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lm,l,O,,rod conewor yN - n by GoodG .,-Yj.O&Ctjon . In pp. SO t Ir p n. 7- - /* cor, 353.127 ;ov 68 ---- AkA - 167 U~ at smahow" ends%=* air amaubb ban 926% MANOW AA26% 1w a IL Imum"yo, A. IL 2040"Wilm 1 plp~ an A L VA AS Ab w mile* -- - - z ~aw CAO. a - J7-4=wf Iq ~/ S,- b,A'l ~e- v 0- a*& 69 -k i 'Urror iett~ Objactive, L.G. !:oc,~ecwra, 4 pp. pstants 4'.10tent No. 340779/26-IC, Jun4l 66- 66-1 lki/ lfhyvics 1wic 67 by Y.r.Zeji-,,tr4v 04 lk. 8,19631, -spescif leationo of Yaw XTR422 i;xcavator, by 3abitskly, et al., 6 op. per, strottelinyye i DoV241in .ae M-a~h~ ac. 12. Moncow, Dec 67, pp. 1-3. JM, 449161 and J.-O, 6:1 348,127 A 3tudy of tho Polymrization of 1,3- Butadleno Under the D2fiumce or ?-YuAllyl Syetms,, by a RadjoahmiesLi Mothod, by B, n, BabitakU RUSSI&I,per 'L)Qk AL, Uaulc SSSH, Chem 70ch. I Vol IL960, Wlj2~~22. cB s Jov 70 The Party Electoral Campaign, by E* Babiuch, 6 pp. POLIS11s. perm Nowe, Drolli. April 1967. RFE Polish Press Survey No 2064 21 April 1967 May 6 7 3249252 E-j ~'~ ra &I, L) (-,- PZPR Politburo Member Discusses Youth Problem, by Eftard Babiudh,, 5 pp. RUMIAN, nps jWgM_Iskgya Pravda, NOSCOF, 4 Jkn ^ ITPRS 5;e';', p I# Feb 73 Sam Problems of Ne"arisS Curmt Velodty by tim Doppler Method* by V, 1, Bably, RtESIAN, per, Tn* Mte!gb G1ftf12*OOSk�20 Instituts Vol 3% IN*$ PP 140-1u, RAS1 W 11,056 V. Y Sci-r-lectr Sept 67 341o960 SO= ftd)UM Of USiag tbO AWIW Arthod of D=Nmt t) by V. 1. Bably. Emsimil PW., He I DEYM dlya To 2!gR&2 v oxftm rp 1461, 3b2- ftl/Farth Jan 08 37 "Atbm Of Y*roc"tw Air 'ifx-+,or%tum Aponaues over --~O~srr abeziA and t~orUern au%&Am In t-hG AAumn -cntbzo by A. v . itbidn. RU-,Uu, . pur, ~wzf % 5U28A., f~K 36108?cP "-!36 AuAbiim CAUftnWA00 Z A~t4MUW6 9w, 0*0 49 10 A. rml-vowta I. 4t-0-4-lvo Sea o. moutt :~ pp MOM# pv;, go'! # pp StAphwdto from a Gold-Mver Ore Oocurronm in the Nwtheastern USSRO by P, V. &LUdne RUSSW,, part D* Ak Nauk SSMp Vol 186o No 4t 1969# pp 908-910. AGI July 70 /~)~/ 4,4 /~~ Ore Associations of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic belts 1-y P, V, !3abkjjj' PUSSIAN, vr, Dok AL swauk-St~,.i?p Vol 183j, !,o 46 lop 3 K ~;ept 69 391,4S2 SWOM MW Of UR NWhIMOM ~ =d UMbAfto bW P. To aokt& nkma qw, m* V4 2A6 23 60 X906 0 mmlftr-~~ AGI "I . 8,q,8 ,~ " tj P.-,W Agr 69 3%VA ~54 Rural Uectriftastim, by S. L. i.&Wdtit 5 pp. auszw, per, Lj~wmtikg i Uoki-Wikal" -~,r ,i0 2, Iwo pp 3 - Jft,~) 45569 -,,-v ;?? " 6cl/v,nor,,~Zr Voriv ,ku-o 63~ 359.4-71 va mastumd aa* at uw sowuft s~o or 14 Juotl4wp by Ve DOM- Re sandmok MA Ps Befterlol, 12 pp. MSSIANI Wp lamogirt ImIub lh it Jan lo" PIDO 26-3b- JPNS 35173 soc Nw 66 299S.889 softW Lmm &ulmg Isplosims in m Bpbft,- ?/ icel Bomb,, IV v, e. a** ebomho, 6 pp. __ A&- =d L. S. Kosm,- Rma". pari. ftmb~w- ~ge!94 usum GoE!212 i No 2# l9b5, tv- U4-U7- 3 33M USSR sci-phys Doc 65 MW5 . . . . . . . . . .Am V"m owns* in MWA~ utd" C--, I N~ A - 0 -, um fti4lvw out 0 spoom ~/rA , ftowth and DWAW=t of OnMW&A HWbaewu p,lmU in agcomommic4a W*Aas tr V. M. Babuins. a. per, Vol 5.0 1966,v lp 173~-177.- NTc v-*M-m Flob 72 ostAlslftts= Ot Man Anvats bCr ExUugtlft Ot PhOoMbaM bw alwo'o A.& R088UM6 pm, Zbma, va w F= 36783 P ,CC C-8301 war 70 Pnotice in the Use of 'Zconondc Lwd ValUatiOnt by (s. lahkov, It pp. lkij~Zlkl. per. i-koramike "1'sWgq kh*!WtV3v ,t~4 3. 191579 pp* 92-984 JPRS Or,33 02. b U-1sil Eaon im-1 '67 325,606 'C'.6 PINWORM ZY 4K' vita plibum In the -..- at Z) vemat MO. 14 to *ws 6 If# ad*Aprs Row, per, xbxwdln I i5molp so F- 70 ja %60. cu. im 7~ ~ -"- :4 ~) ~' b v UBOR Be= Oct 65 99000 A- Packing of RoUting Helium 3:1, by R. A.3kb3.idze and A , A v Galkin SIM, per,, Dok Ak Ikuk. SSSRO Vol 178, No 6p Feb 1968s PP 3273-1276. The Ara Inst Pbys. V01 13.. No 2.. &Wmt 1968 k'~' ep8udzt~ sci-physics oat 68 366,092 Strwtural Chan);es Durine the Form)ng of liteel by Isigh Speedso by V, Baborovsky, CZLCII, per, stro.irevistvi, Vol 180 No 69 1968, 1:1, 437-442, BISI 6756 d)c o AIT 69 S7i),74.';7 Cont4ralm Diawtimtl(m of AnIllue in a TWO-Film Rakatwl ty B* Baboll A. U&W. 3,5 p. =M# per# Chomiwlm Twb3dk Vol 1,3,, No U., 1,Q61,m Tc-iw ,;2 . X,5~7 11,14, sci-chem ja 66 307p 619 S Study of tbo CcWooi#,Jon or Talipwic 1'7dT-w:-ebo-n IlbctzL-an by Qns-Tlquld Gthromr,toarspbvt, W B. it. Babosbint Sidox-ov, 6 ppo Zan I Losol-himlop -~j Pert Gj(h'#01JL ~r Wj . ~ , a halsWILM 4X77 tv l9b3s 1963 63-50hl 3 3-5, 3 J!%,l 69 "lavolutionary by Yav~;. Zaboaov, U) pp. ?,e", Nauka i ?Lcli 11. V67, pp. 611-67. T: pb Oi pa& low M4 IV - j,7 41 i~ll-. 12 street at mmru-ua rug& la 14qdm ONA Gono W. 9- adwo Ko ad"F4 & ve ommorp 30 up. HOMAN4. JW;# Map um IV F Oq cy ftl." MV go NON06 Dynamics of Clmnge In the Qtmntlty of Sulfhy- dryl Groups in the Ytrocardium during the Car- diac Cycle, by Yu. E. Babskaya XMIAN, per, Dok ilk Rauk SM, Vol 177,, No 5., Dk-c 1967., pp 124o-i24p- . CB 11 / '~ . E . i-1 /-' q :.-, /60 / ~ Aug W- 362.-360 Dependence of the Duration of the Action Potential of Single Cardiac Nasele Fibers on the Restitution Time of an Excitable Membrane,, by E. B. Babskil 'RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 177) NO 3., Nov 196T, pp 77:739. CB AviZ 03 362051 Alteration of -Action PotentialA in L2dividual MuW-U F:Lbers of the Heart, by Be Be Babskli MSSIM,v per., Dok Akad Nsuk Vol 177s No 4p Dec 196Tj, Pp 7TO-W3- CD PIA. 3 Aug 68 362*355 The a"alts Of latim at the Radi" bod Odf 36 Vo F=DUM at the ft= MpSUVW u&ots tF It. S. atbdft & A,,, so aclqrmwo Awswo PWq 131 1 1 m Pow Bo 9. 06.% pprB410 ML Scl/B & H M 68 3499660 ion nwbmim La the 980c"sim or P&Csmmkw ActLvLty by Rigk-f~~ Stimlation. bF vs. B. BaWitLy. JOSUas pec, DDk-Ak iga M, Mot ScL Vol 183, No I# Mw 19689 pp 23b-2379 ca -2 //.. z X, ion 71 AMI,ftttm or CyNewtS. In M&ma, ~ /-/.-Z mmussede U Ippq t7 rse N ftbdgyg Tso So GgLUrs RUSSZAfif pme v 196% pp 0 mosams so go ipits ~t , e - Pqq 5 K, i ,i ~(d-cybm"atics Feb 70 4MsO22 ffy. IZU J5 i4a 66 Us*tr,Wdcs OW tlVlologr by roo ~il"dysp 3 ftdtt3lOk4* -UB*Uo NwWwo -".* ;-e9 66 ~~Mim W'W-Wdodo WPV- 40 not =UtLUb*,j %: 7 Hoderti TochnU&l Advazoas Iz MoUciW, by Ye. q D, Bd*kiy md Vt V. ftrin, 145 pp, MMIAN$ bk~ RaWfink-M Wm= tekWAki v moftjjUg 1965, -Dpq 1-172, RM 356U 'f e- - 'B~ I.I USSR Sci-B/M Jun 66 .3010W slactrooYsiological tumtIption of Action of Nickel low an the "ro"CdIwm- b7 TO- 9- BsbgkLy- RUSSIAII,, perg Re Ah Iga las 1121 SCip Vol 1780 No Is Jan 1968p pp 24a-231, CB e. (3 - BP~6sf~,, Jan 71 bf ms -VIL Locftaii~- a A8 I Y twi sai." Doe t".-) A4460 The Use of Flectmnics In PlWidolagiftl Research. by Ire. gabaldy, 1. Akulinichey, vW 0, Bokser, 6 ppv RUSSIM, np, madltainftLa Gget4A9 5 Doe 1966. Po 3* JPb"' 39499 033ft sci-lwm mar 67 319039 utulsatica ~Itry tbr- tin ft* of Outric emod in Mao by Too Be Vabskly., Be To. Vot6ap sm-d A. S. WOU90vo 6 IV! Ims Ver ftift--v Rm- p Vbl ji"I N* aw USSR Mar 66 296,s991 !;ffact of \bry Iliort Laser Pulses cn a Solid Taxyct,, iy J. i?. 3-abml-Peyrissac. 21 j3p 1-I)R OFTIMAL U321 alljY MW IkYMZ4M MW ~.-JTTIMII 71L JETPUM xM OF LV17L-14GL-' SIMS DOM-EIT IS AOT PEIEW17'a 'D) DI&AISE DOCLUNTMCM WhER, .nuoull rpti, P&Aal Wiripulaims Laser Tres Breves Sur ule cible-=de,, 21 J& 990 nirs-sa"Hoat ~ M-m~jie Atailique. Omtred-etWas cb M=- Villamum-SaInt-Georwast iv L MM-MD-23-170-70 -77 4, i -7 uly 70 ftputlm NXI G"rol in iawgsmmt Vaumo -!~-q tV M. 4. BabunsobviXe M, A. Bozvmnts 23 PN IREWIMO We .. tm 4 -Lo-tafts F"Cows Val 5e pp ZL2-Mi j- i6 4M14 M ~ ~,! , i`3 .4 F~ ~-, s tq v, L /' 64-CybernsUce ime 6" 38%639- Iabore I-age , "blew In Tnde holysedo bly ~ o Bliburin, 14 ppo REWIM. per. JqRtWjkqpow%jLU kocott. t." 1969o PP 52-63* J,-F,5 49590 Jon 70 ....I , . I . '. 4 , , 'i , w ftcomic cooperation bet"m basmda SW Polud In the PuSto F"Wout al3d fVtumo by NMI or Yodmow and Cooral baboukl* yp- WMV4A2x VWj, 6 vr Ppe G-70 jr-M 40903 June 67 'bland and by GeorrI 8&WrrJd9 5 per, Ikonomicheeld rldvat, 2 tug 1966, IV, jrl4iz' 3,7711 rcon oat 60 311.867 I~dga4A Is I owLpIrg its Owi, timl -S t* at 4 'Ap~ F4049 13~' Cal-i 14 PP'-l per# ArA4~ *A-AciW"OM 59 lk 1965v pp 3- U. 65 On the Mftchani= or the TraWiration of toavoa the ?I&.nt, by L. N. Bababkim RUSSIV, por Dlok Ak I;ok I* IR Vol 1,;91 NO 1, Mw%.Apr IM, C13 Rise in tho lac2ated Fl~ 33SH. ~gt SCLI 22,5-227. L - tQ - 44 6 ~ w ; tj Hov 70 5W-,IdjU9tlvg BygWm wJU RoaUWar by So A. Babushkint 24 pp. HMIA,, Per., Lft-19mmam-Eq~ ~wu TeorU I Prmktukawlid~~vff w~umh&h~lk%mvn X, pp 04--(-t PIOULUOULSW-V FTD-M-P-4-132-67 sai/space Tacimlogy July 63 3500W L iL S!;rvi-,a mto to the SOU Of V%ftclllv=, am Cam.ati" Aawt or Tertloillim Wt OC Cotka. IV E.g. lacrub, 1. 5. Daboalklm. Ru=jl,, Dw. pot ;%, voi 5o. au 1,,,. 1965, V= ,7' /Y - 1,5,-; b c,-~ /7 i~, sci - S MP 67 '40.1m it-10 .200-11~v Cultural ilovolution Evalustod.. by Joan Bab,7,, 10 PP- r.zr-~,crt pop, LIOxqmgtj Pnrins Octobor 19639 pin 39-47- P 23 11,6707 j rl',,'/Cm Chim, 353s117 .101 I ,:10v 63 A. A. Babykin Tomperatum dopendenoe of the optioal proporties of oarbon bZwk. 6 pp. C) RUSSIAN, per, Ixv. VUZ. Charptaya metaZZurqiya. VoZ 1~, No 9,, 1969,9 pp 159-162 AIRIPTD-HC-23-92-72 sept 72 tnxtimL, of . imcclUdin-, :-Ax)d,, Jaws and ..7,trcn-- Vlarxdble,- of ~-Iac o f ; ~tlatic in .11a., ag Ly V, akiyykinf f~'v Yes "smlkin, 14 Vmu"P"., V IA - I'iziki ?laxly i ~Uruvkjaw;~~ "Laaktiti, ma, 1-220 3840158 CL, Turbulent neating of Plasma by a Direct-DjachUrge Current, by M, V, Bab7kin* RUSSIAN, rptA, JA&2MLtjMLaj AtqaC Eno= Agwey, Conference on Plagma Physics awd-Cantrollod Nuclear Eg&oa EWIMh Sept 6-10 1965., NTC4-71-10391-Ml A) /-L 121-q6~ I ~CTOI,~3 Nov 71 , pmw 71 w-anesa Underednes officer's AutharMy tw Ye. 044pdn 0 5 pp, ittsSiffit UN 0 mowme 25 July 1W* p 2. Jlris 4875? 'a Ck-, , tt-;~j J, ~C I 141 - I ) mAlOW3 6~; /I Better Coordination in War Utdto UIW* by 1e. Bahrdnq 5 ppe RUSSUN, npo fturAn ZW-gib momeme 20 i4ow 1969p p 2o JM 49462 USSR An Jan 70 3999269 1) MW HM Zell Duyw COOPMUTS Dow1orM FUh4Wsj%?* btr 136o Ha. 13 W. A VIETtomm pw Tymm ftnoig so 59 1969a pp zlex. JM 48696 S-t Vlat ,I -f f. POI .~ - Ye- , :-,, ,- sapt 69 1 - ,A 389046 Discussions of Prices )f AZriciatumi Pr-,dxto: A C..atribution to tim System of Agricultural P-im.,wqe Pricas and to tae Acricaltuml Tax,, by Jan Baca) IL pp. GIN&MO-M USE OMY CZ-Cl. Nr, 7,e:--*dqls%q U==IL%p 11) 5., VAY 1)6up PP- 3~)3-3))- V-IiS GUO ,),j61 3 C( - (2 !M3-C = Oc. EC.-c JA Model of the PU=WM Pr1CO and Its Rela- tion to the FinaneW Lutrmenta in the Now System of Agriculbaul ftmgamautp by Jw Baftv 13 VV* GOVEFMKMT USE OW 4mr Vol 1966.. go 2,, per, Elm= a jb2D Fdb 1966,, PP& 8e-dgp JPF6 GUO 1140 EE-Czech fton A-- 4r, 299,,276 Bacalu, Ph. A Study of the Principal Characteristics of a Higli Powered Carbide Furnace. INTERNATIONAL "ELEKTROWAERME" CONGRESS (1,10. 5). WIESBADEN, 1963. !=-72-14992-13A An Automatic Control System " Phatosulti- ;-"I' plier Gain and of Aelativ* Linear Electron- Ic Coupling, by C. Bacel. ITALIAN, rpt, LNP-67/11, 1967, p 11. NASA TT P-11,192 sci-Elec Mar 69 3780596 The CobW3 of the Dun and Volgeto, bY ", 88COSCUS, R. Mayier. MUM,, por, Yjcv)rvsy_Ikhtiolo& Vol 9j, No 1(54), IV69, rp 51-60. Dept of Interior A-36-feb 1970-No 42 On Loan ~4 C, may 70 Mat Effect of HUB P29)w MA Man Tempem Difference Oil the Best Output of FAMAtwop by B. bleb GUNN, per. Clesm&eits-lummieur Vol 90, Jan 1969, pp n-:L6. O.A. Trom. 645 -)V. L I aug T1 ritiortsc-wico !.ner,,v :,,i-ectraa loy G, rer Act*, Vol 2110 .w/c.tV; , .1 ver Cop, -ci Jul%,