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i Illie Re-act-i-un ~a~P 16ho Properties oi.' Ligiiin ChlOro "'c' the Cole, nil A Consult.wats Bureau Proportion -of Malsk Oblaredelvativest 1w N- N- PhO79IMp Lo to ralotom 6 ppe ftu traudatim. RMSIAN9 no pwv Zbw CbM* Dlav Val mans so 12, 1"3j, pp 2037-2042. OU D ISM 00madtonu DW"U 16W 55 Ors The Cuorluation of Hydrolysia Lianinp by No N. Shorydne.. L* I* KolotolMp- 4 PP9 RUBSIANO b1m perj, Is Ak Nak OMP Otdol XhIm Nb 3j MWJii~ 1953P UWv PP 5b2-5b5- coundtantB Bureau Scientific - ChmdAtrY CTU/m 7 The Formation of an Argon Comp~,und Duriag Its' E,xtraction From Minerals, by T.,~ V. Koltsova3 PP. RUSSLkN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khimj Vol III,, No 7, 1958, Pp 1505-1511 - AEC-tr-4455 PL-48o Sci 195,,329 may 62 1942 PST 377 TIw P-mrstble Glace - '"Mu - Sodium lip-tareace EloctroGe In PwO Salta$ bly Yu. 9. Dolimrskiy, A* A* Kolattla A 990 RMSIAN r, tlkmln IbIm. Zbw, Vol Mt. 19300 pp h W. Am Tr 24'm 3r Bel amuw Jun M6 A, Wider ZrAroducti 04 Qf COUtr4l"a SM47 Qf PAUCial Among the Tzwp Unilwo b7 Po Pttmo B. Or's Uw.MlCOrs,--b7V- oitmtalp 3 IV-9 MMMUM IOD IM%b RMSIU pOr T.Vi I umaBnw 9MRS A= 30 21 UP ;4=0 vp 40-47* 54-36- 0-2~0 GM G-3905 UBOR Military - 65/ldb 55 TT-65-26409 Field 7D A&mAt,A-T~ Mulln. E. V. RE PARTITION DE LA DENSITE DE COURANT ET BAISSE 1. Contra Belge do Traductions DE TENSION SUIVANT LA HAUTEUR DE VANODE DANS Brussels (Belgium) UNE CELLULE VERTICALE A DIAPHRAaME (Rasprede- leate Plotnoott Toks, i Padoole Napry"bonlya Po Vys0te Anoda v Verttkalnol Khlorool Vanno a Dyafrag=Q. CBT-V-39. Order from CBT as CBT-V-39 Trans, in Franch of Khtnitchaskays. Promyshlennost (USSR) n5 P395-9 1960. European TransiRtIGns Centre DintrIbutlon'Of Cur, rftt am valtow Vith Awde Depth In a K"kw4w cdorim coup A.T. Kokftbbo Z.V, MdW6 GB/39/0b.lm I T. /< 0 A-o 7- uk h ),~,J July L96T 3A-W cwnft IW: *w RNA OAOWW* DOW* IW A. Ts *AatdM% 3906 1b 5s 30-mr-I =A ff-ONZW The A127---'O NaM. co59, -".. Xn56, aM p33, --), Na24 Reactions I n the 260-'it;~ Ganw-W BwrS7 Ranger by A.h'. Gorbunov, &P. Dardsovp V#A9 KolotffldD2 3 PP,, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Ekeper i Temat na, vol 'w UMIT, No t' 19601 PP 1064-108T. Alp Sov fts - JBTP n f Vol v o 4 SCA Tqv :,Iaia Fiwtuxvs of tile Toctfwlic L;4;vclul;- r,or.t Q4'. karica in ne by i,. mUotuhilillas ilGZ;ZA~Vc er lzvestiya t4. ,:auk oeri) 6 A It' 4 INA, ,u, M4 (6s,f Waa or urcna.,,~c) S. E. Kolotukhina ai. C; (d7 5k!l,u.17 (SF-1751) --ong-Range Plans for the Develojpment of Agricultural. -Achine Building in Fastern Sib=ia) by A. P. I(Olotublidna 9 pp. I I - -1- p ~WSSIANj, U., Pwvit4e PzvIzvo4Itel'n;ykh Sil Vbstochno.v Sibirl -- Mashinostroyeniye., 1959, ,?p -T~ - JM 4600 Jun 61 Maearch on fttab3.lsblng Option CondItlow for the Prooeasing of Subautamm Whae Blvbber iu the Appsmbw Chain cC the 083.~~l by L A. Nzvabkcw,, A. 1. Ounva B. F. R&"vin., 17 PP. RUM=.,: bJ4 TmXbnW *SI7& PqbqVft kPftduktQvs Vol xnvo IVA. (a 60-MM5 Sol - YM Zan 61 PST NO. 109 The fffect of tbo Material oil the Rlectrodon of lpition of ExPj=Ive ow Kixtuxes by a sp= by Vs A* Kolotyo D. S. Gerddlwv$ 6 Pg. MWIM., per, Xnzbomm fts Zhur., Vol IVj. No lop 1961, pp 97-M. 9676= sci - Phys 1?ev-, 44P7 23 May 62 The Mw Spooftnv~! at VIUM at MRVSW by Ve A. Vol xii? Mans DW A *A a=# /no 6# Asm ftch Ov W-405 py/ 644 q chm"my 7W) ?O~5 Aug 1956 #3-8D Djowbwo at utbim uqoopo in ftd3dblo eaven", ty V. IL aqwm - I. mmawwo 2 4DAmr - Ims QW JU Ltln# VOL XIM; No Up -0 w IV 0%640a. Am Tr 33f0/= 04 swd -0 Cbms Aw 63 AA q) 2 70 0940) waamirm"WOMMI-04immo mmomwnwwvl am mwadm~ WTAMW ~ *# #4 - , - 14 liff Vo IL No' llllf~ 11 W. amolft Am~ AMMS INMIU# Is Nis 40 so #qk w MC rel. j". *06 SrA m PM I m a . w4p* Distribatimi of Lithium IsoUheles in Unisciblo Sviveiits, by V. K. holotyrkin, No 1. Nikolayev, PUj-iIA,4, per, Zhurial Fizicheskoy Khiaii, Vol XXXVI, 11, 1962, pp 2540-2541. CIAIFI)v X-529S ci Tho Dicoolution of Nickel In Acidsj, by_jr.,11~?1otyrkjn, A.N. ptumkia- MMW, perp Dult Ak 1buk 0=1 Vol 1 1,, No 7.8,, 1941r pp 445-449. 4.4%. I., A76-91M Sci Aug 59 $ ~',l 3 -,0, 9 Effect of Anions on the Ydnetics of the Dissolution of Metals, by Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, 7 PP. --------- RUSSM, per, Uspekh Khim, NO 3, 11062; pp 322-335. CS Sci Jan 63 220,275 ElectZrocheraical Behaviour of Nickel in Sulphuric Acid in the Presence of Various Oxidising Agents, by N. Ya. Bune, Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Mpr b1z Khim, Vol XXXV, No 7, 1961, --Dp Cleayer-Hume Press Sci Apr 62 200,295 DmItAMUCIL at the =IP-Ga at W&VOU ovft-Valfto at a 201A doetraft in &4*wlo 0914 tv a* N. sao%vu% Raw=* pr.# UUMa MBIM%SMI MWA4. ft 20* 3194-60 So 7# jV "T-677 ML RM 3= (CE LCAN OR FURC") 9) Sol - ftw 67 325 WY-1 Tb~e 4eccific PAsorption of Iodide Ions on Silm., by Ya. M. Kolctyrkln L. A. Meftedem., 3 yp. R MIAN,, per., Dak Ak Nm* SMj Vol CXL.. No 1., -19L, .pp 168-171. CB sai Ma~y 62 /9/0 1 X.&4,f - On the Electrochemical Behavior of Metals in Fazeive State)~by Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, Vs M. .Kniazbeva, 15 PP. -- - RUSSIAN,, per, Zhur Fit Khim, Vol XXX, 1956, pp 1.9,90 -2W2. .AW Tr-4350 Sci - PhA , Chem Jan 61 13-Y PO 7 The Pzablm of %drWn Ovvztotential on Platiami, Uy Ya. M-.Kalo4,4--iz4-A- N. Mawdawv.. 4 pp. R=TAN r, Dok Ak Nauk WM., VOI CI=N,, NO 1, 149, PY 128-131- - CB sci I �-~~/ MWI 61 The Electrochaacal and Corrosion Behavior of Steel and Nickel Electrodes In 9uI*wIc AcfA Solutions Subjected to the Action of IbWas by N. Ya. Bunes Ya. L D10tyrklas 0. 8. WWIkOVj 3-1 pp. MWD39 per, Zbw Fix Xhimp Vol =1 # 1958p PP 2679-26850, AN IIP TrA45 Sci Cbem The Electrochemical Behavior of StaiUess Steel in SuIpburic Acid Solution~ by N. Ya. Ya. M. Kolatyrkin. RUSSIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CX1, !956) Pp 105-10-1053- ccT-166B Sci - Cbeim Dee 59 Effect of Nickel on the sleatracbmical and Commion Behavior- of Steel,, by 0. M. 71mlanovich, Ya. M. P~IaW- -kin, N. 'i. 8mirw-m ~ 4 p'P'I I , - RWSWp per,, Dok Ak Wauk SM, Val W, go 4, IM, PP &5-. Conadtauts bAmu Bel - Chem 22/6/59 ~d"O ~ 9, The Ufluence of tbi Chromitu Content on the Electrochemical and CarrooLoml B*Mvior of Iron- Chromium Alloys., by 0. U. r1o"unovich, 1%. K. Kolotyrkin, %M - RUSSUN, per,, Dok A Nauk SM, V01 CM NO 3p 1960) pq 585-5W. CS SCI ORO Apr U Anodle ftnivation of MMIM IU Acid SolUUMS by V. N. M:I-yWh5V&$ VL. JL "LotyrkInt 4 pp. R=rM# porp Dok Ak Bak. S=j, Vol 0=0 NO 68 19570 pp 1265-im. ocamitants B"I"m ftl - chw try :,a 58 LO I LS-0 -Ervdrooen overvolt&M avA Capacity of the Double v -- Layer of a Lead Electrode., by YA. M., KolcrItyrkia, H. 7h - - Bl=.. - RMUN perP Zhur FU MAx., Vol M=,, 110 3., 1955,p PP 43,5:w0 Awoc Tech sv Rj-449 *19.00 sci - Engin"ring Aug 1956 FO, Box 271j Mot Orange, U. J. 63 Knvashpm V. M. 0,14 THE RFHAVIOR OF 1. Eicctrw'~c;n tj- U -_ TA L S IN _[7 IF PASSIVE STA TE, it 9hOl [1,11p. 2. Chrclini~ vi -nickel alloys-- I C~ iv" Kc!-:)v,i~-~n V~ M. T-ans. Uf ZhUrnal Fizichesk-u., WSSII) It. - a ". M, V. 30, no. 9, P. 1990-2002. 111. AF,_'-tr-. I'10 IV. 11-:1wCar.o. i, "Jm. irk Mu- hcha-,io: :,.f nickel and chromium electrodes In it ivas~tkmi s-,- fate passtvating solution was investl- gat~Nl Inr nwas,ir,-g an(yJic solinion rates at constant potenuai. of the electrode, :accompanied by i ~Iiangc In ffi-,, character d the paterltialde- penaen::e fTf Oic solution rate. was observed onl,, t_j a de".-iRe polrirlziitlon region, depending on the nature & the eiectr~!~- nietal. At potentials :h;- the solution kinetics correspond to the TatelecIvatlon. 11lie hypothe-sis is ad-.-anced that passtv~tlon of NI and Cr in sulfate -olutions Is the regUlt of activated ad- Offi- .1 s--;ptt,n ~f th - -)xv:,en ~f the v,ater on their surfaces. ' - I (Chernistry--Phys l cal, TT, v- 5, no. 1.) (over) of the Electrode potential 'Dwirg th,-, Passage of an Bleatrode from the Passive to tb.e Activs Conditions by Yu. M. Kulotyrkln, pr), ROBLOp perjp Ebur Piz ShImp Vol XKnV,, No 1960,, pp 1121-1130. reb 61 4A'w UL 46 AVaaMIDS W71MOSS to Taw Owsmrmftt; !!,!! pp 7117 XCOU Dee f8 Thle Heat Turcat mint of Cold-Roileo Dynamo iiteal Coi's, by 1.1. 1. KolDv, A. 1. Terekhove. L RUSSIAN, per, Stal' Vol XVIII, 140v 1958, PP 1029-1035. BIGI 2869 sci - -Engr Octu 62 212,2-18 list 150 ftermd TmUout of OD341sims Dyama Stools to Collap by K. 1. Kolfts A. Z, fftVkbffa. =$Top perp mAl's. Vol IvUlo 1909 PP 1029-IL035 "M 28dO Sol - sw 23 ja 62 OuP 132 On Coaditiona for the bdettence of Perioac So of SYstems of Wferential Squaticna With Die- t, con'Inuous Risht-Hand SIdes C=tainiag a amn Pexameter, by M. Z. KW=skly,, 14 pp. HUWIM) Pa) Prlk MStCMt i Makh) Vol DaV. No 4., 1960, PP 738-T45. pp Sci Y-3 jun 61 7T-M-12626 Koloyat"v, V. A. AW Bomobrawv. S. V. DMILPHURSA710H OF MOLT13N IUGH-CARMN 1. KCIMts~V, V. A FERROCHRONM Mar 64 no Snobnzw. S. V: Onler ft=n SIC MOD M. scsoodft bdormadca CAGMdumm LOL I Traw. 0(9;Gj~~ ir",Hnl MINMILr. Lmkim (Rm&r4 *-~dm~ 1963, ma p. 38-41. 4 I Nnwurgy--Forrou Maw. 77, T. 12. rA 2) offte of T"h*i.mi a.-l- (0 -+ working of i~sliastauws Dwrlbodg by m. 9 m RMSIVis pare jAkim ,,%p i.4*jnlo AWOV# NO 30 19599 rp LY-22. ji"~. 43M ~r, /,.,, t~o ~ TbIV S(d-AAron Jay 69 383*876 Soviets Seek to Hal" as- capwity) by Ae K01OZOVj, 21 pp. MMW~ pa, RawVap W**V5tMO lb go 19620 VP 3-12- im 1077 =a ~ 14 JPOO am Oct 62 I Gontributiou to %W, Matoriml Dp-valcpwnt of tba ~'eckleuwm ftY.. by Otto &Qvj IT Pp- 2EFRAN., per,, Patenwma GeopuflaWW NitteflUnOM) Vol XIV, 1961o pp 2k9-254- " TV 3258/3) 154 sci - Geophys mov 62 .%1 lli~ / 7 or -AnisiAnz -"C) T"ta T-pr=j-Azz, Ore Brearilr,5 ia L. K. paZ~ Tavet ~,e way 23-25. S c i Acbi*vlQg Unifc.-m golature ewtfmt It Cokes b., L. x. hut RUM% per, xas I DAMA, no 6, 1958.- 55 p 56. DSIM UU "1 1007 520 00. (--DBBft 114 posalbly) 80,46 - cb= ,?-f Jun 59 T.Vestigation of the St4" ov 01,11-Dride iR th" FrOgenr-0 0' AllLr'13-nLIM P. 'En-Din a-ad it, A. Y0122190. pp. 5 P-S-SIAN, per, Kinetl6ka i Katoliz, 'fol III, 6, 1962, pp. 855 - 860 G?l Sci 2,LiD r-959 Oct 63 (DC-5970) The TtnDrZM Or Our SbatieUcsj, by B. &Uako7.p 20 ppv BMIM: Upp ZkM GaWtIL.# ND 11 19620 IV 1&17- am 1= um Mom , Apr 62 C;i~ Ccr'Guln Nolluscs in Dry-ina-Up Fonda or the -SouthoafAu- Union, by E. V. Kolpakov., 24 pp. rper, Rnbctv Volzhpkai Blologi Stantu.Uj Vol x: AO 4~ 19 '~~9p pp ~19-'~-* Z)~4~11.61 61 Scicutific - Biology Kov 54 CTS / Y, s- i Transisterized Digital Comparator and Reversiblv Binary Scaler, by 1. F. Kolpakov,, 3 ppe RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 6, 1961., pp 61-64. ISA Sci Oct 62 2131.-'44 Transistor Decade Scalar witb 10-7 3econd Resolution By 1. F. Kolpakov (p t4? RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 6,'1962,, PP., 55-61 ISA Sai Aug 63 -?1/-? 013 ;.f xhauai atudy of the Flov in turbine of Serial Tor'boborer6, by L. G. I(OlDcAkove. v---WmwAamm. RUSSIAN, per, Heft Khoz, Vol VIIIA 195T, PY 27-2Q,. Tecb aad Cow $25-00 Apr 58 COMPOsitlon of the Blood Protaine of In - .8T bY X- 0- KGIPOwv,- 3 PP MlUp part Dok A ftuk S=j, %I CWO No 42 1958,9 pp 759-761. AM bat or Ila Sol fti - w4 94, // ~/ 2he gas !at mw CY.&ORMSL owatim I& MOUMUM Of t" viul Towuso jaw cuslea 980AI W IL 00 ~~Jp 6 no I '? 8, w am" K4L L Usk ft uls woomw No 4,p p pp 32 35-P a sai im 69 wooka 'Eirnmch of zhe All-Union SOCI-OtY Of b~y M. G. TK'c,).-p:-*-!---r)l:.! -fill. 60 Th.5 Rolo of Uie Adramls in the RG&5,rvtica 131' V I t a -I Panctimil After Cltzilcal Doeubp Xclp&ov.. M. G. I'lolyak, 0. 9. Ukoboon) RUSSUTit rAr,, Bvul 11 EksWr Rol I I-t~do Vo?. T6L,.(Y'K3 No 21*26. C-13 NOV 59 Cozrl,iations in I;onlinear Circuits With Fluctuatinig Paxaneters) by N. D. Kolj)~-ov- 2USSM,T, per, Radio i Elek, Vol VIII, NO 9, l9,-,-). Sci "I, SC4)u ),V 2 6 7, 0 93 Ch the Geaeration of Corpuscular Streams by the Magowtic Violdv Qf Suagots; by P. M. KoID'Ikov, py. RMSIM,, per, Astroa,Zhur, Vol XXXVTs No Is 1959) Alp Vol 1110 so 1 Sci - Astrou Oct 59 Coc"ming tha Utura of Cororal. J-(%.eqiorR; b,-sf P. Ye, E~l ~-,kavj 22 pp. HiMBIAR., parp Aztronp Zhurs, Vol WX.. No 6.. 1952, pp 638-648. C /A G -/- 5 ? 4- + ATIC: F-TS-9762/V Sci - Astron MY ~ 59 Ir-4 Al e5l, 6~ /ti I ~,2:4 of Charged Particles In the Field of Smmp*Ut by P. S. por; Aotrqm Zhurp Vol M=vj, No 2s 1957, Amer Inot of Pbys Boy Astron AJ Vol Is No 2 'NY-,53-,42) Sclecti= or InUctawe for Cathode Chokee and Capwitance for CouplJzg CaWitors in tlw Stagois :)f Tra=ndtters With Iuverse C2rcult Arrugment, by A. M. looksbin, P. M.__,Kolpakov, 5 pp. RIMSIM, per, Vestrdk Svrml, No 10, 19A. im TU4 Sci 1661SI-S-1 jul 61 'Phu cf the Llectromagmetic Sunspot v:Lelds hi- Lae bolar Atwoapherc.. by P. Ye. Kolpalwv., RUSSP.11, per, Aotroa Zour Vol XXVII No 6. 1954 pr, 4-4'j-449. 0 b ATIC F-M-9597/V AstroD M-,~r 59 Diffraction of Surface Electromagnetic Waves on an IM pedance Step Or' a Circular Cylinder, by V. V. Kolpakov, 7 Pp - RUSSIA21, per, RaCdotekh i Elektron, No 10, 1961. AME Sci Jtd 6-2 203,037 Luminescence Properties of the Bustem BaO-SiO2 vhnn Activated by Cerium and Magmesium, by A.A. I~o~pak~a and L. Ya. markovskiy,, 6 pp. R=IM, per, Zhut,Prik Khim, Vol XMI, No 3o 1963,, pp 530-536. CB Sci may 64 2S6,906 SolubCUty of IbDTiUM Pyrophosphate in ArAdo and Solld Fba"-SautdLon Equillbris In tbe 'W207-W-09-07-R20 amd "-Mh(NO3)4-U~o ArOms by F. Pllbxov~ It. N. Telmteip- A. I.- =SIM$ perp Mur Neorgan lblm.# Vol V.. So 5., 1 196D0, pp U40-3.1%. Clewer-lb= ;o~ ththamboum tie Acid* by R. 1. volvatelAs W. & Dpt-117 6 pp. I X. D, ralyakmo N=431s Prp OW Atal Shlat Vol XM# No Is, 395k PP 31-35- cmaultants ImIftu Now Q04auNw, bv R. ?o Lostevft~'.~' H. DptUla, V.Y&o Toddu W, Notle, tardw.a, ypo Fitca tmusimucs. =910, b1m Im &a jg rk4- Val X, lb 20 pir/Am 1955, SO =431, OU D Din oil 55 r.. - -, -. .-I .,~ .; - I . i . . . ., I I On One Metbod of Selecting the Paramters of the Dampers of Angular Motiono of an Aircraft.. by H. P. Nalyakovap 8, 1. Pybnikov, 5 pp. MWIWI per, Is Vywabykh Uebeb Zoved, Aviats Tekho No 3o 1960., YP 107-109- . 967 FM MOL-1099/1 Sci - Aero / 6 -5- 77 Z 5 Sep 61 Detrirminins the, Lv.-,r of:X control a i-ecoleration of a Ttwxbo-Jot.MR4nes by N. P. Kolpakova. 5 IT. . . DJ8811", p bk, Aytomatidherkwo RegallromAys Avi"Visatelays No 3., Jbowv,. 1961. ic 96x46i! PIT-TT-63-74.6 sci-Ina jan 64 -A-41,? 0044 ~ Orn WLIk-b-3d of BelActing Regulator BeMaxtul and ftrametors, by R. P. Wpttm., B. 1. 4btdkovj, 9 pp. FWSIM, bk..Aytoxati=&akaya P46mUroveal o Avla*dgatmleV; go 3, Moscow, 1961. =2 PTD,.TT.63-746 t~ca-.Ttw y anm 64 -2 41 qff 6 9 '? XhUasl Rlddance at CLUAlm ftVmous Resto of Fleaa in Arm Cl a Ckt &~mdlko Wpakmo N. P. Unots 31 pp, Full tranoUtlw- o MMTM.p ustala mmew.- IR199L I IMERSH Vol xvi.. so 1-2., Wo pp M-170. OTA/PW/X-787 Sclentific - *aiclao, biolM 76 ftr 53 Q~igin of fte Semry lanamation of the OnLrys by V. A. Solp j-wfts 4 pp MXSW.. pas Dok Ak Rauk., Vol MVITt No 3: 1937., pp 4,q6-. Amer r=t of Bic Sol Soi - Mdicizo lizz (MY-3469), Coaceraing Saleatifla Reisearth Work in the ImUtutes of the Czechoslovak RevablIop by L. W. Yskhontov,..V--.-- Kolpm~~y~j~yu. a. Sboynkerp T. D. Pervachm) 6 pp. RUSSIM,$ per, Wd Prm, No 19, 1959j pp 52-55. 9461 8d. - Ked Peg 7#% Apr 6o 7 BS Frog No 22 UY-34). 02 Sclentifto Ressweb Wwk In the IOAtltute3 of the Repwale of. CZ-- p by Lo No Takboutovy'lly, Tl_;Iaw9um" YQ* I. mayasr. Do To Pwvboi&~-, Opp. =310,0 pDr.. Nod Prm 90p Val XIII# so no IM.- pp 55.0. JM4M8-N Sal - Ned - Wee job 60 1.110 i Itative Daterolm-41lon of IbAWan- fl~ T"~, ~Ipnlo m*ounds of the AliVhatic Sariea,, by A. K*-'Ru#autssvap Vo V. Nol _qms, 4 m.). lAdl tranoUtion. r,LussLW, btw Wv Dw Ama M:Lm,, V~l VI.Irp-lio 2; bLlr4pr 1959., Vp 71-7 3. Consultauts Bueau 7 ?// Scientific - Mamistry Dec 53 'rTc,/-= H3A Complexons. Comminiostion 4. Synthesis and Study of Complams of the Trimaine Series, by Ra Po LmatavgJdy, 1e 1). Kalpakorwa, H. 2. Dystlova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Val XVa No 4. 1960p pp 419-423. CB SOL 6 5~ Aug 61 ZEUG"I pisi, SOLFAXON4 1*11h: - - - r , 1. . . MMUM (X CnCIMA ALiALOIDS, 9 pp. HU331ANO Zhur PrIk Md% Vol. =Vj, go 3,0 Xar 1951 Consultants Bur"u, Translation 1~ 5&44 9-5245 (NY,~63)- Electro-Sleep 7herspy of Arterial Byportevislon, by G. K. Lankly., To. N. Kcruopolove.. A. A. Popm, L. P. AqpU 12 pp. RUSSSIO,, porp Tor*pqevUcb4sUy Arkbiv) Vol X"I; no 4., mmeow., ig5g,, pp 62-69. JM-1838-8 Sci - Ned - phyBiolo#Sy Aug 59 ~ 15 4pot Md DMw4W V~Ulvg at 82ntmd Awdulm ~~* br Yllo Ve AWftqW# A* X* ~~UWp 6 pp. www,o wo ammeh pzdxs, so 14 Igat IV T-9. Em Sol -a-.t Ce 2U,,LW STRJaM AIND M"110 Or W V As 1. FAINVI At 1, IWAIMI ff At, 10 W. MMIANo Ml YSVMM WTALLT# NO 10# 1962# PP 71-75* - im ITM SCI .0 W" ra 63 UU816 4 ot X" q& ve am IV A* to A* No bEll Ism, No JD fR* X%5p 'sm Dee 66 U64"8 7 OJpcwt Uectric Wolding of D=Iumbi Clad with alloys of the Altminm-Magnesim Systen,, by B, U. Orlov, pp. .N.16SIAN" per, UKKVJM TsvcWye Metally., voi ri., No C 1961, pp~66-72 PS Sci 214,464 Sep 62 cirra flomosenisaction Of OLLraluldn Ingots in Moc Electric ALmaces With Air Circulation, by A. 1. Korolev, RUSSW, ptr, Tavetwje Mctally~ No 4: 1959, p-, 6kt-069. wo Lw M-Li:61 (low) sci - min/met *IGIC KCL-27111III Aug 6o Romps W, I P MW ft 6 A oil NMI i mim New Davelopmuts in the Technolov,,f of Produalug Aluminum tmd Aluminum-Alloy Sheets,, by A. 1. Kdimw~'aaikov" V. 1). Koroler, 48 rp. RMSIM, bk, ParedmW ProlIzvodat-.-wip : Offts PIP 3-47. set - Ew. Nauchro-TWdmieheckiy i %,q-lTg/�; Tem 5., Nu M-. oTs 6o-5loBg PLJM /0~ P,, "WW, aw 62 PST 391 ~q , I i li . X .. 1~ 0 Mv Ways in the Fabri"Uon of gxmt4-tg rrm M=i=a U13d Ito AUoymo b6v I A. WWrM. Per, W"toM *UIIYo No 5p 1958o pp. 62-70. f Feb 59 Al (t Us Ldstributim at FAUU14 ANt"I tuo wd streams Auvg a M"I croop-Sectun in Roulm of i3mvion Anq% br A, I* pasbalk"S 16 ppe RUSSW4 9MMM Adebagm ULM" xMMW He 570 1963# pp 5- 1-706M-66-357 68 364o96D Donlopmout of ?"64tim Toobadogy V04islaim of the 1.11 4 - a No ebudda ppqm+A" of Vft Maeft of ItONAM Anom tv A. It W- - mbdkM* Aw Do QVIPW04 10 ppe RWITA4 on oftedum Idaskim ku" It"& AID Re l9b3j, FP 55-*5- illoola"66-Y iTD-jtiT.66-"7 3ept 6S 306965 aaada% "lutuce LUFAW the Joint Iluxtic DOOMMUM at AUIWO of t1w aws- judo iypo vftb AUW* *f tba Sptem Al-OSO kV A* we ralm*U4 As 1*1 ppe k=14,-;,. pore .*9=iu AMMONU Wa9pa AWN ft t961 pp 66-90,0 40pt 304v96f IEI%t * 99 Wdev !m4lps *dd PWIdEOT *I 'IV Ak IIW a(RWM ftum" of Imrsamus I" ~4w ot MUM for ftUiM Up Sbnt* br A. L WMAM&msjwr-lo CT* h. Wsmgd7s 7 W* AMSws IWO 11 bu-&-dalml bt b-NIM.- No 1 3649970 Shftnoth of Qad SV Sbtwtv br A. L IP ra. Vo Daltr#wo 3 Pp- Ausslue We awNFAM AINO99M OR-- Acbedgy kdAta&p he v9 19636 pp 110-113. 3.57 japt 68 PAthod of Luminescent Microscopy lu Tba Study Of BitubLUOLO rimakx$ by 0. P.. 43 9 PP. RUSODA 'Per G"loop Nafti 0, Vol n j No 6be 195av ;; 39:4~ bby 59 method of vlawri;* gifts without Llme, by a.?. blpwt, T. D. Zakbmv. RUSSIAN, w EmMay-aboy. -M&L-vol. 6, no. 6, 1964, pp 26-29 OB 338 (-'. P. K e I P 0 "~' r set - Aug 67 339-661 ctj.= p1, aue~ With Chli.U 1IN; Intiitalby Ac 73. J j I or am MMM i3p. pol,, zirm obshch 1031,ms 4ul. OP ul Method of Studying Plate of WatOr ftcbWW (TatAl Consumption of Vaber by Soil wA Plant) In neld and tabamtory Coaditionap by D. 1. KOIDIkov. P. P. T~tQrlDp 3 PP- Russian,, perr', ritul Hurtamy', Vol V111) so is I~Ql pp wwx* AIN Sci ft