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momm" at wo capotalto sweebwo ad am"tu at tbo $a 4domom in TwAmlw abow or mstj~ Araw ty U* -fie I swUdt* & A4, Ao %WVVA% ausUI4 m. AS-WSIL lm.&&h.6 Aft 60 Tho Investigation of Atmospheric TurbWUmce in Antarctica by a Radlo Probing Method,, by T. K. Babarykin,, V. P. Belyavems 9 pps RUSSIAN, per, AN -Sam. meshmmkipagumm i pp 1-71 SePt 71 Vie Use of Electronic CAVuters in National Scon-mic Planning, by L. BabseWdn, 13 ppq MWIO.. per, ?12=0.ve Khowwwtwo., No 6s ime :L966,, JPHS 3650.6 UISISR Econ Alw, 66 ~", J. Ba,~~~ 8014ktwta]-Ik jbv 69 396t748 'ji The Soviet Union's 164sil Flahi Industry and Its Prospect of Developnent., by K. E. BabaWem,, A. V. &,otovF 5pp 0 rpto T14-plintm Hsi-DU is-&b Yen-Chiu. Wel-yuan-bui Ti-ch 1 -1 -tzu Chluan-tli Hai-i lAm-ven-chi,, Feb 1966j, pp lld-1,210 JPRS 2~00706 323,954 Sci - Biol & Med Apr 67 A New Stage in the Culture of Plant-FAting RUSSIAN,, port !am* Ump Vol XLII,, No 68, 19660 pp 4-7* Dept of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service BCF, Bureau of Foreign fisheries Jul 67 3320994 Asheries, by i.. L. Abaian. 6 p -tboveyjt~jm. 43, 10, ynr, jopo al 4~0~ of latedor anvau of Camercial rishwi" 6ra=h of karldtp kisheAeo 04! -con ~ &r 66 P, I'Le ikale of Anbarl%- Are" In 'UnA by ~ s I., a.4taiszt A* 'ilodt=. R iz", IA!9Port 44, py 12-130 fAav&u of i'-'amrmvial .-Asharies fUmr.-c-l-, ot I ordZa Flzheriw Ai~g and InoreasIM "n luo of Desert Lands, by A. Bobayevs 5 pp. ~-,vsSV'l m. Pravda, Moscows 10 SaDtOM- borsl Y) 9 r 46662 y e V UI!S:.'!/r.con 369,258 1 v 68 .10 lonrarenoe an rural ~IactrlfloaUolm in -bacom, by ',3, Va)-nahteyn *M A, Fiaborw, j,;J rw v ~~ak~ .04mv 4 "ar 1967, 3. ~~ton lpr Bulletins f0 the All-unim G**gxvh1c Saciotf,p by A. BQW*Vm, 3 PP. RUSSIAN$ per# Is y1mgm ftstafidwskm Obsbckkestva, no 50 Im AW ffiff'41. (960 V.98a No L--114 0 SCI-E.. Sci and Ocamogir H" 67 3209426 ----- -- -of va wo jw um u=dAkw met. q-7 IOOC Ond 0002moM of C*j~, bir 1. K. MdmWw. MUM., pwr aMS ftlk -ftmft. go 4,v 196E6 *=I.&Tm - v4ffwj,C,WMBw23mCoqq6s7O j - /t/. Baloy--O-~ Sol-ave Doe 69 Tmitaftl planalm DISCIUM 'tar IW bjr 11- WvV*v* 9 --'w Amodas 5 wo w RTISSIASO IONOW NNSON&MO so lot 19zgvp 23-We ~*Oamv ins W6041 MR FAM J= 69 YM 183 , -1 -) CL ~a. N. 16. 6440q~ev A Study of Bit Performance and Drilling Parmetera in Slant HDIes I by N. Hh. Babqw.. RUSSIAN, per, Izv VUZ- Heft CNL'5-..j Vol ll~ No 5p 1968., PP 17-21. ATS-RJ-5885 APr 72 Led CdUVAUm Potes" of ChUrAI*4 by T* saboa$6 RUSUAII, perv sg"dW %1 0#36 y4 1, lo?p p 23, DIP% ot baerier swom or casup" nAbwl" MPMWAh ^17 Sd-Aer Jan 68 348,333 Immological liodadow of t6 Rvdation or Restorative Pr=ssoo, by A. G. Babaevat 160 pp. HUSSIM I bk# "lickhwluw ;;a- '1=9101~igbgdiLo - uz Vo3stmovitalwilgrkh Pgoteassov, 1972 Pimium PUBLISHIM COMRATION CWISMTANTS BUIWAU =r 72 D;L~. &. BAIVIlev R A Problem in Optiml Replacementg by D. A. Babaev, Dzh. G. Babwjeim, 5 PP. R=IM, pers Analiz i Sintez Sistes Aytematicbs!LoM ama-mijm, 1W.- ARM/FSTC/HT-23-13.7-72 June 72 Catalase and Cytochrom OxIdaso Activity in plants Vitb Different Radlosensitivity, b7 M. K. Babaeva IMSSIAII, per, Dok Ak Naulc S33R2 1310DIMOX Vol 178, no 5,-76-b 1966, pp 1198-Iml. CS f,1 - L~ - 0) P, 'r~, ; ~ e N, f:) Oct 70 fertaiv Fsaars hot*ralaing Antlexidant Capacity of PS&ael Compounds. by Ye. A. AtayaVa, N. L. babayevo. XOSSIAN, Par, Chimlya I Tekh Tepliv I magel, 5, UNW.-IP-P, Iff.-ts*.. .1. , 1. -- - - -406 'ter 316,3s1 ~ ; Gram NcgRUv Indotmdu Ghock in Bwtwimda,, by RSRp Babb. GMM.* W., Fort der Meazln, vol. 85,, 196T,, ipp. 8124b6. rm 73.-12%9-o6s The FIDW of SM INUS of Visom Liquid an the Inclined Extruder Plato of the C"ting Mm&ino,, by A. 1. bAcbUs at &A. RUSSIM. per* Zh. Nalichn I priklad potogr KiftematcMEL Vol is, No S,, IRSO, pp W~ms ST No 3136 Her 67 3229137 j~taiai.a,; a I-Itysi"I wi i Ii;)O" 'Vol 48, 1W 1,, 760 1 ('14, 1", L 62, 1 zvdel c-4-* bio Farmatim by A. 1. Liu6dri. --7 C"W--UCteT:LSUCO Ot MO StAtO Di"t umftr smialim; by A. Bob& 16 Vp Malw,'rPer, Pr*um loonoolcof Vbl* 180 no. gi, ftb 65j. pp MRS M4 EB-I'amlil Rem Apr 0 MOTO The zitato Luleat In the )w Mmatdc ~v a coo anu, Al Saba, IS ir. RI~Lmll's %va 62-75. Jar "Ne 1,7 Coordination of Financial ~4-,e Uredit i~eiations in tl-~e ilresevit - tag jo of In, .11. I'lebe r0 ne ~~c A2 w* or a Mew Cowvt Lor tto uxv3- "at" I.V"Iopgut Of Cosewelmak- A+4,1&A- tuve., by YdaNk aaWcJv ,j tv. C=IA amomMok no j,,m few ftA-. The Classification of Plant Remains in the Ricroccopic Preparation of Humus Formations, by U. Babel. GMAJI, per. ZeitsoMft fuer PflanzengaMhrung, Duengung und adgrOkunde, Vol 109,, No 1, 1965, PP 17-26. NTC-71-10104-02D Nov 71 p Ummm smbbwft at mr low Uot Daum a (b]21481001"6 mkmft~ ftw*v bv A. IL BWXmbc6 WOMs 90t Fab 1-90 ML af:909-9t (640?4r N:1 1~ 1-1 16 C A-~, t- sa-fte m 70 4MA59 Trace Elewnto in Experimental and Clinical 6(0 Medicine., by Geurgiy Aftsentlyevich Babonko, 20 Ppe AWIM, bkj n"lemnt k ,..Z v LWrloentallnov i xlinit4ghu Nscutsineo PP. 3-6,v 7-3bi. U4- ~eo IM-183P JPRS 375)0 41~3FNTIE-VIOH ~,4eEIYK,!~ U-CISH sci-Dlms oct 66 3U,205 -------------- - -Vtzp- NOW, ~,, (0 ? Auto=tAC hVPBMSIM Sygtom fer the H,2D Computerl TranoUtow frm the Aften Lmups by Lo 11. Ltbuko & L. 1. DmgopmUp. RUSslArs's rptq AN ft ssfi Vallao AZMMqbj!WM* 153-T)P. A pr 66 lncre:,,alrk; Ferrlto t~ewrY unit ..ccesv &U, by L"Proying Circuits,, 1.3y N.K-Bnbenko ter$ A UlErW8. Kit-.rneticba2)~t 'Al*k4Wj-,,P 1-,)65, 59--q0. plwlxf)w-v J:. ".1 y j50j,~O V.-T. eptletie-0 Chmon in mackvphmvuc "ectm cir " IhOft Sgods Undw the Mr"t at UM 2 - 0 1w V. 1. Befac. r4a". MMUR per, P* X11* lb 3, marob ..j Imt Pa.# V01 203, (a 0, PP fut-7im. Jim T3 Incorporation of Imogenous Carbohydrate Sub- strates in the Carbohydmte Metabolism in Certain TyMs of PlAutes, by Y. 1. N=rM., per,, Dok Ak Nauk S%Rj, Vol 17T., So 5y Doe 196T.. Vp 1232-1235- CB Aug 68 362o094 . . . . . . . . . . AdooMe VZbo~Uam In a Carl* Doles Satum " BMWs by S& lo Sdodus 0. IL Soda. MBAMI r0 nk Ps" I" so 4~ Xq666 Sakelvk-o amb 69 Ma263 On the basic law of the dintributlon of atmoMpheric pmesum over the oceans and continents., by E. F. Babenkov,, RUBSVJ; per., LhLa ~1~j Vul (Fa&~) 323.,3J', Sci - .1bteor.. Cli A.pr 67 On the basic lms of atmoopwic ;wessure contInents., by E. F. OlmmologAM Vol 5 fILL 9OM-551 (P-1621 the distribution of vver the oceans and BabeWwv,, 1965) YP 779-792 Sci - Meteorology.. C3A Apr 67 'Plal Rule of iiOxection in tlt,~ Thermal Interacti of arx, Pt)nos),.>here, Ly F. i3aLenkov, 53 rip Gosur3ar.-Okheanologil V(-Jl S4, r pi tAV/STIC-Ircia-2451-71 A, 7-'i2 - ."ov 71 Asymntotic Properties of the solutions of S" lntec~ral Lquations, by V. A. Babashko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok -Ak Nauk -vSorR,, Vol 187,, No 3,, July 1969, pp SSS-13 7. The cUt Inst of Phys Vol 140 No 70 J4n 1970 , . A . '~ ~ 8 t-- !-~ ~,, I'-, C., I-, Feb 70 401,409 AsyLi,tctic llru;tertics o~ the Scluticsis of a CiAss c~f' Inte ral Lowotions uccurriji~, In I.Iazaicity Theory wtd ',athcnutical Physics, by V. A. faabesllLo. per, I),LL AL :,auk Vol 1868 "t) tit JUTIC 11,169, 1-11 12733-12 6. TLC Au Inst of Phys Vol 14" .-o Ut flec 1969 Jan 70 401,184 Me ALOTA coqAlws' 1w 0. 1, agotedg, P. M. Bahama T~vnuw 't yus No Owwadus A* P. B. A- 749%UW.11, L. L. ftdyvvdM&.t G. 1. M=huthlns 8- "~- KodwMdWjo & 0. Mfjh- wvlcb,p Yu. 1. WM*lovlcbo 1. T. Pttudir", owd L. 9. TroWun, A IV. MMM, p4r., ~4~ I&M.4 t'llri'lp Mtal"*W Oill ill It MWA Vol No Ps Mu*-A~ 19b% rp. W-325. "I's 30931) vMR, scl-ftt4w JvIl 65 W3*10D notwu ae P94ducUon *f Mw Forgivas fm fte" numm (now), tw 1. Q. om=mooo im. 9 N NWW.- vw# - - t WO To A-%Ts VP -v Sal-Ofttwl"s ftv 09 QV "\,~\ - Stracture of VUZ Capital Assets Analyzedg by A. M. babich. 10 pp. RWSIAVI, perg lxvgga &%Mdezdi KaRk 54~kRj z5t" WRO.MicheisjS!Og Moscow, No 1i, 19?29 pp q3-&. J?RS 55374 Par 72 #2mtrozrt of oftsoartal oulw Tuberculmisj, by D. K. Bobicbs 9 pp- rusmi,p bk,, luxopii Pri 19t)51 pv- 7PF, 10- JM 32660 sci-B/M Mw 65 291,070 IS ow ad 4t 6 Comma 2EIMISM Z##Wv br go IF* SbopmW* 4 be T* M6*j* ? no BMW* IMMAMAM I* nulobw tam, Zak% awas ftr 14335 DigitaI OMUVI Gampate= With &dtaboble logics by G. Ih. Babich and V. T. IWmikay. 12 pp. RWSIA *ts SIMIDO on= AnaLy Ma'. an.] Beim Ubrav ladig Badanst. 8-1 AD3d] 196a 13P 505-510. ADA7D-HT-23-255-71 Avg 71 ChOA r .:Xjitdv-,(.~-strucLu3m- Ccntxol Cmputers aad T Spaaci of 0,,eraticn,, by Go Kh. MActil ct aL A-lr,, Pribory i Sistery UpravleniXa, -o 5, 1968, pp 26-31. i"ID .PX ~,.xecial 5B-69- nov 69 39G,974 Effect of Rounator on LA4noity in Rausn Scatt4rlM 3peetm of M&tj by I. L. Bobicho 1. 1. Nondiledw. RMSLUI,, per. Dde Ak NWk SSS4 Flalkis Vol 3790 No 10 N6r 196b, PP 4U-50* The American Ineutitte of Rwaics Vol 13s 110 3v Sept 1968. J- L - 6,4 6 0e. 68 368#378 -1-7- , , '... :~- '.,IP, . - ,,, "I I '7%,X .,:, 00011-1-ft-re"m or ;-14w48" in a %bulml I ShaU Ikar a OMM Was, bw I. To. Batdcb* ./ /cff S. A. Vothbourars, MMMS ryt$ 2D M7 ~965. DePt *r Raw Tr %Wftmshlps Tr 1b 1036 ual-p4ys MW 67 326s888 On the Stability of a Cylindrical Panel, by Yu. 1. babich. RUSSIAN, per, Prik Mokh, Vol 4, No 12, 1968, pp 121-124. CIA X-7016 . 1 6. '~' d. 6y, May bg 382.306 i-mmille-atiza i`rwpozed for loml "Wi-mtry, bY --wir ~-kccw:lla lk n -0 365.)21) Immu4ptiom or mayum mtrwlaft I&Ufttill, : iD the VmSrttk'G UVQW *,tC*gWbSMV b3f Be lo Lab- chanW 1. P. KWVUMddy, 8* A* Xft3kM# f.-V. KmAyw~-p L. 74. Drylovp V* 0* On't, Vt- tU PustomVt and A, V- ftlrl~ 37 IONIA3j, yer., gowidatin Vol rll,, Ito 2,j 2N-2blv JPIV 3"- MR sci-vaye Jun 65 BABICHFNK0, V. RU ------ DUST STORMS IN THE UKRAINE TRUDY NAUCHNU-lSSLED0VATELJSKGGG GIOROMETEROL INST. CKIEV), NLI. 52, 196 FSTC.-HT-23-0992-73 ~J" )ic~r--vjp Zu, I* PndrjuZc~"xko, '10 trclite 23-24. ~-23-149-69 A CA.;t U~li 395, 325 luj*"104 91 tin"Jis j4lb- a vArvor 1xv #1 th AdJOSUC floosa CSVMSIGDtAspa Appar*Uw)o Iq by A.I. Karc6Mkiy4, A.F* 2"14UW# Ot 44o 26 ppo m6tpAkroo #*"I cm-auw tMismagg 4t tuo ?Issas Y*ics -M4 CMXCQII" Xvcl"f F"I" aft"Ich 1%30 Akc u1juclogir j" 66 302001 .47. 71 7,,g ,o~~N V" R45 - - kZ, an Ampzlm Medlaim (19454b 7,A 80~ '=rt Bbl,,,, 3T ppo 1965) t6v WWW=t PWO A V2=-o massawl o1 mil lb ly 1.9650 PP* --3 MIS 3VW RNI+cd Oa6lc~s) M-Huagary sci-B/if Jun 66 3Q2sOO5 Uee of -AntiuLotice for Uvest=k Mitrition in ceemimlovsklas by Vl&,Itxluv 2"alabs~. aW Joeof Babickao 3 pp. c2mils -per,, ftzimmi4 7-=M"m 9!eAvp Vol. XP go. ;7437. 177, pp. ZZ-43. a JAW 1-,et --l ~O d- " -, - 'k, ~- 1-d C--~l C. -- Aviation in the Land of Sovievs,,)by J. Babiejczuk, 429 pp. POLISTI, bk, Lotnictwo KraJu Rad, 1969, PP 1-387. AIR/F2D-HC-23-04-71 Jan 72 .he -,-ethod clS khaso iwictions ia Qvantmsm e-act=Jesp 1-'; -~, i"', al)ikov, RiSalAlp"s v ~Mt2jpA juna 359, Y4c- Omen Content of Underground Waters of Peat Soils, by Bo V. Babikov. IMOSIM, per, Lex Mwz. Vol 2. 19679 p 22* *MS TT 71-51W-2~ S. ~ I a PC' 6't Y 0 V July 71 so IlItAgift JW T', T4 sougamw, *^:ftw 46 me xm I-W " 4=21W(ft= of Atom" * sit AW JWo *-JM V. V. Babikov 3009" am 6T /Yc/~. ~3,--E&o Oil-Dalivar7 Sy-atau,, by K. N. BaMnq at al. Z4 pp. RUSSM., books, dullmemm 2dmkwda imumd --to 1-186a w =y&, 1968s, pp AnVMAg-24-90-70 Ju3,v 71 -3y afect of sunpwAod ftrtlasa m Ikesthing ImsUptede by Vo Io BoWIne 7 pp. RUSMSj pwo Ulabom -:t -SWAMWIV16 tteam,, No to Oet 19690 pp ".53. ams Jan 70