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West Goz=W mobw Its sau"We inw Aft4cas by A. Alomdo 7 pp- GOVEFUM UM OW 7=1,, per ism MEW ND 2T3s, 20 YAr 19669 pp. ;~A- jM 0" U46 ~. q I , Africa poi mw 66 29993T7 11.91 4~ V u4i, iaca,, by 'ta~dvdd Lldshir Ait-Amd. per, jxvasti ya VLZ- !li5!jc:4eyvlyA 177M -1461 /'2// As vaj- Juii o7 V. P, Alatortnev Analysis of the effectivenees of differamt "wthods Of Me adjustment of parmeters of a twin-shaft turbojet engine. 5 pp. RUSSIA.7, Tit4-1 Ufimakoflo aviatsimawgo instituta, do 10, 19G8, pp 48-50 AIRIFYID-;"T,~-24-220-172 Oct 7t", 7 1~ Im2d Resuits tar t968 Revievedo tW Ye, AlatorteMs 8 pp. Ru&ql". pw, MddaLm. mosom, no 6, 19699 pp 52-56. JM 4943D I I ~~ I sci-Agri Doe 69 09621 04. a. C( Ic .~,/-) c Twin gLn9wftg Hm&)Ook of 4= T60buOlOgYj, tV A* Ae Alatyrtoffo 60 pp. RUSSM, v I ingmn= bm"Mi 22 Koa% - 1-- 4 19699 pp 1-693- AIRMD/HT-23 Sept ?I ea and Uses of V-Aa Iwo" Audywo tw ?- ". Alaverdovaq 12 ppo RMSIAlit par, 1, Rs imoseme it" 1969, pp 14-210 j, ~s 485~* a"S:~ i=u Aug 6), 390o506 ` 1 '7- A " ,, I-z "" - ,, r q,, Iloduan Of ftuuaa ftum in lowkwo tw v Mt,ft,gava cimat 5 M. SPAMli,o rpto Ae".0 ftspwno Loo Igoe pp .49-61. JFM WM .?-nj;t&A-" Of~~ 0 ck- L&LaWor pa Apr 69 R90M Paltiftl Adrtenuth of S~ VatAcan Ccounan, tv muton Alm am=$ 9 Pvo SPAUNg per@ GooWaq"lv Jan 19699 pp V-8-1320 MS 47o641 a 'z In 6CL U40aador Poll Arr 69 03o Of (.101vols bleftaftd UY T, i;e AlAvao ,-4-,r, kaut2tie No 4 ~L~11 jiAA7 1v 1216140&006~! Cal rm~wvrial civil ArmrAAn ?cum blatitaw Awlies ctqmtwoo % by A. ZMYM* P. A2aVWdYN4 5 PP- f~,w to pwo, I isvovw* &gudammad Pio 56 &%go -vv -550-500 JPkis 48M - P. aQ O-f ~~ .AI-68~ i;om ia~) Sept 69 114MV434 ALAVIOZE,-ETAL RU INVESTIGATION OF UNSTEADY STATE CURRENTS IN T HE CHANNEL OF A MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMI VYCHISLITELI. ME10D. I PROGRAM* (XV S80RNIK M OSK. UNIV. 1 1970 103-09 PS I C-HT-2 -3-ill 1,)9-73 4P ia, 74 goonlxdma Ion Wt4 mll or sadis ProftoAg by 3 Be AIVW# 7 pp* =sun,, pwo hwamloaldelkm s= shmniva, tkmmms Dw 19w9 IPP 5?--.Yfo JPRS 479W9 ~~ , A k4-y e- V Soi-ftt ftr 69 375#970 r7 stuo of Um ftoco" ot pyrwlsLa OE Gas ceal am its Hicrocalwouss"'r by a. V. ftlyo!bLnv 00 Po 414W. 12 pp, lontAl. pw, KWO-houlm I&I&M *0 1$ 196% po Wt-Sa. AIROMM-23-636-69 j"o 70 i,cu Italian btrate& zmn as f~or* k.!Srosaive. by crwta Albet, 10 pp. I rtai%o~-* per, L4St C!:k arts, i6-:p jime Aw: 3-~09546 Influmm of ItoWs gzta=nLoft m Itallam -3 ~ CP6 tv &maU Albas A6 ppe r-from, pw, !A& P"d% AO-31 I*w 19699 pp 9-A6* JM 4M?g -F - I- 7-C /~ 1- 0, 'k fi, L wrN--XA.Alq POI 4a 69 ~WIOW The r-CI and the 1968 Zlection, by Ermette babas 9 pp. FRM~Cli, review, Est et West, Paris# No. 398, T-15ref-) 65, pp. 22-25. ji~RL "11546 International Po"'Itical Feb 68 351,-061 Ejemei-e- t~L~b.9 Thirteenth Congress of Italian CP Analyzed, by Zrmete Alba, 6 PP. PRENOV, per Est et Ouest, Paris, 16-30 Apr 72, PD 173-i77-~ P'RS ~6077 ,Tun 72 rt . Z~ - & Pollution of Surface Waters Virological Aspects# by A. Albano, ITALIAN, per, Imigne HgAggggs Vol 62# 19690 pp 846-870, KTC 72-10363-o6F Apr 72 A Nev Tricobelt - - - - Rrewmt in Acetylem lCsrbomWI&tdw' Faacti=, by 0. Albamisio R. Gavenotti. :MkWN,p pw., la ChImics e Ilza&ustrial Vol 47,, No 12., 1-965-., 7M -M-1324. -- cTe(chm)-424 & - ~9,da~ sci-cblem Aug 66 3OBj-791 Ilie ,;,)rin- Zone of the bmilum Plain, Lwt of die 9 1 0 1 .1coc IlAver, by Dion Alb-2ai, 15 pp. , Vol 7" IZALL49, -~)sr. )ZigiAta GqcygraficL Xtali~-ng ~ I Ub , June 1955, pp 15 DD 1721 4 15 - 6 7 ~X-Q r It .: I y 341= ",one c1-, ~~ O-e\ 0 Further Observations on the Compressed-Air- Neurapsychic Syndro--ne (CANS) by G. Alh~ano, 2 9 pp. ITALIAN. per. Medic..na delojp2.rt, Vol 22, No 7, July 19GO, pp 312-322. 114AV/STIC-Tran-3290-72 AT)r 72 t -,iwr "T.I.11ciples 2nd ObSA~rvatiais, ',oratorio !rternaziovii,- Ii 'Ic~~Icira K Q, Uvor -IWaology PriwAplos " Cbservatme, by ~-As~am Albome VAIlklis P-Orv Dept of i Avy un at 6,7 I-lelocting Oo mm Sites for ti :-'raftation of Atrormn Fortilisers. by :'. ". Albogov, Vo A. '~okv ancit L, ~, a~.yafor, 12 pp. RU3SILA'7. por. EkDnomika i ma tmaltloboa4dve noto)dy, Vol I JUL-Aw 36 , IK*to We"521- 5 . plbnou ~'con 66 313,7(9, Spacw of Yappings into a Ihnifold With 74'agative Curvatares by S. 1. Allber. 11 M, IAIIt per,, Dok Ak am* swaR I lhth vol 178,t "10 Is M, PP J-3-lb. 'ibe I-oriem 1-hthomtIcal Society I Vol 9t No li 1967 Sel/Phth oat 68 30#400 U3c of the Method of Uifferential Descents ' for t1jo solution of Nonlitxo&r Systems, by '56F S. 1. Allber, Ya. 1. Allber. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal chislitallno Matematiki i lifiiiatic a -Vo I 7, Jo 1, 1967, pp 14-32. AIR/FTD/UT-21-21-69 S. I. API)cr .Sci-'Ilath Apr 69 379,854 use of t;,io i-,cvod of oiff6rtt~tiul r,escants for the owtiort of iionlinear systems,, vy S. 1. Al'ber. Ya. 1. AV'har. ki;~Slk -,or, 2'aurnal Vychislitalluoy :tatevatiki i 41at t tnas*,Oy 7.2 ki. Vol Ya. 1. Al'ber sci A~~r rw wkucsa somdes of ow reasmi Goa= Am4 Tonose Salon" sboot and rrespeaso by W., Albreebt. mout pave voksm'di"Odo onandkrift bio 10 L%60 yp OACSI 1-978S 10 $934007466 Way 66 ALBERNY, R. and TURPIN, M. Initial stages of dendritic soliditication in iron-phosphorus alloys. Revue MAall.Mem.scient. 65(7/8):591-6 (1965) (CRL/T. 4059) The FLrat Sts"s of the DsaftitLe Sol LMLC&tim / 0 ~ Of Ivon-Pboapborcus AIIO"V by R- AlbUW9 m. TurpLu. pir, Rev ftt Um SaL, Vol 63, JUI-Aug 1968, FRWH, pq S91-596. DISI 7574 Sci-ftt -?\, Ibne 7.) l*~,r',uic awl riucy' 'ililoei wi LI sam of ads www"A wOU44 tv Do Alberto " PP ha 2o 196% pp M-~Q. 359o3LP M%d&.*VUI '414 of qtdlw TOM" In tbo, ~ ho?. iVe * Cv ZXDCh$Wd&* 0. C. Alborto SlIp 605-4,66. "al ,T, E: . P L,6 e- p- � -%Vducir*S Asthm ReacUons In Animl EVerlmnts, by Jo Eq Albert UPM4, mOnOp BWOUch der ~~~nW-Ien alsabsoidia Vol 16/2, 1969# pp 145 BTC 71-1512546-- mar 72 ; ACtions in bV Georges :i4KLr'iiq per# Pin VenesUelan CoUndst Seetor ABLUT&I -40 Albertbdl. 32 pp, iaractog Apr 1969j, T itay 6,,,) 3339362 Anti-Commwdvt AmlYws French C'i,; z~mrfar- mrice in Iay 1968 io-volution, U7 Gvor".s AU4rtini, pp. k!!LA dfl~) 46rfZO G P, C- L 8 ep, Aug, 68 ~-Womalsn ChAstian ra-moontal ""Plito r4rieweelf by Gmwlo Albomos. 10 pp. S'w Pil L:'-; 4 ic6-,,, pp 22.. "a 26. J ~-f- 48309 IA- . ones A 01 July 6~~ 3839995 UIVAWdtV, tr N. ~Ajw, P. Albm*t. 00M. fvr, Amobsift2b,ma-w. V61 9.80 .1 1965, pr- 145.% *%G'ka* I , 40 &I - aw) &7 '11D ~ ~LueO~ 30,109 NOW 4xiserilwau to "40"Umift Abalois with Game qmta of D to 27 WWO by Id, Sch"Ikert, Pik. Alb"t, Govaiowza usu WIN Faawo lwto go"Oot"ASO of F'S ~C-~33-U"47 Act4vaUm Anolpla vith ~ Ms ml Chuod /1/0 F&Vuawp by FAIJIM AlbWt. OMMS., P"p CAN" V01 916 196T.. pp U&125. AAFM 1%j oj,4--C-~ S"-Adca scd Nov 69 ftrukin CAAMOW at the Oroml=*A= of the Patent flagwitmy of an Amtervrift" tir V. 2. Al'bortjo yp* 1 1 it por, ow, so q.. 1965's ppe U-120 3kl59 v UNR sei-Ww mar 66 Tuslaalcyna) Sprayer for Spraryng Otchards,, Provitw,_`. idth Peripheral Air-proportIcniag i~Lrlviv) -4i.;uffles Cmarvtia, Nazzles., zdt*rto Alberti, 4 ~Uuiv,, U. patent Ru I)ci-,t w", Co:.tvrce ml Lmmw 9m Isis* 096-69 6221d 41961 1 01 '6S IOA '*TKI 94 Oxgd amly4i OTUMOMPO 10 PM TUNIT *11 A lowunw wy wt-nmu MR qn;q g**w3mm PWOPW4 evoomm *quTjft alp jo amwopoov Alberti, R. BUILDING BLOCK FOR RADIATION SHIELDING. German Patent 1 735 835 (1956). (AERE) (Cancelled). 11/1/68 10 COMMIA8 PIAW ROIA in IWIM OMWMent CrioUg bV G*=Vv AlbortSjdg 7 ppe kUWHO pwo W at (MaI&O Pat4al, 12-30 S-41A i%9v pp 1-5% JFRs 49113 W'E-Ita3,v pal Oct 69 A Dangerous Situation: Current Extremist Subversion in VenewclA., by Georges Alber- tinio 16 pp. SPANISH., np, Bate & Oeste, No 88" 1-15 Apr 1966,, pp. 1-9. JPRS 35918 LA-Venezuela Pol jun 66 3w.,W4 WHIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itallon Soclo ammrstin Comut M Coo- ma"t TwUcs In &Mth Americas by Anft,tW, 8 YR. MA-Aus per, %F -M I as WWILSO No Jw), Aug-ftPt 1965s, VP- 407-4u- Me 33716 (~e o I e W-ItU4 Pol jan 66 293,,936 Antl4kamdet P#zl6dLoa of T - M" PoutLml MaAmw Awasm a ~~ camfts%- N=# by ow2m AU=tM* n toil vwwjp" ft 0, 3* abe ~Lftgwzlr 0 am 35M U-b" 0,570 r3 eFs fti ow 66 9/ 300#M A %qproW MMUM: curzvvt Rztvomw St&"ndM In %Mwo",q IV OmMWS Alber- tini., 16 pp. SPAN=.- mv 0-00too, Apr lop pp* logs JPIG 35A 9&101~z)eFs LA-Vemcwla pa j= 66 9,3 k 3WAA MS L%Vms Cftf*Maw *ad Swint I v v la TA&An Amovim- A French AatIl-om~,vt IIAIWS UO Ako 1&31) JW JPM LA.Ojba Pal Aq6 65 aftillu FreWA Anti-COMAIdSt Viev on Undmosim Fronch .37, cowmgda~v by Goorpe AUCrUzIli, 12 VPo I I 81,1j, par# Ut at gowto vois 19P Ih- 1.15 fty 19Ws"'i9o JPM 41516 71 Pol July 67 329AA Search for Mv Metbob or noblog 1n Cubs, by 0 Alberto., 5 PP- BPJUMSH-.-rm-. Wer Pe 1965.. pp- 7-12. Aps W.2 jMj Do* JPMS ;W7 IA-Cuba Eeon mar 66 296:90B coill' ta '.' 1 Have Deften llrvmntea? by .1aln- all riell tdbertz, 14 ijp. GERMlig jai, SEiecvl ., per, -M 24 !)ct 1~a) pp. 72, 75j 'TO,. 73) P"' A43 J ~V" ) '7 _72-Con-arv -)ec 3.14,o4g I~Uturs 30urMs of Petroleum. by stanislaw AlbinoviOd, 3 pp. per, ADIjtyj~q,. tio 39. 211 Sqpt 1966. PP* 10. 11. jr-as r)q49 FOOD Pec 66 W jardan Demse Apinst Insel AU-Arab Causes by AM al-ido-It 8 pp. AMi-Wo per# 4M g An # 6 Sept 1963. -- jgo txdzut pp 2-7. ipus 46,?45 R~4 al- 61,;,0-1 .141ntor-arab Altair$ 1101 4ov 68 142 Aa ASLIM"I ftWr W, ,d- No 09MUMU ,*US ue fte"Ust caw,, by Mr ialaft, V IP. AMMS, r&,, ~,Amh-- -&I-- 1070 437A A umb~Mwmb 8, 0, JM 6 29 Oat JPU 0 ?oil ftl Jon 63, A40tv vmozuolan A&"A Fare" cmMet Dlomsso4 tty GaumU Albwr4op 7 ppw SPANISH. pw. Carao"s 20 Air I%gg ]pp 22-26. im 480" /&--~ " ~~O-Z~ry IA-VonmaU ?01 ,Tyr, Ao on the Fvqw Far=llatim or the cmalw (4 hvwjom- bw fl. m. a B.,m. ImBlu, pro Ur d V, I I VVIO- __p -14 b, I... i TR ~ --VV" ftlaft. L 6 1 . pp . - -- --Wry U T.Z" sai-44ath Jan 69 372025 ALL,-! I '~ ;-I .- F~. U C I . I ;- . f ~:~',l ]W- PLLY6jf,4 VIA LXPEkIr.1,L- NTi'AL t-, r V I ~> I ,~ ~ I . , I r b i.'. I r ;- , ~ k, i ~ k 11 A :~ T i,. j ~ I ~,." 1" A N, I Z ;~ P- L 4 T !-Jl~, V;A I-/ i'J, I ") 11-1 - i l I -- ; ) - Z -- t21 Effect of Neatectonlos on the Secondary Zordn of Gold Depodtat bV M, N* Allwm, RUSSIUo Pero D* Ak NltWC A-Mis Vol 188o No I 19699 pp 639:~. - AGI Ju3,v 70 M, ~ K, k L ' b C,)\,i 1= or VA TOWN= Factm Of 4 audio PAL DMCWW by HUM of SIMI 2b&t 1316="s bY P. Albreafto G- HDIOCh- amut pw* Rmdfw*bOOb Mitt.. Vol 22,v No I X968, w 97~M-' MLBef-. 9029.81 (rA2) Sol-Nev Oct 69 395s.2U Pmlapml q7 2t tar A~yn. Al bOfthto 6 C'Zwlf pert I jum I 'SRft9lUo 6,o 1968V 46P Aug 68 6'.1 MAM as usulator amalwa ftw OMX4 *me ~,?9 Bad SMU., by C. AUM&t. Gamp qw., StOsss wombafts Vol 6To mo wjp 19wp vp M-6m. ac s)4%2ta�c "I ~ /,. -~,z SCURLSO Dbe 69 398,PUI omffr '.,, rode Pz*spwts, by '-.Oeemhard Albrocht and Oertar.4 Fail, 16 -.or ?e Jul 1967, E C, i,--con et 6r/ 343s" Amiga Lacnalde adutlaw unftr sedsUm Dstlmdg, by Dletw Albreahts 16 R)e 09""o a "at asrunt Val 23o No go 1990P pp 4134- 143. jj?ics 46o?" D-X: Doe 68 354v4?6 ,:~ \ 3N a,,- U, ~, V~,~ English -title nnknown, by Dieter Albrecht) FOP, OFFICIAL USE ONLY GER~AN, per. Marine-Waffen-Anlap, , 19645 pp 1-8. *11AVSHIPS Trans No. 1342 Jul 72 Ton 76to4m ?*or nomie ftop or am by Go"., by lustm Auavebt-,* la pp., 19660 PP* 16 Jm .16505 =-Boot lbon Aug 66 Metabolism in the Presence of Oxygen Deficiency at High Altitudes, by Elisabeth Albrecht,, Hans Albrecht. GEMAN, per., Pfluagers Archiv fuer die Gesazte Physiologic d" I*msWe-n und Tor Mre, Vol CCXUIIg 1967* pp 1.18. UMU-CSO: NY-13727 S-707/67 Sci B&14 I Jun 67 326,139 mnabolism in the promee of Oqgea Defteiency at idgh Altimles, by Elisabeth Abro&tp Hans Albsockt,, GERWO POTS Pluoews AwAiv foor die Ge"Uto phystologle im uml der MR. Vol cu"A" jp - 19670 pp ME TM'060: KY-13727 S-707/67 Sci B&M Jun 6-7 326ol39 Trowds in tho 5amlopment of SAtchgar Constmetions for 110, 2-20, and 330 Kilovolts in the GDR, by. 0, Albrechtg and Karl Ifelm. Schm'" 0 9 pp. GERMAI, per. fknewie T.O.Ohnik.A 7, Jul pp~ 292-2196. jI,.RS rU6 R&-cast "Iftmany f3con ,~Ov .-,27 Cultural Voolrly '~ttnc%s C'noch Idoast Pilmos, by T.I.-irtmut Albrecht., 11 pp. G, MI". 11 ". J- Borlin, Somtr, Zy Eas 22 soptambor IM, pp 13- JP ~'Is 46697 "'PIC zooll 3699302 Pol Tov 68 On the Dopendsom of Bndlng WridmW m Mm of P4pw sad Priatw I a N4 by J. ADEW.Ut. GOVEROMM USE am QMWj, Pa., hM Idtt no 60, PAr 1969, pp T-V. am Tr J612.,30.r, ~ Sol-Mat Oct 69 393,256 r"O'o "' the j, 9D IV PMMAP ^ am -am-Dr-W-0 ana SYM U-POUnd s= kul 65 nn'W* ft&tNN by JMmW 20 4- Apr 65., pp 75.W. 279.,Ggrj Mrid:mt, by Jcwzy Ubrecbt, 14 ill. 21ZETSS, F.-" (Poland) Scononic March 68 352,734. The ri'lwl nmrAA VAft - its R&Sdta and 8valuatLan, tw JWV AlWoobt, 8 pp. per, ZT&O Gongm, % 26, 25 Jun 1967e pp 1. 4-5. JM k!335 fi C, -Opt 67