agnatlemle zeifag= Angywand.te 61391 phyglolWAg, Vol 23, 19661 pp 172-190 wx 71-16423-06S "tar 72 The A,4jwtz=it of Via Mrwl4tore --yate"r, t0 UaZawm~o /Vigala Rd;owa, 22 pp, MLY par, Intam. 4 ilary4mu, Xwvio4 Vo I a 3, 7, 17 'r -22987 70 RevisionijAk Attacked on Anniversary of ?ublioation of Lenin I-York, by Hyfit Belanit 5 pp. ALBANTANp np, 4 M" 7 2 pp T-PRS 55818 Zeri i Pgp3alit# Timm$ 2'-J.- My 72 fArty Camgnm AnU-RevisimUt Fight &Uod, by MLrit pp, ALIANW# porg Zwl i ?2EQLtq Timag 2? ft 1969v pp Z-3. jrpz 48428 SE-Albania Pal Jul 69 3869458 -~o AlbsUM OWS OAMW WIn ln Mtb* Olk MOM M tr Wftt Mods 12 Mp* AtaUMs Pro A m 1, *v no ~- 1* 90 = YWWS. awt 19wp up* 5w0 " 326k5 m4uuv" ~,, ~ I~ I-z P~ 1 ~~4 11 pa sm 65 291o160 The length of a Supaveaac Ejector NlzLvg //-S- Cbm*w w1th a zftv 3jeaucs Coefflalautp by B* A. PaImIno RMIM.. per., " Ibmal, Vol 132 Ib 4 oot---Mj-,Pp 564-%70 mPTD-W-24-;6Z9 Z P'. 6C?-JCXNJJN~ sei-PhAles Sept 68 11-66,L-A"54*1 ~4jrjUwsjv Uj 1-s, Ao ~aluniltt --ouer -Aur, Vol Vill, t~cr, iaz- ao-Fiz L =5- -1-17)(JU73"M of 'Ux I'll- nz- Ohw;ibor of :,),O"ZZlo at Oro '00"Piel-nt, by D. T." 1 1967P 139 Ail of i"joewr "ia ber ,'Ltli a &-ro Electim Ccef-Ficimito irr 11;1,1,1.~ :or,, hyahenency-I V,,-,l 13, C'A V97, 7,d 54;4-t%7, 4,, lil-24-346-66 0-/0- 01, -H v 69 3810118 Problems in the Construction of Power Meters for Radio Transmitters with the Hall Effect, by A. T. Balanov A. V. Scleznev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, rpi~,'--~ -- ' ~11 Vses. Nauch Sessiya, Posvvashchciinaya Dnyu Radio. Sektsiya Radio perc~ayushchikh Ustroystv, 1966, pp 20-25/ JPRS 37519 Sort 66 A Three-Phase Power Convertor made of Hall FMF Pic~ups, by A. T. Balanov, V. B. Vitebs~-iy, I TIT. RUSSIAN, rpt, XXII Vses Nauch Scssiya, Posvyashchennaya Dnyu Radio. Sektsiya Radio peredayushchikh Ustroystv, 1966, pp 26-. JPRS 37519 Scrt 66 A E L 4(UCRL-Trana--10574) DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOAC;- TIVITY IN LAVA FROM THE CAVITY OF A NUCLEAR EXPLO- SION. sAudidlere, Pierre; palard, Francois; Dupouy, Jean- Pierre; Van Kote, Francis IjComml sar a I'Energle Atomique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France). Centre d'Etudes). IgTranslated by Margaret Burke (Univ. of California, Lawrence Radiation Lab., Livermore), from report 11CEA-1"099. 2022p. 24Dep. NTIS. 26nuclear explosions; radioactivity; translations 2718C, 18H 28STD-35 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 musuou satmtsm wd aroat abnmam in SaMp by IL ftUrlap *- MMWo T M a="& pwo moft mom son& 1900 w kr,"W. r PUM357 ASO ANL ft%A92 M. Balarin 3214mo s4 - &Ad sd=m mw 67 Accurr.cy of Diffusion Clierations,, by J* Ualus. CZE-U.', T-cr, 0aboyroudy Obzor, Vol 29,, '-~O 10-llg AL lwi: E4022.81 (truns ZS791 p L ScIlOuct *,ar 7U In:,talluxion fur ';Jtudyta,~. Frictim. and vicar iii WiQlA 123 1APt Lill OVU atvrikloj, '.cl 4, 1. ck s Cc ~A 0 'v :574,33 41f "Of4t:lry of the -;Glonttrio ImAltou of *'SVtlliWr3 t by vollaaw1wo t*IAS~AVO 21 ppo AA-6 Pere Afitodiua Ito ;-**am$ .4 joe 1909 3 402*3r3 W PROUM at am* sams"Mor oftwoum of go -?5 Mixtures for Navin Selsoft T" ~ t1sk"Afts br IL 1. sdadamme T. T. MMMV6 mm=* 0 Gmotlslkl6 lb 130 1966# vp COMMM"be mc-69-ml?-~ Iv,7 _V. 8 c, /(z. s,6 k(,t Al (k Sel-am Bel owt 69 3942&t