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"orl, of' IDIEP :;vvilriar :tenortod, by A." "'Waye BaudLrl, 9 ~)P. 111) , Le Soloil, Dalmr 1-2 Apr 72, 4; 6 Apr 72, p 7 Apr 72: p 5; 8-9 Apr 7?, may 72 lAbor 'Prdozi Activitios Roliorted, Azinlyzed, by t') . ppo FIRLINCI-1, nn, Le Soleil, Dakar, 29-30 Apr 72, n 3. 5 o 11 ,Tun 72 , oanut Marketing Satisfnctory, by 6 n t) Soason Viewed as I-Imir Code NfDlayo, nn, Lo Soleil, Dakar, 29-30 Apr 72, r 7. .T?.IIS rl'~1117 Ain 72 Prime Minister Addressos NAtional Assombly, by Abdou Dionf, .311 pp. Ffff;,'NC!I, tyl, P 5; 4 May Ms 56103 Le Soleil, Dakar, 3 May 72, 72p -P '57,7 MaY 72, pp 5, 6. Jun 72 Meeting Of '1403t African Bankers Reported, by Gabriol J. Gomis, 5 pp. FRIENGHt nP, Le Soleil,, Dakarj, 4 May 72p P 3. JPHS 56341~ Jul 72 T777 senogia moves NVwA by-B L* 6, ppe R npt Le Sol*Ll# Dalmro 9 JPRS $ 393 "1 72 7 -~ 7-- &1 72 Avg ?2 ~ -1 i. I "I I ". ., , ~ I ~. chier or State a Address. t i'llows cobares NI; Reportedj by Aly Sh Ou" pp FxsNUH,, np,, Le Solellp Dakars, 23ZO 72s p 3 JPRs 57253 -IRV- prooldont Pmbalbaye ~ Damemitle 2*auei br D"& , VP Jan 73 j~l Hilu Says Israel I s ~.-.'xistence Will Hurt World Jewry, by :-hile James, 5 Pp. , i. 4 "-.~ENGH, np, Lo Soloilt Dakar, 9 Jan 73P P 3- jT3-tm 58160' Feb 73 proaldorit, ould I)fi(l(lnh ititorvJowod oti Domeatic rolley chnil-gos, 5 pp. FRENCH, nn, Lo Soloil, Dakar, 10 Jan 73, p 6. JPR,S 58172 Feb 73 Fab 72 ~Polidlficatiun of l4uilioactiva ~;Judj;o lisin.q 4itumn, u, J. Roaar and i.0 AIICSS fl, lt;i 'r)t 401ittification J03 JUM3 RMU04CtLi'C3 j,ar lo t;itwo, ionna, D66, 7TIRM37116, 713-7214. *ALL ~ji.,,L f.. 1442 oci-."ucl Jci Tocii Qlct w Custais ALWnistration - Di.Arict i~"ntstratiau aerlin to 6m%mi N4 46 wiscnstmso, 12 Iy. LWHICIIIAL kLACWi, rpt, ~;ollvuxwaltung-jetirk-3verualttst, tiorlin to t;eiG .1-4. Luisanstrasse 46 196S. 4UM 1-7497 VIP 27U1024-io.; LLur - ~,~rj=y joc ASapt (jS 288v5S2 Solution of tho Lquation of Vortical Flight of a Rocket by the Graphicm4iWivuatical "atilod, by P. secarril. SPNIL-A19 rpt, 5olucion do la Eamdon do VU010 Vertical ro Untmate pro Ul Mato3o- 1965, vbv;A Tr r.-9834 ,~Cd-Natlk ! tar 66 2970381 Nocturnal Sleep of Mental Patients. by (;* C. Lalry, at al. Fld:~6101, per, .1;0= it'tdto Vol 2, 1965t pli 3S4-31il. ,Ui Uji jci/Iirj,, Uji 0 317,Ws Avg .72 11 -. . . . -. % . . . I . - ~. : I - .z:-.i~,,~l,%r-:~~~:~~~:":;..~,~.-. - :.-.. . 1. ~- . A. I ~. ~ Navigation With tho Help of Ariificial Satellites. GERMAN, per, Sonderbuecherel der Ortuniz und Navigationg PP 3-9v pp 59-749 PP 113-123 NW 72-12863-17B sept 72 Air Pollu - #2 33 R-8523-D 28 itaq 67 ftminAmsbadiuste aLmenstaube und 1hre AumOzIbm9m Suf Wachotm uDd fttruS JuWArt*dAftUchw Maturen Ay: Heloxt Berge : Sanderdruck aus der Aelt. Luftve2MnrC1AIvjIz9 Vol 2 1966 PP1-7 7 PP Germ= - est for wds: Pleaw translate and type 1 original and 1 carbon copy. Dowunt can be cut. ime R-7412-0 BRIUmS xur ssVwj=,,tL,, ftgtlm 22 Aug 2,966 fab4o4dt me 4or vanol.11~, ft" YCIM Mr. 249. zarladna Su rxq'" 8131~~ a" M Soft 6- Wto jol/U* Uftldm MUUSU~,o UW 11. Gorma - got for vu: ( 4 pp.) ftvaal"e Wd Vp,~MIgia Copy Mly. P-u 4, 1 s - Aaftwy: ftUM9 Illshway 809W Dw-ow P-0- # IMSD-1-0543 TlUet "Wlnd*dmt%wJwlbe und Imiro Slabutait" Atitbors: G. Braltsubdrow und Dr. C. Raflarr, Wittm Souem: =a ATZ Automblltocbnlocbe zeltsaWdft. 72 Jahrgang. ur. u/lgw. Pronekblscbe Verlegehandluag Stuttaft* InstrucUons: Trualate and tnw I (xvy. Blo TAb T-517-e R4MI-D 21 jwie 67 BUiCS Cf the saxVblologlml ressaxith By: Dr. Had. K. B= rromi Sonderdruck aus. Beispiele Argewandter Foracbmg 1961: unm=bered pages PP German - eut for vda : Please trazuklate and tam 1 camm r%dy copy. Pleaw make cover as sample attached. Apo, fir', T it Ie., ')fit n r S e TI A p t r v n-~ t o- r Aiitl,or: P in 7 P. f"-! r-T iWIF trs%nslAte nr:l tvpr orp rr)p%- kational Dental Surgery In Practice, by W. Schulte. GLRMAN, rpt, Sond*Tdruck: Doutscher Zahnserttakalander, 196T,-p? 29-49. ACSI-J--SO73 ID 2204000969 sci-B6M Mar 69 379,481 Long Tusts, at a Depth of 4 to 23 Atmospheres in it Pressurt- Chamber, by florst Ilartmans 35 pp. UIMILN, per, Sonderdruck Drager-lieft 265, Oct-Occ, 19t)6, pp 1-18. N A VSl I I I I S9 Sov 71 Agorcy. PlostimW Armnal R-1113b-D P.C. R04. lu-4u 15 Dec. &.) 4b T:itL*: German Fuse Handbook. Authw: 7 Bernhard Holdearelch Soulve; 39 d - an lbrbmbnluobo WtachrLtt Aw nloobD% ;o Und MUM husmk t* be trmwuw). 57PP laqpAge. Gormu. speoul InstrMum; newo trouslaft & tm I cosw *ay* PLIAM 1* WT OFSMWAL. it-ftw-p 19 APr 67 XWwaler AuseezuIrack am Sicherheitzbehalter eines ScIdff areaktors By: G. Woisin From: Sonderdruck mw der Fachzeltechrift "Schiff und Wer" JahrGane 18 aert 2., Februar 1966:3-8 6 pp German - ant for wda: Please treaslate and type 1 origLnal copy only. Do not mutilate document. Reproduce for p"te-up. Bu - of Reclawtion 16-D-1003(a) R-7028-D 6 mv 66 Sondaftuck sua: Farechungeberichte dm_landes moreirbein-w6stfalen" mr. n38, iqO. crimAermudes Prins1pa. ( 2 3pp) By: R. KWm-Velten and R. Wolters. German - eat for wds: Type 1 camers raWy cM. Cut from Xerox vvy for paste-W. DD not mutilate the oriZiml documezt. Gas Chromatography of Uquid Crystals, by it, Kalkero GeRmMI, rpt, Sonderdruck atis Gas-Chronatoanwhis 19650 v0 rag* des V SYMOSIums Mr Gas-Chro- matoptraphie in Berlin. MS. Doutswe M. damie der Wisse"chs"ea zu BerIS LMeNow. Aission fur uaz-chrom*U~Ie 7eT der go-ftion Chemie May 1965, pp Z72-ZOZ* iffi!fd-23-1294-67 Sci/Matorials Sep 67 A4M, R-81Q7-D 21 June U1 Ari,11che Forderuni;cii cut einen Notfallwaifen 1w: X. GC>j.;ICx- Prow gonderabdruck cuw -ucrtc zur UafalUiciklundc" fiert. 91: VeriwAlun6cn der Deutuellon Gesellseliart rur UnVaIllielklunde, Varoicherw4ga-, VvrsurLwi6o- und Verkelirwyedizin UX '1Xqvr4,, Frankfurt am Main 19(k pp 214-210 (4 pp Gormwi - cot for wdo: Please tawislatc and typc 1 e, ra ready copy and 1 carbon copy. Do not mutilate document. Hoproduce for paste-up. Walter Wumet Heat trarwilar in laminar supersopsio boundary layers with blowing of a light gas with desired preseure and heat distribution. GERW " rpt, SondeZruck aus dam *rahrbuoh 1965, der WGL~ pp 211-216 (*NASA TT F 140615 eept 72 Winter TestIng of the Impard Tank, by Theodor IcJwn, 20 pp. QOvxmO= uss Olu GERM, per, Sonderdruck aus Jahbuch der WWirtechniks No 3 1966,9 PP 1-IJ. Mi-ffiTC/HT-23-7;V6 WE/Mil Fob 71 Agesicyl AEC/Tena. &-=47-v P.O. bmabers DR-69956 I Apr- 290 Titles Institut fur EneraLewandlung und Eloktrische Antriebe Auawras Eugen M. Knoernschild and Walter Feschka Languages Gerwan, Special InstrmtLones Please tranaUte and type one copy ouly - Souree: 1 1. 113rMS dM Jda Me ~V4 Mt 196T 6w I m F1 Ih ~ I - I t tis rw Lorto- Rmwabrt P4 - TAI, T-517-3 R-Oke-ID 21 June 67 Daterwination cX the apeaf1c surface of subjIMgWd mCthQdO*d By: K. Bisa and E. Krucke From: Sonderdruck ous der KoIIoid-