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The Neei for Inproving the vality of Lai-al InvasUgations, by 13, &Iokseyeve A pp. por, ~bvatz4va moutan. ;-a' 110 Jun 1966, pp. 10~12* JP'Rz~ 37749 - &-~'S-~ Oct 66 311 . WA a, T Ali ' av" Mp , loy~ Y2 BmndWkrj law and Mandool Smictlow., by B. V. Alekm*w. MWIANI bkp Poarwjs~gu Sm 6 Mirdeboolf4mi Hu"Oft '19670 M PP- EM TT 17 Oct 69 393s496 Volga and Covim Fish Wmath Hoeft P"Wcti=4 tF 0. Alskimyove V. AnlkqW* 8 pp. RUSSZUq j3pt 1201dw lit"I mown$ 5 Oct 19689 p ke JFRS 4698DS ~-), C~- sai/am DO* 68 3549523 Motor Vehicle Plant Re*rgsnization Discussedl by Go Alekseyevq 0, Orlovskiy, 6 pp. ~4 L RUSSIAN, pers Sovetskaya Rossi_v4, Moscow# 21 July 1970, P 2. JPRS 51235 Sci-mech Sept 70 On Determining the bepeadmwe of So a Level Flucatutions an Winds by GeVe Alek"yevs RUSSIMM, Per* CkmaleLtyas Vol V110 No 10 D67, pp 37-40. *Dept of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of C=Mrcial Fisbaries Sci.,Ear Sci (kean May 6 7 untbr "t)ruid' ,-ator ~,Jtu, !.?y /07 V. Jdk~~,-Jvvv ii. !~. aglKavidif et aL 16 i~,). U, r,.) L IW Ilitemalt3im a-Incria Amforant- ;Cnava -tticns,, DW)s, 7-`295-304* ~/~L,~-23-727-Q 396 p-)99 Book w Amwimn LoonadAs ikwiewado bav 4 1* Alokmqwo 5 yps RUSSIAN pwo. Yam &0notd - - D* 5$ Aw L968* pp 143-145. JPRS 43#"t I " 1 4 L E )~- Is L 'l/ (_ I/ - 1. 1 USSR k, ow *us 68 362,605 W:.iautic -A:~- visim i;c~NkLig TLt~asr lisictum I's r7l vy -Uakwyevo (i6 14 IV. EU:ZiL'L4,p I-ert Puddrdka Kim i %laviar4yar ji~ 7 * 7 4 -371-69 j T ,4ain Tre~s in the Devign of Rapn Thor mal Power Stations, by 1, A* AlakeeM9 10 ppq RUS31,9-1, per,, TeplaansmaUka, %. 11. rev 1966, pp. 2-4. JPRS 39551 U&IR Scl-Elec ,Pc 1--lactrorde Mar 67 ,319.202 ~-, R-lek-sc--l-e-v ProMms In B610POSSAAft DOMMOAC Swvic* - prol3oged )Amm"o W Ls AsicoWfft A* JftAc4mlOhv 11 pp, RUSSIAN* up* 992-210sim-WRWAM YU*kg IS pab lg"g p 2o J PRS 3803 Apr 73 Ibe I'se of tho Nuclear Caron Resonaticc tllcthod tv Vetermine the ~Ilcan ~(Iuarc Disr1acuients of the Atws of Different Xinds in ,'ubstitutional sclig., solutions. L, A. AlcLscycv, RUSISIM., -I~er, Dck A I;auL- SSSII, Vol 164, '.0 3, 622, cl~ L L V Vct 69 1,93.234 Olaay -- in 3tructum aid Prc&.ertijes of i7vZ' j L -r I iltraticn Throu4i Lurp ricils , by A. Pliaksoyev. 7 iv. ilu-l~ds`,1, -.)er, Iz, tiya :~Las'ukh Wielm~di Zow. L'u"Ilve Tlsvetn2ya "UtaUum-~Aya, ..'o 1,, U68, 01", 614 race$* to a .7y 7,* 'Am z.ovlet AcMevewsts &%toUed bv Alekso.),av& tq AQ,Ail Alekso,1w.. 13 PP, RLI)bLWO per# Waim auxin Moscow, 140 7, 196t), pp 213-247. J. i~~ 48-719 63 3-",810 t~(, 4(-et~le~lev Importance of Tooludcal CreaUvity Stressed. by N Alekseyevp 3 pp, - RUSSiA;, np. &-&DM Mgev hasows 13 "A 1973. p 2. JFM 58189 Fab 73 iiew ~cK!el ;,olkk.4 i-,egulations Asousseds bv b. Alcksoyevs 13 ppo per, ljmonic~~Sk ~Wcowj, ivo 50, i-w 1~)6), pp j,;;3 4~843 77 ~'Ar 70 403.413 limft pfableft at Rollbu MU ~Jmtpza *OSWO ty V& 33o & t:w 69 14nwuu the pimue at mufta-T&OWMI awuom~ IV 13 pop OAMO per* ra o 4.. AVr J.W .~# ppt, JPNB J-41 ]Log 0. \-q. Workers M" T*ke FAA In fradWUM NW*gmmto by N. 1. Alekse7"t 13 pp. REYSMM* Pat v , i PlIalwall, HNIMI go 29 MR - - 19720 'nn 1 30, ,Jpm AC6~ ~ JMS 72 bast k~ormmn S.Upbuilding Wust* sumarised$ by lNi. 1. Aleksayevo 7 ppe ""o 100 1969, pp 55-59.' 1 49504 -con Jan 70 0. N. Alekeeev Effect of the 14ach Nwaber and Angle of Attack on the Characteristics of the Turbine Stage and Cascade Designs. RMSIAN,, per, Iegi4jgrad. PoliteWmIcheWdi Inatitut. Trudy., No 282, 1967p pp 227-235 RrC 72-13352-20D Oct 72 p,,,cO=wvAtjms ror 'up inav"Im the vur Reldstme of st"I ftrta by &ulbce Ma-deaM br P. 0. Aleksorw. 9 P9- mmim, pw, stanki I uwtrmmtp so it 'gov 1968P pp T-9. AIR/'FTORT-23-935-(a I/ usterlaU oat 69 394,,247 S. 11. Atakoetliev Convoion cracking theivally hardewd reinj*orced-concrete Zaahc7-&t;a L i -ouqs6nirto I IkJi do atul hydrogen embrittlw,7ent o.,,," reinforcm?ent of prextr9380d structures. 17 1.7p. ot korrozii atroitellp~ykh konstruktai IgovecTin - p 2969,0 ply 32-42 oct 72 90, Protection of Steel TUm iWnst Corrosion in LMV&-PQWI luxMias m3d MwU Bulldingep b7 A* 14. ft&alwv a. is. QRkscywv 9 pp., FMIAN,, per, km I tog 1967.. pp 16-iL9. JPFS 43351 ALEKSEY" Bel-Machaulcalp Tn& civil & mulm up. jan 63 347p060 -a sal"Nech aw 69 396pT31 ZkVW.1*ws: iu ,;0"m an 0 ftm arowsm* tw %% kkk*vm- C-Alselmo %- 'do Ald*WW* Co A* *WWM* fj Me ?~=V4 W. MOAM A 4020 jarwry 296% MRS 2=4 4f '?,wuvicz te at ai. 14 ;,ere t ~ W ;L 771 cv. Z~L ALEKSE'Ev, V. R u BROADENING OF SPECTRAL L'-NES OF UNHYDRuGLNLIK E IUNS TR, FIZ. INST. AKAD. NAUK. 1970, 51, PP . 74-78 FSTC-H,r- 23- 120 1- 73 The V--Aarn Soviet Navy, by Lto Colo V. Alak- sayevil 5 pp- RUSSIAN, por, Matwg-t ar-Atstars, No 13, July 1966,0 pp. 4-12. JPRG :;0W2 V. ~le'kscyv USSR mil sept 66 311ol(P Unity of Ideological Md ?"Chological TAM- once in Educating Servicswu,, by Col. V- AlekseM,q U ppe RMAN, per., T4m=AW- Vocrah-smAh S.1# No 24.. Dee 19659, 15-e3. JPBS 35007 usm Apr 66 299..234 v - 4. P L e-i~ G e ~ e \,f The Microcilmate I-a AM= Standfi, by V. A. AlakMw. =SIAN, per,, Lesnoy 2mmal, Vol 4,9 1969) lip 7-10. TT 72-51107 Aus 72 Signal Matching In a Wio Interferometer with i IndepmWent Receivers, by V, A, Alekseyev, S ppo RUSSIAN. per. 1tv VUZ liadiofizika Vol 11. No 10. 19630 Vp 1477-1479. ACS1 J-7724 FSTC/irr-23-084-70 -D-//7 )Vg-- sci/Nov Mor 70 404.289 A) L~ - - - PC Iq - .~\- ?,~, / 30 7y) Sol-pt" Nmr To W1204 lavastisatice of sippolymss " ths ""I Of a NOW ughly se"Itivis Pbot"Jouric SPOCUPPolmdoeMs by V, G, Aleknyovs H- A- HOkul"iyo ot als 6 pp. RUSSIANs, port Biefisik Vol -No 3, 1965j, pp 347-349. CPSTI 10-632-S89 Jup 67 3270050 No r d$p is* at ftatoLobimtrLe , 1. ic PRIPWt voundim and Titmabm Carbid". by 1o 19 Aldowwo 9 ppe RUSSIAN, rpto MMk%62. ( ~' /), 0c t 70 y oft"O" PON two" Iftsfacuens by by so uown.$ ve &a Ammyffg n Fps RMJM,o per's Is A Nog a% Sw FIB& Vol 3uujto IN"* IP&O 7AR-7ffo 73339" AIC m6p7vpjo3 /P V V. Quasimndom OadUations of a Ome-Dimensdonal Oscillator, by V. M. Alekseev. RUSSIAX0 perg Dok Ak Hank SSSRq Vol 1779 No 3, 1967 # ip-4-95--T498. ~ ~ ~ - - - Am Math Soo Vol 80 No 6, 1967 ~, M , Iq LGk S t~tv A Nov 68 3549356 QuAgdrandom OmcUUtions and the P*ob2Am of GAAWO In the Bounded na4w-Bocbr Problemr by Vt No Alsksmvp RUSSIANt pwt Dak Ak Hank SSSRp Vol 177, No 4v 196?t pp 751-?Y*. Am Math Sm Val 8, No 6t 196? ~, m " 4 LEK 6 44z- v ~ 111/ Correction and Control of Information in the ! I Ilm'-Ory Device of a Supervisory-control System, by V. 14. Alekseyev, N. Ya. Daniaskinskaya. 7 lip. RUSSIAN, per,, Trudy Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy Institut No 291 0 1968, pp 156-160. AIR/FTD~f-24-86-70 C J, sci behav antrs-6rc Sci jan W9 71 Influence of an Additive (Obtained From By-Produots of Oil Processing) on the Working of a High-Speed Diesel Engine, by T. P. Aleksesy. RUSSIAN, per, Isj2stija Vyashikh Uchobnykh Zavedeali. MeXt i Gas# Vol 11, No 4# 19680 pp 69-72 NTC 72-11534-210 June 72 calculation of a Boundary Layer with Chemical Reactions along the Forming Do4y of Revolution, by V.V. Altkseyev. RUSSIAN, per. 2h Vychisl Mat i Mat Piz, Vol 7, No 4, 1967, pp 929-933. FTP-5-401 Mar 69 376,317 CmirIction of Chess Problems m a Cooputerl, by Ve Ye. Alckseyovo 7 pp. RUSSIM2, I-er. I)Tobe&), kibernetiki No 19;, 1900 239-243. AV/FSTC/I i7-23-124-69 Sci/llect 3910419 n ;oard a -" sec an a ~.ang oyn4 -rui -e. b. 5 Pp. p 6. Al wa 36,- lekbilebes ~tasl;ivu !-'AiUsi(As to OiL; (avitics ill "Oell, uy Ya. 11. Alo~~ycv, ;A;'z7-J*IMs .,t:r, Traa*p. 14ruitalstv0s Vul IGs .-A, 3, ljo~, p,-, 4--b, 1,91120=4M-V ALC-HOIIL-Tv-IU:1~5 ~sci/i.artji -OLIV i)6 !~,Assioji of rilsar ~-i~ ign in tiie ~,vter- Land, by Yu. 1. Aleiseycv. ;cr, Uok A Nauh- Vol M. '..o 2, July 11,1698 pp Ti-W Al. 111st of Phys Vol 14, :,o 7, Jan 1970 ki 1-0, 7u 401,376 Analysis of a Circular Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Dynwdc Loading, by Yu. H. Alaksayev, Ye. A. Limberg. RUSSIAN, per, Samolet i Tekh Vozdush Flotat, No 13, 1968, PT) 119-120. CIA X-6896 Feb 69 374,;311 ahe Wv,--lq-)!-cnt of the lhearetical Princilles of tru Valumtric Defcaratim of llltals# by Au if. lUJ-cscyev. 7 pp. per, Swoletostrcyeniye i TaYdrdkit VIOZ(hy.1majo No 5,, 1966, IA) 32-3G. 717-7.CMIMI-2:~--1280-68 -C,eJ nuv 69 397,05D . 1-.1 1 7L 5 420d linstus in a 010'roapmetwo ftel C" by lue A* taW# ftb Va Alskmeyev, Awslkit pwo, all-no Vol 40 "D 30 MW 19W~ pp 294-M* AAVJhI(;/i?AN46?948 Std-Cbem fob (9 373*699 Study of the Properties of f4bbit &mllpox Virus Isolated fm Mmms Macaco kvbw Kidwy Culturee, by A. K. Alekseyvv" and 1. 1. Akopm. RMIM, per, fircoromy so 5, 1966, PP 532-539- AC81 J-W32 A ID 2gOoQ567 Sci-m .Apr 65 350#757 cl.xla~ QT, Awe Jusulirk Awtivity in imalMy e cv le of ,*h*asev I)y -.9 1;0 i40.:;Ujv Vill Ot 415 t ,~ I. I ~,%, ~ ,,. Oro iizi..A U4 6SSIZ ssrjimlovp VVI ~rlcntatlan of 61oud Hautivo to Air I Im tbaerved ftm sataMtest by 1. A. AlakMmo ii, 1:. -xol*tlsbcbeve 9 ppe LodaMd B.WSMI re _ PA&GgpdO jais48461 Y- v AM 99 ift wil-Tog YA91-2- s~l~-:-~V 'VV oag-96 add f-E cs gat Mre;7& grhiKrvm add -n CIA&RO03PW *IR &I Aq gwmmgm UT =was voam am ;o ODT4- - - M - UTowd M 90 P~W "r4rWM POM UMOM an j0 UOTSIVEMMAI j0 4mjR A Study of the Secondary Reactions in the 010 Process# by Ke It Alekleevae RUSSIAN, per, NeftokbiaLnp Vol 6v No 3v 1966,, pp-,458'"1,62. MTO 72-10239-070 Apr 72 Cop.tposition of High Xoleaular Products Formed in the OXO-Synthesin of 06-09 Alcohols# by K. A. Alekseava. BUSSIANy par# leftekhizLyAp Vol 7# 19679 pp 407-412 NTC 72-11526-07C June 72 Butyraldehyde and Isabutyraldshyde in the Products of the Hydroforaylation or Propylene, by R, A* Alekseevae RUSSIANO per0 ffsftskhimjZLx Vol 6v No 2v 19660 pp 276-281. NTC 72-10298-07C Apr 72 wow DJVJM lut"I" MACOW Oak In the adlets ow IL D. AbsksaYMIl- 18 Iv. vam Akad udi mr a0# molamb 11V Swiml in-A-0- 0- I&VAa iai;- z Mi" " iv~ ftt of kaulm Buslau of Camwaua FlaberUm OMce of Foreign Plabarlm- A.29.awe 1969-ft 25 On Ima