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61-10642 Danis, F. and Decrop, M, THE INFLUENCE OF BLAST RATE, COKE SIZE 1. Cupola furnsces- -Operation AND T"E PROPORTION OF COKE BETWEEN 1. Danis, F. CHARGES ON THE PUNC71ONfNG OF THE U. Decrap, M. CUPOLA. 11960) 1 * 0 0 fJgq . ornitted). Order I rom SLA m 1$ 1. 60, ph$ 1. 80 61-10642 Partial trans. of Fooderfe (France) 1958, too. 148, p. 125-1232). 15 18 0 13 oil" of Teamw SOFAS" (Metallurgy, TT, v. S. no. 9) Obmomtiou = Sme NaUumvies, Pbenmm in the Cupaa 0 by F. Danis p EMR, Pw, Fftdorie. Vol MMP VP 179P 1VA# coseloRoom na I Vstvmlfq of volbowme Lmwalow sea"= fto4tr of Sol SOL //-~, /4jr/ YAW 60 ;-o IM Zonume of MsA,ftUs Coke Sim and Us p*VJFW Ls at Oob Do$ m w ahuw on so ymou=im of mw Miami 1w F, Dan"$ so Dou", I r It 70 215. 1935 U3 wwadtw ot Wbow= Sol cGoolAaft ow 60 1w 61-16157 Laurent. Pierre and Ferry, Mlchel. SrWY (OF 11-111:1 NUMEATIO4 OF GRAPHUF AND 1. Laurent. P. THE KINETICS OF CRAPHITIZATION OF PRE- 11. Ferry, M. SOAKED TAUITU CAST IRON, Fr. 1. (1961)(481p. (forcign texc hickided). Or&,r from SLA $4.60 61-16157 Trans. of Fooderle (France) 1953, no. 149, p. 249-2 DESCWTORS: $Graphite, "Cost Iron, vansforma- tionim. Office of Tothh1col Senices Ing, Tr, v. 6. no. 3) 61-16156 Laurent, Pierre and Ferry, Michel. STUDY OF THE NUCLEATION [OF GRAIVITEJ AND 1. Uurent, P. TIIE KINETICS OF GRAPHITIZATION OF PRE- 11. Ferry, M. ItARDENED 1q-IITE CAST IRON, PT, 11. (19611 JS61p. (foreign text Included). Order from SLA $5.60 61-16156 Trans. of Fonderic (France) 1958, no. 150, p. 319-337 DESCRIP'TORS: *Graphite, IQ-tat iron, Tran8forma- tions, Nuclei, Particles, Tern[vrature, Hardness, Chemical analysis, Iron compounds, Carbides. See also 61-16157 TT-63-20361 DKT*16 plerm IR()N-S1LJWN-ZIRC=UM ADDITIOWS TO LIQUID 1. DMm P. GRAY CAST IRON: METALLURGICAL SMW - U. Mdr. Metallurgical MECHANICAL - AND FOUNDRY PROPERTIES - III. Etude... RULES FOR THE MANUFACWRW PRACTICE (Additions do Ferro-Sillco-ZirconlAs la yonteGrize Liquidir " Miallurgique - PrWrWes Memniqws et de Panderle P~;Ies Pradque3 do Fabricstlon~ [IM31134pl (forato tm tacludW) 3refs Order from SLA. U 60 TT-63-20361 Trans. otyMaZigirrance) 1958. no. 151. p. 374-38t DESCRIPMRS. Ohmaltuys, *CAstings, Liquid nmals, Additim, Zirconium. Silicon. Iron, Foundries, Mecbmalcal properties, */Imllurgy, 7-L Y. 11, no. 2) Mcs cg Tabrical 3eftmi Investigation nn Slab Mlouldh of More Than Three Tons, by J. Duflot, S. Derot. UNCL FRENCH, per, Ponderie, Oct 1958, pp 467-474. British Iron and Steel Ind U34 Sci - Engr; Min/bbt 61- 12750 '~~ J3, '~ 6 10 Apr 59 11 and Gas Pbrosity in Cast Aluminim Alloys, i'om Practical Results, by B. Cbawrel-Jer. per, Ibnderie,. Vol. CLIX., 1~)58' Pp 505-51IT- CSIRO .~ci - Min/Met iug 62 ;2, 0 7, 3 42 Recommmidations fbr the Layout and Manufacture of Square Basic Bessemer ~.Joulds of 3-5 Tons,, Fimai, per, Fmdorie No 155, Dec 1958, pp 581-585. BISI 4128 wE-Frmice Sci/!A'&'w Jim 65 280,939 FmostburizIM TevU on O&A Irm od gtnl by Caltm InjeaUmo by B. Mmutlid,, X. Hwei. IMM., wo Yondoup Jan IMq pp 25-39- BIBI 5103 314.,518 5a - Materls" Jaa 67 Contribution to the Production of Short Circuit Rotors by Casting, by L. Martin. RENO,, per, Fonderie Vol IS9. Apr 1959, pp 159-175. *BISI 7358 Sci/Materials Jim 69 61-177S4 Tbornsm, P. I. La., And Arna14 a rdH INFLUENCE OF WWRI71133 ON IVE PROP- 1. Bass- -Impurities ERTIES OF BRA.SSfM IM01 Sp. 2. Brass- -Properties Order from A7S $8. 90 A73-37M47F 1. 7bornes. P. J. La IL Arnaud. a Tma. o( 1twderle lFreace) 1959. m 16Z P. 323-SZ IH. A7S-57M47F - IV. Associated Techdcal SeMess, tn., Bawt 5 OM40h K J- (Metallurgy- -Nod*rmus Metals, Tr, Y. 5, no. 8) Ex-ooriment at the Renault Works in thE: Aeld of Core-Making in Hot -lo--es, by P. Jasson. FRE21CH, per, Fonderie, iio 1641 1959, .. 39,5-407. ?-.CIRA 12 Sci - jun 63 A Rev Method for RMbstift UW OMMY Of CopW AIUW lopts mg Outlapp by P. J. le Thmas D. ArmWo A. ZetbdlLUrs 7 pp. FFOMP Pft., !OW . ILMs pp 531-536. ",t ft 20. MA 60-1" &-d 42A 4v 61 / q4to 7 0 62-10283 Auerbach, H. INFLUENCE OF THE SAMPLINC METHOD ON TWE 1. Auerbach, H. RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CAST IRON. [196117p. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10283 Trans, of Fonderle (France) 1960, no. 169, p. 74-76 (also pub. In Clessereirechalk (Germany) 1958 (Y. 41 Feb, p. 35-37. DESCRIVMRS: 'Cast Iron, Chemical analysis. Sampling. Drills, Metals, Specifications. Experiments show that It the total carbon. graphite and phoaphorus of the cast Iron undergo granulometric separation at the dme of selection from drilling sample4 this separation Is limited. It Is especially noticeable in small shavings of less than 0. 1 mm; this portion Is un- (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, TT. Y. 7, no. 9) (over) W-20931 REMARKS ON IMMERSION PYROMETRY FOR CAST IRON. PROTECnVE SHEATt&- COMMOUS AND DMNrDAJM MEASUREMEWS [AND] PRECISIO? OF PLA71NUM-RHODDJM PLA77MM THERMO- COMES (Remarques sur la Pyromitrie par Immer- sion pour Is Ponte. Gaines de Protection: Mesures Condaues et Diacontinues. Precision den Couples Platine-Platine Rhodle). 119611113hi. (foreign text included) I rd. Order frogn SLA $1.60 61-20831 Trans. Of-Fonderie (France) 1960, no, t7Z p. 2D6-209 DESCRIFrORS: *Cast Irm OThermocouples. 0 eters, Cupola furriaces, instrumentation. 'PIAtI=_ Alloys. IMbodlum alloys, Chemical analysis, Thermo- dynamics, Foundries (Machinery- -Manufacturing. TT, v. 7, Do. 4) Office *1 Tec6lcel Setvices Prcductiou of High Strength Cast Irons by M-loying With Nitrogen Introdueod by Meaw of calcium CyUmidep 1)y H. Vollanik. PR=CH,, per,, _F~r No IT5* Aug 1560j, DP 3W-324. ' BCrRA 988 Sci - 10*Met /,r6 6 YF Jun 6: L :y Acwru=-,y in Core Making UsitS Couventiozal E4ulpmeut With Synthetic Resin.- aa Binders., by J. Rath. I-WHO, per., Fonderle,, Nt3 177., oet ig6o., PP 409-418. - BC m- 990 Sci - Env /Y 6 ;j Jun 61 61-20632 Brokmeter, L H. USE OF THE UMCMN,FVRNACE IN FOUNDM 1. Brokmeler, K. H. CASr MON (Emplof du Four k Induction en Fonderie de Fonte) (Die &-deutung der Induktions6fen fdr the Clesserel). 11961)[251p. (forelp text included). Order from SLA $2.60 61-20832 Trans. of Fonderic (France) 1960, no. 179, p. 512-519 (originally pu-b-.1n German in Giesserei (West Germany) 1959 1 v. 46 ) 12 Mar, p. 129 -136. DESCRIFMR& Metals, Iron, Steel, hkldn& Caathi& *Cast iron. Production. Mectric furnaces, Operation Economics. (Wrallurgy-Ferroum Metals, 7T. v. 7. no. 5) oMem 0 Twhmgcol Swviws 62-10218 AubrIon, Gabrielle. EFFECT OF NOTCHING DUE TO GRAPHITE (Effet 1. Aubrion, G. d Untaillt: du au Graptiite). 119611151 1p. (foreign texf Included) 9 refs. Order from SLA $S. 60 62-1.0218 Trans. of Fonderle (France) 1961, 'no, 181, p. 70-84. DESCRUrMRS: *Cast Iron, Iron, Mechanical proper- ties, Tensile properties, Elasticity, Stresses, Hard- aess, *Graphite, Metallurgy, *Steel, Temperature. (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, TT, v. 7, no. 9) Offic. 0 T.6.1c.1 S~Icvs Sell-Iting Up a UuLt for the Production of a Particular Casting Jbb in a Foundry, by M. Dudouet. per, Fonderie.* Vol CL-WrV., Wv 1961,, PP 171-171. DWI 2837 Wgur - Prande soon jai 62 list 141 Coulat ftrA NoUldlMs by J. Lo BOrgrA p U. jaumin. rMICK, per, Tooderie., Vol C;XW,, Jhn 1961p pp 2W-219. DUI 2810 scl - cbm im 63 at '~' -t I iiioz "6(-' 71ic Ilse ofT a Stac], Recuperator for Pro-111cating Combustion Air for ~feltjng Furnaces, by G. Ulmer. IT.NIAX-." ~lcr, Fond , , Vol CLXXXV1, 1961, P") NO-~9) - IU/T3 76 Sci 1'eb 63 62-3425B Wscre, C- Touguet, A., and Drouzy, M. STUDY OF NUCLEI BY THE GRANULE METHOD: 1. Wacre, C. APPLICATION TO ALUMNUM, [1962119p. 11. Tmgum A. Ordor from ATS $22.50 ATS-801*217 III. Drouzy, M. IV. ATS-801`67P Trans. of Ponderic (France) 1961. no. 197, V. Asttociated Tecbnical p. 317-327. Services. Inc., East orange. N. DESCRIMRS: Nuclei, 'Aluminum. (Metallurgy, TT, v. 8, no. it) affie. ofr-61CO, S~l... -ibAim to the at%* ar the Immout at maet AptWo Und 14 OW YAddb%6 by IL jewcolus a. coban do 3"s. FMMP Pas ymdwlep Im 1961s VP *-396- 1------------ =12M Sal - Rw 4,3 o., 7 3 "1 AW 63 62-18898 PIenard, Ellsabedu ROLE OF GRAP1=1 IN GREY CASr IRONS SLM- 1. Plenard, EL JECTED TO TENSILE MAINS (Role du Graodle dam H. Mtle: F=Wry lea Fontes Grisce Soundses a des Coatraintes do Trac- tion). Paper oresented to Foundry cxxweas (no, 34) Paris, Nov 61. (1962] (381p (foreign text included) 13 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-18898 Trans. of Fonderle (France) 1962, no. 191. p. 1- 14. DESCRVTORS: OCAst iron. *Graphite. Mawkity. Darwin& Stresses. Tewile properties, Defornmaim Friction, Foundries. Oktallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, rr. v. 9. nm 9) id Teftu hr" Dinueme of Dw= amd TeUurim on Cost Iroup by N. A. Pme. PFMM Vwx rondules (Pqw at the 35th Amml 6~spift--OT-um . , ,m Tedmique do lmdwloo Sq*404 1W. 1~1 Mu SL74 Md . Wk 23.2jcM JIM 63 Atmosphovic. . .. 1-1 to Gas FrOM Cupola OC" dle' ' ings by P, Nicolas, ~U Martin, FPZ-NQI, per,, Foa&rie, Vol 204,, Feb 1963. pp 3T.Me BISI 4162 WE-Franco Sci/1,14m May 65 279,5S6 General Iiethod for Determining the Dimensions of Feeders and its Application to Ferrous A.Uoys., by 1.1. Jeancolas, R. Chevriot, Xe Virolle. RO.Ch., pcr, 0 Jan pp 1-16 _Ko_nderiq, 215, 19'4, 13161 3859 Sci - 1!~ILr Feb 6 5 273,120 P=ft for zLxtd* FurAM044 tw TA* pftwi* - VOL 134V law 64$ vp L37 rm3i 3M 801-w"I Alm 65 2*1vo j,ne use of the not Blast Cupola in Basic Melting fbr tho '~Wnufacture of Ingot t1oulds, by J. Gillardine FREN01, per, Fonderic Vol 222, Aug 1964, yp 255-268. i;ISI 4248 Scip"Am Jul 65 284,671 )r.y f, , loat of Blast-Furnaco U ,.on TreatL Foundi7 Pig, by J. M. P,=r.. C. Pappo* RRUIC-1, per, Fonderie, Doc 1964, up 431-448, BISI 4479 sci-l.vf,i Oct 65 2900232 Pl. CrIterV, of Stripping P=Pertles Of RP29W INTId., bY V. Joiret . FROM, per, Fonderle Beige, Vol V, *y 19%, ~p T3-76 I AMD-= scl . Jul 59 57P?, ' P~ev A Study of the Isothermal TraWormations of Cu-Cr and Ni-Cr Cast Irons Containing About 0.5% No., by A. do Syj. J. van Negbm. FRUCH, per., I& Foaderle Delp, WY 195T., pp 92-1050 mr 2465 sc-i - Chem sep 62 list 148 Belt Conveyors and Other Methods of DI9tribLt for MoUdIng Saud. The Most Importsat Part () the Materials-Handling 'Work in a Modern Found by R. JacqUemart. FRENCHO per) IA Fouderle Belge, No 5p 1959p pp 139-. ~~ PMJM act - Sw jun6l PASUlts or 3bm'stion RWWMWMU an ftat Irm fttb AUop CoaMdoW *Ww " & "QwTjqrq " by J. Nftrosgma,. w. Sisom. lNw~- ?jMN;m$ p ftdexte 204pi, vu xl=i, ftt I.M., 3W 244,2w. DMM 9T6 ft, . ULU/kat /#f/ ?3:r my 61 62-18904 Sy, A. de. Bodari, 'F. and others. ORIFNTATIVF STUDY OF THE MACHINABILITY OF 1. Sy, A. de GREY IRON' CASTINGS (Ftude d'Orientation sur I If. Bodart, F. l'Usinabilit6 des Fontes Crises). 11962) [3.11p. (foreign text included) 6 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-18904 Trans. of [Is) Fonderie Be]-ge p. 313-325. - - ____ , 1960, v. X no. 12, DESCRIPTORS: *Castings, 9ron alloys, MachinIng, Hardness, Foundries, Mechanical properties. (Nietallurgy- -Ferrous Me-tals, TT, v. 9, no. 8) Ofte of Tech" Saykes &Wlmnt to 1956 Dmprlm StAtUtleal BuWbook -- importmIt thAA an the P*rW OrAdbor-Deco*er 1956., 9b YP 0 IMW* bftk# 'hogq~ Jo~ - Decemberl Z&mukrol.s baiia4l~'Jia 2957,p 141- CIA/*= tr 636 fw*up tmms wq 37 C" 104 n -~s plut0aiun and Jm.--z Rougeron, 30 b-y b1l. Taw -GG3(L) o 0-o 6i pbYsiological in ftrfOrmlma ALrplawa, by R. OrwOpie, , 23 PP. UNCLAWIFLM FRENCH., per Forces Aerimes Franciame., Oct 19471 No 130,1 pp ~75-3-6-57EMT-nr--e lA, rrame. Ar Li66124 CIA Info X-2927 Jul 58 14tory of the Uth; Air-, Fun trans2aticm. FAME. %rt 1, Tnwtcm!m,-_.~ Form go Amer HU Histm Of the lAh Air, UNCLASS p= tranoUtim. I m Pat n,, fames Awlemm 0401720 so mw - NU Rezcsrch and Pocca-dc-, 1--atherm of h the 15 pp. WNCUSSIMM F, pj chance,, Ncrt 1951p pp Ell-ol t~IUV-1-3~54W~5u. Mwlr4ancem 15 Aug 1952. AP -T lCur - France aviatcr., uavigatcr Yedical, air Wov >2 vi-iib)" Aeroflot - A Resume of the Soviet Airline. 10xffx by F. Escabasse.,10 pp. UNCLAISIFIED FRENCH, per, 'k!qrcea,Aaricnn--s Fra=ai=s, Jan 1958, Encl to IR-260-58, MirA, Paris. AF 1166134 WSR Neon - Comercial aviation APr 58 a~2 WE'si and tbz Soviat 'War Doctrita,, by Gen L. M. .t_A"* ,fq Ch,..,j34 . U.W In ..IPM YMHCUg IbX,; Yoxces Aeriences Apr 1958, pp 469-485. 1~:avy Tr 194cal 351 USSR mu Fov Aspects of Helicopter &3ffort Cq::~mtlmnm in Allgeria, by R. J. Arywti, 20 pp. MSMUN, par,, :Mae& Aarlounw FranoA&m, Apr 190, 'So 1581, pp 6ft-*61 A=;, RAX4 ID 2i56373 MVA - Algarla ma reb 61 Em"O. Is Going to Gain Its baDweace, With RuMtrigat# by Pol FMup 12 pp. FRUMj, per# Irarm ftmalmp lb 41,p 15 My Mq,p pp 26.11. AC82 g 8432$ REW plol AM 59 '9 F. ?d 7 1 1. Hospital of the Mq,, by JUlien Lesparre; 2. Packagizg Test CAmter, by Jean Villette, 7 pp. (ID 2123903) FREWCHp perp Forces Fraucaisem, Jun 1959., pp 69-Tl,, 102-106;-,-%-.--,-,-.---,.---- -- WEur - France Amp B-4618 Zl= bdi NOV 59 Sappeirs and Mole Hills, by Francois Iaguiche, 6 pp. FM4 per, Forces Prancalsee, No 9, 1960; pp 10-15. ACSI H-6P88 Sci - Biology my 6o ~, V-2 2 /17 Militax-i Administration School, 7 PP, UACL. F-MCH, per, Forces Francaisea, No 11, )-96o,, 4 - . ~11. 2, w Acsi H-6503 ID P-3-41871 - France / X") 3~ 11~5- Mil &ig 60 Frm Mm to Man, the Quartemaster Service, 9 pp) WACL~ FEMCH, per, Forces Francaises, No 12, Apr 1960, pp i ii-6555 -U, 2144137.5 02 F=c-=; ~jl I . _' /* Aug &0 Liquid Rai Fuel Rocket,Engines for Aircraft, by Paul Douessin, 7 pp. FRE14ail per, Forcov As Prnneninam NO 193, Jun 10630 pp gaug". Navy Tr 3660/0N1 970 Sci - Aerospace J= 64 ;2//f Siq levlma B-mmatim by Air., by PoiMrts 39 PP- 119MCII, per, Forwe AP =08 r=caiml tillm-Be t. 19631-* 21- 4'' I lp . RWVY Tr 37o4/Ma 973 Sci - Biol I Iled I ,t%b 64 .~- y 1 9 519 I ILINION SIRENGIH IN1962 BY MARCEL 14 Pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY , , , , 'v,, N FRENCH ip U . 23 PP. JPRS 17928 WEUR - FRANCE ECON , MAR 63 224..313 Hydraulic Tremport of Solids Through Pipelinesp by R. J. Erties 14 pp. OMW# yerp Fordo= und ffeben# Vol VI.* go 10., 1956j, pp 1050-1054. - 4; 05 MA 59-10432 SCI - SW Jul 59 OTO Is 11 !Cloomswto64~ of Jim Hydraulic ~1~ Cmie MWo Pro 7=0= Md SO= XQ 2# 1960l pp 91-93. 240 of moftlw at M 3b &M Sol - twao 16 4p Irl f Sep 61 !='p,pp J~avp "mrrzal-a aaa- lKoeg') 700 os~, 1966,2 '30, ip Q-6.13. l =.A. IA/M ArA963 3,F7 w I t Lm of Bdk vs6wuu awls Q- tomms brL lbo I 'mile Gums's pwp Pxrdsm NOM-2 Val 21 Jul 1963., pp 50"5016 BM 5m &A - Nodwzdomlp civiax =A Doe 66 32h., 4ft -a-]Wt Standardisation an -Hc~ of IYPOS in Crane Construction; Parts I,, Ils, & III, by K. Haas GIMAN, per, Fordern und fleban, Vol l4v Nar 1964, pp 15,1-153 . May, pp 404-406 - Up Aug$ pp 630-633 111, BISI 4189 Scip-Ictm Jul 65 28406S5 27,45,78. 31 Annular Spring Clip System with Torque and Rotational Bending Loads. by P. GeTbor, 0. Iliontann. CUMAIN, ])or, Fordern fleben,Vol 14, No 9, 1964, pp 708-714. SEC Sci/Mech July 69 586-877 Bpood fitaso*W for Sopsmim sod Its Dftumi=Uah for PMU"tk CMVWLng ~ Of NatarUbp by R. Re "p 5 P. oamo P".- Fordartech0k, 19301 pp X%-M. MA 60-nam sAi Apr 60 /// PrA Vol In., go 3 Gear Pop,, by H. Sell# 9 p. CIMW# Imr, . 1935t VOL XXV s No 3/4o yp -3 a STA 59-20k8 Sci mw 6o Vol 3o No 4 //ti no Way Toward a Ca= Hubt by VoW of mml an $Ad Mwmpub Free Tr"s Zmem b3rAuftaf LeppMs IT Po AUSTRMp Wj_ -1957v Val V, pp 65-70~, SLA 59-2m6i Sel PAr 60 V036 2,0 No 32 Dr H. Lundgren, A. B. Brethung, The Program of These Two Professors. (Abstract) DANISH, lecture, Forelaesninger og Overser ved K"obenliaviis Universite t, den - Call No LC IF 7~5-1-' -ZT1958. - AMS Sci - Engineering Oct 59 Eeadiaggz on Greenland's Owwapby# by I=Se Fristrup,, 33 VP- DAN=.. rptp-rarg!"Mom over oronian-da gvjo!~I-j 1962, pp 1-0- Acu x-26eg ID 223" NoAmr - orceplezd 0009 vq 3 qi q0 jun 63 .?ricti(ja or- Sno-vi and Ice) by R. I Bmidtzsonj ?~ pp. s"moT.'ri, pcr., tvFtne-tyn-lesens .1 -74-3-51) Rao Cmatcr law ,A 0-21 am 0449. 66 wam - mod" ope -04, m WOW " mutwr 1*()L- thu Successful use of Alirplan-.z in 7ur,tU4,.ziaf,, -Toresta, by li. Gablcr, 5 PP. GIRNIANI, per, Forest uad jagd, ~roj Xj, lio 2'. 1961L, ,~`t '16, p p ,rz-q,s -108:18 c,~ c 6i Brunchorstia Pinea (Karst.) Holm a Serious disease of Austrian and Corsican Pine, by J. Gremmen. GERMAN, per Pbrest Research Station, Wageningen Forest Research Booklet No. 69. NZDIA Sci - 0 Aug 67 337-518 Making Civil Defense More Effective, NOWMIAN, rpt, Forhandlinger in Stortinget, No 504, 22 jun 1962, pp 4opi-4o22, 4025-4o46. *Acsi i-6o85 ID 2216525 WEur - Norway Mil 6 Dec 62 I , I ftWatlow to los 000MVIN w"Uh Is Wxwy mg Domakp 31 MANIN ]z SMIM bko Momall no dhm~mlr lowwwww"w4mmi Dafmw** pol Jan fim it, Has Been Dec-Aded What a Cupbwxcl ShmaZI look by Lena Hoogp- 9 pp. par, 12M 110 11960. com 174- / '71j 6 9 Z Sci - Mae oat 6-1 ChrIAlm Dammntlc Dwtdm =d ldo*Ua In Latin Amwlc4 W vp. GOVZMOMXT M offay -----ffp rpto MIEWAS y Id Raw-mle --.MW idea- Vol Iv deft mablame VW= 2VA TA poi Aug 67 333s529 X'. lv6h 28 -,Op 66 The ChrUtion ,m=ratic Partica by P.PsAgUilarp 11-7-61 pp 143 , uaf~ ~Ormwlon fwltica Vol I-Al's & F(Ablloh in aim IZ%X)m eltm 40w of FubUsW mporb& book-" Do not mWAstag BDok of lactuMSs SPANDUp bk,, Pb lou Socio-Ecoomical M-3-1 pp 1-3.1 M-5-1 1V 1-3-1 in-9.4 pp 1.6 in-16-1 pp 1-2 III-l" pp 1-8 *JPRS/Nr-13443 Latin Americo, Crucial Test for Christian Civilization,, by Dre Fafael Calderas 18 pp. GOVMWW USE Ow spANISH, per,. Pormacion Socio-Econotalca, Vol 3) SectiOn 1, E- Is PP- 1-32a JPRS GUO 2n6 LA-Venezuela &)a Dec 66 3141161 Economic, Social,, and Political Integration of Latin America, by Dro Andre Frawo Moutoro, 15 pp. GOVEMM USE ONLY SPAMH, pero Formacion Socio-Economica., Vol. 3. Section 5. No, ls PP* 1-11s JPRS GUO 2116 IA-Venezuela Pol Dee 66 314s162 Agrarian Reform., by Nestor Colmenares, 12 pp. GOVEROM USE ONLY SPANISH., per, Formacion Socio-Econopieft- Vol. 3. Section 16, No* 2j pp@ 1-8# Z-1 JPBS GUO 2116 IA-Venezuels Soo Dec 66 314v164 Christian-Socialist Solutions to the Problems of Latin America, by Hector Cornejo Chavez., 9 pp GQ%ww USE ONLY SPANIBH, per, Formacion Socio-Economica, Vole 3, Section 9,, 40 pp * 1-6 JPRS GUO 2116 IA-Venezuels Soc Dec 66 3140163 R-152/64 Veget-,l Foamiations of Colombia,, by Wis Espinal, 'I-' ,.L-,io '146.ntenelrgro Iq z /rr- SPAIUS11, bk, Ponmciones Vegetales cle Colo-mbia, 1963., Pp 29-180. /,07R~S/SPECIAL/SF-3114) gxt LA - Colombia Geog Apr 64 (SF-L854) DATA ON VILLAGE LIFE IN CENTRAL UBANGIY 19 PP. FRENCH) t4ONOGRAPHj FO CENTRES SECO AIRE 1)ANq )-E-C~RE _OUBAI,42G~Ul, -UE--C;Ic,60 PP 25-36., 57-62. JPRS 14)348 AFRICIA soc JUL 62 202,122 Fonw,Uom dlnp_ntaI;p et Role Geochimique jpr~~t~ou, by A. F.. .~b6Piovy FMCH,, rpt, above title, 1959- Library of Geological Survey of Canada Sol jun 61 15-3 6 6,r Formulas and Diagrow for Calculating tM Expmsion of Real Gases in Super-smic; Shock Tubes Pumided With Nozzles,, by H. Oextel. GERKANq rpto FOMIR und DiM.-MM" zur Bereftuni Mr lionslon ftaler aase 1n H"OrSchallstossMen sit Mm. BU. NASA TT F-109056 U* S, GOVERMW LISS ONLY ScidePhys Jul 66 30492, Pbrmelsam lung zur numeristben Babandlung Partisilcir DifferentiaWeichunon nach dem Differjumnverrabren 1955. by Do J. Panov. Translated from the Russian edition,, 1951. DSn 517.9 Lending Lib Unit Go 2246 -Tf\. I - 6,y - ye handbook For the Calculation of Reactor Protections (1963) - ) ~ ? ff FRENCH., rpt, Fomalaire sur le Calcul de la Protection des Reacteu 963) ) 1963,--2-~' 7 PP -',~, ( rs I ~, , ~*= - Tr - 6 3 V Sci - liucl Sci oct 63 Food Fo:au, 87 PP. SPANISH~ b3c, Foro de Aliment&cipn, 1960, PP 1-75. IncPI to - 5- 1, Santiago, Chile. ACSI 1-0190 ID 21-(4289 sci -- Med 16 jan 062 / , '~' i,:? Pood Service in the Field, 77 pp. BWEDIM~ rpt., FoXIA i - , R-28-6i.. OLSAMP 13vem.0 19bo. ACSI Im" ID 216306 HE - Swedft Icon Aug 6l /~~j y; Q Woather ForocastiM Mmated to = Sciftcaj by lonma Flohn, 10 pp, bk on=.. Iforsdar una Vlamensebaftler Im 19561- '77)) pp 303- Amer jbteo=l SOO AP Combrldae fts Center ion 60 Itistopathology iu Otesclerosis. Changes in the Bows, by ~L Weber. a-MAN, perm, Forschritte der H&U-Nason-und Chrenheilkunde, VIDI 80 MIg pp 44-75. 0-I3341-06E , Cr T sci/b and m n ov 70 sca6rj b~ R'4 GERMA Mction and LeabW Losses 1n Piston Einp,# by M. 'E'Wels., 1 PP CrMINM, per., FQ~~ Vol VI, nd2j p 104. Abstmet, farm Research Supplement b cf this Joun- nal, P 371 - srA 584% Sci Aug 59 On Directional Distributiou of Ileat Radiation from Surfaces, by S. Schmidt, B. Eckert, 24 pp. UNCLASSUMM GEM, per, ForschuM. Vol. V4 Ro. 4. July-August., l 1935) PP 175-T3-- A= F-M-9527/M Sci - Phya Jun 59 IFT X. 11 o8coatlow in Gas Colmome Wlth Sys" Retaftee to laftauca alA ftavaughn PX In R-Stroke LIU- gineso by A. PladdqW# 29 PP- GEW"j, PWO ! !!-.!IN VbL VIv lb 6j, AW-Oft 19"., py 273-280. lU 0475 fl Avg 59 7 it