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A I-laser for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, by Henri Benottt~ Pierre Grivet~ Henri Ottavi. FREEWCH~ per, Comptes Rendus; Vol CCYIVII, No 22, 1 Dee 1958, pp 1985-19B8. ML Tr 674 Sci - Flac/Phys, Phys Nov 61 7 63-14704 STA-NDARDIZAT[ON OF SETS OF WEIGHTS, 119631 1. Benoit, R. 57p. 5 refs. Order from SLA $5.60 63-14704 Trans. of Annales des Poids et klesures [sic] 1907, v. L3, p. 1-48. DESCRIFMRS: Standardization, *Weights (Analytical) (research Methods, Techniques and Equipment, TT, v. 10, no. 10) GMU 0( T0ChAk%I StrViCAS 41" L; and. IliAgicluic Coutants With Ccallmter md IgMimoter Wave Lengths) by J. Benoit, T. E. 'I'alpey, 6 pp, ITALMI., per) del HUOTO Ciwn-top VO-J. IXI No 31 Se'ries IX3 1952Y pp 231-236. ACSI I-3119-D m 2214W.4 -, plzs Dec 63~ 5tperimental Sepmtlon Of.,the Ro].4 of the Superficita mA InterrAl fteepton in t1w Hypo"eal GonsdostImA41ou In the Duck vith Li6ht, by J. Benoit, Le Asseumber, F. X. Walter, 11 P# PRMH, per,Coaptes Randus Des as Soc do Diolp 3-953; Vol CnVns No 3Av IV 166-191. MA 59-20170- M Sci Feb 60 Vol 21 No 22 Biol# Vol XZXtIIs 37 2 8 4 -SwAtamoss The Mple Cl,firo-10 in Research and iu PMont Vwmpy. hy J, C. kzait. 1,or Lra Camiiat 'A" , A-S 4~uisk iol RuM. ti7)* 4146 190p Jul f>5 2 aG, 12 1 The Rhythmic Response 0'1' Striated Muscle to Gulvwlic atimulation,, by P. H. Banoitv 3 PP. kR-,"CN* pzr# Anneacr, da Mycialoglap Vol -AITI,, 1937P 971-973- SIA 59-10635 5 9 Vol 20 111o 2 On Measurement of the Spectral Density of a Noise in Geophysics Application to the Earth's Ionosphere Cavity, by R. Benolt, A. Hourl. F,IZHMj per Ccmptes Rendus, VoleOLV, ft 18., 1962,. PP 2496-24~6. HAM T2 P-8335 Sai Apr 63 UB MVT OMY Valence Bm& in Sam Binary CocWmds , by Rene Benolto 16 ime ZROM., per$ J Chim Phos Vol LIIP 1955., pp 2M-206. AM UMM-ftm-(M sci - Chm Apr 61 / /? 0/ T Y Study of Elastic and Thermodynamic Contin- uous Media in General Relativity, by Jean-Francois Bemoan. mucu, per, Annales Institut Henri Poincare, See A, Vol 111, No 1, 1965, pp 41-110. CIA X-6268 Also available CPST1 by NASA Sci &Tech Info Facility Jan 69 373,474 Significant information About the Activities and Personalities of the Ministry of Defense of Israel., by Yeshayahu Ben-Porat, OUO, CTUWN~ np, Yedioth Hayom, 1~-D,e,--c--1960-9 Jan 1961, 30 pp. *JPR',- Nr-,IA - israel Nii 29 Mar 61 Zhe golubiUty of ft] and ftlt NUtures In Water at Tmpmtures above 100.)by As Sumths Oblairs 144 -M - =nx,g pwh; M's =we u &us ChOSVO, C= 'Fit 19-11 pp 285-M. Bmw .6 Gelgemy 3,2.)736 SaentIfic - MmmiffU7 S.L.A, Tr 31 J IMMM OF SINMR80 atom emmomwn IN 1. sw* B. AS MPBND3NT ON THE TYPE OF POWDER AND a. vwdm...�Kukwll M CMDMUM OF MANLWACMB. 11963)136~. 23 nfa. Order from SIA $3.60 63-16779 71row. of St&W ad BL&= (Was GermbW) 1931. v. 71. 31, p. im" (W*gt Gornmv). Nerid"j-10, DESCRIPMRS: 91ro. *Maarft Ofovdw FbIr" mmul Mudmtwft motboal *l , , ft w"No" " 4 ' TOOve twivam Mw Ishorkw PRWU as of cm%uct go rdmv a'. edgm 8 MV00. ablabar. and surt- wa w pm p cberactexutum of powders; fteklom f"= azygm and dhoWal parky of do pmder. compruslam mrsop so4omme of the mocbmAclkl de wM kw romme ISM d lod*d u p ; p J odstaniorg-Farratioustalf. 77, V. 10, go. 7x x-i-xy Analysis of ttw li'luctrimi fAstriWtiwi ia CrfstaLs IV* 114D L-loctrwa loistribution ia ItZp3,4. by A, LicuscAl, iw, Z,, ly~z.uiek" Vol 4, i9$5, jai's 71 60-18208 .:~awjieidt, Mans Wilhelm. THE MATERIAL FLOW DIAGRAMS FOR AN 1. Iron industry INTEGRATED IRON AND STEEL WORKS. Rept. 2. Steel industry no. 205 of the Ausschuss fUr Betriebawirtschaft 3. Title: Flow diagrams [Committee for industrial Economics) of the Verein 1. Benscheidt, H. W. Deutscher EisenhUttenleuie; Doctor's thesis of 11. Title- Verein... Technische Hochschule Aachen, 1943 (abridged 111. Technische Hochschule version). [Sep 463 37p. 2 refs. Aachen (West Germany) Order from SLA mi$3.00, ph$6.30 60-18208 Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1943, v. 63 [no. 301 p. 529-537 and [no. 311 p. 558-567. Office of Toe6kol S"cos (Unannounced) c~ ~C. c Z E 0 In 12 Terminologie Bens'e, G. Zum Problem der einsprachigen Wdrter- bilcher 1958, 19 3-4-9 Zt. Fremdsprachen, Halle 1182 '.nfluence of Titanium on Co;Wr sad the *at Import"t Copper Alloys,, by F. 0. bmsel,, Doctor's Theals, 19130 yp 1-30. ftateber Tr No 131 "cientiric - MID/ketals 421-80 -.7 / jj 4? 7..2 "Ml. Breaking the Toba= Elabitp by H. KV~p L. Bmimans 3 PP- PRMj per.. Via j*d* Vol =3 1960p PP 1139- 1140. R NIN 1-1*-6e IX4., S Zr Sol - Ned Fab 62 Of the sal(rt 14icromeber to lmdusi-.1-J"al A~ aicatioa Of tbe S301ex to ule str(-,~rj&f of materi,--ds. ADplicatica of the Solax Micrometer to the GIQI',':-,'~.'2~7 6y Tools; b7 Jean Outia, 14. H. de IL T~ 27 pp. RBRUH~ per, IL-canique, 1701 'A"A-I; 1-10 271- 1937; pp, 69 -3,3 SLA 59-17015 jan 6c Vol 2; NO 7 HpidemIc of Adenovirus Infoations, by R. Sobler, P. Deusi=mj Y. Maramet, 1. mauitt$ J. vrd~vdiir., 50 PP. YRMMI per,, Rev dtWane at do Kod Was V91 V3, NO 52 19579 PP 423-440. NM 10-12 Sol - Mod Now 58 7, z, / / / milli WAS- Uitla Rounpavato tho Dacident and tille rofloQtod Nirvol)" by A Wide-Bmd Wavaguide VIrectioml Coupler, by R. K. lbsbkcrvtiaev, L. Z. Benemn, A. A. Khols1wev, 16 IV. FUSSIUly per, Wiotekh, Vol 17, BD 4, 1960y pp B-1.7. PP gei - Apr 61 1 V4 ~ /to Vacuum Manometer with a Thermoleectric Cell, Compensat of the Temperature and Direct Reading in a Very 1,ong I Interval, by J. M. Benson, 14 pp. GERMAN, per, Vakuum-Tech) Vol VI) 1957) pp 181-185. AEC CEA Tr A448 Reverse Trans Germn to French Feb 59 Behavior of the Electroencephalogram Wit'n Reserpine (Serpasil) Therapy in Large DogeEr and Medicamentous Parkineon-Like Conditions, by D. Bente.,-T. Itil, 7 PP. GERMAN, per, Ned Klin, Vol Lj 19551 pp 1-?0,6-1301, SIA Tr 57-1838 SCI Jun 58 69 Sound Attenuators for Pipe Lineso by M. -2! ~el 85 PP- C-EPME0 . er,, Z Ver Daut Ing, 1936. SLA Tr 57-1473 Sci - Physics J-~411, ;6,1.-z Oct 57 Hollow Bla&j Pmferably for Axial-Flow Turbinesp by YW~ Bentele., Ernst geinkel, 4 pp. OMAN, Patent No 926s,397- UO'Dept of Cocmz~e Fuumt QUIM SOL Llb (gift) Sci - EDgineering Jul 56 Hollov Blade for Tabims WIth Ams' rIms by ~Al~t~e Adolf Mattenscheak, Hm Rilmar. 9 py, wmp P&t=t zo 94o..g2s. Dipt of Cemaree FAImt Offlee Sol Lib (gift) sci - Rusimerizis An 59 7'i1 CMequent wffalopkmt ft-M cmanuous C&OU08 to oostimmw &aLUO., by H. ;q~ WMP pw,, bwg-wA NAtm=mlm" jkmAsbaMp Tca evni No 4" j962, PP IM-151- mu TO W. aw ~4-3,417 Ave 63 Change in the tone of the spinal =scles in mang by A.M. Bentelevs 6 prp. RUSSIAN., perp FUiol Zhur M imeni I.M. Sechenovap Vol XLVIII No 3, ig6i. PP ,2 a 01 -7.f I Sci Apr 62 CMDmillon of bwwle Ra4lons In ambibians. Wars-Blm4ed Anlmals.. and Mm., by A. M. D*6-jAlevs per, ntiol zhur am imul 1. M. sechoum'v B OX IMvp ft 6j. 1959, py 6 , 9 Fmb 60 Ume Crushing, P Imit for U. L. P, Convertor j by F, Benter. FRT.'4Gt-,-JTI" chnique '&So&rne, Vol SS. 1963, lip 67-69. BI51 3960 I.,".-France sci/M&M Apr 65 278,506 A I Lim c-rushim pimt gor OW Cmmxwr* by 1F. iltn=s par., M lVdt VOI W* 1963s LP W-M - ma 30 001-i.rivili kor C, 5 zj-e*&x,; Economy Of nme-Outting Methods. Section 6 Fr'm Raticnal-Isionuag im Sch-Iffbau Durch Brannachelden (Applice-4ion e F-Imme-CuttirkS in Sup c=g-tmatjoa), IM by I Kbq-, 9; J. ~~ntf veldt., tam GMW, per, Sahvelasen und Sabnalden, Val Xllp No 6) 1960, NOY Tr 28m/Buj**'ftlPf 727 Imur - Gormamy Jul 61 % the Buckling of Bars end Plates in the Plastic PhnV. Part IIr by J# P, Benthem, 60 pp. MM, per# Hat LuchtmaAAAbs ftort 423p Jan 1954. . MA 2976 Sci. may 58 - I ,~Y, 9 q.5- the Streac Aualycis of Swept Wingsp by P. Beantbemf 182 pp. . ............... DIPICH . , Nationaal Luchtvaartlaboratoriump llmsterdam., s.4o5. PACA U-21276 Sceintific - Aeromutics NOV CTS /~, / 70 Me Moot of Mfttlms of Rio PeltW Maher- TxOa?ucl, +-- -M*X7etba,3,cue Imn tln,- Mgmujao-tUM of Cmv~~~, by 4. rM=. 0 WM=,, per., Xumwtatoffav V41 M.. Mucuchcm., !956p pp 335o 136. Dot of Miterlor U3 bw of Hinea Dr of Bitm$wus Coal Ples Vubingtons DC. 2r 56 scl - &V 9'7 -5-3 7 Wv 19 .7 ~'tu(lbyinz the I'llf"hoct of Futon CMISM4 4aratien o~.-' siloymne A-ands an the urmee.#% mf i~,'&Polyfxrizutiva of Siloxaws 111. 8'vff*ut al~ 'jlyeuvi"Jo W Cyclic md Liae4r MAX,11,0 pwo (k=ul awati-harlics 0 -~Miatatis C;hw-. polenobs Vol 3MV119 ;-40 llp 1%.50 mr,14213. '16f ? e, /j S, 146 4 63-16M4 QMW, Ysacow V_ RELATIONS BETWEEN IMB TECTMC AND MM 1. lip a Y. X. PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS IN WE ISRAE11 NBMV (NEGEV). (19631 15p. (flp. omitted) 2 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16094 Tram. of mano. Congres Geologique Interwaktal (or%. 19) Algiers. 1952. (Comptes RMKIUBJ 1953, sect. 11, v. 11, V. 93-101. DESCRIFMRSt *PbwpMtes, *Bcwmic XeolaM *Isrlel' Petrology, Geology. (FAmh Scleroces- -Geology. TT. v. 10. no. 4) aft@ d TK6" Sw*ft The Techuique of Radiation Treatmezkt Of IAM8 Cancer., by V, H. Bentsianovs., 4 PY. RUSSVJ# pero, Voproisy OWMIGglYt Vol IZI* 30 5v 1957s pp 600-603- Pergwm bat Sci - Ned Jan 59 7f 661 3-514,( (NY-2568) The Seventh All-Won Congress of Roentgenology and Radlology, by Yu. N. Sokolov) V. M. Bentayanova, L. S. Rozenobtraukb, 20 pp. RUSSIAN# per Vest Rentgemlog i Radlolog, No 1, ,Tan/Feb 1959; pp 82-90. MS-L-830-K Sci - Med Jun 59 Note on Dafacts -Dautz. tbm probjam Of tb~a Q'-Iaimif IMUM Of bY 1jjtT8upzj'.'c sxamirc'ticn) by EZC=.UZp MLASSIPIM 'V?AWg', per, Rev ?"t; vol xaVt go 71 1957, pp 529-536. Britiah Iron and steel Ind rlva GuopWaicis'=4 htrolau Discovery lu Germoy, by A. Dents MOO for, Erdool urA Zdb' 0 Vol =,p no 50 1956.0 Tech am Oam Tr $40.00 Sei - Geopbyeles LI-A h 0 fty 56 m 7-w/ J/ 12 Ubersetzungsnachweise 10780 Bentz, Ham We ChartQtheca translationum alphabetic& Internationale Bibliographie der Uber- setzungen auf Karteikarten. Ausgangssprache englisch erfa8t alle Sachgebiete. Erscheint in lfd. Fortsetzungen 1960 - Hans W. Bentz, Frankfuxt/a.m. ar Stet!l Rolle and Steel b r,. J, seemmunt W, rcnts ly IV, Vol 1953,, pp 47- V - Brutcher Tr 3116 PrICe 65.60 T Horse Serum and Serolon in Varioua Skin Disoasesv jX,LAImev4k**wm,, 6 PPO DMOH, per, Ugeskrift f. lAegdr, Vol Up pp 1042p 1043o 1948. --- - ~ / el FPD IX-585 51 Scientific - Medicine / '1 ?711 (SF-356o) THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE, BY EITAN. BENTZUR, 5 PP. NP HEBREW,, W MAARIV., VOL XIV, NO 5432, 18 JUN iq&~ P 5. JPRS A952 SCI - PHYS AUG 62 Sub: I t .- merged Pre V'elling ef Extension,'O eacos to Pl:ca Tc~baap by r, . 'r - ~ 5 pp. P.T-SLIO, per. Svrbroch Proiz, No 10, 1959, 25, 26 ReE? A5-qoc- ~-Os- EXACT METHOD OF INVESTIGAT114G PERIODIC 1,10DES I N' AN EXTREMAL PULSE-REGULAT I ONI SYSTEM, BY YE. yu._~~ 13 pp. RUSSIAll, BK, S13ORNIK RABOT PO VOPROSAI-1 ELEKTRQAlElqW'l(Kl, NO 5, 11Q61, PP JPRS 1441-1 SCI ELECTRON' JUL up 202,446 New River Flivbmtp by Tu. Yu. 13 pp. HUSSUNt pert Sw1ostroyaniYe. Vol MM, No 5, [1871, 1958, pp 1-5. ow 6o-~aom 1?4(. " Y-A&I sci my 62 Au Dmatigaticm of the Gel-Fmming Propertieti of Aliminum Oleatee in Benzene.. o. v. Bemigins, V. V. Konstantinova., S. a. zakyava) 4 ,PPO WWIMj par, Dok Ak Nouk WMI Val =Mlle' No 2, 1960, PP 380-383. CD Sal 1~4? , lvlr Air 61 V ,'tivor ieireboat',, by Yu. Yu. Yienul. UTICLAESIF-I.-RD RLESIM, Sudostrqj-e;)iye,, Vol IXv No 5; mcu: igc,,S: P? 1-5. Navy P-551/BuSikipo 6c41- ak; 5 J issill Econ jun 6o Rutu"haWN DAWargad Ar-. wrWiti& Die .1"twal Viaiaa on 6v Davahana Positioa, by Y. F. Bonua.. A. i. Xatier, UNCL XMIU, Per, SvQrOcLMO)v ZrOIA, No 7s 105- British Iron and Steel Ind (no awabor alvem) ScL - Rngr ~~' /Z!~~ Sep 59 7 On the ProbIn of Underwater WInge for Sbip Fropulvioqp by V. U. Berms 14 pp. RUWIAN, per,, Sudoetroente, Vol VIIIs Wo T, Jul 193,8p pp 92-97. NACA.,11.12W Stl Tr Center HT 945 ScientIfIc - Snowering Feb 152 CTS /*/- Ile UnpAl rpt, avail on DU loan only (NY-6912) Pwi0dic MO&G In a4 ExtreAl Regulation System, by Ye. At. Bemis, 23 PP. - 1. RUSSUN., bk., W>0=1k IIabV VOPM&M F&ektr=c&aulId, No 52 1 0 pp 694)4. 4M 13298 Sol - SW Apr 62 Extraoting Tin from low-Grade Ores by DistMation During Re&oing-Suifidixing Roosting in a Fluidi2ed Bed By D, N. RUshinj A. At BqSML, pp 6 RUSSIMS part Toyetv," Vol 111, No 55, 1962; ppo 343,43. Sci sop 63 PS D--welcT=t of Nm-perrow matanurgy (i959-1965), ii. xh. Bmmi., 65 pp. T)SSIAN, pau4phlet,, Piazvitiye Twetncor MetaUurgil 1959-1965 99.- 1960. JPM 49T0 USSR 'ift- o: I s op 61 ljcrLw,~sj, V. EXPERIMENTAL INVEMGATIONS ON SPACP Prft~ cl,plioN. 1. 'nit' HAPLO-DIPLOCINESCONG Nij-'11110j) (JkCChCTChes Experimcritales sur la Ver- ception de Vrspice), fI%l) 1521p. 30 refs. Order froin SLA $5.60 61-14694 Trans. of )(ournai del psycil[clogle] Norm[ale ct] Path[ologiquel (France) M5, v. 22, p. 625-666. DESCRIFYORS: 'Space perception, *Vision 'Stereo- scopic projectors. Physiology. (Unannounced) 61-14684 1. Title: liaplo-dipl j esc c mcibod oc a opt 1. Denussi, V. 11, Title: Jla4)lo-Djj)jo- cinescopic . om-.f Bnuoli, Vinado and Witusk, St. MONOCULAR LOCALJZATICN DIPPERNN01 AND APPARENT MOVEMENTS AROUSED HAPLOSCOPI- CALLY [AND) OBSERVATION CONCERNING THE PRECEDING PAPKI BY Y. IENUN (MonobW- W-11-dansdifferew md Hmpkab*sd Rrwafte Scbdnbew*T-S* jumd) (Demark" se Varnehndw Al,ko-thng Von V. Boost). 11"ll 11091 (ap claft"d) alft. Order fr4m SLA St. 10 7T-61-14114 Trams. d Archlivi 912r) d(aal Gesfampf Psydiag"I (Germany) 1914113, Y. U, V. X6-274 (DdwvWd ftivmms--Pwidm*w, IT. v. 12, va. 8) Tr-61-14114 1. loved, V. Experbutal Wouckes an Spuw PorWtio*. 1. The UAPIj3*Dlpmw4m"w*lc mthod'o by Vittorio bewj=Ls 13 ppe, FPMCHO:por# Jam M do ftYggls 10 .At* Nam Ot patha 01 XXIIO, IYZ5,, pp 625-666* 40 Jul 66 (sF-i796.) al-ilill"I eric D'actaria With Tha Aid of AnLibodies I'larked With I.-Dimthyl-Amino-Suphytyl- -3-3-i-Ifonh.loride, by A. Tcmov, !:. Benvenisti, ---------------- par, We= Ideditlinsko Delo, No 6, PI) 35-4o. JPIRS 11714 Sci - MInd Iy jan 62 CEA-tr-X-491 Uncl. EFFETS DE L'EXPOSITION DES TUBERCULES DE POMMES DE TERRE AUX RAYONS GAMMA, SUR LES PLANTES DE PREMIERE ET DE SECONDE GENERATION. (Effects of Exposure of Potato Tubers to Gamma Rays on the Plants of the First and Second Generation). A. Benvenuti. Translated into French from Agr. Ita-r-TTL s a', ~ ,- : N o . ~7; , (includes original, !Op., mc- h P Radiobiology; Translations fLJ C-48 NP NSA Dep.(mc); 60( f s) , 41. 1(mf) JCL N - --1- 0 41%. da~ Pseudo-Aortic Stauosis From Idiopathic Hypertrophy of the Wocardium, by R, Benvanuto,, M, Serrattos 20 ppe ITALIAN, per, Cuore v Circolazionek Vol XLVv No 1,0 19629 pp 1-17o NIH 94-63 Sci - Biol & Msd :zq?., 5/7 Nov 63 Process for Controlling Strip Metal Cold- Rolling Mills , by M. A. Be"pvskiy, N. K. Zatsepin~ D. I. Suy~XOV- 3 pp. 13USSIATI, Author's Certi-IficalLe No 124~402. Dept of co=~rc:,! Patent Office Sci Lib Sci - 3w /~-P 919 jan 62 89timtea of the quAlity ftators for Proauges In Closed-Imp SanpW-ftta Aixtomatlc Control by B. B. Benlyw1novo 8 PPO RUWWp pero Avt43=t I ftlamrM.* Vol =LUO So 51 19620 pp 5&~Ar. ISA Sol i= 63 232,676 Large Panels of Autoclaved Aamted Camerete Without Omment Oontawng Mast ftmeas Bldg and Fuel Ash,, 'by L. M. RozenM I d,, 1. M. Denlymminovich. WSSUN,, perp Baton I nwI9zdbetm,, No 2o 19&, pp 68-83. SW 801 - AW mw 63 Beconftry. Ion Ddesion of YAlybdum Dwing Its IN P di - v Imed by PosItt" Doi= Ion$; SPW COatift of SCUM and Potassium 11jus WA -0010 lffwtl by Vp- 1, Yekdarp N6 D. 15 ppi NNW,, Vero TrWV gredne"tatekM Gosud mo low ve I# LAAMP 3-mi, VP AMC NMI-BIT Sol - Chm Avg 59 The MSR as an Bsporter of the Traditional Goodr: of the Ecowadcally Ubdercleveloped Countriesp by RMSM11, perp Vncahu" Torgoylyal No 5p IQ,60, pp 18-20. usm IDD Sm 2624 555- Aug 6o Now High-Pamr TAbcm%W for 8, T. Cireaft. Breahr Testingo by V. Be bewawnsmo P=RP perp Xleltwdftskie StanUilp No 2j, - pp 67-70- 19% C.8014ROOO Sol Iler- of&' my 60 7 fB= Ma ftMtridav i;V 8- BC-m7O,".Gv- VMS W-ibetadebeg)PO dela.. 15 a4an Measures to Reduce Noise and Increase Chamial Capacity in Pulse Code MAulationg by F. Benz, a-15 pp; b-12 pp, GERWp per.. Archiv der Elektrischen Ubertzangw%, Vol IXP No 7t 1953., a) pp 299-306, b) pp 381-387. _Mlle 57J160 Sci a"~O- 0"1441V Aug 58 Fluoresomm wd ImM Tmnsfor in PMnanthrens Crptala. by K. W. Bean, H. C. Wol r. OMAN, par Zoitaghrift Am aturforcohung. Val - 19a 2 1964 'pp 181-90 CI;4'522 - $1.00 1 A) 2- Sci - Sep 67 339-793 NCH-201 984 Field 20B 'V ; Wolf. H. C. DEPEND CE OF ENERGY TRANSFER ON CONCEN- 1. Natimul Researcl% Council W TRATION IN ANTHRACENE-TETRACENE MIXED of Canada, Ottawn CRYSTALS (Die KonzentrationsabbangLftelt der (Ontario) Eaergle-Uberft,agung in Anthracen-Tetraoen Mischkristallen). Tr. by D. A. Sinclair. 1965, 9p. 11refs. NRC-TT-1200; NRC-C-501. Order from NRC: $0.50 as C-S"I Trans. of Zeltschrift fuer Naturforsebung (West Germany) vl9a n2 p177-81 1964. Amplitude Filters end Thair APPlicstiOn in TelePhone SYstem, by W. Be=, 9 PP. GMWASO per, Telesmpbennz Fernsymch-j.. r=d7=d Mrneeh--*(%uyj--vo-1--m-in.t'-oo 2, Fab 1939, PP'63-68. STA Tr 57-369 Bel - ElactrMics Jul 57 63-20281 Bem waker. NUKED TEMON BOLT, STRAINS AND STRESSES, 1. Benz, W. TORWE WRENCH (Ddmochmubc, Spanukrak Dre1mvubentochlossel~ [19631 [18PI (forefF. Zen in- cluded) 3 rds Order Um SLA $1. 60 63-20281 TUM& ot mm mmnechnfache Zaimchzlft (west Genwmy) 1948, v. 9, nm % p. 33-36. DW,RWMRSz *Bolts. Design, Mechanical properdes (Machinery- -Macld Partih TT, Y. 10. no. 12) (BY -4549) FAV system of Rmwnaraaft in ut"Wisea or tat-, Lwal 0 9con*W,, by Ivan MA&kj Oustar LD*nza.A- 4 CUM, porp V~atavbix Occiall0% Xo 14, &p 196oo pp 1p 40 JTTM W-49 ED=- Doe 6o TT-66-11771 Field 7B Betizenber1r, J, F, WDDTJNG STARS ARE STONES FROM LUNAR VOLCANOS, 1, Benzenberg, J. F. 55p, 26rdle. Order from SLA; $5.5D as TT-65-11771 I True, of mono. Die Sternschuppen Sind Statne sue blond- Volkanen. BoniL. 1834. NIR 619 G - BOOZI Effects of Nm-kUne in Vivo on the Moladoeboduodenal complex and its Interfarenm WMA NwavvegaUtive Stimilation. ITALIM., PWO Bollettino Cb1alco-FarAscoutleop Vol 102o 1963., PF 5M54* NC 72-6059T-060 - Or(W from I= as C-UO58 Nov 72 62-17802 -Benzi. G A__FU1tTHhR coNTRiBLrnON OF THE PHARMACO- 1. Title: Oddi's SpNncter LOGICAL SrJDY OF T14E ISOLATED ODDf'S 1. Ben/i, G. SPHINCTER. 119621. 11. K-11-10764-a Order from K-H $6.25 K-H J0764-a 11. Kruslie-flookei Sk'icncc Ll h ra 7- y As six it] I v s, Trans, from [Societi Italians dl Blologia Sperlmenrale. D.,rroit, Mich. Bollettinal 1960. v. 36, no. 14. DESCRIPTORS. 'Drugs. *Gallbladder, Pancreas, Ducts. *Secretion. C (Biological Science s- -Pharmacology, 77, v. 8, no. 6) Offic. M T"Wcol S-1cos Wire Dxworl% Die Cozainting of a PrOCIOUS SQUOt e.g. 0 Dimond with a Hader cmPrising a sta"al Plate Provided With an Auxilloory NOW Tmswvt~~ by Alfmd Deumlags 5 pp. a MIM 11 Fateat RO 1.,012080s (Addition to l4tout so &121963). Dapt of Comoras PatmA Offloe Sol Lib scl Nov 59 Ructric ftse With u"u" at% provi4a With Tooft $o Provo% Us InwUm of a MUM StrIp of tb* VxM KWp Fftfm Bminprp'2 ppe Maws, patout so gow, YX too Ot C=Wft Faumt Orrice ki Ub (out) ZA. 7-7 Bel - slectricity Scientific Foumdations for U& Altitudle ntne" Toots by lbew of -11-4~ of Deflaod Gao mtxy ,p ;wv~ tUrso, by Ti 3 ppw UMM., per2 Soft'UW Dout Ak laftfabnfonobs k Do 73, 1940.. P 34. STA 3209 ja 58 lawastij;ations of tits Influsace of iicavy -~ 3-1" ,.uscular iiork cei kmal CipaCitya by T. isclizinger. 1-40-NUI, ~*rj, Azi~eit!jiysialq~iv 1, Vol So IMI, pp 142-14,5* NMA Tr F-IIg,29U ,~Ci-u4ii J.41 66 347,M A Man Magm for 0411iftwAV tO A Pr*sw=s of lo,,oW Atmopharesp %y-.11. Denz2sro A. Koeh. GEM) pw$ vol nvn., x* 2.. 1955j, pp 71-75. Mu IT F-8m Sol - chm JIM US OOVIT M MY genzler. N. and Yoch. A. v. DIAGRAM OF STATE FOR ETIMENE UP TO 1. Bluder, K 10,000 (METRIC) ATMOSPHERES PRESWR& (19641 H. Kmb, A. V, Up Ords order tram SLA $1.60 Tr-64-149U Trans. cdCbwda-Wvuisurj-Todml%l (Wut GermanA 1955. v. 27, m 2. P. 71-7& Anodier U"s. Is avatbMe from K-H $17. W as K-H-3495-9 (19621 14P. (ChKQi&4q--7bY0lCl4 Tr, T. 11, 20. 11) A 60 (NY-3T16). Cc,:~cayaing the Froductioa of siLgle crysiuaz~ ac iViloys., by 1. M. G. Kikup-) D. A. Petrov, A. D. Su~i6~$~ 8 'P'lt)* RUS,SLI,N~ per, Iz All. Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Metual i Toplivo) No 1) 1959) pp 9-99 12- jpp,s 261'), 6 1 62- 142N = - kA n , MRE t)1- C01-1,010M. CAPII; ' r C v 1. BmlpoI'vktk' M. LARY VOR(A '.IA i I'AIAL (CLAY) IX.IIktNG DRYJA; P;4 ; f." 9-'- ( i IV,+;. oll'ittedl t I refl, Qi Lter (rom 0 1ut MA $ 1. 111 61-14 29, I ranit. c4 Int Iwim ciu- I ~zw hcvk I I 4hurnal J1 NNK) dration, Jklowme. prf,;Vr- Micri)miruciure. I'lic $~pcr I~ngcp in the otrut: lure of 04 d.,i.g 0- J,)knt pi--- Ow tmolR W ptrwtuf4l- mc~tkani,al. phrln~jfe. arml dcaorpittun pitAWtIell', 'Ae dctcirnin~' Itw c:onn,*,.tlvn iWNettl CrIliCIIII tKIM19 LIVI s1,rInkage 'Ur,o,,, turvcm kA dryInK rair, and curv" 14 delit)[11titA k dul t tm! E rim al poinio c4 wwwrol ChAnjefl. (CITtrilmory-Chyswal, 17. Y. 0, no. 4) 1 3 IWC,Dw~urg production qimlity in 3*viet 1~,achina BuLlding Industry, by 1"4. rope"o, 12 "p'jf. lWXAL1MW' par, Kommist mmi 0 NO 111, "0v 1964, pp 10-18. JV.PS !-lar 65 2 75, 834 THE CURRENT PERIOD AND PROBLEMS OF COMMUNIST EDUCATION., BY jAMlTBEQ , 14 PP. ALBANIAN, PER, RRUGA E PARTISE, VOL IX~ NO 71 19621 PP 15-29. JPRs 15o41 EEUR - ALBANIA POL i. SEP 62 210--779 PROGRESS IN ORGANIZATION OF THIRD PEOPLE'S HARVEST, BY CONRADO BEQUER, 8 PP. SPANISH, PER, BOHEMIA, 7 DEC 1962, P 10.9 1 . No 49. JPRS 17367 LA - CUBA ECON JAN 63 211,170