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by 'WgIlAh Ibn 'Aakwo 5 ppe APA131f, npo AJCAIA~Itv 21 NW 1969,p pp 49 8. JK-5 48W ll'!,~-Areblom GW Arm and :5cd C&W idy 69 r777- NOW L. N- 5e 01,5~~,~-,~r-.. A', -.-.6 1 Z~ Investigation of Riboflavin Metabolism in White R to Kept on a Diet Coutinaing Vegetable and Anical Proteins., by K* A* Askarov, 6 ppe RMIM, per, Vocrosy Pilga&M Val XXV,, B.>. 4, 1.).66-., pp. 57-63. JPW 33713 t Sci-B/IC L-ec 66 314,- 327 Polymers 14flueme of Peraxy I-aitiatow Ilk-liMov, 5 -tip RIJ S I -- N U-4",ekakly Xblmiche3kiy ;10 C? ' i Tj --l 27-32. "'41 -9-A 'R T R E C K TGT~ THERMAL bcalrly Focus G OF A BRAIM, WIT111 WiVER ~GOF INTENSITY NEAR MAI ASKARYAN.. G.A. UR: MAR. 1970 30 pagqs, PREPRINT NO 178 I-AICROFICME 140. ED72/00035"B03 CIRC ACCESSION NO: ATP-0267912 NEM DOCUMENT Ivitizatic,ii ijitraviolut t'.adi4tium i~iitccti 'riN. Ilia ~4. Arigavo wrctic4 i lzziki, 'tc!l ;t, To i xL 14 15 i(mizatica of ; i--Ua anu Creaticn of nasi-ii ;~alp of La-iar PiidLatiai, by 13 irp. ;-;er,, A-w" aM, "NizidVaidy bistitute Vol 321- 1%60 "'j, u9-96. :-,,)r u9 377$906 i 41 Xq ()n tbm MMV in Vo VAL= Sao= =d BM Red=Uon VMIM Mmmtlm Of ParuclAw In IL vism, riuld BUWNO by 16 A6 Askows at al.* mmelm* PWO Zen Wo R.M. WOMAIM ZtddkmU I O~p No 4jq JL9W# Vp W-a3p PZD M! C;;Iff YT-;FO R jc~. Ck 5 ILe- "V, apr TO 4O5v89T ,:.yntbwis oj arcuits ,v= Thr"hold mid Too- IV JU I* Askorove 9 PPO ae4A oil* !.-oils i pp 4/~54. A-Lo-11 -44t,~:-23-566-6'? 353,67- T. A. Asicerow A Method for Control of Saprolognial Fungus. RMSIAN,, per, Rybage Khozmdstvop Vol 44# No 10, 1968t pp 23-4 NTC 72-12549-06C Sept 72 one of the New" at GraKdSlas the bramUm stww unit at a opt= at am sawiffal =a P --A-- Iv ty R. S. A&Unimdp aa~- .. a (w0) L In POSSM. 12 j1p. =Map pwo ~-- -~ &Win 2A -beamulo3o" lb 162A, %40678, w N-39- fob 70 4MOO74 - ~ 1 1~- .- " . . . .. I . - -, - . 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AWMAIT-23-370-M A Sci nov 70 cna-L)ii- 'emsicnal staUility of Noxnal Gas Ccr.- by S. ~. i~slanuv. 4 pp. M3SII-J. per,, Inzhenerno-rizidieskiy Zhurnal, vol 15, io 2, 19681 pt) 298-30L AP ~; F 7- D ray 69 3810271 Instability of t1le Zone of Turbulent Burn- ing in a Rocket Engine Relative to a Change in R*S Its Length, by S. K. ASlanOv. RUSSIX4, Per# ;Sioanaya Tekhnika , No 1, 1963, PP M-t-2-7t~ Jan 69 374,1U5 on the Stability ersed Fuel in an Engine, by RUSSIAN, per, Val 1S, No 1, M of Combustion of a PLS- the Combustion Chamber of S. K. Aslanov. Inzbenerno-P -iz-Zhurnal, 1968, pp 21-fT.- :/-7'--d c t' -e ylr~- -":( - S - 6 1/ ~Iar 6() 376.3S3 The Instability Mechanism of the Success- ive Spontaneous Combustion of Fuel in a Rocket Engine Chawber, by S. K. Aslanov. RUSSIAN, per, Izv VUZ Aviats Tekb, No 2, 1968, pp 49-52. FrV ,~- T-P rQ~ , --k (0 9 - (I cl "! a r 6 9 376.Sln /37 I.rcjL?a- UI Cis a a~,c ill 'I iyj r'~;Lclovo 5 A)e :'.~ar,, Lutj~mc--Fiziax~wciy -&Iurnal, %,'ul 7# ,',) 3# L%7# 116-120. .11%. W-23-392-68 %al GI) 381.267 CrIterion of the bwUdAUty of an Aititrary system or w1agmum in the cooFusum Ckafter of SL FOckot NO wItA aucoewve 01- - tl(M or the Fuel,? w S. X. Aslanov,, per, AMMME uo~m twos 0 Avlawlill-Iffil No 3p czkau 1956.9 pp 45-M. Plow.52068-V FTD-N-23-10%7-67 Sai,-ropulidca Fusu Oct Instability Criterion of a Develqwd DeflegAft 1'~3 ratica and the Amology 9otwom Combustion Pro- cess" to a Detmixtion mm ad a Rocket Motor,v by So K, Aslamme RUSSIAN, per, Is& VUZ Avi&u1am!La TekMi,ka. Vbl Ixe No is 1"60 pp 105-1149 Dopt of Havy/Aft JHU T-2018 Sci-Psw & fuels Aug 67 33300S2 ,-acuiai-i o~ vla~-x; .uvvIawx*i 'AL4:os,, D), 15 1 WUN& V,-l li, A.-V Tbeory of Flame Stability, by S. K. Aslasov. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fiz Zhurnal, Vol 11, No 4, 1966. pp 472-478. 112-- AIR/FTD/IIT-23-472-68 S. K. Aslanov Sci-Prop & Fuels Apr 69 379,852 lo~-3 ZbObility Crit"M Aw TWW4nt ComboUal by , # to AILIMM"* R=Imv pwp.n" c4mt" L VIM, Vol 21 me 4, 19669 pp 139-03- D"t of Rivy/AFVJIiU T*WS sai-phyflas XOMYIOV~ ~, /~- Doe 6? 346m601 Ko 141moVo 7, lV77. 777 871-874-0 liffect of 111drophobUstion of the Surtm* of Gl"s Fiban on 7beir PraWtLesv by M. S. Astanova, 6 pp. Russ"He rpte Kbi-i-ebelkin OwLotka !MmabaostL SLrelawogo Tolokes. 1966. pp 10-14. AIR/M/NT-24-52-70 Sci-Mat "~~-k~moucu:3 of Wxic pi-Idto fk*W(I)S at 60 1.112" k~~3 :)~Aowlydl" at al. :or, Iztroazilka, Vol 40 :10 1, 1968,p 129-134. 9471 .iU.J u 3EN o 765 Nay 72 7nperiLents Co"teted in An UrAerwater Horm, by S. Anlezovo 5 ppe !MSIM, -G-wetakly Patriot, 5 Feb 19vl,, . 2. : p jpvs 4~)k,:) UUSR 5, AS L I- ZO V M-1 Mar Q 1 317,323 F- 19 G m C-(~ S ~s CA) Dissolution Rate Of polymers. Put V, later- faromdric Yeasuremnt of Statlc=7 Diffusim with Solvents of Inareasing HoleaW= Size in PolystTem 0 by F. Asmussen GFMWfq parg Y zeitackcift ,63 loid-ZdUlgh .= imd RRIV=,, vol 223, 1968, pp 6-13 NTC 7l-l&a47D =r 72 'A sr's INN, A .- t T A L R u 1. c i , -I-- I ', ~', K t C L A v A T I (A V L H I ~-- t E S S Tr,i" I Fi-L I ,YYL I )-iR,ilhNYYE ?'ASHIINY, NO. 2t Iq 7,,, !'P. 33-:6 ~u n -lo kit .1%rch U-, V* adri #ad ftraw ftKofts by et A, ObabOAM9, V. A. AODWOVO ot 410 3% so. TtestmIlar swobao-- op act/prop Mind tuas fob TO 4MV063 InnoUptUm of tbo kvaeon 4f the -IMUL% of uvm ;~Wsl ia the lu~~ $.bvatw le Go$ (M) at VaUbl# k4 I