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V. I. Akmov On the Nesage of Low Frequmy Elmtromapetie Waves 71wou& the Icumpberle P2&sua. RMIANj per, AmAdImmu I amr=Lmp Vol lit No 69 19660 pp 1030-1036 MC 72-1 Z732-20I sept 72 influence Olt Iom$ on the Passage of Low 3~ Frvqtmivy filectramagmettc lims 7hreuo t1w 101kospheret by Ve 1, Akmov* I* Ve Ushino, 5 pp. RUSSIAN* par* Vol XII, No 4; 19678 A Sci Toch Infor Facility SToRWP-Al-10592 V Scl - Atsiosphoric Sci Hay 67 3240236 DA the Possap of Lm "pacy SAo,-.t potic wom Yhroto the lms&pharla Plaimme by Vo 1* AkS94QVv raisgimv posrv 1 1-036 xi fie 19"; pp law Sel Tech late pactuty, ST-RNP-AI-10033 Jul 67 A Am Woodh SAUVAM Ulftsil, IW V- 91- Ab~wv The Ae AN9146 anoms IWS M A 29* MM V& IB6 lb R* 194 so 4431~ AGI V, S I "g ~~ c"I AW 69 31%9W 'I Volcanic Sedimentu7 Hwiw" of the Reffidno i Staites Valday Swing by lee M, Unnove 4 RUSSUNq pars Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 1889 NO 31. 1 I 1969p pp 635-6359 AGI I JulY 70 \,( 2. M, A 1-.~ ~~ Fs t\~ 0 v !A*" Tnthgamesm a* lft~ --~ SA go WWAJO of tft SkMADD PI&Woftk$ bF & F. OWW*WW# To. U. AMMKW* BMUMP PWf to Alt 'm VOL Iwo lb 9's M, vp 43D-M AM V E. M, /9 K S G N) 0 4 r4w 0 375slOl cominow of ColesUM Nubsolm MA AGUO- it 3 6mmml=., IV To. P. AUNWW. WSSDN* Vws, @!MIA I ym 1968, pp 72-71i. SgM DWb of BM AIVJW T-2306 IP- . /0 a, a'A-lu &d4wittm *m 69 1b 2v N5#744 I I in tin ff"Md =3 . It by To. P. AUvw# I V. V. lvww. In-r1lur Inalamo pwo vwttdk Aud n=% =96 so 6, i= p Im mjr-=. JM 3W7 321*808 Sd a- AWOOPM Apr 67 To"la on a&" a 1w A. 19. AksoMWIN~, O'"M ND as lot IV *Dot or btarift FIO mad W52431ft SUVIM Due= of omwd4 rimmus Bel-aw Sri Nq 67 Probime of the cont"Cuou of Unbwnl C02tacUm" camotatme, tr G. P. Akeemne 13 pp. RMSIUf pore Libegg 1965 T ftdM MML # pp 21y-~Me AIR/iTb/-IC-23-?5?-6? Jan 69 320016 0 -7"~ Ef fectiven"s of rLlitoxy-Fatriotic Training of b'Wmtsg by N. P. Aksowa* 5 ppo RUSSIANO perg _'qv4sk&y& !NU29YL&v A-*scovv He 2, Fab 1972, pp 6"3- JM 36282 ims ?2 , re-1wwt:Lon Tmining In Seboole Amenesed b~ kgo :, * Aknonovailp 14o Is V~W* l'akib,lV4,p per& June 42-W.0 fu t InMiama of Botrytiv Cizerea Infootion on -Riboacmal Proportion and FUnOtions in Cabbage Tissues,, by 'V# A4. Akeenova RUSSIAN porp !?*I; Ak Maulc SERS38 ~ Pit Sci, " Vol 178: Ito 33 Jan 19wo PP 74'1-744* CD v - P - /9 k S e ~j 0 v ~9 . lov *10 Ca the Pansp of Um Pseqwacy I - Waves Thgoso - 2M lowspimelc rl"Mao by V, 1, Akssaw4 91wimp x1j, No 60 19i6'.pp ]iQ3U-IUW. FVWa4UO,5? NASA ST-W-Al-10fillis S c I I.cd-~ -~ n tO S 7-- A L - Sci-lalectr Aug 67 M 05 14 Induced Phouphoreseewe of kramtic Amino Acids aul Albwr*Wt by S. L. Akeentsevs V, I. Olenev, 5 PP. RMSIAN t Ulltrafioletovsn Uluchenlyes 1966, ppp 3-317- jpHs 43436 ISCI-M Jt,.n W A StUdY VLO VvLmary Photoprod=ta of Aromatic at K. Using tho Impulud Hotlmd, b7 S.L.Alcoantuav, Ct SIr No. Vol. 1'~ P4!;cw 1967, pi~. 63-6d. J-,ks Sci-Bia. and tw. ki. Jan 63 VsVwtiC TtV4 With Acuts- CAMMtryo by K, 0. Sjft*j4Ajk*To MUM& Iryt, Ttrowsftr L14AI 4-v gooftints1i Ile via ?law I r Russ" MO, a pp 403-41o. &V6$. N'ASA TT F-1007SI 1,11'ar 07 ~;tuqjing C-ie aerW of Lharged Particles in a ;.4gietic Tr,4); by [6 So Tikshmuve 5 ppe USSIMI, per, A4 UUSS14 L.'2U!Atnyye IOw%d*ij 1.965 , pp 35~. !-"Ti) "Y'"*794 459-69 awj 69 388,556 Statuag fivolutim of Koom hwiam Pavlowedo by StaWjo Akldop 41 pp, S&BO-MOATIUp pwo andm9sm bm"t lelps"s Doc 1969# pp 47,464M- JPRS 50456 May 70 407941? Athe t4sas of Policy ev, r4igetary alld catlaral "-panditures of Sociopotitical ~"mwnttiea in 1968 in Sarbda, by 1"r. ~kaaoje AkGiC, 14 pp. par, 2MtIS, Be',-.rdde, N~. 3, 196S, pp. 377~31 443,43*13 YU a v i a .~ay 68 357,963 5h Ca4mktion Oi*-Vw f'ktasoita-~o iieiijit 'Ov., Ze Of lice I in tjw na"ing cirou, b~ L. Akeyatin. ZBLZIAN, 17- YLL itaf: (3220) k's u ~ /"v ocilredl au./- 7J, :I imutel Study on the Propertlew or Soi&r ftIls and Solar CoU M&Us In Cmmtlon TAth the Mission of a Solar Probe Part It Solar Oells, by Edon= AktinpasUschaft 225 pp GMWJ bkj, "~z usber dis mmaftn!z vca n und Im RLAbUck suf dL* Mgmidm dIner Tell h- sollirsellen'", Sgmm AG Feb. 1959 NABA SPECIAL Ju1Y 70 *1 4dvotXmmic DdXdft" Of tbA Ir'l Vp ar 5 PPI . i vors Mhdammm Pv? a-wr JPRS 3IN-1 Im ftianprt &a, 65 ~w ~--- 114 sftvv Vxopouero, fib I., Jaa'lfj5j. eces,316 F oconarico in 'Rotating S~ystmw,, by R L, D. Almlonko, 7. M. Voloww, 6 pp. ,=31A'. et* J, per, MoIM. ve" t V,ostnike Soriva 1, Mat= t1ka, n2laqvIgs, lo lv 1967, pP 12-16. "T/lIT-23-14,36-67 h,7s 353s277 Jr.)n 69 Effect of Ultrasound Upon the FomatLon of High- Energy Particle Track& in liquid-Hydrogen Bubble ChaWmrs, by V, A, Akulichav, RUSSIMp par# Dak Ak Nyuk SSSRg Vol 1899 No 5p 1969p pp 973-975, Am Inst Phys Vol 14, No 12, June 1970 Jul 70 \) , k J~ K U L ~ C Iti F- V Eiiect ui~ Ultrusmaid on Formution of Ionizing- 10 & iIarticle Trucks i.a 41 Li,,juid-iiyjro,*-en Bubble Char-ber', by V. Akulicbov,, L. kitavrilov, 17 1;;-~. MA-P13-4702, 19691 r 70 4 05 , C-S v (;4"&" in Fatness of Yams sock"I " Related 11eir Llownstnam Idgratleal, by V, M, Akullas USSIM, per,, Rybpoe Kbox. Vol XUI. No 8, 19" a pp I 1- 12, Dept of Interior Fish and Kildlife Service Bureau of Cmurcial Fis1wries Sci-W1 May 67 -u~ at tljv, c o, nu re., i c 4 (ui M, j? y 6 1 t: lfjl~ifrulls.,(; L~c6vural, .,L1 f 4(AEC-tl,4367) IDETERIvUNATION OF PLASMA DENSITY IN STELLARATORS BY MEANS OF AN OPEN MICRO- WAVE RESONATOR. SAkulina, D. K.; Nechayev, Yu. I.; Sud'yen- kov, V. Ya.; Fedyanin, G.-T.--y(A;ademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. Fizicheakii lnqtitut). jjranslated from report jiNP-19294. .2,6p. UDep. NTIS. 26fuslon devices (thermonuclear); truslations 2ylBA 26STD-20 28P NSA REVlSED CARD 0 -X, ori oil '-Atc~r;!"J Iiii k:Cti(II k,kx " - t.,z 4 a -,Lelliaraw r v i t: t:t D. K. Akulina ;*"ith ~;u-llaratvr L-10 ~)y Itego ALuWut al. in Prigeotm, 77 J. MI IT to IT :via (-~twnuwura:i BioclectricaUy Coat"lled Pmthesess b 1. Akullsichow* &SIMO UP: modwis"Sys 2S Fob 1966 p 1. Rgots" *FTD-UT-67-282 I ~ P kLA-) I,/,j I C- ke ~f sci - Biol & Mold scl Mar 67 Zw Ctu-reat !~rlncipla of ri'masistor '113"Aic-lion, by I. Aulinicbev., MMSTA; pero itadlop So 10., I-Xko PI) 54-55- P10010 -V 3ciftlectronics .1,14 Paec rhEr ,ttay .,odera State and Future. esearch Trends of 'lan Is Cardiovascular Systaw in Cosindc Flight. by 1. T. Clkkulinichev. r3t, .?OVTCqlClll4Zc Sostoyaniya 3. Per~pckti!Z Issledovaniya Serdechno- Sosidistu I ,Astemv Clielovoka v "OsulichetskiMi Poletakh. 1967. *NMA TT F-11,395 ."Z(lv 67 I ;IC-OLdfa d LWC64440M 04 thO VOdtbod 4&Vcraft, Dy 1. '1'. Ikullvlctwvo et 94 IM GAr .19 .~z tz -w. 6n 4 A - AI,,tv '(4 in Comxva a t P1.1 T. ft"ilwotAw., me V, Yewl'- yeaov, and :D. 0. IFOAKARI~j, -Arkr u0 2; 14"r pp. Met-Aevo au Moint Status and TTOW9 In !w6At9Atioh Of the Hum C4jftonomav Syst" iii Spwo Flightso by 1. T. a =suns rpto Report PMOODW at UP Bightumth Cwp~wft of ths lntwmtUml Ael Fed- wation, Belgraftt 2_i-3D Sept 1967, 10 pp. IA&4 TT F-11095 sail, ltw 68 3510135 pft-la" *: DI tavft OW3=644 ft*M 17ALiftt 'i:);f L T, AbAlzubwp tio mmws L 1. i4vw UW-5=4 Awe" DowerAod 4a am Im APU*VuU*g *xjpW b*M In ~kw-A TT I. T. Aladinichev Polarization Ilkenamens in a flielectric Structure of Titanium.-Titanim Dioxidap-~~etal, by A. A1.111inins 1. Shchovelov. 7 pp. rpt,, TruU VoronerJiskiy Politekhni- cheskiy Instit t, I'alaksat.91(mnyve YOVIon MY Y 'IVMykb TelaRh, V3esoyuz;a Nauchnoy Xonfor- entsiy M. 19 s. 19680 Vp 634-637, V feb 71 fark arortim two6ed kk-juntsf~:' " 5 pp* r."il.ajrq r-T)" km"As 4 0 x~ for ~,Oonwld,! sfomrt by Oct7cwt 12 ~Ct 19W. p 2. kal iw 66 k.1, Rkk.Lc>Q SettiN Up, Developunt, and BLsic Results of Work Done by the anitary-6pidwdalogimi savim of the PSM D=IU* the IAXt 50 learso tar K. I. Akulov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per.: SamUlmya Haditsimp Mosamg No U. 1967p pp 39-43. JPRS 57256 Oct 72 Awytical Depeaftm of Uquta o3wiles W"ity &3 *A TOSPOMUM 444 P"SIMA, by V*X* XVMUII*ovt L. A* Alatov& Val 111, 0 6, mg, pli NZ-9016 Dept of navy/APL J14U V-2019 4, v Arg 67 =0053 A Ngt=al Inhibitor or Pbatosyntbatle 11"etlaus, by YO* A* Akuloys RUSSIN-19 per, 'Dok Ak ~lwl $SSE, Bloohmsp vol 135, No 3..--Mv,-. 19699 pp 702-704. CB 4 C. 4. AW.&ALcvrj Oct 70 ParticipatLon of Plastocyanin I!gve pLsm satLvua L. Leaves in PhototsftctLon of HOP by Chl"last Fraguntes by Y** A. MOM, RUSSIAN,, perp Dok Ak jM SM, BLochsm. Vol tws No 3, W- y 1968, pp 734-737. CB c - A - R ile L4 L c \, f~ Nov 7U I k ~'4X -~~ Q- \A Lrror i~valuation in Lic-termin ing concentration of Size of Fog Drops by 1%leans oi ',~~iLITA" Irtstrulments, Dy L.G. Akullsirion, 11 Pp. Al., I - -7 -,O)~ -US:11-, , r-)t. Otsenlla L)S"Iii- ' IZnler iy ell a X011 ~ientrat-,ii ---------- Mt 4- ~~.--, lov. , :. -..~ -4 1 - 4 1 -11. 1 . a* k -... .." , ;~ lbe Pro&wU4)n of Dlo* =A Craft 1-olptbylango Pol7isdbutyl" Cqwlpnm Dorine EArmdw, by P. S. AlUt4nj B. N. Artd=dW4 '11-0.91M;, per, nWt MAW. 1110 98 1%?s pp 64-65. Dw 68 3662?21 Treatment of Angina Poctaris With Vorqmil (Isoptin)p by To Akyol~ KROPEANO per, Acta Modica Turcicao Vol 21s NO is 1968p pp 1597170, NTC-70-13001-M Feb 72 Lax 4. 13 'erl xcta Odr, P-cw, Chu, VbI tip "Zrj 3, 27~-=' L359 afal 3689638 M. Q. qL,911 PJ~ Starting of Aircraft Com Turbine Roginesp by M. A. Alabinj, B. M. Was 227 pp. MOUN.v bkj Ymbinofftroyaniye, 1968. ACST X-0571 FSTO-W-23-766.7o Nov 71 IM-YU00"Wia am Aue 65 -P:, i P, 0 v -Z) fi &~ I , - - ~ 1, 203:36e !~onstruatlcn or the Dridee at Bodr(%-,- Alsoberwks t7 111. Ala& - irWrARIA!"s per$ -19609 PP :LOIaID7* ssawat I-vol 13s "0 3a Mar 06 368o539 Heat Transfer to BoLlLug Pots"Um Ln UnLfomly 76- Heated Tub" 0 by 1. T. Alsdev. 25 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt q Teploobown Gidrodinankika i Inlof iz Svoistva Veshchestys 19689 pp 18-31. ABC-ML-tc-251 SCL-Mys Sep 70 ;jeiAt Transfer to Wilial-, PutaSSiwi in Umiformlv itcetut, 'rubcs, by i. i. ,,iujycv, 1. (.1. 6trlovt ,iu,-,er, Liquid i-i4-tal Technjlu,~,,y W168, JWCA~4/-Tr-2151-U9 70 iu i)x, ai ui ir. ou zitl"),Jrt;"'4&0~ 0. ail I.-i faw xiJ -iu Air. uy 1. T. ALOY~;v U1,P- v Ar---Q~Q v statistical Amlysis of tbz Intor- relationWhip -11stween Two Pulse Sequenecs in a Merovolme of Cat Corebml Cortox, by N, A* Aladxb&3A)va RUSSIAN.. pwj Dok Ak Lsa~ WSR U01 Soi Vol la~,, no 3. Jan 1969, pp 7~i&-730- _t~- 9 C11 Ij - 11 - ~4 L f+ a 2. ~ P, L o v A Oct 70 (Jmrldstry of azjr,.l by 4"1 I-XV!, ';o. 5 3 4~1 palfticalbig b&toM ower"nt Boftal by MW-C4-n&nM., V*r., jm 't '5 V.-IIG , pp. 1'.8. jpc -3 ~ 27 Pol J-.- e- ,A.L 0;~ IvQW 10d C*DUVa No QMdC 16 Vve, ftaM k)LV_*_JaA 80 1# 2:V0162 luutrsmtv rw iDetwatui% Cormutbe rawtiomp by V- %A3&%s & 14-6--4skyonP pp MMIM, porp w"'I. Y965s PP Set Feb C3 ;~( rL-k"'X'~ Zuergy Generator With a Base of Plutonium 238 for the Purpose of Medical-Electrio Stimulation# by M. Alain. FRENCH, per, ftanog. Commingariat a I'Snergis Itgaicu2, Bulletin d'Injorma- URAI agientIfig a& Ilghniguep No 142, 1969, pp 31-38. NTC 72-10668-06L Apr 72 73- Nim 73:~ m. Alboa Economic Interpretation of the Maximm Principle. FRENCH, per,, Revue Trangaiss d1jALoM_t st do Recherche ~2!mt amieLle, No 14,, 19681, pp 37-68 RTC 72-12660-12B sept 72 M. Albrecht Investiptions on the Tormtion of Thrombocytes an Megakaryoeytes in Vitro. GERM, per,, Haewtolwie xmd Bluttrawfulaa Vol 6, 1969, pp "-51 NTC 72-13336-W Oct 72 Alg~rU Strives to Idm Badomim pwmm SoftntuV Ufbo by M*mmd &I-AkWW* 9 R:,* ARA=o porg &I-ftkW Alowng 16 Um 1969a pp 10-13* JPRS 4"3k Af-Algarla .SCM Jan 70 399008 Iraqi Five-Year P2m for Agriculture, by Dre 'Abd as-Sohl7o al-t - 5 pp - - - 0 Amam ma ., np,, AtE--miiiiiii al-,L~j 13 mar 65, p 3. JPRS 29509 ME-Iraq Econ Apr 65 Mj671 'istory Of Ira ;all ~iovivnfal't -Ala-ako, 5 Pr,, Juri,--Ikue ot iolitinjtq, I-erg -evae Dml()"nt of the mmmW of Socialist CoAftlea, by p. Alampiyevp a. Stolyov and A. Telefus# 15 PPS per, So- 7p JU-V' lop Ppe 13-1-121o JPBB 3330) V Mcon Dec 66 315m,672 t3ook on InternnUoma :jOd&Ugtt by Pe AlampiMv 7 Ppe il~zsmlv part Ahmoda't .,at 1968, pp 1)5~442* j?&3 46990 , ~"il' jan 69 UvidOn Of I&bOrp -,"OGCOWo No 10,p 3no?90 Itrtbw SoojaLUt 14000MO Col2aboatim 4- ftmU bv Pq Alam"ywo be gftmjF#V*vs 13 ;Pt akquu jsm IZ Pwv4J?E2%MmLVMT9dl96 mosom. ints 47tv . . P. a Lq mp,'~ ev' uwit EGM bbr 69 376ti3g .33 Laylug an Aulti-Tak Mm na]At by 16 Alamov, Mmms, per# Ammu -Ramw vca 14', so 4" Apr 1967. AMI J-2WI ID 22040-iM67 ll.~,.~ ~- 1, " ~ ~ -I -, " . Sal-Kn Fab 68 -472"1