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an Sam Omwisa fttbob for the cauldetion of the TIM DOWNUM at a ftbmgko tv W, SutwmerI4 M6 I-Ra - A GMWW 2mm. JJJA V& We No So two ju Refs Sm (MV (Y) A mtj Sol-ftth YMS71 ion 69 1. 1. 0lm~ YA at tto MWIP tv -7 PW ' n * '4 mmuns Rdsmon % los, pp 32- - 00" fi cia, F p qp9 li_:p *A= i I I I '? f. -te ./ ,j 0 l,7 , " I -cl.p,w , s ~, ~C;l lop 68 ,-% PAVPMO atemit, 40e , "5 all pi VOL ft u4 Ftro rot 33,v Nob Zo AOV T f,.; r Me %3A% W" to hwe"a U0.96006a am of "NOMI abodso or 0. Tj 14 Afts I IN It But"* PWI XONk lklAftedd ft so A" 0 vp I- * a& %a 3?0 an "Oo jai" - K. I E N 1-1 fv D" 6? 3wm (11 an 11)05 it) tht ~-;Yngj4tf$ in the thtic Coftex 33 Astociateci nltS ajootj by ~~ntin. 27 i,cr, AA-Iliv Anstwill 1--istolovii i Lobriolo~.~ii. 522 4 ' .,6 4A f . iu P-l"it Val U, tv I 7 VISOMMY Or the 94udd ftm la PorUnd Om" CUAftr,o %W N P- bAftUMV GM 16 IL untla an& Ab wwz% vws SPR w 11* M& va IL760 1b 3v 3"t USTI pp M-W cs .2 A. F, t0 + I (~ Avg ()a 3(e,oQ cowtv" of mums tm *Wiens to the mw Of As"Ienter malowe by tjjMVv A* UkvftVo pmmb per* MW ObOol 160 No so Is"s pp 257-Nlo *AK OWL-TA-1151 RK Apil 14o IM6 sel-ftys Apt " ,:o;ia Curratatious ip CwSg by As '4uottro-spij, ca LLf4'A-%& ;-Ofs is9iVetica Phy#ic4 Acu, Vol 419 Q7v 1969& 1109-1312. a.0417/Liu Av /1) &'~' 4-'A' G/ . koll Won Stora,?c in Liver .11iop-Mes, by P. Entmann. CEWIAN, per, Virchows Arch Abt A Path Anat, Vol 347, 1969, pp 143-152. ATS-153S-GJ April 72 "ar Stahtlization of Sand "Ils. with Par- ticular reference to the Tar-Poctocret* Pet!icd, I~y il. r4ulmisnn, W. T. Zoepf. 1IFF-4AN, per, _or Baute4enieur, Val 42, No 2, 1467. CIA V-6RIt ~)pc (R 371,007 "'.'Affirt "Lare, 6.y Vol A t, ,c1-: ccj ;',., ~ r ..4 Im nw Awoum ow"Usw se ma"PI'v. eommww %kim VANON ~ 91ft ~~ . %04~swftrlstua at smumw ammew bw To- Zo T471pkdo Mt 0- 69 W*00~ 5 aw- im 33027 PIM)N . -W. 1 1- . .I - . - , - ., -.- ~ ~,I I . , -I .,-. - - % 11 am m loomom own=% %w 7 q a* simma um A-0-0 WIMW6 W&;* mw ff 2"Aft. 4m i ff C. Ephmmidis at IV awe ftv a &M waaato work an vowsom seems tly em mpbnmms. OMMOO rmi, FC.M.UM somou Va 3for aw xqwo vp .171-174a BM SZ3 C. Ephremidis 844D 1 AN 788 i= 6T 0 go=- =--Nrft l.wv%xw5 atid the Itqjr0ductiom. of Cellsg by u Wrivay i ReamosUcule Kletolkip 196s, 24-i *Ll-'~M IT 0-!4401 74~ Coroft tr"$rUAW air COMM md hwift DLtrtvdoa outtw st ad"Atory ob" by A. P. tpikv 0. A. 2mbat I- T- GDU*ddk SRO Jamul i as lmiwib pro IXT-Im's JM 3SM UNA sa-104 rob 66 am ftl4L/* JUG 6$ gUo,603 SOPar2tiOu Process Utilistat at Loat Oso Layer of Adsorptes, by J. L. RobortSom, W. 1. Apperly. SILGIAU, Patoot go 667 $41. --r NTC 69-1041 -5YA scl-ches 4 May 64 392.U& as ftb"UW Ot - c- , an momb& 1w we ftpmdAe Gus"s 0 sd Sh A do as 19Z 0 Nu MCI 9023A (ftl ) W - EpP P- ( :-c ey t 301-MVO 4060 3P2*M and HIX, P. KE�g On the practice of using titanium ion atomizer pumps in the manufacture of transmitter valv Proc.Int.scient.Symp.,IZth, Ilmnau, 1967. pp.101-8. (AWA) Sal*s of Clothim. bv 16 EV*%qjaq 6 ppo ,.Jim bardatell Avg MUM, par, Sort !M= *-AV-& NO It Jm 1967, ppe 31M.- i PRS 399 USSIR Eon ur 67 31904M Ot Inbotdal MUN t - In the ~""w BRAG", tw A* 4~bt~Po U We Ru3simis pwo Ewaum & NO Be A09 1967, pp 68-730 JPNS 4w?g I-bSR h , IL r-~- ~ -~C'y /v iAm ~:4t 67 3boo?m The OrSwImUce md Conwat of Vocattoomi am Polyteebacia Tndmizis in uw Ht E4cowJwy School Cims"I by K. A. IvaumUft =1 .6 Ab Mpsbt%M# A pp. FUWVJI# perp ftftEdimp go 48, 10P Wo 23-31s ipfa 3TW3 6. ~, E PS1q'TE- YN umm Coe .)et C6 Wo.%5 Toals fw CoU Istmiss of Tubing From Aluminum Alloys by Go Go Rp"Saywo KO 10 Holkaro RMANO perO TavaVor Voal~,v Xo So It"* pp 76-790 am 117 23-931-67 Ai J= 67 Gavitatim - 14 It 00y ftRv tW L, Epsht4M 10 pp. RLMUN, pwq 8* 1965t pp 5-6, P100t21868-V .jci/!Wh$ ;.bdt CJV'& ~Ar J~w Jul 60, 360,1M wamag owpow *"a Ivows ]w S. S. abdAwr am I. I" 4 aeat WAW tab 67 W11we is Private gnterprise Headed? VI Gregorio Eguigwen, ii pp. SP.ANISH.. part BEWIS, Santiew, 31 Jan 68 and 7 Fob fie. pp. 8.9 of each issue. Xj~RZ 44,712 (Chile) Sm nomi a klarch 6U 3520767 Electrint-Di ffract ion of tim NaAlF4 Mcloculoo by V, P, Spiridonov, Ye. V. ExaUds. RUS.SIAN. per,, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSR, Vol 1800 140. it rayt 19680 ~1.? 161-16 , U YC! . V, C: r- C) I ~ k I ~~ Jan ti!) 373-415 Boat C61=1ation For taslatmooes Operating Under aboripm Tim Mins, by A.P. IMMOV. LA. NlltWW. 11- 2ARUX w-lWkU2kikbaM. Jb- 3. 190. vp 47-49 OB 253A362 S r- G KA () S 7- 0 0 341 - Aug 67 339-3& LRb H GW SAVURY ANU BUVINGTUN KAMPFTNUPP~N 1971 NU b PP 162-164 F S I C -ti 1- 2 3 -2 3 7 8- 7 2 EkS H GW RWSIA'S ~,kjAUS pLANS ~UR WANUING kOAC NETWO RK SOLUAT UNO ILCHNIK FEtj 72 ISSUE 2 VOL 15 PP 7 2-14 4 1-3ft-HI-~.3-c4C6-72 "Odows &1 0, - ow as as sys"m sm saftw 4, so" U"" ad proom Own wp9* G~o too ~, - " ~,. "'t ( - ~ILi't -, ScL4ftel SeL ftt 70 ae=nstruatioti Sloctric Power by Pavel Srben UOVWOUMT M =at, :-vx, MWcetkka, No. 1, vraTas, JIMS uVQ 27 50 and Dervelopment of the Distribution Network. , 15 pp. ONLY Vol 1968, &H 7W,' I-)p. 1-6. .3cj.S-.Wryy Omivgralon (Son-pmpulslve) i"W*1 69 355.185 mmVelutinating kvoporties of Foat-mnd6.- oath Asswo ~Irwg by Do aaWwop (",* vigUteroviag 5 pp. C,I-JCuq, p4cor, tlczU I:Ltjgjj"&. Wgmde. rlo 2. 10, pa. 53-56. im 466o6 'YCI-6 aw at 367.860 I I . p Interwittout ifoatInG of Premines, by a. Lreolo, ITALIAN, per, co-agmammto go.114bAng Vol 109 MaY 196G# pp 2Y)-244. 0, A, traW 580 sci/moch= cngr Nov 71 4,-,e A ---A -.- IV m me - -.- bw 0 a I q $01400 " loatwa arwo 6 w0 aummuu a foro wmw ullomp lb ho w 19659 W* or-tAo"' im 3LXOA ad a I" on* ft 65 asm" lant rotoction Pwecastini 'by ,"candor "rdel, 31 lba rwelopMt OC 3OUGM 10 tbv R'Wr'- twi PooWs PvibU*lp tr nbW-LEftl- jo a mb 2EA F-ISSUUg pwg, Yestrdk Aubedods !;&* smome '16 % IqQ6 9p 5600 dc k, ( /;5 Oct 63 2"043? l'-ppqrta'dtum to ~,*u A 0 PICO 10 pp X-330 3*5~ Fk 65 on Q 0 On the SolvablUty of Sms lqvAtims In Donm Soq=wu ckf hftagerso IV P. hd"o Ae ftykesis MMUNO pwo R9k Ak ~LVX SSBR- Vol 1769 No 3o 1967t PP An ftth Soo Vol as No 5v 1967 P. 5 k L) z~,S mov 68 3-46288 P4 ft SaMOT ft m AcedoW at sdobc as$ bw Ubw ard" 14 ppe IRMUFUM* saimeAs ame 19696 pp "503%G ji% "55% TI, j:, p -I.- ,, _F- p, 4 e N - C, Pl-L salwmd ON, ~ 4i oma &e 69 3Wv3O3 RVw at 00 PNOMM at #0 SOW"M f, 1-1) I w mm ~ at 9downip by " -- A WO., - -- :~ ft 49 AV 1 11 - pro *aft q"-- . .--7-, 2*0 NO lrrt~, , - -- im S= n4know Ift a aft ftg* &V 65 OB3*W Papwt of the Prealdim at the 196? i**Um or the ftoxiAn AwdsmW of SaWAMo, IW Tibor Ud" Orme "PP. forApjmt Pert dm=- vol i2t 1,40 69 jurA 1967s pp, 355.380q. JM 42384 VOOR 5q,&Pj-G-Quz- Fz-h%vVu7 saimllee sopt 67 3780066 A06ftv blaftbAft a ~ ~ a coofts" ~-- V Wm baw4ft% 3 w HMOA&WO We A' I a -I WAM ambp"% soot -~; Pe 2D 1~6k " ms Kim C P, d E I - G t~z w 2 W/ an 68 3%596 tv"" ProblaW of UW Aftdw4- !UCUMWo Tlbor rzdq,.Urass npa WAPUts Ct 1968o Ipp 60,f-6030 ask :C1 , ma 68 "" at oar ft~ft Inuw" is to ends..:Vo I" or --&Aus" sM MUM Wadows bF TUM-lb No ft-~ 6 no MOURMM,p pwo wo 0 Mm Vbl LMIM an ftl 36 ND wo on 1"s 6234M. JM Y403 Ti Be k 9 D A'14 Z 66 MFvA PspoA to the 1966 Owmal AsesdAy of the AcadeM, by Tibor -rdqW--Graz. 14 pp. r.UNWU~v per, _gMs jms 1968g ep 353- J i fi~~ 46302 365*678 LASZLO ERDLEY- HU RETENTION INDICES IN GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY ARE C ALCULATED MAGYAR KLHIAI FOLYOIRAT L970 NO L PP 49-50 FSTC-HT-23-0124-73 LASLLU ERDLEY HU KtTENTIUN INDICES IN GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY MAGYAR KEMIKUSUK LAPJA 1971 NO 2 PP 68-72 FSTC-HT-23-0125-73 db --,.Mm~,ttft an matm no* low aw Caw" at Ibis at an sbu WWI SM go Aw"attle obw3go IW va 39~ Iwo vp tie 362t223 I at 1~"M ---obwuua T7 vMg a MW AuaMw bodoi= ft*d4P*o IV F. m*00118 36 swo3ma- 000% 'a 2m A~ lum *a 46& 1969# w 1= UL Mrsimhu M6460) r" I~-) ~ c k~- A r-I'l t~ ~- "j Sol-rd" 4mob" m TO Optimization of the Nozzle form and Determination of the Local Flov Direction by means of Measured Velocity Distributions in the Supersonic Region# by Be To Erduanne GUMIp per# Lateaulft faffir lIng ]djLLj&L2k&LW,, Vol 15, 19671, pp 305-311 NTC 72-11857-01 A June 72 of the kXSU Fan Wd DatendadlM Of th* LOWI YJAW M"NUM IW SOM ot Y~Mlod Volodtv LutilbitIm m IA the -qqwvoVA4 aboant bor S, Fe Lrdomm. UERWO pwo _zgjmpulA Aw r1w: -. 71 M- W-! -~ Val 150 so 8/9-0-19-070 vp %5-~U* iAsk -LZ P-110537 aosaw= us owu Set/"" a V~b AA jt A Now Mothod for the Contaotloss Trammiodalm of Measwrinc Datat bY V. Erdmm. CDU*M, por, Mektro-Anxelmr, No 18, 1968, pp 9-25. NTC-71-11887--09C Nov 71 Sme RMets of Defects in Herd YAftlet by F. lralm~~tzmro ~~# vw, jkton, voi 229 19689 pp lo8-ii2. TT lr.3ma AvLUWI e M Qgy F. E P-6m% tz t,~ xe a- J=w 71 rsp*tAc iul" deldings kv to ladvam-Jamitew and L * Ift"s U'RiAk, part, iw-~ft and Vol 190 uo 19 196?, w 2-9. hdr, 7216 sci..-,Nit &r 34e299 %Ztudies of the hydrmechmical Stress Caused by ir.,*ct of Drops,. by F, L-rdiawk-Jesnitter. k. Laschiske. CWM, rer, Arch Lisetibe, Vol 37,j No 129 Dember BIST 6786 e, ri) ,, r1z e" -- F sel-Mat Arr 69 3790737 L-westigations by ~eanv of the plootPm ifta edcroprobe on tba imasov od' the iietwogwaity of *Ws wtwn ~ olding, Min Cambon &M Low Illoy st"190 I.-y t. ;,x~nn-JezLratzer X., F. tanajic, Vol 399 Jan 19669 L41LAA,j pwq 6Mh, ~J!gor pp 77-0 0 7ay (S' SUM" idth the Mootme Pobe MLOMMSIYW of tht Cm~ or VW rjqpDAts *m W"m astodue StO4 by re Eyduwoj*"UWI GMWq pWa Ale agwA Vol 39, Fab 19M& VP I-VA61 m ?411 Salo-rilat yvq 68 SbudLof of the C4um of Wel&mt Iss of Plain-( 4rbm and Low-alqy st"U with the J3LWU'4= I'limW10bes br F9 zk-Jeamtsw =d F, KrO341,C, GMM, Wo ArCh, No 39s Jm. 196 '1 pp TT-OTG MSI 8755 mv 70 9%W of Oonw" Foobads WS blpxd*a to C7 / o0ow =a oogpw Aucw owdow ftsms od" X-91W -- ad sifts-ad symonto- I*Rbmmmt 4- bw IL Bob*. ~h Dws i 4-mompol =4 magowWas va lot Oftd.~, " VMS w ~ 0 X& Ws 90M06mm) 00969 S50" 107 401a rocuction of iwip; ht 4~0 ~oc i-achanical Lac L cd- lee r,.-r Au 6 (;cmti!4g of rAdiumclAdas ipy the Veto- d cid"Ca U41d Y7 as Inteimal aota totectur., i)y 1A.4kAj. per, late=, jg tandigtic" isota2s 4p iol 16, L465, op *ALC AL;A. -'W.'Iucj4i*r lei i,U)SQ14tv cowltiu~ 0i RWicoudidus ua) i4ta-~~-.O-coiuciuwsco 4bthw tsin4' 4ffi Wiiuiu 4ciatillator as Internal bvtu-L*toctor,, uy '~. (~;ft L".4:A;is por, Intomational Joura-41 of Aqf;jIiwj 1"Atio" au,~,-rs-ix Val Me Me t' U~c 4r LG 20 7 matilod iIor tile calmlation of ion trackv. Ati,rittance of the arcternal beeva of Vw TAY triclottmi bv Ya. !,rc, T. Taut. 17 pp, in t3uchareut, . A Ro~*,WIIM, per, Revue Roumaina de Phya 'lot 24, No 20, 1969, 2122-1234. AT-11-42D, T-24-1084-71 7"" pbOUP148 #A tlW lemettgagli . mgmy *Ain a by M. 8"Cles"t tadao& OWJAU*i. FOUSHO per* how" Usdmm" 1#0 li"t pp $35-40. XUA TT F-10#SM CAMVXWW USE CULY Sci-Chas Jab 67 32b$,067 eriacv,4tucioci of Pjt4)s,,aullpi%Ls in Ussiu, by i-43riu fuLl.a .Cr, Pusta, cAwhail* hu S3S-S45. r 67 tho Lruclus&j. 7, h-.& -W Moo" ftsush" on me wwwoomm at "neft by ~ ~a vnm~ I .. Vatmim. Per. ..-,= p Isl4w, aw V" 36 Ili To,=,-0.. po 11301156 Wi-mc to 2"64X6 P "lealeft n-.Q,~~Cz Apr 46 M9374 qu-0au-L Finansial Collaboration Among CENA Countriesip by Nio*2&9 sremia. 24 pp. RMOUNj, pert FLUOUtO 81 CrOdite B=h9"Sts IN) 2 * Feb 72 v pfp-25--~ JPPS 56138 Am 72 tad'Amb TWO I-WOMW bf G* 1. 1140shmmo 4. %. i-racda. vnn~.Iu# Pft~ So 30 XAS, ;p Apri . LaL w: 9&34033 ~-14-4m-93) E-~- Ep'Em", '44043W Aug a- 36L6703 The OpmIte motbw in cow= ft IF a a I bF 1, 1* Brad"* RUBMUN pme R* Ak Ms Vol V39 lo 4~ 1967# pp W4519 An Math Soo Vol 80 So 20 196? f . - . E p- em" rj L- J-386/66 While the Volga Is Flowing Red., by Takin Nmr. TUMKIMI up., Son Havadis., Istanbul., 22 July 1965, -11662/Bpecial USSR t Pol sept 66 JWs Undw Aseb Palo - ANdW inwu I" br UN&MV APO* 10'41 D&F9 12 W* lumfif n4f Lou M Alb jorawaame "V 1.9689 pp 1440- am 4M )/~ a " ~-- E-',e a z, U.-Molonel Ad ion 69 32298%