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iiydropholaic interaction and Confor ational Transitions in Polymethacrylle ACI:, by rl T. iiirshteyn, Ye. V. Anufryove. RUS!;IA"j TporpVYsokouglakul Ora a Soadt Tf Vol 7, July 69 397,032 rw IWrovenent of Cost Accoustiag in the pub Industry& by I* AaWchiso RUSSIAN. per.,Ubpm Kh2L. Vol 41o No Or 1M* pp 76-779 Dept of Interior Fish mn4 WildUfe Service ocF, aumau ot rorsip nsharies USSR Ecoa Auv 67 I'lic 'uz;lity of ahite SOL' ",Uva~;e ill 1"a-lution tu the '-w.bers of llro~;cncyg by A, ". Anukizina. ;Cr, v*00TOM lkjlticlo~iyv Vol 80 1.(.; 6(L-4, ;c.,t ui Interior ~'ura. ^u uf Comorcial Fisheries fficv (.)f* Foxvilt.p Fisheries ~~ar 70 404.769 . I I , - -1 ... p , - BlemU of )kthemttoal Simdation and IU AW21catlon In WltAwy Affalro by I. I. Amwezvv., MoPter Vl- PP 2LIO-237 MWIAN; bk, PrlmmmaidZ! HatamtIcheskM Metodov v voymmcq Dole;, FM 42,069 JulY 70 AppUeation or HathemUcal Mvtbods In J&Utary Arrairs, by ftjo Gene 1. 1. Anmqev, 83 pp. RWIAN# bkv: Paxamin %L- ~ -~j ebeWd kb v LoZMM DoUp 1967, ppp 3-34p 122-143, 210-e39,, JPF6 42069 um wi Sci-Math Sept 67 3390049 Po IRM m�r -7 Interview vith Innstmwt bank Director Cm. oerning Investment RefonDs., by Janusz Amwwweld.v 7 Wo POLISH,, np, ;Mie g2lRR&Mze, No 26j, 26 Jum 19661 PP- lo 5-P JPRS 36333 M-Poland Bean Sept 66 3030196 Anuezmkl Unes Int"ted Investawt Ptaloys 0 by Janusz Anuesew"s 10 PPo eajz- He per* G , wars"o vo 46o W,q. 0 JM2LI&Mg 17 -iov 1968, pp 1-29 JPF.'3 47M Li-iuund Lem tab 69 374056? ,Ik~ Possibilities for the Removal of Undesirable Fish Stooks in Lakes by Mean of Melipax Spray Agent (Toxaph:n9)# by I* Invand. GERM.ANp per zeilsohrirt tgeX Fischergi, Vol 16, No it 1968v pp 103-119 NTC 72-12227-06C July 72 ,,e Regulation of the Fish Stock by Means of Helipax Spray Agent 50%0 by Ke Anvande GERKAN9 per2 Deu$seha Pimeherei-Zeitunmt Vol 15v no 4t 1968P pp 113-118 NTC 72-12442-060 July 72 The Culture of (kw-Summer VikeporO "orIlAp in Carp Ponds* by K4, Arwado Ja Horn# GERMN. per,, Deutsche f1scherei-26itms 12. 4. m5a pp 16-7277 Dept of 111terlor Fiab and Wildlife Service 8CF, Bureau of Foreign Fisheries sci-W Jul 67 3320918 fm mWe4homme" pow smou"t ANNNOU V-~ - vwjp~,hwkvhm 1-1-Imp va lb go - '$a mi 33-*- its coo 0t 21619sw nsk ma viumift awrift XWt Dwom OC ftsdo ftdmlm 1544" Gomm lkas act 61 3%WM -~!;,icai.--'wtor CXxivertais for dch Vbltasg IJO C, 'Trinsvissicn# by E,, ttrion r. et ale I zr, Vol 89, 12 A~,r 1968, 4952 c1 '-s- 69 384,,643 Orf"WAVO :LU '4dd*Vi% IW Anwar SOOLvdi, 10 VW, aD P d 1* 3 Wd 9L JU v- 3- Jv to 3= r-s-L-Amests pa 909t 65 gB5*aB4 Political Work Takes Prowdewe,, tV A ILYmt- gak ? pp. Kcp-~6-09 port No 109 10 14V 19659 pp 37-410 JM Fz - lorea Pol 2860063 69 RTnp UOW ;xMo 'C-2 dd *6961 &C, 81 Odu *dd K "PIMMUV mmr Su VOMWAUI &TOAC 6% POS*d",P iopoW.1 A Tentative Aj*~pr"ch from the Informaticni Theory to tile Vrob-lew of Internal contarminatioll, by Uuo Anzaio JAPANILSE, 1,,er, i1oken Butsuri Vol 3, :,o 2, 196b, rp 295-303. *ALC-Ii5.J-Tr 154 i.! "CiAW, Jim t,9 11KkkO (-)()7-C-1 61ecu Sacmtary-Gemral Praimm Punta Del Este S=mdt Coaftrance, by Julio Camr i,=ueta, 5 Pp- GOVFJW-VMT USE iAmy S11,91811, np, Pmwa Lfbiv 17 Apr 1967, pp. (a- (13& im CLIO 23,95 June 67 323;553 Tat Effect of Compression Test ccnditions an the 1'ra-eturin(j of a medium Carbon Steel 11 - A stut.~,y of cold forgeaLility test, i~~y ii. i~uao anck RO per. Sosei-to-Kako, Vol 8, No 72, 1967, 17-27. L J'f ql'gq q ~' /c- jul 71 -~l Pro=" for Proftftw of waterswuhle Op. SRWLG PW*dA"o by K. AOJIM. WAIPB&Svgmfm- pwa m 42-42 a-A-2. MC 69635- - - - e i9 , . Sol-Cbmm moo 69 398.245 Investigation of tim Injection of Peels 7f Late th* Blast ft=amo, by 1, "1 at 4, JAPMOSE, per& T#Uq to 11almo Vol 51,b so 100 1"Se U5 fty 3000996 Taking Up Calcium and Potassium From Clay. by A. koki, S. Morlta. JAPNESS, per &M, TokvO, VOL 36. No. 5 1965, PP 130-134 CSZRO/No-7739 ,W. /~ e,