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Enthalpies of Fo=ation of Binary CciToun.-Oi of the Elc=cnta of the Ysin Subgroup of Cyrcmp V. The Fhcnome-wn of Secondr-Ary Feriodilcity,~ by S - M. Priya) M. P. Wrozova cnd S. A -Shchukarev, 6 pp. RU851AN, per, Zhur Obsbcb Khim, Vol XM,r, No 5) 195T, pp 1131-1136. Con5ultantu Bureau Sci - Chem SeP 58 Study of Solubility in the 3ystem CBNO3 - ILNO H 0 at 250, by S. A. Shchukarev, M. A. Yakimo4l 62PP. 4~ RUSSILT, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol 111, 110 7, 1958~ pp 1661-1664. AEc-tr-4455 PL-48o sci may 62 PST 377 i9j,6w 'iliermal Dissociation of Gold Bromides, by S. A. Shchukarev, N= M. A. Oranskaya, 7 PD. RUSSIAIN, per, Zhur 3eorgan Khim, Vol III, No 7, 1958, pp 1478-1482. kEC-tr-4455 PL-48o sci may 62 PST 377 195,325 Enthalpy of Solution of Zinc Perchlorate Hexahydrate, by S. A. Sbehukarev, S. N. Andreyev, %z-.. a. Borisovat 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, "11hur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXIX, Ho 8, 1959, pp 246% 2469. Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 6o Enthalpy of-Formation of Compounds of Titanium With Elewnts of the Main Subgroup of Group V, 'by S. A. Shchukaray, M. P. )1oftzova, Lt Miao-bolu, ~3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol X)MX, No 8, 1959, pp 2465-2467. Consultants Bureau 5cl Aug 6o 1o2 a_e7 '* 7 Heats of Solutim of Copper Perchlorate Ha;w-b,7drate in ,later alld In AqUWW SOlUt,1=0 Of PerChlOrIc Acld,, by S. A. -Sudx*weqj, G- M. Orlom,, Z. U. Burioova, 4pp. RU,q9,M, Per., Zhur Obshch Khft,, Vol XXX, No 7: 1960, PP 209T-2101 CB 3 ci 61 flnnatu of Reaction of CdO and Cd(OH), faith rmlo4d anil Parchloric Acids, by S. ~. Sbchukarev, S. Mich, et al. RMI'Lldl, per, Vest Lenin Vdv, Ser Flz i xhim, Vol 'rM., Do lop 1959, -pp 66-71. MA 60-16W8 Sd yol rv, No 7 'e. "WI U,-C- /~.. The Thermal Dissociption of Chromium Bromide -ind Chorium Chloride, by So A- Shahukarev, To At Tol=chewo 6 yp~ RUSSIAN~ per, Zjpw Neorgan KM,m. Vol 1. 140 8, lc)5(,. ppd 1697-1702. sci. Apr 63 /Entbalpy of Formation of Strontium, Phosphide, by S. -- A,. Shclaukarev, M, P9 Morcsovi5qW K= M Yfi$ 2 RUSSIM,, per., Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXVII, No 2. 1957, pp 289-M. Consultante Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 53 Th,a fwuntion of Thorium Tetrebradde by Hydrci;ell.~ S. Ao Sbehukarevand G. I. Novikovs 6 pp. Vol is, NO 9.. 19!. fuisFim, pert ZImr Aeorgsn Mims pp. 195 AIC-TR-4590 PL-480 Sci jun 63 bwaubigation of Xo3,ybaen= Halides: SInthesis and Determination of the Formation Enthalpy of Molybdarv Tetrachloride., by S. A. Mxhukarev, 1. V. Vasillkovi B. R. Sbarupiqr 8 pp- RUSSIM., per., Vest 14ningrad U.,, Sw Piz i Rhim, val nv, No 2s 2-959s pp 72-77, srA 6o.16769 sai lqd" .214-1 A,pr 62 vol iv., *-- 6 Enthalpy of Formation of Lithium and Barium BismutbIdes, by So A. SbchukareVs 14. Ps Morozove, Kan bo nsmi-f'- 4pp. K . T. Sbarm 7 RUSSIM, i-,, 2hui- Obabeh Whim, Vol XXVII, SL Consultanto Bureau Sci - cbem Jul 58 SHCHUKAREV, So A.2 Dept Gen and Inorg Chem, Leningrad State U.., Atomic Weight as a Periodic Function: A Study of Bi- nary Elements Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol IIX, No 19, 19492 pp 1-14 Consultants Bureau Translation The Reduction of Cerium TricUoride With 4drogen, by S. A. Shchukarev G. I. Novikov. ===-A RUESIM; perp ?.bz, Neo=ePn Vol 1, No 3, 1956, pp 362-365. Assoc Tech Sv7x' Sci - Chemistry $7.20 ,e7-- 74(a Aua 57 . ~-/ J-a 7 Intrapulmonary Hawrtomas, by V. K. Shchukareva, 5 pp. ...... . ..... RUSSIAN, per,, Voprosy onkol, V01 V~ NO 11, 1959, pp 609-613. PP Sci Sep 60 I'a X,, -3 -~& FLmetional State of the Stomch in Cancerous and Precancorcuo Conditions, by A. 1. Rakov, T. V. Shemialcina, N. K. B-hebaLmreva, G. G. Ivanov, 7 PP- MSGIAH, bimo per, Voprosy Oalmologil., Vol III., No 1j. 1957; I)P 412-48- Perg=n Press Sai j W Oct 57 1 Instruments for Humidity Meesuremante on Different Products wid Materiulsy by I. X. Petrov., A. I. Shchuki 4 pp. RUSSIAN$ per; PrOgrostraluiyaj No 9j 190) pp 20-22. Taylor & Freacis Sel Dynamic mid Fluctuation Erron in Cuiged Vohiclos, by A. H. Shchukir 201 pp, RUSHAM, bk9 Diudadchoskiye i Fl~~vktuattiowyye Oshibki UpravIyayeafth Obl~ektuv, Mwcow, 1961. pp 1-214. 966E497 VJD-TY-62-1087 Sci-fmgr -CFA. May r-3 fte Bf foot" of pluotuation lawfMnee on tbg Accomey of Determining Comkiinatee by RrAio- lngineerin6.Methoaa, by A. N. ShabWdu, 35 PP. MWIAN., monogmphs 100 Let so Dnyu RozMenlya A. A. Popm., 196o., pp 5-28. 90699% SIA Sci - Electron Bee 62 Abstracts of Information Theory, by A. N. Sbchukin. 'i*iii-V"S- V. I. Siforov, G. 0. Belonogov, A. f~-. 0 -0-ff -7~ UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, rpt, Papers Given at the 1959 Radio Day Meeting of WORE, Moscow, 2ay 1959. Navy 246o/ON-j 703 Sci - Phys Apr 6o flonstationary Procasses in Resonance and. Band Ampli-fiers, by A. N. Shchukin, RUSSIAN, per, IttestiYaj An My Phya Ser, 'V01 X, No 1, 1946, PP 37-48. Electronics Sci - ATEW Aus 58 Morris D. -Priedmn ~ fl V/ 9" s-5/63 CalcuUtion Method at Mwt4Mkv*.lft*ld Intamity at Long hops by A. N. Mwbdda MISSM., porf 2burml Damp Vol lip xo 6., 19320 pp 550-50. Sol - Electron ion 63 On a Method: of Combatting ftulse TnterfWence in Radio Receptiont by A, N. ShchAin, RLSSIM, per, Is A Nauk 0 Ser Fig. Vol XP NO it 1946y pp 49-56. MIT Lincoln lab Sci - Electron Jul 58 ~ 7 /'~z f i Table of Contents of Probability Theory and the Experim Determination of Characteristics of Complex Objects, by A. N. Shchukin 4 pp. RLESIAN, bkI publ by State Power Engineering Publishing House, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Dept of Commerce Dr Henry Birnbaum Natl Bur of Standards ~ci g.Physics an Nudeation =d Unelopmt of Cracks in Daftme& CrIstdo, bY L. A. Koeboms B. D. Ir4n - vo 11 Lichivmjq P. A. Pohbloftro 3 pp. MWWj pero Dok Ak Nmk# GM.. Vol M=33.. No J., 1960.o pp 71-73. Nmy Tr 2'rSVM 8W Sol ;,PbTaics Fab > ;> Brittle ;mature of Single Cryoteas of Zincy by E. Do ncbufro.~zj 7. '1. I"ikbtmn, 4 pp. RUSSXAM, per, Dok Ak ftuk SSSR, Vol (7.XIV, No 2,11YI pp A=r Imt of Mm Sm Phys - Doklady Vol 11) NO 1 Bel ~'7 i A Possible Machanism for the Formation of Slip Lines to the Absence of Localized Sources of Dislocations, by Z. D - EL401k4ta, 3 PP - RUSSLU, per, Dok A Hauk SSM, Vol MMp No 1., 196o, pp 61-64. AIP Boy Phys - Dok Vol V, No 6 5C1 3 ~17 .Tun 61 Spreading of Liquid Metals Over Solid Metal Surfaces in Relation to the Adsorption Effect of Strength Decrease. 2. Influence of Volume Diffusion on the Spreading of Mercury Over a Zinc Surface, by E. D. Shchwun, B. D. St=) 5 PP- RUSSIJAN, per, Kolloidnyi Zhur, Vol XXV, No 2, Mar, Apr, 1963, PP 253-259. CB Sci Aug 64 264,602 'n ~ I. 15- Iftlom"d v 4p ~~ fidQ6. -. No&% -,- m 9"w4w n4w romw a" Me 691vadjug of L:LqAd HatzU an the Barface of ,%lid Hot&U in RaUtlos to the ftUgth-Rodllcing., Adm7tion Uftet- L 'The LIMB mmmliM the FIOW of Yarcury on a time eafaae.* by Is Do Yu. V. coryww., 6 pp. waamp Y"* IMI Idmi ftmao Vol W.- NO l.. i963.x pp icS414. CD 2-ql 1/5 Sol N" 63 MocImnism of Brittle Rupture of metal crystau, by L. A. Kochanovao S. D. achukin, V, 1. Id Ichtwa., 6 pp. -- ----I--- 1--, RMW,, pwp PUiks Werdogo Tela.. Vol M., vo 3j, 1961, sw 902-%O. AIP sordet P178 sai 114.01 7-Z 7 Vca =j, Ito 3 Sep 61 Physico -Chemical Phenomeua in the Def orwtion of Wtals, by V. 1. Likhtmans 2, Do Shchukinp 22 ppo lar'5151AN, per, uspa" PIZ 1--uk, V02. LX-Y-T, NC 2, 19A PP 213-. AIP Boy Fbys-Vopekbi Vol 1(66), no I sai 13.2, Nov 60 A, Unde.i- influencc o-f a Strong Medit.!,-ji b- S. D. Shchukin C~ pp - per, KrIotallograflya, Val iv, iiv Awer inst of Phys Sov Phys - CUstul Vol IV, No 6 c Jul 60 Chansa ol" the Structural and Mechanical Pro-Dcrti~~a Of Slualc Cr's,ratr,31-a of Tira 'Uad'--,r th-- influence of R Highly Adzorption-Active Mediwny by Yu. 7 Gor.p=v~ N. V. Pert5ov; R. D. Sbchukin, P. A. Rebindcr,; 6 pp. RUSSIANp per, Dok A Mank MEET., Vol CMIII? No 2; 269-27P- Amer last of Phys Sov Phys-L)olaady Val IV$ No 5 sci /4" may 6o The c-.ya~ai Dearmbility Criterion and Adsorption Effects; b;r B. D. SbCbUUnj 4 PP. RLWIM, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR,, Vol CxvnI, 90 1958) VP 1105-- Amer Inat of Fbys Say Me - DDkIady Vol M, ft I Sci - fte Jul 59 q/ Ou tba Nature or jerty Plutic Defomatiou In Metallic Single Cryatala,, by S. D. Shchukin, YU. Qoryunov.. N. V. P*rt30Vp V.. N.- R64iEn-dkiy, 3 pp- RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSE, Vol CXVIII) No 21 19~8, yp 277-- Amer Ivwt of Fbys 50V pbyfs - DoklcLdy Vol M, No I Jul 59 4, Gual-l-w-radiatiun Pram Lu'52PI54 by B. S. Dzhelepuv, N. N. Zhukovskiyj V G MeduveGov., G. E. Shchukin, 7 PP, Rr:~SM, per, Iz Ak Ilauk SSSR, -Ser V4ul %X'j.. No 75 1957# pp ~03-9,(2- Col=bia Tech Oct 58 Luminescence of Color Centers In CsI:Tl Crystals (A) j by Z. L. Morgenshtern and 1. P. Shchukinp 2 pp. RUSSIU., so per., Iz Ak Nauk SM,, Bar Fiz., Vol XU) Ito 4, 195710 pp 593094. Columbia Tech Sci - Phys Jul 58 6 7, yj-r The Dovejop~ant of colou zacall rrom Filterable Foma 2 by I t T v bhcbukl~j' 3 pp - .-w.- fWSIM, mo per, Zhil Mikrobiol, gpidemiol i IMMIDObioll Vol M=ll No 1, 1957p PP IODY 109- Pergamm Press aci - Ned Jun 57 48/ q16 (for Nn) On the Wtiation and Growth of Mmks in Stralmd Crystalso by L. A. XbWmwm.. B. D. n!4q4Aj V. I. Likbt=, azA P. A. Bebiuftr,'T-P'PO' RU3SM,, perp Dok Ak Bauk 0=0 Vol CXM=,, No I, 196D., PP 71-73. AIP Sor PlWs- DdUady Vol vj, No 4 5CI mar 61 Certain Ch=soterlotics of the Brittle Fracture of Yotal Crptals, W E. D. Mfblm,ldn.,k L. A. Ao,chmom.. V. 1. Idkbtmm MWIM., imr, Dok A Nauk SM., Vol TM=j no 5 j, 196D,, 3p pp 1064-20a - AIP Sov Ybys- Doklaay Vol vo No 4 sai Mar 61 On the Change of Electrical ResistivitY in Elementary Dislocation Generationx by E. D. Shchukino V. N. Rozhansw, Yu. V. Goriunav,, RUSSTO, per, Dok Ak Hauk SWRj, Vol M.- No 6.. 1957o PP 1101-1103- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phye-"Dokladyl" Vol n., No 4 Scl - Phys MAY 58 -ce of C.-=r phology in the System of Fatul-& Scionceo cmd Its Relatiawahlys With Integrated IlVaical Ck;ogrqpiq,, by X. S. ShcbWdn,. 9 pp, W810, par, Vest VAmkov U, Ser Geografiya, -jo 1, 1960, pp 15-22. cleogrkohic tJ VV; V =Specto of Dowatic Diesel by M. N. Sldmklu 10 pp. Rb'SSLkN,, per., 7,be1ezwdorozhWy TrawWrt, No 4.. IL5,61, pp 27-32. JM 9654 USSR F.Con A* Aug 61 sit Ohanas of:M=tric Cond=tl:dty in Abrupt Deformtions e WyW.ILc Single Crystals$ by V. 17. RoshanslW. Yu. V rxoryuWV2 afA 09 D!, 6"tw no RMBW#, tbrice-mo porp Dok Ak Nm* 89Mj Vol C7,p No consultzats Bmceau ft -6.-S-50 Aug IW 7j a 9-3 Dew ' L-tW of BwTpl~ COIM, by P. Shchuklm. 4-0-1.4 RUSSIANo PBrr Btslt Vol Xp' ft 5-6. ig4o, p 77. 11=7 brutchar 1218 D2% of Into US xiw of MUMS SO~Ahern avail au, TiWealooss) AIG, Sci - Bw Dhy 59 ~'7~ 7 V~ SH CH TJK I NIT, P. Stal, vol. 10, no, 5-6. 1 figure, 350 viords; 10A.0 A New Index of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Blast Furnace Coke. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 1116, 81.00 ~) / !)'c -1. "- (PC-4617) First Meeting of Worlmra of the Czechoslovakian Fuel Industry,, by V. G. Zmshkvaras 3. S. Or.vaznor,, P. A. Shobuklup 7 PP- RUSSM" Verp Koks i WAY&, No 12, 1958., PP 50-526 JM 6363 ZZur - ftechoslovakin Itcon 3 Jan 61 -�XAMNj Fe As PEGUEHINA,q L. V. Tungsten-Graphite Thermocouple of New Design, z,kvoDsK&-LA L&BoRAToRxYA, voi 14, ighB, No ~, PP 632-3; 900 words. ;irutcher No 22060 P. A. L. V. lzveEtiya akademi-i nauk essr, 'eln- 1949, !'~o- 9, 1376-1381; 42 figures, 1 tabled 1-900 words. lnflu-ence of Lump 'Aze of Coke u:)on the Process of its Cambustion. Lr-.t,Q~ier Trans, Order No. 2"13, Cl D 3 SHCHUKINS P. A. ISHTW9-- L. V. P M Effect of oxygen-enriched Blast upon Temperature and Size of Coke Combustion Zone.(in Blast Furnace), IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, Otd Tekh.. 1950,, NO 7$ pp 1034-9j 2900 wordso Brutcher No2609j $ ,54, ?.5'- The Use of the Coefficient of Oxidation of Iron in -Ehe Classification of Volcanic Rocks, by S. I. Shd 8 ppo - RUSSM, per, Geokhimiya; No 6. 1963- Scripta Techaica Sci Apr 64 254)134 Tnvestigation of Forces Acting on the VarL Parts of a Continuous Steel-Casting Machinep by V. F. Sbebukin. MMTAN,, mo per, stall) vol nil, No 4. Moscovi 1957p sv 320-322. 1 Henry Bmiteber TrpV Q1.022 Set - Engineering $3.00 Jan 58 Brittle Fracture of Pure and Alloyed Monocrystale of Zinc, by L. A. Kochawvap 1. A. Andreyevat R. D. Shchukin, 4 pp. MJSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj, Vol C=0 No 1-4, 1959, pp 1304-1307. CB sci Aug 60 to mustum of AntpTlansfor In a TWx b= the Tsmpmton wj#*mmtUn an tho CO*Aw of the Two Cron Ss~Umo tir V. Re Shdxkin. RUSSIAB* pWo Tddmlkits 30 3,9mo pp 9b-&034 Dopt of AM APL/JHU CLS-3 16M 3M314 im 69 14.& (DC-3326). An Enna W of SCIMUM Coopmtlaa between the USM and the POPPIM Repiblic of Minav by Ps A. ~sbimftrp Yet D. SbablWo.. 115 pp. MISSIMp per., Vast A Xm& SWRj% No 10p 1999,p pp 60-63- JM 3037 Sol - Mae vAr 60 S=ace Phoomenla In the Defonation and Fracture Of Metals, by V. 1. Likhtmap S. D. Shobukin# 13 PP- mmiAx.. per., uspekbi mdmdi., No iop ig6o, pp 126D-22t*. C' aver-Mme Press ,p Bel jul 61 ww"~ fttMl7tAc *dfttl= of MVodc ftbateneus b7 M, N. MOMWA: I. A. Pwft~. mwv,xp U=qpepb. im R-755 Sol am 6o M e76 VOI Mt ND 5 yti by p rlrp j, "j,,67 Paz' Zhur Obshch Khim# VO CB anti % Xi , Or'ga'ro." golezu-'es.. -YOUM 8pthealv., ll'mpi~-titqnj arld Transformation of Hallo-and of the TetraUn Series. ~,y huld-na and E, ?, Samkin.~ '10 pp~ VO', =XIT, K,~a 2, ikJ35-TAP, per, Zhur O~dhch hbir., J1962. prl 473~-482~ 09 The Mechanism of the Formation of 2-Phenyl-2- I~ydroxy-l.,3-Indandione From Dibrombenzalphtha- lide, by L. A. �hqbukJma, 4 pp RUSSLO, per, Zhur Obshch Khimj, Vol XXXI, No 9, 1961, PP 3041-3045. CB Sci Oct 62 214,608 Oxidative evA Oxidative-VydrOlytic Timnsformations of Organic Molecules. X=. Preparation of Triketocarbocylic Acids War the Conditions of the Booker Reaction, by L, A, Sbahukiaat_8 pp. RMIAN, per, ZInw Obshch Khimv Vol XM, No 6. Jun 1956, pp 1701-170T. Consultants Bureau Sai - Chemistry Jul 57 Oxidative and Oxidative-Hyftolytic Transformtio of Organic Molecules. XMI. Tautomeric Trans- formations arA . . Properties of Wdroxy- and Chloroketocarboxylic Acidsq by L. A. Mchukina, X. X. SheMakinp 6 pp. R=IM, 1perp Zhur Obahch Ulm# Vol mm, No 6.. J%in 1956, pp 1TO8-IT]2. consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 5~~ hl 57 Oxi4stive sad 0z14&t1ve-Fqdro1ytic TraneformtIons of Organic Molecules. XXV, The Hydrolytic and Oxidative-Hydrolytic Cleavage of Meaylo- and 2- Benzyl-3-WroV-lp4-ftphthoquinouea,p by L. A. Shchukina, N. P. Semkin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN.. per.* Zhur Obehch Dimp Vol XXVI, No 6.. Jun 1956., pp 1695-1700. Cowultanto Bureau Sci - Chemistry Jul 57 Sarkomycla aW itc.Analopp- 1. Synthesig of Dihydrosarkomycin aW ItW AntipWes by M. 14'. Sheraskin) L. A. Sbebukim 3. 1. VisogridoVa.,, M. N. Kolosorp R.ZF. I="s, M. 0. xerapetypa... V. Ya. Rodimms 0. A. Ravdal., Yu. B. Shvetsov, E. M. Bamd4s, E. S. Chmm., K. U. Rrmolaye4, S. P. Semkid, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., w.. Zhur Dbxhch Xbimo Vol Malt No 3o 1957t PP 742-748- Sci - Chem Aug 58 comult4ats Bumu SHCHUKINAp L. A., and SHMAKIN., M. M. Oxidative and Oxidative-Hydrolytic Transformations of Organic Molecules V. Mechanism of Oxidative- Hydrolytic Transformations of 2-Methyl-1, 4-Naphtho- qui-none 0xi-de Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XIX, No 1, 19119 (jan), pp 175- 160 Consultants Bureau Translation The Structure of Auracqraia and Terramarain,, by H. X. ShemysIdn., L. A. Bhc?nlkirm., 6 ppy RUBSIAE, tbrUe-mo-per,, Dok Ak Nauk B=j, Vol LMMIX Ho 3j IM., PP;, 499-W- sai Tr ctr.. RT-3824 8ci - Medicine Aug 56 CM /0= J 7, Momistry Of (Lowwwastin). V. R"41datim at (dicummme ki lA*)4f,3-pmpwwUO3. Vith Babz- SOW=t omw lm at the amomte Into cumomeatin 4ampoun) Rh moww"s li IL MOWS R. L D. Ps Vitkwfto-16 V. N. ol~wbj A. ~&, -mabby, % 116 mmtwv) L. A. S~~~10 19. 7, 7....r/ m tr so obsh& =a,* Vbl xmv no III 1954j, pp CML 047&-Cp r", 3. ftl " Mmistry Avg m ~U_~j L. A.., KONDRATIEVA *' A. F. s SHMAKIN., M. M.~ lab of Org Chem,, Inst of Biol and Med Chem., Acad Sci USSR OAdative and Oxidative-Hydrolytic Transformations of Organic Molecules. VI. Study of the Mechanism of the S. Hooker Reaction Zhur Obshch Khim., Vol XIX., No 3, 1949 (Mar), pp 419- 429 Consultants Bureau Translation rj -- 6?3 0 SffMWS T*)IewjlMKKNI# 14 A =d MWM3 UM% lot of =d 1" 0%14 AoIkd Bd USM ftUkU" and C -dwlyus --fm=t&Uw of Orgulexal"Mus* W14 vadvoly"AINewava- tim or ad . -- tionm Of the RAFCOW- W WWWjWW rmphtwew 3erlma* Ils, ca NydralrUn Onavap of Gutm B=fto) Zhur Obdtah KhIm* Vol XrX,, No 3p X949 (Mar)t PP 4h7- 455 comauats Buren Traralation Oxidatt" and Oxifttl"-~Rpdralykia Transfam- %Ion of Orpula Nolmules, ZXZ* VzftvV*tc Cl-"Vage of 64kthYL-3-kdrbq-1.4-beas'oqulww, by Le A's 6 poll trauslatlou RUSAW, mo ~ per,.-Qur-QbA Vol mme so 40 ~~dj usu,p Apr 19590 5"r9lop;. C.7-7,j J,, Camul"Ovo vmwu Scientific - Chmistry Doe 53 CTS 7--rVI Oxidative and 0xidati've-Hydrolytic , TMD-Iffoimationa of Organic I-blecules. XX. 7be.Structure of OyIdes of Unsaturated Compounds$, by X.)L Bhezyakln, D.A, Bocbvar, &nd L.A. Bhch&.inas 3 PP. Full translation. RUBSIAN., no per, Zhur Obshch KhIm,, Vol XXIIr Do 3~ USSR, liar 19528 PP 439-W. Scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTS The Chemistry of Cblorowcetin (Levocycetin) VI. Syntbesis of Ngw Optically Active Analogs of Chloromorcetin (Levorweetin),. by 11. M.'Shenwa- W. - -- - Kiny wj~%Qpx-~M- me Ito K"ODOV) M. Q. rArapat- yany E, M. Bwdenv Yu. Do Shveteav., E. 1. VIno- gradova, L. A. Obc6Wnal 6 pp. RUSSIM., wo per., Zhur Obulach Xhimp Vol MA .No 60 1955, yp 1199-=50 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry ~'/) 5-3~5 Oxidative and Oxidative-Hydrolytic Transformations of organic Molecules. XIV. The Hydrolytic Cleavage of 3-Hydroxy-1j, 4-Vaphthoquinone, by L. A. ShchLukL*., A. S.-Khokhlov and M. M. Shemyakin rp-P EMSIAN, mo,per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXI, No 5 USSRp MMY 1951 PP 9W--917 Consultants Bureau., Vol 21 1951 ,A\ a2mmule 41C of A& M. %6 30 w smulmo go"* aw 19%6 w Oxidative and Uou or oqpmu Vio Tin QXmmVR Ts a twoum of 213.""Wr U MA 10903A 'IM 00-101% rinun. by A. S. L. A. Shebuklm and K. ML buraw, is pp , mum 116-ipm-ghw 9" 1" Val XXIs No 6 umitp Jim 1:9540"W~~~ &wem Vol grima IM oormtions of Oxidative and Oxidati" tic Tra orgauic Molecules. Belatiouship 13et"en the Deow of Oxidation of Carboewlic Compoijuds and the %buity cc mvir nup to* Cleaved Ayftolyticallyj, by H. X. Shemyakpp L-0 AQ Sbchukim Yu, B. Ghvetnovs D. P, Vitbonkys, A. RUSSUN,; zo pw., Zb= Obaboh Wns, Vol MM No 9p Sep 1951Y VP %W7-1677- dlf Convultaute Dweau Vol XXIP No 90 USSR Scientific - Cherdstryj molecules , W'da-tive, compounds On the Effect of the AWw Acid Side Chidu and ar the Acyl kaeal m the MMmtla S~mtbesio of L-Acyl=ino Acift by Mylase I. B. 1. OreMmich, L - A. n, Cu MWOUP Vo B. 8griabevo 5 pp. ""'!--, XMIAN., Per# Bloldft., Vol XM,* No 4., 19590 pp 667-671. Sai Nov 6o A Now Method for Synthesis of O-Peptides, by L, A, Shchukina, S. 1, Kara-Murzao R. G. Vdovina, 5 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Zhur Obahch KhIm, Vol XXI, No 4, 1960, pp 1139-3142. C13 Sci May 61 066 v The Acylation of Aino Acids and Peptides by 2-Msthyleyclopentanons-3-carboxylic Acid, by L. A. Sho~!#~PA, R. 0. Vdovima, Z. 1. YAtve"va, 4 pp. '-'-'-- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Mdn$ Vol W, Vo 40 1960t PP 1135--1138. OB soi / 5-~V) 6 -~ may 61 D 7 ;94=1~ L. A.., KONDRATIEVA, A. Pa., and SHINYAKIN., M. M., Lab of Orgabic Chemistry of the Institute of Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, lead Med Sci USSR Oxidat'ive and Oxidative -Hydrolytic Transformatiom of Organic Molecules IV. Oxidative-Hydrolytic Trans- formations of 2-Methyl-1, 4-NapAthoquinone Oxide Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XIX,, No 1., 1949 (Jan), pp 165- 173 Consultants Bureau Translation Struct= m4 Heabamism of tIm Vydro2ytic Cleavage of o[Mtro(phW1)tLc&t71jB*nzoio Acid: by IL M. Sherpldnp D. No Shigoris., Ift A* Shchukina., E. P. seddus, 5 pp. --- BMW=., PW" Mr. Ak 111,11tale SSM. ObArml n4in H&Ukt ffo 4s 19M. Pp 995:60. xW 61 The Reveralbil-Ity or Acyle-se I Action. EaZyMatla nydrollysis snA ftnthagin Of L-ACetyl8lWUmi by V. B. SWICbev, Q'i ChW-wu, V- V- Orekbovichi--~~t-k ShCW*IM, 4 pp. RUSSUN , monim, vol man, No 6, 1958, pp 895 - Consultavt6 Bureau Sci - Blolj Chem Jul 59 A Ibeory of Oxidative -EydrolitIc Tmnvfozmmtione c-i Or6anic Molecules., by U., X. Sherjukin and L, A~, PD. FUNDY,. bizo per., Biokhim, Vol XXII, No 1, 2, Jaa-Apr 1957,, Vp 214-225. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Ap 58 'tudiak, in the Field of 2-(B-and y4yric~vl)- Y~~ M. The Synthesis of 2-Pyridylthlpa- ,Liner. Their 1--C-arbo*Uc At-it's., nnd Their 2- *"etbvl Substituents., by A. Bawshek, M.I. ~%chukina, "N'T Al , per., 77-mr Ob shah Dim., Vol IC T Ij No 5 'IfI, np Vi83 - V-87 -Ar 62 SUldles In the Phenoxazine Series. IV. Acyl. DarivP4.8 of PhencmPtine end I-Carbetbcm.7-3-mdnpyhenr,,azine,, O.S. Pree4voditelevn., It. 4. Shchukina, jy pp. Rusf-lPy parp Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol Yr- I,, No 5 1961, pp OB Mar 62 AP, q 4& Studies in the Field of 2-(1- and Y-.Pjridy.L) thiazolines. V. -A~mthesis o * Fst-rs of 2-Thts-zolylnd - phenyl- and PyrVyincetic Ae..Vs, by A. Bmrrheks M. 'T. Shchukina, h Dn. per., Zhur OLshcb Mil-, Vol 'To 5 1961, pp IOU - vt9r CR sci Mar 62 Invastiration in the Field of the 2-(B- rmd y -P~Tik). - 2 hiazolines. II. Synihesis of 2-(a-Alkyl-y-pyrio -�-t -thtazolinesp Their L-I'arboxylic Acidst An(4 of (0- ~nnd),-T~rridyl)-2-thiar,nlv'l.,62-imth.-nes, by 8. Banp- shak, M. 111. Fbchukina, ppo WISSTAN., Der., nur rtshch Khira., Vol MI, lo 5. 1961, pp 3179 - 2182 Nir 62 of Ben.",marpitalina D,3rivatlvas, 1. G, S. Predvoditoleva, K, N. Shchultina. 5 PP- RV631AM, per. Zhur Obshchei Khim, Vol XXXIII, No 1, 1963, pp 145-149. S 1)" 63 SynUmes and RearravgemeaU In the Thilazolle-a Mod Series 1. The CondematLons of Chlonmeetme ana ti-MIumqralchommme vlth Bpmtrical Maryl - md Arylacyltblouivast by K. M. lbzrav 'yenp M. N. Bbdmld T~*~ mw=.. pwo mw Obehoh KbIm., vol W, No 7., 19601, pp e=-2333. CB Sol Aug 61 ~rl A. i 1 ZI Z"I I'lCal'i -Vey, ----------- SpAh"14:0f DlAl)W)sm4ws')w' Derivativin of luftsoleg by Erh-Chlen Jaoo M. V--8bchWdrA--, RMSIM, per, Zbw U=Mh Iblup Vol XXIXs No 3j, 1959j. pp IM-lM9- Owultanu BW"U SOL Apr 60 '47 Some Phthalazine DeriviAlves With Conjectured Chemotherapeutic Activity., by T. P. Sychem, M. N. sk~~s 3 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Ow Obsbab Wm, Vol So 2., 1*p pp 608-6Ll.. Sci CB 7 yay 61