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(64) Ftw A PWtbw 19PINt fts ftesta ~Ofmjo -, Of &d"*Mo Wdlo b7 JUt bmbydAp U no, MCKS vwp trade. %L xa*4 1b 401 m - an moo 0 UW-IWO w no bd"5.0 Sa vt % s C.- 1 4,~ j 4 -1411, Fob Problem of SW* Medicine, by Vladiadr Wlatko 5 PP. =Ms pwo-2tRft&,va xvI., No 'To, 1961p yy 38T-0- am 471T Bel - Jbd JUL 61 /U.-O, g/ ? 1.-~ / V~j Unl(:~n "-:'rec by VI.ndirdr fullizol-, mcl, -ba 'o 16 :,,ov 061, pi!, 1 c E: CHT N- JEW/I.TY-632-3 ML" jov! oc Jan J2 7 775 (DC-21100) 4 ON CERTAIN WESTIONS OF THE SOCIALIST STATEp BY MENEK JIEIWMo PAVEL LEVIT., 6 PP. CZECH., PERj, TvoRBA, No 21, 24 mAy 1962,, PP 481-4U. JPRS I kTq EEUR - CZECHOSLOVAKIA POL % AuG 62 2o6..lig Sclaroderma and Psoudosclero&rn, by Stafania Joblouskao L34 ppo POLISIlt bkg, Tuardaina I SIM RukomatmardAneeo 1963 Waranwo =* J~g TT 6S.IISSO U-Poland sci/B651 Fob 66 294t713 (Dc-2600) CODELESS ETHICS, BY LESZEK KOLAKOWSKI., 26 PP. POLISH, PER, Twmaosc,, No T. iqQj PP 64.&. 1. JPFts 15105 EEUR - POLAND Soc %, SEP 62 2100116 61-19679 Surowlsk. W. EPPEGr OF '111H PROPHRTIHS OF IIIERMOPLAS- I Surustialt. W. TIC RMNS ON _MPIR MMUNG. 27 huy 61 1101p. 10 refs. Order frmn SLA $1 10 61-18679 Trans. of j*QL4)j"L-Q=WAALWjX(PIulsnd) 19M v. 5. no. 1/2, p. f-9. DF-5CRIPrOMS. Transition temperature, *Thermo- setting resins, *Plastics. Wolding, Mechanical prop- erties. Elasticity IU article describea the atructure ot a=r*m and crystalline -amorphous thLrmoplastic resins and the changes of the stmcture caused by temperature varia- tions of the resin. The ettect of the structure an the properties of therrntiplastic resins and on the molding methods which are dependent upon these properties are (Werials- -PLastics, 7T, v. 7. no.8); discussed. (huthor) 0011*0 of TqA"W $MAO" Mf'!r=t Sc==-- cF Tic!-. I-,-, W. 1), Naitz. SWUMMOZ,!l, per. Tydskrif vir Wet6nskap ca Kimi, L061, pp f,!1-81. NRC/Ref - C-4016 sci-Biol ~ n- I - - Kmy 63 o~ d -1) ~', &D%AM May 64 239s366 Wommi and Lmploymuta by Wieslaw Wernic, 6 ppe POLISII,j par, Tygodnik L4makratyciny, No 44 (12)k 28 Uct-3 tiov IMO p 3" JPi~S 27!)W Mur-Poland Soc Feb 6s 2730004 Information or, Czechoslovak Merchant Marine, 2 pp. rAr,",If P Vol II, N- -I Co), '-YE'. Unma, J'?RS 2866 Econ Aug 6o C"L I. -TZE (TTY - 304 0', Polish rhin 17~mrt-rtvig, It pp. POLISH, per, Tygodulk Hoxy ; Vol 11, No 50 (75), J -379 1 Dec 19591 r, a -~p 5. - 1 im 2836 EEur - Poland Econ Aug W /a /' 914 TT, %C 'yon 0 Aug 60 (NY-2800) THE ig6wg8o PLAN FOR THE POLISH SHIP-BUILDI.NG INDUSTRY, BY SLODZIMIERZ KORCHOTo 4 PP. POLISH, PER., TYGODNIK MORSKI.. NO 26., 1 juLy 1962,, P 3. jpRs i W6 EEUR - POLAND ECON AUG 62 2o8.,984 JP.Rs I W7 iia MMS DRr article on no 27- 36 110 title: tfikr= nt Catholic Tayman Asks Polish People to Shed Indifference" Author: Stanislaw Stomma Source: Tyf:pdrdk-Pmszecbnv. 17Jan 60. ~P- 1-2 (published in Frakow) (Original title: "Where Are We. and Where Are We booing?") V,- AO 13 ~..Yv4f 0 0 ~'4 -~7 I ("&J- . ~,- - (nD 19445) lab= InfamtIon Book (Finlaud), 212 pp. rMMH bk Tymm Tictorkirja ffelainkip,1951, pp 10-14-59, 28-31, 35-41 h3 44 49-6,,,,, 6G., 6ri; -89.1 93-00 103-1053 107: la, IP'5-133, 136, 139, ihi-i57 i62-n% 181 197 ISS,, 211-215s 2n-240,, 2h7.. 246P M-2600 WA-M', M-290),P~v 306P 309, 310a 314. CIA/nD/U-5335 aur - Finitud Eton Pel, 51 (m2m) It, Th* Lebw ProbUm on& tjw lAbor 'Mr, mnt in FIUIWA., by R. R. Oittuwuq 3" pp, FT-- Tons bk A& XV&Ndltbb* anmmm~- WO &MG-wro FPO 19W Mur - Pluland *!P War 55 Off (FDD 21098) The Labor Problem and the Labor Movement In Finlands by R. H. Oitteneu,, 25 pp, FWISHp bkg T7O"q-utM""- JA TAv;enlltke agMGja&. Alkasne )WIttunrl 12, Belsiskis 1948V pp 268-289. cxA/FDD/u-6,L73 El'ur - Finlaiad Soc / /0, 6 :?/ tip" of CosmonautLe lodi4s for 1%7-1%4p (SeleCted Parts) a by 11, Pfaffet P, StAde. 114 pV* GEPJIM, bk Typenbuch Dor Raumn Skaw-S&AN l9S7- D", 00;7t;ckor mutbox"riaR. Berns. MR, pp 5-7s 10-17a 32-35 j 73-940 - 112-1190- W-1330 140-145a 167-175t 178-1930 217-230. 9"0757-Y FrD-TT-65-992 ScL/Aerospmv Jun 66 302gSS6 7he 7bmhhold of Vtsml Sasatiom as a Pactim of Vis"I )aSloa by Van P, Whl*, 11 pp, GERMM9 bkq Wer No Abh=Alftt des ftl!s- chwellelm ~ van sobwmslpl 4 ftb IM, ACSI J-2437 ID 2204020167 sci/BU4 Aug 67 3MOSID On the Healing of Lattioe DefeCtS of Precipitated CoWdus Sulphido Layon, by 11. Barger. Qj,~kW40 xpt, Uelmr das ~Lw~hlon vow, Gitteralklem F;N AafgadsWfter Cd.-i- Schichten (1]. 19P. 931 J-124JL Jan 67 S16,S4S Concerning fear In Flying# by R. Gwtnno- UNCLMWVM aps", 0 NMI I to Rpt Po - Ap &*967 WE - Wtserland / 1, Ifo Scientific - Aeronautics; Medicine Me AuUmUmobUl PzqparU" GC 3*th-PXq9AUAtmOp by L R. Mnmmt 9 IV- mom,, rpto vm DYW-~*Uktms DWI I ACU 1-030A 32 S%d m M= r 4,2 f JlIK3rXWX~ f ,117 6e On the App~Ucation of Terrvlu VWdals end oZ tht., I~A'l R411ef) by H. MmUo. GMXXI., bk, Udbor die AnVM4=g 3Mn- IIA~ ACIC if= 72 um 0099 Vackhing of A3.pha In Aphtlwl frM CM40 MA- li%*Udp 'b7 110blOrt Sc arp 4 P* GMWNj =Wp Moor Us Auaw"clum van AlpM- capbtol c= ncb= Sets.-Aj*toll, Ludvipbtfon, 3-'*r 33, PD 3M51- SU 59-17144 Bel Fob 60 ad;!~ Vol aj No 9 On tha 8ignifice-we of %M ftel (Of the Shoo), by Evad Hof 9 p. OrMa.. tow.. Ubar the BeUOxuig des Ab6attes) SLA 59-20593 Sci #mr 60 / // e1 f Vol 3p ffo 1 BindinS of Alkali Metals by Carbon, by Karl Von Fredenhagen, H. Sucls. GE;imo, per, kj!~r ~ie_.~~ndunS der Alkalimetal~g. '_i -CXLXXVI 1, durch Kohlenstoff. II, Vo 1 -1929, pp 353-365. *AEC Sci - Chem Oct 58 Soelkov Report Dated 1 November 1959. GFUMAN, rpt, a I&LILun.,61"krakete - 100 M , Pz. Abw. DY, 18 (Boelkow - Gerat -810-). - - -, 0 525MI H-5963 ZE - c-sermany Vil Jun 60 63-1429D Madwav and Sodom PREPARATION OF POLYHYDROXYDIARYL& 16 Sep 48 1. MA&Ausw * to n(& n. Selfert Wer tram OTS or SLA U. 10 63-14290 M. PS-75 493 - Darsuning vM Tram of mono. It2or dary1m a. p.. A-pc-36~~ I W7SO31. DESCRIFTORS: *Dyes. Polymers. OMplithyl radcals, *H*ClddW. QdnMM. SyMdWdL (ChaMstry-Orpoic, Tr, Y. 10, nD. 3) Tw*S SMk" Influem of T"IMIMINW13% DOW on th& Lltw DwoUpwatof Swuml AMIMI SPOdwo tr ftd4W 0 %IV* am silft" &W - I OF amms o mabrmd am r m owt or Nxv OR W-Zmb Sd/BAM A13g 36t.407 The Lawt cc an "now= oftw I)r~" we . - G". . klo omm CotLi ...... U-tt4 q4;.J~~ I = vm -- -Mu"M791= - Edin ktagilb Q - ", ~A- b v wa- &) 9" , ? "it .114-M ,?Cl- !vt ~r P.000400% by sm GUMAN6 94 AM 09NL 1" /1/1 5d-MW Sd Dec 64 Concernlug H(xiprocul Effect of Paint and Cathodic I Pmt tection, by E. Eberius,, 6 pp. G-;-LrVJW, Himcographed draft, Uber Ue Gapnsaltlp IL-einflusnnung von AUstrich und KAthoLsehem Schutz. Dept of Coamerce Writime Admin Property & Supply Office Services !',ci - Chemintry I Sep 60 '0~ J"9 3 3 (a tin ccoverg~W of the ELV=sicu of th* sph6rical flankmic for the Rx"Vior Spam Potential an the Surftm of dw gems by Holmult mmits4p (IMM, rpt,, Usbor do Konverpu der Kugel- funktious-mtwick1mg fuer du Asseurampoten- tial m der brdoberfLaschco- 9698DS9 Aac sci - ES Nov 65 291,366 wn CC Um XXONG 89GOSM Su ARCRIMMILma Its ty" IW a .29 Pys =Ms bNo AS&- IP- 309ML-M die all $a AnorUft ma Amm udsoma fto Nair Ce 22e Precision of Hwouravmt With the As%anla Four-Poudul= Device of the M Gawn Geodetic Rescwzxah Institute by XkWt URrzvlm. amomil xwt, uber Oftifto It dca amm-dowl Asm*la-VierpehdeLqwer9Aw ded)r4ftaben aeofttlaften IV I~A ACID Sci - Goopbya NOV62 915 Y.ftsurtm--mta With the Pist*u Pressar* SaUme 1. lr-plu=4 of praaa~ura Vycm the Bala a , b7 Atca A. Deattles '41ter Lo Zdd# 10 p. ,3M%Wo manop I;ow-t*mnm*w att dor XUbe*Umkna*- 1, Der Mufluss doA Drwkes suf Us al 419-IM Sol Y*b 6o /a X, e.7f Vol 21 so 10 5p, Of A'"iD7' szi Oil Vlwoity Ott th%, ~Ia!Uti= P'~, Q-*a t.~O ,%'I Zffactllve.~ arl ~~,c iwmuai Diazear or tta rinta--i by Za=s A.. r=ettic, Cs=r C. Bridaw=, 10 p. GLWM,, =0.' ~~;r "-m=a= Adt. L= WbcrAruc:-wLv'f'.* Us gin-!Lma vou AAA=3 urA 01vislaitat a4f die WgzC==e4=ta,* 3W.UbmS jftwisch,-A dm2 I WIrksamm utd d= 11imldiebtu Wrob=ccar Us XMm, b The Military Strengtb of the Bocialist Camp,, by Dr Egbert You Frankenberg., 5 PP- (33) 2057306)- MMU,v Uber die ailitarische Starke d Bosialistis pp ACSIv 0-9580 Wgur - KUitary Oct 57 Air Force AS-7-W 67-5(a) R-IW5-D $I Oct Lij I,vc Druj; of MeCtric Arco Undar the Influmm of Al r Flow 4f: H&W holmt [tanner .%,x=: Ueber d1c Mltv2a= claktrIwIvar LlcbtboGm durch Diosertutiou, 1937, pp 1-3L, ~-nO G^11=11 - cut for wds: TrandI.Ate WA type I QriafAl and 1 carbon CW.,. DLvu=t can be cu*%OG Uber d" Holobdargmicht dw Zollulose. 1953o bY 0. P. Golova , W. I. NO& TTawleted fkom the Russian editiong 1949 DBIR 547-458-8 lAndiag Lib Unit 0.1101 63-142" "ejulle. NEW ANTIOXIDANTS FOR PRPSERVA71ON OF Pinkernelle AND OILS. 119631 ' 11. PS-632" Order from Urs 011TA $1. 10 63-142" Trans. of mono. x Neut Andarm Kowervierun , y IM. fp.l VS-63229). duj~qe~~ ~_R*ii)~ DPSCRIMRS: *Avdwdd&ots. *Preservation. *Fau, 4011s, Odor. Taste. Colon. Food. 011sters. Syadm Propanes, Chlorocarbous. Bromocarbou, Cbemical reactions. *Benzolc acids. Amines. Organic compow Hydm3ddes. Alkyl redicalo. %allic acid. (Cbernistry- -Organic. TT, v. 10, w. 3) No Id law" wwM v fbiliti"'r, ')~r Difforntill Apfaicatiun of &Jlavm AAr-lYzicMl Platts:', by lor "rrmut-.u. Ent."rr 3. Scl - PVsicij jan 64 Uo;ebicid*G "a plant armth BNFlaU=-- by It. L YAlulkDvj 16 PPO omms p"JAW tudttsl~ darjAppp_ No 5., pp 29-48. 7- AM I-Ils 33) a9l% c;ci - Biol AN 4/91/ 1l J~m U EW*& R.. Nuckner, U, mad Schwab. G. PRoTorbNak-7wry rw rRy.,TrAt-S FWFnOFr) 1. IV RESIN, 1962182)p. (Ilse. omitted). AFRM.T-wki; n. AD-291 4W. M. Order frorn ON or SLA $8. 19 61-11020 IV. V. Traw of mono,LArr the Mmoleltung to Kurmharz Gebetteter Krimtilfe~,r~~- .1 -------------- VI. DFSr11IP`MR&- OPhotoronductivity, Wrywtals. Plastics. *Elect roohmography. Fumedmatertals. Wfusion, tons, VII. Plevrormiers. *7tnc compouWa. 0"j6 'radmiurn CompAmom. *.%Mdrs. *Wkel allom tAos. Lundmm- rence. Particles. Absorprim qmlc electricity. Empirical functions were calculated to dewrft the Is&ng of the electrical surface potential of cherped zinc oittle arJ tioc cadmiurn sulfWe resin layers vAth arml withw expomure. "w donor and acceptor con - (Materlals-Ptoographic. 17. v. In. no. 5) (over) 63-ITM EPPIO& R. Pauciawr. I.. Schvah G. AFRDL T-IM0 Arroy Poonrer-Ing Re - warch and Developtnew lAbs.. Fort Belvair, Va. Scripts Tectmice. lar., waAtaVm n. r. AD-203 419 OW it lnkwtd 30,0iml On diz FhysiW and Todmical flapimbig5 Vur- ini; tho ~pjslication of Glues to and tho Gldug krumms of itiood Wps in t1w ]Wnufaaurc oi P4rcickv Oard, by E* fbinacka vaj We Klauditz, GI. 10 Abk, Uber die Paysikal"Chen mild Tech- 11ischon Vor der StIOAMMg und Vor- lgimvik yon itolaijangg boi der 14grustal XQU jjqIjArI4QIDjSjSjM,, IwJI, 11.9 ppe *CFiTI 'CA' 67-51295 ~ici-I~Itarirjjs L-0 c 6 L~ tF CUrAMM WERE ACMALLY PERCEIVED THEN THR MrAWr OBP= OOLMD Nar SZOM I'l, On... 1: T U"LLRL Aqg3t. * Owdu hm SIA $1. 10 Tr-61 -I do ftwbDwow orip of 2"P, P- 197L P. 262-20L OWMINISI sdm~--ftycwdoa. rr. T. 12. m 4) I / e-x) RA-'e-tC6 , tt~,6 -- "a I Lber Fakeban ' I Whim-0 Ikebtaupt 59t pp 166-184. ,::i Fm IU speci 551-69 feb 70 402,784 on tho Rosmmco coompt in Systwo of Linoar md Hoolinear Ordinary Ulffeveatial Lquations,. by RaW Ibrahim Ibrahim, Abdol Karint 173 pp* LAPTO bko Ubor da Fsscnou~!Ariff bei syste~es ax*r Und NICKHASSTOT Gowokmuckmr V& - - zes"algrolchmp." * orcEcral Kslortulms T-Mtlks EMts INS. 923011-V "l NASA Tf r-wo 14C 65 Concerning Ue Careful Obtaining of Natuml Bmic Wbatancer, With the Help of' Mild Organic 6olventa, by Von L'cheffer, Zuchmann, 14 pp. GEM-Wi, rpt, Ueber die Schonende Gewinuung haturlicher aminstoffe Hit Hil-fe R-Lider Organischer Losungsaittel. Dept of Modern Lunguagc, North Carolina Otate College .'Jci Feb L)4 Oulm Pzvduoqd Mwo Om -a ba sod the POSOM '1114 at ---Bnxs zu somatum w4flowco Wfwtj, bW P. OMU&o A. Mmhsp IL 4T. POUI 0. Zodwkp 39 w O~,p bkj, OW M&NOW =4 oft aw an 4 NJ - - .I, ~ IN AM. um JN-qp~sm, AM 34" a I* eso. AO 7 sa - PA" Nwr a Otablilty loycotiptlows on Liquid Rocket Ensilmer. Carried Out by *ens of the "Hermonic Wnncc--' Method, by 0. Heinrich, W. Pescbka, 20 pp, (AF 1138257). UXIASSIFIED MUMN, pamphlet, Usber Stabilitaotauntersuchungen CLU Wm Im V Nil. ago veffabrepus dar- 12 pp. ATIC F-T8-9373/y 60 91 71qf4l Scl - Space Res Mar 58 About the Systematic Error,- in the Measurements With Gravimeters) by Heinz Waterman. GERKO, bk, Ueber Systiamatische Fehler bei Gravicietermessungen. Deutsche Geodatische Kommission, bei der Bayerischen Akd Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reibe C: Diesertationen-Heft Nr. 21f Verlagder Bayerischen kkademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission oei der C. H. Beck'schen Verlagsbuchhandlu~ Munchen, 1957) PP 1-67, *Fm-Tr-62-1419 Sci - Geophys lo oct 62 The Theory of Spectral Line Broadening by Pressure, by as Traving, FRENCH, rpt, Ueber the Theorio der Druckyerbreitung Spektrallimien, 1960. NTC-71-12503-ZOF NOt &t I I f /) S'-)kj ~ Nov 71 Lbview of the Present Situat4cm on lAsar liesearch, by 4 Davido MIWA4, rpt, Umnicht UWr die Deneitige Situatica ai~~ Za-JWr-M, 1963. 14ASA 7T 1610,201 UO So GOVUill-kEUT USE CULY Sci-Phys All- If-If. A hwUwa C=001%109 the ZLOCtNWW DR% PZ90688'" 42ta for ths PbotopMOUVOI&V QOWNMI *WMP IW R. cowatt'. aimms AM sai - M" :) 44" 319 ion 604 ftm Results of Uperiments With Tmvi VAdele p by H. SteWl, 5 PP- GIPMMj, bk, Ober Vatorsuabwom an SahleppwUmodellen, vol m, zo 8, 196o, " 3.5. FIaMr1m Pmearah DWd of CaAft Biological Station, St. Andrewo N.B. Sel - aw .12 im 61 2he Behavior of Alkalis Dirubg the Dmm." of Cumutp by C. Was OWAN$ mms %0r d" Verhalt" der Alkslim bola Zm Xx TI 64-30035 Sept 66 3U,,236 Prevention oi the Volatilintion of Fission iodine in fAe Dissolutica of b [6 Gaithoffs, Ve Sdmeidor* HMO zpto Uber du Vorbludem der Sgalt-jof-varfluchtiml "in bwen van UU,)-Probca Apzil M4 It 9 on the Reciprocal Action in Fermi-Gas, by Wilhelm Macke. GEIOWI, bk, Uber die Wechselvirkungen en Fermi-Gas, *ABC per MS Vol 8 No 1 oct 62 Sci - Phys s-i1961/6- 3 On the Scientific Principles of Modem Engineering. Series A, Vol VU Cybernetics in Science.. Engineering and the Rational Economy of the GWI by Klaus, DrIschel, Kammerer. (Ily-'1975) GEN-Wil bk, Uber Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Modernen Technik. Reihe A. Band V3:, Kybernetik in WissenocImfty Technik und Wirtsebaft, der DWp 1963~ PP 1-180. *JPRS Sci - Iliac Dec 63 7he laterution Between IkAll =d Prapellorp by K. H. Pah 1, GERM 9 bk 9 Uber die vocbs*lwi#mj Zwisvbsn Schiff und prw*ller& 1961' Ilept of Navy tr $385 NSRDC tr T-334 Sci/Mochan, Indust, Civil 6 Nwrine Engr Jun 67 3270626 Soviet Notes on the TO-WO 1e pp. U=AWDM PUU trmutlw. CIMU* doe, MM!Mn . Apr 3.952. A71C FaTS-7m USSR juntalT - Air, 29-M scientific - Amantics, Tuec, puma CrA U00635 Yeb 53 CM (pw Rma) On Us Cultue of Vw VIvw XXX of Anjonaky's Dl"*A" 012 Oda% ~ zerfo Tissue Caltmms WA IU for W4!mw (Mwipry)) by 0. zVordast so ) A* Kochi 14 no ammat vowgngbs Vmbw fte IAUK&Mmd fts-vim a" ohm xrommax" i"IMS 06 1~, IM 3-10, Sol - aftaing out 56 *Audi of ~ m Smoory arA PftoUao of tbie Spat at Iftlo by Zwolko tWaLkovo ot al, MA Np. MM rjrtq Upaboles Summoum .0 I= a PM" Ph", J~ 0 0 AM IAL96 ID 222%TN ;v 1.2 -f P =or - Apr 63 Chavtor I, Mectriftestlen Building Sm,'&3,1=. PP* (ID 12rMW) tm/mmu., V4 Umbuja Capitou I BlektrLwft - a I -4b 11"wd Rewft. 4 oil 4 emp Imm L-1PM-3- 0-20 am 0-3A .4 USSR Mur - CzechwlovWds Remomic - Pmu Inftstx7 Apr 55 M/M s-4292 Textbook Ilor the Seargeant of the Chemlral Corps, Training, by Mitiu Petrov BUMARIAN, bk, Uchebnik za Serzhanta ot/Khtmicheakite Volski; S petsialnu Podgotovka, 1957, 276 PP. OW-95WA) an am 404"S" at No at a -i ! 1i - Ow - Sibefte IS it@ aim w# -1-118 1 51 Amwamit loops :~ aim W&k* a an WAO Aw- - so an 0 7 7, xwig (DO-5156) Hoed for Closer Ties Betwou ftcoDW7 and ZU Advanowd Soboolms by Amlay CmlWml 4 pp, =Mo pas Voltelgko ImWo Vol Xj 10 471 24 xov ig6o., im 67" M& - cs"hoslo"ads /, P a& Boo 140t mw 61 w -5224,~ Sev ApPrOCch to Teaching, by Alois R111mi, 12 pp. r- CH, per, Vchitelsks Nowl voi xx No 48s lu f I Dee 1960;'-Dy ")j-rO7;I Dec 1960, p 4. JPRS 8210 .4-01 7b 3 Soc /30.5 mao 61 (DC-5224) Problems Cf Apprentice Tralulagp by Neklan Ropek, 6 pp. CUCH, per, Uchitelake Noviny,, Vol Xj, No 49, 7 Dec 1960, jPBS 82 10 Caachosloyakia Soc 7 Nay 6-1 .L (DC-5915) lt.,;oluliuas of tLu SecczZ Co.iixci;,i A of Educati=61 end Cultural Employcee, 16 ;!P. CZEr.H., ptr, Ucitolshe so li., 7m 16 mar 196i.i pp 1~su--:~ ~10~ JFM 85W ZZur - Czeeboolovskis 0 ) 4.e Soc JU 61 AFTER ONE YEAR OF RESEARCH AT EXPERit-W.NTAL SCHOOLS, SY R. PRAVD)K, 6 pp. SLOVAKS PiR, UCITELSKE NOVINY, No 43, 25 OCTOBER FZT, -PPI, 3 1 9 JPRS 17607 EEUR-CZECH soc F Es 63 ~') '-) ), I'll Ro=vkmoa of Y*Wk.fa ASric.ub=*. ~ I by VD= Man podliblirlm 7. on. 6atelAt Novw. W lit T- JPRS 25257'- HE-Cxocboa soc Jul 64 263,5M M06mliatim or T"Chings, tor Dr gam sachoomp 9 pps CZKRD per$ WWO Noviny 0 Vol Of Nos 31-32 4 Atig IMA pp I awl 30 JM9;ig BE ft soc Uct 65 2971p921 W-5000 (Spastee) (DC-2352). Okrug People's Council About The Concern of the ONS CI LI the Fulfilment of the Decree and Decisions of the 7th ngres f the B b M Teanev, BUIZARIAN, per, Uchifelsko Delo., Vol 3X, No 62 (6o2),, Sofia, 1956, P 17.- EEur - Bulgaria soc 5 Nov 58 W-5000 (Spastee) (DC-2352). The Qualifications of Bulgarian Teachers in Turkish to Schools t be Improved, by D. Lozkov, FEXC'O' M'05~ U BULGAR , per, chitelsko Delo, Vol IX, No 62 (6w), Sofia) 1958) p 2. ,A b jEur - Bulgaria oc .9 Nov 5P W-5000 (Spastee) (DC-2352). Impressions and Conclusions From the Written Graduation Tests in Bulgarian Language and Literature in Three Villages in Plovdiv Okrug, by M. Silyanoya) L. Tomov, BUMARIAIN) per; UcbLtelsko Delo, Vol IX, No 62 (602)., Sofia) 1958) p 2. JPRS EEur - Bulgaria SDC 5 Nov 58 W-5000 (Spastee) (DC-2352). Let Us Prepare for the New School Year in an Exemplary Manner -- Measures to Be Taken Henceforward, by G. Manolov ~v' BULGARM, per, Uchitelsko Delo, voi ix, No 63 (603), Sofia, 1958, p 1. ots JFRS EEur - Bulgaria Soc 5 Nov 58 W-5000 (Spaotee) (DC-2352). Toward Politechnicalization, by S. Khr. Siderov)..~'~;A' fXcaft's BULGARUN, per, Uchitelsko Delo, Vol IX, No 63 (603), Sofia, 1958, p 2. EEur - Bulgaria #US ~RS/J(! - 411.5- soc 5 Nov 58