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0 lus comp"ItIft se"m T" Plants, 16 pp Kam & NO""* we 8,F MAY 73s PP 400* irm -Pvw Jul ?3 Tyutywvdkvvo 40 Is wayi of Dmaloping Agricultum In the ftir Auto 5 pp maml ISM" SlwALQwZQu9HKjAw~ hoacmg No 50 IMS pp MA-12be im "5 TYZHNOVt VU*9 F RU OPTICAL-BAND ANTENNAS SOVREMENs PRObe ANTfiN*-VQLNGVG0* TEKHNIKlio 19. 67p ONAUKA"i 189-2019 No T FSTC-HT-23-0883-74 Labor valsolm R3tp"t*d to:Rtvlvo liatas S. I "t - " a's A A j4 7k# p 29 im 04mw mv 74 kh.~ ftff 710yowtv TtitzlA, N.V. Hybrids of ftmpyron Glauave Ime. ot 3"ult X.A. Repwo (L.) P. B. SUL. RINC. JARD Ms Vol. $39 VAMOMS 54- 699 6m$ Tr my R. Ubd&tuww Reperimmtat daft for a omdtary a of 14W ommtratiow of M41tm of furfwwj, mwthmt and hydro44to othanot ifa aommp%erto aLp. muv" x new am Vol Zia -10680 VP sx-rar AM Ff-10086067 (p. U.") an um so. w samim Am" mw 71 my 13 v 46 an . 4. 1 , I I---- ~ -. , III' Social Services Sector Provides xw Duarits to ~lo.rjasimh Aa,--# by I Im" 5 ppo ARAWC- apt a 7304*00Ms 6 Or 73* P 8# -~ im i6990 may 73 APUMIUMIL Xwe"Intim p"J"t conumoss by Amu" lubws ILI !pf . jm. I 9 Ap almayseau xwwtomv 34 nor 73' p 6 ~ 7 ARAJ;o 8 f am RRY 73 Inoontive PlAa for *I-w^sU494 lomqll Sdme . alb ~~ .6 'Worken nmlmdp by lAbdol.1,14% $,8t ~: ARANICq rips, alaAZM# Xmwtomt 730 p no 59229 k JUn 73 Me& 9 IMIS cam "Abing n"to Gala ia xhideows be- OMMono 7 pr IM T Pam. - 0 a*& Me pp "0 am G&W I ", f i WAwso 14" 2be MandUe FUM" Cw~Uxo 4 pr - I A me- im 740 op "* m8 I m o AV pu*3= Up MDA Lo T. PJMGA// -702A974tV-40103.9 pp 0030-W35# ftGALff/T KAR am= In the ~Paolflot UCHINUNO Y JA NEWCASTLE DISEASE-INFECTIOUS BRONCHITISANACT; IVATED COMBINEO VACCINE 12.0,-exiol JOURNAL OFiTHE JAPAN VETERINARY NEDIGINE:ASSO CIATION VOL 26 No 3 PP 124 FSTC-HT-23-0069-73 Ar- I , I ~mf. P zi~: It: :~-, ~; :- , - 'IN I z to Ilk VIODW*Y ftWd" CC Odlulfte AN*@** aWkW=s. ftvt 4- noooldiv ct - ma adlau" 80INUOU6 Vol 186 so ~%. 1^ w sot 73 vftv 0. 1 . skim* 14 , 1~1 (Jf)AtA)Vv Not El btu IMPOVANU OF PROPHYLACTIC VITANINIZATION OF FOOD CONSUMED 8V PERSONS DOING EKG lo VOPROSY PITANIYA* 01/1973o MOSCOW# PPIT-23* FS7C-HT-23-0327-74 - ObIltows As ll"~~ an omsmalm In a 0 9 pp ~ )NNW=# lummiummo 00 6X" 3001&Uot 9ftt4 Im Ms ~U So 74s, P U* , I W$tsm. V. hP*AU00d Tmtd% fOr MIUUW Air trmqwt Va4me 6 pp HIMPS"'A I rm"A VMW* As Pq 3q* I 11 1973-- aw*&l24x On the Ruckling and Strength of Thin Rectaugular Columns and Box Beans, by T. Udoguchi, 9 pp. *MVYINSRDC,-'T r , April 73 Udvardlp Undor Poputy KWstor Roports Rapld Dovolomot of Foreign Trade, 20 ppq, ipi t- Padsposti. 10 4o 13 Z= 73f PP to 69 ip= ~iwzo Aug 73 Udw&Yft r sandw 0- 1-42 it -~ sittationo T"We at yo"Up Tftdo - - - - --w-- - DIssumoda 27 ppo WIAUDAWg Buftp"tr We 8v 3.973# Vp STU^ JPM *VJ4* Ost 73 Uehars, T. Two cases of dublu-johnsom syndrom treated with ;6enobarbital. .. II NO=. v. 24, p. 981-984, 1969. WrC 73-10904-"S. 4 S" 74 ow MS TTgouxt Etlomo Re2atlons Wlth Boulum wolows HErARQM AFMAIM* BMWUP pp-4-6- JPRS I ~62028 a PPO 2o-35 Apt 749 f, A, I 1z 711 'rhe Seminar on "Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing by Conceatratod WwrSy Fluos, by Aq USIOVI FIZIKA I MIDUYA OBRABMI MAYERIALOVO No 2t 1971o pp 199-117. MVY/APL/JM-T-2700 May 73 Ir Nano an 620 1. UF7=OVv A* 1. rArgo-Boale Fluctuatlow of the water SWIMS TeMorature 1n the North Atlantis# 14 pp, MWROROLOGM I a - - . a Iftommi No St JLW.3* IM &C-490 07PRB f9po Aug 7.1 p Ubdon, Jan-81mork Contractual Liability. or hmporting Firma Newly', Defined# a ppo WIRTSCRLFTSRBM, :Ust BerUms An 74t VP .35~- , ju.iS 6*22 i i Arr 714 IL AV 73 ML I G A GE REFORMING EFFORT AND TOOL FORCES IN AN IDIALI ZED ROTARY FORGE PROCESS HETALL 19 JAHRGANGAPRIL 1965 "EFT 4 VOL119 N 0 4 PP 322-328 FSTC-HT-23-0925-74 Ujbasyv ftrol Iaftlelal sulates Twestow Iuk"f C6 ppo ~%Tm a we UP 22 May Up Pp 3v - 90* - im 093all I" I Sep 74 Apr 7) . I APIP 13 i. . -.- .4 ~ I -.1 --~L - I UJMV7v Aloxanftr uv P"al"Ma's JA=AIPY# MWOUT 2973 3"SUM R"orbodo 9 pp, QOvwAmw uss ON= - VMMIX 03AV# PPWUp ft I J= 73a PP 2070~' I ff. &w. 0 nmIL 4w Ost 73 amdamwe Do 1, 1 Q I . If 24-Jul-74 Unal (AEC-tr--76489 pp 109-113) Detection of cellular radiation sutoollergy In isfee by #%e sethod of labIbitlop of tot 16hocytes. qLAMOVA- A-9, (last* of flophVelest hoseow). 1914., --Translated from Redlablolovileg 141 No. I t 98-91C 1974 USA k 1 ULDRICHT JOAM GE I USES OF GLASS AND CERA141CS AS STRUCTURAL KATE RIALS t~ ~ Az,- ( c I IH v , . .7. 7 ~: 71, - - -,;* '- i - 1 '10 1. , .4, v~ , taitoddy, P. MW WACO gMtm fOr KAW Tmspwt Waka ascumdo 10 pp AUSIMErr nibum me"Wo so U0 onamo pp 0 im an" 17-Jol-74 umel (BNVL-tr--124) Control of #944toolvatloss In 90djus, loops. ILLHANLO-AL Tralkslatod b" - Go AvSS*lI froo go-ftenergle; I?t No. It 5-10(1974)0 ITPO Dep. UTIS $4.00* 07 chemistrw (40411ticel); 101 rfactor cooliftot translations WN-79& P MSA 10-Jon-74 Vaal 1,ACCL--4502) Corrosion behavlout of aircoolus and straealus-throsiuO allows 90% *toom, at tesperelfres between 32S *ad 7000C Ohkolat Got MKOCKANNO Kelf, Translated (to* Z. M;taiyk.,; $21 go* lat 699-919COMO I?p* Dcp. IT13 (U.3. gates dftlv) 63.00. IIP **Preston$ IlF matellargl; IOJ reactor estorltisl MM-25 MP NSA