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Waft m the Toohnolov and Rmt Mmm3aftr of tSqUM Haft!% tr F. A* AUUWwg Ve He Bo"-*GU*wq 2D M~o Russia# pwo 32 awe Somamonin I ~--' il, I" ~~j .)I-_2L:- VE V Sol-4ba SOL & Toob Jul 69 306o LU S--~; Certain Now Principles Concentrating Elements Solution and Sparating Similar Properties, by RUSSIAN, per, pp 218-221. CIA X-7065 and Methods of from Ultradilute Heavy Metals with P. F. Andreyev. July 69 387,225 PremilitarY TTaining Mot Be Intensified, by Po Andreyev., 5 pp, RUSSWO np, Sovetskiy-Patriot 27 Apr 1966, P- 3- JPRS 35731 USSR Mil jun 66 301)958 Z'UCC &0O In -"b:~INMM bY Ca -taoLho,.Tt S, Wrmv 5 ppe ,i*ltdMO W dL R. f- aw A Aug 61) 3K Ole AN' G~', E y F-V 9') a fj . R u OPT I CAL CHAkACTER I ST I CS OF AN ATMO~'MER I C AtR 0~)UL IN THL NEAR INFRAkED REGION G Pkf,!~,~L EMIY PIZ I K I A TM(.)SF LRY , =lj, 1971 PUh LFN IN br~Af) UNIVcPSITY PP48-5S F S TG- I i 1 -2 3-2 '~78-72 ILbo*lat# .11poetril In the lufrmvc -095,1M ffts 3*13 mg b7 1, Ya BrOicov,, .5, ~,', An&Wovg to V, Po-JuwvaUy, pro P-m-blow ZTAMS fkjVafiLO.M Tift 3, pp 19-M -~l RPT73.M.,Q4.47~-71 in caluclating, of u Flawa 1. ~4 Kim- I't'rm It-besam..~ma.i~~Iferwmtai~e C, rizihou ye Flur'N. DRA, 1) 5'. 0L ;~C.~t Ed 366,4.6 51 StlavInted Mmission of Terbiwa-AeUvuted GDIS13 by S. lo ,jxtrqryev- fgSSVJ., per., amhe:~~~- Emmmh-- lemsts No 32~ 1967., PY W-61- *FTD-HT-P 3-524-W scipbterimis July 63 ." : - /07 CorAral labwatorbw blwboW &xForlenwo tW Sq ife Anb*Mo Ag Sv Cbm9WlU# no Russlus pwo DAM ftea fig 109 jqWq yp 66-M9 am Feb 69 N30809 ;tstoritiaxi 4f cAmtractility wid I'twj-torts Wr 40 19b4. pp S2.46. D229wi lz-404 -j" fj P~- A Ald Rry a f1-4 AgricatWel Poets SUP11184d br - by So ~* Andrayev# Vo Ke MkItmat U pp, misims Pere ado- no 5. ,Ar pUuct 1968# pp ?42-746. ipps 4?070 Sa-B and Jan 69 3719M Studies in reactivity of the &IDU'42, by S. V. Awlrc"v and YU. 3. Qwchu- 'in) .19 Iv. RMIO,, bkj, Opho*i po naw-URRML -Wr- nommidilmw !inm pp. 399~--_346 8W 370-372o JPRB 33717 'S, J c V, USSR sci-B/M ion 66 2930399 AND!-E&V I Ili u [-K~, AN'uPt- I'il% ~ V [,'- i,i ~, ;'~ 11 K Ht, i K A N, t) 10,7'- PP 2"-'22 L 4 F -,I I- ii -~" -,~- , i 3~'~-73 C, .6 nethods ol ReducinG Oomsin~j Construction Wets In the Arctic, by V. Andreyav and 1. Tealyuk, 5 pp. rXSSIAN, per, Zhilishchnoys Strottellstvo, 11064MV, NO. 2, 1968, 9-10. JRI.jS 45s007 an,-,' ~Imrine Engineering l'-pril 68 355,326 FnLftv"!Xatlm CC Prxk:~,Ctim Is an Invor'-Arit 14onve in ~*ULUuws lw v. Anomwo 7 w. V. 131A A la-0 Bamsomm- lzo Z30 J-a i9Q6. pp 23.22- leanimde Rafe= at Pomr aind ILectMA&I Moo- awriag s ty V. Andraymyt 8 pp. RMUMp part lM3td F An Prafsoyuw lb As July 1967* vp 3-7. ipw 43083 A,J(eclev, ~, USSR Been Now 67 344o].22 M--vM14 1--mba-atry, by V. 67. 0. 63 n 5 67wioloey and ilShMMw bV -~. AnirWv. A* W2791no pore tp,,yvtv_q Vol 143, ;.o 1-1 _the, 3-967. 360 *ilopt of Interior iaweau of ammh of roreig v~. A io J k~ev e- v a0viet ACVMM=t of UW VQrJ4 Pglt%UMI SituaUaaj, by V. Ash"Wo A. BWbalavp D. Balawwvp V. Grja&=V,, A, Winino Lo Mu-tMvo U. KolikMp B. Likbwiw/, L. Pavl(wo L. Saftn @ad N. Yurl,,Mw., 44 pp. WSMA.. tar.. fta-m wammiks L mesb&MWVWM so- zmw-eo-~ so 10, 1965, pp. fl'-31. JM 33304 um POI Dee 65 293s519 V~ A. AjubowW" ramt sadhop qpoutw fdr vim" UqUI& $14 pp ' APPAMff DMA YZAZEW urnew" - .. T.In AZAIM"C~-S&-?U-12 app 73 atwL- r- - ~w ; 1, oE - Us Froof U,-cc*ftinjj loy V. V. ot 10 nuly loninar" v~olibakbnichebld-x institutp 'C, 275p 1%70 ;J-P 43-48o 3-527-6 b 395,374 C~?' L'lliff)rl-ll (:OnVex'qenC6 Of Difference Schemes for the FrWDIGM, 6y V.U. Andreev, pp. par, V Piz. vol 9, no CIA X-7200 -Apr 70 404r951 Cmvwmwo of Ufformn Sabam Anroxiation the Seamd and ft~xd ps"Wom for MUpUc ftw.Mams bV V. B. An&Ww. WBBTMP pwp 2b vyd4s, lkt I at risp Vol 200 Do 6.. 19but pp MW-lm- Dept or HOW APWJW T-2996 J-14U J,-13i I Oct 69 391321 r, The DetemiaditLOG of am Coeffteleaft La the Ib ImprWe PolynosUl 2spmLou of On GirsvLtsdoml WtmtLat U the garths by V, D. Asheyew. 8 pp. Bussupt Put ftLk Hot L Hakho Vol 33g So 4t 1969s pp 749-752, NASA TT P-12g765 seL-Pbya ifit 70 ~. r j. erANDiTC-iEV Basis of the lHodel of an Ideal Spatial Nowton-Neter (AccelermieteT) in the Theory of Inertial Navigation, by V. D. Andreyev, N. A. PanLsnikov. 21 pp. RUSSIANp per, Izvestiya AN SSSR. .1-Seldianika Tverdago Tela No 60 19699 pp 15-25. AIR/ M-')-~-7-24-303-70 apr 71 Theory of Inertial Navigation, Aided Systems. '~ -'Llj~jp- By V. D. Andreev RUSSIAN, bk, Teoriya Inertsiallnoi Navi- gatsii: Rorrektiruemye Sistemy 1997 CFSTI TT 69-55027 MASA TT r-564 Sci/Illavi Dec 397,450 r in the %'olution of Stobw PAvblom for an r,cpipotential Swfam rillvan In the -om of a Sphmids, by 11. D. AndmM. %W=ika "0l No ',,,f0 Es W)o pp 41M113- A i-ov CIO 3688637 On Ccotrolling the motion of an Cbjftt by N"tane"t" ""iAp. by V. DIP Aftft"OTO 1. Yll Tvw4no Te FAA I* Z& MOB PP 3MO SM W-24-16647 Sci-Phys Aug 67 326a379 1 tu-NI so Lotxar,~,jAin,, ,,=-Atrar~ ccfiruriau-.6 uz a : ovinq fbjciL+-,, by ~Jo el,ndruyev. 15 j;p. ;of, lzv,--itiya AA~iai~.a -o 4, DZ GS --Z~-99-68 YLO ul 37bt573 103 cautrallas No aftan at an ObjMt tV Owtarl- mtw Saftups tf To V# AUNVW A lo To NWMIhnW# 12 M assuve pmv~ &*Nm musu NOON rn j MWj&.. lie 2. 19M, Nr -4_=. F%7WAW" M-19-M-166-67 5413NAM TO& PAW 68 X617" ~ioacrn id' Accoldrating Structurcs for Proton Linear ACcularators, by V. C, Andreyev, 6 Fil. i,USS I AN r--t Ridiutechnical Inst Acad Sci VWKS 1969, J~ai 71", 411,173) Accelerjtin~- Structure for a fligh-EnvrVy Proton Linvar Acv~leriztor, toy V. G. Andrayev, 14 pp. RIJ.>ANN, rpt, hadioted, Institute of the Acudor~y ,ji scialleas. 1968. Jurt 70 W-CiffrAntim-livildw- IMAM in the Wme 2cm of a dorL- - ka ZUctrical DIVW for a Uase-LWw Nadi=$ by Vo U Avggetw, 8 Vp IV vwv 50 Lis ffov wo sa Apr Oi-tiem kelatioaship rwtwavu Artificial 4mv, ;,miuctiou for foimarcial Purulations of &&tural Re, fishes$ by A. P. Shapiro,, V. L. Aadreyev. F.USSIM;, per, Vv!=rcs -IkbtIOlOk!Y, Vol 9. he J(I.W), 1969. PT~ 61-67, Pept of Ittertor KFAIIIFF A.U.-Feb 1970.1to 39 On Lon 0 4NNY 70 Ftcuzdity L-1 taciilc V. A:, ,-Qt tc.-Tv.; Uhtkcluj.~Lyo Vol f I - ,t"--- y 8 p 70 -.-. I. 7- Resistraiam of the unsucs of supw R"C. tions by a fiig%-F=qvmcy Notbo&,, by Ve S* Andimyevs Vo Ip RamSutp RUSSIANg per$ Ukr&yinskiy_ MokkW Zbonal Vol MY Ff 66-61972 7 May 67 326g,941 61 APO so ~,4 -2-MUll IE- aff or -eci f ic *"rG, I 6n~c v0 U!'""aca"eve tue I 31-3';o PJ iA*4 3390CS4 Prwipl" of Frtx%ciog costiW Ot, Titaniumv lam&dLum, and Their Alloys by 3learolysis of HoLten "Its, lby G. A-tolubm, W* Us Au"av. 1) pt). RUSSIAU, per, Moscow. Lustitut A&U i 3pla7av. 3botnikj, So 490 1963, pp 14-lis. Atv/M/dr-23-273-70 ftv I'l ArAlyals or the Use of Anteentte Uum acd Uup to t=rawe Ttv3tr ftowcdc miaLanim7p by V. V. AndxWevj, 6 Vp MWIMP verp I*kW-Lm- -tstyu- I pmutvpd"~ p OD 9 Imp VP 23-4-0. m WPW) \) . ~, UWA C- 'J, Mac, HIM in Rjd~acing Wsta of Autacatic Ekpip- ;:~ezlt , oy 7. V. Animyov, 7 pp. t:~)Mtizat.- 7,1: "S DI rper. Meldmalzatsi4 I AV 4, 19U-) ,-,;P- 33-34- ,~.c )n Jul 33605-0 Tri-vLt44ent oi ;44,14 Amitivi -stools a killromp ice 4* zlihiwrovy 4S Tactical Training for Aviators Requires Constant Attention, by Yu. M. Andreyev. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RUSSIAN, per. Morskoy Sbornik, No 2, 1968, pp 78-81- DIA/AP/620-2-5;-69 tjssk Mi 1 'tar 69 577.22S A:ole of iAtha=UcB in ;~wialo&vq b7 qj L-. P. An-droYrN Uo ,ALPOV* 17 PPe i;' IAN@ per* oprosis, now, 110 11, 1968. pp 104-Mo 47266 lld--, Atli i9b 69 Optiml Propertiec of Smitized Mollgi Used in PbDtqMhic Reproduction Processes by Yu. S. Andreev, B.A. Shashlov. RUSUM, per Zh- a!~Lch Prikl- &to &am Vol- 10., No. 1, 1965, PP 38-46/ flu/ 5828.4 1965 11124 Yu. -S -/7 Sci - Aug 6T 33T-492 is. P. A A~a ee~ e-VA TOIM%DM 4 5 -- LOW To 00mrstand It, by N. ChWayiNg B. A. AM&VOWns 6 pp. usimt " I I i2mi-M-4 X-1 AM/FSTC, 23-M-71 ewl; rill 11,2MUS "I'alljoapdcal ilortU%Va". by 1. Ll ,4jsv,l,m, Z>",!r, kizai'mist 11 1), 7 J.Ay- P, V.3 1,/ O-j U131SR PA t S -:~Pt Audy of Volume ~mW ScatterL-ir, in the Ocean &nd -.oasurum4mt of the 4ooustic ,-'hancterlstics of 3cattarlng Layers. by .1. P. ApArwievs, 5 Okesnolo JK~.i.,;Uiv por, P.11a, Vol vi, 10 41 1966, pp. 0v 31'1'9773 Acouff t1c MaracterloUce of Sound-Scattarift U"m In " Omm md ftft of BWW Omuadlft awd Direct CatabIng Obeftwatiowt by I- B- kaUeyev% 16 pp, W~ff - . pers vol v,, so 6,0 Doc 19%p vp* iris 341T( umn Sci-MIA mar 66 295,909 m 9rv dd fL%T Dar 119 cc I'LLI TOA vWx w IM I&w 9wasm UAOMOUV *11 #1 POO MAUdrMA T *a ACq godaa ezvw,=* jo W40M oqz m v*zvd pmnoa -OAOqV Wn =,V UGGAM XCMOVIW JO Vo&=JZ i*cbwA= of the Camdmw= 11400tims mu"Iel, per vol IVS, lee 1%.7o P.9 130wa3Wo 6 13 363j,334 Jmlsts i iscuse Causes of Theft ln Tiede System* by Le A. AnOreyovaq Q. A* 141.1taUyp 7 ppi, perp t;*vqtskqXq Gowy-'s vo i, revo 110 1967-)o pp lC4-iO69 J k)536 JIM 7-11 w Thermal Expansion Coefficients and Elastic Moduli of Iron Silicides, by L. P. Andreyeva, 13 pp. RUSSI&N, per, IVUZ Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 2, 1965, ;)p 111-117. FTU-.;TT-24-1427-71 Aug 72 Numerical Solution of the Large-Defl*ctioa Problem for the Corrugated Diaphragm, by L. Ye. Andreyeva. RUSSIAN., per, Inthenernly Zhuural. Mekh I'vordogo Tel&, No, 3, 1967, Vp 93.89. AIR/FTD/IIT-23-751-68 L. Ye. Andreyeva sci-phys Apr 69 379,814 The Mect of Ccuplex MmiummUbioticotberoff With The Use of S. T"M Viantigen on the Bactericidal Activity of the Mood germ in T~"oidp by N. P. Andreeva, 8 pp. XMIANs pers Mila-pbs ZPidmiol* Imsp 1969,9 PP 35-40. ACSI J-9645 iD 22o4wl471 MIW 71 L ~CWA ~11 Cc -S. 14j, 2 4 4 al -eatt: i f fc.,cr- c i Ir " ulsiwl W*.rr'c',-jvc~.auic 'z% trit (n,' i~,.) t,~e ~'tructurc of i'dwiduzri ;dlc-yup IT 0 - CL P. "IX'XV,~7sAin vm Atz~l Into VIA,, p4dgal propau" at AlWdAM ratrida* by T. V. hWPGVMO to G* ftrw&am. 6 pp. pp -Ins 4aw 7-11,1 Dlum,leim OC Omm Oeowspby Pmblco,, at Lk-. ~-Ulc O=f=nw In Papmb*jm jpvob~ lu Omtr-U Aulap t7 V. H. AWxgvm =w L. 4A'. Lvuzbli,.)koAs et uls-T-pp. :,'W-8uffs. VC7., 1 tim Be"a L30an Lb~o-~Bb V nov 313021 Aw Corrosim-HosiSt=t Allop of the -Iirc~miwil ~- Tnt,ulum zjyststr., by V. V, Andrg1peVa. RUSSIM, er ~ 11 Tekh-Uon Infom, Vol I " M-U I I 10 5, 1067, Ir., IIM-61 *&,'C1IA;L C. S, C I 111"ac eria 1.s v ~/ C, July 70 r", jol_~ ~lacw-! for not V. Ve Punuiroklavu, hi~ It) 2, 67, 3470044 J=-~Oducfttw tb.0 or-roolon scoletw2ce MVJJ thm- .loctmehomic*1 wx! =hwlc*l s"roportAos of illobiur.-Utwdw -1-70tw. All%-so bg 9 Aardmok,* a 14 PPO 0.4 --vem, AD 679 730 ci.. at 6b V. V. Anclreyeva M*I)n Physiowhadea Uture of the Cbanps Associated Vlth VarlatUm in tba Como position of Calaim RVmsma&t4s in .q7dmtton 14-wdanim Pvwwwas, b7 YOO PO Andreyem TKISSIAll, per D*k Ak 989 SSSRI T040h Ol Mi 3, HC 5 p AUg 1960, 97-ngg. CT3 e. P. Aake-~CIJA gllov 70 Studying the Effect of Noise on the Or- gant3m, by Ye. Ts. Audrayeva. RUSSIAS, paT' Gislyang L Sauitartra. No 5, 1969, pp 70-7S. *ACSI J-6031 ID 2204003469 6 ~ Qr~vvr Sci-B&M June 69 EfIfects of Noise on the CrganisrA, by Ye. Ts. Androyevu-Gallniw6 WSSIAN, per, cigiYena i SanitariyA, No So 1969. pi 70-75. ACSI J-6931 ID 2204603469 Aug 69 YM0044 apalw" In cawltia= fbr ft* of the M** of bftemla Lftm im a Wmm Orawlsip 1w Yew Too An&trmb- C~~ So Vo AldWWW* Go As &WOma-s"0107- Easump MR OASOM I JNMW7 3:90s pp 4~"7-p JM 29M6 sdl-r~il 3w 65 274499 orlo armicasu to vvope umm- A* ial-rc7c-Acb, '9 ',pp. :U4, fiv, ~;0-44 3,0 &J d a 1 0 P, r1 Ll 7 ~34 t 73 121 3711 Diversionists in the Ether, by A. Andreyevich. RUSSIAN, ppi.Sovetskaya Belorussiya, I March 1967,-p 3. JPILS CSO: DC-15161 J-1964/67 USSR Pol Jun 67 326,15s