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lAborstory Setup for theTAvestigation cif Continuoug Proceosee, by Fmncls tibouts, Joan vaga"y., 6 pp. FFZPC j per, Memorial d"-ftudres, Vol XXXVZI,, 1955, PIP 413-4160- - 6I~ 18560 CIA 612776 STA Tr 58-ft PIc*tIM Ar"aal Tr 2n sci - &V OTY t 2 - / 4'Y'd' a A% 58 Z/, ~ fa Z,Wmumt in the Dwwft Ngthod fm tbs DatarfiLmtlon c1t Strlo ntnon.. by no u0swo *t &1s 353 1 1 is pwo Kriet ass pavldmio- Vol Im j Imp w V33435* Sa - c3xm lqgt (0-,r1 J~m 62 AMIleatlon of the Ekr:L Fimber Otbod for the Do an of Wstw to OmrUlu A=a,"vs) by A. Poch@,, at &I. FM=p parp Ibmw &I ft o as Vol ZEIMJ 19550 pip 451=55. Be - Chu .7 Ol/, 1-209 Jw 62 Wasuremert or Traces of Nitric Acid in C t:.13*uric Acid by P. Aubertein. , per, WIP.-I a' Dan Foudres, Vol XXM,1955; PP 499-506 - - C9116 Oct 002 abu pmen wd GMNG asu nw*ert by To Tawroler, U I M ASO= nmm verip *a 6" pwad"s Vol =Vlnt 119A, qv (L ~ sk e, TZ 4" Bei - Cbm 77 J- DOG se .4-7 The Tbermodymmic Cberacterlatics of ftyloolves Containing Mineral Additions, by P. Tavernier. Fum" W- " No 606 - so Vol xxMI-11 1956., PP ZOT-977--- TIL TA810 Sci - M113/at I~rlj 5 f7p. Aug 57 T&'*rvmbexlcal Date Relatift to the Comitituouto of Uplosives, by P. Tav=iori FMCN, per . YAm Des P voi xmi:tiv i956p pp 301-336. TIL T.48U set - Chmistry S-1 .3 1 F' i Aus 57 Preparation and Properties of Trinitroresorcinol, by Paul Aubertein, Jean-Marie Emeury, 18 pp. GOVERNMW USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Memorial des Poudres, No 39, 1957, PP 7-16. ARM/nTC/HT-23-649-71 71 -7tt~!cxi an-i vropertio-n of Simue Pure - -- Polyethylene Glycols and of The:Lr Nitrates, by P. Aubarzoin. poArl I. ",orial dos Poudras, Vol XOLI, 11 L T-5341 S?-A - S 3r.n 64 IV 1, 7 rZ Stability or !-~mlosivaa, by P. Aubgrtein, 23 P.P. FMCII, per, Momorial cles Poudr-an. Vol XLI, 1950y'l 'p AWRE AC Ajbm Tr-24 mar 6o XOP6 Initiatioa and Pi~opagation of Detonatioa, Initi ati*ons Associated With Shock, by J, Favier, C. Fauqaignon, FRENCI, per, Memorial des Poudres, Vol XLII, !960, PI) O's-81. !),-nt of Irterior 685 sci-M/h 01-t 63 Id plem "bLUUft VC Cbemi=a =d 210- laid a] VNPM Md M~ fOr PTOtwUmil by P:Lwft Kagtdt 19 VP- Paudrm Vbl =a* MISM vsr~ NMIAa an 19(e. IP- 3-15- irs an Im a-plonm fte Fab 66 295#60 Acents ror uos in Cbenieal Warfare Prqp*rUse and PosolblUtles of *UufbctuMs, IW J"A QuinobMs 19 PP* I'Mo p perp Regal an ftudz"), Vol XUV# 19621, pp. 19-3b Me am lm WE-Froam soc Feb 66 295,621 BlologLoa Warftn Aamto ProprUft ad PossibLUtl" of MWMLMturO.. IV Jun BroLdl- laudj 28 Vp. oovsifmw US am .9 p"s Wmada US Pmh*so V01 My$ 1962P wo 3T-We JPM ow lm WE-Trame goo rob 66 295,622 Mmica =A WAaosloa AsIffW ftr VO DMNtvw- tim at AsIma ad FImt Ltftp W ORF oarwLerp 98 jp* 000- NIP go a= 71~8 pri lommatia an *31 ZUTS igie, w. 61-W.-- im = Im V94rzwm eel MV PS6060 2w DLepandm of GWULca ad 3102*gLml AgmUs %r Alaft IN v o- j, 21 pp. n 0 - I= =I 71=04 pro PvAMo Val =It 1962, pp. 8m-!d!L6-"l am wo Im 91-Frum Bel-,B/M FWb a 295 #6A F-Vtfttim *fun" modcal ona Di'mugica Asmtss W ftw MmAs 32 pp- novzmmw t= Mx MUM, per, MmmordUa des Paudres Tcl XLIV,, 19 6 2 2 19 . 4 =W. - , ipre OW IM7 WS-rraum Bei-IR/M Fab &~ 25P,0#625 Mm*pfttic Tmtmt flor Polemlop ihuwod by Owadca or losiodea Agmts.. by.'?Lerr* ftulbotmj, 17 pp- GOVSHOM u= a= F , per, monial 4" PoAres Val XLZFS 1962j. pp - li7--D WE ME OUO 1097 vg-rraDco &-A-Am Feb a 2S5#626 ftia"" TIM - i ~ r- IW CodwmUm aod&Mo by swim ladmob a lip. 1101 = an Nam Nw, Pmdm Va 459 Xq63P p #a ..p vp WT,6nJ6 -- awtim/mwo-ema sallpLvp & Auu am 69 3B3v3Vr masurement of Spe" of propagstion (if the shock wave Given off by Cordsau, (Sithot fir am(mt go 215.) MOCElp W; V=VIAI dos roadma at CaltPetrea, Yol xv p N6 *Yff-, -rV '1900610100 Dot of Int = Sw of Wma Coutna 'his bw I Sto ntuot Pas Ir wi Sal - awa Jun 59 aci-chfom Fab 63 ro 40258 (FDD 25543) introduction by the L\uxqmn Organization for Ecoa=ic Coopamtions by K. Ps Hartenp 9 pp. M= 0 pbot-outates NGM=I" Dawsp- Scientifigm at Technica 1%4j, pp CIAAW/U-735C MEur - Pmnce sci - miscellane ous 4 K, 6 CTB 73 Oct 55 eo?llpl Now Calolmdan ldckelp, by Jo GiAllardo FRO4010 perp IkKe Scle Inge CiV.1, VOI 1j.4$ 1961, pp 21-2T.' *DISI SOM SrAftqatcrj als Oct 66 269,423 aw oao&om XdSU IW J- ONIUMP now# womm M mm W. - rp Val UP4 sm ]gut IW RX-MC6 ma 5A 3n,PSW 84 - MWISU #r 6T fterimental DoUrm1nation of bUrmal ftres"s in W44 0 by Augotin Jbsnaprs law" F RUMM4 per, Nmrial des So miligms Vol Xx 1929m pp 1-t2. 02B AD-607 723 sapt 66 331,.264 Plantelli, Robert* and Vittorio TOM111 The residenoo tim of Uke water In relation to the phenowns ot enrichment with particular reference to lake Ma"Lore (11 tempo di restdomm dell* seque lao%strt In relavione &I ftnowni 41 arrloohimnto In sontorso Imcim, *on particalare rLvardo *1 LaSo Maggliore) Viamorle doll' latituto Itallano di 1droblologis, *Dott. Ma"O Marchl., (27): 247-2". in Itellan. Unsditod dr&tt tronal. by Tronel. Bur., Pan. lamS. Div., Dept. of 3**. or State or Canaft for Canada Center for InlasO Waters, Durlinaton, Ont., Sep. 1970, 30P., typosoript. Avail. on Loan - N1,03, With., D.C. Orig-1-sci A!-t'C!G Zhg(Afd 1!~, Cementation and Diffusion in Solids,, by L. Guillet. FRENCH, per, Rev Met Mem., Vol 1-1., 19149 PP 752-765. *NTIS/M TT 71-55221 Available NBS Only JulY 71 169urt1sation w3d WDISaWLAr at st"d VhAer T*=Im a Blastic Lwts by Z,. p,*Sldet. PRIM Pars' Rev WUWWVU,li~~# vta xg, Imp PP 32-45. 301 Avg 59 ff-I Jr 4c/ If I I 1,11, "a of stmu vnftr Im - - - =4128040 LlIdt# by Le O&SIdWto- 11004,00AMS Vol At I= -2 MOM imp v9 544-9- Bel Avg 59 "- 546 V The - *Atim of Fo end Fe Map with Als by J. Courmt. I m 1 9 per# bw XWW lp Vp 219-*P' " No 23a 1926p *M TT iO:57936 A-Adiame m only Bei/mat W 70 7-1. = ~ : i. -,-s cz Mt,.-.ticity of ~ktaCAic bym. 1.. 21 pp. MOTT, pmr, V4wlm 3c1 Raw do Wt%Uurgle) ED 12b 19V.. n 497-.508. 92(72E6T AW-Tr-55k34 -,,;z y, ~e 93 6" - KID/*t OPS 11 Mar 63 Diffuion in k1ultiple Phase Alloys and Its *tal- lurgical Application,, by B. Buckle, J. Deocamp. FMCH,, per, Rev. MULL M".1 IMUS. metailL Vol XLVM(8) 01 VP 569..51W Fui=w Research Institute Tr ,a OTA6 20 Cc IcaLlf le - WtallurGl Icolp OUTusionj alloya InCox Aeroneuticue Grain Refining or Uranium by Hems of SMI I Additions WA Beat Trestmuto, by B. Aubert, J. Oerlmid, 19 pp. rRIMCH, perp,H=..Bcl Rev Hot$ %I LVII 1959j, pp 393-402. AM HV-W -A Bel - min/wt ita 61 /',- 70 V34 Value of Tests la a RIO Wasmetic nsld:snd Their W4=tqoo to the StW at Steel*,, by P. Butleni, A. SGIAKUt. JINTM 61,1xWds Xnaftes Bdmtlflwoso Vol LVI, Ila "Em- A= I&T Sal - Ph" ww 61 63-14663 Slatim P. and maronand. R. RRATIONS BUTIVEISPI TH8 Qi-nIAW OF COKM 1. 900140. ?. HARWNW AM WMER AUSTHWR IN LOW- a. Marpr*4 It. CAP" 13-3 SMEL. I IM) Sp. 4 rega, Order from SLA St. 60 63-14695 Tram of Re, Sol. m6maires Aue del Mk&Hurgf Sclestifiques (P rance), 195~ DIESCRUTORS: *SDwI. 'Austesift, Hardesim Chromium alloys. Mickel alloys. Machealcal "ftles. 9hetsuograpby. boo n1auve, QWd- working. Anneallo& Phase saidles. A method sioning that the surface phase 0: &W the Cr pbikw of cDld-worklpg are Ideadcal and tave Um as= poperties is described. The orleatetSon relation of the trannformulon jr --*a is In conlirmed. The in- verse irsodormadoo to explaised by the classical process of germination and growth..(Aut" man d f hr*n (Moullurgy--Structurel, TT, Y. 10, oD. 4 A Cmtribution to the Study of the Structure of the Brittle Practure of Mild Stools, by J. 3. Loans J. Platem, MNOI,p POT, m"Olm UN e4annific do In Revue MotallurAi-, Vol-.Lvr SeO -10900 AMIL V LW Ir T 7s c c sci - W" Jon 64 -t-ean 'j-" A-vpeara=o of Mtllo z r ,,znmure in Dxtlle VAU19 and Tbelr Stmes by 0. V. Oujikp 9 k-9. (9M55401 24M'8 W=*J"C do Tr 1336 d - Wit ~v 63 Influence of the Composition of Attack Reagents on the Demonstration of Dislocations it Aluminum, by G. Wyon. FRENG1, perj, Mem Sciant, Rev., Metallurf., 1959, lip S49-S66. *A[-AC 1. SciPlaterials Feb 69 Crttioa StvAy of the Dete"dMSLGd Of MOrWU in st"It by J. calmettess et AL M RUM36 pwo am 84 jww ft fts Mgt vp 64-05. am Los i (107-300008.) Sol - mom; om ft 60 Mrdva ;'l'o re3iotunce of Cant jr-on as a 1~=tjcn o4p ltn .,Ftru-.*'C,*.*-.c arA Ocraliticca of gtronza, b-), 6. V. Soretwon. ;~ir., Womoirou A-:UL~L Rev'~S Wtailurgle, Vol LVI.. Doe 1959.. pp 71.3-T,20-. 3CIFA 1.016 S-4 - yAn/iLetala ~4. .. vu" i "j l'et&Uo&mphlc Study of Zireamlws-Hydropn :Iloy6l by D. lbituh=. !MMCH, per.. VAm Sci Rev Metp-l Vol LVIlp No lo pp 2-15 a stoke Popsj, Btlas g P^ ;.:' ! , ~ -.;, / 4 60 102 L/O 61-16W5 GY-Holta. Warts. lNvLq1GA,n0NS WITH nip. PI.FM.QN Micito. I. oy-Holle. K mmn oN rtx*crROLYnCALLY PVJ.%IW ALUMNUM SURPACPS Wdiarchel du AacrolcoPt klectronlqoe stir do% S"r(sces d'Alurninium Polies klectrolytiquement). (1961](151p. factlAfti) 21 refs. Order (torn SLA $3.60 61-16M5 7'rens. %ocall1w" (France) 19K v. 7. ad-.- 1. p. 34. 176585 DEXRIPrORS: I It-, (twi lm~ i- ~,vt, 1Jt'L111J)M- pohshln& OAlumLnun% Sufaces, *Mtn films. A eyotemtetic analys is was mode of the thin film formed during *1ecuolytic polishing in a phosphmic acid and Imirvi mci4i,j) limb. A iivw rk,prewniation (4 the Celfilla otructure of the oxide film Is prqmod. Me 61 164weel 1,emote (Mmallurp-Structural, TT, v. 6. m 6) Contributica to the Study of the Fropigation of Luden P^nAq in Solid Solatiow, by J. CaAsao, J. Hicard, 12 pp. hiWiCH., perj_ Revue do bbtallargip, ( *4;~~ 9M341; Amc um-umm -657(L) Sci - Mn/mst jun 61 77-7 Diffraction and Electron Microscope Study of Diffusion of Carbon.. by J. J, Trillat. FFMCH, per, Rev Met Memo, Vol 57s 1960, PP 81-87. *NTIS/NBS TT 71-55233 Available NBS Only July 71 mi -1 -----Lbutl= Tovwms Uw xmw4Adp CC 14w Bftvlm oc worms In own&# bw W4. Mo=t 0. vvmmme mm I - per, um got Raw ats so go loop pp w4c. am Wis (19) pvy ftl - HLOIns Om //7 Romptallizat4lan at Auotefdto In io%4kdced stzwtural Stmit by S GOMM= - vm=l pvrjlz~ Dom Notaluroe, yawl"s 8440ti. f lques.. Fab Iwo ji 153-156. 1.. Bin 190 aci - Wn/x6t j= 61 j- O'er 0 7 R"Oft or and Dsftrmtian Into an amystaulealm at Y-nve Pe it Mr=s= Sted In Hd MmUc MifasmsU=# by C, Rassardo p 7314"o r Rv Nor& On# va ano aw owe .173-178. MM 1934 std - Cbm fty PbWtla Mrain wd Fractw* of Steel Spealiwas, sd3jeatse to a cylinfiriesl ftew of streffl. Application to the ftudy et tba ftdr a IMm-Ittlevest Of Oteell, by r. 14 et, aL PUMP Iftm via- --NW Ump Sul 2221 Bet - Via 'fiWAU Contribution to the Study of the Diffusion of Hydrogen in Steels and Its Embrittling Effect,, by J. Plusquellee. FRENCH, per, Rev Met Mom Sci., Vol 57, 1950., pp 215-231. MISINBS TT 71-55231 Available NBS Only TecInniqua for Kon-Destrwtive 31katron "UcrcWcaphy nn6 141crof ractograpWa ApplUstIM to the Smmii=tiou of Musive ParU. by A, &cqwts S. bl2ncaralUe FUTCH., per, Jkmoirea (Lee) OcimAifiques de la WSI 2634 c (0 C, Jul 62 Illit 140 DlIatometric SUft Or VW ZLrOGD1=-ft&Wn BptM# b7 Le Jbjw&=p Pop AXMt Po DWUM# 13 Wo mmus pwo a= act My wto Vbl LWj, Apr 190p IV 904590 -...... . AXC MI Tr43 2" /.4-0 f ~y my 61 z C=tributiou to the SUWy o4ir Difftsix and lacam tlon of ffydrogem In am Wre MM fteel., by J. Plusquielloc. F 0 Perot %vue..."Dualurgis Indees SdantM. qu*op wr 196(),o vp 20-231; BM 1786 Sai - Chou jan 61. 13?61 I~Yll -01 luflw=e of Um izAtba obeft of a Mal an Cbmps in Crystanim Strwtwo DaMUM fttftwt at 330 Tmperetm"t by J. do vanp%. FluwFm$ Iwo, Nov" v 0 31 yea Llno am act - ohm ftp (a lut UD Non-Destructive Technique for Electron HIcrography and ylicrcOlfictography Application to the Examination of Massiv~'Componenta, by P. A. Jaquet, E. Moncarelli. FRENCH, per,tll(~vue Metallurgie Memoties Scientifiques, Vol LVII, Apr 1960, pp 241-253. --- S~;I - :.'in/M,?LaIL;; isi 2634 13 Ka r 6, 2 list 122 Influence of the Puity of the Metal in 111rain-Boundry Self-Diffusion of Fe in the Alpha-Phase, by C. Ieymonie. FMMM,, per, Rev Met Mem Sci., Vol 5T, 1,)6o, Ipp 285-2w. *M7S/RS TT 71-55228 Available NBS Only JU1Y 71 Contribution to the Study of the Solidification of Alloys, by A. Kohn and J. Phililaert, FRENCH, per. Rev. Met. Mem. Sci., 4o1 57, Apr., 1960, pp 291-312, BISI 8586 Jul 71 Martimod. 11. and Calvet. J. STRUMRAL IIARDFNING AND REVEIRSION IN ALUI MINIUKI-NICKFL ALLOYS. 11962L OT&T fTOM F Ck I PRITrans-179 Trans. of Rev[w iejm4~tsllurgllej. mirnotres Sk-tentifiques (Fruwr) 1060, v. 57. no. S. p. 3n-337. INSCRIMIN 'NiCkel 1110YI. *AIUMinuni AWYd, klicrostructue, Hardening, PhAse transitions, Mmi- Cal reactions. 63-12182 1. MAM1104 Il. 11. Cal vet. J. III. PR'Trans-179 IV. Fu] mer Research Insf., Ld. (Gt. Brit.) (Metallurgy-S4ructural. Tr, v. 9, no. 1) of TNWW hmm The n of Qiwpu Lu Ztr*Wvmi wA 7.1 real by 0 I.n an Im PolUM91mudWWWWRI&L Bsuaim Arpn AUw*mo br J. Artubdo C. IkV*Ioto 16 pp. WWWWW" VOL ums lkwo 3p 3w. jakM7- 7d 6 41/ m 2r-W6 Z/.s / dv 77 oat 6e 61. 1 t1641 Calvet. J. and Renon, C. * DtSCOkM?AX= CRYSTAL CROWTH tNAWLUNUM- COPMR ALLOYS. 119631140b. 22 rots. U. Venoo. C. Order from SLA $3. W 63-16641 ,=/?JT I;Rii-/iV Trans. of. I %Vnioira - Sciantin (Fr 1960, Y. 57, no. 5, p. 343-362. DESCRIVrORS: *Copper ellwp. *Aluminum &I". Crystal growth. Recrystatlization. In the complete absence of a foreign phase, 0- uoue growth was nevor obwrve4. but "ya uous growth. On the contrary. the introduct,~5 00 evolution of a foreign phase in a molid sobdoo 4 pro - cipitatloo, followed by caak4amce bad beive shown to be a very efficaclous method. excep for a L-w ezeeptions of making discontinuous growth appar &W dova)* As Just a sufficient aaxxm of precipitation at Wgbtem- (Metallurgy-Stroctural. TT. v. 10, no. 7) (over) &W4 o1 Istifts knwm 61-2ka DMA e Wd CAM 0. THE oBcompouirlo" MZCHANW OF THE R. DML a v MUR IN URANRIM-MOLYNCOM AND D - cdow. a ULAMM-MC)LYBDINUM-mirKmam ALLAYM M. FRIT3m-tS0 11"11 TV - pub"r PAN&rcb but.. Order ts FJU FRI Trans - 130 LOL (OL NrtL) Tram ~"ode) 11,WSUNWISSOW )II1,140imet 10K i. 87.- a 6. P. 4*d$ RROADIM au"I. nmowvod*% ran WAMM 16076 04"Mm. Tr. W. 6. m 1) "in al DeteratMUOU Of OXIMS in St4WI$p bY L* B&Qkr- pWp IVA , -.1fiqms" Vol-Un, ik Iwo, Dial 1910 sai ~ chm p4o' fty 61 Extraction arA Determination of Ob"a In Mal= and Urcoulms by L. ChampsUp at al.. 18 FRI= . per, NM sai UT nets Val wn, ZU1 19601, pp 5M-512. AM NW-W-19 scl - NIQ/K*t JU 61 /1" 7'. V3 r I vontxibution to the Study of the Corrocion of Z;Lrcml= and ZiRMUOY-2 in suprbaata~t steam at 40DOG (105 kg/emr-).. by H. Corlouj, 21 pp. VMCH, perp VAw,.8cUwUftqv= do la Dev do MetaUurglej Val Un, 200, pp 5U-51sl* Am nw-mr-18 Sol - Rip 9 lbr 61 The Effeet of Rest Trmtwmt = thi Developumt of Urbides In Ch iuvk-Mo~~ Staab, by L. Backer, at mL. FwMH) pars Ma Bel Her Wt) Jul '~*s pp 5Vm5A " --- RM 1918 sci - &a Dee 6o 13,41 j oo", bdwlttlftnt and MW of SUeU VaLer Stmon In Saturoted SoluUms of by it. mirzoI6 it. Pori Bay%* SatatMquess Vbl LVIII id'iwo, pp may 61 Study of the Kirkendnll Effect ce a Rinction 3f Concentratlon In Uranlum-7ArcoAL-., Diffu9ton, by Y. Adda, C. Yalry, et al, 10 p?. FMC , per, Memoirea Scientifiqui Revue d'Metallurgle., ~P-55WBT--%)669~ A= Tr- 53P4 .V, Sci - Chem oct 62 The Possibility of Using Hitropa As An Alloying Slownts by M, Mandlo PRIENCH,, port AILIA- Revue do Imallursia, Vol WHO 19600 5151 3370 Sci - WN ;~- 4, f 10 to Doc 63 D - m - I - ift at if= %w alum odor U0924 by P. brium. X I - )Swmmw&4Am adalbo F~p PW# P"-" WU 1 1*1. - ~~$, "qw~w- I va iirk i'"D zwom &d - NbAlt 1501 w mlw 61 nolysiq of the Degusing ot IplroTmon aeld ~:zdt:r Ve(.uum at Cowtant T*mpemtu.-,e, ~y J. i~!t al. .1per, 'ILu" Met&Uurde ljg!~olreb Salent.11flqw--kil r--o 1960, 659-675. pp Sci - Engr CawwUan of the Mu*lmm of B=U Additlew CbzvW=) Mm or YAL)bdsn= an ths Tmusfom- tlms Wwgm b3, Umnlm Dmrlzkg Qmmddag and &Aeeqamt AmftLtMj, by T. DGIVIA 1 16 pp. "=o pwo ONW. yi~ IV M-727- __- 4 vu Lyn, 1960j, AIC BW Tr-M Sal - min/ot Apr 63L the Agplicstl= of a PmetIca Wthod ror the lo wamroment, of MMUSIM of AV&"m 2uvuo Will Steel Showtv by P. Z. lap"e.. L. Met. FEMS ifflams, Oct Iwo BM =7 Sal - Chm my 61 Tri&l for a Definition of Drawability, by J. Pomey, et al. FRENCH, per, "Revue Memlllurgle L4.emoireE Sclermtw- fiques, Oct 1960, PP 741-754' iBISI 2008 Sci - Engr jan 61 A Simple Texture Camera, by M. Renouard, T. Do Khac. FREENCH, per,kRevue Metallurgle Memoires Scienti- riques, Oct iWI pp 759-777. *BISI 2009 Sci - Phys Jan 61 scl . " BEAW *64 234M ' Radioactive Tracer Study of Impurity RnrLahment During Oxidation of Steel.. by Ch de BeaaUeu, 11. Cagnetp J. Nowau, rfumm Pero. Hezoires". (1!2J8 Sclentifftwo de 18- Revue 9--tallurvie Vol LVII, 'No 11.. 1960# =1 2585 Sol - Kin/Metals Jul 62 list 114M w tattoomes, at A#"* -M-A-- J111"Is 40 the PLUMLOG of 06 Le ft, by re SLM* U=Mv pect !M W �M &"I Vol 37s 1960s pr 979-we *Ibt 9w Stood Tr 70-3Y918 SCL-ftp jot 70 sd - U/M Aug 64 2M,017 -ha Diffusion and Solubility of Itydropa In tietAklem, by W. 310honguer. Mo=, i0r., ` aw Memires Scleatifivess Yol LVn,, Doe 19609 pp - - --- BM 26%4 Sci - WMARtau /'r ~? ft (e list 128 scl - wu Apr 64 2S34M I platmium and its JWtikUwWj by B, Grlmj 2R pp, ..,.-r - --l- FROM, perAft I LVMj :L961s ]m 1-10. iskinAii-x0i AM 2P-M Sol / 7/ .2 lb'"o oft & ust 59 Mass 4~ stuft or sw4bubms magesift of ftdg Omt4at In MrQ44 by 2. W. Lee. NJ R pff~ No Sei- by NNUU,.p xo 589 196io pp %-ko *M TT 70-57538 Available M Only Be,/am Oct 70 ~~d tw ArA~Otmff d blod Film an CA Ploodc Daftruldo In A- ad Blubd warkh% by c. cmeow4sat IdL. F" PWO bw4-mm g Val 380 No 3t limmal. nm83-xW--- - ,00 W4, SCVM&M Apr 63 zni6a 1~- - .,-,-,; u,' )ur-,nL GoI-L',.-i4`icAiAoa on t'-,c o: Dutect4c in Unary idlo,,s, by Claude Mancre, lip. nQ40, rer,,Rcvue de Voa LYT---I, r.0 i, ic"61, pp 5XY,q 3 31, ABC Tr-4904, Sci - Minffi&tols Ap r (,.,' /1q, 2- VJC~~.Z7.1 Tj*OQWZ4'v4 4M UZW4= ,~-.-wwaTbldo (LiG) nnd Coymts of Uisnium-Uruniumn by A. Accaryp R. TA a 6 ;q. mWW.- AM/XP W-9M Ift Dwrn I end. to +AW c9abiwom x1matnumfooto D~Ioo at Owfwo epUebm at Ot-80UO4 agm I NUOU cc OU U410 Omm I I ft"Is bCr L. bnmjmgo :. Umdatp 0. larseh. X= 2603 Sol - aw mhr 6e List 225 Surface Thnsion of Livid Im sW Its AUAP, Paft I.. by P. a 0, Urbsios Ifur !, per~.Rm- I , satent vw a rivs "1941IM-413- M= 260 act - anfiWou .11-9.,071 Nor 62 r list I" 62-10$31 Gabrovook. M., Plateau, J. and others. SOME TESTS CONCERNING THE IOLA OF TIN IN I - Gaix ovesk. M. STEELS. It. INFLUENCE OF TIN ON THE LOW 11. Plateau. j~ TEMIPERATURE MCHANICAL PROFERTIES On- III - TIck; Inthwace... flutuce do Ittain our I@* Propaltt6s M6caniques a Froiddu Fvr et &n% Acierm). Doc 6112D)p. (forelp text Inchdoo 9 rate - Order from SLA $1.60 62-10431 Trans. of Revue do Moullurgie-. ManvAres' Sclentill"o (France) 1961, v. Si" no. 6. p. 440-449. DESCRIPTORS: Mo. Meal, Heat treatment, Mech&Wcal properties. Iron alloys. Carbon alloys, Tin alloys. Ahanlatun alloys. In tM majority of the cjivs i tit, 1wcisrncu of tin in stevil causes a decrease Of ductluty. wbich 1"cres. tan "* ; hell the tin content to raised. and which dependa on I treatment. This decrease of ductility is alwaysa6. 01. #1 (MetaflurV. TT. v. 7, no. 9) (over) I Direct D-Acmination of Sulphir.. FWspborug, carton, ~nl ~'iiicon in Steel, by Masne of Imission, by J. Romand, C. Bacbet, R. Be=el'w. FROCH, k per.. ?~gWrce (I.-ans) Scientifiquell. Revw A---ta-Uurgie, Vol LVIII, Jul 1961, Pp 4&-495. BISI 2602 sci - M/M wov 62 214,761 stuay of lFbosphattag 711= 4M X4kjs *W Hje4a~~ Diffraction, by J. J. Trulats J. Saigon. n=1 PIT daieftwignt ~Ou Revue Va Lvm,, hi ig6it -5-2. 2012787 act - pbp jam 63 list 157 Gullkx-Micard, ~ and Caisso. I LUVERS' UNM AND PORIEVIN-LE CHA77ELIER PHENOMENON. 119611 121)p. 12 rd& Order from SLA $2.60 62-ID304 Trans. of Revue de Mitidlurgie. M&nolres Sclentifiques (France) 196 1. v. SO. ntL 7. p. 510-516. DESCRIPTORS: *Plasticity. *Deformation, Atomic structure. Solids. Solutions. Alloys. Impurities. Dislocations. Metals. Aging. Temperature. Umax", Relaxation time. The time required for atoms of Impurities to block the dislocations of a solid solution can be calculate& This time veries greatly from one alloy to another. and this variation explains that of the phenomena (Physico- -Solid Mate. Tr, v. 7. m 9) (over) 62-10304 I. T tic: Luders' bantla 2. T tie: Portevin - Le 'Uteller phenomenon 1. GABot-Mcard. a. Cdsso. Starfww TOWUM of Oltet, Im w its Auapp Put n,, by P. Ko=k9yLtdb#.Qo Urb$LIM* per, Nmaoim Revue '90 .-5rT-3AS V= 2609 Sol - 0/m akn 63 lug Ica no Study of Socr- Phenomena Relati- to the Precipitation of CarblAes in N17Cr Austviitic Steele, by J. Philibert, G. Henry, M. Ral)ert, et al. FRENCH, pe-,p LA9-15 P-9 all Vol LVIII, Aug I pp 557-573. BISI 2573 Sci - Chem oct 6? list 150 21,".,271- Contributlon to the Study of Oxidatl3a of Mmgtwtite in Alr at Mevated Tempambures, by J. PaWasal., J. Lops. IN 'I,, prp NmWw*s de In lbnn 4!1 ftp-4101 VP 07T sm 3a7 Sci - M/M Aw Jan 63 L"t 160 ,'lh* of the Ewbrica BmdaUvity of aromitut k4uCauca to tae May oc the BMP=lzouoa nC tba Ifttal Afbw O= WorL =3 & tim Purity, L. Pmuoclj, J. P. Long==., P. lombrj, 26 pjp. per., HmaUvs ImM44cpas Bw talbnUa_... ,,)l NM, iW, pp 6~9-715- AM Tr-5035 62 "Willamon of the aft rium Blogm by S*Ua ftate DirtuDim) bV Y. mast R. Beni"., A. allum2ko) 14 pp. FRMM, ppr),-Wmorfts fti Rom do Mta~m~ Vol LVU4 aftomp m - OMW3 AM Bw T21-37 ki - R*X ULU/Not-as 6,5~ 1/0 ?/ .1%1-1 62 12