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Probation of Positive Ir-Mesom in Varim mclai by 66o mv Protons., by A. o. maswovskiyo ya. s. PUSisip Ya. U. MmlwDvs V. A* Sbebawvp 5 pp. TMIA, mo per., 2bw Mayer I Tooret Piz, Vol MMs No 6# D" 1936o PP 987- Amer Mwt of Phys In Pbyo., JW 03. 17, No 6 Sci - phpice J% rl a Aug 57 Ewrgy Spectram ead An&Llqr Distributions wt 7' M*30W Produmd in Protim-&-otm colliziom at 6&"W iws by A* (1, "W&MUY', ya. yao, &M V. A. BMbanp 5 RMW, per Zhur MmVer I Waret nz, Vol =XVO lb IM) RS pp 6". Aamr Inat of Pbys SOV Fhp-4w Vol YM(35)# ND I Feb 59 1-02,/S/c PVO&Wtl= Of Positive W-mums ir, wrogen by 66o mv Fratmap by A. a. m&ahkovwdy,, 3u. a. PlIoup Yao YR* ObLIaMY V. A. Sbebmwvp 5 pp. RMUM so pwa Mw IbW I Tamt ntq Vol No 4j, Tb576, pp 560-,1r&. Amr Imt of Phpics ftwiet awnics-amp Vol xy~ 30 3. ,~j '17 Al fti - pbysics NRY 5T Analysis of Shells of Corrugated Material, by V-J. Shalashilin, pp 132-137. No Other Information *M-Tr-65-322 sci/Nul Spe 65 (NY-533D Automatic Connection of the Distortion Meter to the Telegraph Channels Being Monitored, by F. V. Shalashov., 4 pp. RMSIAN,, per,, Vestnik Svy&zI,, So 6,, 1957. JPM 5r,215 Sci jun 61 6 6 f- Wo of F. V. lip. Ac- JPFS 10),119 Dor- Synthesis of Aliphatic Amino Acids from 111hiopheno Derivatives. 11. Synthesis of 6 -Amino Acids., by Ya. L. 001'dftfto B- P, ftbridnyip 1. F. sba-Invins; 9 Vp MMIU,p perj. Zhur Mobah Xhim.. Vol XXVI to No 1. 10# pp 21340. consultants Ureau Sci - Chem APr 59 Syntbeesis of Aliphatic Amino Acids From 02ioPhelle Derivatives. I, Spthesle of a( -Amizo Acids , by Ya - L - Goldfarbt B. P., FabriebAy. L F. .0blILY . ja~ 8 pp. =SlMp mo per.. Zb= Clbshch Rhim., Vol XXVIj, No 9P Sep 1956., pp 2595-2501. Consultonts Davau Bel - Memistry ~-y ~?P- Z lab 58 Synthaois o," Aliphatic Amino AcidB from Tbiophene Darivatives. IV. 5-AayI*(2-jhi#ny1)-A1kb-noia Acids as Starting WterisU for the prep=ation of Aliphatic Amino Acids, by Ya, L. Golliftaft, B. F. Fabrichnyl,, _1. RMIW, port Zhur fthch Dims Vol xxIX, No 3, 1959, pp 89j.-896. Convulusta BUMU Sci 14 Apr 6o 'T'he Beckmann Rearren;ement of Oximes of Thiophenocyclo. -31kanones, by B. P. Fabricbnyy, 1. F. Shalavine, Ya Gol'dfarbg 4 PP. WSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshob KhL-n, Vol XXXI. No 4, 1961, -pp. 124'~ - 1253 CB ,,pr 62 Synt.4:-.6.siz; of Amino Acids of Derivatives. !11- Aellels, 'by B. P. FabrichnTj, GoVdfueop 10 pp, Aliphat'lic &arieb Synthesis of L,I-Amiro 1. F. Sbalavlll-~ij' ia. L. iiUSSLQN, per, Zhur Obshcb ghim,, Vol XXVIII, TNo 9, 195do PP 2520-2529. GB Scl - Chem Oct 59 v4 4 L!LO -A c:~ ~-v r Vol. SyntbMillis of by Ya. L. Golldfarby B. P. Tabrlc~nylg I. F. Obalavina. 3 PP- L~~ RMIM r. Is Ak Nank SOW, Otdol Xhin Wauk, No 1, V, pp SO." - comitAuts D".1mu Bel - Man vay 59 Z6 , ~ 7..r A 3piv CN,.;-n,,jra1 ~',~-Iothod of Prensration of th,.,, Aliphatic Seriew, by Ya. L. ftbrichrnyl, 1, F.S-ba-winslffl 6 pp, RMSTA9, thrice-t4 per DoLl 'U" Fauk 1, pp 305-308. JUVQ 2.9."0-" 2 Sci - ML-fit of Amino Acq"Ct E; Goldfarb, B, F. WSRI Vol CZX, CODBUItantS BUMaU Dec 57 (NY-5517) lumim= Paxialssible Canoentration cC Short-Lived Daugbter Prod=U of Radon ri"loul by 1. L. ShaloVey, 8 pp. - RUSSIM, perp HOM Wiol,, No 10, 1960. JMS 7886 sci - Vad ,, 71 0~ g _? Apr 61 /W Notes to Profeaeor D. Yo. Roz=Wyto I a Paper c Fun&uwntal Prcblmo in Physiolo& of Accolamtim, RxM IW C It. MwJjWj. A. S. owwwal M. ff. Spektor, 2 FMSIAN so per, Vw4y zhurp No 50 P 91, "Y ZR, awl to Ut IW7-np AF03N-lAl. AY 12OU59 (2) Sol - Ned usm - ma 4T,m 57 two# Compu'tation of the POtentLal V=tiou In the lomr Flaw Uding its Valms Ybasured on the Surface of the Ahnho by 8, V. Sbalanvo 4 pp. RUSSLU* ps;# DoX A Hauk SMp Vol CVII,, No 3j, 1957,, DR 403406- COJDAUIVWt* BUMU Sel - geoRbysics (Y- t 58 a -14 TM AW Of dW U" 0 ml poldift In the Salml 216b2mut by 160 -2. 5824ro V. K. 0010"Sm*8 A* Yes ZU&bWp Be As 4 pr. Rminj D* A Me M Mille so he 1908 pp =0 0 ~7f ji-I (HY-1374,127Y The Pmblom cC the Lavvl and Dynsa#cs ce Antihmnay- -Trtin~-- in tl~* Sertm Befom. n-7~1 Al"+,-r Imuaization With Live Dry Influenza Vaccino) by P. P. Steblivtkiy~, A. 1, Bur": 1. IL SholUtAklyo Yu. H. Leakovich, Ya. R. Rzbavskiy~ 7 PP- RUSSIAN# perp Voyanno Mod Zhur, No 21 1960. JPM 2925 Sci - Ned ~2 q (ff-3000/28) Wby the 1Ag In the Construction at the B=Smit Buparphosoate Plaut,, MW by sbalip-D'ovp 3 pp. Rmsim$ Up.0 Bakiukiy RabcoWp 22 rov 196o. JMB 7818 usm Mar 61 (NY-3000) Construction Lap at the Swpint Fetrolem and Chemical Plant, by A.~ Sbqppqvz- 4 pp. RWSIMj nys ftkinskly Faboahiy) 9 No 1961. jpHs 13405 UM / ~w " 'Z' e -/ F40D Alv 62 4 per, Zimr Obalaah KIAM, Vol. W,., No CB ~3 Tho Coloring ftf GIws vitb Cobalt FISwnts of the SpImel Type, by G. A. Kovtuaenkoj Z. N. ghm3l RUSSIM, per, &ornik Sm* Rabotp hot Pit- OrS XhIm AkeA Mauk Beloras 89R# Be 7, 19593 pp 185-167. ATS EJ-3924 sai-cbem Dee 63 no Fesu" DIF or fte itsmot1l, lwcwbms bir SWdUNWO WASIM; sVp trustop Zvesdas 9 Avg VW. 7m Daily um soc 5% 3? 6 0 Aug 59 (NY-5670) Treatment of Fallot 'a Tetrad by Aorta -Pulmonary A'Dastomoois by Means of an AUoplastio Prostbasis, oy A. A. Shalimrs 7 pp. FWSIAN,, per, Vast Miirurg imai 1. 1. Grokovap Vol LMvj So U) 1960# pp 964. JPRB M6 Sci - Y*d mar 61 Upper Trisesic Voj~aanjsm in the Crims, by V. I. Lebeftnsky, A. K. 3 rp, RUSSIM., perk Dak Ak Nauk 8M, Vol CXXXIII Igo 2A L '960, PP 425-427. AGI /~ 6 / 2 r,, -3 Sci ,Tul 63. /~. -,0. ~kq) k/ fts 65 2A835 !.*2jwl of Real Ga3 In r- C20- vy B. V. 12 1T, im 19701 Sal jum 63 234:A' The Third Phase of the Study of Anturctica Frm- the ~Iy Eiw of the Second World War to the Present, by A. 1. Shalimov, 29 pp. HMSIAN, i.-ar, TrudzNaUChn*-IsS1edOvate1*akojo InStitUta Geologly Antarktlkl, Mo 950 1957, rp 5-8. WTI of Interior 6ureau of Comercial Fisheries Office of rareign Fisheries A-34-Duc 1969-No 2 wn Loan J~4 L v sci/'Lar ~~r 70 404p341 The Second Stage of Study of Antarcticu Since the End of the 19th Century to tlv* Start of the Second ,w"orld t~~ar, by A. 1. Shalinev, 62 pp. PIMSIAN, per., Trudy I'lauchno-Issledovateleskogo Instituta Geologly Marktill R-0 15-39. Dept of Intorior hurcou (if Comercial Fisheries Cifice of Forei,,m Fisheries A-34-Doc 1%9-Wo 3 On Loall 4; 17,oq L V Sci/Uar 116 70 404,342 1: U C L L; Volcm, by V. :;Cc, tion, Vol ("KI'VIT, ly c"Ol. List New Data on the Strattgraphy of the Upper Triassic and Lower and Middle Asrassle Formations of the Southvestern Part of Rigb Crima, by A. X. qo~= 1 4 PP. IMBSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXXXTI, No 6,, ig6op P~ 14m-lhlo. Sci AGI 2 7,r Aug 61 Table of Contents and DAroduction From the- Book "Practice of Turbo-Drilliqj With Diesel Engine.Drive-, by IL_tj_Q4&Uwxq, 1. V. gwbdm* Vadeteldy, 4 pp, AF 6VM). RMSIa. bk,, Frakti)m Turbinnogo BmmAya n* DizelOnm Privode, Moscov, 19%, p 242. AF 7114" 31 4j- USSR- Eeonomic - Patrolsm drilling Scientific - Fab 56 M/dex ;,% ~l Sci 0 ma &.me . 4a t ". 237,571 I.:, - -. . lko ,1- IUCEric 'luverties of Oy Cmm*="g Sbo #aUft of qpU"l Abo"141 'Of ePt:q =4 -film 99 OWAss SOMdol, by 21 PP6 14"LANID per* We WmAvlk-k gedsm 92., zavedous Ren 30 M40 pp Memo 9699M rmTr.6s.142 Apr 66 The Autoozidation of p-sec-Butyltoluene$ by V. G. q4~gsnova, S. V. Zavgorodniy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per.. Zhur Obahch Mim, Vol XXX, NO 10, 196o, pp 3223-3226. GB Sci / ;//, 7 -z' z?' oct 61 On the Tectonic Regims of the Antarcticp bY Shaliawo 4 pp RUSSIANO, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSM,, Vol CXVI,, no 4, 1957p pp 667-- Consultants Bureau Sci - Oeophysics Oct 58 go USSR/to iAhya i elaAadiation/A~iorphion Spoot" -.a the Absorption Speotra and the Radiation of KCL-Tl Limate-Phospbpr, Nyle V. Shalimovas 4 ppr MMLAZSIFIED 8 IAN/t6k Ak Nauk 35SRs Lxxs No 2s 1950 A - K&vY Tr 137/NRL 287 C May CTS Shallmova, K.V. and Mendakov, N.C. rMt7"r-MIINESCENCE DU SUBLIMAT-PHOSPHORE WIODURE' 1)'AIIGENI'(FotolyumineRtsentstya Subll- mat-Fosfora lodistogo Serebra) (Photoluminescence of the Silver Iodide Sublimate Phosphor). 14p. (ro- reign text included) 4refs. CNRS-VllI bis 347. Order from O`rS, ETC or CNRS $0.80 17~62-28159 Trans. in French of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1952, v.82, no.4, p.575-578. DESCRuyrnRS: 'Silver compounds, Halides, *Iodides, *Luminescence, Sublimation. Chemical precipitation, *Phosphorescent materials. 7r-62-28159 1. Sbalimova, K.V. It. Mendakov, N.C. Ill. CNRS-VIlI his 347 IV. Centre National de la Recher che Scientifiquc, Paris Off.. .1 T-A~A S-., (Physics- -Solid State, 'rr, v. 11, no. 6) ~..he Effect of Temperature oa the Optical Absorption of polycryst&Ulno IAqwa of GaWum Suli"Ide,, by Y.. v. sh&limm N. V. Pirosm, 3 Py. .-t!tttnam RMSIM..yerl, Dok Ak go* SM. vol c=ax,, no 4: 1961, PP 938-941. OB Sai 3.,7, W/ Am 62 leuparature Wptmc*ace of Ab%orkrtian of 'Unc ~ivlfi4c Palycsystalliw Filia, by 9, V, Shallam., U, K, Nomavao W~Slm,j 1wrl, 19640 pp 104- r 66 Ul"trit p"Poluos #f Posyc"t"Um cadva Sulfide FIlmp by X. W. Sbatism, Ir. So Txwij 21 pp', WASLAMOI parp Isvours Z&V*O"L' -- -y" yo,ft"V6 No 31, IN4* pp MwI416 Frt)-?T-6S-14$2 Apr 66 -'T7,i7,slon S-nectra or 3viblimel K. 7. 51, ali-nova. MICUSgrljff) Raw" ID '.,Or .1,ir :11-spor i -ooret Fiz, .101 XTY, 0 Navy Tr 204/1,M 309 (;'7 I-Wwrllin~; the klawtv a (I*tical Atzor"Itian oC '-'elycry3talliut. Filq* of CadyAum by 9. V. St-21iumam, T. S. Travina, It VIVX FIZ, No 3* 1964o Location of Iftults in Cmble Lineal by I. G. Shalit. R"troSIM per Elektr Stantsit, No 7s 19542 PP 36-36- ABLIB-0125 Sci ;7/ -:5~6 Aug 58 1 %ml-upe mu roc nrius mmotbe Parts With lbt Air F"d to Ammo by so No ivamovs 1. A. _4k44qv., 6 pp. NIGUM., DWR OVGUPWY* 10 3-4v *r-JPr 1964 pp 125-M. Aeft NOW f-M r4i fty 64 "15 ~, / ~ 7 (M-2900/35) Tbo MS-13 Machine for Driving Pile Screws,, by D. A. 8 Umn. 3 _~-e 038IMs porp Stroitel I Dorozhao" NuabInostroyeniye, No 7,, 1960.. vp 4*. JPFZ 7737 UWR scon mar 61 4S 4o as IF k.1r-vitztiw Lc ~,.Ii6irxu*v lnvj~ularitia& 0) Pxocila, by K, 4* ii0quoy- atut, A> 0, 1%)is, 14 4 7S i:iioct iuf LavltaUun LMiauj, by kip, Uumal Priklaaa takhmai i lt~khtlidwskoy r5m. wo 4jo Ma's !-T' AT-965-1~,777 fill -are) 840hift, Tmmmo* by 1* To coaft"s IMS1406tv: 47 R4 amstmo Forw awmd ftawmeasm "Okb"""w &9w mix* pt 59-71, rJecoje&" - v mociko Icausts, Civil 4 WNAIM UgISOMIA& Oct 29 SH M~T sci/pr"Isiom 4 Awls Oct Tbe InfLumm of a pressm Qradimt In a nm en the Dm~t of CmdUtLon Zowgia by Le 90 Sballmr, 6 jiussuus P03N no It 19619 pp 106-108. 11w Sept 3649921 ""w Qp -wal - 43C the ftgl= at *Mugu= C/f by C. L Mallow. MWVA,Pers Is M wo-ammm algatlegm NMA. Ilb 5s, 516 vp llg-%m. W*W65-5% ~ 4 ' " . uschaumal Apr 67 I I~L Struato" of Regim of Cindt&tUa* tV 1/7 11. 1. limlin6ve 57 pp, R2,SW# per* Mft I&Udab MdAUWV NOD4.offl~ no 5# M%f Ipp 139--W. svt 3*953 Pr*sj;wo and U=Lcn In Region of S"&vfticw Cavitation of a Round fteftles by Ko Ko Shalhov* 17 ppq Russime r Iva pets AN m Otis TskmicheikLib"m NOTEDW rV't No 6 IMO pp. 111"Do. 9"iko m my 6s*&S? J mechanical may 67 I -AAR'ASIVIL WN NO CAVITATION 8Y So Po WM%Vs K. L &W*Uo 4 M RUSSIANp FL ~t ON M NM 33M& M ULI I I# ND I# 196to PF 6"30 4, AIP sov FM .0 OM VOL Vito ND 3 SCI - PM = (2 21201100 Resistance of Polymeric Plastics to, Cavitation Erosion, by K. K. Mallaev, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CMIX, No 1, 1961, pp 6o.. AIP Sov Phys - Wk Vol V11, No 7 3ei Feb 62 Oldmmachmical Aspects of CayltAtIoMl twool.Cop bY I K. K. Sba uwv 19 pp. 7=-U FMIANS pwrp Is Ak Awak MRv Otdol TOM Nmukv Val Xv 1"o pp 5249. Aw 3467 Bel - 0469b" Jan 59 7f, ;71~ V4-- Owitation Duo to PAN . gbMftg Of SWIW! ma smica Tboreof., b7-& K., obsinsvp ran troasiation. MOSM.. perp Dak AX Nok MR., Val MMI, 1013, *%~t-pp 33-36- )V ct..44~- lkvy Tr VAIDusap 474 Scientific am 59 an P 1jr mm Cavitatim of Uneven Surfaces b Dy X. K. Sbainer, 15 pp RW-SIAN; mo per., Zhur Teth pi2m, Vol XXI., No 2,, lgr-l., pp -go6-22o. 1907 1305/T-M sci - pbysicm g-J-r A 10769 Dec -1951 CTS The Proemwe on a Rotating va" uvA its Jbistim to caysistula fticulatlows by K. K. M8M Shalltsvp 6 pp. MMOUN,p tbrice-so per Dok A lu* SMj Val Lvnj So 3s, 1949s PP 43PA24, sci an i-ib - 56/0526 Scl - Finglusering 34.1 llfle~ ja 1956 An Investigation into Cavitational Erosion of High-Pover Turbines and Pumps, by K. K. shal,nev) 35 py. RUSSIM, per,, Inzhenernufi SWnik, Vol xviiis 195ho PP 3-30. Scl Me Lib 5513409 Sci - Engineering 3 /, 7.3~ Wdraulle PmUctlon of Turbims from Erosion Caumd by Cavitation,, by G. S. Makeevs I K. 1. Bballuevj 39 pp, MSIANO per,, Iz Ak Nauk SSSRI, Mel Tekn Ilauk, = No Uo 190, PP 87-1(*. ftl On Llb 55/3339 ng *3 4 7 i-Y' Sci - SWIne-eri % .4 Detection; of Ca"sUm to a P=W by Oso&UQP&pb Headiap of PreseMmp by X. K. Obalvnff p 16 PP4 RUSSIAN 8 per$ I=benemu4 sw4kt Val IX# 19519 pp 4, 0 (let Was Lib 53/1424 Scientific - Engimering CTS/DM 6-(F15,111 Cavitation of Edge Profiles of Blade TiPap by K, K. Shallnev. , Vol XIV, 1953. HRUSSIANp perj, Iuzh Oborqik A.ReN, Ft Halstead 17 OT/1143 LEM Scientific - Engineering CTS 75/Dec 55 &Ws Wect at ewntoua aradoup 1w L L 5*%'MVp 4 SUOU0.0 promeft~a0ml- 1OW-P 36 4# 39 ux-jx U& R25 3085 ((x DAN 08 Rw=) llw~~Zeu~ t--~ 41 'L,~ fka " mmu MW 67 325#854 cavitation amwtalstic, or 16 AdwMide Tumnela.. 7 pp.. by 19. K. Mal ~msv. RMS100, AOk Ak Neuk SM, Vol 72D lb 4p lw,p Vp 645-8. fti MOSOUR XD 51/2034 19 Cavitation Due to Factors in a Slit., b7 K. Ke Shalnev., 31 PP. UNCIASSIFM RUSSIAN, pert Inzhenerny* SbOrniks V01 VnIt 1950., pp 3 - 31~--- xav7 Tr 476/Buqdpo 443 Sci - Pbysics 1951 CTS Ma scale ofeet in trw. 15 V9. Cnitatim groaltoo, by K. K- gal AM Is Rusffwt PWR AI GM-- lob 5 Nomp sci/ materials 390j963 Sept 69 A OtUdy of tbO 4&tWMU IPOUI Occuft*=* Of I.-aptospiroses in $am DIsUICU Of GUM0901 A. X. Bb"'V XMI, by V. - U. Xroglikev AM V. T. Ous"befts As As ZMtwv# F. ~.bmnlco' Y. its ftomi 3 iv. RMIU, per$ Zbur Mrablul 611 Immmblolp Vol xxxxx so as IV", 99 51-53 Puvmu inst Sal - Ned 1,2 Apr Qwmtitative gap" Chrmtogm;by of the cateebols of the Tea Inafp by Dabeawdadze, x. wA mallneve Gap 5 Pe MMSIO., Per, BIO&WA* Vol 20; No 3v 1935., PP 336-338. SLA Tr 1502 sci JUn 58 (10,e off On the clinical course of submucous lipma of the colon, by T. S. MmIlmova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, Der, Voprosy Oftlogii, Vol IVp No 3p 1958, pp 324-328. Pergum Preen Sci L--C 59 ~2,--Te5' Change in Catechols During Tea Fermentation., by K. M. Dzhemukhadse,, ~. ~A.ISWIamj L. F. Mileshko, 5 pp. HUSSIAN,, perj Biokhft., Vol XXII, No 5, 1957.. Pp 8%- 893. Consultanta Bureau Bel - Med Jul 58 The Cateehins of To& Seou'up pby K. M. Dzhemlkh~ I G. A. Shalnevap 3 PP- ~--Dok Ak Mwk SM, #01 =v, no 3, 1957p ItUSSIMJ, peri pp 606. Con=ltAMtS BUMen I I Sci - B:LolOfgY my 58 ~ 02~ ;7/;7 Cateebol MrWolim Durl~ Do"109ftut of the Too L"tp bW K. M6 Da dams 0. A. RWIANj p thrice-m per, Dak Ak Sauk S$SR., Vol xCirt No 60 1900 pp 1069-I=0 coe fto son= xDi6h IL5&.Od. (38-Od-) Sal *y 1956 Thin bY .tion of ov""Onawtiv A. Destruc nt by Ig. 1. ainsbUM2 neld MA Curt gh"I nik Dv., 5 VP at 2bur MLWr TOOr NAUJI per 399-405 Vol m2st of Y,sr 60 sov PW-.V& 7 7f Surface Effects in superconductors in Iutar=diate States, by A. Meobkovsklyj A. Mal'nikov, 33 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Bksptl Teort Pis, Vol Xvilp No lop 1947j, pp 651-861. SIA Tr R-886 '_4 -.2 02 r'/ Sci - Electricity, Phy$ Ic- s j Sep 57