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Inter-lastitational Seminar on Cathode Electronics (Ale"nth Seesion)) by G, Fe Vaellyev., I. M. n .,olitw4u, L. Ya. Permva) A. A. Yasnopol'skeyn. RL'SeL-Wj, parp rtadloUhh I 1143ktrmp No 4j. 19590 iv 731, 732. laternat-1 Ph)sical Index Electronics Mcpresa Vol H I No 2 sci - laectronics NOV 59 (DC-16330) ~L-ridiona- Tramsformctions of the Tc= pc rat= YUN wid Presnuiv Field of the Atmoophem Lu-~,! Uic Evolutioii of tLc Jet Otraw,~, by I.I. V. 6licbel'- Alkov., . " 20 pp. KWIAN, Xcr, lict id Gid, No 6, 1961) p7p 206-32. irm 11504 Sci - Geophys jan 62 s -5=002 (DC-3093). ResLats of a Soviet Study of Jet Stream end .eronto for-the Area* RacowWaing Europe, weatera Siberia, and the Ad~oinlng Regions of Centr&l A3i&j. by Kh. P. Pbgosyan,,#. V.... Sbabal'aikova, 10 pp. RUSSUN, per, Trudy Teentral 7nat Progaozov) no 77, 1958, pp 8.1h. JM-L-1915-D UM Scl - Oeophyriles, WtaoralcV /0/ / ol" 3 3 Nov 'q I tij z~-! V"L%z Yalu The Rclationship Betwom Allergy tmd Tetanus Antitoxin Immmity, by ~., G, Kovtunovich,, E. A. Shabl2k.UUss 4 ppe RUSSIAN', per, Byul EL-sper Diol i Med, Vol L11, No 11, ID61# pp 85-37, CB ,:Ci 2106630 ,ie- , p 62 The Effect of Peulcil3ln an the Couroe of EValmmtal Weation Cmxt;pd by Penteillin Resistant Strains of Staphylococei., by S. I. DovsbansUlj Z. A. Shabborq~, MWIM, per, Autibiotiki., Vol IV,, So 2,, 1959'. gy 93-0. CB e- ~Ieg sci Aug 61 A Method of Obtaining Blood from WhIte Mice,- LY R, A. Shablavpkaya, Z) I 14 P. W&SIA11jo perp Fol Ekaper Blol I Mfidj Vol L;O No 7t 1960v pp 3.17-120. CB Sal ?4ar 61 M2 ol' DInt"m-ed Absorption Spectra in Studying -Lqe Sorwitisatiou of tia Mtowddation of Orgenic eompounds by Anthraquinome Darivatives.. lly A. II.F. X .6 6 PP- A. V. FUCUAIII., -thrica-m perp Dok Ak Emulk 86.0,81 VO). CXII,~ aw- 4, JeD/Fob 195-1., PP 688-691. ConmatanU Bureau SICA - Ober-iztX7 D3c 57 The Structure of ~-Amiuwcridiae According to Spectral DaT by k. A. V. Karyakin, A. V. shablyas pp. R RusRian, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVI, No 6, 1957, pp 965-972 - Consultauts Bureau Sci - Chem Oct 58 P1, %Y.Z/ Tacbzdq= of Obtalulw,-, w4 E-lauatl% the Ift- 4wtm of Xbres In P02ari"d ld&,o by N. V. FWSUNV pars, Vro- *Awamhamm-e -obenuap Vol IT, NO ej 19600 0 US*-U&. I Im x IOM4 g -.1,91 3 +J 63 Woldhig with Power Supply irOM Al.-Llli~',.; laycorEs, by S. V; j - ~~~ L M. ovy'O.Y.Ov, .3 pp RUSSIAN, per, Svaroalh Praia, No 4,, 1960) pp 8,9 BWA sci May 61 , ~- --) -:~ 4, / I I IU *StMM *t 00 #4*10 Of UAUUI ANdStIM9 on Stwob SoU md G*Uo by to Le Sbeedow mHA TO Po shlbelookes a F& MMIMO PDT* I A.%.&-A IS Ursa i sklmh -6-ew-mlyos VOI WHO 17640 pp 15b-1916 NLL IT04M V. P 3~0-~01,r-NkO sel-saw Jos " 3034,7" Methods dor the Purification and Antitoxic Antisera (on the occ-slon of the 50th .'.uLAIv,,,Bary of JR=aa4^= r"Yestigat-icnz), 1%y it. I. Mikhailov) z0-. A,. pp. RISSIAN., perp Zhiw Mikrobiol Epidemiol. i Immunobio1j, Vol W, No 10, 1959, pp 85-90. pp Sci Sep 60 1-2 ~7 &XVIEWO 240 -To WAUW* T* Mae T. IL 61=13 OF NU2WAXBD=. Tfjr. nAano, Cy Owam. & mp~, WM 039410KAOMIX "U"- rnW Obd" aftq vol ZZO jb 20 701~. 1950 Oomindtutm B%rom Ts"gUtI., The Starter Mechanism Mist be Used Correctly, by P. Shabota 3 PP. RUSSIANO mo per., Kryl'ya Rodiny, So 5, 1956, p 8, Encl to U-1085-57.. AFW-IA1- AF 1MI939 Sci - Aeronautics,, air valves USSR Econ Mar 57 (DC-3366). Forty Wa Gas Pipallaft.. by 0. 1. Shabrov, L, No Ti3ov) 3 ppo RUSSIM.. purp 090~, No 31 1959P P 0 13. JnS-3056 WE"- Scoa - Comtruction le Y, iff/ Far 60 z Syntbasis of Soya Haloacetyl and Amino&cetyl Deriva- tives of 2-Amimopyrimidlue and Ouanines by M. A. Prokofyor, Z. A. Shabroval 3. G. Antonovichm 4 PP- Pan translation. RUSSIAN, mo per, -Zbur--MM_hAh RIM, Vol XXV, No 2$ 1955p pp 397-4W. OU D 151348 conmdtants Buren Scientific - Chwdstry 4. ~A" B 1(hookout of Deuterons filom Ul Vol 0, and 0 Nw1ei by Protme of IwSy 675 HOT# by L. S. kzbgirsis I. K. Vzorovo V. P. Zralov, M. 0. JbsWbmryWws a. a. NO"'- and A. Y. MOTAI-ni 8 pp. Vv RMSIAN, per,, 22mr Usper I Tooret FIzO Vol Mmils No 5 (U(.. 1957; PP U85-1195. Amer Inst at no soy Me-= Vol VI(33),, No 5 of7 ur. Ad Froblem of the Choice of a Method for the Hygienic Cleaning of the Waste Gases from Open-Hearth "Furnaces, by V. A. Gudemchik, E. M. Shabunin, Yu. V. Kranavitakiy, 4 pp. RUISS.KAN, per, Metallurg, No 12, 1960, pp 21-23. Acta Metallurgies, 3ci jan 62 Arother Operative Technique in Hydrocele, by 1, J, 'Sbabmin , 2 Do -- - - .-.-. - .. RUSFI!L?!7 por, Nbx~ Xhi-- Arld--, No 3, 19118, n -1+16 sci-Madicine yar 58 SLA R-1094 I~r ,& ,? m Changes in Vascular Temperature Reflexes During Rascular Activity of fttiowture) by R. A. Shaboiz, 9 Pp - RUSSIAN, perj Fiziol Zhur SSM 'men' It M. Sechenam, Vol XLVI, No 10., 1960., PP U73-n8O- PF sci /~~, M Apr 61 The Erfact of Static zffw-i ou Blood Distribution in a BmIUr Ban Odb3act,, by R. A., Shabim'ims 5 P0. RWSXM.* p=., Byal XbW 31*11 Nod# Vol n=q No 90 09* Bureau Sol ///, 3e 7 wr 60 V02 Tctemntl Arts an"I UbtaimW a Livire Microbic Cult= of Bnmlla From KLUed SemWquid Forml-Vaccim Aaminst %mael. losis,, by 1. B. Skoria, X. B. S bm=.., ~1. V. ba Popovliants., 5 Vp. F!d2 tmWlation. RUSSLAN, per., Veterinarlya, Vol MtV go 9,9 YAwcov., 6ap 1950. pp 2G-30. VEDA Tr U3-3R Scientific - Wdicine M51= 3 7P lft-Mas= Euergw sprectr= for pp -0 up-e Iteaction at 556 and 657 Ms NY K- G. lbabWarialm, V. P. Zrelov, B. S. Neamov., X. L. Vzorov., As F. ShabuA4n,, *W.- rr fir. RISSMs, mo Par Zbur M~Wr L Teoret F" Vol M=,, No 1. 1956a pp 45-54- Awr mw% at nPics sov:tot Pbpiwp imp Vol ryo No 1 4z~~, 7a, j 4r Tba Pro&wtlm of Whazwd Woom by the Bodmr,&- M=t i of BU73um and Cazbcm With W 10 Protme by X* 0. L VSOrOTS V. P. 22Vla B. 8 * 5qpi2ovj, A. F. RMIAN,v w Wp Shur t Toont fts. Vol Max$ NO 1,0 1956S pp 55-02, Awr lost ot Physics Sor"t p4pi"I im %I 1y, No I Apr 57 00 -A--A - ])gt4o~~an PM&d " ~ fo, t" filwimmmwe""a of UO OV*AdtY of AldCO W"MV M"Wo by x. 0. PdYmaklys 16 A. gj!~~j, 6 pp. 1"ALIN part Uw AMI KUN* Val vm.. so So 19631, N 0~-309- cm set ftb 64 -1i-91 oxt Of Ca%tle Vita Virulent Serm, by 24, S. ts t 0-1 -ar., Trudy -AS T)P I'? r no i Ve tio-r nar i iVol A ")o 'X, lsob+Atp cc 0 zkdm bstwba Own" ism am 922 low awns$, 39' Distribution and Formation Conditions for Boron Concentrations in Fzdogenetio Borates of Skarn Deposits, by L.I. -- Shabyuin, 8 pp. RUSSLUI, per, Is Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geolog, No 3, 1959, pp 81-90. Amer Geolog Soo Sci / Y5, / 13 Dee 60 -~f Aacb.-arite and Mer B-orates in Y-ipetlte Depoalts of Costact-MetasamtIc Origla, by L. I* shaby-flin, 5 pp. RMBIAN, per, Doidady Akad lauk SM,, Vol 01, 1955~, p 937-940. SiA F' 1605 Sci Jul 58 ;7 The Heueti= of Dienic gArwAttma with Nitr(m Coqpmda.: Additicp of 2p3-DIvAftI-1#3-but,"ew# of 1-Phww1-1;3-butQcUenas and of BL-1-0yel on-:L-YI to Aramtic CoMomftp by Ta. A. Atbuzovp N.L.707Wdn V.V. 8*~# Rol* Sheipe2imp 4 pp. r Iz Ak Nauk BM& .MSSW$, bim lxwp Mel Mdm Naukk No 3p YA74M 1952# PP 566-369- Burew USSR 5cientific - Cbmistry Ibr 54 M/M / 0) J-4276 Chain Gang Empire, by R. H. Shackford. EINGLISH TO SPANISH)d np) The Washington Daily News, 15, 16, 1-7) 18) 19) 20 Dec 1958. FE - China Econ Pol 50C Mil. Jan 59 IL~atLi te of C"Momatographic imtectigaticn cf thas 0-lass 11'r~~ct=e %-oceaa, Th2bt-r-L m (MI&AN, per., GlasteeWAsche Berichte, Vol XXI71., No 1, .1950, pp 1-10. mA 6o-1684,9 sci q Vol 17 , No 7 Y,w 62 M6 lft* Pwm Ow AsectAims . "I so, m""a, Y~ ~ i * 1"s INIM719 Is pp. Amac $4-Nucl ki may 67 3260233 Cycloalkylatioa of Phenols and Their Ethers. 11. Condensation of Phenol vith Cyclopentanol) by A. R. Abdurasuleva,, F. Kh. Shadleva, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per., Zhur Obshch KMm., Vol No 12., 1959) pp W21-2024. CB sci nov 6o 3 The Stimulation of Relativistic Electron Trajectories In the Magnetic Undulator, by A. N. Vystavkin, Yu. V. Aniswva, S. S. SheAkhifthangy. 4 pp. RMIAN, per, Radlotakh t Elektron, Vol IV, No 3t 1959: pp 550P 551. pp Sci sep 6o Deformability of Transformer Sheet in Cold Rolling by C. N. Obubinp V, A. Madran I. I. Lopkin. RUBSIM., per,, FIzUw Metallov I Z*tallovedenici, Vol is No It 195% pp 180-184. Drutcher Tr 3627 3 ~ro 4-dl sci - Engineering, Minerals/Y*Uls :un 1956 SHAERICHEV., V. A. Hardness of Sprayed-Metal Coated Surfaces and Effect of Fardness on Wear Resistance, VEETNIK MASHINOSTROENIYA, vol 28, 1949, No 11., pp 21-3); 2700 words. Brutcher No 2589, $ 4/ ~70 'P ~ /- / I-rl Solution of a Problem Conceming the 0ocillations of a Fluid in a Tank by the Method of Perturbing tdie Shape of the Boundary, by G. A. Shadrin, 7 PP. RUSSIAIT, per, Inzhenernyy Zhur, Vol IV, No 1, 1964, PP 107-111- jPRS 25622 Sci - Aug 64. 264,766 083atinsto mw4aaw" 3A,, qk -V - a godglea at ~v - as L. 130. MW IF/0 ftet b7 &=no go~ A* 6 pp. RU= is PW KOUOU fare ft =,, we 4 In PP Wi--45- ' 0 a "I . cam am 5.9 7,q1 , ~ 4 e -f Engineer Troops, by Lt Col V. Shevkunov., Lt Col I. S_hda- ~~l 12 PP. 0 P-An RUSS=i, per, "vVistnik, No 6, 1962. Asci io424 F ID 2191532 Sci Nov 62 216,606 ea ways of Developing the Urals Plants, by Vo Al, sbadrinj s,, I& suyarovp pe ra zasukbgL,, 6 ppe RMIM,g no perp Stallp No 4p Ibecovp Apr 1957,, Py 356-358- CIA/00-0-3055#684 USSR J-,g '0 d~e Econ - Steel plants 10 1. 1 jbi" Stgbi3lty a Co0jamus rropui-ControLUd vat4m with Nagmuc aworul4j; t~y I/.,. ID RMSUN, part Avtmat I Telomkbp '/ca xxp so Be IM, pp am of Amr act Apr 60 itase CamrW Ftw Mapeft TaM by V. N.. As#l 29 pp. FOR OF"CUL USE ONLY ---. N_ i . V* t -iusa" skim9ft 90L ZW14 1964 pp 33-40. MN 3U-T64-181 -P I ! ~ 1 14 - , I " ~;, I -, F-', e -4 - Meet PUP Jan &, 279,W4 Recor-Iftw in Autmattalt by VItally 152 pp. I ~s 2 btt,, SOW v SMUMMLI, %~ji t-120. I Sc I 65 275,12" Pulmomr.y lUbarculomas, by pi. M. Averbakh,, V - P - Avsmm& - %9 h ad i-; d. RUS Pr Sim, per, Bov--em obj:'Tlaberk, Vo) Vil, Flo 1, Monwa, 19,516, pp 3'.10. un 2.19 Sci - Vied -SOP 58 9.9 Piezoresistance of GermMAum., by V. S. 5!,adrin, A. F. Gorodetskiy, 5 pp. RUSSINN 0 N ,, por, Fiz Tverdo,o Tela, Vol V., " o 11, 1963, pp 3081-320007. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, 140 11 sci Jay 64 258,983 Use of tho Tbumo-Moabmotive Fwm )bthW for Stadying the TamW Brittlmoss of St"l# 17 A, P" Shadrmm. RMSIANO per IRV vuz man lbt NO 109 1963s pp I 'FW~u V;:, B= 5966 sai/&t Doo 68 3549440 Use of Thamoelectric Method for Inv9stigat- ing the Processes TaUng Plm in Austenitic Sttelso by A. Po Shadrmam RUSSIANO perv Iz Vyssh Uchab Zaved Chern Moto No 100 1962; pp 107-110. HB 57" Sci-MIW May 63 ,, ;~ 9 F -? --L Off- 5100) Increasing the Weigbt of Trains, by A. Myshkovskiy) L. Shadur, B. Blagodat- skiy, 3 pp. Russm, ny, Gudok, 9 sep 1961. JM 11464 tGSR / g / fl Econ jan 62 gonte Carlo Calculation of an glectran-Pbcy~n Cascade in Lead, by V. V. Chavehaaidze, R. S. rIsjW401 V. A. XUinsishvilY, 3 PP- 3 RIMIMp per, Zhur FAsper I Teoret Fiz, Val '=IV,, uo 4., 1958, 6 i5titOMP q / 9 - 9 A3" Amr last of Phys Soir fts ''Two Vol Vn (34), no 4 Sci - Phys jqOv 58 On the Toxicology of Now Chloroorgaaic Insecticides., by V. S. Shadurakayup 3 PP- RUSSUN, per, Parmkol i Tokaikol,, Vol XXII, No 31 19591 PP 269-M- Consultants Bureau' Bel jun 6o // ~~ ~O~L~ M-5340) =feet Of the Preparation B%8 (1 Benzyl-2) 5 Dimthyl-Serotonin) Upon the fWaistance of the Organlam to ONMU Imufficisilay, by It. S. Shadurskly, G. 1. GurvUhj PP- BUSsIAN., perj, Wravockbrusuile 3010rusiij V01 Vl* No go 1960, pp 24-27. sci - med zan 61 colmtona in oxian ftr# ty 1* Mdlws3w 35 ppo UM ad a mirla" 41 VW " RUJAU7 by T- R, Uspekh ~;atorar-t Nauk; ,*o 3 (co)t mayljim -L961, pp 239-244. 5 IFFDD 21%,62) . - z '. Review of N. G , "Itatroduction to Algebraic by 7 pp. RUSSWIT,, mo per,, Sov Knign., No 11, Hoacow., Nov 1949, pp 19-21. CIA/FDD/U-66a USSR Sci - 14hathezaticsv mWern algebra Dec 1954 CTS P44SOUL112mum OW %%*law# at comallftw ar ASr AwQpUs W aftows * r"214 Val 9. 1 92 Oros 6 1 TT66 m I Bal 334 " ja 67 0C.-U"595) Cosmic Fq Outbu=t of 12-15 November 1960j. by A. I. lkzlnlnx G. V. SWOJ6 et al, 16 pp. Y- WMIU, par* Oeomqpet4m i Aen=dyap, Vol Is No 4; Jul-Aug 19M., 1V 5101-=- aw 13M Sai - Geopbys I'ad, &= 62 Co3mic Ray Outbursts November 12-15, 1960, by A. X I. Kutlaln., 0. F. Krymkiy,, G. V. Mare.r, Yu. G. Mder, RUSBL410 =0 Dak A VM* am* Ta CM=f so 4) 1961., pp -%7. am TT. ~:t -am Sci /0/.P, 6 74 sep 61 us GOVIT ONLY Twenty Seven-Dsy Variations in Cosmic Bay lnteneitY) -oy 1. Kuz min$ V. D. Sokolov., 0. V. Shafer, NASA P-67 Aug 61 RUMUN., Trudy Yakutskop Mial,, Bar na., No 3,r 1960. /6 '~ 10 7 Scene Pem-11tus of Copparing Neutron and Wd CccWuent Variati=s During the Periodo August- Octcberp 1957; by G. 1. Preydmans 0. V- thafer,_... FMSIM) Trudy Yekutskogo Filial) Ser P:Lzp go 3, ig6o. NASA P-67 V/- /,, Aug 61 Thermody=mlce and Statistics of Boundary Surfacee,, by KI. 8hafGt1.1%WIAS8npnm p=,o Zelt fur ?.Icktrochr.-mUj, Vol L=., wo4s, 1955# pp 933-245. NavY 2358/kd 730 Sci - -. glectronice Nov 59 CTA/MD X-3620 luvestig&tion of V&rievions in PrirAxy Cosmic Radiation Using Artificial Earth Satellite, by Yu. 0. Sbaferp-A. V. Yaryginj 71P/O R=10y Trvhy Yakutskogo Filial, 5---r Fiz,, Do 3. 390-0. Ila" F-67 SCI /o/' f'?~ Y3 Aug 61 of Varictimw in CcGuic Ray Intensity in Stratosphere, by V. A. B-',::z4stnykh,. B. S. ffedzvedskiyl Trwy Yaitutsixgo ruial, se:, F=., n 3, 1960. Aug 61. mra instrulmt for n_-.. of YVIU" -70 Cando Wlatims tr fto 0, Sbatme A. V. xavglf4 20 Y9. Russluf pwo a P, ammus I &ago-"- monw, Ifo 4& Jd-),ag 1968o pp 765-M. JPRS 469925 V swlkol sa & Tooh Doe 68 3X9492 10040 Yu. G. SHAFER US-3 Investigation of cosmic rays during period of international geophysical year (IGY) Izvest. Sibir. Otdel. Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 8, 3-18 (1958) NP-tr-304. English Euratom Effect of Air Mass Froats oz Cosmic Rew inteaBitit anA Role Played by Lower Lvers of Btratosp~re, by N. P. Chirkovs Yu. 0. 6 W er, A~ RUSSIM, TnAy Yakutakogo F131&3p Ser Pis, No 3., 1960. NASA F-6T Sci /,~ / 19 IA A-us 61 ', / uj Coamic Ray Mawwwwnts by OeopbyBical Rockets.. by YU. 0. MuXers A. V. Yarygin,, 15 PP- RMSIANO bk; IalcusstvennM SWtaild Zemli., No 4., 196o. Plenum Press In CIA Lib Sai - Space Res 1-1-3 .Am 61 ", $416 Investigation of Cowde Hoye Durive Period of Tmternational Oeopbyslcal Year (IQY)~ by lup 0. Shafer, 32 pp. MSIM,O por,, Is A Nm* SMI, go 8,9 IWp pp 3-18. Z- 21 q 7 aci . Autrw SOP variation in the lutawdtr of Cowde Padlation at Higb AltituAesj by T4. I* Iogacbev; Ift. Go -ffinfer., 3 py. MMUNp bim part In AK Nwk Sam, Ser FUL Vol XXp No 1. 1956, pp 55-5T. CoUmbia Tech Tr sai - pbygics 641 - (0 +C~ Apr 5T CTS Avall Br 5 Llb Slav Neutrons' Albedo at 3DG - CM- 2 Depth in the Atmosphere, by V. D, Sokolov, Yu. 0. Shafer. amrmy per, i Aercumlya,, Vol n,, 'q0 5, 1.9te, YP 8 380 NAM TT 7-8330 i Apr 63 ~ *I-; t ~ I us OMIT MY I (FM 22&3) vartat,tm ta COMMIC4W wAmurs MA me Itole of Num. sorolost"I Factwss by L. I. Oftmap A. I. malminvo* T. Pau ~~v lot it 0, Ban- Irst" 'IMP 16 a."- NEON* %Csmm- -,ugh scl"-%n Du'lunmn of Icdin-- cn the Flotability of Mlwrul .S)~tfidesj by J~ R. Plaksin, P, Sh. WeV7 OP, __~ 4 1 RMSTAITT; per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSRJ Vo-l C=~ I~t ',-), 19591 -1v ~84~385- siA 6o-14224 Sai j7q, q64, - jau 62 Vol M, llo:Lo The Influeme of tbe Electrical Nonmifo=ity of Sulfide Mineml &wft~n on Xanthate Distribution Ubder Flotation Conditions., by I * N - PlaksiD p R 9 Sh a T!LL~,, 4 pp. WMM,, per.. Dak Ak Ikuk 8=,, Vol =1* No 1., 1958, pp 145-. Consultants Da-mu Sci - Cbm 6 ?7 Jun 59 The Ldlumoe ct Caftaln Setdoon&wtlng Properties of the Sufrace on the Reautim Betwem X anthate and Galanite,, ty 1. N. Makeln: md R. Sh. Mote ev _y _p HUSOXANs ; Dwy D* Ak Neuk EMP Vbl M=Ify 2) I= 1*1 Py 399-bm. C3 0 Sci Air 61 mie Q=tltative Estimuou of the intionship Betveen the Attacbm=t of XMt&au and the Surface Properties of SuMde ULnerds, by I. N. Plakein) R. sh. mmfeyw ~ , 4 pp. M07M.. per; Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol CXUM,, So 1959, pp 777-- CB Oci oct 6o The Mochuaima bj Which ElectrochemicaU3r nonuni-fo= AmaB Are Produced on Sulfide YAneral Surfaces, by 1. N . Pl&min, R. Sh. Sheem., 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Neuk SM. Vol CMI go 3, 1959) p 599-- Consultants Bumm M, ~0 v Sci jun 6o 'be Quactitative Hicrowdoradlogmpby of IdLyers of Xanthogenstes on the Surftce of GaleUte, by I. N. plauiuj' 4. P. z"U"Sp a. sh. 6b&Lqoyl 2 pp. r-x Ix, MWIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWIt. Vol COM, No 3, .1958., yy 5.51 - - Consiatento Bureau Sci - Chem itm 59 Effect of Electric Potential on the-Distribution of Xanthates on the Surfade or Sulfidev, by 1. N. Plaksin,, R. 8h. Awe RUSSIAN,p perp Dok Ak lank SSSR., Vol CVM,, No 3v 1958p pp %6-. Conmatantoo Bureau Sci - Chem Jun 59 63 App3lostion of the Autondlopaybic Hatbod of 3hwotiptim to the W Obadr of the Distribution of YlOtRUM rARPUtS OU thO Dal&* Of MIDURI Particles. I* N. Plakmin.. IVXKp( R. fAIS ma 89 P. Zeitems 2 W. RMMrM,, tbrbs-w per., Dak Ak Nmk SM; Vol Cy SO 51 Yp 905- Al Was- ow Jan 57 CTS plea Press Haaftooks of Rt&-2~uWGZwb=6 )ktorialso V01=6 j.4jLterj&U 10=9 by pour T. B. Sbaffer. pps 762 RMSUN; bk. Flamm Press August 1964 wy 65 Vrocess for the Vrodtiction oi clear Transpatent Polyamide Injection klouldiny, !Iwsscs, by A. ScJiaf.'fJ&r- Ii. pritzsche. mii~tmv;.,, P a I Oct 54, Pubi 28 Jan 59 ITIS NS 243 .~y r 6 7 323,1767 The Chemical State of Radiophosphorus-32, Obtained from Certain Targets upon their Trradiation vith Neutrons, by I. A. Korehunov, A. I'. Shafter, 5 PP- ..... .... ............- RUSSYAH, per, Zhur Neorgan KhImp Vol ill, No 1, iq%~ -pp Al-l48. AEc-tr-4449 Sci FL-48D jan 62 PST 371