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SIMS moi ca"Camal Im"ma, PAIUMM rd 1^. A WMj -iff,N* ,R6 niolove 6 PP. unwo mm= I WWI'# Aw No ;7-Ar N - N . q$eryjtNOV Man-R9a&Aow# bgr N. M, SWMOV SIELMH rpto. I& a d ];Bmgw 2mam m nn 2) - 11 P,mva ft vr~" 9 PP B7-325 gdook Km 71-13678;~Yp fob ?2 Scientific Problems in the Development of Chemistry The December (1963) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Tasks of Soviet Sciences The Report of The Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Academician N. N. Semenov,, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 4, 1964. JPRS 25717 Sci- Aug 64 264,537 The XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Prospects for the Development of OW Chemical Science, by N. N. Semenov, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSR, Otdel Khim Nauk, No 1, 1962, pp 3-18. CB Sci Aug 62 214p581 am Quwncto op THR 0ORrSMURY K IL THBORY OF HOUOOMtBOW COLOMM IN UHWORU GMMM MWA 11963134p. 30 ML ordw bom CTS w SLA SL 40 63-Hut Tr&W CC TAkS&Ul" N" s" otmwe Tdftid*&M M3, m S. 708-729. usm tp6 706-709) is av*Udk tvm W w AT's"asil, 6% 041. Ou W=136 F4"92 OMCAWMINS $Game& *Combwdm 7bmyp *O "Imo k o dm kW Ad d R d n a c e n me a *% M % p pmPoodds. Vdacur. PU=mbftf ODONOmdo% Pack wave& jCbsobtrp-Phy" 7T, v. 10. no, 8) No at Tod" ardw Z~:Oblenn of Chemical Xiaaties [' .'rnpar Beat st 8th M=deleyev Conferenco on G~,,nnr_-! -ad Applied Cb=da'urj1,, by N ~ If. Be 34 pp,. IrS S S IM, bk, Oanovnyye Problomy Mx=oheskoy rdnetikij Doklad na VIII Mendelevskom Sbezd.e ro Obuhchey i PrIkladnoy Xbimii, 1959, -:; pp. 9671212 FTD WL-91311 Sci - Ch*L. 25 oat 61 Miar, &Ax-4 Natuxe, Parts 1 and 11, by N. IN. Se-=novp 15 pp - Russia, np Fmvda) No 1 (15491) jan l.. ig6l., p 3., No 27 115517) J8a 27, 1961, P 4- 9670296 ATIC ML-991/1 We Soc Aug /~ 0, f fl An Outstanding Scientific DIscoveryj by 1. V. xum~tov,, N. N. et ca. MWIM, per) Yeat AX Ncmk SM, Vol Xr=,, Ho 12, IWj. pp a wA 61-wO Sal, 106 ~- 6 Re Bey 61 ham" j, -76 TAP - Qj Z 2. Lai -RIJT3!A'N; b,7 TV I The *^in Mobaulm CC the DecompWition Of Psrafflw.o by 1, Is Semanovi 115 py. RUSSIO, per,, Uspekbi Mdam Vol Map 1952j. iv 641-713, PM TP-VT6 Be i - cbm Apr 61 /4?, 0.37 Orf -4830) propeptlom at Cole, plaw in twl IdAuns cocululm 0.03% 004M Dts4f iMo by V. G. Varookovi, 1. #WPM!# 74 PP- T" V Fa Zk= F" xhlul ig3gp i695-1727. act - ftim rob 61 ` Val -xmo no 221 Mm Malz Xedmlom of the DacmWeltion of Paraffins,. by 1. N. EfAmov., 324 RMUNp per) Zhur NeM Mdm,~ Vol XXI, ND6.. 1952) pp -713-- Am"ft AM TIP-3976 Feb 61 PST No. 77 61-13013 Aor-Mr-IL-&- ON SOME IRANQZD GRAIN REAMONS. Mar 51, 14p. M1668. Order from LC or SLA mIS2.40. ph$3.30 61-13013 Trans. of Aladlemiya I Nauk SSSR . Otd[eleniye) Khim[ichemldkhl Nauk. Izvfestiyal 1945, no. 3 1p. 210-2221. (Chemistry- -Physical, Tr. v. S. no. 6) 1 1 Own reactlow-TbMT 1. SeMwv, N. N. ~ 11. DSIR LUI M. 1668 IU. Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Gt. Brit,) offtce 0170"Va SM14M Sam- N iii UECVANM OF THE OXIDATION OF SIM HYDROCARBONS: (Mecanisme do I'Oxydation don Hydrocarbures Simples), 11%01 1171p. 26 refs. Order f rorn SLA mi$2.40, ph$& 30 61-10467 Trans of ChIm[le] at Ind(uKrie) (France) 1959. v. 79 [no. lip. 3-10. The writer has investigated the arldstion of i0trolauln hydrocarbons. At low temperatures. photochemical reactions give hydropera3ddes. These give aldehydes when the temperature rise@. Wh= higher hydr=r- boris are Wdzed. hydropermide ndicals may be isomerized in two different ways, giving numerous intermediates. The thermal oxidation reaction can take place without any energy of activation, through do fortnation of active centers. which can develop most efficiently on the walls of the container. Me initial reaction may be stimulated by mom of active aMcives or of penetrating radiation&. (Author) (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 3. m 6) (over) 61-101167 I. Hydrocarbon --Oxidation I Semenov, N. N. M".f T-1." S-4- 61-11782 Semenov, N. N. TYPES OF KINETIC CURVES OF CHAIN REAC- 1. ChainretWono--Awlysix TIONS. U. CALCULATING THE INTERACTION OF 1. Sememov. N. N. ACTIVE PARTICLES (0 Tipakh Kincticheakikh Krivykh 11. Tftla- Calculating... Tespeykh Reahsly. 11. Ucbet VuLmodaysmiya M. J PRS-75M Aktivnykh Chastits). ~ I I Ian 61. 12p. 3 refs. JPRS: IV. I ota Paucations Research 7509. Service. Now York Order from OTS $0. 50 61-11782 Trans - of Almdentlya Nauk SSSK - Doklady, 19", Y. 44, no. 2, P. 69-73. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT. v. 5, no. 7) DOOM of Todmical umcfe Semenov, N. N. TYPES OF KIKEMC CURVES OF CHALN REAC- TIONS (0 Tipskh Kitwetichatifth Krtvykh Tsqxykh Readtsiy). 7 Ian 61, 1 Op. 6 refs. JPRS: 7311. Order from OTS $0. 50 61-11781 Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR - Doklady. 1944, Y. 43, no. 8, p. 360-366. The report demonstrates that equations for the simpler chain reactions are practically Identical with dxwe ex- pressing the autocatalytic action cff the final products. ne similarity Is a purely superficial one, sine the final products do not actually accelerate simple chain reactions. (Chemistry- -Physical, rr, v. 5, no. 7) 61-11781 1. Chain reectimm--Analysle I - SannW, N - N. 11. JPRS-7311 M. )oInt Publications Renarch Service, New York Offim of TecWcel UMc" wv. N. N. TYPES OF KINETIC CURVES OP CHAIN REAC_ 71ONS. Ill. CALCULATM 7HE CLEAVAGE OF CHAIM ON INE WALLS OF A CONTAINER USING THE 0XIDA71ON OF HYDROGEN AS AN M(AWLE (0 71pakh KineUcheakikh KrWykh TwRykh ReWsiy. M. Uchet Obryva Twpey na Stanksich Smids na Primere Reaktaft Oiddeniya Vodorods). 11 Jan 61, Ilp. 7 rds. JPRS: 7510L Order from OTS $0. 50 6141768 Tram. d Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Doldady. 1944, v. 44, no, 6, p. 265-269. 71he affect of ckA]n cleavage on the kinetics ot simple chain reactions is exarnined using doe concrete ex- ample ct oxidation of hydrogen at low pressures. vben the case can be limited to cleavage d chain on the walls only. (Author) (See dm 61-117M 1. Cbda reactiow-Awynis 2. HjRfr0M- -Oxidarl 1. Semwov, N. X 11. Title: Calatlatin&.. M. IPRS-7510 IV. johe Publicatiow Reswrch:, Service. New York o0sm *I Te"w (Chemistry- -Physical. IT. v. S. no, 7) ww or ximue onvu at m"n Ructiow, ni. ;&ICUJAtiOg'tbO CIftVRP Of CbO'f Ott the VILUM Of a ,Mt&4 Ualng the CaUkatim at Nydropu as an bomple,p by N. N--.Soxwmw,, 10 pp. lussm), Wo D* A VevJt smip vca xmp go 61 1944p pp i65-e6q. m 7510 Sol - Cbm 24 jan 61 (NY-48ki) T"es of Kiwtlc curvels Cc. calu Rewtio=,v by N. N. Sammy ppe I.' RUSSIMS M., Dok Ak bA SM) Vol 1=,, No 8.o 19440 99 .3". im 7311 SOL - Chas 0--p- jan 61 /,.~s P, 7 ;p_ -j Sore Problems in Chemical Kinetics and Reactivity, by N. 1-1. Sen, enov, 305 pp. RUSSM-11, monorraph, 0 IIekot-oi-,.-I:h ProblemaLli 19,:L-uchcsI,,o1r Kinetiki i Reaktsionnoy Stosobnosti, 2nd E. a, 195~/19559- Peremnon Press Sci 0 72 S 4 1 (ic /V S F mar 61 FOU saw smosa goo 'I IL 'it I w I*L INY AqO6 The Rolelor Im vau=ea in Beteropueous Cats4siss iyy V. V. -1 VoyevWskiy,, P. F. Volkatchteyn., B. N. BamsM 25 pp, (AF 670864 RUSSIANp Up Vopmy IMUnicbeskcq Kenotiklm Natalisa i R"ktol I Bpoobwstl,, Umcom., 1955,, pp ATic P-w4al/v Sol - Ch=lot&7 L9 (051 -$4P ihf"3:956 Reaction in ?messes of Yolynerlfi=oa al u Temperatures and In Polymers With Conjugate Bonds, N, N. ~emenqv, 37 m W',SM, per, Milm i TaM PdUmorwv, Vol IV, No 7-8, 196-2a. gcq6W8 6o, pp a 7-S .1 - Had a 61 Kinetics of Therml Decomposition of n-Propyl Brmide &W Is*-Pronl broWe. by N. N. 01 D. Sergervp 0. A. Nopalm&, 9 pp. VIM MJSSW, per, Dak A lauk SMs Vol CV# No 2,0 1955., pp 301-A. $at Mft Ub 58/1417 Phan I - - -.A. sdoew opgow.05fal An ArQ AM fw so ammancra S,Vpo CC Towwof w Be - am Aml but fjoL 3=0 so it valwo P-7 20's vp ;:us cowaftow swe" "j . am an 59 F dgy 7J.4 go= pr&im at CM4 Amatim by 3. 2. &Mmwo 2k pp. awl"10 perp Teat A *a OR,, Vol M,, 10i pp Ph" MY 7/ 51, The Age of Polymrsp by No No swlm#~ 4 PY - RUSSUN, perp Nauka L zumo, No 3. 1958s pp 3-5- A= F-S-05/1 Sci - Cbma Fab 59 1 0 3f f/ B-617/60 (NY-4784) Science and Society in the Atomic Age, Irl R. N. -Semenov,.30 pp. -1 .. #~ RUBSIANj per., Voprosy Filosofii, No 7) 1960o pp 24-33. JFM 5489 sci - Misc Sep 60 '/ x 7, d ~/ s-i.78/6o (iw-io64) Heterogeneous Catalysis In Folyw1ccular AdaorptLon layers, by V. L 0011danskiy) N. No Semenov, N, He Ohirkov., 4 pp. RMLO, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol LII,, No 9# 1946, pp 783-785. im 4081: Se i - chequ Oct 60 L .he Problw of Three Limits of Inflarzrability, by N. Semenov 7 PP - -,:USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol L)DDa, No 4, L951, P-D '45-648. JPffi 11047 ,~ci - Chem Sep 60 On the Surface Electrical Conductance of Dielectrics, by N. N. ~~~4 pp. RUSSIAN., V-xr~ Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LI, No 1, 1945. Available in English at LC Sci Aug 6o /.Z/, ;'/// Academiclem Aleksanct, dikolWvich ifeamayanov, by N. U. Gemnov, M. M. SherAyakin, W. K. riU.SSIAN., per, Zhur Obshch Kh1my Vol XXIX, lio 9j, 1191-rN -1 fNq-l I ~Yj e; 4=-2816. JPRS 3255 U&9R Blog 17 May 60 1 -'? The Kinetics of Cbemical'Re4atiorm in PlAmw M. The Mechanism of CO Combuttion '19,yp by IsB Zelldovich aud N N smwv R2 RUSSIM; per, J. =I-gad ZkgUd. &n 100 1427-40, Oft (1940) Avail Mad Services Tech 100 Agency 66 ATI 83148 W S Scientific - pb7sice Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics and Reactivity,. by N . N. Semenov, 239 PP. RUSSIM, bk, Vol 1, 1958. Princeton UnIversity Press $4.50 6- 07 Chain Reactione in Chemistry# by If- N. 4simums 66 ppe '' RMLOP Pero UsPokkd Mdmv Vol I=Ip No 5* 1953P YP 521-563- FW/X-3922 I. Sci - Chem Doc 59 Successes of Chemistry--The Mechanism of the Chainlike Split Galoid Pro~uctive Paraffins, by N. N. Semenov, RUSSIAN, per, Vol XXI, No 6-, 1952, pp 641-713. *PST 77 SCIENCE AND THE FUTURE., BY N. N. SDIENOV,, 13 PP. RUSSIAN) NPI KOMSOMOLISKAYA PRAVDA, 12 SEP 1962. JPRS 16527 USSR ECON DEc 62 218.,118 NON- --v? '~v 2-y' ? '~ ?v IP~'L 7 12-1111F~~ TOWARD NEW ACHIEVEMENTS IN SOVIET CHEMISTRY., BY N. N. SEKENOVy 9 PP. RUSSIAN, NP, PRAVDA, 25 JUN 1962y PP ~1-5- jpRs 16366 USSR ECON DEc 62 zi7ji45 Sow Emnchln3 Chain. Reactions, IT b~ H. Semenov 4 RMUN,. bU11.. Acad Scl (USSR).. Izvestia. Cbemical Sericap No 3., 210-22 (1945) Avail Arud S*rvle*s Tqch Info ATI 83148 Scientif ic Oa4mtry NY (r,/-4841 Types of Kinetic Carves of Main Reactions. 11. CUoulating the Interaction of Active Particles, by N. x..Semnov, 12 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak 12auk SSSR,, Vol XLIV, Ho 2j 1944; pp 68-73. JPR8 7509 / 9 7 ~ f9-" um Sol - Cbem sci/~'qysics c Therriizl Theory of Combustion and Ei~plo6ion. 1. Thermal Self ignition, by 55 m). UITrwzSIF II'M iYUSSTA"', Mo per, Uspeldi Fiz Nauk, Vol MNUII, No 3, 194o. 70-70014 IMCA 1o24 Kr Get cts 1067 Thermil Theory of Combustion and Lxplosion- !II. Theory of Normal Flame Propagation., by N. N. Semenov3 79 pp. PT ,JSSIATT mo per., Uspekh Fiz Nauk., Vol XXIV,, No 4, 19f.0 MCA rM 1026 2,, C, /4 /0677 Odt cts ('EL) Stuatus Of the.mii~aCidr"-,,-40'11' I M:.%!U!B"' Combustion; ky As av lb)~' of the Modern Theory, or,31.04m, cum tla-ul~~br H=ogeneous Mweoum-sYvtmisv-%*.:~Ndl Ni'-siii6vvFsc4:Pp. (ATIC 1A83) RUSSIAN# *o perp Iz Ak AsqLMS. Otftl Tekh Nauk No 5p 1953p pp 7056707* 705-7W* A= Y-2"192 1, ('s USSR Sclentif ic Chandstry Noy 53 CTS Kinetics of Complex Homogeneous Reactions* Abac,01- 1. General Theory of Comp3ex Reactions, by N. N. Semenov. .OwW-W1W RUSSIAN, mo per. Zhur Fiz Xhim, Vol XVII, No 4, 1943.9 PP 187 - 21h. AED Tr 593 Sci - Chemistr7 4-55W-5 Sep 1951 C TS 77 The Physical Chemistry Institute lmenllar~Van~ its Role in the De4elopment of Physical Chemistry in the USSR Russ per Zhur Fiz Khim No 5-6/43 OOW 137/49 16673 Effe ot ef Sulfur in amoolim on the Waor of an Autowtiva ft-ineo by ff. B. Scow. RMTM,, no-per., Avtomt i Trak Prmj, No 2,0 UIUMp 1951P pp 12-15. Asit Tech Ov PJ-59 -Bai - Fuels $U.M (41.65) Aug 54 17)10-21 ~,Ilertnin Bodily Reactions to Cooling the BrainO by, G. A. Cbetverikova., T. 1. Konstentimava PP. RUMIANj, per., Byul EImper Biol i Medp Vol XM.. No 1, Jan 1960p PP 35-38- CB Sci Aug 6o 61-23334 Semenov. P. THE FLOW OF LIQUIDS IN 7MN FILMS (Teebenle I. Semanov. P. Zhidkosti v Tonkikh Sloyakh). 119611 Op. 4 refs. U. DSIR LLU M. 2733 [DSIR LLUJ M. 2733. Order from 075 o~ SLA $1. 10 61-23334 Medited trans. of Zhurnal Tekhnicheskol P17Aki (USSR) 1944. v. 14. p. 427ff. DESCRWrORS: *Uqulds, Motion, *Fluld flow, jWn films, Mathematical analysis, Differential equations, Fluid mechanics. The flow of liquids in Wn layers In the presence of a sharp counterflow of gas were investigated. Six &f- farent rqomes of flow are described, the e3datence of which were demonstrated experimemally. The bound- ary c0llditiolls lire -,APPhW it) the Lquallons of flow, for the calculation of gravity forces, the horizontal Sra- (Mechanics --Hydra alics. 7T. v. 6, no. 12) (over) omc* *1 Tecwcal $"Cos A. the Tank Platoon Ac o,,amce of , by E. Ivanov. B, Tmprove GunnM Training in Tank Subunits, by P. Semenov.. C. Advance of the Tank Company Im a City., by 0. Yarekha, 25 pp. UMLOarrm RUSSIM, per, Tankiet, go 12., Dee 1956,, M (a) pp 6-n (b) pp 11-15, 1 (c) pp 22-28. Acsi m-o615 USSR The Flow of~Ltqulda In Thin Filmp by P, Smnov. RUBS'", per, Zbor TOM Piz# VOI XV; 19h4# P 427- = U. 2733 sci - pb" jaii 62 /000.0 49.?f DobatabW Problew (RGPZding tb* Pla=t* Of P~C*- ductice In Aircraft Jbintemme Shope), by P. 6 vp, (AIP 3-056393). =810., per., mzbdanWmYa kriatSIPS No 9) up 19961 P 32. Arm P-Ts 92n/v wo Bcormle N v 57 4rayerless Venturi ftrubber For Absorl?ing Ammonia From Cok* Ons Gas., by.R. A. I - - SOMP7) Yu. T. Tumawvs 0. S Chdchovp 3 pp. RUSSIM, per., Koko I Mds.. No 8., 1*.o PP 34-36. CTPA Sel mar Q j -~(/ 1 ?'0 / The Flow of a Liquid In 7"a Laymm's by P. .4. Sommwo, A. V. Salmlyovg I pp, !AWIM& pairs lushoug"Fis Zkwo Vol V110 '10 12* 19"o gP=W* M)47-65-W N o v 2940812 Semenov, P. 1. and Sazonov, R. K APPROXMATE METHOD OF CALCULATION OF FLOORS AND CROSS-WALLS OF MNLMNGS CON- STRUCTED OF LARGE PANELS, WITHOUr A FRAME, EXPOSED TO HORIZONTAL (WIND) LOAD (Priblizhennyl Raschet Konstrukuli PerekrytH I Fbpe- rechnykh Dlafragm Panel'nykb Beskarimsnykh Zdanil na Gorizontal'nuyu Nagruzku) tr. by G. N. Gibson. Oct 60 [71p. Library Communication no. 1005; fDSIR LLLJ3 M3196. Order from OTS or SLA *1. 10 61-28138 Trans. of Beton I Zhelezobeton (M) 1958, no. 7, p. 278-280. Another trans. is available from LC or SLA ml$2.40, ph$3.30 as 60-23667, CSIRO'rrans-4525 (19601 Itp. (foreign text included). DFWRWrORS: *Structures, Design. Stresses, Load distribution, Wind. I. Semenov, P. I. EL Sazonov, R. hL IIL LIC-1005 IV. DSIR UAJ K 3186 V. Depament d Scientific and industrW Research (Gt. Brit.) (Engineering- -Civil, W, v. 6, n(x 9) OfficeJ Udwka S_w~ (SF-1324) Professor Vera Yevgenlyevna Dembskaya, On her . 80th Birthday and 50th Year of Medical, Scientific and Social Work, by P. P. Semenov, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Urologiya, No 2. Mar/Apr 1960) pp 93) 94. JPRS 4328 USSR Biog Feb 61 (DO-KOO/45) Rev Equipant at tbm AU-ftLan Exidbition of the AtUlmnfts ot the lktUma BoOMW (VDM); by D. A. lkmsbWv,, P, Ye. Beamm - ~p 7 pp RUSSIAN: pr, fiftaft pmxo NO 70,19608 53-56. USSR soon kpr 61 Electrou Microscopy of Intermeuronal Synapses, by S4 P. ~3~wnov~ 19 PP. RUSSIM., par., Arkhiv Anutoudi,, Giatologil i Embriologii, Vol XLI, No 2, 1962: pp 112--la. JOB 15283 Sci - Mediclw ~q Oct 62 im: B-1114/9 The Orgwdzation and Status of TopcVmphic Vork in C2echoslovaklap by S. SOWDOV- - MWIM., per,, Geodezint., W-,, 1-2,v 1933j. PP 109-1-12- pW/X 4WJ USSR Gecgmpl,ic 24 may 6o -'1q1jjqjh;~' k Universal Solvent, by S. Semenovj),,h. RUSSIAN, per) Znaniye-Sila) No 11) 1957) pp 31-32. ATIC MCL-184/1 Sci Dec 60 im 91 W"O) SE4$Mftl USINMIGI I OMTON Or -THE: I L ~~ OMNS am so smaimn 3 0, Iff & No a"$ so vs, us TO.3 W. jumbosAfte m1mi, P64 TOW MW oximamut ND im IVO 30 BIOL Det4usdmtion Of the BiologLes! Activity of PalyWidu by the Alpr DUTUidw Whodi, bV V. S. DAdtdywas 8 - X-.~ V()l No 19sq., pp gird Feeding Habits of Starlings and tree Sparrms, by T. B. Ardwstskaya, L. M. pylltsina, G. M. Smwnov, 6 pp. I ...... RUSSIA. bk, P4i i Moto4y lopalzovanip Rite v Rwobe a vreempd Knekmod., 1956. OTS GD-glM PL-4W "06, Mi - Blo /Y4 4r 61 POT NO 11T I The' DeterxLmtion -of the RicloglMa - Aotivity of ErythroMein at aU Stages or Its ProdtLeticm,, by A. I.- TlebyaklM; S. M. -Semewvj 4 P.P. f=SjA3$ per, Mtiblatlklp Vol iv) No 4,, 1959, PP 33-36. 3 Aug 61 Fewling Habits or the Z4=*Cbw (Ifteclamps W901auca) awing the; Rogtlj2g Periods by S.- M. Samenovp 3 IV. WSSIMY bkx Puti I Mato4y loollsovemAys Puts v Borlbe s vreftpd sumbmwwAlp Ou 60-pla ftl - Mo Par &L PST NO 117 8tudy Of the physica"' Fromm in a shock Tube With the Aid of High SP"d FhOtOgraPhY, by L, As VaSil'Ov 8 8, Smnovp Fj* A& Turantov. UNCL RUSSIAN, per,, Iz Ak Nauk SM., Otdal Tekh Naukf No Up 1957, pp 0&"0. RAE 817 Sci - Phys Dec 59 A Method for Te6tUW the ftatlm of State of Owes at Higb Tempemtuns,, by 0. S. Semenov, - 4 pp. F=SMj, pero Dok Ak Nauk SSW,, Vol CXN,, No 4,, 1957P PP 841-843- con"Itante Wreau Sei - Chemistry Jul 58 ~ 'Ito Ll () increasing tbzelffilciznoy of lonloation and 11 I.-oportional Countoro., by Ye P Cvcbln--4Jtov, S. a. Semonov, 10 pp. RUSBUS, per.. Pribory i rMh Ikuptp No 4y 1957, pp 39-43. AW-V-3701 Sci - JU 59 p -, , -jnvwst~atlon cc Bummt DurJ-% thO FlOw clf C,t~-O- to ib Bn n-u-wrm r n as ,jr,j ,er M His - Pwvmuiuj So ,)m prann-nn.. by P. I 16 j-.T - MrOSIAN., D=,, liaploanarmtilmo Vol V14 HO 1; 1960., IV 79-8~- 92 Sal 4 3 'MY 63 investigation of the Loua BoUing of Suboooled Water During Its Flow at Higb Veloalties ThrouSh Tubes, by P. I. ftvaminl S. T. Smenov. RUSSIM., per., Teploenergetikao No 41 1959p pp 72-79. DBIR LLU RTS 1526 Sci - Sna Sep 60 "~ J~ J-10-6 Conmoemmtism in Technology gvI Engineering S,il,ence, oy V. ffc,,~emnov., 1. Grinberg, V. Luklyanov: c aly 113. pp. rer Feuch-Tne" o,-chc,- DGiR FM Tr Dal Vol 3; 140 1~ 3m, cr 61. (OF-1875) OA the paa to a aasLIAm Onl*Wp by T, 1!~Wv 17 19. im., Vo Nowmadst'r so Is *Qj, pp 39-500' alia tgufi L'Ah N Boo $ ~-rp /Oo'? *r 6g IL-16 Aircraft poor Plants bw 0. Liftinowuhm, 5 vpA rm S-18 AlVwat IAMSGIM GWv kW Yo 8100"i# 4 W MAND go&=* wo I I 1 41 AVUUSP* No 3# 190# vp 16-19. OU 693k - Am P-m-9526/m Sol - AM 7o, I- '? 7 ftp 50 The Aviation loginearIng Service of an Air Wing by V. jk~wwv, 8 pp. IM WMAL ME OMY SUBSIMP Prs Avlatalp I tonowti"p NO 12$ 1962~ 9685o44 v PO-ST-62 12 Sci AuG 63 ?0:?, 022- 7 vac F-Ts-62o4-.u. AR %~,4 Oct ots P- /.00/ Scientific - Electronico- , Jun 55 CM, .7 1. . I , . e. - I .. Ii Reallf Of BIXIOY Sdoedwo by X. D. W0116 V. A Smewy RUSSIAN, bk. Man* WuOnft T=iW. Pp;~ Val VIL 796j;-pP USDA Tr A-1415 Scl a & m sci Mar 64 2N0319 li, W, Mi l (HY-3000) we out 14wer agaiditum in Awd"ary'Productiolki by V. A. Sawavp 10 PP- Russm per" Traktwr:L Malbboss, We 5, 2,961, VP 36-34. im iooo6 um leo 7.1 9, f a &-w up 61 (SF-1.850) On the I.Vature of Modern ftrkre, by V. A. Sea-anov 5 pp. RUSSIM, bk, Kratkiy Oaherk Razritiya ScretakogG qpemt:Lvnogo lalmsivi.-va., 1960) pp 293-297. jpRS 4T40 UBSR In jui 61 Cin tto ProbUa of AnwdA&tivb HMUM Of M119" In a Pgoteou" Atmob" VVA Lltblm~ %we* bCr V, As smose"We u vto HUSS164 pwt lAbodtim InAWW6 %W.'* pp PWjSal68--V fvoV Sept 3640,961 The -I,- a Rwuet Tecbnolov, .veloVoent Ve At -.0--.c.Tiovs 4 pp. RMTANo d UP; I CIA 9613601. bY Wcr Gaval y 5lW"Rt8W8P Roes"rP meow, go 14 Sept IV-r.d Cwp Tr T( U3SR Mil .6 cr sm 57