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4vioua liactims Within SAM Should be Armlysea, 17 by ile Alarduse 7 pp. ilmasij, per, FAIsinkle 14 10c 19699 pp 59 14o j;"-i;n. 4c,602 :01 Jgm 70 400,573 Member Calls for New Viewpoints in ft=ifh People's Damrstic League,, by Ble Alftiusp 7 pp. I -F I ap npo Kanom uUtiset" 5 DOC 1965., P- 5- JPRB 33626 ME-Finland Pol zan 66 295.,146 Achievement of Socialism riosponsibility of Youth, by Rio Alentus, 5 pp. Fn4iasn' np, Kansan Uutiset, aelainki, 7 July 1969, PF. JPPS 48566 '14_~Il Clil*ee' 5 i,,O~ --Finland Pal Auq 69 389,127 Member C411 for Sm VLewpoints in rionjob MOW' a DwmmUc Lo"p by Ro Almniusp 7 pp. FZW]W# flPs Nmm Uuttwtp 5 Dw 1965s 0- 5- JPrI,S 336W I\j MR-Finland POI jan 66 295pl46 Some Experimental ROSUItS :iellua Low-'resperaturs by A. H. Arkharov, 0. RUS51k,.', per, Isy vuz-ossls, PP 99-103. CIA X-698i for Efficient Nest Uchangers, A. Alentlyevs. .4o 11, 19(t8, 3 7!4 .,j t2 7 A, V, Upid A=Qod"Uve AeUvIty at Differmt BUS" of Cell C~rcls In a Oature of a" CaUs., by A. V. Ale d, WSUM., per, ~D* A Xa* M& NsWev Vol W2,0 No 1., Jan 1972P Ipp Roo-ew- CB F*b 73 Kaukh Cbscied k*Astry PnSsedv bV As Alo*xb4 oz 5 pp. I Z6 lit6sl"I pwo p 20 JFRS 45,861 ;nd,, wliv ar !~ngr Aue 66 %1#441 ~r . -~~ .; N m of tbo- Mmba=r Erfect to stwy the Vr= Mobmian of Irran in R.~Tjtanjm'a. bW As N, A19MInt B. S. Bokgftdnt 6 pp. R=L4M# pero jai 363RA-Adi4b moscowl No 11 1973v pp 223-226. JPR5 58308 Har 73 0~1 P,io~l F. I. Aleshkin 7 ,::-, '-d . rl~ Better Finodng for hd=tionp PuWic Hulths by S. AleWAn, 8 pp. ii=ikij, pero Flway =9, Moseme No 3* 1972, pp 12-17- jr-rls 55850 y4y 72 Chudca ---- at Nafteaft w a colosto I . --- bW B. M6 Alsmbft~ 0. IL swam. =no., pm~ 9* Ak ~- . I oqs~p I" Ime lb to xq6B, Mao%., - ., ~u : "'~ AGI 5, /-/7 - 4 L /' Ai Avr 69 376*9&r Codmtloa of COXWA orstaft Pwablaret"s by 91 V. D. Alsom . 7 pp. MUSSIMs, Pat JD* Ak ftok W=3 Vbl 185o NO 40 1969P MM TT F-12o659 Jon 70 Diurnal Temperature Bahavior in the 7!ars Aerosol-Gas Atwsphere and Ground, by V. 1. Aleshin, T. N'. Fedoseeva. RUS,SIAN, per, Astron. Sh. vol. 46, no. 5 1969, pp. 1095-1103. CIA X-~189 rel, 70 401,310 et al. 1.1 4)4t,; 378 Physical B"05 of Rot"t mospourys, by )4 N, Al*shkove 1, 1., Zl-jAovt 409 pps RUSSIANt btka fisichaskiyo QspmW -AA*W*&O Orgablyas pp pluo Imm FTD-W-66-20 L e7 'Sj-~ ~6 0 Sci - viol & ftd Sci Feb 67 3200005 A h" .91apW for MeftMWic DWt&j ftvicws / / D by S. A. Aleabm&*ov* 10 pp. MWLW,, per# Is A Vm* SM OtY4 Takh Kiber- nftlka,, No It imAtb 19"s, W. 170-174 JPRS 35j,073 S- R , (~ ~-es ~ e m, Elect 303,,405 Jun 66 an RO&MIUS tan man -or Electric" zonaft Instability at an -Id ftall- minim in a ftft ambarft--vtft or RL& AnagAw tv V. A. AU*bl"v,, T. J)6 mwukw. worma Vol 128 Dept AWJW -?,/ a - vt4lkyltk-~ Sa4m Fma Ibo 69 3W.,432 V. Ateek*Vskiy, ilia Training of !~ngirrwers, by 5 pp. USSIAN, newspaper, Izvestiva, 22 -V) 68, U Is s R AtIcation Irril -49 355,318 Investigation of the Process of Electrochemical Reduction of Silver Chloride in Aqueous Solutions: Part II. Character of the Polarization Curve and Structure of the Reduced Silver Deposits. by V. B. Aleskovskiy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sbornik Rabot po Khimicheskim Istochkam Tok-a.No 4. 19699 pp 2S2-260. CIA-X-7515 ?" ~-C, 1,.,7 - / ( ~ ,;, / ~ , C ~ -1 -/) j Nov 71 Investigation of the Process of Electrochemical Reduction of Silver Chloride in Aqueous Solutions, Part I. Influence of Current Intensity and Electrolyte Composition on the Form of Silver Deposits, by V. B. Aleskovskii, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sbornik Rabot po Khimicheskim Istochnikam T=oa, No 4, 19690 pp 241-25T. CIA-X-7516 Nov 71 ALESKOVSKY, V. B. and others. Potentionetric determi of micro-concentrations of chloride in water. - 6 Zavod. Lab. 28:910-13 (1962) (AAEC LIB TRANS i02) v., iii nu Ajtv.cnir wisc.,tic I I.Jius V1, ilcr. Vvl 54, o 3, 19-b4'* L's r 71 4 (1 On the itachmAm of -4ew Stu&od by Microgropby of the 'Wear Produt, hy- ITWMlt per, ~Jgj M No 12, 1967. pp 941- 944. *W,z 7193 sou?'at klay 68 The Forecasting value of Forerunners of, Natural Synoptic Seasons, by A. 1.11. Alesina. RUSSIAN, per, TNk !An Cidromet n-i Tsentr, Vol 23, 1968, pp 13-20. WLL Ref: 5028.4F (7459) sci-Atmos Sci !-'-ay 6 9 380,719 Study of the Lmr Wdimlsm by VIcronapic Mmmtnatioa Of the wear rrobeu, by G. Alessandrlid ITALIM., per.. HejgjjE&5La iom ft 22j, 1967p vF 941-946- L Vol 590 HB 74-03 Sci-Mteri&U bbv 63 'Aw OW OOW* Photometric DeterninatIon of scme AnUdiaboUe ~-alfmnLdmsp by A. Alessandro. MMAR, pert Mornale dL Neftcina NLUtarc t vol. U6, 10, pp. NTO TO-26929-060 k Ple-5.5all(Irc) IALESSI P - IT AC I iV I TY C~lr-.FFICI[NTS FO!~ GAS-LIQUID CHkC-WllrO FLjR LAJ~'RMJNATION ?IF LA ',.. P P I 1 11 7-- 1,:' J . F ~~ i L, -~il -, 3- 6-1 - -1 ~-~ by Aups-Un Alone 19 pp. r , inn 6-P 354,030 Is-- pftvoonl . fm umw fttv4rt 48 by AUBOUR amp 20 ypop MMMAk lp 1" 40 -CUM lb I mar 1966, ::w X33,p am 3x:* A I E:: x 4 A uj v st 1, /V A* maumma" an ft w Y0,0*1 Trcci~ing ';'csistance of Insulatipl,, --~qltcrials -S-7 in the Low Volta-'a flan~~cg by r*. Alex W~v rer, I.-Icktrie.-Vol. 23, Sept. 19tig, 364-a66. ~,k:k Trasis. 2774 C, 1'60 Lj71 Arict C)bservwv-e of Lwj Ao a Proto-tion, to 130cisul-It "Impmtv, by AA-USdn filOxal I)')* R; 1 'AN da draot )j, ~ IIAIN, per, llovi sta Anr tang jull 67 33:'.k25 8SrSj4CSjTembxlQw In Platum I spabak" or 5~ bdr Taqwway hwUmMe lbr'vJ at the l4wer LAmb aC Amputmm coa the Oyem4ftg IWA*p br Q. Alsw%*Lmoo I 111 6 w#! P-MWAA, *a =00 10 A-A 196(4 0 Uw M 5-31"7 JSCMI-17W 3mto6g Co-mr-umist Activities In rronch..Spoaldng Africa, by, f1orm Alexandre, 12 pp, FROICII. nor, L'AfriMe at Ll&slo. 75, 15-?5, JP'RS h0155 PiEf'RE ALEOVIC Africa Pol M a r 6,1 3"), 532 Black AMcm and Wmrmisi~ by Plem Alexandre, 7 pp. FFWH# par, L'Armw No 51 OCC 1.965P I& 22. JPTO 333M Af-,Ica pal Jan 66 295s,093 SUM7 Qt UVIW cod OtudyUt Cooditl= of sta&mft In bs"Most city.. tty Do ults2fiche MA 1. Alasuabisoug 14 Vp. WMAWMR vov~ alum ft-qmu#.ujk* so 12'. DW IMP OP, JPW-, 34,933 poi Apr 299V un '* O"bo"* h4=AUM MM*Wa 900&W Jb 19676 ]?* .0 MES by 3.% 18 A4 awn Oct 67 AIAS meats ma F Uvemor arowth rw the seamalic at F*M UUUWA, timt tv P* ao pv, ver, lk 10 ftftft as statuvum Oct 1900 PD. RES 33W Rem J&n 66 293v969 e7 Repair and MUntenance Wdrk on Rwmnian lbuibgj:- j by Rodu Qmadmufflo ~ ppo 16o 16 Apr 1965., Rwwwp Per* Ma eomm'st lb pff he JM 3no6 ZE-Rwwnia Rise ju 65 283s832 bftv&wtlm a ]A umcu 4" oroupos, bor Po S. lw- lZri UMX# 'bkt 105 0 A* (moden, ftmod6 raru, IML Pi SCI-16th Daft mw 66 30DAW "v i~outm, -,~cattorivg oy Efiati md Electrical ilt&%riviv~-ility ut 14liaArwj by YL6 %, Ajesuoldrove et ai. 5 iy. V rD, P I f, X)q N i r U) MANAML %= Y)Qs 005 Mw 66 41~ I~espwable for 4u&Uty of -xpmt k.,,, pert 1~;67, p 6. ccon 343.6?1 Tmeamtim of the MI-1305 How by Gr. Alaxuxbnp 5 pp. RMIAlis porp stmal at gEM-2m Vol J?p Ila ?p 196% pp &54*9* ATA/FTD/Hr-23-Ll?2-6? 170,p814 JW 69 L. PtLeKq~3Jeu- Properties of Modified Polypropylene ribers, by L. Alexan&-a, 9 pp. 19bgt pp zjO--;2bU. ACSI J-9850 FSTUIT-23-682-71 Feb 73 moutud pas Pno pnom* no a 9"W" am axwm at pol3u rqoum IMIL SOW 2043uWas bw I" Ala*WAP% 36 AOM"t To Cld*o4 16 outfmop~ go Nano** G~v 3w# Amp- MA "46-Um 3 -A YA -lh,o un at-vv. i,woumos for of invest- 9 MAM TMUMUW 12 ftM &M U"d In tbe 77 Umb" lvo&aatwys JW S. &IUMU&Uq ot aa =An% wi, rift xamlids va 17.1 ND 6, *a., W 221-M. RM Reft 90e2-093 (8635) 1-,L L- X A N f) i~" ~tl Btd4i&~-~ July 68 360s,M Contimang DmelqX*nt of ftwim Agriculture_. /~ by Vugem Ale3ap 5 PP* fUMANW2 per., Sclutela V01 35t No 7033s, 17 July 1966, Pre IJF 3* JFRS 3TIx 11~a~ EE-RIJ.-ania Econ sept 66 3W o 3W ~kwlcftn "xqv' r'Mctlm In Samoce ltwrlbods bir nis lum, i? ppo ruwams p(tra, Jme 19690 pp if 69 urmth Of Fal ftges in ftmu Dwribedo Ik)~ / by WuUe Alm. 22 ppe I&MAHM9 pare Wt# ct 19699 pp 896-96, , __ q_gAM6 Doohar6fte Jan JPZ 47?06 .L,~Pfftimrxia ~cm Apt 69 379,029 stress Corrosion of the Steel Reteform&nt for Prostressed c"c"tep by S, 9, Alex4y", RUSSIAN, rpt, ftM Presented st the Taternationot Federation of Pmtressing Syqvzia, 'Wrid, 2-7 June 1968, CIA X-6679 S. K ALe-Ke-Ye-/ July 68 3600655 small sin Spectrowwr of High Resolution with No" M a- p ~i mmastic Field for MmIyzI;S--Uz-bi ; Gases. by No E, Aloxmkiye A, V, Dubrovian, 4 ppe RMIMg per$ Dak A Imauk !E& Vol MVIS go S. 19", pp 1090-10". E*pt of Mvy Tr "n^t Tr 2210 N. S*pt 30s""S vxqpmtlms ic the astuma Rawav A IV P IPR* iumm, ver, lb Lq65,p ppt I and 41 JPNB Clot 65 C-11- -qzjjj- Cs- ---,& Q~ ~'- I Iraq i Ku Resime Fight, b7 Geor& Alexander 8 PD. GMIMA N,, np , Frankfurtor Rundschau, Franillurt/ Main,, 16 F0772.. -p 12, - JPRS 55456 .nar 72 The BW of tho Doa;lAn As an Airftd,'L,, by Yu. - - , G.,Alnevp 7 pp. Manas per, - .zbwnai, tw wt4, so 4j, ,ipr 1)-05j, pp, teb-630. J" 30567 UWR sd-D/m it= 65 ZaPT33 9--absk DgIV SOW= Mlftalfto pro&ntlono tr I'* Alm"Vo 5 FPO RUSSUNg ywo Vionoldka-A DAMIN T"bkon% so 70 1%99 pp OD-Me IJMA~,?. b ) jt ~L~- Sai-Agri ~/ I Oct 69 ', 394o657 W,40n In UOIJNW SgPi 'IrOdicims ,UmL S, a"m Sad V, G- Nsl#ntkwo 15 RMSIM,q bkj ModelIMMEW.0 T Mo1w meditg ipiz ~7qw S-, 4 L E YE uczfi f3cl-A/M Qzi tne Thickness of bones in Carana4oic. *).y Iu. G. Aleev, 4 qp. Z0010 i US: S IA p,~: r, cheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 4 5, no. 6, pp. 9iR---~5-4-77- E&W FCVMtlQn Old UO Bcmd=7 UW40V JA FL& 14 ppo tV Tdo 0. Alo"re Oe P. Owaboraw* RtWZAN, per, dMal OUR ibowl, Val trio No 6t 1969p pp 751-M., JPRS 4m? Sept 69 3"0329 ?=Mmls DiammeW lbr Ra$Advg the roonamda F,tfaaUvmss of SappU in alterpries Opeftemse by A, AlaMdkg 8 pps RUISIANg pw,, m2t!~. No 4, Apr 1967, pp, 176.2!zq, JPRS 41,204 Jun 67 M. 3. Aleynikov Extremal controZ of a heavy current betatron with exterior injeation. 20 pp. RUSSIAN, Poisk elxt 1909, pp 92-98 AZ'PIFTD-HT-23-484-72 8opt 72 Mechanism of Adhesion of Polymer Powders q6' to Solid Surfaces, by 1, N. Aleinkova RUSSIAN, rpt, Proe. Moscow Adhesion Conf. Vol. 2 pp.70-4 Ca 5711567-40 to k- ov sci-chem July 69 318S,686 -36 Uruguayan AlAuds aiban I HL 190 R* ;Ufaroo 6 pp* sp;zasao abid M-archa, 16 FX 68, ZTi>R:; 44,650 L.h Nvj~,7uay) ~~Iitical Larch V~ Revolution, by Ysontevideo, 352,657 Int"MtIonsust Notwe of C*M=dm stmwedf bw V. Af*nuomv* 9 a). RUSaMo rptq IlevAlIgn 41n9 ~Uvrwv 32 Ju 1969 * pp 3-ts* jPi;41s 47494 Pol ~Ar 69 3749858 in 'Sutdy of %brtex Vlai .;ear mi ljohatnci ~~y of lbvoluticn z-nd a ixxl-y of ;evulutiui 'Ath a Amj and lims at 4adi 2,p by V. -1. --ilib-mv. 6 L.I,. iu~sil 1, i-er, I tiya AN ddimik-a Zliia,,wti i Gma, 5F 1368, L)p 15&-160. 330-69 july 69 387,503 Visualizatica of SupeLzaiic Flaq %.-lith the Aid of a I)n--Ileiwtratin,-j Lischarya,, by V. l. i*dfnr0v. et aL 5 pp. rA-J,Li-uiidieskcv No 4, 1968, pp 117-119. I.IVD -.;-609 juo- 69 383,008 ,aL, ital ki%eqtiijaticAi o-,' VlbrWx Ilait Aaar Of ~AaCt tLG Md R2WHI C3M Zt ,-zdi .trix-r 2, br 'L -,rov, y Z.djcwti -6azag- cic 5 s1967s 771 376,488 \j - W - A L-~ eq-ov Dmstigation of Parasitic Oscillations in a KIU-12 Klystron Originating When the Daration of a Modulating ftise is L~rusqdj by Ve No Alferov, A. lie ViahnevskaYa. 7 pp, RUSSIAA, pert Elektronniva Tekhnika, Seriya 1. Zlektronika SVCh. Moscow. No 6. 1969, pp 37-43. JFRS 57491 AN 72 Study of the Faurm for Inernelng Nfflelawy in the Prassure-Processing Of steels Of the b%wtenalte wA Nwrtemite-Aufftwite Cla"". bV 11. So Alftrms To He Boaftime# 6 ppe BMIW,o bk,, Stn*tun I RM %WO%Vglb !!m - New'-febmakikb materialwo lgbT. AAVM! /BT-23-422-TO Feb TO 4019365 Otrictizal Clwmps in Centrifugally Cast Pipe Dillpets I Steel Mi-18HIM during BW49L.- 'hade of 0 alzation and the E--AfF~Ict of Theac Cwxtepos on Their 4~--,ctllity in the flot State, by N. S. Alfc!-,-vva H. S. Plalwhik, pp. IAN, per, j-L"roizvodstvo TElb, M-) 15, 1Y)5, 3,,:6b X USSR sot-H/1-4' AU." .T~.) cl P3,3-o4 1-bchanical Pmperties and Structium of Pipes ATMAlloya EP150) EF151 =d PZ369 As a Func- tion of 'Meir amt Treatxxmt Conditime, by He S. Alfevrm., A* V. Lagoeb.a., 0. Yao Khcdor., and T. Ya. Vasillywa,, 'a' PPS MSSLIN, per., Froavadawo i'rib., uo 15;, PPO 3,)-~34. MIS 3609" re 0 v 0, "'C 66 ketmoldes .~'Uvt ~Vgp in itttwuw, biy T* Allerom, n pp. Rck;z-IM.iv PWI amegis No 99 VA-3. r4) P-8-3h.. ,,cono,ac ;,~eforc~,, in Farm !,,upplY -~vste~~, V. Aferlyev and G. iavlOVA, I jourmal, '-hterial'no-tqkhni- L-Leskoje snabwenija, ~No, 1, ~'Oscov, jan 6"p, pp 14-19. 45,119 Sollkhostekbcdks i'Grom2el rot Hm Bmtoest bv V, Auwlvevo r-16,710va, 5 P.D. RWSW* per* .---.-.*Ucheakiy Trade Aweawe 140 le "n 1 Apr 69 379931?