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Y~,. Tashkent Today mid Tonmrrwg by xh. Aawwv, 6 ppe HUSSIANg pars L ZMAILL, Tashkent 0 No 1. 1972, pp 46.5o. i PFS 5%40 Apr 72 j5-1, Werm Poses Froblimme for LOW UUd& Pla=mms tr Xes Avanbwvp 6 w. RMSMO paro la-mayfffid" aimailam Alm-Atat Jm 1969* pp 62-M, JWS 49036 usm Mon Oct 69 3940?21 363,A5 4C, R S A Q bA~eV Economic Refom Ca4tinues In Usakhatan Industry, by Yee AsanbaM6 14 ppe RUSSIM9 perg Sa w peauil". XAMM". Alma-Ata* No 1, 1972, pp 24-31. JM 55804 rAy 72 (~, I Iffho& Of gim C17sta 96-.d&",A ! i~~ at A i - -I.- or ma I%Almmm~ - - -ftoufts 1w IL Aum md cmwv sp dftbmm vu 53, No. 2, swvm.t \\, low 70 A 1�, and others. Effect of Ingot size and capping , ~-S~- time on the distribution; composition and type of nonmetal] inclusions in large steel ingots. Tetsu-to-Hagane 54(6):643-72 (1968) (CRL/T. 3935) Mackanim of Gas Ovolution in 21~d Steals I/. by IK$ AGMQO JAPARM9 par@ Tetwo-IRIMme Vol 35, X* 14, 1969, pp 1312-1328, *USE 8370 sci-mat June 70 ~ . ~41 MaChMiSM Of QW ZVO940tion in Riming St"ll by R. As=* SM T. S"kio, JAPANESE, Per. T*"u-tO-H!2&ZA*, V01 SS, No 14, 19690 pp 13162-1328. BISI 8370 \~ - I ' (.a_; sci/mat Oat 70 fts Revent of Inwk aim ad Oqmft gim c0 ow a I nyAt=,- Md ftp of son lb, 0 Ito boodw in I" no" bote'l bW IL Alsocos ot aLs va 94 NIW 1964p pp'64-3-672 BMI ?:LTl Be,/Mat \~\. ~\-3ky\.b mw 70 koks 064 -7-- -77-T-777777,-r- =d AutcmtLoa is the Gloca" UWmtryo by A. 1, AAMOV *t &L RMIAWo bko LL-&Z"Avq I !M"Stis"Si v Xrakh=Iow1tQow9-& "4 pp, Sci-Chan Jul 66 ro, AVM&WtbV PWOtUa at "MMU ftMdtW am-bom krn'tan,q Par ~y S- S. AftMI, :76 X%3,0 pp o 'V01 30 M! *m 9ol?-60 -S - --S , 17' SI~ /t) 0 V sel/hrlln LIM 6a MAOG !Jactru-I.rosim ai Preparin~. 4~"imais &T )(.ray InvosdiLatit"4" 6y Le al, Zawjsi.~zv IA~wratorlxq, 14.1 SZO ~)uZ A/0 V 41; Lix-oriol..- jltsv.,~;3 eNt >-b a 4cli Hydraulic Trampon at TLOCORS C=ft Ous Lo PLPG U~q by A. Sh. "SUKYMv TL MUGULD- WSStAst pwq Val 439 No 71p 1909 Vp 56-S9 * ATS RJ-SW9 olk,uo ftu4y of the ftamid mot a the fooftte ,or th* 146t*M Ukr*lft* W Z- 1. AM4 Imolmopwo pi 040L20.& Ll T" *I A I FJADrl. 3019 IMMUL -- 3075 (C8 LOAN Ce pUM=M) Sel - 31, ~? z aa4--e,~ MV 67 325#04 : - , z; , - , . -, -... ~. :,,~ ;. ...... 1 .13:. :..- - , ~ -- ~..: tift at ?04*t*Uw =11 P04%v"w Aftw Owm Rmdl&Uqj6 W X. 0. Am*q at al. GUMP pwp no at" asm Ta xvns so I 10019 496-57- na Tr br-jom,423 U. S. oovzsxmw un 002 -r = 66" 314894~ and '~11f4yatyma q-,5 Lty tielixs ot al. USICA 6tjtw liolidi, 'V01 XVII, Brittlerms cMw by Fare MMMq pers MIT /iOS TT Available MS Phenomma in Calmrcial *03WM-YM" Formstions, by L. J. Aschan. Z2 MftUkdo 71-55M Only L. ZT. Vol 57, lWo PP 763-7M- F4 -S 0- ~ A P3 Jme 71 i~x var"rik"I Switly e! tLa frrors irt Clio 2i* pr. F-4,*40-~ T115, CNLY ',*,morial do VArtillcria Frowcai Vcl 4, so. 1 7 F". TL r 70 c;5.5" SCHOOP, J. and ASCHENDORFF. K.K. Influence of addi deoxidation with ca cium C Radex Rdsch. (2):495-506 (1969) (CRL/T. 4087x) for asol-ftwoma, FAA Ims by J* 84bwo, K, A, Amckfa&vff awme P"* staka VOI $SO 14 U40V 196s0 of 9181 4634 2" 426 WAU Effect of Tezt;Un Strwture ead Finliffilng Processes on Crease Recovery,, by G. Aschner. HMEAM,, perp *gar Texiltechniko., voi 14., No 2,p 2,o62, pp 76-78. CSIBD/No- 7013 6 . / ~ -Z~ r /,, -V t - /~ Sci - Aug 67 334.,922 Phase Relations Betwen Cireadian Activity Periods and Body Teaperature in Kan# by J- Amehoff. GERMAN, per# Pfluezorls Agehi Ggeaute Zkysi2loff&g des fignoghln und der, Tiers.# Vol 295# 1967# pp 173-183- NTC 72-10281-06P Apr 72 The Effecta of Artificial Lighi-Dark Cycles of Varying Lengths on Ruman Circadim My-thus, by J, Aschoff, GWK4H, perg PQVg='z Ar V MU di-O ftEmsm . 2U Vol 306 MXdgjgdg Ags- Ifeneghen -gad da Tiers 19690 pp 58-70. RTC-71-12188-06S Nov 71 ,U-. 14 sc,~ 0 ;-~ Rww= of caxdLoVNWAIW Rupmesol, by J. Aschaff and J. AwAoff In"Ama"Im &ddy am dds -4 dW- ZjMF Vol 3m 1969-opp U-152. NTO 7i-i3847-06P N 19-15 `0 Fab 72 ftnotim,81 of tbe lqnphftyW Rmwtion Correlated With InvesUgation Into the Inw6mic C4)mpmgnt Vith the Electronic Sonde Microanalyzer in Some H-= Diseams Of IMMO1091CRI ChuractOrm by A. AwAone, ITALIAN, pers ARMOU Val 15s 1969s pp I-P-le NTO-71-1221"P T F / 3 NOT 71 Study of certain Polymers with a Conjugate-bond System using 11TR & IR Spectroscopy methods. by Yu. G. Aseyev. RUSSIM,per, Vscsoyuznoye Soveshchaniye po Issledo- vani4a Svoystv Tverd6go Tela Meto, 1967, pp 408-410. FTD-Irr-23-253-68 viay 71 AAW j& wo, i'l . ..... . ..... -62 O RB 72... 355,206 5(wict. Occupatlowd Patholoay for the. Last 50 Years, by S.I. oahboll, at d, 10 pp. RUSSIAN. por, GjAjj*;w trude i PwfcsoL2Mll- MQ!u abolavInlya, No. 11, Moscov, Mov 67, pz>. v-19. ji'+.:3 44, 1 c.#"' &ld ~W' Sci. Jan 6-3 349,939 4-11 T,..:! Ufe-ct ..)f U.;-trasjund and ',Ug4-Frcq-,enc,; 'i '. . . Aso .)n ti,e Bl.,>jl 1-1,iear Level, by 5 ri.,. ZUSSIA-H, -per, Co--lyena Trais i fl,:xressicniall- aaa Zabybavaniye, 3-~ 2, IY65, m)- J M3 52 j d L6 305.,17 UV (A - )915)ler- Study Condueted to Determine Healths StamirM of Reservists# by David Ban-Asharp 11 pp. HEBH'EW,, per. Bambansh,, Tel Aviv,, 17 J%n 73,, 1m 24-25. J?RS 58355 Mar 73 Fdb.-~'-71 i-emonAe Exporiewt at Shobeklm Litedo by To Asumftywi# So bmdeuve 6 -we i~wslAi* npo jjp~ 31 ~~ct p 2,, J. i-con Ar i7oft, ~ tfrmUva nterpds* lboantive ~,Vgads bu PAWL-Asaws 13 we ALM""* rio U* V699 pp 23-31o 5=3 1 0 i, k " Y-n Q Owl ApF 7J "9264 ClAUZAtion of AU PrWWUCD by i. AaWnbayevi, U pp. "-iftli.STAN* pw* "Alaulum a"'Atat "~*% 4673R c v ,-con i,~Ov 63 369.M7 Soomacdo FraWAm in guwfttgn OAUUWO tV I** Annbmpvo Tq AmbImbisyms 13 Ippo RUSSlAf4 pwq ArRam Bass3ft x4afteam AIM AV4 110 M Im-pp 8-15o - JFBS 48099 USSR T BOM Am 69 ^139 I'm ..,'cora~Ac 0ointont of Pammt fbr Funfte by Tw A&&mbayvv, 4.2 pp. RUSSIAP, per, amsb=- $Vey-wtvo Eliggatmo Or I ,so 31 Ilar 1967, ppe 2~6~- W;,-6, T fis Lcon Jun 67 3e8s476 Strict Econovy fftime Ur9W t0 IWO" Kazakh. 3 Stan Ind-,,mtry.. by T. Ashimbeyevp 6 pp. sUSSIAN, per, Psrtjg~M 7111zn'.o lbo 9" Sept 1)66j, r-p- 34-37- JPRB 3 -~-AL 7, //75 ~ 1' /-7-) h a, e- V UISISR Econ uec 66 315j,742 FAMSMS Vlhy rAzrkhStftn lAeG DmUnd the Sation In Increasing Labor Prodictivity, by T. Axhimbayov., 9 pp, RMIAA, per, wxlw.,/e amystya Kazakh- OtwAp NO 2.t 1966o PYo 1-3-23- JPRS 3Gr-4 USSR ECOM Sept 66 3tatus of CarAtal OmetmaUm AeUvity in I tho KaZekh SSRv t7 To AddMbk"Vo 8 PP# Russull0pwo t Z: ftsy-smrtw - Ellibbilaul no 6v inn 1966o PPIP 9-t3t J M. 37833 T, .4-5-HIM81~yt--V 143il Emn oat 66 311 .970 KasakhatAn to PAWhim Mmma La In Omm. 0 %!W-Wmw bw T* Ae Aablduqevg 9 pp, RMUIIO pme agadul" mEdwestYA6 meow# �o 90 l9wo pp 540 JM 469797 -~3. ()-. swjmftN 104 CIT & ism Ew Doe 68 30040 5--,7 AUWI&tlm Of PbSnOl vith - -olefinst by Me A. Asblwv. MSVJs pw.. Azub-Mft Zbo No 5., 1%5v IV 18-m- M& ftf-- 5WAY (M 13163) Sal-cbm Oct 69 395ol89 C-,) -CL& R 1 -0 The SoaW rumations of the Oft" Society" Doctrlmg . by Go An)"# 14 ppe RUSSIAN. per, KamnAll, Mosaw# go 2. Jan 1973. pp 103-313. JFRS 4&31 Mar ?3 A, ACt'l-Inov RajiUev of petro&--,=--aol,.d,Le ata-j'ace activo 6k~cntv mid ~;tvd,,l oj' t;.,eir aurface-active pwportieo for. 0i Z MCOVC2.',Zf cq)p zication. 5 !~p.. td, Per.. AzerbaydzimDkqyc wj*t~jcmaye 72 AoU Alraraft Himatio ityne- wd AOU Alr=aft ArUUWy. by V. P. Ashhump 45 pp. MsLwo xvt* !SELO I Nan"m &M37-0 . ftatom Art"JAMOM 19bm J=L-4-7339 ID 29mooego ;f- FS 7-C - 14 -, - ~; .3 -- _~ / ? - ~ C, //,r- .23 - c/M xu lbv 69 V%639 a Stable Air 6 ,--j per$ -4-sl Ims op 47% .y 65 :,hotoaxidatlan of Tyroalao Sensitized by Chlor*;4tyll J~criVaLiVea, by P.S. 9 jn~. 'lourr-tal, tsiofizMo, Vol U, Na. 3, !9&7, vv. 427-432. rad, j O"bl"I Autlb NucleotLde ComposWou of OM and BucterLal ,,~'cotogyt by 1. P. Ashmarin. RUSSLAN, part Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BLoI ScL, Vol 1799 No 3g Mar 196ag pp 7uS-703. CB Jon 71 ~ U.. A. a S k Mq R.; nAd"l V. LNU. MU. amow,. pero prm I ol I M*Iontk&. gap Vol 81 so Is 1972p Vp 2T-340 WC 72-14~4 Jan 73 I ~ I - ;5 ---- -- ~ , 2 1 . -7. ~ / 0 62 Stress Concentration aroulA a Circular Hole in an Orthatrople Cylindrical Shellp by YU. A. Ashwarin,, 8 pp. RLMSIAN, per, Emiklagm Mekbonlkaj, Vol Pq No 2, 1966j, pp "-46 P1003hOO67 FTD.aT.66-786 JA- J,An 66 346,,451 va;il9,y".4!va.4, at al* 1D ar, Vizika i Y41LAia -urwotKi. "it~ri"ICV, .,~; =Z), .9()U, 1)~~; UO-?J5, 7 4 7 7 7 31)7t4;)7 Nw Data on Paleocene Hmmulites Depvasione by At A. Ashwov# RUSSILN$ per* Dgk Ak Nauk SSSR 19699 pp 875-M. AGI of the Tadzhik Vol 1881 No 4t Ju3,v 70 P\ - PV , A 5Z -H &i:~Z Q) \j lik"Stigatles of the rawla "m of Atom spatend inn 6 I'topt" aftale Cry"al by Marew loas'o 414 2, it. A4. ASUOYNOOkly' PUSIAN. per,jav A Xm* VUSJt SedyA ng. 44. UFT OT VYIAPL JRU T-202D Avg 67 333,054 mmomim "Contrumumm fie amptsom /.~ Partv aiwmww vour -Pmwprt johm Stmm =A Fmd MmvguUmp b R~e CXTMP Vwx - - - - - - -- 0 99 Apr 654 w- Lao 4b. im ve36 AN-Austrft ftl WW 65 91#IX cr;~4j4i-c jet ww a Wcutre .14 lot As Ai4 XOtUvo ?3 Calculation of nn Axisymetric let nowins Out of r lozzle When the Pressure in tho Jet Is Lowor Tban the mblent ?ressuro,, by E. A. -~Ghrntov, 6 pp. IA'*# per, A21 SSS'R, Izvosti:Vre Mekhgalk~- ZhIdIcosti I G(iz-t 1;o 1, 19660 PP 150-1610 PAT-23-750-67 Sol/Phys 3 .53 , 25 8 Jr,n 69 97 k*ter,l ,dnitation Fmblew In Aman -11semser-19 by iftlid ash.,bentle 6 pp KRAMC. np. gdn~Atq. Amun: 20 sapt 1969o PP 3. 7- i d ;;ci-, h IWV r9 Moda IndusU4mI Contw to be Set Up In Amb-MMIAYbW4 5 We AM= # pers Calvet Sept 1969y jpp 24 25 ims a'a 11-46 scd-mbohL, irdo Civ & Nor Env am 69 396#366 as UM140 in so"a Dttftg- (ma am= ow) mWealm, by Vadl =a #ad SW Aahtup 5 VV. WZMMO IVo Ma I gain.. 15 i= 19660 w. e at 4. A".34399 I- lZe ~ ~/- ~ /) / fi, MAMNO" am ftr w U-v633 4th ThMOU Of IMdo- br M. Aslow, 7 pp. C, Russlut r4h AgEleW Tod lklBtam- 'Didanbov 10 ~ I" p-p 2a JIRS 49M I -YI . /, ) -5 1* r~) L. V, LISSR Pal Fab 70 3W*618 ASIN, G. RU - ------------- P,MT-3 MUL f BUCKE'r EXCAVATr)k STPdITLL'NYY[ I DORUZtiNYYE PIASHINY, NO. 12, 1 9711pp. i6-11) F ~ I C-i I T-?--..)751-73 F. lainpr Formation of Isomers in the Sulfation of Position and Configuration Isomers of Higber n-Olefing. GEMN, per,, Cbedggln Berighte Val 100v 1967y pp 44"55 NTC 72-127804M vept 72 Me Bubstitutlm HowtUM of Fwuffl=o Pt. 2o The and &Ilfoxi4stim of ALigbatic lydrocarbows IW F. AsIqW. M'MWI per Irdoel uad rahl :EEyMfttrocbomdGo VO:L is., No 4., 1965m yp M-20. 2C-lM3 'r &&-~ Scl4R= Jbi 66 3o7,9618 ri toontal Thl I !W#00 ot the 1 1 tvtf 1 -10 A-brity Of xmmwo - -- 4 ad UMMI , of PIMOM in Aire br to. I. AslwnW. 11) BMW$ PWA, moblam v lb go m6g. no RET-sm SABA IT J~iiivuf &d-pt" on 69 UI.--criuental Determitiatica of tbb coeffident of Thorzal Conductiou of an Argon Plasmas by Ye. 1. Asbiovskiys A. V, KirilUn. 14 pp. kWSIA-is iq)ts Trudy :iIvp*xiu=, I;ezhdunar*dnyy- Sir,voxi Preizen& eMPSV- um Po Svoystvan :u~ W i 3& at atu=ff Plazw Pri XX 'plubdunarodnan xOngress; ,;o TocretichaskW i"Prikladnoy MUM. Ibscow VI 650 19670 pp 248-257. MM-Tut T-24-54-69 Ici/;)IkYSicS i4ar u9 37787&1) L-c.eri:-,ental w-tem-inatim of ik~at caic-abauviti Oi "xsji L)j 'zoo 1. 4-nimmkiyj, Ae V* i~irillin, 21 i~p, ivy 196.5, ,-v 1?--23. ilMtll '162 4-.317-6 3 !i~/^.'Jia; 69 381*214 Wood and Blectronico; by W Ask. H, per, Paveri PLm, Vol - 4T, No - 3, 1965o pp 1-09-121 NRc c-5748 "g. A S'e sci - Aug 6T 33T-166 P. P. )qS6~dskl'~ Defomation of %lymmo by A. A. Mmdoldy. RUSSIAN9 bk, Defor=Uj~M Pollmemn, 1973. *IPST Nov 72