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WL Innubm ar'bm"ntm M US 11pokyals *f Calcium Carbo=te in an leothw=Ll GanUinm in a Stzew of b~ltrqqen or Under Constant Uamm, by J, k. Auffrefte a F* VALnet. FW(;Ji, TAOr, jogfel 11-0-ROM Vol 265,, 38r Ct 1967,, pp 329-332. *NIS-.% TT 1~-11,435 sci/ct isr 63 ci~ The Evolution of the Temj~6ture In a Calcium Carbonate Cuba in the Comme of. bmlyels in an IsothOTMI Chambor, While Maintaining a Va==# by J. P. AuffrecIlc FMICH, Part Acadwde des Sdenoeqj Dos. Comptes Rendus, Series As Vol 263v 19669 pp 457-460 NW 71-16871-20M 7 7- 7 Feb 72 f- -7 55, Medico-Physialogical Incidmms on the Pilot fcw Flight Pattons Typleal *f WeIg by R,, -Auffrat., K., 501"s MUOI, rptv AGARD Ca4lected Pamrs Progmted at the U" UMM 9 -ft* WAU AsUM&M MMCU PIOU S&Pt IM& PP 24FP-7.57* XASA TT P-470 R. Auffret sci-skm Jul 67 3310686 ta"Ure"Ag at LOW "Wegy vibirstLafts Lft big delicopten and Tholf TrASSAWum to the pilot. by 11. urise R. Auff"to MUM Vtf ACARU COU0404 Im plesouted " the Md )b*tbU Of UM AGMV MEMPAW mat I EMA Sept MSp pp 343-3540 NfASW TT F-471P Scig-ftv Jul 67 MoM 8- 7 gg ~, A;5r~-",;-,~? RNY -ootrys .5torice by ~Iodrlguoz 14grbly Inloods tW Angel Au4er# 7 ppo 5 AN ,'s Per@ itvanat 2 14&r 1969, pp 31-"o J46 48118 6~ 3839634 are MWA* a V01- Sol= Cs low zr nw-MV "US9067 in AM "WIM J A Lx KI 67 Ausv %AI tile ThOory JiUaUSt, ,or, ~eraoucr,,'ic-, NO JWA W Repair of Tanks and Other Vehicles, by L. Augusta. CZECII, bk, 0*rpravy Tanku a Janych Pas- OvYCII vozidel' PP 4-4-t -Sf-j FSTC-14T-23-545-69 Sci-Pach Mar 69 Repair of Tmks and Other Caterpillar Vehieles. by Karel Augus*a# Vaclav L*picg et &1.0 10 pp, CZECHO bko, !Xn!z Tgmku a Ago PSSO!Zch v0sidelf pp 43-01 49-5Z1 1"6 756 AQI F--M7S ID 2204042466 A Hur/Czeck/Mil Sept 66 3090,733 AUGUSTIN G GE __ MANUFACTUKE OF PACKING M4TE21AL F80M POLYURET HAN-AFRAT'r-.0 PLASTICS DIE YLRYA(~KUNIJ 1970 NOV-DEC NO t PP 183-185 FSTC-HT-2~-2568-72 Collidiag-Daav Effect. Part 11: Wave-SuaWr Drift. Case of Two Be&=-Application to Transverse Instability Created by Sscmd Banr*kplicstion to L;i)ace-CbarUa Compensation with Fcur Beans, by J. E. Augustin, 17 p-1), M01, rpt, Effat Faize*&U-Fai;s~iw, Technical ;Wport 9-70 JEA/LNO March 1970. M'USLAC-Tr-117-7.9 :Ici/rhy Aug 70 Colliding-lww Effect, Pwm Lee: Perturb*ticn Undorgme by a Particlo Crossing a Ounch,, by J, E. Augustin, IS pp. FRENOi., rpt, Wot 1'Wsqcaq-Fm4scesu, Technical Report 36^69 JMM, 11 Dec IM. ABC/SLAC-Tr-116-70 Sti/Phy Au- 70 ",ow P -atant Legislation, by 7ataru 7 pp. Ul"All"! ntl& SL "I"lovatil, "~er' inva --rent, -'-'eb 63, pp. 41.4,1- 4. CLI-- Ru %ani a ay 357,762 Al L~-q Prmalbilities of Towering AIr Duct Vibrations and Refteing Noin Urals in Sidler ftms by Ye. xamkiWes, S. k3Sm*Wekj 8 pp. GOVBRINW us a= Potmp PW 0 ANVtSTC/Hr-23-522-71 Silo Problet, at fatiiicial RainbokinTo iq OP Le AujostLy =d G, Kanturg, 52 14). V. Y;o 4,12=ov". 2m of the "echnical Wiversity,, Vol Wl, Iv66 pi; 61-130, Diall Vi Gxi~- 4,,~ Oct 2z"' Probl~ HoUtUS to Develarimt at wrectiv Gov4r=mnt A&dntbtxutcm In Af"b4 by Dr- Lod$ AUJMdatp 20 VP* v lb 2s Pot ymmv pw.* is of a 19669 Ive Aa-wo JM WA2 l,j6QIS AMC& ftm Apr 66 29Ts,963 Future of African twdlalm Viewed as ProMematlos bV Lmle-Paul Aujonl&U 17 pp. "juvUtill US6 OuLl MICHO bks Zalft Unshamp 4 Aug 1969s lop 21-251 25 Aus 1969o pp 35,-39- JRS/L 3138 A a 21 -1 cw us MONO IV I, L DWMwv & 16 1 1--I I sw3w oft M* 4h a* ".,- - 1-- *9 106 lb f* XONS w iw. 4-"A. AM L, L . q , /< D ~- V E V'Q AW(19 3%99 X-Ray Methods on the Stt* of Defects in Single Crystalss, by Je Auleytner, POLISH, bk, 1967& 264 pp, NLL (Pergamon Press,, London) /',7 &'e-1 V//~'. alcl-~ Sept 67 340027S meamim to Few mod Prkm in potwa Servim and Tbl.9vowKdC&UOw* ty Sol= ACCUp U ppv pmt GROM, perp Me AMU" Vol. 12p lbo i's Jan 19672 too ips W49 Ile p Z- E34kot oexuamw Z= July 67 329s7& The Plant Manager, His Basic Functions and Methods of Operatlon, by F. F. Aunapu, 54 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Direktor Zavoda Yam Oanoymyye Funktail I Metody Raboty. Izd-vo "Ekonomika"-Moscow, 1967, PP 1-48 AIR/nD-MT-24-289-70 SePt 71 The Phatory Director, His Basic Funations and l4etlwda of Operation, by Aunapu. F.F. RUSSMY, per, Bibliotachka Khoxim- stvemwgo atkovodi Z a 2967, pp 1-48. FTD--,,!fT-24-289-?0 Y go of SoomAM JkvlAW BMM*&M Is IPL- ALA %W Do. a. AMR=# Its we ~ ~ 441p"auou ammiewr ---- - - w 19664 ABC ft--I%T D. C. AV== Y6*37k Rd . *acbW Bolanom MW 6T ~2A ,,eon,.Cdo &gyl ;~~ llcm4opwot In i-*Md*no IV A. -%O9n-Wvt. ChArl** AUAOfttv It- M-.11 V,'l. pir 6-7. 22 SrJ 24. .15-1*'~'* 25 and I 1.117 4(BNL-tr-468)-'SkMNOACMSAMPEPTMES. VM. OXYTOCIN ANALOGS WrrH 3-NrrRO-L-,D-TYROSIM AND p-NITRO-L-PHENYLALANINE IN THE SECOND POSITION. Auna, Z. P.; Kaurov, 0. A.; Martynov, V. F.; Morozov, V. B. 'rr- 10 anslated by S. J. Amoretty (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N. Yj, from jlVestn. Leningrad, Uaiv,, Berl, Blol,; No. 16, 674-9 (1970). 2013P. Dep. WIS. 2,chernistry (organic); translatiow 1107C 23MN-4 29P NSA -y-raining, i-istributiw wid UtiUsation of 17 SIdIled lotkzem in TWColas by 'IbdDr Avrrmov, 12 pp. por, ;jqv* vreme. Vol .LUO i;o 8 8 1966. pp. 4 =47. JJPR~ Y3239 76 del- ,,,ov 66 313,614 Planning Sovkb*t Production, under the Conditions of ftu cost Accounting$ by V, Avrawv., 6 pp. RMIAN,, np., MwnmdcbegjqM mzeU 3op 26.. June 1967'. PO 34o JPRS 41971 61 AU94,mov. us" ECM Aug 67 333..456 X-1. &~~ L ( L C'I- Cooarativo InvostIgatione With a Continuotwly - Working Dust Monitor, by K, Aurand, GERHM, per, Gemmdheits-Ingmi 0 Vol 89, No 12, 1968, pp 360-363. NTC-71-12676-13B Nov 71 Studi*3 on the Behavior of Radionuclides in viewer Systm and Sawage-Treatment Plants Following the Introduction if fiadoactive -Sewage Containing Tagwrarily L- levated Cm. centratioas, by 4, kAmdg J, Aradtf at 010 rpt, APW 19". P911049267 AhC-tr-6845 /V. 4&ie,4NC1 sci/B&H Mar 67 3188571 ig ;on tbo POMM at FWdW SYSWOW& IV Ps Anil" 44ASUGO * chaptw US mms, Pa.# wum-MM& OKI 23" Dept of IAVY W5 17 e__" , ;,,, 't 'LlIc 4L Sa/?AlCh,o I"dW 9 EW sw 67 34015W . 1 S6 `9irti--,!it .,-'it :Zesi~11'atOrY .'rotection f-laska, Anrich, DO .;cr Ate!;,z -Tr-70- 17 7u Groma Reflactim cc vdms ftittedo tw Andre Aurioll, Joso-BuMd NVM- nmRs, . RwA Math. #_Seri" A# '70, '10-73. *A= C) Oct Franoo-Algwian Udastrisa 9=01DM* tir Rdl Aar=* 22 pp. GOVER~ USS OAU FPSWAS pwo ftri% flow 19681p pp to&-iw. MIS Quo 2940 r- fi I / Ile, 1~4( Ro,*'t- Af-Algwia Eam Jan 69 372t4% PraWLons of Foxvign Tr*ft aW PVrmts in CS-EA, I by sarAor Ansch, 21 pp. Pp JMS 469 '18 A~ L) P c 14 a;/duxl6ary X- 50 59 ''tiltilatomlisra, ImcferablItty I,ee6W, by L"* %,-Ag by -andar Aweli, 26 pp, v.,41* For 6 JTP sadAt Ott* of ftdc Omicals Used La AgricUtures ty A. Aughrjnno 33 Mp. LMIUMS tko NNLM Am* limmusix lg(*j, pp- 96-135- -JUO JPHB 33505 //,- x/-a-5 Z/ /V9 -5- WSH sci-SA Jan 66 M,0010 IrIvestigation of the ~-Meaon Resonanc* with Electron-Position Colliding Beafffs, by V. 1. Auslander. RUSSIAN, rpt, Mad Vauk SSSR Sibirskoe Otdelerde Inst Yadernoy FIzikI, Pre- print 2T3-,l�-C8-. *AEC j/'17, Sci-phys Fe 1.) 6 9 Dop*mWmo of this Utoklm jmd lAnwobw of a Bon an the Fw6w of F*rUAlw In the Aoo=mp ]AtWo bW 1, AVA&IdW. 8 pps it=Imo Pwo &tam famom Vol 22s No 3s 4 'Ll" 19679 pp 203wM Dept of Navy ua 2w liov Lifetim " Wam"m of an 4ACtym (kwdt- M) Nom in an at 4m som"nts tor VO Ls AudAnders ? We RML&I Pwfp dam hot"$ Vd 22o Po I tar 1967, pp 200-M. L*pt of navy cal tv 2w ikw 343*746 Phuse Stability of an lutmos Electron Y 1~ ell Scam in an Accumulatorg, by V, L, Auslemiurs, 10 pp 0 RUSSIAN* per* n2ttq g pp 210-213. Dept of gavy Tr No 5151/0M1 2296 Scl - Elect & Llec Engr V Mar 67 320,099 a&A injeoum 8r4 --I W^WPW" PlAtmwq by L, &MI&AWs U ppe ausbIAN, pws a p Vol 22 ~ur'1967v pp 20&,KO* Dept of IAV.V ONI t7 aw Nov 67 A 6tudy of CEAerent Phase Auto-oscillatims in Storage Riagsa by V,4 Auslander,, et al, 1 il M IMI, par, Institut Yadernei Fitiki Sibirskogo Otdcleniya Ak TO Sb=-SR 1966 *AB C S LC Aov 66 noons 24pwb=vw,"wAvRdI- asomp atu& 1w va, 16 AMUAWO it w coaftmon an low amw 903644"dwims AW JOL firw". V. L, Auslender 0 At log m 4 m Dependence of tho Beam's Ufaim and Dimusims on Uia Nwbor of Particles iii t1io Storage 11ing, by V.L. Auslender,, ot al. IW~ZIM, per, lzwtitut Yaderad Fiziki Sibirskogo Utdoleniya Ak i~auk SSLSIt 1966. *AEC SLAC V 1 1,40V 66 Lijection and Storage of Positvxs, by V.L. Auslendor, et al. IWAAN, per,, Institut Yadernoi Fiziki Sibizskol,, LtdclelliYa Ak =,I- 1966. *I%bG SLAC Sci/.,-*Iiysics Nov 66 Lifetime and Dimensicus of an Electron (Positron). Do= in a Storage idgg at Low Cumnt, by V.L. Auslendor, ot al, 14MIAN, per, Institut Yadexpoi Fiziki Sibirskogo U'Weleniza A Kauk-S MR 1966 *AUC SIAC ILI Nov 66 Monitoring of Luminosity in Colliding-Beam 2~laddnos via Small-angle Scattering, by V. L, Aw lenderj et al, IUBSIA"I, per, Institut Yadernoi Fiziki Sibirsk2p t~deleniya Ak Nauk ~aR. 1966 ME C S LAC sci/physics "0v 66 Start Oi L~yerimOntS With tho VEPP-2 Electron- Positron Storage Idng, by V. L. Auslander. 1= I &',,' I I. per. lustitut Yadernoi Fiziki Sibirskogo Utdolenlya A S2�R *AL-*(; SLAC 1966. sci/Illysic's, h1lov 66 Ml Mquou at Q~ Fan MobLuse softm UDOW Usawn %w Ve L Aimisloodws Go DO IN IP I ~ 24 mpo MR MUM9 xv% moutdo of moolow F40d*4 smumb of So UM Adobw at adm".$ so - ndbink-- PMAVT MC mVir-146T V. L. Auslender 30o"0 Sed Apr A Study of the Self-excitation andMecelorsted WvTing of Coherent Transverse Oscillations in the IT.1111-2 Storago Ring, by V. L. Auslender. RWSSIAN', per, Institut Yadexnci Fiziki Sibix-akago Utdoleniya Ak Nauk =iSSR M6. *&-'C 5 LAC sci/Illysics iiov 66 4fZnt of lionliaoar iWsonances of botatrm iscillations in Storage ldngs., by V, I., Auslander, RUZIAN jAr, Institut Yadernoi Fiziki 'jlbirsko,,o utdclaillya AR S= *AB G 5LAG 1996. Ivaluation of the Cakebu6tion G&MW of PIRGUO9, by B. bw*oky, 3D rp- GOMO, per, M Zellprju Vol 16, ray 1967, M pp 58-466. p9ily-lalw AM-UCIM-TRAM-IOIW set-cl-Arl'stry Dee 67 346,181 Problef" of Sea Disposal of Waste SolUtlans Frm the Center at Le Uagues by R. kaser, J., Cwtel. FRENQi, rpt . 3 Ium on thw Dismal cactive Wastes into Sex. Oceaus. M gurflee waters, Ma"U"O, Play 19W. pp 16.21r. P011 7 AEC OKIL-tr-1479 e 14~a Scl/Suclear Scu ~~r 67 air ils a t-milicution in Truisfu:ilQus, Dy iltistuna, QG 1144-11-47. L'u.-t uL Surge Voltage Testing of Power Line Car;ier Tuning Equipment, by W. Auth. GERIMI. per, Elektrotachnische Zeit- schrift Ausgabe A. Zentralul-&-t-t-Ii-ei Elektrotechnik, Vol 98, No 12, pp. UTC 69-11553-09C 71-4- Sci-Earth Sci July 69 386,6S0 A-1 SatelUte to Be Limmehild by DiM=d Mcket by Bad at Sowedw; D-1 To Be v.m=hsa maut i jm=y i966,p by ittemo Lh~~* 5 pp. CAYOMMMNT Us aw no TA !~Mp 29 oct 196% p. 5. im aw ;(81 W-Frmce Sci-Mro NOV 65 292sl9l ~1--metz-uctur-s of ~ri=nrovm. lbrom jase, iAwical btairwd by IcrAc .-vrxndUms bV F. V. AutIng ~'* A. Al"lov. PIP 40-43. w,t-.4 WA at 13 - V. 72/ 361 Wrastracattwe it the AaapibUc >f Gaineal by 14oced3ri T=ore fty Autrap 12 *.op. GEMS,, per., Afrlka b-outep So 9, 1 MW 1,966, PP- 132-133- JPM - 43-31 Africa &)c ju 66 3Y R-~,! AU M. 17 vil T )ISO 1"Oda of Action of Insect Otelu. by if, Autrtmo N. OatsChL GZMAN,, per, 2sitschrift fuer Vergkoidien& Physiolol-je, Vol 170 W 3,,-' 3g M 256-ZYTI *'TC 4 'j --/.~/. sci/b Mid 4., a ov 79 Nickel CoatIM by Docampoidtlan of Nickel Car- bwwl (m PIAMIM Alloyst bly J. Alvitys Jo Co Beawmtp U pps GOVEMMENT USE MW FRENC14 per,, �-o-d.,6sts WDA-dem at dfAmU U%m Vide Hg mocat"Ust 16 Oct 19660 pp L-14. JM/L 3760 Sci-mat Apr 71 COUSUMMOMM Wfonate: Its Antibacterial Activity Against Psoodiallm Agnislaosa and Eschoricbio Coll and Its Effective Serum Levelst in Adultso by W, Auwaortoro GERVANO pets ArUMMittel Ymschugg, Vol XV, 19650 pp 595*04* SU TT 66-1302S Jurt 67 327o9ft M - 4 L, W'A Q:-~ e P., Observations of the Diffusion Proesomw in an Rvoproated Silver-Unc-Sulftdo rd*w System With the Photomisslon- Electron-Mcroswpe.q by M. AuWarter. GEM,, per, Z. fur an., No e24, 1969t pp 29&3o9. .."on *M TT 72-53176 Aug 72 1. fi-~q. 4vjqkrpAj The RvoluUm of Eadocytoodoij, by A. A. Avskym. =BBMP put v*- Ak X&* sms Kol 19 p Vol wkj, go I MW 19Wj PP 715-73b- CD I Fib T3 37 J'itlLG of by-- 2iiatcxy wid a-itc)4mesis of Viruses 411:11al-s- 8 by Ae A. Wdqan,, i.,. jjykC;Vjkiy. 495 pv.a,,)prc.%. A,GSI-~O bk Atlas ;~nataq'Li i Oit22M2F. It I a Virusav C)Olow-ka I ZI*dv(AMYkh, 197U. dui mmplzjlj,~! Sci/b mc! 11--c 69 393,591 .1ateroolwer Resources of USSR, by A. L~. Avakian, ut al. RUSSIA-;.,, 1)k, G-idroenerqeticheskie Resursy 1967 fiffff7l TT 70-50069 sci/par ici FeL.o 7u 402,448 awnds% at wltbnt rsalo*m at cao&wtlm by Ta. a. radilwafto N- B. Avokpuc6 Basms FWA -4w*u mong A na linemoh- Vol gagN=mp ibb 70 OUR ft 70. Cu"MUvo Toodaity of 11"vy ~-a"l I" for aam i-larcorfimboj bV Zo As AVOMs, 6 pp. RUSSIM, Pwo iAwmwAlwLVLV W 310 1900 pp 446-W, - ACSI J"3461 ID 92040W467 Lk i;ov 6? 343 ?X is C-7 Pecata of Testing a Cultrwa Antirabies Vaccine, by H. 1. AveUM19 M- A. 8611MOvo 5 PP- TMIO, perp Veterinarlya. no 5., 19699 PP 35-37- 4:7-0 v 4 L SCOM Aug 70 Rusidan MaWabhWi by R. 1. A S. V, Bromleys et &I, !22!Mt- / 5, .-, ye RUSSAN, bk* agl!w vtore izaamM D409WW* Lvobo yp Z)-3w. wip" WiSR Jan 66 &Sol= DJ--- b7 A. Z. hruMmwp so Vo ftqdAwp Le so Ddatorso IG 70 Xdkba- r*wav r., D. RMINIODS 00 so mm-1khmialwass yea ve ftwhatilos Yo Go arlora, #ad T* 00 ftrqpww% 331 no mang, 296% YPS 3-00 ORB 3WJb3 Boo Avr 66 296s316 ~iore Inforbation About the Tectonics of karpinsliy Iddge, By C, M, Avaids"Yane HUSSIAh, per, Ook Ak libuk SSSH, Vol 182, No b, 1968,. 1,1-- 1377-T.T�67 AGI \j /A N'I ~k 6 N G Q, A Y Jun 69 384,390 The latmewtjo of Taftlm SM Uo&MWmt 767 M& T-190940me IV As A, tummmo as Go Avatow 5 we RimsWit bmim amba ftmm~ 1:4p: 19M pp 2554W amcawko JM 49DIO 1~ W (~ L: -,-tL " ~k~- SO&-ast cat 0 MOM Thermodpodc StabiUty 4ckf t"stbides of Truslent Mftab of IV--Vl Subgmps,, by R.G. Avarba. 19 pp. WSSIAN. per,,, Por*sM=a MetallarmilL. No 2s Lftsft pp 41.40-. PleOU749* FTD-TT-65-13U )9E .4 V14 A SwHaterisas Oct 66 3090494 Otl nWMdsflon and AmrWom of 801W hastion In Maudlen AtmW&ms by 0. A. AwSOW. Avg p"s nwassm I smalp Vol 51 So 129 13M-1305. SCM TT 70-5YM 0, tA A j A -,, ~ ~- e-- Set/Atow SePt 70 a- . Apsriom Industrial Cowflown In QM Comtries Conadderedo by In Odmiabow, V, starodubrweiagy 13 pp. at RUSSIM9 per* IMMMAMN#Ao Mmovo ho 49 19?29 pp 107-,U79 J PM 56239 Jme 72 e.4~ Ga)Al Ometnwm using an awrga in tka ftlodve aggg""M A -Al I amcbmak MLnwg by Ro A* AVdWe EU&qlalp pWA:IgCOM polo, No iB,, i966s pp i6l- 175. ac 7i-i43io-13K bb 72