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Pr,)fitability mvl Cm-dlt~ by Z. Atlasp 13 p-,,). RUSSIMj per) RW _i kivadlt 1b 2j, lr~p pp. 6-16. JPN5 35967 .2 ~.c ? /(Z -, USSR Econ Jul 66 303j.241 : rinelples of 60aaust ,4moury arcaution, by Ze ve Atl"p 5? WO m A L940-blo moo pp 339-3799 334s lib 70 4009?74 1. 0. Atovmyan Investigation of the paralZeZ operation of redundant computers. 7 pp. RUSSIAN, 1~ychiaZiteZtnaya Tekhnika dZya UpravZoniya Proizvodstym, 1969, pp 429-433 AIRIFTD-HT-23-1406-72 nov 72 ~7, 79 L-C( Llvov Citv K. A"no 5 PP* Uuswift part Ataw-b-a-mm-a Apr 1968o pp 36-Y,'- ~,iv n ;Ar 359* 5iS .JrAw 643 A ;'Oftsuft ~vrud for a 10"Sus 9t"Ut a-""* in v J"O"N"m *10AMS tv -'f* e.* )Akbwmro a* it* ~%"14 1 Blow%= imom Ono 19"a AC51 $-"M Determination of Physical Parameters of Ifteroscopic Objects According to the Distribution of Optical Densities on Electron Mcroscopic Photographs, by Yu. A. Atrokhin . SIUSELM, per, 2b. Mauch. RIW. Fbtogr. liaM) Vol. 10) go. 3s 1965., PP 182-1B5 QB 131/T 4T66 YU, Sci - Aug 6T 33T-202 &.:~' 14:11, Yucanies. T~y kusiikirs Atrt-,clsvvIo, I IIII-AA."t er,, ti-. '-.auk Vol A:vv 1~4tr 74 Aw V(jl Aa t J., u 1, 2 -1 , i Investigatiou of Impact Estrusion with ~') Sideways Flow, by A. P. Atroshento, A. P. Kolesnikov. RUSSIAN, per, Kusnechno-ShMAEOVOChnoye Proizvodstvo, ;,To 2, 1968, pp 4-7. A I i(/ Froji(T- 2 3-600 - 6 8 A. P. Atroshenko sci-Noch Apr u9 379,810 7777: 73 V. 1. Atroshchenko ..%,. c,; of methanol oxidation on a compacted silver catalyst. RY -J~XALIZ I KATALIZATO , No 5, pp 34-40, 1969 INX 72-15183-07D - - mar 73 NO 4,iuetics of CatalytIC Oxi4stlon of tlathyl Alcohol to Forualdthyd* on a ~13 51IVar Catalyst Under Prossure. by 1. P. Kushaarenko, V. 1. Atrashchanko. RUSSIA1, per. Izv VUZ Khim i Kba Tekh. Vol 8, 1',o 1. ~iTC 69-11515-07A Sci-t' July ~-,ovm AnAmlan Wav (3mder., vAces SW Z* Aftgortayme ftr .rc _t* ~A z, )6"s232 -53 Volumua-Uhs 9"v" 1"lowed frice the Mdn-Mmle Ttum of a Rusm labryaj by I* bra4vxswa =d S. ~-A%mw. maim, pel~v !Elm p~ so 5s 1966, pp 6W-,609. A= J-W32-D 10 -vohml567 Gol-w .vr CZ 350075-1 Synthesis of '-ficroprograms, method, by F. Atstopas,, R. RUSSIAN, rpt,, Avtomatika i Trudy XV Yubileyncry Hauchno 19bt5, pp 85-94. AlUFTD-11C-23-778-70 f using the block-circuit ehomskis IS pp. VychisUtellnaya Tekhnika. june 71 r F MoUwd of DetemiriM tM Warldne-Ut Umm of D4;iw oompv"m Micro-opulatlaws by Fe Fe Atstv"o 9 ppe RUSSIANS PWti mumd"s- 1 1Luud"~= low- nika (Autmuti6n- and CCWutw )p No Is 19Z PP 23-e7. AMVnWHC-23-M7-7() JulY 71 m :.--, -t S LLj I A New Dendco for Retaining a Tube for PoxcuUmeous Internal Carctid ArUay Irdusion Used fcw Chemo- theraW of Bra6in Ttnmsg by M. Atauji JAPAIM9. per, Gft, Vol 300 1968# pp 707-711 NTC 71-16460-06L mar 72 - z I ..- " . .I t ". -,, .f ~ I. Bowdary L&yer Between Plasma and Solid Itall NO (P ape r Presented at Seventh Symp. an Magnot. ohydro-dynanics), by Atsushi Kenzawa,, Itsuro Kimura. JAPMESE, per., Bulletin of the Institute of seace 40d Aem-OU-tvc-ar-FC-lence #Vol is WMI-A S. pp ASI-ASS;7- NASA TTF 108,160 Sci - OW, Oct 67 3420682 adigift am modllm-- s- 5 we QQj=jW Wi7i-a-4 V MONA Aftb%4 ammp pwp sm" Namaetisp %I lize ft so ar 4yoh so 8.6.- an a* f3ft AtauuJI Ashlkw 3"oOk is"how an orm 6T .1he -Usm Jot " a zm Ldght -mme awl -.~zdsslaft -zfA,ct"a i4alyou 'aft a aaeft iora-.%, tw rushira pp, J A, A!i Vol 1-6, 1567, =Owl5ki SlpUUawe of &Wlesr TeSU =d by AtMW-UM RUJIMS 22 ppp JAPAVWp Per., B9015to-, 31 MW Pa., im 36230 S4 FE-Japan sci-fm/teeh jai (k %CUfl=Uouj, 1966p pp. 22- 304,o957 )4t s ~4~A I s k;,64- ~ i9 CbAmcteriatics. of nwrine and Cutan ntg, 1, 1 Im 9 by Nobustou WatAumbes Atva3voM SMbcWat 26 19. OOVERIMM m am JAPAM, per# ism ENgis ailms Vbl 71, So 7,p l9w, pp 963-967, AMOMM/nr-23-35-72 NOV 71 smal Hobso LwV NO**,* or the Art mW Uwmr of Mmiss Bank WIthem liffuts Show by the .33rd bgisoons by Imw4 Malie FRUCK,ppers Tarn Alit I%r No 76,, 2S Octakwr Ifts. pp 2L*~-"' ,=I J-wS9 ID 22%0Z06 atwc Sci- IKjmkv%-4 MEM/Mil Jul " or, t 11 or in as= I UY&A Anow bw Vo A"Wo ftd~~s A W- ON&= &INVAIM ~ nomIAMAM 3v6 a r49 3m- 0 ML-folom AW V. Attas swaffig 84 . motmiAu am 6T ct- CatalMe Pwt-Combustloci of lAmwt asm from AUtomobL lea , by Attem; C. MMI, per,, RLylats doi Coftstibill vol. 22,, no. 1, 1968o PP- 3-2B, WC on Itan -a-nio5-w Aupt 71 The of Se~asdbUlty of Match Co"m in Contelmr ftipep by R. Altep MOW# w- Usma, Vol 106, % lop 1969# YAws pp qqq~-916. ULL Ref-. 90M.065 (3113) -K N \-\- sci/,"Stch Sk- Apr 70 405j,764 f,-+ c, 7- -. L. 4 ~~ : L q Canning industry Processes Cbecked. by Lower Chrmatograpby 1119 by Aczel Attilas 8 ppo GOVEFRONT t= mm HURGARIM, perg Blelmlozervizagalsti KoSLemen ek, No 4. ARM/FSTC/HT-23-lF-1'6:-71 I _ Jan 72 o'? 3 VOW ~o evolve Problans of the In the ~'.'xport Field, by APABIC', per, '14 v and 7. PAvate swtor 'AtUyysbp 5 ppe Jul 1967# pp~ 33 Developmmt of Irriptim UbIng Salty 14ter, by fshmud Bm Attouches 10 ]pp* I-RdZC3, np, I,tAdicn. Tmde. 14 nov 1968, p 5. JPT;~ 47114 jan 69 Low-power Backyard Wave Tubes, by Yu. G. Alt- shuler and A.S. Tatarenko RUSSIAN, bk, 237 pp. NLL REF: 0678.23F AD 663 3S0 ( ~' , C, . ~ _J~ I July 69 383,419 Eb~c DOU amesdft iouwwed in allesdat /~ bF D*Uho AtWmo 7 We BUWAfaxle Pero bnrJA%k PA AdAltmo Sofia* No 23,v roe 19689 pp 27-= ans "I ~) J, , ,L Nu+w A.-Ba Lem i,sr 69 374,739 DecootaadMting DMiCep by N- AtyuWZS 1 0 Pl)! WWI",, per.. zwmg= MaLa la 5j, 19,66s IV ~ 26-27-. RES 36M ~,). ~- A - - j k~lv) ~ V) 2 um Mil Jul 66 3)6.sM -z WW I. M173 , j POO TO of Aafta nm mum Dwin TMNIM Im A-mmi"Aldfto IV a. Ke AdMAIM& ad I* A# h*OlWdWfo 5 If's M" 4""w ==#a2 pwo a =I IMMUNIP of scimm of the MM* N~e *W")# lb 60 19690 141-145., Jay 71 UW HAS Of P2V=(Pbm In the Scoomde M"I- 35 goint at GOMp by Aubamp T pp. flINW.M. lor, 2tM d'bl&-d- thul, No 68m, 13 Doe 1965j. P. 31 No Tly 10 Jon l9bb., i- 3; No T2,t 17 im 1966P P- 3- JPFS 34132 "7 e- AfrIcs lom Feb 66 295,792 8=bur&vftt Of Point oatabo, by !!,L~~ Lev* sci Vol 62 b -Ph-lysiologic Studio# Conc*=JAg Orientations ba"d an Yves DOLS"$$& axp*riontal Studies an tm Static and O)Mmdc 111MIMS of VAngtion which Serve to batermino the FmAiam of the S*ai- circular Canals of ths Suer Ue 1m4) Commming DizzWess, by donowsAabort, % PuTkIaj*9 U4 pp GF.RWj, am** ftysiobftft StaAm dw,v the or.. iontierme 4ster lugrumfelemmi w4n Tm 19=0s A.W,w rye SIA TT-61-14"4 Az" hex- SCLAP Jun 67 327g7S7 Prepamtion and hvpwties of Trinltroresoreinol, by PWI Adbertaiat Jew4forie Rmu7, 18 pp. GOVERMOM WE MM s perp Mm=-IAa deg ftiftes, No 392 1957, pp 7-16. MOSTCAT-23-649-71 iot; L, L f; u- 6 e P- -t ei t~ stt* of tho PneLpLt&Uoa of Pats Frm Acetm*,p by Paul AuberteLag, Lm Vis3rdilliss, FMCH, per, Newrial dm powdr"o Val 45. 22 Mar MSO pp 113-13~ 923MZ ABC ALM-tr LW c~ Aug 66 CtolZ 1968 A*Uvity Wd Lvatlooks rwisvede by R* Aftidefte 10 ppo G(ALRt-r"UNT WSL 41ILY FRESUffe pers iA EgLbAtft SpqMf_U# Paris* -*P 1969. pp 1-7. JYMS/L 3026 Sol-Ima Lei ime 69 3811,640 b"im of Fnach Podtuln MA PIM b spa ActivIVO by Gen* Aublnia",, 24 iv. UUTAM I Um ONLY POM, perjl EMM All:Lemm Frsnftism,, Vol. Mo No. 237,p Jme lqb7j, pp. 779-Owe JPPB GUO 2477 Aug 67 333,P549 ou"m ftwo T4wt Comftrs, IV GoWna Adbidwep 7 Ive fill Mow go ow Ws! &M go lima Adummb Vol ,p P4;v 1966a go. OYS-M- im wo Im mg-rrome Sd-AeTo aq 66 299,,926 CeeneriLl Aublo1wes C&S and hvnoh Swo Folicyt by Ro AUMAtMe 9 py* UUV"uff6NT " ONLY n'tiacdo W, a= do W_I= OaggqM2 Paris@ Dee 19659 PP 1791-IMOS JFRS OU 29& Sol-Spam Tech I Iftr 69 375t888 loprovezont of Chemical Separations on ton Fzchange Resins: Effect of Grain Size, by G, Aubouin, 'I J, Lavorlochere, J, 4 r-PuNcilt rero J. Radicanal Chea a Vol Iv 1968g rp 123-127. LCRL-TranslO324 -Y ~~' d-tr-6w~Lll July 69 39S-967 THE ~-7`4~FCUI, d Q c L"'. TR.,s J-1 UE S~~ "];;~ 1. ~41 Ava TO 411v stwy " pnvwuoa of sdpm ---- LIn !1, nn *Was by P. A)""t W"A EMU Study and Development of the Decladding and Dissolving of UO2 and PuO Fuel Clad With Stainless Steel, by Jacqueline M. Lchapt, 148 pp. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-BIB-191, Commissariat a PEnergie Atomique, Chusclan (France). AEC/ORNL-TY-2489 Oct 71 iwlvvlt ~Xtraatian r2ltmium -, pAyicatimls, by i~. itoebaft, rt PN 60-critied InstaUAdme for Candmous EvWradow ct Up to 2W Uten per Nour. Uescripdon md Epperimental RewlU4 by Pierre AuchW, Georps C. Bouzou, FRENCH, rpt, 1965, 83 pp ,;*,E.C ORNL-Tr-594 6t (0 h -,~7,A9 cict 63 290,040 s 0- 1 - Affusion of Radioactive Fe in Grain i3oundaries of Porous and Solid Cobalt, U. Aucouturier, 10 J.)y pp. MeNCII, per, Acta Met. 13, pp. 125-134. *"BS TT 70-57626 :;ci/mater Jul 7U Iz- Influence of Carbon and Oxygen Ln Fe an the GraLu Bmadary DiftusLon of R&dLoactLve S-359 by He AucoutvsrLaro FROMI per$ Rev metal Has sci, Vol 63, 1968, pp 2 55-2 63. *Nat But Stand TT ?0-5793U sci-ftys Jul 70 ~(-t . ~ U c- (-) Q -k (,:, _K"\ k -A. z * "TY ~~Ijri o ~ov 1116 - % -1, i tm .ii~ -. 47mirb-, ~Wfv ~' A F- 0- (UCRL-Trans-10574) 5DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOAC- TIVITY IN LAVA FROM THE CAVITY OF A NUCLEAR EXPLO- SION. 6Audidlere, Pierre, Balard, Francois; Dupouy, Jean- Pierre; Van Kote, Francis I(Commissartat a I'Energie Atomique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France). Centre d'Etudes). 10Translated by Margaret Burke (Univ. of California, Lawrence Radiation Lab., Livermore), from report "CEA-1"099- 2022p. uDep. NTIS. 26nuclear explosions; radioactivity; translations 2118C, 18H 28STD-35 29P NSA REVISED CARD Oft-A4 t3 'o,or e luteri,olecuLa i.-onds in Sulersonic Jcts Jectrol! 1~iffr -ictiuji -,tud)-s, ~ur' JILI de Physique, i~':A 30, 1!)(19, 192-202. I - (LTI~/020) Li t zr 70 401.874 Use of Rigid Polyure Pbam of High Density in Nwal Cmatructionj, by A. w1olzi and P. 14 Crifrmj, FRMH., per La Rww II/hritim No 233t 0663.4 June 1966,, Dept of Navy IM Trms no P650 ';CJ use a licad Polyarauum Foam of jilpl, ir. !*Ml !'Omtructicimil b7 A. P. la Irl ff m,.,# 31 pp. s%ri, - - ". I 1 233. 14 ~=* ~ DfVt at rAvy TM tr 2650 11 d 4- & L 4 1 IV :"Cutar 3ti so ~z .353#U3 no AlkwLer of plattes in fin 67 br A* Aud&Anv 27 ppo, FWWO psi# Lt A*vw.Mwlt4W,_ No Mg Msyll:.;~ ~j~ M746 Dapt of Navy/CMI Tv Xo 2132 a - 6L-61~ sci-W)l Jun 66 3lko2,ls9 S7 ;Joe of idaw Foarmuo fous or RIO -%rmiv l.u .4aval constructimt ty A* Andouin p I La C-r=-Oru pmv La jLwW LAdtIM flo 233, Alma 1966. pp 780-797. *Dopt of ~4vy tr Apr 68 awbmam Dionews West Gavan CP KleatAm RdUo IW Cieen Amro 6 Ipp. Ift WKWO up# Vimme 13 SWt 190# p 3o JMS 49085 V&-w pol Oct 69 Dtouawdm of tbwm at Aumtr1w We I= Owen"O %W ftraw -4wr am= a Roche MWI Lou% Ygm lhdto net"., va"w ?y ~ ~-m m I - Nu wd Alois 94OUqWj, 18 W- MMP V* ThumWAMO w 3 =3d 4 at w4pr2mmmmt Me 371M Jun 65 au*992 TcmW WA Atmic Suw=o of an Alumimm 7~ AUoy Wtth 6 AT&AGq by H.-Auer -ol& .. V. Ges GERMAN, per, Z Am _U Vol LVI. 1965, 240-248. 9 p4EC sci-m/m Jul 65 ;4amcnin,; zwul AtoaLc. Structuiv of an Al 13 wito u at -t Azo q Hein A"r. VoIL*ar .,,ur, Zattserift batalikuada, Vol LVI, 40 196r" 2MQ439 142.30514 "I~ci-.-iUcLuar ~Jci i4 JVcdl \ov ZsZ,712 i~-,cjjnjjj6 lljvfjt$ Grwing LEN14riditures of the Zcono.,,- in %st Gurn~j by Ludwig Kierbacia, pp. cl,~.';I-A.11, Z-1alther 741t,.mg, 6 1.3ept -z, ~4 l,'c in 313j.,)35 ,'.*visa S*',~)urce iieports on Efriciency ..)f mast :_emwi4, J,ccmtx,..y,, by W, uwl,~ ,vuerbadi, 7 pp. per, Mcue Zurcl-ter Zeituzw.,, 20 A.4', "OZ/ "Coll Lb 40.t u3'936 Irwhintrial I~osoaroh ludAg~ huorbsoh, 7 pp.. oar 0'!CX7,.Arfr4lA 10 At t~, The Miltiple Ubwzatlm Of Interconoected Sma-Time Comuters in Post orricee, by S. hnntacbp R. Bluseber, 20 pp. amo, Do, ZoitaftIft for Du Pbst-und FogmeldmemMo Vol gis NO 19, :Lo oct iw9v pp 73T-7440 AMWMC1HT-23-6W-7() Bel/Elea Fab 71 Ai'lilicatiab of :Soya and Ptta rlwr Ln tne remat I-athod For lWroviai~ tilteat 15mW ~awlttyv by L, Ya* Auenam,, 1). "Olaadovao 7 py. Ji..61tVS It 4. (47) fX~i 1-9192 1 u 2 21 L- 4--,'l 4(ko Pvi~llc i#ealzh Tasks in Drinking Water Plueri- dations by E, Auerrum, W. f(usnzel, GEMINI,, per, Zeltschrift fuer the ("Osaxte I~Yricne und ihre Gr It Vol 13, Ro 11,, 111670 n =Iete 3-3-70 ATC 70-13342-06L Sci P,) an d m rjoy 70 Cz,vii Ferl;Atml Con-muts in XIII Congmss of Cotammist Fart7 of Czechoslovakia., by Dr. Pav--I Aae-reparg, 5 p.?* CZEM, per., ItIka,, R,) 6 jyme mazimmaw Pol 1~", pp. 241-2243- im 361~( )0 VC,- I'A EE-Cze-ch POI Aug 66 3n.-3V \JON W. Ru-c(zswi~Lc~ Heat Inactivdable Plawa-Protein Soluttows, by V= W. Auersmad. G=m., imir, Biblotheca - ca. Vol 12,, pp Acsi x-3248 Nov 72 Ymbod Swumv. Cmform*2 lswiaf*rmtlm Ion- IV 21 i-,uctz or Flate Lalath $"I boamw hlftm* 24 crdtomf 10 PP. Fauv,,; 14 lpt MIAI -j ==16= M V66 v 00 Fcl,' OFFICIAL USE ONLY INTUDIAL USL CULY W17T'IN TUE UIEPT OF DEFUqf4i. C--AILY Aug 68 3ft.M