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The Relaxation Process in the Statics of Shelia, by W. Flugge. GEWW, per, EgMqfpr-Oirkwu fastscbr, Iften, Franz Deuticke, 1950, PP 17-35- TiL Tr 4815 SCI - Physics J-(Oo 6 10 ~ Jan 58 Relationship Between Feltability oP Loose Wool. Determined by the Aachen Felting Test and the Shrinkage of Woolen Textiles during Washing in a Drumtype Machine, by G. Blankenburg, W. Keller. FRENCH, per. Federation Lainiere Internationale Comite Technique. No. 1, 1963, PP 1-15 csno/No. 676o Sci - Aug 67 334-753 Effect of pH Value, the Addition of Salt and the Size of Sample on Felting-Shrinkage of Knitted Fabrics made of Untreated and of Antifelt-Treated Wool In the Washing Test, by 0. Valk. BRENCH, per, Uderation Lainiere Internationale, No 6, 1964, pp 1-24 CSIRO/No 7010 Sci - Aug 67 335,079 Influence of Inorganic Salts on the Felting Shrinkage of Untreated and of Shrinkproofed Knitted Wool Fabrics, by a. Valk, A. Yalta, GERVAN, per Fedn. Lainiere Int. No. 3. 196f3, PP 1-15 CSIRCINo-7820 Sci - Aug 67 339-694 Influence of Peripheral Speed, Liquid Level and Liquor Ratio in the Drun of a Tumbler-Ilype Washing 1,~achine on the Felting ShVinkage of Wool, by If. Henning. GERMN, per FecIn. Lainiere int. No. 8, 1965, pp 1-21 CSIRO/No-7821 sci - Aug 67 339-693 Present State of Electric Clearer Technology. Cbar- acteristics Affecting the ILffectiveness Of Clearers For the Various Types Of Yarn Faults, by J. Grignet. FIM-11CH, per, Fedn.Lainiere Internat.Conite tecbm. , Wo 1Z 196;5, pp 1-30 CSIRO/N0- 7823 Sci - Sep 6,~ 40, 114 Equidausitmetry.. A Nev Tecbzlgue of Wasuremut for Science wA Technologyj by We Krug, Be Laue GERM, per , 7 ichnik Vol I., No 9, 4MMt. 1952, pp 391-3-9-~- OrtA Z=x=&Z: D.B.I..R./27352/CT Sci - Physicis '41 F, '0 ~;~ M&Y 57 CTB/dsx Table of Contentz, 6 pp. LMCLASSIFIED ~~i:2te Technik; Vol VII, GERIMAN, per, _Ef~ir~g Jul, Aug, Sep, 1953. - AF 61oB66 German Economic - Tool Technique CIA 25111~:20 Autauatiza:Uon and Mchmi -n .! wasuring Technology iu tbe CzeCbOS1OV8k ROPWJ~L- - by A. per.. FaInSuvate Teabnl1c) No ly 1955~ pp 17, 180 jw fti - Msetrmics m 6o Adynaces of Mat-Frequency Ctinawtogn-=hy, P. Trwmw) GOM, per., FaLnpraeU Teabnik.. So 1) 1955 ~ "Bftliap - pp 19-21. -,- --- --- -- - - UWrA SC-qbj6o Sd - MAetnmics Feb 60 /04?. 7 Thread Testing and Measurement, Fort 3# Thread ftmouring Methods (Conclusion), by R. Tabmann. GWOUR pwo Fain pwatetechulk V 1 IV,, No 9,, 1955p pp 421-W.' 0 D.B.I.R./27139/CT Sci - Engineering "~4 f , d 4; -1/ MY 57 CW/Gex Npa-su-maisnt of 1.3te-'Imatic C=-Pmr--4-or Of Z"gla Szmitlvl'bY~ bY J. Filerzejeuski Pe 4 -TwhWA, 1955;~ Vol IV, -562 170 12, pp c~5a- - SM 59-3-7187 ,-0c ~q vol 2 lqo Colourea Glasses and Mtal Interference Filters, by H. Gunzler. GERNAN, per) Feingeraete Technik, Vol V, No 10, 1956, pp CSIRO Oct. 62 PossibIlities of Mspwiv4j the becision and Ngtonang the awsuring Baqp of Lftasting pmmtic emit"Alamwim mmftwanuo by J. )Uwwjewsld. GERM* pwv a Val Vzo NO g.. 19972 vg a conlo Tr 5297 Q-I - Bw 171 3~~ oat 63L I Principles and AppUcation of Pneumatic Gaiugng,r by A. Wlewr. GM'gWp pe;j, Yeinpratbetechnik.. Vol vnp No 2's 19w, yp No 3, pp 3.32-3-38. esno 4714 Sci - ftgr ,~ , '131 JUI 62 a-VI Applied Ultassoniesi by He as Martin, -21 lvr,, roinpretaUWIMM., Vol VIII No 6., 1938p 7 mmu so-108160 sei - bbr 6o Nev Wvel6mts of the VEB WnkN3* iU rayoniak, ~a Pf- ammal r,, Fein ast4t4pa-b ik Vol Vn, __ ~B -- _4--- J, I h6iiU~., pp.290~ 291. r WMU BC-10bl6o Fl,soyy-onfc,s sai - mw 6D /a 1, ~~Jr Jeroer Optiep-L Glass for Radiation Protecti-cn., by R. Fischcr, 3 I)-P. .~,L'RMLA!Ij Feingerepte Teeb ik; No 10,58, '.Pn, 500-503- CSMO Sci - phys Nov 61 7"/, 3 7? Pr6olerw Ile3atins to tba Techni=1 PAupmr in Eacjt Carrm-n- I-Amtryo by G. Wateorlog,, 31 pp. per., Fel te 1107 1958.,. Ber 960 Econ - Mnufactt=img - ftnpmer Key 59 Vol vil, A no 11 ce an optieai YAthod of Meacuring Internal Tbreadsp by H. Heas- GrveMj, perj, -,01 vnp 1b ARW~~~~ CSIRO Sci - Pbys ja 62 ~- 04,11 vo~, Observatio= on the Assearmnt of tke Him-o-Taxtmie of S=facee., by D. Bechar,- Gq Dornhe:Lm,. elo, ale GM'OW,. ro-r) Felugermete Teehnik, val vn-r. iz 1715WTP-P-2331---~- 061W sci - chm jui 62 ~7 Oe/, 174ij MW*priau M2str=ent Exhibition Witldn tle bmim, in 19581 bY Mas GMM3 per) ?elWra;t--- TetWmlkp No 50 1959., pp 219-2U. - -- usmu SC-32/60 sci - Pbb 60 /09, Olfl~ OTEE (NY-2957). Taska of tM VVB for Mecbsn1ca in Relation to tha Chemical Industry Develorwnt Progam., by H. HoMfeld, 7 pp. OMMN,) per, ralnpraet*jj~q4p _a 1959, pp 241--S3-;--- .--. ~ . , Vol Vnl,, 1ro 6, jpss-lg3e-x Mw - Bast Germeay Econ - Mnufacturing,, CheWcal Production ftulTwnt cot 59 Y 91- -7117 Ultrasonic Image Conversion Using the Screen Reflection Method) by G. Spengler., 21 pp. GEM1.0, per, Feingeraets-Technik~ No 9p 1959; P FDD/X-4042 us.,,usiA sc-63/59 Sci Jan 6o Svm (MY-3113). New Ccmaroial PImUcap by Ho Greimr) 7 ppe GERM, per, TeiaprAQtgtqSha1kp Vol VIn, 3o 9) 1959.. Berlin, pp 390-392. JM 2338 xx= - OR Icon - Mm1cal Industry /// 102 / 7 mar 60 A New Diaphragm Colorimeterp by M. I. Nasser., 18 pp. GMIAN., per., Feingeraets-Technik., 110 9., 1959) PP 396-4o:L. FDMJ~042 usAsLk sc-63/59 Sci jan 6o The Development of the Precision Mechanics Industry Since the lbundation of the German Democratic Republic., by E. Wagner., 9 pp. 7 GERMAN: per) Feingeraete Technik., No 10., 1959., pp 427-429. Sci EE - Germany Econ Jan 6o The Dresden Technical College Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Precision Instrument Construction, A Success of the GDR~ by S. Hildebrand, 13 Pp. GERMANP per., Feingeraete Technik, No 10, 1959, pp 30-433. ES Germany Econ jan 6o (NY-4"7) Science in the Service of Practices by R. lAbmann,, A. Wiemerp 18 pp. GJMWj per feiugeratetec#n~-# Vol vnit NO los 1959, pp 0~4-442:.-- - JM 5842 Mw - Germany &-on Nov 6o /a// /at2 (Nr-4"7) Ten Yows Work of the VZB Carl Zeiss Jam%# by R. Jobst,, 6 pp. GEWAN,, per,, Faingerateteabna) Vol VM,, No 10.9 195go pp 448451. MB 5842 Xgur - Germny U, loon Nor 60 Meyer-Optcis., A World-Renowned Name for Products of the Goerlitz ~ VEB Precision Optics Plant., by D. Juetjens,. 5 pp. GMIM,, per, Feingeraete Technik., No 10., 1959., pp 452y 453- Sci Jan 60 ORR (C7- '~Vcn Ten Years Development of Automati e's uring Instruments, by Eckerkunst7 GERMN, per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol VIII, No 10) 1959, pp 458-ZZ--- *JPRS EEur-E- Germany Econ 22 jun 6o, (NY-"47) Heebanical Industry Plants Work for the Construction of Soctalismv by R. Neubert, 3 VP- GEM$ per reiWratetechalk Vol VIU.. No 10p 1959; pp TA2 W9. JPRB 5w Slur - Germany ZcOn Noy 60 (MY-4353) Sow Problem of Soulallat Moomtrwtion WItMn the M Opticsj by R. Gooses a pp. GEM, per, Fe ratfte Vol Vilis No 11, 19590 Vp 489-49-1W'D im 71,95 Scon Doe 6o Mn' C02-----f-'CL'7 Idth Mv*= by X 1. luser, MAW, per,-2*itgp=te-Tecbna., Vol V=j 3o 11., 1959) Berlin) pp 505-53.0. MASIA SC-13/60 Sa - M&ctrcales Feb 60 loe, 4-7 7 0:, the TIB Optlcz; the !~,L PP - 5-c~nwipraetatecbnik~ Vol r n p p 2 NY-34B47) Ti~nl-s of thc Mcchanica Industrial B-.,-n--h in Second Year of the Seven-Year Plan., by H. GERMIXi, p--r, Feingeraetetechnik, Vol IX, No 1, pp JM 52 -02 Mur - Germany Econ - Manufacturing Aug 6o SET= (NY-3847) Development of Measuring) Control.. and Regulation TechnoloMr,, by X. H. Trautmann, 3 Pp. GEPXAN, per, Feingeraetetechnik, Vol IX, No 1, 1.960) Berlin, P 5- JPRS 5262 !Zur - Germany Econ - Manufadturing Aug 6o 123, 0 2 R SETSE (NY-3847) Per-Capita Production of Precision Machineerj in Both German States, by H. SchUze-HwAtius, GERM, per,.Feingemetetechnik, Vol IX, no 1, 196o, '-Borlln,-P-P-3-7TN-- ipm 5262 Er',ur Germny ~~31N3 Econ Manufactiwing Aug 6o (NY-4167) Evo Preeislom Memouriag Iristrumats, by G. Kureava., 6 pp. GrWAN, per, relagemetateabzU, Vol lij Igo ?s 1960, Berlin pi? JMS 5852 Our Garm-emy Eaon Oct 6o W-4167) lk,s D:-rrclopmauts of the M cazl Zejjs jena) by MOOPM R. Jobst, 14 pp. (W.W. perx Felageraetetechnik, Vol IX, Ro 2. 1960.., Berlin, pp 54--60. ,TFRS 5852 REur - Germany Econ / 0 J.~- oct 6o /S/ (BY-4167) New Objectives From Goerlitz,, by 1. Ulbriaht, 16 pp. GEBW J' perp FetTUMV06tetechulk.. Vol IX) No 2, 1960, Berlin,, ~~-71- - JM 5852 Mur - GarmwW gCon .1 4 po oat 6o 40 /a/ (NY-4217). Tisialng of Toobuicians in the Precision Instrumento.j Optical and Electriml BagUmering Fields, by Stobels 13 PP- OMM# Pdrs-FoInwrato Teabuft., Vol IXP No 3P 1960p pp 8941.' am ~W cet 6o lliau- Products of the People-Woed Camera and ev, %,AnemtoKraphic luaustries., by G. Kureave,, 9 -pp. ,kp q tetacbn V01 1[x; No 3, GMW, per, to 1960, PP 105-1W, JM 5922 EEur - Germany 14" -- o n SEM (NY-4185). The Neanilla and Next TeAks of Precision Imstrmnts Production, by K. B. Odbulip 19 pp. =MN.. pery-loamustatubulk IXv so 4) 196o, pp 139-i4g, p- Vol . JPN 5457 saw - O"WAY f ~o3~ loon - Manufacturing j4 , / oct 6o Precision 11--chanical Problems of the Conatruction of I-licrowave Equipment, by G. Almazsy~ 14 pp~ GLTKU, per, FeIngerate Toq A, no 41 196o, PP 154-153. 5-A UWSIA, *M, sc-3~6/40 SCA -- Mcctronica Aug 60 /oz // ~~ 0 !-~rwriences Ilith Air Bearings, by R. Leim-n, 19 1)p - GE1311ANY Pe3:, Fein. ratetechnils, 140 4, in'30, pl) 166-1'(2. )773 A FTD-VT-61-398 Sci - -'rigr 10 jul i-)2 202,201 Off -4313) Standardization in the CeatralIzed lli*oductiou by K. Worlich, 23 pp. Optical Induntry and the of Standardized Components, GMWAN., per,, Feingeratetechnik,, Vol IXP No 5,P Berlin, ' 1960p pp-'194-199. JM 5829 EEur - Germany Scon Nov 6o 4/1 Z20-1, OqY-4373) Evaluation of the Exhibition on 3"tandardization in the VEB Carl Leiss Jena, by R. Mullerj 9 pp. GEMAN~ per., FcInprstetecbnik, Vol IX., No 5o Berlin, 1960, JPRS 5829 Mur - Germany Econ Nov 60 AM/ -~ ,e a (NY-4373) Th= ~qtical Ladustry of Czeahoslavakla; by Jaroslar Rolrus,, 11 pp. CZZCH) pev, Feiageratetechmil~) Vol IX~ No 5., 1960t &rUm, pp 205-208. JFRS 5829 REur - Czechonlovakia Econ HOT 60 (NY-4V3) Foundation of Office Machinery Wustry Sciantif ic- Technical Center, by H* 10 Kohler, 3 Ro, GSfWN, pert Felvaeratetechnik* Vol IX, No 5. Berlin., 1960, P-- 4 r JP?j 5wi9 XZur - Germany Econ Nov 60 / (Imm) MW Deputtaut M for Coordluatiou of Autcmtimj, by H. 0. Kou,, 6 pp. ownt rwo I -- Vbl Us 310 69 19601 pp 331Y 332. i= "" =w - fts- ftou . j?/ e -17 an (a ( 47- s-.2 7,P "Weralloy" As a Shield Against Radiation, by D. Heuer) low GERMAN)-per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol IX, No 8. Aug 1960, p 47. ~,~JPRS -0 zmowmqL EvEur -Germany Scon -Metallurgy) New Alloy 17 oct 6o (DC-5a9/1.) SIgnif icame of tba Resolutions of the Unth Plenum at the M for Reawato DeveloMut In gut Gw=rAy. by S. Poob"lj 6 pp. GUMN parj, ftlag"!!te~"Ioik pp 377!379. -- j No 9$ 1960.. im 66Tr nor - Gemay loan /410 J6 Fab 61 (DO-5049) Now Developents in the Manufacturing PrWam of the VID Vakutroldki Dresdouj lu 1960/61., by G. Bartelop 8 pp. OEM) Pori FeloprasteUebuU, No 9.9 1960., pp 381-384. JPRS 6677 Boon -e, Feb 61 Ihmmt,wtwo,, Teoftmg od On at hodsloo Mass &sUs -'an Z==3 of AntamUm in us preaelcm awnrim 1w mum of Pboto-Mmftle YArthodop br Q. WI~j, J. Mob=. own., -p-r. relvanuft leabldko Vol Up lb 10p IWS 9--439---- nfluic Tr wth Sal - aw 1-71, Y-1Y Oct 61 Design of Flat Air Bearxings, by It. Lehmann, GERMAN, per, Feingerate Technik, Vol iX; IX, 1960, pp CSIRO/Nu 5662 Sci Dec 62 (SF-1855) Main Problem of VVB Control XV;ineering, Instrimnts, and Optics In the 1961. Pim., by K. ff. uwxt==; 6 pp. GEMMy per, FeInge=tfted=Ikj Vol X,0 No 11 1961, P.P 1-3- im 4839 Mar - R. Germany Boon /j~ 0~ I ~~ / Aug 6:L (SF-1855) Problems of the Office MwJdae ln&wtry in the Germn ocmti,o Repiblic With Special Reference to the Hinth Plenaz7 Meeting, by 1W. Lungersbum) 6 pp. G=40, per, Feilngerstetechnikj, Vol X, So 1, 1961, pp 3-5. JM 4839 Mur - E. Germ= Boon Aug 61 (SF-1855) Problem to be Solved by the Ifteban1ca M*Lneering Industry in 1961p by 1. Scholtz, 4 pp. GMM, per, Faingeraztetechni - vol x, No 1, 1961, pp 6-T. JMS 4339 Mur - r'. Gamw Been /", -7~~ Aug 61 Capillary Depression in ~Icrcury Baroncters and Manometers, by K. Godacke. GHUAN, per, reinwcrk Tec ttik Vol LXV, No 1, --- - I 1961, pp 25-30. CSIROINO 5991 sci-I'llys Jun (53 (BF-1655) Ten Yews of Production of Precision lastr==to in the GIB,, by H. Schulze-Manitlusp 3-1 pp. OEM per,. Feinpratetechnik, Vol X, go 1p 19&1 pp 43:45. JPRS 4839 Emur - H. aftimy Econ A Aug 61 (SF-1855) Righ Wfloiency Lubricant Mo3,vbdenlte (WIbid). A Survey of Properties,, Madustrial AV9.1ication and Practical EVerlimces Gathwed in the GM# by 0. Schetellch, 8 pp. GEMN,, per., FeIngerwtqeOWjk,.. Vol X, No 2, 1961, pp 73-75. JM 47% Aug 61 (sr, -1355) Quality Conference of the VVB Control Engineering, Tnstr=ents,, and OPtick, 3 PP- GERM, per, Feingeraetetechnik, Vol X,. No 4, 1961, P.P 146-147. JPRS 11366 Egur - GermAny /'I;' ~~ A Econ I / Jan ~"12 (SF-185 -, Mechanical Industry Innovations Shown at The 1961 Leipzig Spring Falr, by AW H. Hanfeld, 6 pp. OMM, per, Feingeraetetechnik, Vol X, No 4, 1961, PP 149-153. ~- JM 11366 REur - GermmW 177 ~ &on V, ,Tan 62 (SF-1855) MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL ENGINEERING AT THE 1961 LEIPZIG SPRING FAIR, BY K. DRESCHERP 4 pp. GERMAN PER, FEINGERAETETECHNIK.. VOL X. No 4. 1961, PP JPRS 12473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAR 62 EE 183,159 (SF-i 855) SONOVISOR 2: A METALLURGICAL TESTING DEVICH, BY H. TROWLER, 5 PP. GERMAN., PER) FEINGERAETETECHNIK, VOL X) NO 41 ig6i, pp 157-16r." JFRS 12473 EEUR - GERMANY ECON - MAR 62 EE 183,167 (sF-1855) HIGH-VACUUM COATER IN HBA 2: A NEW DEVICE FOR PREPARATION IN ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPY) BY H. ZAPFE, 4 pp. GERMAN, PER FEINGERAETETECHNIK) VOL X, NO )1,, 1961$ pp JPRS 12743 SCI - ENGR MAR 62 183,158 (SF-1855) GROUP WORKING ACCORDING OT MITROFANOV, BY H. WEIZ, 6 pp. GERMAN, PER~ F~~G~ERAET~NlKj VOL X, NO 5, ig6ij PP 193-1 JPRS 1-2473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAR 62 EE 183.,157 Ou at icm a riul au !:~-ries M-aauftcturiuG Cond.--itions, by P. i~LUazofanow, 29 pp. FTD D,:~c 61 )SF-1855) THE MITROFANOV METHOD AND ITS INTRODUCTION AT VEB CARL ZEISS) JENA, BY P. BLUME, 5 PP. F GERMAN, PER) ~EINGERAETETECHNIK., VOL X; NO 5, 1961, pp wIRS 12473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAR 6 2 EE 183y161 (SF-1855) MULTI-PURPOSE CIRCUIT UNITS FOR ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, BY H. BOEHMELI 12 PP. GERMAN) PER., FEINGERAETE TECHNIK) VOL X, NO 7, 1961, PP t4__~- ~~' JPRS 12473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAAR 62 EE 1832162 ,3F, 1055 ThE Wlor',:~3 by F, H~ 3 PP~ -Tachnik,, V01 olc- a I ,TMS 124-1 J, 7-1 1 ire- .,Ieasuring Systems for Digital 'Lleasurement and Loncyth Positioniti-, by J. Puder. 1. 0 GER-111t'W, per, Feingerateteclinik-, Vol X, No 8, 1961, pp 355-364. XK CSIRO/No 573S Feb 63 .0 - ccoitw~t-A":X&e lNecumley'ant oll ;~w;UG ww"~:~, cc, Daring CuttiBg Ojxaratimsp by E. Szombatby. GMU., per., Vol Xp No 10 196!~ p 461-IjC-6,, osm/uo 5W < --~ phy- 1), S ~-, y - -C .11 i- m- I., " - Wmdest=tlve TO'stIM CC WteM&U-s 'W R. j. HatIng twAm:ik OWNP per# V02. X; ]b up 1964 iv I ym eta 3356 mm - Gamw /9.2 1 2-,FO- BM Fob (e Measurewnt of Tooth-Sartme Undulatims an Hobbed Precision Cam Owls$ by Role. rmwm, per& -FaInvraft-Tt-~ - Vol Ing No 91, - - .. a 1"1-p pp 401-405, CSIRD/96 5962 SCI-ftgr ,a 9, KM Noy 63 Neue Erkentnisse auf dem Gebiet des Klimaschutzes Optischer Gerate, by A. Kaller. GEDIAN, per, Feigerattechnik, Vol XI, No 1, 19620 pp 23-34. Minis of Def 4229 Sci - Apr 66 297,856 i)avuLiarability to weat oemunya GERM.. perp ftlwrwtetecbaLk Vol Xl,, Do 2,, =1 19Q3 pp 49~-500 FDD Sm 3M VMw - West Garmw Boca may 62 lcr", verwims at the Dynkuktc lamm Of lovotm Gone* by W. TryUndtio 19 w FOR OMML USE ONLY PGLJSH, per, FefP2.0-f-form chulL No 40 196~jqr Ifle 908921 FSTC 381-T65-538 IACM 1-9430 10 2204048965 Sd - Eng Jan 66 294.488 P, n, Jim A laarometer Testing Apparatus With Wass"m8n mmometer im a Stabiliziag Devices by H, willmero GPM,, per, faingerate Todmiks Vol Xlj No 6o 1962, pp 258-T62.' CSIRO No 6342 Sci - Phys .2.djJ 4y 41 Doe 63 77, 0 Influence of the Precise Surfas Pon an the Maual Approach of a Sphere Tawards a Plane Submitted to the Cksong Forces, by Go Hertele GMWO par,, FaIngeratetedbaft,, Vol XI& No 6, L9620 pp 2 a CSIROINO 6078 sci." July 63 W4 .7 ? )' 7 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE SPECIALIZED ASSOCIATION FOR NE BUILDING THE CHAMBER OF TECHNOLOGY W ~ AFTER THE 4ZlVFCONGRESS OF THE CHAMBER) BY K. AHLGRIMM, 9 PP. GERMAN) PER, FEINGERAETETECHN.IK,, VOL XI, NO 9, 1962) PP 385;5868- JPRS 1584o EEUR-GERMANY ECON NOV 62 215)242 1=06tiefttim Of the rtwfacO Of the MUG= Prototype lir.22.,, by H. Lmporte. GMQa# Nr FbInMrute NLehnUj, Vol XI., No 9, 1),62, PP 394-3)6. CCIW/Uo 6161 sci-pbya Oct 63 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE VVB CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, APPARATUS CONSTRUCTION) AND OPTICS: AND THE PREPARATION OF THE 1963 PLAN, 22 PP. GERMAN: PER~ FEINGERAETETEW,,,.Kp VOL Xl~ NO 9., 1962., PP 422-421."-' jpRs 1584o EEUR-GE"NY ECOW NOv 62 215,,241 DESIGN: PERFORMANCE, AND APPLICATION OF THE SMALL PROGRAM-CONTROLLED CELLATRON SER 2 AUTOMATIC CALCULATOR, BY G. SCHUBERT, 12 PP. GERMAN, PER, FEINGERAETETECHNIK, NO 11, 1962,, PP 487-Vo-.--- ' jpRs 16653 EEUR - GERMANY ECON DEC 62 218,272 PROBLEMS OF SAFEGUARDING PATENT RIGHTS, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON NEW DEVELOPMENT, BY HECHT, 8 pp. GERMANj, PER , FEINGERAETETECHNIK, NO 11, 1962; PP 522-525. JPRS 16"53 EEUR - GERMANY ECON DEC 62 210.,273 11,o Todmiquo of Obsorving ArtiftcUl Satellites, by U, Steinbach, 30 pp. GLIMUIP ilc~v Po!!g~-rato Tochnik, No 11g, 19631, lip 515-5Z3*,U697427 FTD-TT-64-831 Sci-Larth Sci Jul 65 263s572 R-4084-D Most Important Results Concerning Units of Light Measure at',the German Bureau of Standards., by B. Fisber) R. Kroaert. GERMAN) per, Feingeratechnik, Vol X11, No 9, 1963, pp 405-4o8. *JPRS/Comerce/Bu Stand Sci-Phys may 64