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Concerning the Presence of Diamines, so Called Ptomaines, in Cystinuria, by L. Udranazky, GERMAN, per, Happe SeyLer's Zeitachrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, Vol 13, 1889, pp 562-594. NTC-71-12342-06E Nov 71 Farther Contributions to the Knowledge of Cystinuria, by L. Udrariazky. GERMAN, per, Hoppe Seylerle Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, Vol 15, 1891, PP 77-91. XTC-71-12343-06P 140V71 The Behavior of Products of Protein Clevage and of Several Sugars toward Ozme,, by C. Harries, K. Langheld. GEMN140 per, Hoppe Spyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chamie, Vol 51,, 1907, pp-3M- 83 NTC 70-13S61.06A sci/b and m n ov 70 Investigations on Colloids in the Urine. First Reybrt- Colloids' in Noriaml Human Urine, byr Lichtvitzo Rosenbach~, IL pp.' GEMW., per RONO-PeAers-z-Aws Chem? Vol VI., lye xm 6-14 Sol - Mod Jul 58 to* n ell) 6 The Identification of V a Porqbyrin Anearlm in the LVim After TrlomQ Poisoning, by A. E414m r, 0. Fdosser.. 1F5 pp. GEMM) per) lam-jiCylers Z. fuer mysiol Cb=,, Vol XCV13:10 1916-19111 pp 1-10, in lo-Wt-6o Sci bkd Doe 6o , On a Motance MAmInated by the Kidney, vhich Acto ew a Heart StimuUntp by Eo X. Tray Ead H. Kraut,, 19 pp. GERVAIRp per.~ E%Tpe-Seylerls Z..# P-bystol Cbft, Vol CVII,o So 1-3.0" 19290 061 STA 57 -2964 Aug 58 1 R. Klement The composition of Bone support substance. GERM, Zeits. fuer Physiologische Chemie, Hoppe-Seyler, Vol 184, 1929) pp 132-142 *NASA TT F 131916 COPYRIGHT MATERIAL oct 72 Studies on Formation of Urea in Animl Body by H. KTebs FFMCH,, per., 8m2 Seyler Z Plxmioi PAP, Vol 210j. 1932, PP 33-66- HEW NO 6-u-68 sci-MM Aug 68 362,,376 Contribtz'cion to the Kncridedge of Kalllkreinp by R. Krmut# E. K. ?rey,, E. Bauer and TO Behultxj, 28 pp. A* =0 Vol GXWI X$ pe- Z. pppAqk,ph J CCV, No SLA 5~-M6 SC4 Aug 58 ~7/ 11f The Decomposition of Wiamtesp navianatas,, Piamtes, and Ficrolwates by Means of Wool., by H. *Merl 5 pp. Vol CCIKj GELMAN., per.* _SgIers 103 1932, pp 207-210. SIA Tr 57-294 Sci - Chem h Jul 57 cbsovs in the 00nolaa nau of *Mau Proft" In the Ow4N* Of NUOU AIUV:LIV# by H. J. DoWelm. Gums pwo Irm"m ~ ~ 802W a pkmda lb 9100 2932., pp 9TAX.- mw NIH 2-2-69 Sai/M 380#195 Apr 69 Inve,stigations on Lipoids of Animal Orgwwo 8th Report. The Occurrence of Wgnoceryl Sphingobine in the Beef Spleen, by C. Tropp, V. Wiederebelso 11 pp. GERM, per, Hopps4kylevs Z. p"iol Chem, Vol C=Io 1933o Nm 6-4 Sci - Ned Jul 58 6 I=mtion of Phonyl Pynwato in Urine as Itlicta- bolic Momaly Relatod to labocility,, by A. Foi- ling, FRENM, per, ilpLpe Seyler Z Pjaysiol Chem, Vol CUAIII, IOS40 lip 169-176. ITN-~JIU-11-9-166 I .Jan 67 316s,917 63-14870 Ziese, W. OONTRIBLMON TO SPEC2FlC3TY OF AWLASE 1. Ziese. W. INFUTENCE OF AMYLA ON OXY ETHYL STARCK [1%317p. 8 refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-14970 Trans. of Se ejACiLSCULjLf-uFj a Se PhysiolfoggiMche "Khenile] (Gernany) 1934, i. 229, DESCRIVMRS:* *Glycoside hydrolases, 03tarches. *Enzynx*, *Taka diastase. Ethyl radicals. Oxides. ViSCDSIIY. (Biological Sciences - -Btochernistry, TT. v. 10. no. 5) W= d tftbdtm SUAM 63-14871 Ziese, Walter. SUPPLEMENT TO 711E SPECIFICK11ONS OF ME 1. Mew, W. AMYLASES. H. ABOUT THE NON-OCCURRENCE 01, H. Title: Non-Occurrence REDUCM POWER WITH ENZYMA71C DL9NTE- GRATION OF OXYETHYL STARCH OBTAINED FROM NATIVE STARCH. [[963] 13p. 7 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14371 Trans. of [l1q4!0-Scyler'sj Zfeltschrift fUrl., Fjiy ioiog[isaml-cne---Ue-ITCTr---n-YM35. v. 235, p. M-245. DESCRIPTDRS: *Glycoside hydrolases, *Enzymes, *Starches, Potatoes, Ethyl radicals, Hydrolysis, Reduction (Chemistry), Viscosity. (Biological Sciences-Bioclieniistry, Tr, v. 10, no. S) in Lipid Mitures and in Orgmw.. by R. Feulgem, E. Gnmberg, 12 pp. GMWAN, per, Vol omm" 1939; pp 161-172. Sci - Wd -Tul 61 Regarding Steric Selection by PeptiWes in Norml and Ce=luomstous Bern. PvAImiwwy Commication., by 1. WaMacbmidt-Imitzp Ke M97erp 6 pp. GERW., pers Hoppe-Savlws Z ftsiol Chem, Vol C=n p No Is A SIA Tr 57-281 sci, - Chem Jul 57 Enzymatic Experiwnte on Sarcoma and Cblorapbyll- Defective Barley Mutants, by H. Ruler, N. Nelletrom, G. Ounther., L. 93.1iot., S. JUliot., 5 pp. G=Mj. perk Hoppe-SeyLerl .F%aChom,, 'Vol 32~ I) em-1 - No 2Y 3p 4s 1939s pp 20:- - S.L.A. Tr 57-542 Sci - chemistry qpI 9 0 C';L Jun 57 orn the occurrenoo-of Trace Elements,, ruspecially ur.~.uiim, in the Baof Liver and Spleen, bY Josepb Hoffhannp 6 pp. - GEIPEUNJ Perp Po Oyler's Z. Pbysiol chm') Vol GICLUT11) AFC Tr 2665 Sci - Diology; CharAat:7 Jan 5-f CTS Preparution of Concentrated Sulatidna From Dilute Ones by Simple Membrane Action. A 'M,adel Experiment on the Functioft of the Kidney, by W. Kuhn, W. Ryffell 50 pp. GER4AN, per, Hoppe-Siqltrlz Physiologische Chemiel, Vol 61 19421 pp 145-118-0~ Uitechriftfiar CCLMIp No 4., 14 NIH Tr No 12 Scientif ic - Cheiui!3try The Effect of AlIqlated Succinic Acids On Succinia Dehydrogenases and Other Dehydrogenases, by Wilhel-la Yranke, Dora Siewerdt, 16.pp COUUW) perp Hoppe-Seylerts Zeitachrift fur Physiol Chem, Vol 280, 1944, No 3/4, P-P-777-87 SLA, TT-64-20553 Sci - Biol June '.7 328,785 u r. I , Exprimrito for laolation of Kallikrelo P by H. Kraut, 1. Schveitzer, 9 pp. GERM, per, Hoppe-Sey4.!q 'o Z. Itysiol Chem, Vol- ccmoavp No 1-6. -pp 211-2150 1 - 9.- SIA 57-2965 Sci Aug 58 A/ /H The Aldehyde of the Acetal Pbosphatides of the Brain, by Friedrich Leupold, 25 Pp. GMU~ Chem) Vol CCLXM 1950,, pp 182-200. RM 5-17-61 sci - Mod Jul 61 /Tyl Irj,? On Tyrosinosis, by K. Felixj G. Leordim-rdi., i. V. Glasenapp, 6 pp, and 3 Atch. CORMN, per; tioope- -,eitzchrift ftwr Physiol Cbemic, Vol CCLXXXVII, 19,51, PP 141-147- NIH 10-15-61 SC4 Med jw- 6 2 Investigations Into the Coccygeal Glands of Birds. 1. The Fatty Substances of the Coccygeal Glands of DucKs, by G. eitzel, K. Lennert. CER"MIV-N, per, Hoppe - Seylers Z. fur Physiologische Chemiel Vol M 880, 1951, I)p 2Sl-2S6. NZI)SIR/No S04 Sci Jan 63 A Contribution on Olu=mmic AcId Dstwd=tlon, by H. Sudbor. GLWM.. per, ~Rm saxer's ZaLt fuer Pbyvlol Chwd Val 290 1952p pp W-757 W-6� sci4m Doe 69 398p4O3 04 the AldskWdafi of (aycGxWhWPb&tid86 Of the SMletan and the Reart MuSalep try 1. M=k) W. StOffell H. J. FWCr3, 3.1 pp. OMM., Per) Hoppe svlerd Z. Phyawl Gbam, Vol =Cy 1952~ pp -- --- ------- NIR 5 -16-ft Sci - Med ja 61 /,r~ szr/ FA(-.-Ol',S INF1,12ENCIN'r, '11IF HFAT MAGLIf,A- I~ KlingenhVI-g. P. "riot OF OVA1,B[r, ,11N, 11963) 8p. 13 ri G;, Orl-r from SLA SI. ID 6 4-1 4964 rran.l. (If 11) X._',~Cvkr's 471cil-chrih 1-0 h FmanV) 19,52, v. 21)). iogi~ 11 1 -P. 16.27. Prntt:,ins, Cwgula- It %o~ doetmint-d Ovit ~jn aniondc pro'On stjOi as rival- burnin can tx- s:abilized sviih ritgativ-0v charg,,--d -;tjl)- StAnCt-~, Witll()LJt infitivOcing [Ile pli of the solution %kftilt~ it Call 1~0 I;lbiljZUd ~Vjjl_ poidrikvlv. chat-Lied iuhstanct:~;. ]'he exten! Of RlrhidirY of elic protein solution followinIg heAr M'.lfML'M sL L'Ills W d(-[Vlld 110t so muc h tin the con- c,-firrvion W rb ):ibilc proruin but rather on the rarlo of hillik: ~tabk. prwcin. I., can obviouslv !w I'sullied olr" ol TochuC31 Semk4s TT, v. 1(~ no, ~,) (over) An Laprovement of the FreezinG Drying of Orgaus, by M. Behrens, 16 pp. GM40, per., Hoppe-Seyler*.s Z.Physlol Chem, Vol CCXCIp 1952j, M 58-93 SCI Jul 59 Iq -I? ? 1W ~)f Rix. r,.f supstances ~Jla FilL.L.1, ?--par V~ an E,'e,.-trlc Fie"d, by W, Grzoesmann ao, GXR1411, Cbmt V~Dl cf--X,."bT) 195~. 32-50~ SIA CSTRO 2M z~uautitat.ive Date-,mdnaticn of the Aoetal Phosphatides in Orgamj by I Qiftstlp 12 pp. 3EMM,, per,, Ho -8 lers Z. rhysiol Chw - P-V;q!qqxjArB Vol CCXCIII., 1953A PP 83-88. In' 5 -24-61 Sc4 - Vied ,Tul 61 /J-~ Jt 0 Bacteritid UpIdI6. 'The Mgds.' at SA-Imonells lierup. P BallwWo by B aueme P S-..Cmelik, A.; 10 pps ~ Sal GERUM, per, A 0 Zedt fuer:phydolooche Chemle, RiJO 53i pp.: 222429. MR 6-3-64 Vt'a~cl )OL, Sci - Blot & Med Aug 64 2644276 63-18478 Grow4 F. =d Sdod# P. MMVIOR op UM SM 70WARD A= all 1. Cross. F. WIDXUW CHAIN LjWM. 119631 rAb, 04PL MW sdad. F. 7 rdL oWw hvm SLA $2.60 63-11.9478 7ftm cc is cot addM6 okonsum T=b*y. wbm emy ad* UlAmwid" 0c otbw 6w add am M nMW I= dw bUM SdOw Pig ddm6 MIY Idw ==-ch" NMMW toy sews mm mOm dmft fqrcia =d u*vcsri&w poom thm twly scNi in i attvAot anwum dow a MPWW bdwvtw. The q*dwmig undwpw 8 obwoskal scj=xmm--lbmlcckw,, Tr. V. lo. IML 9) of TrAn" Sarikos 4wm* on the Glycaliplds and SpblngoWelims of the Strom of Horse'Erythrocytes.. by R. Klenkj K. Lnuewteinj 23 pp. GEWM.. per, HOM~~,eylerls Z.Dbya.Chmie, Vol W.XCV' 1953, pp 16k-1-13-. - NIH 38 Scientific - Biology 3 Tba HatabdUam of MW4a aud Aald In - the Rat# by 6M Bersftvm~ *dt alp ppe MMNv powp Zone-Sov2ars Z. PhysUl., Meet Vol 0=1 -19510 TP-.2784mw, " -- - BOLA. Tr 974 ,6/d sci - XWORT, 33 Alp % On Bacterial Lipido, -.bmwdPtiOn Of Different Upid FkaWm of Wmanella Paratkypbi C.i by sw Cmd*$. 9,pps GERMAN, per, Hoppe-seylierts Zelt fuer Physiologische Chemle, No 296, 19540 67-73. 6-5-64 W Sri - Biol & Med Aug 64 264,278 62-17309 Hubener. H. 1. and Schmidt, J. G. H. MiE EASE OF SAPONIFICATION OF VARIOUS 1. Hubaner, H, J. STEROID 14ORMONE ESTERS BY LIVER AND ES- 11. Schmidt, J. G. H. TERASES. (19621 10p. III. A13-300G Order from ATS $15. 40 KrS-3OP600 IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc. , East icyler.'o _1 phys- Orange, N. Trans. of Hoppe7l, _ZLejL&W=ifLQr -- tollog4chelthem(fel (West Germany) L954. v.-M, p DESCRIPMRS: OSaponification, *Steroids. OHor- mones, Esters, 'Liver, *Serum, *Esterases. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. 0, no. 1) Office of Tocholcol Swdco# xrlujp2lug of Prote1ju to Mazotived P0.1yar Gvjx,=a: by 11. L. SaUsith. .3mm-6a. I rlet Z Pbyniol Cberu:, Yle Vol ccxcvll,) pp i05-U20 Utl -%a Cu0mcil of TT-805 r%,,.,, the chcaim-ccatsiarks piw=iogens (Acetalphosphat-J&s) in the Bwf Hemt t$1sclal, by 3. Kle"; H. Dobuahr 7 pp. amu,, per, -"YaAw I Ift fuer -ftqiwtp-~Ohe~4) Vol IN I 1955., pp 66-73. Sn 3-67-62 lqkl,61,~ scl - W z= 6p- Pvn "intation of ftm~ojogtdil -Meadca L!u,iv"cw* an Pumbed C*rU.,Jby Karl Me~cll Gi~y; A.Ayip 9 ommo noppige lsr-vlzdit f Ph iol P'p- 1047. 7cZ soi Apr 60, vol T-il, mo 3 The Docosapolyenole Acift of the Uyeerin Phwl*mtides of the Bmin., by S. laenk, Jr. Tjr4l 7 PP- affma, per) HOpvplw%rdhwr ....b3::Lft..fLwr Ph 01 CCXCIX.' No 1-2) IMi viol ChWe,, v Pp 74:~bl' 3-66-62 Sci - Ned 149 P,, d. A 6 i= 62 ----------- contribut tbe-XumdWp.df- the on icterlid -41 ees Zelt fuer 68 146:209, 1955j pp 227-234. -Vtt ce-xclx NIli 6-4-(A .................. The Conqdwdy-Bound.14pids of. DIpbdieria. Bacteria: From Different'Nutrimt Sdudoriss by S-. CmUko 9 pp. GERMAN. per., Hoppe-ftylem$s zeft. Physidlosische Che:mie,, No 3W, 19551 pp 167-173. NIH 6-15-64 YK cc. c. SCI - Bial & Med Aug 64 264,286 The Ueeful Range of the Determtnation of Amino Hitrow Acid$ by G. KaInz and F. Scholler, 10 PP4 GERONs perv HoWe-SWIer's Z. ~byAiOIz-CIz=r Vol CCCI,, 1955,9 PP-M~W--- " " ATS-TG8G scs 7/, d q J/ Aug 58 Phosphatides Of Ty0oid-Bicterlas V-M -~ Rap= on Bacterial lApolds, by S~.Zm- aM4'14 ppe a. Zeit fusT GERMAN, per, Hoppe-Seybri Physioiopchi chike$ 3028 Y55. 20-28. M 6-18-64 Sel - Blol Med Aug 64 264A7 Polychmw.tie Varification of Amino Acids on Pwr Chriomtograms aid Paper Mectropbmgmns., by J. au-mllier, J. Uollmn, E. Watzko, 10 pp. G040, per, wPPO-LOX~..ZqLv.Cbr.= ;r. Fhgiol 2aam 98ftW 1515b, Pp EL-25. ---`~- ,, 4b=. V,~ I ccc! VA 11--e IN= 10-9 Scientific - Chemistry -~tdl -2 ~Fez Bov 56 CTS Sff4jCjq=y of a pttper QumatoGmpbic Method In CUM al Habit FornJma WN Detection Rith the Ald of I" Imsupubm. ilia by U. Luss R- &txkevits, 12 pp. QE3W# mo m, IM !=Is U-schr, f . Pbniol. am. Val ams 1955A. pp 55-wo - NZ Tr No 12-10 Scl - Chmn'str -77 Feb 1957 CM/dex 1. Reporti Amino Acid Sequences of Colla~",n- N, the WnAin Method of Proline and Hydroxyprokine) by WoUpau Grasaw=P Kurt Bamig.. Borst M~Sd~sjp Alfred Riedel) 18 Pq* allMM, parp Hoppe -Semler.'a. -Aeltsohrift far M~mlolo3 chenia, Vol CCCV1, i9~6 gn 9-27 Sal - VAd ft 59 Riperchromptographic Separation of the Rnamic A-minoscids nistidUne and Tryptophnne, by V. KIIn&mx11er, L. Xiler-SlMe, 3 pp. GMMR, per, HM-p7ftylers, Z. "Iol Chem, Vol CCCV111, 1957) rP 49--50. srA 58-2o sci Jul 59 1171 111ne Action of Parj-odl4c~a Acid on Procollagen, I Absorntion of Period Acid, Ilexose, hydroxylysine, by II. honw=j G. Fries, 9 pp. GERMIM, per, floppe-Seyler's 7, Physiol Chem, Vol. CCOUP 195 ~"Pp SDI S 4-5b -62 W Sci Med Jun k')2 A Now Method for Otemical Determination of the Estrogen Hormones in Urinc, by Gerd Ittrich. GEMW4, per,, 1120 Seyler Z PhXsiol, atom Vol 3122 1958j, po 1-149 firS-7-65 Sci-Biol F, Ned 'vlay 6S 2769740 Stegemann, Hermann MICRO-DETERMINATION OF AMI[DE NITROGEN, PARTICULARLY IN PROTEINS (Mikrobestimmun van Amid-Sticksto(O tr. by R. Pichler. (19601 [13t (foreign text Included) 17 refs. Trans. no. 4662. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 60-17504 Trans. of Hoppe Seyler's Zcosclinfl 11), Ph~,wl- gische Che-mie (West Germany) 1958, v. 312, no. 4/6, p, 255-263. DESCRIPTORS: *Proteins, *Amides, ONitrogen com. - pounds, Microanalysts. 60-17504 1. Stegemann. H. 11. CSIRO Trans-4662 III, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) For the determination of the a,nide-nitrogen of amino-scids, jx:pttJ_-i and prcqvjn,,, alkaline hydrolysis at about 2DO is combined wlib dIff uslon of tbe ammonia formed into sulfuric acid. Hydyolysis and NF13-deter- mination are carried out in one flask. The reaction Is 5-16-62 complete within 24 hours. It W been -Qhcywn that only OF4,r..f T.6.1-1 S-1-, (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry. TT, v. 8, no, 3) (ov er) N-Metabolism in the Erythrocyte Maturation. the N Balance under Endogenous Conditions, by H. G. Sweigers et al. GERMAN. per H2gg! Seyler Z Physiol Chem, Vol CCCXIII: 1958a PP 97-108. HEW NIH No 4-0-66 Sci - B/m May 66 301o347 On the Composition of the Fa.tty Acid Minure of, Various Fish Ofls~ by R~ Klenk D n&Wen. GERMAN. per. Hcype-Seylers~~.Wtschrift fluer Physiologische Chemie, Vol CCCXXVIE6 No 3-6, 1958 PP 180-192. Plaheries'Res Board Halifax N. S. Scl - Blol Mar 64 252,863 ~j C, 7 Cl 'Tan LV .I. TJ.~j 'Viino J'Ici(i 11~"(WUiuuc Of CoIL;gm-1. II., 1)y i.. Z 'Ph~sioi Vol Q-0 ~:-T:L 7-4-67 "'Ci -7 The Quantitative Enzymatic Dehy- drogenation of L(t)-Laotate for Microanalysisp by G. Gercken. GERMAN, per, HopRe-OavlarIg Zattsebrift fuer Phyajologjachg Chemia, Vol 320, 1960; pp 180-186 KTC 72-11683-061 June 72 Investigations on the Metabolism of Polyenoic Fatty Acids in the Pat, by E. Klenk, 11. Mohrhauer. GFaKM) ptr) Hoppe Seyler's Z fucr Phlysiologische Chemie, vol cccxx, 196o, PP 213-231. *Fisheries Res Bd of Canada Sci j,Li 64 Thin-Impr Ohvmtogx%yW of the Cerebral Llpids., Their Conversion and Szoakdom Prodaeftp by Bust JaUkmdU$ MWMftIM )M~ T PP* =mm, per, m t�rj2m=-I-Ib&toX_Qbemv Vol cc=$ I*jp PP 29-257- - , I -./ /.I":, . ),7 KP M 1-24-63 Sol - Kol-YAd fti -ed Mmy 63 c~ -q It/ a 0'7- 63-16483 Van Buren, J. P. , Moyer, J. C. and others. CHANGES IN PECTIC SUBSTANCES IN THE PRO- L Titlex Beans CESSING OF GREEN BEANS. 119631 8p. 12 refs. 1. Van Buren, ). P. Avaibble on loan from SLA 63-16493 U. Moyer, J. C. Trans. of IHODW SeV1er!sl-7Jeksehr1ft4U4-2Lui.L~ fn- L-Cbem[Lel(Weet Germany) 1960. v. 321, 113. DESCRWMRS: OPectins, Processing. Food. *Vegetables, *Preservation. Cbernical analysis. Grcen bearm blanchcd at tonperatures bemm 65,5 and 820C had a greater proportion d dvir pectIc subatawas as pectic acid than been receiving either no blanch or blanches at 8ft or higher. Tide was found wboether the beaus were ezmnined after blanching or afterco*IN at I IS, SPQ The of the transformation of water soluble pectin to pectic acid was Increased with longer (Food, IT, v. 10, no. 3) (ovel no W lamcd W.I. I.. --ii" sail Du o:r T.3 - ca, 6,21 Ilbe macbsuum of the zinmrmm Rometi0air (1933-1960). Prepumtion of 16 (aci-2.,4- Dinitro Phenyl ) -A=Irwt4o.=o,. bv 0. Neunhoefferj- K. Thavaltj. W. Zi z9anap 5 PP. G=Mj per* Pholol -Mm-w "Vol =Kuli.. 1961: pp NIR 2-25-62 ,3ci - Had Apr 62 llll-~r Neclumian of Uucmso~sis JtUr Oral h.1-ninistration ext' Corbir*l,. by H. J. Nuebener, 12 pp. GWM, per, Ragpe-Seyler's Z Physiol C-Imm., Val. O~T,X,Xyl; Tr-w Scl. - Mad, Chc-m -~-La 62 -",I a J/, -1,,7,2, Tynalm Jbtaboliem of Mmets, M The Pbenoi Oxidase System of C&Ui:phm w& Bw It Is Affected by the Hoznm Rokwwo by P. Carlo=# As 8dwetw. =MN,, perj, Reap-ftylvo Z. ft* ~ Cbev4 vai ==n, iqu, pp i MM 6-M"3 fti - ohm Aug 63 Ats"A~w 62-34419 I IVIAL I fl, If.. Grtc,, [f. A. I ajid fl2ckvi, (Kar I 6-3-/61F? D1:'CCAlPOlM'1nN Ul NICOHNII: 8Y 1O.C11'41A I FbQc1n, 11. 7~;Ml--S. 11. lqOVA HON 'kNT) CI !.V~AC 1 FRIZATIC)N 11. Cries, I . X. nr S()Ii BACITRIA. 111. . K. 17,n. 1" 1 A h I I!: I h [I- I 'J 1%, 1, 1 - ~,.t K 1.111_'L I 11Z I I L11' 1 C I"! t "I . I DL14'I'll' I *Ni,.,! P-conip-nt ii. Kt, ~,:i [A. no. offi- .1 S-1-1 62-17922 Decker, Karl, Gries, F. A., and Bruhmuller. Margaret, 1. Decker, K. DECOMPOSITION OF NICOTINE BY BACTERIA 11. Gries, F. A. ENZYMES, Ill. METABOLISM STI)DIPS ON CELL- 111. Brubmuller, M. FREE EXTRACTS. fl962125p. IV. Title: Metabolism ... Order from K-H $31. 25 X-H 11547-b V. K-H-11547-L, VI. Kresge-Hooker Science Trans. of Hoppe-Seyler'o Zfeltachrift fUr) Phyellolo- Library Associates, glache) Chemliel (West Germany) 1961, v. 323. Detroit, Mich. p. 249-263. DESCRIPTORS: $Decomposition, *Nicotine, 09acreria, Enzymes, Merabollsm, Bacterial extracts. (Biolog(cal Sciences- -Biochemistry, 77, v. 8, no. 5) 04fic. o4 T~Wc.l S-ic- Synthesis of Methiodue, by W9 WilmAnnst Ot al. GKERMM, per, Hoppe. Sleyler's Zfuer -PhyalologLoche Chemie, Vol = CCCXXII, 1962, pp 283487. CSIRO/No 6287 Sci - Chem Apr 64 253,349 ~W Q6 IJISChaal6M of ACUOU ar C-lUCGQUrUCCddS) by G. De&nharrlt, ff. 4T. Hi-aboner, 1. Alester. GNUO., per, HolVe4leyler's Z Firiaiol Chem, 1961, pp AW Tr-5089 sci - 14-ad~' mm 11116-0 .2 " lv~ / 9 / SrA - Chem Mar 64 252;161 Mechanism of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation, VM. The Chemiary of the Proinhibitor, by Kayser,, Fritz-Hermann, 14 pp. GERMAN, per, HUpe4eyler"s Zeitschrift furThy0ol Chem, Vol CCCXXKI, 1963, pp 95-104. NIH 12-6-63 S(KcI - Chem Feb 64 250,175 on Unsaturated Fatty Acids of the Fat of Freshwater and Marine Algaej by Ernast Klenk, Werner Kinipprath, et al. GERMAN, per, X Hoppe Seyler's Z fuer Physiol Chemie, vol cccxxxiv, 1963, PP 44-59. *Fisheries Res Bd of Canada Sci jul 64 The hvsonce of n- Il~-Tbt,-4awtlWI- &xadecanoic Acid (ptVtanoic Acid) in the Cholesterol Entaiv and Other Upid Fractions or the Organs in a Disease of Unknown Ocnesio [Suspected caw of Here&pmthlaktactics P*Iynaurltiformls (Bcfg='s BYndrOWIO by E. Menko at al. GMWj pero or Zoit ftsiol APPW- Awl Cb--M.7 Vol 333, PP 1.33-11). HEW RM 6-10-5--j ,fv ;?- ~- , , ,~ Sci-Bull 313,P 0 ftperi=mtea Studles on the Nucleic MoUbolim, by V. nein. =No., per, mo fty-le-r z D0101 Chem Vol 231, 1935, pp M-148. HIIW-MM 10-2"7 Bel-ml Dee 67 346,143 En lish Ttle Ulftown, by G. Gerckmi. GEWN,, per,, lioDDe scylars Zeitschrift ful,. Physioicwiche Chemie, vOl UU, i9bu, pp 180-186. *NASA IT F-11,812 Juen 68 SapMtion of PolypIMplates by Anion ftebww abramtognphar, by M. MatsubasM. MM, per,, mm 99-kr Z Plwslol No 333,, 1961. pp 26-34- How NM 1-2-0 sai/B&M Effect of Acetone on Acid-Soluble Collagen. by E. Heidemann. MIYAN, per Floppe Seylers Zeitschrift Fur Mvsioloc~ische Ghemie Vol. 336, 19614, op C31RO/110, 7745 Sci - Sep 67 339-738 Histamine and Histidine Decarboxylasee by B, Werle, et al, GEMAN,, per, HOP Sayler Z Dzsiol Chem,, Vol 338, 1964, pp 251-2S9. HEW NIII 8-17-67 Sci - B&M Sept, 67 340,14S2 About the Ca-ibohydrate Part of Fibrin: Isolation of Glycopeptides from a Hydrolysate of Fibrin, by ~iiomir Nieszaros. GElt%M, per, Hoppe Seyler Z Physiol Chem, Vol 335, 1964, pp 277-279. N111 10-34-65 (On Loan) EE-Germany Sci/B&M viar 66 296,317 irfact of Acetow on Aeld-Soluble CollWnp by I. HoldoMMs z Phyalol Chow Vol G=Mjo WS M-l-er.. ., pp 137-146. cm=r6 1~ mi., EW mm 5-25-67 sai-Bul i= 67 329po* The Catheptic Effect of Collagen md Casein an the Volutionary md lavolutionary Uterus of Ratsj, by M. C., Sch", GERMN, per. 2gge=Spylers Z. Physiol, Chem Vol CCCXIIII,, 19650 pp 130-134e NASA TT F-100116 U. S. GOVERNWM USE ONLY Jul 66 304s289 PRESIDENT OF ULTAB SUGGESTS NEW FRAMEWORK FOR RURAL UNIONIZATION IN BRAZIL, BY LYNDOLPHO SILVA, 8 pp. PORTUGUESE.1 PER A HORA, NO 70; 17-24 Nov, 1962) P 8. :- - % JPRS 16764 LA - BRAZIL POL~ ECON JAN 63 218,736 Regional Analysis of the Distribution of Vegetation in the Himm.4my"jo by Ulrich Schweinfurth? /03)ap GEYM., bkj Die Horizontale und VertikLU Verbreitung der Vegetation im HiMR]AY&# Bmm$ 1957~ PP 9-72- ,;WJPBS/MC3'AL/=ZaXW NY-97o6 /111. FE-Afgbanistan., 5 Geog Apr 65 -23~~ / ;' I/ . 1. Horizontal and Vertical Range of Vegatation in the H:bnalays (The Valleys of the Wang Chu, Panakha. Chu) Trongsa Chu, and Bumthang Chu), by Ulrich Schweinfurth, 10 pp. GERMAN, bk, Die 111orizontale und Vertikale Verbreitung der Vegetation im Himalaya, (Bonner Geographische Abhandlungenj Y Universitat Bonn), ZNo 20, 1957, PP 178-183- CIA/FDD/X-5389 ME - India Bhut Jun N PreskWa Tiyatls Spoea sit *CNR Cooft M54CHI, npo HWMo 1 16 SM 1964,, p 2. JPRS 26935 AFRICA- Econ Oct 64 28,584 Genual Poucy R 0 - 0 1 1 0 ? A mions by the CNRI, 6 W FRENCH, rf, 2DO 21 Sep 1964, IV 1, 2. 3. JPRS 27018 AFRICA-Guinali POI Nov 64 X4,815 TM TV-114jo A Flying Gientj LAW SOVIOt Airliurp by Mftk Wisslav ProybylWd, 4 Vp. UNMASSIFM pm 0 Vero jqq&2j9ftI,*tnIotV& No 1/21, to 1 t 1958X vp 89 9 0 F. , M5.1a. A? UTY& Boon ma wq 58 (17Y-2w,/,. The Design Factory in BytCm.. by Zb:LgUle'w Zbyszevicz., 7 PP. POLISH, per.. HorySopty_."CbA#~) NO Warftw) 19~9, pp 199-2D3. jpRs-1895-N ZEur - Poland Boon - Manufacturing - Macbinery Oct 59 s= (NY-W). Ind" trial Televisim,, by Zygmmt VLmao, 4 pp. PMISR, per., Hornonty Teabnw, so 5j 1959j. Wbxsav.. IV k'64av.- - -4 - - ma-IW-x Our - Polaud loan - Mmaufaoturing - Television Sep 59 a Z / w 1 44fp--,-, SETER (my-W) - Wp. photogragh with polish Cemww) by Z. Perz7mklj 11 pp. POLIM., per, NoryZanty Tech2ftil No 5.. wam", 1959# pp 215-2206 Egur - Poland Be= - ManufteturIM- Cmrw 9 &1 'Ll.-I .S SQ %-.0 IQ, 121 r P., ~l (NY-2870). Palloh 5bipbuilding Plam., by Marlaa Krynicki, 7 n~? - POEMB, per, Roryzonty Teclmlld,. iso 6, Warsav, 1q,559. m., ?45 1 2~Z a- - - - - - - ir-.93 IM",- - ",allazd IT, "ion - I.IzzatfacturivZ, ShipbuilldIng 417 5 klmac fforseis: by A. Yaleses.. 16 pp. %Zo. - POLISH,, port Horyzozxtar Tecl-nUd No 2.. 196o.. -pp 63-68, 1670-&2--:b~~ A= MCL-772A 301 - ftgr jul 61 16 /, -? 3 -4 AmL FurLher Develqxmt of Technology - Alibreviation of a Lecture by the President of 10T, Prof Janusz 1"t vskip Eresented at do-- III Conference of the Society of C",eral Scienee~. CZM1, jer,, horyzmtv Tedmikio No 9, 1960p lip 385. -CL-CLC Sept 6 8 365v834 (NY-5754) Rev Polish PhotogMpbLic Products,, by Z. perzynskl~ 6 pp. POMEEP Pai R-a-UNOWTV-d-M-13do Vol XIn, So 118 19601- " 505-W7. "-- -' ON 9w /9~/. /W nur - P01W Icon may 61 (m Sir-1855) Pollsh Desto Progms GbOv Gt Mwm *vWr z&DItical by Zu. Z. PervasM, 3 FP- mgftleduwds No 5., 194't Pmm,, pwo agr pp igh-198. im 1030 I&W 4. Poland END /, f4 .5 ~ -f - ftr 62