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On tbe Ai;cvlvr4L%lQn e the Aeving Proedas In Allayss of Alumidum With Atgusidum'Under tZa Wluouoe of Smll PAmixtures of SUvar and Zim. Ca the QPostic of tbn Cases of the Ittects ot &all AdmixWres on the Xtwtli:a of the Apftg of AUoys III,, Uy V. 1. pp. JSS pw.. Ms Mal I HataU* Vol Vp No 3.- 19570 11&526. Pugmam Press Sol /3 Doe 59 truc u, re Of ditravioiet socetrz ond 5L by K. -R-amla- drpcjj5 crid ~k pp, ~nd !0611 per Biochimlcp, Polonicz), \,I No 1~ ON, 63-111,06-1 PL-00 Jun (DC-5707) The Polish Atomic Reactor EWA at Swierk, by Tadeusz-Be=Ah 19 pp. POLWH, per, Przeglaa M=hauLczny, Val XIX,_ No 17, 10 Sep I%Oj pp 5]D-516. ON 84M Sai - Pbye ) 5- 7 0 ~-2 jui 61 1~1 (FM 28n9) Repeated Cases of eAmarlot ft"r,lq-.:LmlnVrad DurIng 1951-1954# by A* G4P Wgoryevaj p. 2 pp. R=IM., m0 pers 72tur Mkrob ioli ""Aamlol i Immoglol.. so k) mmeovo Apr &p 8e. 19 j! C ca/m u-goi6 demiologr Sci - medicine., eqi Oct .56 Data on Imulzation Aoulnut orippe With Zhbuov Living Vaccinep by Be I, TWol4RwekAyaq ii., 14. A. Gemsimv, B. 1. Lurims, A. A. lMwcns#t+ pp. RMSIABO mo per,, Zhur llikrobiol E22flimial I lmiuuoblol~ No 9y 19540 pp 16-20. ME Sci - MadIcine ;QAO Ja- 1957~ GnPok"Ninz Me Effect of Cadmium and Zlna Belts on Blood Proaxwe in AnImalap by F. Ya. DamobtaIns I. A. Malshtain, 3 PP- MMSIAN, parl Parmka i Taelka, Vol XX, No 6s 1957s PP 67-69- Canoultants Bmau sci - Mod Aug 58 71, 2`~ed I-R-M 25859) Sipifleme of the Angioreceptars In Vw Meabmdm of the Ry 9*&Ai* amd lnwtnsive ActUn of Adrdalft., ~by 1. Ik. 3 m mobtayno 1. A. WmIlghteps 13 vp. --------------------- Ross=# mo ywy D101 i Jbd Val NO 9., momms MY 1934p yp b-,W. CU/M/0-7&3 USSR Sci - Hadicluep Vbuuwoloa 16thod for the Detemimticz of WoMm lu Ono and Simll lbterl&Uo by L. N. Buenshteln. XWW,p wj 2viod lab, Vol XV=j ND Bp 15W., vp qho~CAI- im w36 &a-mtnljbt Jon 63 I;z ") ~ 41 /-? pja-,I-n-i nu- of Expei,L-eiits and Presentation of Res--.~Llt-, n B.-t-limp-l"inr, the Accuracy v.11C, Precisjor of t"'-Ic 11 SI)ectral I'ethccls of Analyzzirz, GcoloCical S,'uPlcG5 b-~,- L. E. Bercnshtein, 7. V. I'Ialliinov, Ctu al, 7 ITI)- FJUSSIP,17, per, Zavod Lab, %Tol MOVII, 1T0 10, 1961, 1--4 -1060. ISA Sc 1, 206,733 AuL; U'2 A Study of the Tbemodynmda Properties of BIWry Iron-Manpness Systm in tbe Scald State) t7 A. P. tsaiwr., A. A. GranmWa., Le Ureashuyn., 10 P. RUNTAt perp Zbxr Pis xhwi 2 1958, Vol No 7p pp 1591-1596. MA 60-10369 sei AD-r 60 Vol Mo ITO 3 Control B"tem of a Nev Series of Neaium- Capacity TurbITPO, by M, 0, Beraushteimp et al, ------ ~-.- RUBSIM, per,, INpInenergettka, No 1;, 1957, PP 3-8- JU 14- 3587 SCL - mw ~allf 11149 Jul 62 Study of the ftrformance of Tunnel Lehrs for Firing Sanitary Ware, by P. 1. Berenshteln~ 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Steklo i Keramika) Vol XVI, No 2, 1959: pp 24-30- CB sci 62 210 i. Bacteriological Emdration of the Effect of Sodiun Fluoride in the Rout Canal of Extracted Teethp by P. B. Darens6n, 6 pp. RMIN., per$ stcmtologl)~t 110 lts 3-937.- PP 56-58- Sci Tr Center RT-13D1 / 7, 416 Ll IL".cieutific - Biology Use of Sodium Fluoride to Carles,, by F. B. Bervason,, e pp. I. . RWSVX, per,, StowtolaglPt No h# 1938v crA/rm/x-13 pT-,/3 o e~,, prcvcnt~on of Corrosion on I-Ohe Skin of Aircraft; by L. Karmanova., S. Berenuon. MICL , per, Grazhdan Avlataiya: ND 3, 14 N !Q53; pp 23. DSIR411 PM 1,120 Sc4 - Chem Fab 60 .%mpval of Carbon Deposits Fran Oil Radiators,, by S A. Krasinskiys 11 pp., (AF 6725i~ RMIANI, no per,, (;_rnEh Avlats So 6, Jun 1956, Pp 27-30- C ATIC F-TS-10083/V Sci - Aerouattice Aug 57 PROPPIM75 OF OILS IN 1. 5, P, 111~F VA-~C'Prt FHAS.F., Tr. by I-10-1(1 M01C. II Vol I T;",(- Triij-1051 T:w Trara. no. 1051); IDSiR LWJ 111. r'*I;" 3.L.L! M.4,.))) IV, i't~,rawn RcFkoarct,Cunirv, from M'S or SLA Sk. M 61 -2-1176 r Lie. M-pearch i,Ad. (ussx) I 9~.l (,V. 5' ra M, p. 35-41. reactions. 1,97 tjj~ vaprour-rhane lacqucr-formalica one of the Unporant clernents In the c.~s of forma,,.on of 11jccz"z.-r dcpo-ilta. The inuenEity of Cie ~acquer-formatlo-) in tl.*kc vapDur phane on the icinfociawrc. cbeinIcal and fractional cornpcoiltinn Cool- i T.A....1 S....... 1. 17. ~. 7. un. F) (OvL: r) 61-18272 Berenstecher, Otto. MOULD PLATE FOR TTIE MANUFACTURE OF 1. Berensteeber, 0. SHELL LIKE FORMS FOR FOUNDRY PURPOSES. 11. Patent (Germany) 965 921 [196113p. I ref. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18272 Tv'.ns. of German patent 965 921, cl. 31c, gr. 808, int. cl. B 22d, S5707VI/31c, by Siemens SLhuckert- werke, Aktiengesellschaft, pat. from I Sep 44, appl. pub. 21 Peh 52, grant pub. 13 June 57. DESCRIPTORS: *Structural shells, *Casting, Metal plates, Molding, Molding materials, ladustrial production, Healing elements. 7he mould plates are made as thermically adjustable bodies such as electrical heating elements. (Metallurgy, 17, v. 6, no, 9) (over) Offim.f T-Wtl S~l... Rr.., ObtaimMat of MWaGl= BUO ZireOni= UOtlfts )y A. I. Isper., M. A. KolehloMp Ya- K, BarMts, We USSM, per., It Vranhikh Vcheb Zonis, TuVetaara le-~&UurgLya,s, NO 1y 1959P pp 91-98. A= N3L-a3/3. Cbmistry 60 / Wtallotbeml Matbod 1n Produelm Urconium ftstez~ ' Alloy; by A. L Lqxwp )L A. Kol=bm, Ye. K. Bemtj 12 Ipp. MOUW# pw#, Ut ProUp Ib 5j, 19"p W 30-32. AM NMo"/M 8a . mbfim Doe 6o / Yw/ ~ 17 Barents, L. L , Ersboy, N. Y. and KwArnoymbys. M A. DESULFURIZATION OF GASOLINE, LIGROINS AND DIESEL FUELS. JIM) Bp~ 6 refs. Order from On or SLA $1. 10 61-16646 Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Otdclenle Tekhni- cbeskftNauk- Izvestiya, 1942, nm 3/4, p. 11-19. 61-16646 L Barents. L. L IL Ershov. N. V. HL KvAnovskaya, M. A. DESCRIPMRS: *Gasoline, *Fuel oil, *oil*, *Sulfur, SaWation. 61-16B86 Berents, L. 1. VELOCITIES OF CRACKING OF NARROW OIL 1. Berents, L. 1. FRACTIONS AND THEIR MLXT1JRF_S. [19M] 7p. 13 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 (1-16886 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Otdelenle Tech- nicheskikh Nauk. Izvestiya, 1940, (). 9, p. 99-108. DESCRIPTORS: *Oils, *Hydrocarbons, Decomposition, Velocity, Gasoline, Fuels. Increasing the extent of cracking of an individual nar- row fraction to 5C% results in a reduction of the crack- ing velocity, which confirms the view of Frost and Dintses concerning the retarding effect of cracked products on the cracking reactions. The cracking ve- locities of mixtures of narrow fractions do not follow the rule of additivity. They are considerably lower offi-(7-6k.1 S-i than velocities of decomposition of the initial individual fractions. (Author) (Engtneering--Chemir-al, Tr. v. 6, no. 5) 61-16885 Berents, L. 1. THE CHARACTER OF DECOMPOSITION OF MIX- 1. Berenta. L. I - TURES OF OCTANE AND ISOOCTANE. [19611 5p. 7 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-16805 Trans. of Akademlys Nauk SSSR. Otdeleale I kikh Nauk. Izvestlys. 1940. no. 8, p. 47-50. DESCRIFrORS: *Hydrocarbons, Decomposition, *Octanes. Cracking of mixtures of pure normal octane and 2, 2, 4-trimeEhylpentane In a qUUM Wila580' C. and 1- 1. 3 second reaction period was Investigated In an attempt to determine the mech&Msm of the reaction. The results Indicate that the reaction is not unimolec- ular. The curve for the dependence of the rate of cracidng upon the composMon of the mbaure posseesei a mWmum revealing a mutual effect of the two hydro- carbons In their thermal convereton. (Author) 01fl-d T-61ml S",.s (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 6, no. 5) 62-10390 4 brim C CULTIVATION IN HUNGARY WITH SPECIAL ASPECT OF THE COUNTY OF SZABOLOCS. 1. Berenyi, D. 1196111221p. Avjdab)c on loan from SLA 62-10390 Trans. of unidentified Hungarian mono., n. p., n. d, DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, 'Plants, Growth, Processing, Agriculture. Hungary. 19 119 .5 (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, TT, v. 7. no. 4) Me lb n ad Max Mor UtiVe .Iicrstor. of dia Oranbe C4wUxUn, by J. fauct. 43d L. Siamanyi, L 4V- . er~, Aft~ No Uooemibar 190, 490 403, 'JUD S1.9 62-10390 TOBACCO CULTIVATION IN HUNGARY WITH 1. Berunyi, D. SPECIAL ASPECT OF 'ME COUNTY OF SZABOLOCS. 119611122 jp. Available on loan from SLA 62-10.390 Trans. of unIdUnilf-I dH gar an ma'An, , n. p. I n* rl';~~~~~ DESCRI11FORS: *Tobacco, *Plants, Gromh,Procc-ssing, Agriculturc, Hungary. (AgriCUlture-Phim Culuvanon, -17, v. 7, w). 4) Wilt. vf T.chn1c.1 S ac Cloi -,dburat of August 232 1937 at Ilebrecov., by 111--reuyl., Monybort Maryp 17 13P- per), Debraceni S&Wlej, Vol Ix.. 1T0 ii., ~9-,17t rp 264-2~47.- Air lies and Dev Comnud -F Gembysica CTPS/M / 31 Pa Speedcmeter According to'~thc Accelerstim Principle., by Ludwig BareMij. 6 pp. GMPANP Patent no 34o,,84i. US Dept of Caamrae Patent Offlae 8c I Llb (Otft)- Sai - ng Q-C5 -, I-t 9L I x Mar 1957 CM/dex- MW Iffeat of IttmAm an Us awls Pam of TLtudw Madde In hint FWWAtlomm by R. Bms p 5 pp. Fm=), pw., PbUM7 Two"ro wwwals voi ill x964.. pp i5-a7o TTIS M 228 Sd -, Chem jui. 66 305p873 Device for Machining Busbas (Comectors) an Hot Surface Collectorsp by Ya. V.. berealso RUSSIPJ,, pr,, Ilak Statsp Vol Up No 6, 1945. Sel Una= Lib 51/1032 /,,/~ 61 A"- Scientific - Electricity / 7 El TbA Datsrxf tion of abmws In the IfoumUoraity ot the COPrOM MW D01.49 the Prom",, by A. V, OrImp V. A. Bmokbwo 3 PP. PMBVJ.- swr, Zavod IA., To 3.F IMP vp 339-340. lutru Sm of Amw sai M" iff Apr 6o y IT-63-3M Q K and Slynko, K 0. -Me w PURIFICATION OF GASES FROM 1. Bereskow, G. K. OXYGEN. [1963J6P(fIPomitt4 [I. SIYDIA bL C% Order from OTS, SLA, or ffrC $1. 10 TT-63-M383 Trans. of Kidmiicheakayal Prom[phli, t' I (USSR) t9S6, m 2, p. 69-77. (A bstract &wall&" DESCRIPMRS: Gases, 'Oftrificatloo, *Oxygm tHydropnation, #Catrdysit. ONIclid catalysts, *Palladium catalysts, *Platinum catalysts, Reaction kinetics, *Towers (Chemistry), Design. The article contains a revue of catalysts, Idnatic' mechanism, methods of calculAtiock o( contma- apparatus, and technological schemes of processing for removal of =ygen from pass by catdyde hydrogenation. (Author) (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 11, no6 Offlu W T"Inkal knim Fuel and A&Utive for Spark Internal Combustion Engines.. BereslavWW, 13PP. XWJ% fttent 5148,PL-,500 tv ReflAing Co. U. S. I filed 30 cFaTi TT-Gi-18365- Igaition tV E. V, Sinclair 14V 56t 3- sci - mat-erials mar 67 The Variation in the Mechanical Properties of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys in Hydraulien.Uy Extruding Then at High Pressure, by B I Deresnev L. F. Verechchagir., Yu .N .Ryabinino RUSSIM, per, Fiz Metal I Metallov, Vol VII, No 21 1959., VP 24T-253- Sci Aug 6o ikor tW So* d " Pluddty d Ml9b P-~" by 4, L 9jmK*M D. K. wpm", at &L w# ~~~ Vd 3DO rZT., %,W.,,,P "D 6m Sft/ I M ay 65 278.47-7 Some Problems of Large Plastic Deftmormation of Metals at High Pressure, by B. I. Beresnev. RUSSIAN, b4. Pergamon Press Jun 64 61-28290 Reresnev, 9. 1., Vereshchagin, L. F., and Ryabinin, Yu. N. 1. Beresnev, B. L CONDITIONS OF FLOW AND CHANGE OF ME- 11. Vereshchagin, L. F. CHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS DURING EX- Ill. Ryabinin, Yu. N. TRUSION BY LIQUID UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. IV. AID-61-27 6 Mar 61, 3p. AID rept. 61-27; AD-254 396. V. Air Information Div., Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 (A-28290 Washington, D: C., VI. AD-254 396 Abstract trans. of Inzhenerm-Fizicheskii Zhurnal (USSR) 1960, v. 3, no. 12, p. 43-48. DESCRIPTORS: *Metals, *Metallurgy, Alloys, 'Ex- trusion, High pressure research, Liquids, Water Mechanical properties, USSR, Hydroforming, Hydro- static pressure. An experimental method of metal extrusion by high- pressure liquids is reported. In the preliminary ex- periments Len liquids were tested as preLisure -trans- (Metallurgy, TT, v. 6, no. 12) (over) offic-f T-61-1 S-1- Structural Dofocts mid Plastic Strain of Coppor at digh Pressures,, by 1). K. Rulychev, 3, 1. Ueresilev, 3 IWGGIAN, por, Dolt M, MaWt Physics Soctions, 'Vol CIVI No 1p ',Iay 1964j, pp 67-68. Awr Inst of Phys Doklady Sov Phys Vol IX, No 5 Sri Jan (is Hioi-Pressure I~ydraulic Compressor for Laboratory Applications, by B. I. Deresnev, V. P. lvlmvy 3 PP. RUSSDII.,', per, Pribory i Tekh Elwper, No 51 1961) p1) 162-165- ISA Sci j.LLi 62 205,350 .-Ilechantsm of Pbotochomical 16orcury 6mittaW Oxidation of Propmp by B. B. Demolovikly, /V. rcl~ fi N &4 6 " y --- , Y, PIVISSm.. Cpe~,-Q*, D6k Ak Muk, Val LVn,* So 3* M 1949) 7i I " AM Tr 903 Seientific - Chesil* ~4do XanUllation for the DmvIng Into WIre W the Rolling In yme2y ROVOITUg ROUS of jotals in nuld SubJ*Qted to NLgb WdrostatIc Pressure., Xp Beresnev. UM NMIO,, WS TOWI-twe Mt&U.Vjf NO 8) 19581 Vp DSIR LW RTS IM 74. 6d. sat - MOM J%M 59 5 587.'a La .;-'ilU-U6ujLietLL Journal Diccusses I(Ole of the Farty in Davaloping socialisl~- Ca. Pcrcsau. T.. Dragan, 57 PP- R[ZtAN:t:AN, per, Cercete-ri FilozOfice.. N 0 3L, UR-al/Fcb ig6i, ijP 7-30. j-,R,g / 7-~; Production of Theodolite work in Comblued Aerial- Photo and TOPWaPhic Sunayingp by I. Barconevp 5 pp. I-- RUSSIAN, ywp Goodezisto No 12., 1930t pp ko-43. JPRS R.108.1f/94 sci - Ing - G*odesy Feb 61 The MEW In the *Chmlml PmPmties Of Irmp Dafot.=d Thro*h Ectruion by a RtA ftmoun Liquld., by Yu* No 9%yabIzUj Bip Ir Bamnev, B. P. Demmhkoviebt 7 py- RUSSIM., p") Fiz WWI I Matallov, Vol XIj. NO 4., 1961) YP 63D-633- 9676254 62 A ~jethod of Investigation of the Effect of ffydrostatic Pressure Upon the Mechanical Properties of PrestrAined Metals., by B. I. --BeK~Ls-rwy,#-L* F-Vereshchagin, Yu. N. Ryabinin, 3 PP. RUSS-1AV, per) Zavod Lab, Vol '.aV, No 6. 1959~ PP 736, 737. Instru Soc of Amer Sci Jun 60 A IJ,ol :i 7o L Z- Effect of Hydrostatic Compression Upon the Change of Physical Properties of Aluminium After Large Plastic Deformation, by B,. I. Beresnev) L, F. VeresLebag-'a, YU. N. iCyalinin, RUSSIAN,, per, Fiz Metal i Vietall, Vol VII, No 1, 1959, pp .2B-132. Sci Aug 60 PP Iarge Plastic Deformtion of MeteLlo at Nigh P~-essurea, by B. 1. pereen , !v. L. -P, VembehaOni Tu. N. ftabinlm$ L. D. Livshits., 35 PY. RWIMj bk., Mwcowj 1960. iM B-3-81 9092&4 1*71 Z .761 0 801 61-12863 Beresnev, B. I. . Vereshchagin. L. F., and Rvabinin, Yu. N. 1. Metals- -Extrusion ON THE EXTRUSION OF METALS BY A FLUID I .Beresnev, B. 1. UNDER HIGH PRESSURE (0 Vydavlivanii Metallov H. Vereshchagin, L. F. Zhidkost'yu, Nakhodyashcheysya pod Vysokirn III. Ryabinin, Yu. N. Davleniyem]. 1196017p. 8 refs. IV. MDF B-178 Order from MDF $4. 50 MDF B- 178 V .Friedman, Morris D., Inc., West Newton. Mass. Trans. of Alkademiyal N[auk] SSSR. Oltdelenlyel T(ekhnicheskikh I N(auk]. lzv(estiya-. Mckhanika I Mashinostroyeniyel 1959, no. 1, p. 12B-132. Office of T*cWcol 5~r4i cps (Miichiiiei-~,--N-1~iriuf,icturing, TT, v. 5, no. 9) Maracteristics of Extruding Metal by High- Preoffure Liquid at Elevated TeWsratuxeo., by,-V. 1. Berea D. K. BMIYWNVJI K. P. Rodlonov,, 13 pp. RUSMM., per,, Piz Metal i Motallm.. Vol XI., No 1j, 1961P PP 115-122- 967W4 M MM-127611 1~fd sci - min/*tal; pbp 1-71 d 23 Oct 61 AC-UOn Ot DOaXYZltl--Ocr-- tin TO&M9 68"13, by !4, V. !U I telne and h. A. Bereso+,029-vajs :,Qv~ B-lowlim, Voll XXVII: lio31 1962, pp 452 471- CB S, ci iia 63 7be Txwsformtim and SyntbUle of Carbohydrut" B*ort 11. 8" of the Oddat$4a of lbtom, by V. U. BmsawskiY4 L. 1. somaku"o 8 IV. r., Mur abdah-Nda (00),. Vol =V,, No 5,t 195r$ pp 855-W. 19 or MA 59-1=4 Sol * Cbmaistry 1.80 rob Os, 'I.:- :4QT?t,,vuQ= 4nar M.'., by .i, :,. 110 UKT-ASSUM, IAJTLi> Zap o 36L pub, ljy (iff -6503) The Groat Cow of Men, by 1. S.,_L3e~xvsU~_ 5 rp. RUSST^ per, Z&avookbremniye Belorusell, no 91 1961, pp 9-11. im 13341 Sci - Nbd -Zlf ApTr 6p l'otential Anti!Vatabolites. 1T1. Synthesi s of Amironitropyrimidines by Pue2eephilic Substi- tution Reactions Hy Yu . - Slivachkin, M,K, ln~it-e~ Pr 5 RUSSIAT', per, Zbur Obslich Kbimi I, Vol XXXII, Po 12; 1962. pp ~~3-389? CB Sci ret. 6~ 241 potwtia -4ten VU. SubstItuted N-(Pyrlm&td-4-V&)-Avluoacldv an& cn3oir DerivatAm, by Va. P. Sma&kInt M. Y. Baosteiftj 6 pp. RUBUMp pW, Zbur Obahch Milm., Vol ]a=., ND 9;, 1963P pp Sw-2847- GB sci Aug 64 29.-332 by 9. V. SenststAty. WSSIMO bk Vi mw I IL Stobvkh vlaimadelsI le"Rimm R;M=Tmas 3-14 ApnI 19610 AEC-tx*6632 CFSTI TT-66-5100 > Sci - US Jul 66 306o354 iatov-acti.-mv; f-of ucvwitary Farticlaso, 'Oy bK,, voplv.~Sy zatrii siftnym, t L'itxmIlLaraykil t-lastits. LW, d4%'1' IN)- 6-5 jvg%wawmp &" %Nww &"Wwor W46 ft~wft-wb ~w -~ intanctif" of ]usmtagy IP"dclu# by V. S. ftg*AOUUY. RUSSIANt bk. als$Wkk SlabAA 196Z - m . *Rf I ABC-Tr-"32 Sci - Chm May 66 Livestiption of the Supemolecular Structure of High Tenacity Viscose Cord Fibrey by V-A Berestnev. -- yvp~olebAlyarnye Spedinenin MMM, per., V Vol - 6" 1964 -Tm 116T-11T3 NLL/5823.4 iW(559T Aug 67 33T-083 Helical and Ribbon Structures lof Polyethylene., by M. B. Konstantinopollskaya, by Z. Ya. Berestneva V,. As Kargin) 5 pp, RUSSIAN, per, KDIloidnyi Zhur, Vol XXV, Ho 2, Mar, Apr 1963; PP 174-177. CB Sci Aug 64 264,588 On the Oalmaatlcm of Mmmlstor Processes by a Charge Method., by ~L A. Abdiukhanov., G. 11. Berestovskly, V. A. lbzlmin 14 pp. MSIO, per# Pladlotekb I Xlektron,, Vol V., lio 3s 196Dp PP 450-459- pp Scl 7, Au45 61 13 226 Ca-I BERESTETSKU V. B, The angular correlation in the internal conversion of gamma-rays Zhur. Eksptl'. i Teoret. Fiz., 18, No. 12, 1070-IOBO (1948) TT 256 - English Euratom 13 225 Ca-1 BERESTETSKH V. B. Internal conversion of the radiation of a magnetic multipole Zhur. Ekspil'. i Teoret. Piz., 18, No. 12, 1057-1069 (1948) TT 255 - English Euratom 11 677 US-4 US-5 BERESTETSKII V. B., POMERANCHTJK 1. Ya. On the beta decay of a neutron Zhur. Eksptl'. i Teoret. Fiz., A. E.R. E. 11/3/5/39; M. 1637. 60-19932 - English 19, No. 8, 756-757 (1949) $ 1. 80 (ph), $ 1. 80 (mf), 1, i - 6- 6 - 0 -)-- ;_ E u r a t o m HiGher IDmnto oC the O=ee and Xegwt:Lc Mmmt Distributims of Bucleonsp by V. B. B-arestet8ldYs M- V* TerentYev., 3 PP, =510., per., M= Hkoer I Teant Piz, vol n,, ib 1,, 19610 pp 324-32T. AIP Sov Pbys . JLW V03. xmp NO 1 sci 7, Aug 61 aw P024rintica or tw buml-counnim Xlftt=O Odttod Aner o0mWo br To Be ft2 lbA&wwkkLy* A. P.4 amm"AALP now "r aw lbwa i "a" YUO VO:L =V., lb I(T): Qs vp 2"4-A- Awr Dwt of Mp fty Fb"4w va TMOOP so Sol - phPics Fab 59 14 AayMtotic Behavior ol vo,--xu=- Polarizatim In the Preoence of Mason Intemctions,, by V. B. Berestetads 10 pp. fWmImp MO pert 2bw !jWr i Teoret Fiz. Vol X=* No 5o, ftv 1955.- PP 5d5-5986 Amer Inst of FAVnics Soviet PbYeicc,, Vol no No 3 Sol' - P4uicu 174 Feb 57 Cm Asymptotic Behavior of Cross Sectiona at Higb Energies, by V. B. ~qrestetakiy, 1. Ya, P=eranchuk, 6 RUSSLO, per, Zhur Skoper L Teoret Fiz, Vol MD(~ No 4 (10): 196o,, pp io78-lo%. kip Sor Phyr, - M.TP voi m, No 4 Sci .3-un Diulategmtloa intO 31r rRecons and the Hypothesis of Isotopic Invariancep by V. B. Berestete*. Full trawlation. RUSSIM,, thrice-mo pero DA Ak Nauk 8=,, Vol XCII,, No 3a 1953* P 519. -1W -135---- ------ - -- Scientific - Physics Aaymptotic Behavior of icattering Amplitudes and the "Ohoet" Problem of the Vacoum Reg!-,* Trajectory Dy V. F. Rerestetski-i., pp. 6 RUSSIAND P*-", Zhur FAmper i Tearet fts, Val XLIV, No 5, 1963, pp. 1603 - 1611 Amer Inet of PfWa Boy P~p JETP Vol XVIIO No 5 Sci 240-3).,+ Oct 63 (IFDD M34) ft Dev*lopeft of Qmantm Mactroft=mlco avi the Tbeory of Maou4&7 Pwft4clmp by T. D. lm#WAihys 10 pp, --l-1. =SUN# no pwv Vast A Nwk a=* Ta XVj, ft 6,p 160=0 uss scl - pbWOLOBS, Flautapr(Auctim of -77t MWOUS m N=100M iu Perl- I COL Es Do Firsov.9 Usionaj, by V. Do Ebrestataid phem 3 pp. Fe-issimp pw$ MUT zuuw i Taoret nz., Vol mO=j Fio P-(B)., ig6bj, pp 43B-426. S" FWD-= Vbl M, No 2 tpr 61 Me goeftm of P"itftlms b? Vs B. MOZO., per, Mw Man i:fi~m pis Vol 19) No so 480'r IQ-37: ,, - Sa Lib No Lao ftvdftvtm ftt. Ub. &ids to goal= act. pa. litAwat"Ums Vol 41 so 20 reb Imo 0 ho-471 C The Dynamical Properties of Elementary Particles and the Theory of the Scattering Matrix, by V. B. Berestetskiy, 30 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Fiz Nauk, Vol LXXVI, No 1/2, 1962, pp 25-78. Al P Sov Phys - USPEKI-11 Vol V$ No I Sci 18 Oct 62 213,579 On tbepecay of a Neutrons by V. B. Beraotat3hys 1. Ya. Pamranchuk. FMIM., wo PeIri, zhur nsperfVoe~et Fig., Val XIXp no 8s -1949s PP 7~6~, ABC Tr 479 Scl ftv Llb 50/2108 Scientific - Nutlear ftOics July 1951 CrS Table of Contents and lutroductiOrA ui OQuantuin Electrodymaudaso by A. 1. Akhiyezerp V. B. Berestetakly) 22 pp. RUSSIANj, bk,* E1eKrodimmi&"%IA.. publ by State Publishing House of Teahnical- Theoretical Liberaturej, Moscow# 19r.-,3. CIA/FDD/X-1822 Scientific Physics dex only "T, stm=ticu batmn an electron wd pasitron? by Luftu, SM. porp Zhur L Teoret Pis Vol 19., No 8* 673-5~1 Sol Hw9ew M lb 51W Landono Rmkhaven Nat. lab. Wde to Dwsion wl.ywo Tatum, Vol 4j, No 2j, SO 101 19 33-39, P~ 6 (Iq Formtim of a ~ 4(esm Pair in Positrm Amihilatlms by Ve ]DO :X. "Zm- Pa~~Ikp 2 17D. RMSM,j mo per., 2hiw mmg i Tamt fim" voi m=.. No 6,j Dw 1955p p R64. Amer Iwt of Pb7ulcs Soviet PlWaics., Vol -Up No 3 Scl - Mysics Y y 7 O'Y- Feb 57 CM Quantum Eledwodynambso by A. I. AM+er, V. G. Berestets %9 pp. RUSBIANI bk* Kvantovap Blektrodi 4ko-ol M03cowl 1953. AW Tr 2876 AuS 57 TT-65-26427 Field III JlareAlzwjz~G. L.; Koz1ov, P. V. INVLOED VAN HET REKKEN OR DE STRUCTIJUR EN DE 1. Centre Beige de Traductions EIGENSCHAPPEN VAN FILMEN UIT POLYETHYLEENTER- Brussels (Belgium) EPHTALAAT. IV. ONDERZOEK VAN DE MACROSTRUC- TUUR VAN GEREKTE FELMEN DOOR DE ETSMETHODE (VI[yanie Rastyazkki na Strukturu I Svoistva Plenok 1z Pollettlen Tereftalata. IV. Issledovanie Ntakrartruktury Rastyanutykh Planck.Metodom Travleniya). Tr. by J. Estercam. 12p. CBT-111-24. Order from CBT as CBT-111-24 Trans. In Dutch of Vysokornolekulyarnye Soedinenlya (USSR) v2 n12 p1854-9 1960. European Translations Centre NCH-200 632 Field IIE Berestnev, %. A.; Paztkov, K. Kb.*, Kargin, V. A. INVESTIGATIONOF THE SUPEMIOLECULAR STBUCTUIRE OF HIGH TENACITY VISCC6E CORD FIBRE. Tr. by I. Gawronska~ 26 Dec 64. 10p. 18refs. Courtaulds-ML-4M; NLL-Ni.5597. Order from NLL as N1.5597 Courlaulds. Ltd. Ifinebester (Englar4 Trans. of Vysokum*1ekuIyxmye SoedloenlyA (USM) vo i3s pII67-73 1964. See also 'Translated or Abstracted Pulillc2tionfi.1 in TT Vol. 24 N-. S. of Hammic oscillatims EwplWing iri6 Elements., by G. H. Berestmakiy, 10 pp. Y .,IJSSIIiN,, per., Radioteldi i Elektron,, Vol Vj, No 3., 1960, P-0 471-477-' pp i, uz 61 LZIr.-c-Sigaal Static CharecteriGtics and Tranzient -T'Oces;ses in TzansistOrrp by G. Ii. Bexestovsklyo pp. RUSSM. per, RadiOtekh i Elektrono V01 V., No 3., 9W, pp 46C-47o. FF 61 Simplif led Analysis of the Circuits of Radio-Junction Transtator Oscillators With Self-Excitation, by P. D~ Beyestnev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN per, Radiotekhnikap Vol XII.. wo 4, Apr 1957, pp 39-U. AM.' F-T-3-92481'V Sci - Electronics Apr 58 Me CaudItl=s of SOt-2=1tittlon sAd the Frequency of Self-OsallUtIon of JUnctlon Tmwlstor Ovall- lato"p by P. D. Berestmv, 12 pp, mm-TAN,r per., ftaotai"tu.. vol nn, No 29 1958o pp 3643. Sol -a Ilootrom 6059 ~~j ~ 7Y So Hadmim a Flbw BMdWWj bY T- A. Kargla, V. A. Berestnevi, T. T. fttovalmyst R. Y&. RUSSIU,, per., Dok AIL Sauk SMp Vol Q=~ No kj. .1956,, pp 668 -670. Sci - Googbys 71J V.a liffluzuce of InUmolocular latermMlon on thi% FroWtUs of Rubber SolwUaZmv by V. E. cula V. A. Deftatuevo 4 DR. BMSVJO PMVL. K6Uoid ZbAms Vol =s So 5a 1957Y pp 552-555. :mn 59 lj~.'ic, S-i",nzeture of Oriented Polymcr Mterials, by V. A. :,7-cgrrin) T A. Berestnevj X. Kh. Razikov-, 3 PP. ,USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CX=, No 5, PP 1oq!4-1oo4. Sov Phr js - Dok Vol VI) No 8 191a., A.-Or 62 in the Physics Scctioz of the All-Union Chemical Society imen-4 D. I. Mendelyev, 'by V. A. Berestnev,, 5 no RLSSIM, per, Zhur Wes Xhim Obshch imeni D. I. 14eadeleyevaj, Vol V, No 6, 1960, PP 701-P3. JPRB 1OT91 Sci - Fayo .%v 61 7 ~f. ~ ;, 3 7