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(,E7-1-879) Creative Macussion on the Problem of the Murrovemeut of Chemical li%bers Und in the fi4ber Industry, by P. T. Ya&,unsImya.,V. A. ~ ~estn~ev,. Nagdas mw, 6 pp. MWIMj per, Kwchuk i Reziw~ No 5,9 1961s pp 54-55. ipRa 4M Sci - Mem sep 61 by P, V. Kazlov~ EUSSIAIN. T)cl,, 'Iyookooolekulyannye Soyedin-en"Ly-l.', Vol, 1- "1 6? 127. ,o 1) 1959? pp 12 ciA,lr,DD MOTT REM4SABLE TOFMEIGN IIIA T i (if qt-. Sci - phyaicc FiDx 60 tr3IT3 IlrTMEAL LGE ONLY /1~1' Y I/ C.-rystallization PL-chanism of Colloidal Titanium Dioxide, by Z. Ya- Berestneva,, Vi. B. Konstantinopol'skaya et ai, 4 pp. RUSSDUN, per) YD11oid Zhur) Vol No 5; 1960, pp 557-559. CB Sci 204,005 24 jul 62 61-18056 Berestneva, Z. Ya, and Kargin, V. A. ADSORPTION OF ELECTROLYTES ON IlIGHLY 1. Berestneva, Z. Ya. PURIFIED ALUMNA AND FERRIC OXIDE GELS. 11. Kargin, V, A. (19,6117p. 5 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1,10 61-18056 Trans. of Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii (USSR)'1939, v. 13, p. 1625-1634. DESCRIPMRS: *Electrolytes, Adsorption, Decarmina tion, *Gels, Iron compounds, Oxides, Aluminum compounds. (Unannounced) InvestieAtiag the Capalty of Wetting a Solid &uface vith Polywra, by V. A. Kargin., M. B, Nowtamt1wpol 'okays) Z. Yho Bezvotneva 8 pp. WSOM, per, vynokwolebij."mye SMdIne-utym,. Vol I.. NO 70 1959o pp 1074-1076. 9670069 ATic mLgo6/1 sci - (2m 16 /', JI4 -/ jui 61 Mechanism of the Protectivv Action of Colored Lacquer Coatings, by V. A. Kargin, M. I* Khryiakins, Z. Ya. Berestacya, 4 pp. RMUUI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol M, ?k) 5, 1958,, pp 1065-1067. Conaultents Bureau Sci - Chem 22/6159 ~(4'1 e / ~ Qt &VstaMm AUadweiUMUS, by vw r9rmwl4m li Z. T&. Dmguwnt N. a. Sam -- 0 T. A. Wgin" 4 ppe. RVOUVI pr#.Kqa"d DWP Val M, go 2,, lms pp 1*141 - asi - ab" im 59 7~ Ejecitx= lluqroscopic Stvhy OAO Alm-InOWL11cate Gelup by Bereetteva., V. A. Kargini, IL PP. RUSSIANs b1mo per,, K*34old Zhumi, Vol XVII, 110 3, W4-jan 1955, pp 39499 'Scientific - Chemistry C Nov 55 L,7S/D= Cmultanta Burceu An Zleatftn XWOSOMS Bb* Of gtmWtw* 0 tion in Im"o 2. laftume of t"" OMNI R ate an ekwtm YmmtUmo by It. ArOovs, Z- 11, 9ft4~ 1 T. A. mrsons, 6* lp. -91, IMUNp pwo ZDUOM 3W# VOL M No Is IM pp z. a. Sol - cbm 7 ts An Mmtm NL.Uvn*P Mmk Ot Bk"tM POM- Uen in tam.. V 'Drum" Ot us mamim Hwums by S. Aripm; Z. Is. BuWMM# V. A- bridn' 4 pp. . . - NAIRN Pwo MMOM aws Va =3' Ib is two pp Sol - Chm im I.-I by Z. Ya. ArLDtaQvaj I.- A. V. A I". a r T no 3 '-pp Full tranalation. R~IOISSLAEJ,v i~01101.,j Zhur,6 Vol "01,N) No 2,0 iiurrilpr 19,U, ','rp '13-76 conaultanto Bumau Scicntific Chemistry Deac 5 3 Self-Oscillator Synchronization by Radio Fuluesp by Z. S. Varoninp 0. W. Bereetovald,# 16 pp. mo RUSSIAN$/per, Radiotekbnils., Vol Xl,, 1956j, pp AIM Tr 2898 It Sci - Electronics :54 ? Jean 57 5 47 Sell-OseiUstor Syuchrmlw~~ by Radlo Bases, 'by B. S. Voronin and C. N. BQmGtovwdx 14 NMIM, per PadiotekbaiM., Vol Xl* So 3, v 1956, pp 2j:4~. SIA B-1441 Sci Aug 58 S-177/64 Electric Jumlogue of Sensory Herve Endings, by G. N. Berestovslki ~'?. Yff RUSSLUT, per, Racliotekh i Eleldron, Vol VIII, No 12, 1963~ p-f-, 2 15M~IsISF- 311 I./sPM1 AL S c i ,%.Pr 64 X 33V HarmOMU: OMMUStw UAuS Mtebing Blemtata,, by Go 1, lbra6t4v&k4j 0. J6 Kost*nkop 4 pp. HMWMv PWs RNOWtekh I 32*ktV4=j, Vbj V., No 20, 1960.. pp IM-1744. pp sei /(0/ 7 dv -.2- /0 Aug 61 Volta4v- TImusfaiwz uning ?over Tramiatcr,, by 0. D. -~Wa*v~ Sewto=v., 5 S-ro am, W~, va Radlotakh I El*kt,%-on., Vol 11, vo PD J~m 59 On the D*tOMTWU= Ot MW DOWNIst POVAO Of 96W - tw I.. axe". a. swetts. IVAUM, pw, Mr. RA am" xOd"Orwy 29 Vol 16,1934, pp 2ft-A4- W)9/HO 19ft c /3 c/o, t 7-74 - Sol - Axe 67 ~341886 Bectioas of RUstic IqWt Proton-Pmton and Neutron- Proton, by L. Berettay Q. Villi; F. Ferrari# 51 pp. muim, pers, Nuovo Clmento,, Vol Xn,, No 9; Suppl. No 3s 1954; PP AW Tr 2288 Scientific - Mectroales lqov 55 CTS/m C==a, V. and LAyCw. E. IPT 03PLECrOlM M THRUSTWERTUSI. U. IMWT WmToas OTHER TIM THE WSCMA. 11m) 6p toss OMIM4 sraft Old= him SLA $1. 10 7T-U-1004 Tram. d Docawo Qft"w) LPN, m 29. p. 30-34. ==W=; OThrum we" ow&ol sysiftm DGG=tio% 5-'Vzt tab-ff Pka-, 0)" ph-se. mAtomet sodp", PtmMwftUv-Awowmi=4 7T. v. 11. no. 6) TT-64-IOSW 1. 7UI~: ThroK Was we 1. aftVAII, V. 077CRO-1 S. M. Tift 7UM... on the owdu ftrialas of a-auvas low J. soA X. MWMIVP J. A. 0%WWjj A. Vliooabkys U if;* ~ ms pamm, off, ftr IMUSP AU GMU do VVMMIMP 19570 AW Te M& met . MR/*t %fto Apr 59 P -/ P -/ Experimental Industrial ZKOM Fabrication of Bimetal Strips of Zinc Alloy-AnDoc Iron,, by A. A. krez, V. K. Korol I ) 5 Pp. XMIAN) per) Tsvetnye bletally., Vol II, No 7, 1961, pp 65-69. PS Sci 214,2o$6 oct 62 3x_mrimeaUa DwLs on the Groyth of Ic,3 In By-Pus Cswas~ by A. 1. Berezal RUSSIAN per,, Iftt i Old, go 10, 1956; PP 40-IQ- Amer Mateoral Soc AF Cambridge H~B C4mtev fti - aeopb7vics rob 6o loll An Apparatus for Laboratory Fmquency Anal"is of Seismic Vibrations, by G. V. Bereza, 10 p. RW- S"Un, per, Prih Goofiz., 1957, No 16, Pro 37 -49 - MB -7U2% Sci ej, 1e 1,5-- Dee 59 /o-r, ?7f Vol 20 No 6 7 of Itonforrjus VkAajj.~Igy in &jWj_,,jsUw (- 0 by ff Yin, Kbo:.La. JMLAX, perp Mar FqZqA410v=' ..a IU 5., m4ay 1)66,PP- 3-6- jKl-11 V o'-'p"'; Ou Mon-Fe=ous I-R-wtWlurgy In Southern Kazakhota-z. 'by V. G. Bereza., 7 pp. . ..... RUSSIAN, parl Tavetwe 21.4etally., Ho 0'. 11960~ pp PA-27. PS sci Jijn 161 / 5- 7, 3 ;71 Bereza, V. Sh. AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF THE NULLING PROCEc IN A BALL MILL. [1961] [61)p. 25 refs. Warren Spring Lab. Trans. NT810; [DSIR LLUJ M. 3201. Order from OTS or SLA $9. 60 61-27646 Trans. of unidenLif led mono. (booklet) Moscow, 1959. DESCRIPrORS: *Ball mills, Operation, Loading, Con- trol systems, Automatic. A short rurvey is given of Soviet and foreign work in this field. An electro- Acoustic method of controlling the loading of hall mills with material for grinding is described. The construction of the RZM-3 (RZM-2) electro- acoustic controller for Automatic on-off con- trol of the delivery of feed material to the ball mill is examined and instructions given for tuning the control- (Machinery, Fabrications, and Accessory Equipment, TT, v. 6, no. 11) (over) 61-27646 1. Bereza, V. Sh. H. DSIR NT-BIO 111. DSIR LLJJ M. 3201 IV. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) OFflc* of T*60col I~Mcas statistical Evalustlou of the Accuma of AuUmtic Control of the Grindim Prawn lu a Ball M3.1, by V. Sh. BKVUO 10 FMVJp per# -Avtcmt I TolemeMs Vol XX.. No yp 150-3h0. Imtru Boo of Aur SOL Apr 6o K, 9,2,Le -3 "?/? #a 3336 SM 04 or Twelve Papers on Analysis and Applied Mathematicss Vy Berezauskiy, Golovkin,,, RUSSIANj Us, Vol 35s 1964* 363 pp. Amer. Math. Soc. LC No. 51-5559, Sci~Math June 66 3030359 A Systms With Jontinuous Basis, by Yu. M.'Pcxjzgpk&. 5pp RUSSW, per,, Uspekla-I Mat Nauk (N.S.) Vol Xjjt NO 1 (73)1 1957~ AMS Sci - Math 'Jul 61 CIA/FDD X-4669 A Generalization of a Multidimnsional Theorem of Bochner, by Yu. M. Berezanskiy, 4 pp. KtJSSZO,, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRt Vol CXXXVI~ 1961., pp Loll-1014. Amer YAth Boo Sci .Tui 61 /~; 0/ 7,200- CalcIlIcation Procass of Trich.-Irialla Larvai, b,w, Yu, lla-m7antscv, Veterinaria. fkcadprAbLe scien-t-i a nvu flungar-JeRe, Vol X!, No 3,, 1961, csiwp4o tosi A~.,y 6 3 The X~wmlbenmenm of Reversion In ArtificlaUy Aged AUoys of. the Type Al-ft-ft and D=aluminp by V. M, Baegbi"Ll VIMM37IND HUSSIANp perv Dok Ak Nm*jp Tel LWTIIp No 1952* p 563* pub"r Research last CA Scientif ic - Chemistry, Ub/Jbt,&U mitrova S,'alabiUty inliquid a=4 SoUd Chro- 6s- skimm at Bliffated GO$ Ph"a prosont by V. 9, DonsUals, S. 14 AddoahvilLe RUSSIANS Pus T-M& Gim- W--- taip laot Mvt-141- urgty Val XI g IN40 163-Mo MA TT P~-Ilooss SCI-Cliez Aug 67 338,695 Cooling of C nverter GaBeB in Waste-Rea-t Boileray i by A. 1. Burezhiuskiy) A PP. /6X RUSSIAN, per, StaIj Uo 5, 1959P pp 472-479. BISI Set im 6o mx'~~ O,a -~Iiv :~~xTmcoiogy ot Bvox~,, by V. V. E. A . T.,.-atinva , 6 pp jjU,qSVa: 3KIq, Fsxmaj,,ol 4. ToksjXojj Vol alljo 11o 25 1959; pp 117-122-- Consultants Bm-.Qau Sci Apr 60 (NY-3WO) Mechanizing the Sections,, Preparing the HM Metal for Rollins wd the Finishin Seatim3p by P. I. Berethkor, A. F. Unov'Yev, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, W TAh-Ekou Informatfift, No 4, 1961, pp 8-u. JPHS gm USSR Ll Econ (W-*30w) PAWKTION RourmOr UGMT49CTION AND WIRE "LINO NIUXQf TAS OOMID OF THE I" in P. I eam"t PPO mmi#xp Puts' OuLl Tolloom IWOWAUI Is NO to 'gap PP M. J" L3%3 USSR ECON 30 a EW fNL,;atw-,n ~W. fit WO Pi ~.Va OS-AW4 h Mechanization and Automation of Processes in the Production of Window Glass, by V. G. Gutop, a 6 pp. L. Z. ElIkinson, RMSM, per,, Steklo, I MramVkzy Vol XIV., No 3, 1957s pp 6.11. Consultants Bureau Sci jun 6o TT-64-15464 Berezomitil, B. A arml Marcbak. V. V. SERUM SIALIC A61) covicamrRA-how op Acrtvrry 1. �0r~=wmk1I, 6. A. INDEX IN IMERCUILMIS (Uromm! Ralowd Kink" [I. Marchak, V., V. Sy"reat Krowl kak Pokamml- kWvsml TWorkulawle HL PASEE14-751-3 Prob"Ims). j 19641 j9pj (fortlip teit Imelude4i FAS91 IV. Pailenuion of Amrian MS no. 9751-3. Societies bi uprimm-, Order from OTS. SLA. or IM 111. 10 TT-64-IMM tal Eulogy. wambiwN, a C. Trees. aMmidwalmysMeditaim(l.13911t) I%& V. S.-rlpm Technica, Im. Y. 41, so. 8, p. 126-1n. Washington, D. C. (Biological Sciences- -giochemiptry, TT. v. 12, no. 3) 1 sm" of '1"11"W Nrvk" IT O:f -by Ob-,a izo 8, 1957, 9662-372. Paw MM 547/1 the Ductilit'Jr 3 IT p pe-", Za,,rod Lab) VOI )M'Iv: 110 7~ 1953, Illn'tril Soc Of pm,-r scj. .km- The Relation of Orientation to Kinking Limit for Monocrystalsp by V. R. Regal'j, G. V. B.!~hko~va 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kriistallografiyal Vol IV) No 5, 19592 pp -(61-767. Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys-Crystal 31~ Sci-Pbys jun 6o Increasing the Efficiency of Bailding-Mass Factoriesj by M. 1. BerezbltovBkaya) 3 PP, RUSSIAN., per., Steklo i Keramika) Vol XIVp No 12, 1957, pp 22-. CB Sci Aug 6o /09 -,/, z jj Organization of Work in Box-Making and %cking Departments, by M. I. ~2~~kqa., V. I Vezlomtsev, 3 PP - IMSIAN, per, Steklo i Karmdkall, Vol My No 8) 195"t pp 23-25. Consnltants Nxr,!,qu jun 6o .r,j7 mVao. ~ rmirdLng Fc.-.GosbSlitY Of D:r natc, MaUjv2 by D. I. RMGVT4, P= P Zov(A Ub, Vol Eem*Y BruUbor 8a - 3w Apr 59 !z~~i Lob.. VOI, YLVP -nst~,xc Soo 02 U'D Now instrment for Hiorcmeebmical TestlM am Its A14Aication for bwaotigating the Mahmical Pmerties Of Paymers, V V. RO Resel A. Duboyp 10 P. RMIM,, per, ftwodskaws laborstoriva, 1959, Vol W) No 10 VP 101-105. STA 59-17602 Sol rob 6o Ap 7 00 Vol 2, No 9 For Better Plant Capacity Utilization in Window Glass Factories, by M. 1. Be1rgzhJmvska:Ya, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVI, No 9, 19S9, pp 37-39. CB Sci Aug 62 209)767 DMIT THU r! wollml a- 4ay 63 Foreign Standards for iftdo~ Glass,, by M, R, Savitskiy, M. 1. ftmz-";t#yaft 3 pp. WSSIAHs peTm Staklo i Kerudka, Vol XVIv No 9,, 1959, pp 44-45, c8 Sci Aug 62 20907" iii Some Reserves for Raising Labor Efficiency in Glass Factories, by M. 1.-Berezhkovskaya, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XV1, No 4, 1959, pp 44-45. CB Sci Sep 62 210,399 Sam Tealmical And Economic Data on Glass Pro- duction Abroad(From Data in Forelga Journalso, by M. 1. BerezM.OvskaYa, 46 5 PP- RUSSIM., per, Steklo I Keramik , Vol XV, No 2.. 19601 PP 37-41. CB SCI e ~ 4 ? ? oct 6o Pressing, Forging and S"Ing in the U-55P.9 by A. V. Altyk1s, D, is "*a&a=k4)rv at &I, 240 pp. czEcH. bk, Usavani a Kovani v CSSR a SSSR# SNTL, Progue 19610 pp 267-1 337. 9"9M-Y FM-TT-62-1676 Sci-Ragr "Imn 63 :~.3-2144%7 ibcbnoloSical Features of the Forging of Austoultic Stool.l.by L4* Ve Pmorgvjp 14 Id & hil tr 038wo bkv T*kU6WglcbmokW 09obourasti Xovh:L ATIC F-=-6T8h/v ftlentific wwarau/Notals tT CTS/Dex Aug of the Surface of -T-A-,,L:,,d Sulfid,,- I)y Adsorption Mlethods, by 1. A. Beerezlhnaya, L. N. Kurbato'v;, 5 PP- RUSSIA F, per, r,-Izika Tverdogo Tela, Vol III, -nk 4-, 1961; pp 1038-1043- ATP Sov Phys-Solid Stailc- 1701 111, sr'i o:~ 1-1 61 Experiment,al Study of the Influence of the HigJier Canters, of the Central liervot's SYste'A On the COUM,' Of Iramunalo- gical 'Reactions, by R. 141. Bcrazhuaya. Russv.rl, per, Trudy inst Ys-.;yeyi R'ervnoi DcyajxVnosti, Ak 17aul-, SWIM',; Kiev, 1-58. .r,.,7%xD-,L-T-63--Uuql sci - Bic! V" Mcd Sci Jan 64 trolel-ta P"k cwjr,tj~on of A Glavoeftesbyt Pe &-a "ZW A Dw 3,rj,.a I ,& 4 Unaw IAIS~-& 5 PP;,,'- asl by 1956, pp 95-990 um AD; an; -290, Irae Rzoe Diagm of the Termy System of Lithium, Caleiun and Baritm Fluorldeal by G. A. Wdalam., V. T..-Mczq~~,r 6 pp. '=I=,, pwo Ow ftwg Mdr4 va n.. No 6,, AW-UJQ~6 Aaw 61 M No 83 Equilibrium diagram of the Ba. Ca, K Cl ternary Vatem, by G. A. Bukhalova, V. T, Bembnaya, 2 pp,, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorpn Khim, No 6. 19620 pp 1399-1402. GS sci kpr 63 > ~ by Ilry ~Syc-.~,em TIF-14g1~2-COL V. T. j,,.. Bukhalova, 2 p. 'London Ft, V. T. Vc! 7be Lis, Nap E. Sr 0 V quaternary System,,by V. T,, Bereghneya,, G, A. Wchalova,, 5 pp. . 1~ RUSSIMO parg Zbur Neorgan Min, V01 V, No 9. 1960, pp 2061-2070. Cleaver-Hume Prese /~S- -2 3 etl -,r, c i Aug 61 Fusion Diagran, of the (;~iaternarj System of Lithium, Sodium, Potassium., and Bariwj Fluorides, by V. T. Berezhnaya, 'G. 1j. B'Wdmlova, 6 pp. per, Zhur heorgar. ii2iim, Vol VI, ~~-Q 3, 1961, pp 687-698. Cleaver-Hume L+,d Sci 14,n-.r 62 If 195,4o8 Quaternary System of the Fluorides of Lithium,, Sodium, Potassium, and CalCIUM, by G. A. Bukhalova) V, T. Berezhrgqal 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zbur Heorgan Dim., Vol VO No 2# 196o, pp 456-468. Cleaver-Hume Press Isci mov 6o / '3 -7-, a -5 - ? Therapeutic TranOpOrt Splint for Fraa- tures of Pelvic Bones, by 1. F. Bere- zhnov RUSSIAN,, mo per Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 9. Moscovi.. Sep 1956,, Im n-93 US JFRS/NY 11op s7 '-' ;,c C= 1.4k"U" syqll Rurc.-onated by Boft-worla Yztbf-,a 1&4or Tommlogy or SlIVIatem, by Ro Ll. Pwr,-.o~%r, I 4e 140 S D---, LIU-mnp Cl. d. Sel. Tochop No 10 iwt- BrmViher Tr 2D28 $3-50 Working Practice for Wooden Pipelifies in Fill and Clayey rouWations, by As A- .-- JWmabnot., T IV- =SVJ., no per, Oldrotekh Stroitel's Vol V.. No 11, 19%, pp 23-24." Set Tr center-sT-36T Scientific - Engineering Tncrearwe of tim Streu& of Glass by Means of Pro- longed AmxaUug at Ri& Tavftatures, by 1. 1. ,CitAigorodzIQr.. A, 1. Bwer3mvi, 6 yp. 7 MBIAN.p mo perp Staklo I Dradkitv Vol XIIIj No 6,j Jun 19569 pp 7-12. Bwmau aci - Econcerimg ov Uftr 57 j ( 7T-63-MM A. S. SWDA'o i. Title: FLre-res[,B= ABOUT CONSTRUCTION AND CHARACTERLSTICS OF THE CRO -M60 -Fe203 materials SYSTEM. D963131P 7rds 1 1. Berezhnoi, A. S. Order from = SLA, or HTC $3.60 Tr-63-2D399 Trans. of v0prosy Petrografli I Mineralogit (LUR) L953, v. 2, p. 281-305. (Abstract available). DESCRWTORS: *Minerals, Ceramic materials, OCalcium compounds. Wagnesium compounds, *Iron compounds, *SilconcompDwds, Oxides, *Ptiasu studivs, ORecrystallization, Chemical reactions. *Briquettes, Adhesion, Microstructure. The C&O- M90- PeP3- S102 system was investigated with the purpose of obtain its most essential charac- tedritics for the application In the fire-resistant material, technology. Determination was made of phases which are in equitibrium with each other. am" d T 5.11- (Materfala--Ceramks, 77~ Y. 11, no. 3) (over) TT-65-27158 Field 6C Berezhaoi, 1. P. DIE MECHANISIERUNG DER MUTTERPFLANZUNGE VON SCliWACIEWUCHSIGENAPFELUNTERLAGEN (Mekhanizatstya nit MatochnoL Plantatsil Slaboroslych PodvoevYablont). 5p. MTWL-1275. Order from ETC; $1.10 as TT-65-27158 Trans. In German of Sadovodshro (USSR) vlOl n5 p29-30 1963. 1. StlebtIng voor Moeiltlk Toegarkkelilke Weten- 6chappellIke Literatijur, Delft (Netherlands) European Translations Centre Sd - chm Mw" 6114s-M Silicoa t-uA Ito Diwxy System.. by A.- S. Berezbnoy, 256 pp. RUS.SIM., maw, Kromiy i yego bi=rw,7-a alstd=v Kiev, 1-958, OB -2 ~q -,:p ~ -12-3 3 '24 c I Jim 62 R~ of Basic Bumed-lu Open-H*arth Bottoms# b,:, 4'4'. S. Berezbnoi;. 36. per, Stal,, 701 vmj No it 19490 pp 28-30 r-- Brutcber Tr No 2467. / $14 4~0~5 3 SC -', Q..3rAtMC - 141U/motals $8,80 Invootiga-tim of 8yotem b%o-CaO-Tio2-Atoa(pr= the Point of View of Its Millration In the Tt-chnology of Super Refractories. 0cmmication Ill. Siuteriug Behavior and Rate of Orawth in HecryataUl zation of Rdtwtory CoVowAs. Properttea of Re-' fractoryProduets in Bystem Mitioned. by A. B. per.. OCMUPMS Vol IV., go 110 1950., pp 493-504. ,Brutebmr,T~ No Scientific - Ch=istry A CootribUtloo to the Study of Us Fapical Chemictry of Pariclaos in the System Cdo - ~Mo A1203 - F0203- 8102# by At S* wix- Eft .21 v6. To ed lbwm Ub No 50/!~Ia~2- labil Inve3tiptlon d BySta MOD-OW-TI%-SIC~, (FrOm the Point of Vim or its utiMation in the Toobnd cf AMer Refractm-les) - CuMmdcattOu n - Sillft- containing BMWs, Pero, Opmoryp Vol xv.4-10 3D8 195or 4 pp 446-'53- Brutcher Tr Igo 2T29 SIG' Scientific - Cbemistry $7.20 Pelation Betveen Molding Pressure atkMParosity of 'Y ,Jaflred Refractory Froductes by A. S. Urezbnoi. MISSIAN, per., OPeuPorYp Vol Mp No 3p 1947. Bmtcher Tr No 2095 C_,cientif It - Cheal" $3.50 Sintering of PoWers and. Related Pr6ceooeoj2y_A.t_k#_ Bombaoi. ------------ Russia, per, Ognempm,, Vol 3=0 go 6'v 19480 pp 256-266. Brutebar Tr go 2W9 0-4-*4,P4#. - I%Mnlnt:rV "he Theory of Molding Mfr=tory Prod=ta of On-PlUtic Mossoc., ~by A. S. Beraybuoi. per,# 09MUPOrYi V01 Xnx No 7fl 1947j, B"Oer Tr No 2196 .,~,J'entific ChwAstry /5 Invaetiption of System YgD-CaO-TIO -SiO ( ro'2 the Point of Viev of Its Utillzati;l in fb;FT&cb- nology of Super Refrectoriea).,, by A. a. Beretha6i. ................... RUSSIAN, per, Ogneupor7,, Vol XV,, No 8., 1950,, YP 350-359. Bratcher Tr No iho Similsrity Method In Mass Tranafftr Studies, by A. G. Uwanovs A. N. BarOShnOY, 4 PP RUB51JAN,O paro Zhur Fix Xhim, Vol XXXIV, So 4. i9600 pp. 907-920. Oleaver-Hume Prens s0i Feb 81 '~ The Physical Chwistr7 of Periclase in the System CaO-MgO-AI203-Fe2M- io2,, by A. S. .,:. Berezhnoy, 19 pp. RUSBIM,, perp Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXIO 1948~ PP 717-T31. sLA ft-2i6g Sci Aug 58 7P-j IJ-17 ro=tion of opiwUlfts sma SWlar ccupwanft at Mda Tavpmt=s&,, by P. P. Waikov (Mmem)v A. S. Bore?Jmol (narlkov)., 50 ftO37). RUSS=, b1mo per$, thisif. R* Vol XV31, AM P.M."99.0 U89IR scientific - Cbemistryp cmpomdaj, spi=Uidou I Some Principles of the Search for ftw Refractoryes, by A. S.-.A.9rezhno17 PP. RMIM) per) Ogmupory) No 7-8) 1963) w341-347- CB Sci may 64 ") q 7 Structul-e anci Properties of tho System MI 11. Reaction6 in the Solid Phac~ ~wd i3intering ia the System h!g-O-ZrO2-G'&02 an'~- a sumary of javeatigations, by A. S. T. per, O.",,F--upory, Vol XT11, 19152p p P.1.1% j P q 5-3 D.SLR m;u mA-149 (loan) Chc'-', Ibe Repreucratation of PUlti-Component Syst-n by 11. L. Pevener, A. S. Bere7hnoy.,.. ............. RUSSIM., per, Byul Ak Nauk MR., No 1., 1947,, -tp 1-13- - WIR LLU 14-1394 (loan) Sel - Math sep 6o X: coatribution tk) the I"wo-ty of Liquid Sint*ring and Zffect of proagure on Siaterings by Aa S. Beresbacy, UNCL 1,8 a-mmit's per" osmouvoryo Vol X1110 1:0 so 19, pp 351-361. way Some Data on %he SyBt"= A1203 TiO - Zr(~2., by A, S. Berezbnolo, No V. GuBwo per D*DvIft a INM* R=u MjAs 1955j, pp 771. Asso Twh swv 86ahu ATS [tT-,?5'7 Jul 58 49, q-31 principles of 4ear-Resistunt Refractoxy Produc- tion wItb a Viev to bWern ZWM Trends in the Developwnt of 3terolmaking Processeaj, by A. 3, RMSIAN, perk Opeupory., No 3., 19W., up 97-104, Sai. Aug 61 Acta J*tAi.U:uxj;ica Techuology of Conzies and Rafmtories, by P. P. Budnikov, A. S. Bereshupy, at als 79 pp. RMIAN, bk, rekbaologiya KeramM i Ogneuporov. GosuftimmmWe IWatellstyo Uterstury pa Stroitoltstvyt Arkbitektu" I StroitelInys Matertslni% Mmeow, 1962, pp 374-326, 400-4096 421-429s 9U3139 PM-TT-63-104 sci-chem 'a-7-P, e1v 9 AM 63 'y Z~.I.P~ ~~l V'Jil"ZY SystL J, S. Russia, bit, 1-958, CB chem 7tj B38 E5